calender of forthcoming events

Sor. 8. 1020 CRENESTRY AND INDUSTRY 1085 CALENDAR OF FORTHCOMING EVENTS Nov. 8.Society of Chemical Industry. Soufh Wales Section. Thomns’s Cirf6, High Strcct, Sivnnscn, nt 7.30 p.m. Joint meeting with South Wnlcs Section of tho Institute of Chemistry. Sinokclcss fiicls and liow they burn,” by H. J. 1Io:lsinnn. Nov. &-Oil and Colour Chemists’ Association. JIaticLesfer Section. Rccce’s CnfC, I’nrkcr Strcct, Livcrpool, nt 8 pm. “+Sonic rcminisccnccs of IL Government Inborntory,” by Dr. Fox. Connaught ROQIUB, nt 7 for 7.30 p.m. Tickets 121. Gd. cncb. The 1% Hon. Lord Dowir x*iIl prcside. Nov. 8.-Society of Chemical Industry. dmericroi Scctimr. Joint mecting. l’resentntion of tlic Grnssclli i\Iednl to Prof. Brndlcy Stoughton, who will rclul n paper on Alntcrinls for nirplnnc construction.” Nov. 8.-Physical Society. Iinpcrinl Collcgc of Scicncc, Sontli lCciiuington, nt 5 pin. Dininngnctism nnd moleculnr structure," by Prof. Sir C. V. RILN~II, F.R.S. Nov. 9.-Biochemical Society. Tlic University of Liverpool, at 2.30 p.m. I~cgulitriticsin tlic glyccrido structure of vcgctablc sced fats,’’ by T. P. JIiltlitcli nntl G. Collin. Tlic haloitl and osylialoid snlta of bisinritli,” by €1. Rogemon. Tlic coloiir rcirctions irnd ribsorption spcctrn of steroh in relirtion to str~~ctiir~,” by I. 31. Heilbron nnd F. S. Spring. Absorption spcctrn in rclntion to vitnmin-d ,” by R. N. Norton, I. 31. licilbron, nnd 2’. S. Spring. Tho spncinp of irtlsorbcd ~OICCIIICH,” by \V. Rninsdrn nnd R. H. Hnnt. Dcnaturatiou of mctliiomoglobin by fat- solvents,” by L. Enrlnm (introtlucctl by \\‘. Rirnlsdcn). Do-soliitions by loosc nssocintion of two solntcs I’ (with denioilstrntion), by \V. Rnnlsdcn, J. Droolis, and L. Enrlnm. Tlic immunological specificity of hnlogcnntcd nnd nitratcd proteins,” by A. \\‘prmnll. Obscrrntioils on Hngcdorn and Jcnscn’s blood sugrir mctliod,” by A. J. Lcigli. Demon- stration : -4 liquid pinci~sliion,” by JI. Locivcnthtil. Nov. 11.-Institute of Metals. 8cottidb Scotim. 30, Elmbnnk Crescent, Glc~ugow, nt 7.30 p.m. Somc difficulties in nlurniiiiuin rilloy founding, and SONC rcnietliccc,” by G. Mor ti incr . Nov. 41.-Institute of Chemistry. Led Arm Smt:lion. Joint mceting with tho Yorksliirc Section of the Socicty of Chcniicnl Industry. Annual Gcnernl Alccting. Fcrtiliscra and Fccding Stuffs Act,” by H. Trcfor Joncs irnd J. S. Willcos. Nov. il.-Society of Chemical Industry. YorksAire Scc(ioa. Joint meeting with the I;ccdr; 8rcu Scctioii, In~titiik of Chemistry. (See above.) Nov. 11,Cerarnic Society. North StnlToordsliiro Tcolmicrrl Colhq.y, Slokc-ou-‘l‘rcnt, ibt 7.30 p.m. Rntionnhntion- its menning nnd npplicntioii,” by J. Drrvidson Pmtt. Nov. 14.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. Infond Blcetiiig. Snvoy Plncc, Victoriii Einbnnkmcnt, \\’.C.2, at 7 p.m. Discussioii on Tcmporitry ci-cdicnts in cngin- ecring,” opciictl by \V. 15. lligl~~icl~l. Nov. il.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. Xorlh- Ens/cnc Cciifre. Armstrong Collcgc, No\vc~istIc-o~i-Il~ic, at 7 p.m. Tho licuting of buildiiigs clcctricnlly by meniis of tlicrmnl storngc,” by IA-Col. S. E. i\Ionkliousc nnd L. C. Chiit. Nov. 12.--Institution of Electrical Engineers. Xorflr Jfidkaud Centre. Hotol Motropolu, King Strcct, Lcctls, nt 7 pm. Feed hcnting by cxtrnctcd stcnm iu qciicrciting shtions,” by E. J. 15vnns. Nov. 8.-Annual Chemical Dinner. Nov. 12.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. ,Ywttiah Cenfre. Royal Tcclinicnl &llcgc, Clnsgow, nt 7.30 p.m. Address by tho Cliairman, G. Norgnn. Nov. i2.-Institute of Metals. North-Eaat Coast Section. Armstrong Collcgc, Ncwcnstlc-on-Tync, nt 7.30 p.m. Ago- hardening in nlloys,” by R. Hay. Nov. 12.-Institute of Brewing. Scottish Section. Cale- doiiinu Hotel, Edinburgh. Pnpcr by Dr. T. IC. Wnlkcr and J. J. H. Hmtings. Nov. 12.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. Aortk- Ii’csfcrr~C’eiifre. 17, Albert Squnrc, Jlnnclicstcr, nt 7 p.m. Joint mccting with tlic Nortli-\Vcstern Ccntrc of tbc Institu- tion of AIcehmiicnl Enginccru. “Thc modcrn use of pul- vcriscd fiicl in poivcr stations,” by It. A. C‘hnttock. Nov. 42.-Institution of Petroleum Technologists. Geiteral iUee&rg. Royal Socicty of Arts, John Street, hdclphi, W.C.2, nt 5.30 p.m. Oil Icgislntioi~ in Ccntrnl rrntl South Aiiicricn,” by Lt.-Col. Sir A. T. \Vilson. Nov. 13.4ociety of Chemical Industry. Netrcasfle Section. Armstrong Collcgo, a t 7.30 p.m. Modern boiler prnctico,” by W. S. Coittw. Pirrt I.-“ Modcrn boiler dcvclopnients nnd tlic ncccssity for soft and non-corrosive feed wntcr.” Nov. 13.-Institute of Metals. Swansen Scctimb. Tliomna’e CafB, High Strcct, Sivnnsca, at 7 p.m. Tlic cffcct of some impurities in coppcr,” by W. E. Prytlicrcli. Nov. 13.-Sociely of Dyers and Colourists. JIida71h Sectioii. Nottiiiglinm University C‘ollcge, nt 7.30 p.m. Chicrnl discussion, to bc opcncd by Nnjor S. R. Trotmnn, on Tcclinicnl cdocntion in rclntiou to tcstilc indostrics.” Nov. 14.-Institute of Metals. Birmingliain Section. Joint meeting with the Uirininglis~ii i\Ictnllurgicnl Socicty nnd tho Stnffortlshirc Iroii and Stecl Institutc. Clinmbcr of Conimercc, Ncw Street, Biriiiinglinm, nt 7 p.m. Open discussion on Rolling.” Nov. 14.-Institute of Metals. Loadon Sectimi. Roynl School of JIiiiw, South ICcmiiigton, S.W., nt 7.30 p.m. I‘ 3lincral flotation,” by H. L. Sulninn. Nov. 14.-Society of Chemical Industry. Arottingliam Secfiotc. .Joint mccting with tlic Chcniicnl 15nginecriug Group. Visits to tho ncw Univcrsity, rind to tlic works of i\Icssrs. AInnlovc, Alliott & Co. Tho scicntific licating of liquids and gnscs.” by J. Arthur IICILVCII (cf. Nov. 1, p. 1073). Nov. 14.-Chemical Engineering Group. Joint meeting with tho Nottinglinui Scctioii. Visits to tho University and to thc worlw of JIcasrs. JIirdovc, Alliott k Co. “The scicntific licnting of liquide nnd gnscs.” by J. Artliur Reavell (of. Nov. 1, p. 1073, nntl nbovc.) Nov. 14.-Institution of Welding Engineers. OrcEimry Zectivq. Qrston Hall, Wcstminstcr, S.W.1, at 7.30 p.m. Tho innnnfncturo nid ~tnndnrdisrition of eye-protcctivo glnascs,” by Dr. W. 31. Hnnipton. Nov. 14.-Oil and Colour Chemists’ Association. This mccting Iiiw bccn postpoii~d unlit Nor. 26. Nov. 14.-Institute of Chemistry. Erlisliirgh ad Enst of Scotlutid Secfioa. Joint mccting with tlic Edinburgli niid Enst of Scotlnnd Scctioii of tho Socicty of Clicniicnl Industry. Phnrnincouticnl 1In11, 3G, York Plncc, Etliiiburgh, a t 7.30 p.m. ‘I i\IocIcrn dcvelopincnts in tlic pctrolciim iiidustry,” by D. Stcwirrt. Nov. 14. Institution of the Rubber Industry. Scottisi, Section. 39, Eliiibnnk Cresc~iit, Clnsgow. Anti-osidnnts,” by Dr. \V. J. S. Nnunton. Nov. Ifi.-Society of Chemical Industry. Sotc/lc Il’des Section. Cnrdiif. Sonic rcccnt food iiivcstigntions,” by S. Disoii.

Post on 11-Jun-2016




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Page 1: Calender of forthcoming events



Nov. 8.Society of Chemical Industry. Soufh Wales Section. Thomns’s Cirf6, High Strcct, Sivnnscn, nt 7.30 p.m. Joint meeting with South Wnlcs Section of tho Institute of Chemistry. “ Sinokclcss fiicls and liow they burn,” by H. J. 1Io:lsinnn.

Nov. &-Oil and Colour Chemists’ Association. JIaticLesfer Section. Rccce’s CnfC, I’nrkcr Strcct, Livcrpool, nt 8 p m . “+Sonic rcminisccnccs of IL Government Inborntory,” by Dr. Fox.

Connaught ROQIUB, nt 7 for 7.30 p.m. Tickets 121. Gd. cncb. The 1% Hon. Lord Dowir x*iIl prcside.

Nov. 8.-Society of Chemical Industry. dmericroi Scctimr. Joint mecting. l’resentntion of tlic Grnssclli i\Iednl to Prof. Brndlcy Stoughton, who will rclul n paper on “ Alntcrinls for nirplnnc construction.”

Nov. 8.-Physical Society. Iinpcrinl Collcgc of Scicncc, Sontli lCciiuington, nt 5 p i n . “ Dininngnctism nnd moleculnr structure," by Prof. Sir C. V. RILN~II, F.R.S.

Nov. 9.-Biochemical Society. Tlic University of Liverpool, at 2.30 p.m. “ I~cgulitritics in tlic glyccrido structure of vcgctablc sced fats,’’ by T. P. JIiltlitcli nntl G. Collin. “ Tlic haloitl and osylialoid snlta of bisinritli,” by €1. Rogemon. “ Tlic coloiir rcirctions irnd ribsorption spcctrn of steroh in relirtion to s t r ~ ~ c t i i r ~ , ” by I. 31. Heilbron nnd F. S. Spring. “ Absorption spcctrn in rclntion to vitnmin-d ,” by R. N. Norton, I. 31. licilbron, nnd 2’. S. Spring. “ Tho spncinp of irtlsorbcd ~ O I C C I I I C H , ” by \V. Rninsdrn nnd R. H. Hnnt . “ Dcnaturatiou of mctliiomoglobin by fat- solvents,” by L. Enrlnm (introtlucctl by \\‘. Rirnlsdcn). “ Do-soliitions by loosc nssocintion of two solntcs I ’ (with denioilstrntion), by \V. Rnnlsdcn, J. Droolis, and L. Enrlnm. “ Tlic immunological specificity of hnlogcnntcd nnd nitratcd proteins,” by A. \\‘prmnll. “ Obscrrntioils on Hngcdorn and Jcnscn’s blood sugrir mctliod,” by A. J. Lcigli. Demon- stration : “ -4 liquid pinci~sliion,” by JI. Locivcnthtil.

Nov. 11.-Institute of Metals. 8cottidb Scotim. 30, Elmbnnk Crescent, Glc~ugow, nt 7.30 p.m. “ Somc difficulties in nlurniiiiuin rilloy founding, and SONC rcnietliccc,” by G. Mor ti incr .

Nov. 41.-Institute of Chemistry. L e d Arm Smt:lion. Joint mceting with tho Yorksliirc Section of the Socicty of Chcniicnl Industry. Annual Gcnernl Alccting. “ Fcrtiliscra and Fccding Stuffs Act,” by H. Trcfor Joncs irnd J. S. Willcos.

Nov. il.-Society of Chemical Industry. YorksAire Scc(ioa. Joint meeting with the I;ccdr; 8rcu Scctioii, I n ~ t i t i i k of Chemistry. (See above.)

Nov. 11,Cerarnic Society. North StnlToordsliiro Tcolmicrrl Colhq.y, Slokc-ou-‘l‘rcnt, ibt 7.30 p.m. “ Rntionnhntion- its menning nnd npplicntioii,” by J. Drrvidson Pmtt.

Nov. 14.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. I n f o n d Blceti i ig. Snvoy Plncc, Victoriii Einbnnkmcnt, \\’.C.2, at 7 p.m. Discussioii on “ Tcmporitry ci-cdicnts in cngin- ecring,” opciictl by \V. 15. l l igl~~icl~l .

Nov. il.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. Xorlh- Ens/cnc Cciifre. Armstrong Collcgc, No\vc~istIc-o~i-Il~ic, at 7 p.m. “ Tho licuting of buildiiigs clcctricnlly by meniis of tlicrmnl storngc,” by IA-Col. S. E. i\Ionkliousc nnd L. C. C h i i t .

Nov. 12.--Institution of Electrical Engineers. Xorflr Jfidkaud Centre. Hotol Motropolu, King Strcct, Lcctls, nt 7 p m . “ Feed hcnting by cxtrnctcd stcnm iu qciicrciting shtions,” by E. J. 15vnns.

Nov. 8.-Annual Chemical Dinner.

Nov. 12.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. ,Ywttiah Cenfre. Royal Tcclinicnl &llcgc, Clnsgow, nt 7.30 p.m. Address by tho Cliairman, G. Norgnn.

Nov. i2.-Institute of Metals. North-Eaat Coast Section. Armstrong Collcgc, Ncwcnstlc-on-Tync, nt 7.30 p.m. “ Ago- hardening in nlloys,” by R. Hay.

Nov. 12.-Institute of Brewing. Scottish Section. Cale- doiiinu Hotel, Edinburgh. Pnpcr by Dr. T. IC. Wnlkcr and J. J. H. Hmtings.

Nov. 12.-Institution of Electrical Engineers. Aortk- Ii’csfcrr~ C’eiifre. 17, Albert Squnrc, Jlnnclicstcr, nt 7 p.m. Joint mccting with tlic Nortli-\Vcstern Ccntrc of tbc Institu- tion of AIcehmiicnl Enginccru. “ T h c modcrn use of pul- vcriscd fiicl in poivcr stations,” by It. A. C‘hnttock.

Nov. 42.-Institution of Petroleum Technologists. Geiteral iUee&rg. Royal Socicty of Arts, John Street, hdclphi, W.C.2, n t 5.30 p.m. “ Oil Icgislntioi~ in Ccntrnl rrntl South Aiiicricn,” by Lt.-Col. Sir A. T. \Vilson.

Nov. 13.4ociety of Chemical Industry. Netrcasfle Section. Armstrong Collcgo, a t 7.30 p.m. “ Modern boiler prnctico,” by W. S. Coittw. Pirrt I.-“ Modcrn boiler dcvclopnients nnd tlic ncccssity for soft and non-corrosive feed wntcr.”

Nov. 13.-Institute of Metals. Swansen Scctimb. Tliomna’e CafB, High Strcct, Sivnnsca, at 7 p.m. “ Tlic cffcct of some impurities in coppcr,” by W. E. Prytlicrcli.

Nov. 13.-Sociely of Dyers and Colourists. JIida71h Sectioii. Nottiiiglinm University C‘ollcge, nt 7.30 p.m. Chicrnl discussion, to bc opcncd by Nnjor S. R. Trotmnn, on “ Tcclinicnl cdocntion in rclntiou to tcstilc indostrics.”

Nov. 14.-Institute of Metals. Birmingliain Section. Joint meeting with the Uirininglis~ii i\Ictnllurgicnl Socicty nnd tho Stnffortlshirc Iroii and Stecl Institutc. Clinmbcr of Conimercc, Ncw Street, Biriiiinglinm, nt 7 p.m. Open discussion on “ Rolling.”

Nov. 14.-Institute of Metals. Loadon Sectimi. Roynl School of JIiiiw, South ICcmiiigton, S.W., nt 7.30 p.m. I‘ 3lincral flotation,” by H. L. Sulninn.

Nov. 14.-Society of Chemical Industry. Arottingliam Secfiotc. .Joint mccting with tlic Chcniicnl 15nginecriug Group. Visits to tho ncw Univcrsity, rind to tlic works of i\Icssrs. AInnlovc, Alliott & Co. “ Tho scicntific licating of liquids and gnscs.” by J. Arthur IICILVCII (cf. Nov. 1, p. 1073).

Nov. 14.-Chemical Engineering Group. Joint meeting with tho Nottinglinui Scctioii. Visits to tho University and to thc worlw of JIcasrs. JIirdovc, Alliott ‘k Co. “The scicntific licnting of liquide nnd gnscs.” by J. Artliur Reavell (of. Nov. 1, p. 1073, nntl nbovc.)

Nov. 14.-Institution of Welding Engineers. OrcEimry Zectivq. Qrston Hall, Wcstminstcr, S.W.1, at 7.30 p.m. “ Tho innnnfncturo nid ~tnndnrdisrition of eye-protcctivo glnascs,” by Dr. W. 31. Hnnipton.

Nov. 14.-Oil and Colour Chemists’ Association. This mccting Iiiw bccn postpoii~d unlit Nor. 26.

Nov. 14.-Institute of Chemistry. Erlisliirgh a d Enst of Scotlutid Secfioa. Joint mccting with tlic Edinburgli niid Enst of Scotlnnd Scctioii of tho Socicty of Clicniicnl Industry. Phnrnincouticnl 1In11, 3G, York Plncc, Etliiiburgh, a t 7.30 p.m. ‘I i\IocIcrn dcvelopincnts in tlic pctrolciim iiidustry,” by D. Stcwirrt.

Nov. 14. Institution of the Rubber Industry. Scottisi, Section. 39, Eliiibnnk Cresc~iit, Clnsgow. “ Anti-osidnnts,” by Dr. \V. J. S. Nnunton.

Nov. Ifi.-Society of Chemical Industry. Sotc/lc Il’des Section. Cnrdiif. “ Sonic rcccnt food iiivcstigntions,” by S. Disoii.