can we work out who the creator is?

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  • 8/9/2019 Can we work out who the Creator is?


     Article appeared Friday, February 27th, 2015 in The News Today, Bangladesh

    The Reelation !"#$% yousu& 'ahbubul (sla', )h*

    +ae we personally wored out who the -reator is. /ithout physically seeing +i', can wewor out who +e is and co'e to an understanding o& how real +e is. ust as +e has 'adeeach o& us uni3ue, relating to +i' 'ust also be indiidual4 (n what ways can we start to launchour thining about the -reator. For ea'ple, we can start by ea'ining +is Attributes listed inthe +oly 6criptures4 +ow would we relate to the Attributes. /e can ea'ine the' in the light o&our personal eperiences and perception o& things4 et8s, &or ea'ple, tae the attributes gienat the beginning o& -hapter 90 o& the :ur8an,

    “The Forgier o& sin, the Acceptor o& repentance, the 6eere in punish'ent, the ;wnero& abundance4 There is no deity ecept +i'< to +i' is the destination4” =904">

    “No one disputes concerning the 6igns o& Allah ecept those who disbeliee, so be notdeceied by their !unrestricted% 'oe'ent throughout the land4” =9049>

    et us &irst reiew the oerall concepts in the ?erses be&ore ea'ining the indiidual words andtrying to relate to the'4 ?erse 904" lists &ie Attributes or 3ualities o& the -reator4 The ?erse alsoenlightens us that +e is our destination or ob@ectie besides saying that +e is eclusiely theonly power  that eists4 The net ?erse !9049% says that it is only those who wish to disbelieethat would ignore these 3ualities and attributes o& the -reator4 Finally that one should not be&ooled by those who see' to hold power in the world as they are e3ually accountable &or whatthey indiidually do4

     Assu'ing that we wish to now 'ore about the -reator, let us ea'ine the attributes one byone4 The &irst one, what would Forgiver of sin 'ean. Be&ore we ea'ine the word Forgiver , weneed to wor out what sin is, as &orgieness is obiously related to it4 A little thought would showthat sin would hae to be so'ething that would seriously displease or annoy the -reator4 As sinhas so'ething to do with the -reator, only +e can &orgie i& +e wishes4 There are no other

    conditions4 (& we wor out that we hae sinned and approach +i', +e does &orgie as i'pliedby the second attribute, the Acceptor of repentance4 /e 'ust there&ore repent and i'plore +i'&or &orgieness4 (& we do not do this, +e is Severe in punishment 4 (& we sincerely repent to +i',+e &orgies and adds Blessings as +e is the source o& all good, i.e., the Owner of abundance4 (&we can get into +is good boo, we can solicit +i' &or anything we want4 But this will happenonly i& our hearts alue +i' as the ob@ectie o& our indiidual li&e, i.e., so'eone we wish toplease while understanding that +e is the sole 6ource o& eerything4

    “ And whoeer repents and does good has truly turned to Allah with an !acceptable%conersion4” =25471>

    Not giing the -reator a thought is tanta'ount to disputing  +is 6igns, i.e., proing our disbelie&4There are so 'any people around us who do not acnowledge the -reator, yet are well o&& and

    power&ul4 /e 'ay 'istaenly tae their standards as our own as we &eel that is the right way to&ollow4 (& we do so, we should be re'inded that the -reator is also Severe in giing punishment!  To help us lin to the reality o& these Attributes the -reator gies ea'ples &ro' history4 As anea'ple, +e relates an incident &ro' the ti'e o& Abraha' !pbuh%4 (n the incident, the -reatorsent angels with a piece o& good news !Blessings &ro' the Owner of Abundance% and one o&seere punish'ent4

    11.69 “And certainly did Our Messengers (i.e., angels) come to Abraham withgood tidings; they said !"eace#! $e answered !"eace#! and did not delay toentertain them with a roasted cal%.”

  • 8/9/2019 Can we work out who the Creator is?


     Abraha' !pbuh% 'oed to entertain his guests @ust as we would4 +e acted as any good host4

    11.&' “ut when he saw their hands were not reaching %or the meal he %elt somedistrust and a %ear o% them. hey said !*ear not. +e ha,e been sent against the-eo-le o% ot.!”

     As the guests did not eat, nor did they touch the &ood, Abraha' did not understand what wasgoing on4 +e &elt so'ething was not right4 ust as any hu'an being would, he beca'e a&raid4/hy were the angels sent to the people o& )rophet ot !pbuh%.

    “They said /e hae been sent to a people !deep% in sin4” =1545$>

    /hat Attribute o& the -reator does this show. /hat then happened to the people o& ot.

    11.&1 “And his wi%e was standing (there) and she smiled. hen +e ga,e her goodtidings o% /saac and a%ter /saac o% 0acob.”

    “!/hen they did not eat% +e conceied a &ear o& the'4 They said Fear not and theygae hi' glad tidings o& a son endowed with knowledge. But his wi&e ca'e &orward!laughing% aloud she s'ote her &orehead and said !what, &ro'% a barren old wo'anC” =5142$ D 5142E>

    11.& “2he said3 !Alas %or me# 2hall / gi,e birth while / am an old woman and myhusband here is an old man4 /ndeed that would be an ama5ing thing#!”

     Abraha'8s wi&e subse3uently gae birth to (saac4 /hich o& the -reator8s Attributes does thisde'onstrate.

    11.& “hey said !Are you ama5ed at the decree (decision) o% Allah4 May themercy o% Allah and $is blessings be u-on you the -eo-le o% the house# /ndeed$e is indeed worthy o% all -raise and $onorable#!”The -reator is the 6ource o& eerything4 +e is not li'ited by physical barriers that we &eelrestrict us4

    “+e bestows both 'ales and &e'ales, and +e leaes barren who' +e will &or +e is&ull o& Gnowledge and )ower4” =92450>

    11.&7 “And when %ear had le%t %rom (the mind o%) Abraham and the signi%icance o%the good tidings had reached him he began to -lead with 8s concerning the-eo-le o% ot.”ie any other hu'an being, it too ti'e &or Abraha' to understand the signi&icance o& what theangels were saying4 Then he also realiHed what was about to happen to ot8s people and hestarted pleading to the -reator on their behal&C

    11.& “*or indeed Abraham was %orbearing (o% %aults) com-assionate and gi,ento loo: to Allah %reuently.”

    11.&6 (he angels said) “O Abraham# 2ee: not this. /ndeed the command o% yourord has come and indeed there will reach them a -unishment that cannot beturned bac:#”6o, what happened to the people o& ot.

    “ And /e rained down on the' a shower !o& bri'stone% then see what was the end ofthose who indulged in sin and crime! ”  =74$9>