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Page 1: Carbon Credits

• Carbon Credits

Page 2: Carbon Credits

Clean technology

1 Environmental finance is a method by which new clean technology

projects that has proven that they are "additional" or "beyond business

as usual" can obtain financing through the generation of carbon


Page 3: Carbon Credits

Social networking service - Finance applications

1 Hub Culture operates a virtual currency Ven (currency)|Ven used for global transactions

among members, product sales and financial trades in commodities and carbon credits.


can-carbon-registry-offsets-retired-ven-carbon-transaction/] In

May 2010, Carbon pricing contracts were introduced to the weighted basket of currencies

and commodities that determine the floating exchange value of Ven

Page 4: Carbon Credits

Social network service - Finance applications

1 Hub Culture operates a virtual currency Ven (currency)|Ven used for global transactions

among members, product sales and financial trades in commodities and carbon credits.

[] In

May 2010, Carbon pricing contracts were introduced to the weighted basket of currencies

and commodities that determine the floating exchange value of Ven

Page 5: Carbon Credits

Energy resources - Environmental impact

1 Government regulations to internalize these externality|

externalities form an increasing part of doing business, and the trading of carbon credits and pollution credits

on the free market may also result in energy-saving and pollution-control

measures becoming even more important to energy providers.

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Carbon offset

1 The Kyoto Protocol has sanctioned offsets as a way for governments and

private companies to earn carbon credits that can be traded on a


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Carbon offset - E.U. market

1 The global carbon market is dominated by the European Union,

where companies that emit greenhouse gases are required to cut

their emissions or buy pollution allowances or carbon credits from the market, under the European

Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS)

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Carbon offset - U.S. market

1 A component of California's own Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, kicked off in early 2013,

requires high-emissions industries to purchase carbon credits to cover

emissions in excess of 25,000 CO2 metric tons.

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Carbon offset - Voluntary market

1 ; Retail : Multiple players in the retail market have offerings that enable consumers and businesses to calculate their carbon footprint, most commonly through a web-based

interface including a calculator or questionnaire, and sell them offsets in the amount of that footprint.For a list of commercial offset retailers, refer to In addition many

companies selling products and services, especially carbon-intensive ones such as airline

travel,[ British Airways Carbon Offset

Program][ Continental Airlines

Carbon Offset Program] offer options to bundle a proportional offsetting amount of carbon credits with each


Page 10: Carbon Credits

Carbon offset - Purchase of carbon allowances from emissions trading schemes

1 Also, as easy carbon credits are coming to an

end,[] The latest analysis from New Carbon

Finance confirms that many of the low hanging fruit of cheap carbon

credits in the developing world have now been harvested

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Carbon offset - UK Government Quality Assurance Scheme for Carbon Offsetting

1 * Use of good quality carbon credits i.e. initially those that are Kyoto compliant

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Carbon offset - UK Government Quality Assurance Scheme for Carbon Offsetting

1 * Cancellation of carbon credits within a year of the consumers purchase of the offset

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Carbon offset - Project-offsetting

1 and based on UN data reported that typically 28p goes to the set up and

maintenance costs of an environmental project. 34p goes to the company that takes on the risk

that the project may fail. The project's investors take 19p, with smaller amounts of money being distributed between organisations involved in brokering and auditing

the carbon credits.

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Carbon offset - Additionality and lack of regulation in the voluntary market

1 *Industrial companies profiting from doing very little – or from gaining

carbon credits on the basis of efficiency gains from which they

have already benefited substantially.

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Carbon offset - Additionality and lack of regulation in the voluntary market

1 *A shortage of verification, making it difficult for buyers to assess the true

value of carbon credits.

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Spark spread - Clean spread

1 Let S: spark spread, E: electricity price, G: gas cost, Ng: number of carbon credits necessary to cover

gas operation, Pcc: price of a carbon credit.

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Spark spread - Clean spread

1 Let D: dark spread, E: electricity price, C: coal cost, Nc: number of carbon credits necessary to cover

coal operation (2–2.5x that of gas), Pcc: price of a carbon credit.

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Spark spread - Clean spread

1 If the price of marginal internal abatement is lower than the price of carbon credits, the firm will choose

internal abatement

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1 'Carbon neutral', or having a 'net zero carbon footprint', refers to achieving net

zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with

an equivalent amount sequestered or offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up

the difference. It is used in the context of carbon dioxide releasing processes

associated with transportation, energy production, and industrial processes such as

production of carbon neutral fuel.

Page 20: Carbon Credits


1 *Carbon offsetting by paying others to remove or sequester 100% of the carbon dioxide emitted from

the atmosphere[

ekinreview/29revkin.html?ex=1335499200en=d9e2407e4f1a20f0ei=5124 Carbon-Neutral Is Hip, but Is It Green?], New York

Times, published 2007-04-29, accessed 2007-08-03– for example by forestation|planting trees– or by funding 'carbon projects' that should lead to the

prevention of future greenhouse gas emissions, or by buying carbon credits to remove (or 'retire') them

through emissions trading|carbon trading

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Carbon-neutral - Offsetting

1 The use of Carbon offsets aims to neutralize a certain volume of GHG

emissions by funding projects which should cause an equivalent reduction of GHG

emissions somewhere else, such as tree planting. Under the premise “First reduce what you can, then offset the remainder”,

offsetting can be done by supporting a responsible carbon project, or by buying

carbon offsets or carbon credits.

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Subway (rail) - Environmental impacts

1 It is also the first railway project in the world to earn carbon credits after

being registered with the United Nations under the Clean

Development Mechanism, and has so far earned more than 400,000 carbon credits by saving energy through the use of regenerative braking systems

on its trains

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Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

1 The “carbon credits” generated by these projects could then be used by

industrialised governments and corporations to meet their targets

and/or to be traded within the carbon markets

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Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation - Concerns

1 IF REDD+ becomes a source of carbon credits

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Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation - Concerns

1 *The availability of a large supply of potentially cheap carbon credits

could provide an avenue for companies in the developed world to

simply purchase REDD credits without providing meaningful emission reductions at home.

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Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation - Concerns

1 *Large number of carbon credits could swamp developing carbon

markets. However, they could also facilitate ambitious emissions targets

in a post-Kyoto agreement.

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Briquette - Biomass briquettes

1 Lanxess India and a few other large companies are supposedly using biomass briquettes for earning

Carbon Credits by switching their boiler fuel

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Emissions trading

1 Firms are required to hold a number of permits (or allowances or carbon

credits) equivalent to their emissions

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Emissions trading - Emission markets

1 Other names for emissions permits are carbon credits, Kyoto units,

assigned amount units, and Certified Emission Reduction units (CER)

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Emissions trading - Emission markets

1 Carbon credits at Commodity Exchange Bratislava are traded at

special platform - Carbon place.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger - Environmental record

1 Any power plants that exceed emissions for the amount of carbon credits will have to purchase more

credits to cover the difference

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Climate change in New Zealand

1 An New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme|emissions trading scheme

has been established and from 1 July 2010, the energy and liquid fossil fuel sectors have obligations to

report emissions and to obtain and surrender emissions units (carbon


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Individual and political action on climate change - Contraction and Convergence

1 A trading regime, whereby which countries in excess of these figures (from example the Greenhouse gas

emissions by the United States|US at 20 tonnes per capita), purchase

carbon credits from a country using less than its allocation (e.g

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Clean Development Mechanism - Outline

1 If a project is registered and implemented, the EB issues credits, called Certified Emission Reductions (CERs, commonly known as carbon

credits, where each unit is equivalent to the reduction of one metric tonne

of CO2e, e.g

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Clean Development Mechanism - Financial issues

1 The seller could get a very good price if it agrees to bear the risk that the project's baseline and monitoring methodology is

rejected; that the host country rejects the project; that the CDM Executive Board rejects the project; that the project for some reason

produces fewer credits than planned; or that the buyer doesn't get CERs at the agreed time if the

international transaction log (the technical infrastructure ensuring international transfer of

carbon credits) is not in place by then

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Clean Development Mechanism - Coal thermal power generation in India and China

1 In September 2012, the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism adopted rules

confirming that new coal thermal power generation plants could be registered as CDM

projects and could use the simplified rules called 'Programmes of Activities'. The

organisation CDM-Watch described the decision as inconsistent with the objective of the CDM as it subsidised the construction of new coal power

plants. CDM-Watch described the CERs that would be issued as non-additional dirty carbon


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Water footprint - Criticism

1 Water Credit for conserving water: Nagpur based innovator Shripad

Vaidya's idea of giving water credit's, much like carbon credits, to those who save and conserve water is

gaining ground

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Carbon credit

1 Carbon credits and carbon markets are a component of national and international

attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs).

One carbon credit is equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide, or in some markets, carbon dioxide equivalent gases. Carbon trading is an application of an emissions trading approach.

Greenhouse gas emissions are capped and then markets are used to allocate the emissions

among the group of regulated sources.

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Carbon credit

1 Buyers and sellers can also use an exchange platform to trade, such as the Carbon Trade Exchange, which is

like a stock exchange for carbon credits

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Carbon credit - Background

1 The concept of carbon credits came into existence as a result of

increasing awareness of the need for controlling emissions. The IPCC

(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has observed

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Carbon credit - Emission allowances

1 Operators that have not used up their quotas can sell their unused

allowances as carbon credits, while businesses that are about to exceed

their quotas can buy the extra allowances as credits, privately or on

the open market.

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Carbon credit - Emission markets

1 Carbon credits at Commodity Exchange Bratislava are traded at

special platform - Carbon place.

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Carbon credit - Setting a market price for carbon

1 Unchecked, energy use and hence emission levels are predicted to keep rising over time. Thus the number of

companies needing to buy credits will increase, and the rules of supply

and demand will Elasticity (economics)|push up the market

price, encouraging more groups to undertake environmentally friendly activities that create carbon credits

to sell.

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Carbon credit - How buying carbon credits can reduce emissions

1 Carbon credits create a market for reducing greenhouse emissions by giving a monetary value to the cost

of polluting the air. Emissions become an internal cost of doing business and are visible on the balance sheet alongside raw

materials and other liabilities or assets.

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Carbon credit - How buying carbon credits can reduce emissions

1 Instead it may choose to buy carbon credits on the open market from

organizations that have been approved as being able to sell

legitimate carbon credits.

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Carbon credit - Credits versus taxes

1 Carbon credits and carbon taxes each have their

advantages and disadvantages

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Carbon credit - Creating real carbon credits

1 Many criticisms of carbon credits stem from the fact that establishing that an emission of CO2-equivalent

greenhouse gas has truly been reduced involves a complex process

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Carbon credit - Additionality and its importance

1 Carbon projects that yield strong financial returns even in the absence

of revenue from carbon credits; or that are compelled by regulations; or that represent common practice in

an industry are usually not considered additional, although a full

determination of additionality requires specialist review.

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Biomass briquettes - Use in developing world

1 The major use of biomass briquettes in India, is in industrial applications usually to produce steam. A lot of conversions of boilers from FO to

biomass briquettes have happened over the past decade. A vast majority

of those projects are registered under CDM (Kyoto Protocol), which

allows for users to get carbon credits.

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Biomass briquettes - Use in developing world

1 The use of biomass briquettes is strongly encouraged by issuing carbon credits

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Renewable energy in Africa - Potential funding sources

1 It has been proposed that for every unit of African origin carbon

consumed by the European market, a predetermined amount green credits or carbon credits would be yielded.


_Spur_Eco_Healthy_Growth.html Britain Urges Global Carbon Trading

To Spur Eco-Healthy Growth], Aziakou G

Page 52: Carbon Credits

Payment for ecosystem services - Additional examples

1 Carbon credits are generated by planting native trees to capture, or Carbon sequestration|sequester,

carbon dioxide

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Carbon emission trading - Voluntary surrender of units

1 The British organization Climakind accepts donations and uses them to buy and

cancel European Allowances, the carbon credits traded in the European Union

Emission Trading System. It is argued that this removes the credits from the carbon

market so they cannot be used to allow the emission of carbon and that this reduces the 'cap' on emissions by reducing the number of credits available to emitters.

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Carbon emission trading - Voluntary surrender of units

1 The British organisation Sandbag (non-profit organisation)|Sandbag

promotes cancelling carbon credits in order to lower emissions trading

caps. As of August 2010, Sandbag states that it has cancelled carbon

credits equivalent to 2145 tonnes of .

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Carbon emission trading - Voluntary surrender of units

1 British activist Merrick Godhaven has criticised Sandbag's approach of

voluntarily cancelling carbon credits because it would require millions of

pounds to be effective and because it signals acceptance of carbon trading,

a system designed by polluters

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Carbon emission trading - Criticisms

1 In China some companies started artificial production of greenhouse gases with sole purpose

of their recycling and gaining carbon credits. Similar practices happened in India. Earned credit

were then sold to companies in US and Europe.[ Carbon-Credits System Tarnished by WikiLeaks Revelation][

Imminent EU proposals to clamp down on fridge gas scam]

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Personal carbon trading - Proposals

1 Individuals who exceed their allocation (i.e. those who want to use more emissions

credits than they have been given) would be able to purchase additional credits from those

who use less, so individuals that are under allocation would profit from their small carbon

footprint. There are two types of carbon credits, Certified Emission Reduction credits EUAs and CERs and Verified Carbon Credits. [

credits/ Types of Carbon Credits]

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GreenQloud - Founding

1 Most hosting companies buy carbon credits|carbon offset credits as a

green marketing measure, and host data at multiple data centers on

different continents as the solution for international sites

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Synfuel - CTL/CBTL/BTL economics

1 According to a December 2007 study, a medium scale (30,000 BPD) coal-to-liquids plant (CTL)

sited in the US using bituminous coal, is expected to be competitive with oil down to

roughly $52–56/bbl crude-oil equivalent. Adding carbon capture and sequestration to the project was expected to add an additional $10/BBL to the required selling price, though this may be

offset by revenues from enhanced oil recovery, or by tax credits, or the eventual sale of carbon


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Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group - General Facts

1 Reliance power has become the first Indian company to earn Carbon

credits, United Nations registered Reliance Power’s Sasan power

project to earn as many as 22.5 million credits in the next 10 years,

the UN Clean Development Mechanism, the world’s second- biggest greenhouse gas market

issues tradable credits to emission-busting projects in developing


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Halomethane - Hydrofluoro compounds (HFC)

1 Thornton says that many countries are needlessly producing these chemicals just to get the carbon


Page 62: Carbon Credits

Social networking website - Finance applications

1 Hub Culture operates a virtual currency Ven (currency)|Ven used for global transactions

among members, product sales and financial trades in commodities and carbon credits.


carbon-transaction/] In May 2010, Carbon pricing contracts were introduced to the weighted basket of currencies and commodities that determine the floating exchange value of


Page 63: Carbon Credits

Institute of Certified Management Accountants

1 In June 2008, ICMA introduces THE INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED CARBON ANALYSTS AND AUDITORS (ICCAA). The principal object of the ICCAA is

therefore, to advance, promote, measure, regulate and provide assurance certification of carbon credits for the effective implementation

of emissions trading systems aimed at encouraging participation in carbon credit

markets by its members to improve environmental sustainability and provide

solutions to reducing the greenhouse effect and resultant climate change.

Page 64: Carbon Credits

Alternative investments

1 [ Archived here.] and some financial assets such as commodities, private equity, distressed

securities, hedge funds, carbon credits,[

ly-asked-questions/carbon-market CER's as investment] venture capital, film


ory Investing In The Big Screen Can Be A Profitable Story by Shelly Schwartz] CNBC, 18

October 2010

Page 65: Carbon Credits

NHL Players' Association - Paul Kelly era (2007–2009)

1 On December 7, 2007, the NHLPA and the David Suzuki Foundation decided to create a pact, led by

Boston Bruins defenceman Andrew Ference, which had over 500 NHL players signed up to donate $290

annually to purchase carbon credits in order to offset their regular season


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Mechanical biological treatment - Biological processing

1 *Carbon credits – additional revenues

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Climate engineering - Governance

1 A small number carbon offsetting firms have in the past attempted to

set up unregulated and unsupervised geoengineering projects. In the long-

run such firms may aim to sell carbon credits to individuals, firms or


Page 68: Carbon Credits

Environmental impact of meat production - Animal waste

1 The US EPA estimates that as of July 2010, 157 manure digester systems for biogas energy were in operation on commercial-

scale US livestock facilities.

ts/digester_status_report2010.pdf System cost is substantial, relative to US energy

values, which may be a deterrent to more widespread use, although additional factors, such as odor control and carbon credits, may

improve benefit /cost ratios.NRCS

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Online shopping rewards - A Typology

1 Instead of cash back or loyalty program|points these websites offer carbon credits (also known as carbon

offsets) or green gadgets to encourage consumers to shop with particular retailers or make changes

to their lifestyle.

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No-till farming - Profit, economics, yield

1 Some large energy corporations which are among the greatest generators of

fossil-fuel-related pollution may purchase carbon credits, which can encourage

farmers to engage in conservation tillage.[ ] Under such schemes, the farmers' land is legally redefined as a carbon sink for the power

generators' emissions

Page 71: Carbon Credits

CDM Gold Standard

1 Its objective is to add branding, a label to existing and new Carbon

Credits generated by projects which can then be bought and traded by countries that have a binding legal commitment according to the Kyoto


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CDM Gold Standard - Scholarly Recognition Critique

1 Existing evidence suggests that the Gold Standard does not always

achieve to police effectively companies' misuse of the standard's

label (making it difficult to know whether actually carbon credits

associated with the standard through Gold Standard labels have actually

undergone the Gold Standard certification process).Lippert, I

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Certified Emission Reduction

1 'Certified Emission Reductions' (CERs) are a type of emissions unit (or carbon credits) issued by the Clean Development Mechanism

(CDM) Executive Board for emission reductions achieved by CDM projects

and verified by a DOE under the rules of the Kyoto Protocol.

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European Union Emission Trading Scheme

1 The price of EU ETS carbon credits has been lower than intended, with a large surplus of allowances, in part because of the impact of the recent Great Recession in Europe|economic

crisis on demand

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European Union Emission Trading Scheme - Mechanisms

1 Like the Kyoto trading scheme, EU ETS allows a regulated operator to use carbon credits in the form of

Emission Reduction Units (ERU) to comply with its obligations

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Flexible mechanisms - Project-based mechanisms

1 The project-based mechanisms allow Annex I countries with efficient, low GHG-emitting

industries, and high prevailing environmental standards to purchase carbon credits on the world market instead of reducing greenhouse gas emissions domestically. Annex I countries typically will want to acquire carbon credits as cheaply as possible, while non-Annex I countries want to maximize the value of

carbon credits generated from their domestic greenhouse gas reducing projects.

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Flexible mechanisms - Carbon market

1 Since allowances and carbon credits are tradeable instruments with a

transparent price, financial investors can buy them on the spot market for speculation purposes, or link them to

futures contracts

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Flexible mechanisms - Carbon market

1 The CDM allows the creation of new carbon credits by developing

emission reduction projects in non-annex I countries, while JI allows

project-specific credits to be converted from existing credits

within annex I countries

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Flexible mechanisms - Carbon market

1 The fact that some of these initiatives have similar approaches to

certifying their credits makes it possible that carbon credits in one

market may in the long run be tradeable in other schemes

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Convention Centre Dublin - Construction

1 It is the first carbon-neutral convention centre in the world because of its use of low-carbon cement and the offsetting of

unavoidable carbon emissions by purchasing carbon credits in accordance

with the Voluntary Carbon Standard. It also features a Heat exchanger|thermal-wheel

heat-recovery system and an Thermal energy storage#Air conditioning|ice-storage thermal unit to provide air conditioning for

the building.

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Climate Care - LifeStraw Carbon for Water Project

1 ClimateCare partnered with health company Vestergaard Frandsen to develop this project that uses carbon finance to fund provision of

safe water to 4.5million people in Western Kenya. The project was the first in the world to link carbon credits with water provision at

scale and has won awards including the Carbon Finance Transaction of the Year award



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Climate Care - AquaClara Project

1 Funds generated through the sale of carbon credits make this project possible and, as a result, 18,750

families will have safe water by May 2017 cutting an expected 50,000

tonnes of CO2 every year.

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1 Emissions trading basically refers to the trading of emissions allowances

(carbon credits) between one regulated entity and a less pollutive

entity. This trading of permits results in a marginal economic disincentive

to the buyer and a marginal economic incentive the abater.

Page 84: Carbon Credits

Gas flare - Impacts of waste flaring associated gas from oil drilling sites and other facilities

1 That may seem to be insignificant, but in perspective it is more than half of the

Certified Emissions Reductions (a type of carbon credits) that have been issued under

the rules and mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol as of June


6~theSitePK:4607,00.html Global Gas Flaring Reduction]

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Kyoto Protocol and government action - New Zealand

1 New Zealand may meet this target by 'either' reducing emissions 'or' by

obtaining carbon credits from the international market or from

domestic carbon sinks

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Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - Carbon auctions start in 2008

1 The Memorandum of Understanding commits states to invest 25% of revenue from carbon credits to energy efficiency and strategic

energy schemes.[] This revenue is received by auctioning credits from the state

budget to compliance entities

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Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - Carbon auctions start in 2008

1 RGGI sold carbon credits on Thursday, September 25, 2008, in

the first of a series of quarterly online auctions

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BlueNext - China

1 This information is to be sourced from the China Beijing Environmental

Exchange.[ BlueNext, China

Exchange Partner on Carbon Credits][ World's Biggest Carbon Offset Exchange Comes One Step Closer To Reality As NYSE’s BlueNext

And China-Beijing Environmental Exchange Sign China Partnership]

Page 89: Carbon Credits

Tree credits

1 'Tree credits' is concept of community-based agroforestry whereby the tree planting|tree

planter/ caretaker is rewarded during several years for her/his ecological services|climate services. The system has been developed in response to the need for a simple way to get carbon credits to the individual planter with a

minimum of overheads. And to simplify implementation and monitoring of such

projects by using for-profit methods, much like microfinance.

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Carbon project - Operation

1 The second option is to purchase carbon credits within an emissions trading scheme

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Bank of New Zealand - Sustainability

1 In July 2010 Bank of New Zealand became the first bank in New Zealand to become

carbon neutral. The achievement was announced in September 2010 after a

three-year initiative to reduce emissions through greater energy and vehicle

efficiency, encouraging changed behaviour by employees at work and at home and

through offsetting of unavoidable emissions by purchasing quality carbon credits.

Page 92: Carbon Credits

Picsearch - Environmental policy

1 # Picsearch buys carbon credits equivalent to all the energy that

Picsearch consumes.[ The world’s first search engine, Picsearch]. March 22,

2007. Retrieved on July 11, 2007.

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Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India - Need for Dedicated Freight Corridor Project

1 Carbon emission reduction may help

DFCCIL to claim carbon credits.

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Pizza Fusion - Green building methods

1 The chain offsets 100% of the power consumption in its locations by using purchasing carbon credits and using environmentally sustainable building practices. The restaurant delivery drivers use hybrid electric vehicles.

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Delhi Metro Rail Corporation - History

1 DMRC has made it compulsory to wear safety helmets on construction

sites. It also earns carbon credits with rainwater harvesting at metro

stations and runs an HIV/AIDS programme for


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Low carbon - Rationale and aims

1 EU emission trading system allows companies to buy international

carbon credits, thus the companies can channel clean technologies to promote other countries to adopt

low-carbon developments.

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Chicago Climate Exchange - Climate Exchange PLC

1 In November 2010, the Climate Exchange stated that it would cease trading carbon credits at the end of 2010, although carbon exchanges

will still be facilitated.

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Chicago Climate Exchange - Components of the Trading System

1 Farmers Union had earned approval from the Chicago Climate Exchange to aggregate

carbon credits

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Free Press Summer Fest - Helping The Environment

1 A recycling plan (with assistance from Little Joy Recycling) is

implemented to sort aluminum, plastic, paper and glass. A free bottle

of water is given to anyone who recycles 10 plastic bottles. All carbon output is balanced by Carbon credits|carbon offset credits. Carpooling and

bicycling to the festival are encouraged. Over 2000 attendees

biked to the 2009 festival.

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Jungle Island - Environmental efforts

1 In addition to avoiding the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, Jungle Island purchases carbon credits to offset

special events.[;Earth_Miami_on_Jungle_Island Earth Miami On

Jungle Island] Jungle Island also plays host to a number of large environmental conferences and events - including

the annual Gateway To Green,[

asp City of Miami Gateway To Green] Energy Smart Florida,[


kahaneandassociates Sun Sentinel Business Networking In South Florida] and Earth Miami.

Page 101: Carbon Credits

First Rudd Government - Environment and energy management

1 In October 2007, the then Prime Minister John Howard said that Labor's policy on climate

change negotiations had no significant differences to the Liberals' policy. At the time,

econometric research suggested that providers of carbon credits which had been accredited under the voluntary Australian Greenhouse Office trading scheme were

capable of stabilising emissions, such was the demand from households for carbon-neutral


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Live Earth (2007 concert) - Background

1 The event was claimed to be carbon neutral, and organisers said they would purchase carbon credits to

offset the environmental impact of the flights associated with the


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Jagat Prakash Nadda - Political Career as Minister of different Portfolios

1 He along with other sr. leaders visited Costa Rica to learn about

carbon neutrality. Under his leadership Himachal became the first

state in country to demand carbon credits in lieu of green house gases being absorbed by the state’s green


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Biofuel in the United Kingdom - Asia

1 One salient feature of the policy is to create an environment conducive to investments through the provision of the following incentives: (a)

duty-free importation of renewable energy (RE) machinery, equipment and materials over the initial 10 years through the issuance of

certifications to RE developers; (b) duty-free importation of farm machinery and agricultural inputs during the initial 10 years from the effectivity of the Renewable Energy law; (c) income tax holidays over

the first seven years of commercial operation; (d) accelerated depreciation if an RE fails to receive an ITH before full operation; (e)

cash incentives from RE Developers for Missionary Electrification, i.e., 50% of the universal charge for power needed to service missionary

areas; (f) corporate tax rates of 10% on its net taxable income after the initial seven-year ITH period; (g) tax exemptions for carbon credits; (h)

special realty tax rates of not more than 1.5% on equipment and machinery, civil works, and other improvements; and (i) net operating

loss carry-over (NOLCO) during the first three years of commercial operation will be deductible from gross income over the next seven

years of operation

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1 CCBA, VCS) and with carbon credits traded on the international voluntary carbon market

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REDD - REDD+ in the carbon market

1 This would require Annex I countries to agree to deeper cuts in emissions of

greenhouse gases in order to create a market for the carbon credits from REDD+, which is unlikely to happen soon given the

current state of negotiations in the COP, but even then there is the fear that the market

will be flooded with carbon credits, depressing the price to levels where REDD+ is no longer an economically viable option

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Social and environmental impact of palm oil - Carbon credit programs

1 Oil palm producers are eligible to take part in Clean Development

Mechanism (CDM) programs in which developed nations invest in clean

energy projects in developing nations to earn carbon credits to offset their own greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions


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Emissions cap system

1 Firms are required to hold a number of permits (or allowances or carbon

credits) equivalent to their emissions

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Conservation in New Zealand - Deforestation

1 Perhaps due to the government's initial control over REDD and the trade in carbon credits there was

initially an increase in deforestation and it was not until private forestry owners gained access to the trading scheme and to carbon credits that

the scheme started to produce reductions in deforestation.

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Bonobo Conservation Initiative

1 Under the Bonobo Conservation Initiative, a reforestation project is planned for the

Maringa-Lopori-Wamba Landscape around the Luo Scientific Reserve in an attempt to counter the destruction of

bonobo habitat and increase areas where the bonobo are protected. will be replanted, forming corridors to link existing patches of forest, with the

project funded by sale of carbon credits.

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Deforestation in Nigeria

1 In REDD the countries are able to receive much more money in the

form of carbon credits which can be spent on more environmentally safe



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Climate Change Act 2008 - Environmental groups

1 The UK arm of World Wide Fund for Nature|WWF supported the Bill, but launched its Get on

Board campaign for the 2050 carbon reduction target to be raised to at least 80%, including the

UK share of emissions from international aviation shipping. In addition, WWF-UK called for retention of the House of Lords' amendment that at least 70% of the UK's reduction should be achieved domestically (limiting to 30% the

proportion of the reduction that can be achieved through purchasing 'carbon credits').

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Climate Change Act 2008 - Environmental groups

1 They also considered that the Bill should include annual 3% reduction targets, cover aviation and shipping

within its scope, and ban the purchase of carbon credits from overseas, a practice which they believe exports the emissions

problem elsewhere.

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Climate Change Act 2008 - Environmental groups

1 The Joint Public Issues Team of the Baptist Union of Great Britain|Baptist, Methodist Church of Great Britain|Methodist, and United Reformed Church|

United Reformed churches called for an 80% reduction in carbon emissions [by 2050], for not

ignoring the contribution of air and sea travel, and for reductions of the United Kingdom’s own

emissions rather than relying on buying carbon credits from other

countries.[ Joint Public Issues Team of the churches:

briefing on the Climate Change Bill (December 2007)]

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Shangri-La (novel) - Ishida Finance

1 MEDUSA is originally believed to be the only program in the world that can perform these manipulations of Carbon Credits, but it seems that

there are other programs similar to it operating across the globe

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Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited

1 The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has been certified by the United Nations as the first metro rail and rail-based system in the world to get carbon

credits for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping in reducing

pollution levels in the city by 630,000 tonnes every

year.[ Cities

/ Delhi : Delhi Metro gets UN certification]

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Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited - Environment and aesthetics

1 It is also the first railway project in the world to earn carbon credits after

being registered with the United Nations under the Clean

Development Mechanism, and has so far earned 400,000 carbon credits by

saving energy through the use of regenerative braking systems on its


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Peat swamp forest - The Problem

1 Rather than reducing deforestation - in terms of claiming carbon credits

from REDD initiatives - peatland conservation and rehabilitation are more efficient undertakings, due to the much larger reduced emissions

achievable per unit area and the much lower opportunity costs

involved.Mathai, J