cambridge english unlimited placement test (written test)

Placement test Written test Choose the best answer for each question. Stop when the questions become too difficult. Spend no more than 40 minutes on the test. 1 Where from? I’m from Russia. A you are B you C are you 2 We have house in Moscow. A any B a C an 3 I have two , a boy and a girl. A sons B daughters C children 4 I work in a . I’m a doctor. A hospital B hotel C supermarket 5 This is my brother. name’s Paul. A Her B His C He’s 6 five people in my family. A They are B There is C There are 7 I get up 7 o’clock in the morning. A for B at C in 8 I like apples, but I bananas. A don’t like B like C do like 9 Excuse me, speak French? A do you B you do C you 10 How much are shoes? A this B these C that CEF A1 to C1 1 Placement test Written test Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010

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Placement test

Written test • Choosethebestanswerforeachquestion.

• Stopwhenthequestionsbecometoodifficult.

• Spendnomorethan40minutesonthetest.

1 Where from?


Ayouare Byou Careyou

2 Wehave houseinMoscow.

Aany Ba Can

3 Ihavetwo ,aboyandagirl.

Asons Bdaughters Cchildren

4 Iworkina .I’madoctor.

Ahospital Bhotel Csupermarket

5 Thisismybrother. name’sPaul.

AHer BHis CHe’s

6 fivepeopleinmyfamily.

ATheyare BThereis CThereare

7 Igetup 7o’clockinthemorning.

Afor Bat Cin

8 Ilikeapples,butI bananas.

Adon’tlike Blike Cdolike

9 Excuseme, speakFrench?

Adoyou Byoudo Cyou

10 Howmuchare shoes?

Athis Bthese Cthat

CEF A1 to C1

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11 Wherearemyglasses?

They’re thetable.

Aat Bon Cin

12 Mysister tennisverywell.

Aplays Bplay Cplaying

13 Iusuallygotowork train.

Aon Bwith Cby

14 Idon’tseemyparentsveryoften theyliveinSouthAfrica.

Aso Bbut Cbecause

15 Rosiestayed homeyesterdayafternoon.

Ain Bat Cto

16 LastnightI tothecinema.

Awent Bdidgo Cwas

17 The isquiteexpensivebutthefoodthereisexcellent.

Afilm Brestaurant Cbook

18 Doyouwanttolistentomusicor TV?

Asee Blook Cwatch

19 wereyouattheweekend?


AWhen BWhere CWhat

20 youhaveagoodtimeattheparty?


ADid BWere CHad

21 Areyou Englishteacher?

AMaria BMarias’ CMaria’s

22 Bobwillmeet attheairport.

Aus Bwe Cour

23 I’mgoingtoaconcerttonight. youliketocome?

ADo BAre CWould

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24 useyourdictionary?


ACouldI BCouldyou CDoI

25 Ilikethisapartmentbutthe istooexpensiveforme.

Amoney Brent Ccost

26 Excuseme,howdoI tothebusstation?

Acome Bget Carrive

27 Doyousellstamps?

Yes,wedo.How doyouwant?

Aany Bmany Cmuch

28 SorryI’msolate.

That’s .

AOK Bgreat Cright

29 I’dlike milkinmycoffee,please.

Asome Bany Ca

30 abusstopnearmyflat.

AIt’s BHere’s CThere’s

31 Isthisagoodtimetotalk?

Sorry,no.I dinner.

Acook Bamcooking Ccooking

32 Ithinkcyclingismoredangerous driving.

Aas Blike Cthan

33 We goingtothetheatrenextSaturday.

Awill Bdo Care

34 meetforcoffeesometimesoon.

ALet’s BDoyou CShallthey

35 Kamalhasgotaholidayhomenear sea.

Aa Bthe Csome

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36 Ifyou’vegotaheadache,you gohome.

Ashould Bdid Chad

37 everbeentoNewYork?

AHaveyou BAreyou CDidyou

38 Ionlygetaboutfivehours’sleepanight.

That’snot .

Aenough Blot Ctoomuch

39 DidAminafinishthereport?

No.She ittomorrow.

Afinishes Bisgoingtofinish Cfinished

40 Paula lovesworkingwithchildren.

Avery Breally Cmuch

41 IsOttawathecapitalofCanada?

Ithink .

Ais Byes Cso Dright

42 Wenever atelevisionwhenIwasachild.

Ahavehad Bhadn’t Chad Ddidn’thave

43 Wepaidtherestaurantbill creditcard.

Ato Bwith Con Dby

44 ThelasttimeI JoannawasinParis.

Ahaveseen Bsaw Csee Dwasseeing

45 Ifyou moneyfromafriend,youshouldalwayspayitbackpromptly.

Aborrow Bearn Cspend Dlend

46 CanImakemyselfacupofcoffee?

Ofcourse.You toask.

Ahaven’t Bmustn’t Cneedn’t Ddon’thave

47 I alotofsportinmyfreetime.

Ado Bpractise Cmake Dexercise

48 anywhereinterestingrecently?

ADoyougo BHaveyoubeen CAreyougoing DWillyougo

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49 It’sWalter’sbirthdayonFriday.He be30,Ithink.

Ashould Bcan Cwill Dshall

50 Learningthepianoisn’tasdifficult learningtheviolin.

Alike Bso Cthan Das

51 Iftheweather badtomorrow,wecangotoamuseum.

Awillbe Bwas Cis Dwouldbe

52 AboutabillioncansofCoca-Cola drunkaroundtheworldeveryday.

Ais Bare Cwas Dwere

53 Mymum’snotverywell.

Oh, .

Aitdoesn’tmatter BIdoapologise Csorrytohearthat Dnotbad,thanks.

54 Hansisn’there.He toseehisgrandmother.He’llbebacktomorrow.

Ahasgone Bhadbeen Chasbeen Dhadgone

55 Wouldyoumindchangingmyappointment? timeonFridayisfine.

ANext BAllthe CEvery DAny

56 WhenIwasachild,I climbthewallandjumpintoourneighbours’garden.

Awould Bdid Chave Dused

57 Haveyoufinished thewallyet?

Apaint Btopaint Cpainting Dpainted

58 Canyouhelpme?I’vetried hotelinthecityandcan’tfindaroom.

Amany Bany Cevery Dall

59 Lenausedtofindworkboring shebecameanurse.

Aunless Buntil Cif Dsince

60 IfI closertomyoffice,Icouldwalktowork.

Alived Bwouldlive Chadlived Dlive

61 I outsidethecinemawhensuddenlyapolicecararrived.

Astood Bwasstanding Chavestood Damstanding

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62 ShallwegotoThe Riceboatfordinner?

It befullybooked.They’resometimesbusyonaMonday.

Awill Bmay Ccan Dmust

63 We’ve comebackfromatriptoIndia.Itwasamazing.

Aalready Byet Cjust Donly

64 I’vegottobeatworkinfiveminutes.

Don’tworry,I youaliftifyouwant.

Agive Bamgiving C’llgive D’mgoingtogive

65 Mydoctoradvisedme moreexercise.

Atake Btaking Chavingtaken Dtotake

66 Icouldn’t upwiththenoiseinthecity,sowemovedtothecountryside.

Aput Blive Cset Dtake

67 There’snonameonthisdictionary.

It beminethen.Mine’sgotmynameonthefront.

Amightnot Bmustn’t Cwon’t Dcan’t

68 Julia marriedsinceshewas20.

Ais Bwas Chasbeen Disbeing

69 Don’tworryifI latetonight.I’mgoingtothegymafterwork.

Aam Bwillbe Cwouldbe Dwas

70 I’vegotaterribleheadache,anditwon’tgoaway.

Haveyoutried someaspirin?

Atotake Btake Ctook Dtaking

71 Boxingisasport requiresalotofspeedandfitness.

Ait Bthat Cwhat Dwhere

72 Jon workingonthisprojectforacoupleofmonthssohehasn’tmademuchprogressyet.

Aisonly Bhasonlybeen Cwasonly Dhadonlybeen

73 Iwaswondering Icouldaskyousomequestions.


Awhat Bif Cthat Dhow

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74 WhatclothesshouldIpackforatriptoBoston?

Well,itdepends thetimeofyearthatyougo.

Aon Bwith Cup Dto

75 I’vefinishedthissaladandI’mstillhungry.I orderedsomethingmorefilling.

Amusthave Bwouldhave Cshouldhave Dmayhave

76 Doyoueveraskyourneighbourstodofavours you?

Afor Bto Cwith Dabout

77 Somemarriedcouplesseemtogetmore overtime.

Aalike Bsame Clike Dequal

78 Idon’tknowhowmuchthiscardcosts.Thepricelabel’s off.

Agone Btaken Cdone Dcome

79 Bengotthejobbecausehe averygoodimpressionathisinterview.

Amade Bdid Cput Dtook

80 Salsamusicalways meofmytriptoCuba.

Aremembers Brealises Crecognises Dreminds

81 I tobepickingTomupatthestationbutI’velostmykeys.

Aamsupposed Bamrequested Camintended Damobliged

82 HowaboutgoingtoColours nightclub?

There’sno I’mgoingthere.It’sawful!

Ahope Bway Ctime Dopportunity

83 Bytheageof18,I nottogotouniversity.

Ahaddecided Bdecided Chavedecided Dwasdeciding

84 I’mafraidyourcar repairedbeforenextweek.

Ahasn’tbeen Bwasn’t Cwouldn’tbe Dcan’tbe

85 Theamountoforganicallygrownfoodonsalehas enormouslyinrecentyears.

Araised Blifted Cincreased Dbuilt

86 Canyoubelieveit?Awomanhasbeen forhackingintothecomputerofheronlinevirtual


Aaccused Bsuspended Carrested Dsuspected

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87 Youmayborrowmylaptop youpromisetolookafterit.

Aunless Bincase Caslongas Dalthough

88 It’sahugepainting.It takenagestocomplete.

Amusthave Bcan’thave Cshouldhave Dwon’thave

89 Pierretendstoput dealingwithproblems,ratherthandealingwiththemimmediately.

Adown Boff Cover Daway

90 Ifthetaxihadn’tstoppedforus,we standingintherain.

Awerestill Bwouldstillbe Carestill Dwillstillbe

91 Mymother’sItalian,so thelanguagehasbeenquiteeasyforme.

Atolearn Blearn Chavinglearned Dlearning

92 Ihadthetalent,Istillwouldn’twanttobeamoviestar.

AIncase BEvenif CProvidedthat DHowevermuch

93 Thefactoryworkersthreatened onstrikeiftheydidn’tgetapayrise.

Agoing Btogo Cthattheygo Dtohavegone

94 Iwasabouttogotosleepwhenit tomewherethemissingkeysmightbe.

Aremembered Bhappened Cappeared Doccurred

95 There’sgoingtobeanewdepartmentatwork.They’veaskedmeto itup.

Atake Bset Cput Dbring

96 Ifthefilmisa success,thedirectorwillgetmostofthecredit.

Abig Bhigh Clarge Dgood

97 Bytheendoftoday’sseminarIwill toeachofyouindividually.

Aspeak Bhavespoken Cbespeaking Dhavebeenspeaking

98 Thisisaphotoofmylittlesister icecreamonthebeach.

Aeat Beating Cwaseating Dhavingeaten

99 Ourstudentstaketheirresponsibilitiesvery .

Aconsiderably Bthoroughly Cseriously Dstrongly

100 Piawas delightedwiththebirthdaypresent.

Avery Bcompletely Cfairly Dabsolutely

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101 Peoplewereamazedthattheburglarytookplacein daylight.

Awide Bbroad Clarge Dopen

102 Sheinvestedalotoftime researchingthemostappropriateuniversitycourse.

Ato Bfor Cwith Din

103 Thepoliceclaimedthattheyactedinself- .

Ainterest Bconfidence Cdefence Ddiscipline

104 I rememberputtingmybriefcasedownonthatshelf.

Adeeply Bentirely Cclearly Dstrongly

105 Heturned tobeconsiderablyolderthanIhadimagined.

Aover Bup Cout Dround

106 Thewindowsinthishouseareinurgent ofreplacement.

Aneed Bhelp Cwant Ddemand

107 Speedcameras showntoreduceaccidents.

Ahave Bwerebeing Chavebeen Darebeing

108 Lifeisa dealeasierforimmigrantswhocanspeakthelocallanguage.

Afar Bhuge Cbig Dgreat

109 Theexperiment testingpeople’sresponsesbeforeandafterdrinkingcoffee.

Acontained Bincorporated Cinvolved Dconsisted

110 Wemaybeabitlate.We’re inatrafficjam.

Aburied Bstuck Cblocked Dsurrounded

111 Having hisdrivingtestseveraltimes,Paulfinallypassedatthefourthattempt.

Ataken Bmade Chad Dattended

112 Gospelmusichasbeenamajorinfluence othermusicalstyles,especiallysoul.

Awith Bto Cabout Don

113 Maintaininganaccuratebalancesheetisessential, businessyou’rein.

Ahowever Bwherever Cwhatever Dwhenever

114 It’s likelythatthisnovelwillwinaliteraryprize.

Atotally Bdeeply Cstrongly Dhighly

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115 It’sno formetogetBrad’sphonenumber–I’llbeseeinghimtonight.

Apoint Bwonder Csecret Dproblem

116 I’dlivedinAustralia,soIwasusedto ontheleftsideoftheroad.

Adriving Bdrive Chavingdriven Ddrove

117 Idon’tthinkthecoloursinJulia’soutfit together.

Afit Bsuit Cmatch Dgo

118 Veryrarely hereinJuly.

Aitrains Bdoesitrain Cisitraining Ditisraining

119 IprefertobuyCDs downloadmusicfrommycomputer.

Aincontrastto Basopposedto Cratherthan Dincomparisonto

120 Thenumberofturtlesontheisland by70%overthelastdecade.

Ahasdeclined Bhasbeendeclining Chasbeendeclined Disdeclining

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