c12 - orientalist


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‘Orient’ derived form Latin word ‘orien’ which mean East. Now,

the orientalists consider the East from Morocco until Japan, even

though Morocco located in more Western in latitude compared

to many European countries.

"Orientalism” is a way of seeing that imagines, emphasizes,

exaggerates and distorts differences of Eastern peoples or Arabs

in specific compared to that of Europe and the U.S. It often

involves seeing East cultures as exotic, backward, uncivilized, and

at times dangerous.

The specialists in the field of orientalism that weigh against the

East are called orientalists.MEA



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Orientalism dates from after the Crusade war to the period of

European Enlightenment and colonization of the Arab World.

Orientalism evolved from the goal to topple Muslims power

until it provided a rationalization for European colonialism

based on a self-serving history in which “the West” constructed

“the East” as extremely different and inferior, and therefore in

need of Western intervention or “rescue”. At the same time,

they aimed to demoralized the spirit of the Easterners to go

against the West or to be dependence from the colonization.

They drew pictures of Eastern social cultures and recreated the

history of Eastern civilizations according to their version.





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According to Edward Said, the orientalists

defined East qualities as lazy, irrational,

uncivilized, crudeness were related to the

orientals, and automatically the Europeans

became active, rational, civilized,

sophisticated. His reports regarding the

orientalists’ schemes awaken the Muslims and


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There are two kinds of orientalists. The first is the one who

attached to the Western governmental institution and their

role is to give the necessary advice related with their policies

toward the Muslim world.

For example, Christian Snouck Hurgronje. He went to Mecca

to study Islam and Arab language. He later lived in Indonesia

and married 3 daughters of influential Muslim figures in

Indonesia . Through his empirical study, he proposed to the

Netherland colonial power, “Imperial power should avoid

from preventing Muslims from doing their rituals (prayer,

fasting, pilgrimage, etc.). On contrary, make them busy with

the rituals in order to avoid them from involving Islam in

politic and human issues”.

Hugronje pictures form top: After return to Holland, in Mecca, in Indonesia.

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The second, are those who study about Islam for the own

purposes to seek the weaknesses aspects with the use of

rational or logical approaches. Those who do not attach to any

Western governmental institution there is possibility to accept

Islam after the long process and objectivity in their studies.

The example can be referred to the work of Muhammad Asad

(formerly he was Jew), and Tofian Tiufa who is a member of the

American Association of Orientalism and the Association of the

Middle East Studies. The second embraced Islam after

translating the Qur’an into Bulgarian.

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Y- The orientalists defy the existence of revelation. This is due

to the solitude Muslims’ stand that perceive the revelation as always the best and it is beyond human capability to judge on the revelation.

- The orientalists say that the revelation states experienced by Prophet (s.a.w.) may due to being tranced.

- The examples can be referred to the exclusion of the Prophet in the cave of hira not for the cause of seeking the power or reflection rather to avoid from the heat of the sun. Thereby, he suffered delusion.

- When Prophet (s.a.w.) told the companions to migrate to Abyssinia, it was not based on revelation. Instead, he actually read some records about the well-being of the King of Abyssinia.

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They also try to make contradiction between different

verses of the Qur’an and hadith of the Prophet (pbuh).

For example, 5 daily prayers were mentioned by hadith in

which the Qur’an never mentioned it. Qur’an also never

say anything about the stone punishment in hudud.

Their approach have been followed by some heretical

sects like a group who name themselvers as Qur’aniyyun

(the people of Qur’an). One of their figures in Malaysia is

Kasim Ahmad.

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They also condemn the trustworthiness of the

narrative code in Islam which lead to doubting the

purity of Qur’an (especially the structure of the

Qur’an) and authenticity of hadith.

This is due to the fact that even until the modern

time, they are incapable to apply the code in any

discipline other than Islamic studies.

Ibnu Mubarak said, “Isnad is a part of Islam. If there is

no isnad, everybody can says what he want to say.”

Muhammad bin Ahmad said, “This ummah have

three privileges that none others have them: isnad,

ansab and I’rab.

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: QU


In most of the part, the orientalists repeat what the jahiliyyah

idolaters came up with like the accusation of the Qur’an as a

compilation of knowledge from Jews, Christians, or some

wisemen. However, they also stated that many stories in the

Qur’an was narrated in a wrong way.

They also try to make contradiction between different verses of

the Qur’an. For example, they said about the divergence in iddah

for a widow who lost her husband between a year and four

months and 10 days. Those however, have been discussed in the

discipline of nasikh and mansukh.

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They also try to corrupt people perception towards the Qur’an by

promoting tafsir quotes from heretical sects like Shi’ah, grave-

worshipers, etc.

They also promote the Shites perception that doubting the

originality of the Qur’an why doubting the trustworthiness of


They aim to put Muslims in distance from the Qur’an by

promoting the use of Arab Ammiyyah (Arab slangs) as the

element of originality and nationality to let people away from

standard Arabic language which is used by the Qur’an. Nowadays,

many literal Arabs are unable to read the Qur’an.

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When British took Egypt from Ottoman in 1882, with the help of

a betrayer ruler of Egypt, Taufiq Pasha, who revolted against

Ottoman in the name of Arab/ Egypt nationalist, the Prime

Minister of British, William Edward Gladstone visited Egypt and

said, “As long as the Quran is in the hands of Egyptians, we shall

have no future in this land” . Thus, the orientalists work to fulfill

the ambition mainly by promoting the Arab Ammiyyah .

Anglo-Egyptian warWilliam Edward Gladstone

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On the other hand, they promote the Muslims

races other than Arab to perceive Arab language is

for Arab, and not as a language that allow Muslims

to unite and communicate with each other. That

was the reason why the orientalists work hard to

dismiss the usage of Arabic letters in other

languages while promoting the Latin letters. They

succeed for languages like Malay and Turk, but yet

to success for languages like Urdu and Persia.

Thus, all Muslims, Arab and nor-Arab have been

driven away from understanding the Qur’an.

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NThey said Islam is a cruel /terrorist religion and spread by

force due to many battles took place in Muslims’ history

especially during the age of Prophet (s.a.w).

They support this deception by several verses of the

Qur’an and hadiths that promote jihad. The propaganda ad

misinterpretation of the word jihad have been answered


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They also use some hadith to support their claim at Islam

promotes violance especially the hadith, “Known that paradise is

under the shed of the swords” (Narrated by Bukhari).

However, the objective of the hadith is encourage Muslims to not

be afraid of getting into the battle, not to promote or initiate the


This can be understood when in another hadith, Prophet (s.a.w.)

said, “Don’t wish to engage the enemy”. (Narrated by Bukhari:

2966 & Muslim: 1742)

This can clearly be seen that Prophet (s.a.w.) only stroke those who

attacked Muslims or Muslims’ ally, or already in motion to attack


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They also say that the reason the Arabs eagerness for jihad was

due to the fact that they grew up in a barren and poor land and

longed for a green and rich one.

The very same has been thrown by the Persian general, Rustum,

who asked that question to Muslim’s commander, Rib’I bin Amir.

However, Rib’I answere, “We actually came to free human from

worshiping creature to worshiping the Creator of the creatures.

From feeling oppressed in this into freedom. From the

exploitation of religions into justice of Islam”. (al-Bidayah wa al-

Nihayah ).

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The messenger of Qutaibah bin Muslim was also asked by the

same question by the Emperor of China when he reach with his

army at China’s boarder. But he answered, “If we seek for the

fortunes and green land, then we should just stop at the

country that we just subjugated (like Kashmir) since it is greener

than your country. Furthermore, we should not leave them to

go against your huge army where the possibility for us to lose is

very high. But we come to spread the message of Islam and


Thus, Islam was never recorded as attacking a country if their

ruler was a just and fair one.

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The orientalists try to put more violence image on Islam by

biasly discussed about the cruelty of the implementation of

Islamic law (huduh and ta’zir) such beheading, cutting the body

parts, lashing, etc.

However, it is very obvious that they try to ignore the fact that

following the Western rule is clearly allow the crime figures to

escalate from time to time, just as they work hard to defy the

Qur’anic saying, “There is a (peace) life for you in Qisas, O you

the people of wisdom, may you will refrain”. (al-Baqarah: 179)

This verse clearly states that only people of wisdom who will

able to appreciate the Islamic law system.

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The records following that shows the cruelest genocides were

carried by non-Muslims may clear some misunderstanding about

Islam and Muslims. For example:

1) "Hitler“ who killed more that 10 millions people in only less

than a decade.

2) "Joseph Stalin called as Uncle Joe". He has killed 20 million

human beings including 14.5 million were starved to death.

3) "Mao Tse Tsung (China)“. He has killed 14 to 20 million human


4) "Benito Mussolini (Italy)“. He has killed 400 thousand human


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5) "Ashoka" In Kalinga Battle. He has killed 100 thousand human


6) Embargo put by George Bush in Iraq. 1/2 million children

has been killed in Iraq alone!!!

7) Nagasaki atomic bombs 200000 dead caused by America.

8) The War in Vietnam, over 5 million dead, caused by America.

9) The War in Bosnia/Kosovo, over 5,00,000 dead, caused by


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10) The War in Iraq, 12,000,000 deaths, killed by America/Shiah.

11) In Cambodia 1975-1979, almost 3 million deaths, caused by


12) In Afghanistan, at least 2 millions killed by Soviet witihin few


13) More than 100 million missing Africans people during the

transatlantic slave trade were caused by Anglo-Saxon.

14) In Baghdad, 1.5 million Muslims killed by the Mongolians.

15) In Iraq, Palestine, Burma, etc. many massacred happened

and they were caused by non-Muslim.

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EMainly, the orientalists attacked the Prophet (s.a.w.) regarding his

marriage as:

1) Womanizer by having may wives

The reasons behind each of Prophet’s marriage have been

discussed before. The marriages carried out for higher causes, and

not for mere lust.

Many current academic studies suggest polygamy as a resolve for: -

Spinsters: which defy many women from enjoying the happiness

life of legal wedlock.

- Illegitimate child: which normally the woman shall be the only

side that need to take the burden.

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- Adultery: which is the main cause for the marriage institutional.

- Woman exploitation: due to small number of real competent

males to take responsibility to manage a family. Etc.

Some studies have conducted survey studies on Western women

regarding the polygamy and the most finding shows that they rather

to share a competent and responsible man with other women than

being left without a male spouse, or live with a single blood-sucking

single male.

The prejudice against polygamy made most good and responsible

men did not prefer polygamy, leaving the opposite type practicing

this out. This resulting in the bad perception towards the system in


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2) Pedophile by marrying Aishah when she was still 6 years old

and consummated her when she was 9 years old.

The reason behind the marriage between Prophet (s.a.w.) and

Aishah has been discussed in different topic.

The marriage actually promote how Islam appreciates human

biological change and how Islam gave them freedom to fulfil their


Biologically, human, especially the female have a stronger desire

to be loved since a small, and have desire and readiness to involve

in sex intercourse once they reach the puberty. The reality can

clearly be seen from female students nowadays starting from the

elementary level.

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3) Stealing other’s wife.

The orientalists promote a shi’te record saying that once Prophet

(s.a.w.) intended to visit his foster son, Zaid bin Harithah. Since it

was his foster son’s house, he just entered the house. Thereby he

saw Zaid’ s wife, Zainab bint Jahsh in nude position. Zainab was

his cousin and known by her beauty and noble status. He also the

one who asked Zainab to marry Zaid. Through the incident, he

was really captured by the beauty of Zainab and later ask Zainab

to ask divorcement from Zaid so he may marry her.

Actually, this is one of the fabricated story invented by Shities

scholars against Prophet (s.a.w.) and Islam. Thus, it is a rejected

record according to specialists of Prophetic Traditions (ahl al-


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4) He did not allow his wives to marry anyone after his

death. This is a sign of his selfishness and he preferred to

follow the law of former rulers in this matters.

There are many evidences to answer this accusation.

A- The wives of Prophet (s.a.w.) were considered as mothers

of believers. The position of a mother is higher to a man than

a position of his wife. They will downgraded the mothers of

believers if they took them as wives. Qur’an says, “The

Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves, and

his wives are their mothers;” (al-Ahzab: 6)

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They will remain the wives of the Prophet (s.a.w.) even in the

Hereafter, and the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “I asked Allah that I

marry none of my people but she be with me in the Heaven and I

was granted.” (Mustadrik Al-Hakim, Hadith 4650. Hakim termed

it as Sahih); and:

“[In the Paradise,] a woman will be with her last husband.”

(Tabaqaat Abu Shaikh p.270. Albani classified it as Sahih in Silsala

Sahiha H. 1281).

Thus, companion like Abu Huzaifah said to his wives, “If you wish

to be my wife in the Heaven do not marry anyone after me for a

woman will be with last of his husbands and for this reason Allah

forbade it for the wives of the Messenger (s.a.w.) to remarry after

him.” (Mushkil Al-Athaar 2/147 Hadith 552)”

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C- His wives never showed any will to remarry after him:

And above all, never did anyone of his wives show any

desire to remarry after him. Infact there are many of

their statements which show that they understood and

made claim to their motherly right over the Believers.

Moreover those who had been the wives of the Best of

Humankind must have willed to enjoy the same status in

eternity and thus no idea of remarriage would have ever

hit them (Recall above narrations).

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Regarding the personality of Prophet (s.a.w.), the orientalists

accused his as:

a. Lying when he said he was an illiteral prophet. This is because

they want to claim that Qur’an was actually written by Prophet

(s.a.w.) and not revealed by Allah.

They try to use the record of al-Bukhari during the writing of

Hudaibiyyah Treaty, “The Prophet (s.a.w.) took the paper and wrote,

“This is between Muhammad bin Abdillah”. (Narrated by al-Bukhari:


However, this is answered within the same hadith, in which it was

stated, “and he could write”. Thus it’s mean he asked someone else

to write for him. That’s why it was also narrated, “He asked, “Where

is the place” before he wiped to word, ‘Apostle of Allah’.

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b. Arrogance and could not accept critics. They use the

story of Dhu al-Huwaisirah who said, “Be fair O

Muhammad”. Prophet (s.a.w.) answered, “Woe be upon

you. Who would do justice if I do not do justice?”

(Narrated by al-Bukhari: 6163).

However, this ruction was due to the threat possess by Dhu

al-Huwaisirah’s group to Islam, just as dangerous and the

hypocrites. Thus, Prophet (s.a.w.) used this kind of


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c. Very cruel in his punishment. For example, his punishment

upon the Bani Quraizah.

However, this can be answered that Prophet (s.a.w.) already

gave them a chance to select their own judge among

thousands of Muslims, and they chose Sa’d bin Mu’adz, and

he was the one who gave them the judgement.

d. Bias to the Quraish like giving them the loots from the

Battle of Hunain while gave nothing for the Ansar, and

privileging the Quraish to be the his successor in rule.

The answer for the first is the allocation was because they

were muallaf. The answer for the second is due to the more

tests and challenges faced by the Muhajirun.