capturing measurable non functional requirements

Capturing Measurable Capturing Measurable Non-Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements Shehzad Lakdawala, Enterprise Architect [email protected]

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Post on 22-May-2015




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Non-Functional Requirements are as important as Functional Requirements. Requirement that cannot be measured is not a requirement. NFR's are critical for successful software architecture development


Page 1: Capturing Measurable Non Functional Requirements

Capturing Measurable Capturing Measurable

Non-Functional RequirementsNon-Functional Requirements

Shehzad Lakdawala, Enterprise Architect[email protected]

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• Introduction to Non-Functional Requirements

• Differentiating between functional and non-functional requirements

• Need for non-functional requirements

• How to capture measurable non-functional requirements

• Benefits

Page 3: Capturing Measurable Non Functional Requirements

NFRs are the qualities of the resulting system NFRs are the qualities of the resulting system

IEEE standard 830 - 1993IEEE standard 830 - 1993

What are Non Functional Requirements

“Functional requirements define WHAT a system is supposed to do”

“Non-Functional requirements define HOW a system is supposed to be”

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Page 5: Capturing Measurable Non Functional Requirements

The System should functionThe System should function

The System should performThe System should perform

The system can be enhanced/changed easilyThe system can be enhanced/changed easily

Business NeedsBusiness Needs

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User ConcernsUser Concerns

• Ease of Use• Is Secure• Is Available

The system should function

• Performance• Ease of interfacingThe system should perform

• Easy to Change• Easy to upgrade

The system can be easily enhanced, changed

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Mapping Business concerns Mapping Business concerns to NFRto NFR

Ease of UseIs Secure

Is Available


PerformanceEase of interfacing


Ease of ChangeEasy to upgrade


User Concern NFR

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The product will support multiple languages

is a usability requirement

The system will run 7 days a week, 24 hours a day is a reliability requirement

An online help system is required is a usability requirement

All presentation logic will be written in Ajax is an implementation requirement

Classifying RequirementsClassifying Requirements

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Objective Metrics & Performance Data

AvailabilityNumber of planned outages per month/yearNumber of unplanned outages per month/year Number of Hours per outage 

Availability Ability to restore all transactions to a point in time prior to a failure (minutes, hours, days) 

Availability Maximum time required to restore configuration/session data (minutes, hours, days)

Availability % Downtime per year Downtime per month*

Downtime per week

90% ("one nine") 36.5 days 72 hours 16.8 hours95% 18.25 days 36 hours 8.4 hours98% 7.30 days 14.4 hours 3.36 hours99% ("two nines") 3.65 days 7.20 hours 1.68 hours99.5% 1.83 days 3.60 hours 50.4 minutes99.8% 17.52 hours 86.23 minutes 20.16 minutes

Business Needs – System should be available during working and non-working hours


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Objective Metrics & Performance Data

Response Time

Response time for simple TransactionResponse time for medium transactionResponse time for complex transaction 

CapacityNumber of Concurrent UsersNumber of Total UsersNumber of Transactions per day

Transaction Category Response Time SLA (sec)Simple 3Medium 6Complex 10

The transactions should be categorized as per the below matrixSimple Transactions: The response time for simple transaction should be 3 seconds or less. Transactions such as page navigation are examples of simple transactionMedium Transactions: The response time for medium transactions should be 6 seconds or less. Submitting information, simple search, simple query are examples of medium transactionComplex Transactions: The response time for complex transactions should be 10 seconds or less. Advanced search is example of complex transaction.

Business Need – System should perform fast


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Objective Metrics & Performance DataSupport/Maintenance

Number of support calls expected during the month

Supportability Number of support calls expected out of office hours

SupportabilityResponse time for Critical callsResponse time for High Priority callsResponse time for Low Priority calls

Scalability% increase in yearly volumes for next x years% increase in number of users for next x years% increase in disk space required yearly for next x years

Business Need – System should be supported


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Objective Metrics & Performance Data

Confidentiality and Integrity The system is protected from unauthorized access

Availability Time to restore/clean/restart compromised system or data

Compliance Compliance with regulations and industry standards (ISO 27001, PCI, COBIT)

Business Need – Protect sensitive information from unauthorized access


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Above chart depicts the significance of each listed non-functional requirement to the defined system use-cases in the manner of ‘high’, ‘medium’, and ‘low’. 

NFR/Use Case ReferenceNFR/Use Case Reference

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Business tracing the non-functional requirements

Infrastructure team In provisioning the infrastructure

Test team in defining test cases and achieving user acceptance

Solution and Design in design and development of application

Enterprise Architecture in defining the right architecture and capacity planning

Management Cost saving and Financial Planning

Operations Team In meeting SLA’s

Who will benefit from NFR’sWho will benefit from NFR’s

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