casey miller portfolio

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  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    enigma designs

  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio




    Id like to thank my amily, riends, and classmates or

    providing me with helpul eedback on my projects and

    to Proessor Barnes or all o his help and instruction

    regarding the Adobe Creative Suite programs used to

    create the portolio and the works in it.

  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    able o Contents 2





    Visual Identity

    Statement o Intent







  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    Casey Miller



    loyalI enjoy leading and developing close relationships with people.I am cautious, yet determined, and will analyze a situation ully

    beore proceeding. And while I enjoy spending time with riends,

    I always make sure to get my work done.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio



    My name is Casey Miller and I amcurrently a sophomore in the Universityo North Carolina School o Journalismand Mass Communication specializing inMultimedia. I love being a UNC studentand cant imagine my lie anywhere else.Tough Im here now, I didnt always knowwhere I wanted to go to college or whatkind o career I wanted to have. Figuringthis out has been a long, complicated, andconusing process. You know your lie isinteresting when you start at one collegeas a business major and end up at a com-pletely dierent school majoring injournalism.

    I was born in Maryland, but spentmost o my childhood growing up inWake Forest, N.C. I loved the town (and

    still do) and was sad to leave when myamily moved up to Erie, Pennsylvania inJanuary o 2006. Tere are certain thingsabout N.C. that Pennsylvania just cantoer. Not to mention all o the memoriesthat N.C. holds or me. Tis was the placewhere I learned to play cello, developed togreat soball skills, and earned my blackbelt in ae Kwon Do.

    Despite all o these wonderulthings, we did have to move. Tus becamemy lie in Pa. I attended McDowell HighSchool rom the all o 2006 until spring o2010 when I nally graduated. Id alwaysbeen a great student, yet I still had no ideawhat I wanted to do with my lie. I applied,and was accepted to, a number o collegesmy senior year. Yet, being the indecisive

    person that I am, I waited until the lastday beore nally committing to AmericanUniversity as a business major.

    As my reshman year progressed, Iknew I wasnt happy so I decided to be

    proactive. North Carolina had served mewell in my youth and UNC seemed to oereverything that I could possibly want in auniversity, so I decided to apply as atranser. I ound out a little over a year agothat Id been accepted and the rest, they sayis history. Ive switched to a more suit-able major and couldnt be happier withthe direction my lie is heading.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    InographicMy main goal in designing this inographic was or it to beinormative, yet engaging. I wanted to get the acts across, but

    in a way that interests the viewer. Tis is why, in addition to

    using bar and line graphs, I created the chart near the top right

    o the inographic. Te chart presents the relationship between

    rail ridership and segments o track slow zoned in an eective,

    yet interesting way. In the end, I chose to use the Chicago L

    rail map as a uniying theme or my inographic since the poster

    relates inormation directly tied to the rail system.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio



  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    They're pursuing the American dream like

    everyone else, but doing it their own way.

    The two friends hope to get rich by mugging

    people. Getting a reservation at an elite New

    York restaurant becomes their symbol

    for "making it".

    Thursday, Feb 9th @ 8pm

    Friday, Feb 10th @ 8pm

    Saturday, Feb 11th @ 8pm

    Sunday, Feb 12th @ 2pm & 8pm

    Monday, Feb 13th @ 5pm

    UNC student Sam Smith's original play Stick Up

    Kids is the story of two best friends trying to

    make it on their own in New York City.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    PosterWhen creating this poster, I

    speciically wanted to represent two

    things. I wanted to incorporate the

    city and I wanted to incorporate the

    two main characters. I decided early

    on that I wanted to use the New York

    City skyline as part o my posters

    background, but it took me longer

    to decide upon using silhouettes or

    the characters. Since the play that Idesigned the poster or is about two

    teenage brothers moving to New

    York and mugging people, I wanted

    the poster to depict the t ime o day

    when most muggings occur, hence

    the dusky gradient in the back-

    ground. At irst I was set on plac-

    ing the title at the top o the poster;

    however, as the design evolved it

    made sense or me to move the title

    to the bottom where it could have

    the greatest impact on the poster.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio



  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    Given that this fyer is or a play based on a greek god and the

    wrath he incurs on a modern Grecian city, I wanted to incorporate

    both o those aspects into my fyer. Te atmosphere o the play

    crosses between ancient and modern, thus the Renaissance themed

    portrayal o Bacchus contrasts with the vibrant city in the bottom

    le corner. I drew other inspiration rom Renaissance artwork as

    well. Te fyers background presents a texture akin to that o some

    Renaissance paintings and the gradient in the center o the poster

    draws upon a visual idea used by many Renaissance artists.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    ypographySince Caslon is a seri ont, I elt that the design o

    this composition should be elegant and reserved. I

    chose to use dark, yet so colors as a way to display

    this elegance. I at rst wanted to display the title

    as engrave, but chose engrave my ligature instead.

    Tis gave my title more pop and allowed my

    ligature to become a background item, while still

    remaining an important piece o the composition.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio



  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    Visual Identity




  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio


    Statement oIntento be completely honest, I dont

    know exactly what career I want to

    have. I have a general idea o what Id

    like to do, but nothing too speciic.

    hat said, I am a motivated, hard work-

    er and put my best eort into every-

    thing I do. I want to become a valued

    member o a team and I understandthat this takes time. Respect isnt given,

    its earned.

    Getting to work with a moti-vated company would be a dream come

    true. While I can work alone, I eel

    that working with others oten brings

    out peoples best ideas. Whether it be

    designing a logo, building a website,

    or writing up a company inormation

    page, I will put orth my best eort. Ihope that my motivation and deter-

    mination will help me advance in the

    workplace as my lie progresses.

    Id love to hear rom you i you think wed be a good match.


  • 7/31/2019 Casey Miller Portfolio
