c( the puget sound , mail. · 2012. 9. 14. · la conner ,...

11" . . f __ ·1 1. 3 , .. 111 • • 11 ,1'1 II "1' -" I'! J1' J NO " 27 ' ' 11, t' .Hoa.,. ror tbe lAtiM.11 -- I' '1(11, ' t Embrulderi,.. or klnda .... 'II' U " wora lu blonabl.. 1 f i lII) aal! 1:. 11 A 200.(>OlInd " I.IIlI. 11_ "1111" Ir you want to pl'.'1flUff. I I' Oll lllondN and I_rl. at. liOJllIlar tor fllg_t(l!luftat rinp, _whir. tb. w..J ,II"g rlllM i. 11,n oldof ..hlo......old.u eleele, .11 Hlu'llu h l,," d .... ltllJlh. Ill irl 17,,. .a n old who I,Gd t llr". ha.band. and I. nnw In jail, No 111111 in furthar C0 Il1 1 HJ t lt IUII. 1I A ton of Hllh l nl"kftll .. traoUoft DYe lu..ll " Inlilian or dollar., an el wh.n a fUl l .... yN hi. . ltll (If wnrth we!lb t Ie I',ul "hCl .ellCh. 120 IJ," ndl, .111 , wort h ' 30,000. ' I Wlten the Rirl who htrolt d"b l lJlI ll nl"ver he, mor e Lhan • • lllter ' Lei h lol lill can tor t be tint t lDle IINI tlul tfliCk!" 0 11 l. t'Jf !l Oot" . I " '''o u fIIay talk ." /I.. 1tt JOU l\t,I.'Jfj..... y UlIlIg tnlltltClll wbo." walk It .r&Ottf , 01 til" maM"" who tdlWl IJY ItO U"hll,. of lb. high lon od lad y with hor hau,hl, clr riallt', IJl.l t illyI' 1111 LIa, W ill tb. wio.... . fnging g . lt , " lUcia flnamlll wrrJualJt In mixture uf br lllht e.,IQn I. If'adtn'g )no..lt1 W j . ... "lry, \Vlu," ella mel doee not the b,", of all j ewelry II tlQuuw " old wruu;:ht with variaua color. ) . old, It l fOl.Vfl \ .. IIlJ IJird.. Hilv,!r JewC' lr" Ii",l h.• oriMi III WL lllI QUMh Victoria •• " uIII N I hur aocu a cl mourning. aod wbie IlaU " Ulj IlIJ JIOn lit r', U ouwiue Laok, j:. alanp lf. Th.y wnr., c:ou rdnr. " Wha' ra&k. t ilt! .laMl '" dim ao.nlHblt' .b••IJ Mhly. " \"011181 81 arn 10 lauch bri, hter,' he wb bl ,"r "d, prtuibM liAr tittl , ha.zW 'flu., U II nuuriOtl 110W. III woud. , bo : naarl.:",J. ulU.hll{ly. "OUlI, it It WLe 10llR elHllleh ," II" lira. led j lowh, dOIl't you talk cornman Mll4a1" Ita'l 10nUI tllatI IlKlIl. lutt! t. lua lft I!tlVlItflt JIf in I':lIralHJ. EOI lly r . ltl. tull It 1Jt II .dArN, uuokl\'l 11k, a Mlehi ga ll luahOllt ; th .. Du eL.. ot F.Alhbu rj( l, k,.1t f1lli' Il J IUIl' I llJ W and til en. and tilt J'r lr&(.'f M/l of \ alflll kMpl aUnlll algalft wMrl, . 111, ..idOl profoundl, ' roll til .. ,uuoko.alJlaoring no.. of luN' ro,. Uluthe r ·ln.la wl whlllJ the Ii., ful" lI.. I f'I Uofl rl,od IJy IIaluln. Elbabetb TIaODlp fWO, til" anLt I, .lIme. lLaLa ul. of Ital y and otll.." . "'A 'fillht HqU•• I"" II GI . unrorlant.t \ it llJ tor a h lDW 006". An 01 11 alald wU n.,Yer- uo, IItI.. . . 'I-.mI.r 1& ..to'o K. k & I pru c;o , oun" el"rk tor UA ' l'IKht .b o III r ..., tJn tt "ltry . hll l, ; and .. mucb bwt.lfBed a oel '.IIKed i ,nulIMlad y _111 hardl ,.,.. (' A ll rfJr "A' '18 M 110 pllblloJr "ben .he I• 1",aU, Il'.ueeud IkJ UlIhtl y ' ha t .h" can lI a rd ly dra W" Ler lrreatb ADd a yount( man- well, a 1uufll D1&f1 do. fllt 1(0 to I hook.tnr. ,.,hen b. w.D Lt u A. Tr"bt HqUo.l lt." ,I J.lUht ul lJ" f1I ou .b Ol:Jl aro . Hinck do th I. III el"IO"U.J tar tlu. upt ..,.. of tt lf' 1 ..., ' tAor ll: r41J" of boot " or th n ,.me r ' .. DUti material a. tLI,1 Lca. 1 ·· IQU III''' alUl c)c.alllng", Old J:::IiIlU.b ...I Poll alld .. tin ot tlno 'r ,alh y "". UMt1 tal tlil . All h,.UJU .hOd abD. ul'lllt l'l .. i th l' r or l' re uch ()r )(., Llaalit Ie I , " '. Ikin" 1..00...... arul., am w..u will. I h.· 1l1'llbh 1. ..1 1>&..1, an 1 ... 1.IKhl .110 Uultlu-4 whL .. loti .., IlA no W or brr HIlfJ . to ,u ll tb. "'tcu.r, It'r.a.oL hefti, .on .Up.,., ,. 00 tJoot.1I ror rull d... oooui on. "OOOO'K" hu hd a 11'".. 1 m. n, 1"'11· huh In lir e," Mltlth. ,oUII I." . to h. lid, rri. lbi. And wh." lla. Irlaad MW, "Y _, ] MW Mrn"with on. ' ,... tereIA,.." tl.. wif. pre und,I' M dldQ't rkMW wlwK . be meant. hrlt. .. W llilom Bha kapear. la roput.oc! t.o h... '1"'1I .,j "It nam. In .1. ..." dllrennl .a". and he .rotA lI.ml.... TIu man llo......d'l. who dOH DoC wit ... Itlll name al • • ,.. alike would riO' be a.ol.r.t.Id In roed IOI:1lt1, aad nt' :W" n l'lJUl e there I. tlO t. -ocitt l man (o.4af wbo could write a pltl lik e J(_1et. A Intn w., lI: oing &oou\ t .... IaUi I ..t "Ig hl ...rr,1o. a )aRlen> 10 a la V""."... a",1 f"l"rlns atvuad _ com.... " Wbal a""ou ... "",r IlltJ0irod a ... u.,........ ..llIa aa "'I' t.o bw:b 1>&11' "lAokiq t Oft .. oaId u.. wa... n.., ....1d_ Ih __ ......r In Ihh mflOll. wi I ';" b-.I II, I can find aDT." Ont 01 the ' -.!lAc "-Ileo nl duri n, tll. "eeuon taO W COtM 1.0 all __ - .. ' .J 0U 11. lady Cl I lJaltllDQnt" ... polli fi h.r cia"""" b, otrorin, to _ wllit litem lhat lhe oouh\ hli a l oad. , I>&onl __ t.o lheir 0 ..... and ... _ do,", t.o Vom- Kowoe .... Mdt doo w..... . PUII'I C CU4h 'r bb loroee wlt ilia Hblrpur OII ntoamn l, Iban . clouh H t h' b. l"b l ••bo .. ' ''u 0117. Com• man lt'allon with O.n , no b. nel, .Inl aala . I.uupt . c ', bUI lb . n oh .lIlenl .... onK lb. Itl'"'" I. n l', ('I8I' to "('read. Th. MO"era. fII .. nl h n . 'RiP Ie ' urll'ual Ih all tll.pO,al . Ttlft .1 ('1'1 1°1 of roc II" l ,h8r."lll lo·da, lh lt Om, lt uL.,tII rup UlI ' Ih,,· hi. ' ar ot! t_ oo W' tol h (' l,d ln t il. Urltllb su '1 1IU OAOlob o monl , 'flit! 10.. of tllu Itrtu . u • lin I, tI•• IIMbllr, . " /11"'1 '-' . "' ... 10 Ru'n 1I111 l'i1, III. "' lhli nK t wu u rn"er •• a rlll hH waund .ll, Ih . ('h hUD" tlirfJo oft1oo,.., .... pbll.,lI . Kr . I ' nu1_b u" " , lI t'Jo. 1::. . ..'1·1 111 0.2101..1 M, ",, 1II1)(el cUlIlnhl/l• lonA 11 ,,1 of Itr llli , eKli. lu Ih o (''' Illta l. II IIrrl&lll' l ·h.. ". ln K.. . II ... 1'01111.. . J , U Il ' <OIl. IJ tIll. I :J.['b tllo hu LII ," a lii ' tIla n1.llolll lL ,aa u l !rn, Uo D llllriu ll the wOllk• T hU ll l'II "'n.t lu llll. lnn IIJ!olle. 1.0,01M.Ii". h,,, )" ' lul lJn k . Cl i lt loh lllflu ll ruarl " ap ollob .. dlll'retlallo" th o 'N lta tlo n of IIltd . hlt r. for m. YI'I'III II IU ,'u . ,ull'ropr l"l uuLl p•• IIJ M nllt. li n" Uul Ihtr e III K'Il ".l o lt ," e•• loll. h"l U RM"IIU 'IK 1111 IluDlHly . U'''Q. Will. II• tln-ith. nut lo rll of III ... l lu l, .l lr , jlllQu...tI Ih. Zulu WIU . nll .. nhr o.. llb., lb . leu"e"l- !nalr nollflZ l" l lr . Ol.,h lllh••'.. ",-a l pUml OD ,. lur olD8 hUMe 'q llall,..1 Ib" "lIlba.lu m. 'r li llll " ,,, t'OlIlIlltlOlle d"m fl'lel, a tlun lI h Ula tb.lIolr.!. r 1. u Cb .. l. r, on \l lnl(' .. h b I. ", a lu i lUII'll •• loD, ·r b .. u dl..ln,nl ou ' tb . e6m. 11 111': 11 t' u ' IIl IlU.... 1:"" 1 T tlr , ." ..11 ", ' 1' _ I:; ''''lII dtb.t jf .. IU, .o la tio n of l'arllalO l£' lll "'·a.. ('oJl.Il'hl rlnl oll " b.. tMnn .. baDdon.. l• 'Cb.. fulnt. tu l l! or" UJ' "llbllt Ib. 1 t b. 1 1111" In CoI t'lIl I.. Joo p lf IUJ!tt l. aDd Ihal "" e. .. flu ,ml "t flR. h"I 'n ,tb"r rro.UM lo... rd .11... ·hdlon. 'Ihl) lib. ,. I Jo,,,aal. h llck ll .. , Ih l 0.1I. Ih.. II .,I. It Dybli nH for Uf•• li t. ""lilll" ' (J' c e (If rh . bQod, td rueu II ' mil It'd 10 I... 11II J, OOO. 'lb. IrU"• • • re rl. I"K on ''' ''1 IIJ•. C. llcJd ll{ 1M01.0 t hr oal nD• •1 b, 11,00 0 1f f)1)( , 'I ",hollloiuK h om lI er. I. .,1'" Nu.... I" /'I IK>II, Doo. ID. -lJnltt, U. I, ' 1.111 K.I· 1",- 11'11 t:. n tc" ,oll·Kb, rl.Qon Io-tl a,' or lI u le. Ilu. WfI, 1I 1('('ohlJ,afll totlliJ th . nllw' 1.La. 1Ir' Il I.,. til ,,,,, .. erowd uIl I, Lln4 1I1., laR I rh b ah•. 'J'll l1 nLl orn''''RUl en1 . ,,1"' 41 at t' " t1le·k·o n·Hb. lIllon Ia . t n1 1l1it .nll WII .. Hllllll" I, 1l 1" ' 11"1 for (Jubli n. lIum•••• m. I II Illlreh fl f IIlfJ 1.ln l. , lck OIUllt, dab Il'I ll Ul " '1 n lel.d 1. 11. '. 1 wlill I. oUII".1 ' . 11 . 01 .1 tuel(p •• lor tMJ IU. UIlI... ·f L• • ",.II.nt ••• hllllll·tlla",l)"••d ;t, cJ a o l1l ... k lf o10 llrtll'JlI. ) I C ( Irill" A. IIMI", .. _ 1.o" 'H) l(. "" <! . 1 Mr"n ll j 'II ' .t Ca l ' A- )'.'.""' . h. y" fa UD,ll ru o bill " . o(lloilut till l'ffll. . H,.III It11I)" lJ"... Rkln· D,n itt , }\11l" u " ud H"I,. , fur II("l llllIn. 'l'b" nt', ,.hlJ II"." on Ih. (Joltm", Iud Vol"onl COll lI" ,,1 f' jf Ibl ('rll\l'1I l 'f... l·'I.. · I . , Itt p,,_ r''' ll, u bqn t n r l! hi li .... 'rom nil. plACMI . tb l! lriol.. l ·, (J uhlin . Ul''', ,."I IfI... 1 " b ll.. ' 1·",,11n1(It Il.'1 1l'r ftl h i. ",.. 111 .. I.. , ff./ C KilltUII' ''" I,·"te,1 ' 11 ,1 a .. 1 K,III·n t" .. ", nln w " IKlll t Il Q'c:loek . .... _ho t ' br otlMh u IIII, I. In l,r l"0I1. Ibe ,"n ,lrn". 'Uu d lO' ( bQt'h ho '> IIhu ok A Lhl Ll hl l'un u r"m.I" f11 ••", rt" 1I." t Ibn hi. IJr"• •' . u.. III,na""IIl" tn HII' Ib QIJItl" " 111 ," 11 ' 11 h.lulIJ t OJ (,r".,,.,,,1 wit h h,U1oUnll . .. rl'u" . I,ut It I. t taQUlfht not tlotl p rOte<: tltluD" /lAfllu. , UHhl, Ih l, flfI,I II. U",.,OIUwUlI lul . Kl lltu. A ,",Ub " ' 'I II '' flt . PI,lIe.ti OJn ,'... l ' i ,,1 .. h. (J·'trl ... I:',.,•. ... . ull el. lu 1\ 111..,,'. c...... I," t I' " . .. (lr,I..,. ,I .'flu'Cr llf,;..., 13.- 4. G. 1' 1. 11. 10 o.., r . . 'h,r L .trlll . . ..UI, 11""01 1101111 lb. f. ofllilla • • .. &'......11A rr"l r.. t b" rn loluu 1 I'R I 'e ,. ror lli •• 1lI0Uu lfl lJahl "n1u l; :l h:: h lucb ft. Capt. UUI. 1.I11ulcl). Anl! 0"11 ". I',.nd· oU.. r ..I'"'' JAm•• \'. Col. b1an , Cl lfIOQ ' lie ut a Del Cuaola. IfI'1l 1u l',l lllt lr r""i"a" Ic.r. "' u ....or u &bal . 10'l1l. . ... lIun' a. Ml I Hl lUI th,·" hllulI ... , Iho f..l, (,or ti l" fII,I,1 )" Ir Lt low w.,kf! 1 wltb h i. .. c;"a:; :l Ihl. · of elllflJol . .Oln. tlol. '...rllte , la" . .. 1" ru ldoACr l.lI' a•• S·. hr,," u r . ,. .... .. Atou u 'Q"'" II' ., Q1.1 tb " .. w. r. te, J lI u l.l ll' . r, p(! . U . - T t... S"t!"'I.1 U"ztll" tri ...1 Ifl lI·-1 Lid .. Ib.. 11 tb . ... 1'.lr rtporl , Ib tl I btl m. n III tn tJ. q. ,I h, "dl". J,dtl .'" IbeIA 1" I ' bollMhi it IMld I,akb Ir onl tit. 1,..1.. ", 1 1111u 1•• • 1111( t /t'N) lo Mil .. 1 1' rl ....'" . .. Ie . N'Q 00. l"u' Y. tr ."ul,d lI ll "'.r 10 III., \ ld nll Y 1,1 WI'II.., ". nt .. 1 tn l,'J)" 1f, 1. , ,,,'I .tl a PlQnnt. I dun'I . all . ,r "'lI .... 1 I",t t4..t 'lr .h 1. 11" h...r kllow III. .....1. of l b. fllw ,t II,. UfII' 01 In bI. 1 )C) ,._ Utlli . o u.o bo.r 01 ..I,·clr lu 1 1111. U'II f1' fI·. Ih a l h , or bt,. h "" ...' Mretl. I...I, tt<ri... II)'uIotni\ll t rid l(u an ,l II lJIIIII I,lfolft IlhKld llot .. II V"lr .Il bl .. ' 0' plan tit lb. Wh lt . r ')I"lao". 1' , ..,lllI n tu Ille Ih" h u.., ",Itu . "I) ' llll el' ·• ..,.1 ' Zi O.OOO In .. 1a ",In ted 1I1' ocl. ru,,1l0Jn t.f1J 1"' ''1II". 10 Luc.ol. Illtd aooOl llrJag Ili a' t LfI Wlnl"r 1' .1. .. l'u". . Qul,I .... blllwu tip tb" lln l da, (IitJ' ulfl)". ) 1'11 0 1,.. 11••' AnU.r-"I'lea w, HOt'I'11 of "' ., .. lUI It•• ArA" " " " Hall l.akl£'. ... al O. I-Hbt.. f J.'llIrm fllpell .., 1.c .II. l,JOIf . D. o. 13.-0 , 11 , 1 1.<I \,., ta Itlit . h ow CUII'l II'M 1 ... . 11.. L. l'raell c•• l' ul' H. II .lih. hum 0..'..11uDd . r dat.<t u' Ibe tUb In )" Ul'f'! ul " .IAt" tb ., Ib , .11....11 L .. u J.h.", ".. ...... ,el OQ a n.ld.,If. IJu' Ib.l r " fr.IHIt" , N'o" . lhc. n.- Hu.", wlll. tov .. 10bOu.oed bl .. 10iolDUon to ..u . t!k OD ' li e aruJf'tpILC• • b _n Ihf.llnolillt will be lall.a llNhtiD5( _ I. 'orl, .thn . 1 1111... 1, IQoluttfDK 1I 101ltli. ta run lb . drift . n•• ahl ••n woan d .. I, QI wbom ':It AcIIA"'". la Ir.,.. ... .. I., ..lidd. ....,. II oon ll de r.., I, . Au -tt::'.t tb o .,nnw , AC:i.-:III ':- r;· UJ a:i: n.WI". lJ>u.. to atop u.....,,- WuDOtl. 4 b1OlI" ahe .JIMk." wee. ..,ua! :fu. CatAGlio _.. I.. ,., PCl h..s 1)0 dt ,Ht aa4 'be 11 n.e II " 1 ::n':.. au 'o;b,; aIU'; : bO:= r •• .mta.... 1' ..... ... UJ Ib. teoDdld 1::t;700:. =: I.... a.d crntllt &1J .. or. belo'" 10=:0 dll lCla.1 r , Ia Ut f;l ' tbe o"....lIwb lu the .. , :u::r.;-,Mao': ball.. . lo r the ..uOIl : n .I.SJO..Ioo......l oI Q. 1&'7 C'otDbla Dc!' rt Dn tb. laI. ul1 h.... ,... tid !,tC rM D4. a.o er oeenat...'I .. I'MM4 .teaed . Th. rol.lid.r 01 •• r ba.a .l r-.6,· Lbro.,.. til. ..... 'Ie ,... .114 opta rtJUlud I b' ,,,"I aulloa- of ,. anent.. ........ 1.,..1 a&. ..0wJ4 ..b)Nt 'N ::::; lb h Ota Ot a. .:='.::-= 1\oo"'-Ni 1.9 '" Yi"er .,. oS 1A4La..porta ... ....... I rl "h 'f r , n l ... C .. kl llf Il l'l l . 11.- 1' lIft ' ,1" 11' _Iuu t, l l l!u ;':IJII II .. IlIolII. WIIII "f II"" lill'" " I'l'III,,1 10••I,IY. IJ llr ih H1. 1.•• li llY ..Vlor.ll ,rueu ..lulIlII 01 l,hllhl"U 11" ' 11'1 •." III" ..lrl','t1 flll,1 1111 AI'r l o lK'I:••" In Ill '" j'u lu l llu.. ..., WH it Ibw ut(" ll ... lt b prr' I,It'. A t" /,I lI If, r uI' ... f rUlIlllahu l" ry ""fI .. t"tlon"ll ,,1 J11 llt tli il' lown ah ,1 I L., l',,!l('e " t' rl) rltl Oli t" d III . h ollt( ' u, ea ID. I,I" Ib.. eOllr t raol/1 nllli u <lulI'l III. bt1Hd ln u · •• lli l tbf"fII0ml'l#r f. 1I1 ng .. r,l !l ow, nfl. 1101 11 '. \JI; II)311 ..\ n r.-cku u l d" l1 fII JK' clftl 10 Ill" . I' lo lI. llr 1'11" ", ",)' . lIl a' Iwo cb ll J l f'1I 0' Will. (l . tlllIl w., r. fr U . Q to .1,·. 11 , 1U1.1 rwo meu, II, U. Hlold. , k . 1111JII IlI Il :; ,.laM IU " ml.... I.,Ir. 1'11.)" 1111 . tlillo...lt to h. ve hOf'f1 ,Inlll t Iii Ih" .l or m III nt.l 'r lz IM, . ·111 .,. .. .. ". ", ,,.,,t'. Wu u llf(lrIlJl. l lt o . Itt - 'I'hll tIl0' '''''''u 0 ' Ibo NuHounl 1t' l'cl1J1I I1. 11 1"' llllll l ll 60 liMn tll'lIrl, till ""Inel, "'1' 11 )1& tbo.. " 0 111 IlIn r" dl, ICl nt 111,1 ",la" wil l l'ffll,,,l,ly ho Ly IlIOl h ot "11,,ot 'll frOill J ll' m· b. " vf COllKt Oll.. lohu 1 Ittl. l u u dul lll ' ltlUlJ. ' '' 41m 10 1MIlk t ho nu l t'IIM'f' lIl!ft ll" HI " {I buill III lJblll llll qo, Allll ,111 1111 ha. 1,,,," mlllltl ollllll lM'h., I' rolelllll i 111\1,1on wl,I('1Ilho oonYC D, lofl .... Ul h ll h t hl. I'ul o,,-.I IUlI"l .r.. u ,. ",u.I II,' . N,.w l on , Uec. I r,. _A 1I111l t'h l I" llit! EvuuluU I'u.t Ir'Jm ''''", hhIM toli f1 'I' " Ih llt HenlIIor t4l\llfl,I'lr.. ,1 1111roo"IYlol fI loU"r frolll .,. 1II 1 l('IVIUlor c,f Ur fOAu n 11.1 ,,1 11 " •• ul ll :.&JjU, IJUU1'" lorrlll 1'lOuIII" til O r" Ko li flilil lIIoul.1 (J 1ft.' 1 .·tI,·ry lllllllo.lll en t ' or luu "' ""'lh of UIIl c1""JI , t4 II" ,)' Ilul u Ibl'UI to Chi· ne.. . H.lllUtl l't. h Uf Il:... ll o un lila' 11I 1lllrlltill to IIn oour"lIu Ihl! . 11I1Iu .. uf H,H.lh. rn uflKro, ,, 10 tI,.I tilQtu. •'olh·('lnr I" ,. 1111111 ' ·r.u l-Iollf·" h . ". ,nll 10 I" quli n errl"hl UIIII lhc I,rn . Id.D' lUI ml tl, up 1. 1" 111 11111 10 nullilnal" Ju hn )t llrtl)n I. . noll" r tQr of IIIINnfll r "' tn l '" at KJ.b BrflQr l.co. I,"" III.ln... 1t _la lr De, W,U lll flflt Olf, I Jf·<,. If,.- ·llm Nil'" UrI••n" i .. U t ;:;: Ibe hell.I" a niI 'i ll 111"0111.n "' Illn 11011 ' '' . . bll., Ih' n"(,U\'II". 'I" bAh ' (jul, [j .. oa lll' lII .011 11 m. IULt'1I flf Ibe II , ,,, .. ... . O lllei al tm n. ar" ('u l.ln to ,,1"" t hll [Joruorht. tl h r fiG ' 4Al,,,II, 11I t be 1" ,,1.. 11111 111 tin Join t to. llift. u I1 hb ll •• lI .u lI lIlI' lI llf •• lh o. t r.. . - U"'II. Uf . Qa IIIn I V...11 a" i" fMl hl'r'llth h 1I110' 1I" t)1I 1I11t1 w..." • (lleom..ll III II). c'll )" "1 )h.\'l lf ( ' II U... iIIO ll. Th. IU.t lnKlIh h fl,J wl. ll m" C'nl C' It!11 ('"r l l. M l'1I aad .u" t . co , I" ll lo Ih" io• .,nor '" , •• i. d. o(8 "1 n pr o(', • •ln nc oluI10",... t 0' military. POl t. of UII Ur lu i "' r lU)' of tL" U"lluLIII'. eh'le .ooh. t1.1 ,, 1,,1 c hi I'll. ' . 'l"I ifO "h u l" •"0b.r llhI HIIQ!1 ,1"l'ma,... I. IJI'ou lIul. lolC .1 nl e ft'lfllo 'Ul.h •• 111 '\11.10" (1 0 " . lI o )"t w.. l. eomed (j Ul . (j r .n t ID a _p, c'l'll nl r onllltlN' . bl. I,IUHlh. In fl l' l.I . fir "" II r" ,,1I0,1 brit O,.. O Th W1 , On t ., n .,l·. I(,.- ·fl ll' ('1111\1 I't .'" IIcholi lJ of IL. lJ, h hl . C: uhuu'" ""'ctl ll1l1,1 Ih., l ·. D"d iIUI I' licifto rl\lI_,. y 11 . 1 '... 11 11. 11 .... ,, &11 hi O l..l n .lfffI1c, 1\ "'ftnll h y eontrMI l\t li t (' p,II(o r ll i o, C n • • l lf llj.tli I h OlI. u t. ln lu II. . t UlU ll iS :-.;\\ l'oI . SOUND MAIL. , rrELEGBAPHIC. KTlTt/I, ·r lt . l u d l . n . ,1 f1• •• _ .. d .r. UIC. 11.- Onfl l Lr o uAht In 111I)" c ue uf Ib o I DIUall " '\tho ., . 10 be Ir laJ IIDII pr oDII" liI O LflPM lit e ot h. rll .. "0011 fill "fOr ur" ll . HII W. II lock ed "11. Tho lUi" O. propn l1 II)"tho onlllr", 11 t" In 110 tit" Ut" '" lid or dl'()().11 at ' ·I•• IUI .. "'1,,1" ,\rr"I,.., t br t'll Hlalo OrncerM . 'l'b e Uflrt<lJu.t.ril b l'lII R 1' 1Idt!t1/1to.nhlht Ami th o ItI'DIt> of (.h u . 0, Ih opp"c1 , nntl Ib.t of 1:111 11 . .... . Hodi/"rfl. Jr" llulJd ltnlt'll, Clip'. UuiJiI"'" lh' Stich· ,1.. ".1)".. 1.' ' ·o .lu .... . ... Oil L.b.1f or )(, • .' '':'' • • r\1 l·. okllllm, 0' '. 0 11' !Jllu llI, II\tfl(,II." coro1 IWI• • or IIrookl1u , N. \'., )( o,lIh ll'f O. hlg,.n , 0' HI. 1.0111 11, .1,1 "111 all oJ brolh..,,, of Ibtl I..te Hllrub Alia fJor""" • • M. ln. t J .nu flQu 0.,,1. . 'rhe ob. j " t'l of Ibu bi ll I. hi hA,.fI lI.e lllff d unll aUll " uld lli. wil l 0' )I n .lJor ,,, , . 0' J.lI. -t, I H70, lo1 wblob lb . wl.o le Qr b ltr o. t. to . .. loll. ,b AI VO C I n F'.hl . J) Rl' Un. CIII.. 1) ' 0 . U ,- ,\ . p'(l I..l h o.1 1_0" 1' 10011 d.t ecl lJ.. o. II " 111, tb al . fl Oi IlJul oR 1.0" I' lno. t b. camllll• • lon efll will IJlOC I"J. to) n onnor or t'ora Hle.l o. wh" ,. Ih .)' ,.fi ll oonllol1. tb _ llln , UKlltion. (h n. n alt b. cb,lrm.o or tbe <I , wml. elon, 1111" : "I don'l bt:1l .. Ih, t Ib..... Indl. n. wIll .1I0W' Illowfieh u 10 IJoIr loJ In Colorado. I d on 'l 'bat t he, Cl '" loo If IN • bor. , lind I bel l. l'o w.. llIillbt .." ••11 . 011 Ibl, bu .iD. ... aDII dgbl QUw," No VI.. b al! 'F. PfOIf4J., 'bo n"e ll t'1 up to n ool1 oa otb,. lo, Tb oll"'. " "ur IlIh .r•• W,f, UII I UTO!f , n ee. 13.- ·J'h. flul, . lllIoal' QUai l rh er 1I 1.1I 1·h.rbor IfI.I l"o ..emfia r. . ,. tL.. followtoA: I, 'or oonll l1l1l11" lbe imllron. m'nt 01 Iblt !'ir.crllul. n lo rl nr, COb · ti Dul nK Ibll Imr" a ..... au·nt. 6f WlIUlolllon 1111111tho ImJ lro " lIuu ut on tbu l o wo r CI,I. ' . wII'"r rl"er. I\lAbo, . 10.000; eonllnl1lnR tb tl Impr oum. nl fin tbll Coluwll1l1 f1D ll KnAk" 1 10.000 1oolltt nftl uH tI.l lJ huVro"NUf'" 1 on l b. l' Jlpllr WIII.m ell e ', oonlin u.. InKtlilt tWllrO'I'm . nt ofl ILu LowI, WIIJIII4. e ll u no,l Ot)laru nl. rl"M.. hOIn l'u, lI lnd to t il.. ....n, nrlfl for th o O llll. lrllctlon or Ib tl Cl\ lI l1l 1ItIJlllld III.. (J... . tlal!". o' Ib o ColuwLla rhcor. , elJo. ooo . All th""o f:.thnA lu , ho w ... r 'utili lI. rt (Jf th o tt)1410 ' IIbuut t l-l,ooo,ooo. whlcb Ibo th er 'ar )' or w. r In n a u l ml ul llMl u CODJ(rflll n o. o DlDl.. .h u'Jld h. "rul c1l)wn L, Ib .I I.on.I, 10 l\ lol lll lllJluu n l u O lu tlul'dlllH ett,ooo,O OO, a ,eduction urIH por rllbl. Upp ll h" "A" 1II'1I 110u. ' cnuml.I" ... S IWYou . J)t:o. 13.-A WllflbloKW" "'11' 0' lal II) an n llhl DA'"Ar llr '."1: Fl''' mtomller. o' Ibe nalion.1 Iwr l&bltean cQm lUllI • • , la . chullnR (}arbam• •,e dllr.un lnR Ihtl '1'1." IJonl to (' OIDII 1J . ' orfl tl... to Wmi ll"". t b., mo. t u riQu, 01 wbh:b III O orb . m·' ca,.fI. Botb Fr1r• • nol Ch"ntllflr .11' lb,,)' .. 1II nfll lJo t andld. t.. I tll ell. lrlll ln fila I"n ll II . Itc led . wllt be ' &<" ' .1 ,., . LI" r., lgna tion " ot Ln lng btoen . oe. pt. lJ, Tin'" II_ A . Ull e ll , C UI(,'JoOO. D lfC. TrlLun. "' ,•• t.r rlblo lu.""ldn l orcu, ,.d at l' I. lb ulUlilb. W" It 1mr li ll by Ih. f.l1ln a ot Ihe ",Ib an d _h ('o dtl l( ont wtre d ud , 'Cli ft 00 17 011. who.. n. ru. l. knowo Itl .. 110 m.r HQLin. op. "A,,. I 11411. .. . 11 A.. 14 • • ,. ","" tn nu oL. ri . Y., DeCI . 13.-A I fliin on tb ' C"otral V, rmont r. Ufol.tl I... t . 1'lIuIUII, rae otr Ihe hack n. 1f lb. AddllQb JIU IOlioh .sflw briJ"e. Tb e "ngl n• •• n1.do. p IIU I'm· IHok ll1ent or 400 '."t., kllll nM' UKIIl' " Htln- Ion. Ih t mlln !Ih , llL:l. oM a h'" 1., ' 11.0. c f1Klo . I'rr. M'ld .. .. 0 11,. _ ,. "' •• 1.... W .t.lllI 11I'fn O!f , U('t!. 13.- 10 111 11 .al l of )I U1 A. IJIi "" r nllll ih" t tilmrm Caloe roo. ' or d . IU. ,,". fo' lIreueb of 111011111.. of , ultr l..,& , Ib l cuUrll'U nlfJcI .molio b of III" l" atlll Uf thu 1"" 6('po. 1 h olU' h" . ,-rdlot 10 ' ..or or III I" lll1&n l I,e b tl ll ,. 1. Th" r ll ll4l h . flt Ilown '01 Ihe .h ha. r, tl r hl , Cu tin",, 1 lop II, r"l/ d· aDI inl hlla"' d ,b.t IL" , ., .... "" 11 . uu .... en I Dllul'o co "'bloh • •c u,ocl lb. ... , m.ul of p lllll llQ". ec"uh lCl . •• .,a III ....... ... AT I. 4!lT,f" D.c. Un. W. U. Pl edg., r. contl, . ppolnt. tI a' 'b. l ht hoclld OOb "". OO8 10 Angnda 10 I, ... charKO <I I lb. church In AII. ut a, oflrnralltfd a.. lc1d. 10 li lt J,b rk b. m Ilou•• ID 'bl. 0111 to· alibi li, utrlti a K hi .. Ih , n.' . n• ••• a mini. .., 01 a lJd I..n .. . I. UlU, . No c. a.. 1.,1)' ••' .,.Id. Hlw \' 018 . D.e . 18.- Ha rln" til' 'our ID OEIlba en4 iuH , •• t.rll. 7Ih, lotal IImount of lold brollrcb' to lbl. porl ',0 1D Y.arup. . 11 0.11' _' •• III. ""lI'e••" DI ... a. ''' 0. Ilt -Ullp ate b.. h OlD 1-04 1·IDo. tI". tbat 0"'1 bu tOD. 1o II•• bot- a Oll O lD . U.ttb . .. to h ..... letl 'o r Loa Plnoa OD tillu4a, .lU. a l lIlAli d.tatblD.Dt 10 . (' Ou t lb . Sa. Mlsa••00'."". . ........ ,11' . T .b..otcrea ar , lalll'8 ulln me.,.,•• to p o' lb . 110-". la to p ranle.1 OpenUOD . .4 pa. rt,. 01 Dl ln..,. NJI.d Kat u ' dAl 'n" lS'u lco• • ollih. t.r k. DtlD' tpbrUalil \Yll_ uuu. I. w bn "" .lIb 100 to.. ClI " po NO.lel1alor toot. n. h.cn:.oU.... ... JIa aad li t. . PerflODa llIter..ta4 Ia. \it . .. " 7'h .. lU ..... IDo r. Ib, u 1.200 . IIN .. ooropa"d .ltb t be PaD .tn. roal . l iD t b. "'OJ••• 10 Calif orni a. n4 Ibe 1 pnd&ol 111... 11_HI ••ko a ah lp DUal _flCMllel'J'. - ........ , .... H,. PAn.. VH. IG,-Tter bed a ... nit Ror. Ia. LM JLe4 'her tq'OI '.0 PUGET LA CONNER, WASHI NGTON TBRR£TORY SA'I'l tWA Y. DIi: 'm I llE R 20. 1871) :A ,ounS lad, altcndinr; Loll• • nd pard.. . bawd !La ... . f elUle l"h l pe rOu8 unUi . b, I.e abllt to call .om., olll"r chllp ...n._ .' I . \ V_Ic:bM.. a nt. are IID.n, r, .nd IU wat.ebc:b.aln. an reproduc:..Jamotlf tar ,t,1 e1 tu old cha klalne alll th tl V",,,,,h b. llo o 'p&ll .... \ VaggI weal to tbe t um fir oaTnUroad. tlul enninc. aa d lind. Ins the _ .. all ll<c up!<.l, oal.l. lu a loa.c! wn'l l'WbT. ' bLs car lan',", oln, r' or coUJ"te, the- word. eau1t'd .. f,t"o.. ral ''' 81I'"'I ... Dd W &fli'I look tl •• \";' I .-t. n. traIn 1000 IDO.. OJ orr. In til'" mlJ..t ot the indlcoation tho w.g . .. que.. t1olied. "You laid &.he tar' w..,.'t lOin. r 1 'W.n it ....'.. t h eAt" "'Ph,..) \\o.R" "bat It 11QQ.:' THE VOL '7 JACODS & ANDREWS, A or or ()n l' EY fl - A 'I' - I• .\ W. J.n. COli lUll', " P,'l', !i'o pain. will be in k eup,ng up the well·ott41" Ii.Lt"d reputa ti.D.o. of tb 'J noa"., all one or tho flni.,t,. t·. t and belt- kept lI otc1. ill Hie Territory. ;"oil) r ... lquo ... f!!jo l l1. E ver ything nn" c1enn ahout. the p"ml..., Hpocial . O'om will \>0 mad. l.OkefJp tLw 'Illh lo ",1t. )1 tbll bel t the market c. n alfurd; ant! to MQ tha t t b, fu d h, cookOtJ And ""' rYtU to no otb er hou.e In th e TUritorj.• .A lArge RerLdine Uooru ror t be dation of O lles"". Term" mo.en"'. _10 h u :'\lcGlInn. I II AllEIl & ENGLE, 'Ib, uld er",lgned olrl!(1I for u lo Avery choic.... colioctIon of FRUI' T' TREES CoDlllting of Pe Al'll, P luma,C her. riM and Jwal " £li rl1 1·'iuIL1i l) 1t i. al1"a." fipo !rorn th., mid· I)!" of A UgU1t to nut 11 £ Ser.t4tlllbltr. Till. W"e is bl.fd r a. lll "erYl'rolaGc. ,U " NlIeolinn,. of bl",I}' perennial Hor. der i" n rv c1lo ic... Flowor flot4.b, H OU I, a l; ll Orna· w-nta.l . 1111 Shrubbery. Jo ll " J. Iu Ull ut t. Wl.atc:olII, ,,· iJ. tcom C : o.• " ".T. 1'. 0 .- · r. .\ ----------- l. P. SMITH · II. 80N, Watchma'kers! J'IWI:LU.... "' D EHOR41'EaJ, J I !lE A. TrL E. : : I: WASH. TEn. , ['[ "l.EU nr WATCUES, Cl.OCKS, JEWELRY .... ND BILVERWAltE Of TUE BEST QUALITY. . All kind t of work in Lb. liM of r e pt.i r. IDtl ... anJ je welry don. io 1& .tu f&ct.or1 man ner .nd wan"&oted- eith., lor goodJ or work', ft om all rt. or tho & und IOll d W . 011'8 U 1&t rial and u t lofy 10uruh'N. STORE "" Front nt rMt , opvo-ite dw Dre..... ,.. TilE DEl Li NOHAM BAY N'U SERY Maryland House! l. A CONNr:n, \\', T, R. E. YlHITNEY, )1 0 l' " It Y l' fJ Il I. I e . r .d ill ll, county, \V. T. l ARR ABEE &. HANFORD , .. U .. . ", .. 0 " " 1. 1110 IU, ,. : 0"• •" •.,. (I <3 I1I1 ••' '' ' ' ' ln•••I\o'' ,,, 1M I.uh lu b"q u" l\ 11I•• nl on ,.,••,.. 16 It. Iibl ,.1 , N uf\l,," 10 1't'1JUt.-, .. In rtl" " , ==: -:c: O. JAcOmt, W'oit ANunr.W,lj, H"Atth.. I.a Con", r. (1 iI. nALU U. r;nu . U. L "ll ttAIlr.r..

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Page 1: C( THE PUGET SOUND , MAIL. · 2012. 9. 14. · LA CONNER , &-E"";:;-;;.;-'"--=. = -== = =----== = =.. ~ &.:.. ~ • " '~e-=... ! un,.~"', "'. =: ''--; • ~ ~~. _. ~ ~


;.".tT~'". ~or~~:l, ..f__ I_')~ _l-"~~'.~":":~

·11 .


, ..111 • • 11 ,1'1

II "1'-"

I'! J1' J ~

NO" 27 '' 11, t '

.Hoa.,. ror tbe lAtiM.11

--I ' '1(11, ' tEmbrulderi,.. or ~ l klnda .... 'II' U"

wora lu blonabl.. 1 t» f i lII)

.h~lr:.'c':t":; ~:t :~rIa~~~hlcma1J I' aal!

1:. 11 A 200.(>OlInd ~lrJ " I.IIlI. 11_"1111" Ir you want to pl'.'1flUff. I I '

Oll lllondN and I_rl.~ at.liOJllIlar tor fllg_t(l!luftat rinp, _whir. tb.w..J ,II"g rlllM i. 11,n oldof..hlo......old.ueleele, .11

Hlu'llu h l,,"d ....ltllJlh. Il l irl 17,,..anold who I,Gd t llr". Ili l lir~lI\t ha.band.and I. nnw In jail , No 111111 in furtharC0Il1 1HJ t lt IUII. 1 I

A ton of Hllh l nl"kftll .. traoUoft DYelu..ll " Inlilian or dollar., an elwh.n a fUl l....yN hi. . ltll (If wnr th Ja lll ~ we!lb t Ie~l~ltl, I',ul "hCl .ellCh. 120 IJ," ndl, .111 ,wort h ' 30,000. ' I

Wlten the Rirl who htrolt e6eO\ln~eJ

{:~~~n~:~ )~:J .~::i C~~: ~i~nt~ :t d"bllJlI ll nl"ver he, mor e Lhan • • lllter 'Lei h lollill can tor t be tint t lDle IINI tlul tfliCk!"0 11 l. t'Jf !l Oot" . I

" '''o u fIIay talk ." /I .. 1ttJOUl\t,I.'Jfj.....y UlIlIg tnlltltClll wbo." walk It .r&Ottf , 01til" maM "" who t d lWl IJY ItO U"hll,. oflb. high lon od lady with hor hau,hl,clrriallt', IJl.l t illyI' 1111 LIa, Wil l "I~I, tb.wio.... . fnging g . lt ,"

lUcia flnamlll wrrJualJt In mixture ufbr lllht e.,IQn I. • If'adtn'g )no..lt1 Wj . ..." lr y, \Vlu," ella mel doee not ap~rthe b,", of all j ewelry II tlQuuw " oldwruu;:ht with variaua color. ) . old, Itl fOl.V fl\ Ilo ",~1'1 .. IIlJ IJird..

Hilv,!r JewC'lr" w h l~h Ii",l h.• oriMiIII ~h ,,1t1.U 1 1 WLlllI QUMh Victoria ••" uIII N I hur aocu acl mourning. aod wbieIlaU " Ulj IlIJ JIOn lit r', U ouwiue Laok,

~ ~:U.K~~~~: I:~O~f j:.nl~~rr.e:D·~o~~~~:alanplf.

Th.y wnr., c:ou rd nr . " Wha' ra&k.t ilt! .laMl '" dim ao.nlHblt' .b••IJMhly. " \"0 11181 81arn 10 la uch bri,hter ,'he wbbl ,"r "d, prtuibM liAr tittl , ha.zW'flu., U II nuuriOtl 110W. III woud. , bo

~;~l ~~~f~ri!:~~.I:M\~~ : ::ul~, ~bk: lr~naarl.:",J. ulU.hll{ly. "OUlI, it It WLe10llR elHllleh ," II" lira. led j lowh, dOIl' tyou talk cornman Mll4a1"

ToL~oCJ Ita'l 10nUI tll atI IlKlIl. lutt! t.lua lft I!tlVlItfltJIf in I':lIralHJ. EOIlly r . ltl.t ull It 1Jt II.dArN, uuokl\'l 11k, a Mlehiga ll luahOllt ; th .. DueL.. ot F.Alhbu rj(l, k,.1tI~ f1lli' Il J IUIl' I llJ W and til en. and tiltJ'r lr&(.'f M/l of \ alflll kMpl a Unlll alga l ft~ wMrl, . 111, ..idOl profoundl, ' rolltil .. ,uuoko.alJlaoring no.. of luN' ro,.Uluthe r ·ln.lawl whlllJ the Ii., ful" lI.. If'I Uoflrl,od IJy IIaluln. Elbabetb TIaODlpfWO, til" anLtI, .lIme. lLaLa ul. o f Ital yand o t ll.." .

"'A 'fillht HqU•• I"" II GI. unrorlant.t\ it llJ tor a h lDW 006". An 0111 al ald wUn.,Yer- uo, IItI.. . . ' I-.mI.r 1& \..oQ~ ..to'oa~rJ K. k & I pru c;o , oun" el"rk tor UA'l'IKht Hqu~ftU," altbou~h .b o III r ...,tJn tt " ltry . hlll, ; and .. mucb bwt.lfBeda oel '.IIKed i ,nulIMlad y _111 hardl ,.,..('A ll rfJr " A ' '18 M ~UI'Jl!'Ut'" 110 pllblloJr"ben .he I • • 1",aU, Il'.ueeud IkJ UlIhtl y' hat .h" can lIa rd ly d ra W" Ler lrreatbADd a yount( man- well, a 1uufll D1&f1do.fllt 1(0 to I hook.tnr. ,.,hen b. w.DLtu A.Tr"bt HqUo.llt." , I

J.lUht ul lJ" f1I ou .b Ol:Jl aro ~ .Hinck do th I. III el"IO"U.J tar tlu. upt..,..of tt lf' 1..., ' tAor ll:r41J" of boot " or th n ,.me

r'..t~ rll DUti material a. tLI,1 Lca.1·· IQU

III''' alUlc)c.a lllng", Old J:::IiIlU.b ...IPollalld .. t in ot tln o ' r ,alh y "". UMt1 taltlil . Ilu f'J~)"" All h,.UJU .hOd abD.ul'llltl'l ..i th l' r or l' re uch ()r )(., LlaalitIe I , " '.Ikin" 1..00...... arul., am w..uwill. I h.· 1l1'lllbh 1...1 1>&..1, an 1...1.IKhl .110 Uultlu-4 whL ~ .. loti.., IlA noWor brrHIlfJ . to ,u ll tb. "'tcu.r , It'r.a.oLhefti, r~maJ n .on .Up.,.,,. ar~ 00 tJoot.1Iror rull d... oooui on.

"O OOO'K" hu h d a 11'"..1 m.n, 1"'11·huh In l ire," Mltlth. ,oUIII." . to h.lid, rri. lbi. And wh." lla. Irlaad MW,"Y _, ] MW Mrn"with on. ' ,...tereIA,.."tl.. wif. preund,I'M dldQ't rkMW wlwK. be meant. hrlt. ..

W llilom Bhakapear. la roput.oc! t.oh... '1"'1I.,j "It nam. In .1. ..." dllrennl.a" . and he .rotA lI.ml.... TIuman llo......d'l. who dOH DoC wit ...Itlll name al • • ,.. alike would riO' bea.ol.r. t.Id In roed IOI:1lt1, aad nt' :W"

n l'lJUl e there I. tlOt. -ocittl man (o.4afwbo could write a pltl like J(_1et.

A Intn w., ~.n lI:oing &oou\ t.... IaUiI..t "Ig hl...rr,1o. a )aRlen> 10 a laV""."... a",1 f"l"rlns atvuad _com.... " Wbal a""ou 1oo~1... "",rIlltJ0irod a ... u.,..........llIa aa "'I' t.obw:b 1>&11' "lAokiq tOft ..oaId u.. wa... n.., ....1d_ Ih __......r In Ihh mflOll. wi I ';" b-.I II,I can find aDT."

Ont 01 the '-.!lAc "-Ileo nl 1I.'~duri n, tll. "eeuon taO W COtM 1.0 all __

- .. ' .J0U11. lady ClI lJaltllDQnt" ...~,polli fi h.r cia"""" b, otrorin, to _wllit litem lhat l he oouh\ hl i a l oad. ,I>&onl whbal()O.I~~__t.o lheir 0 ..... and 1.~""' I1>_ ... _do,", t.o Vom- Kowoe .... Mdt doow......


: :~~ouC~ .l1n~bJt:::I~~· b~~fUl.~i ol:.\'lItoWe~ii:'~bb loroee wlt ilia Hblrpur OII n toa mn l, Iban .clouh H th' b. l"b l••bo.. ' ''u 0117. Com•man lt'a l lon with O.n , no b. nel, .Inl aala .I.uupt . c' , bUI lb . n oh .lIlenl ....onK lb.Itl'"'" I. n l',('I8I' to "('read. Th. MO"era.fII .. nl hn . 'RiP Ie ' urll'ual Ih all tll.pO,al .

T tlft . 1('1'1 1°1 of r ocII" l,h8r."lll lo·da,lh lt Om, lt uL.,tII rup UlI ' Ih,,· hi. ' ar ot! t_oo W' tolh ('l,d ln t il. Urltllb su '1 1IU OAOlob omonl , ' f lit! 10.. o f tll u Itrtu . u • lin I, tI••IIMbllr, . " /11" ' 1'-' . "' ... 10 Ru'n 1I111 l'i1, III."' lhli nK t wu u rn"er •• a rlll hH waund.ll, Ih .('hhUD" t lirfJo oft1oo,.. ,

.... pbll.,lI .Kr . I 'nu1_b u" " , lI t'Jo. 1::.. . ..'1·1111 0.2101..1

M, ",, 1II1)(el cUlIlnhl/l • lonA 11,,1 o f Itr llli , eKli.

~~~II~~'e::~\ltre~,tJll:lth~ ~~~~;~r~r~ ~tift1° ~ I~~~~~i~~ ~~~Jii:~~j~~, f~~'e~~e~1~::rl~~~~~lm:;lu Ih o (''' Illta l.

II IIrrl&lll' l ·h.. " . l n K.. . II ... 1'01111...J ,UIl ' <OIl. IJ tIll . I :J.-·['b tll o hu LII," • a lii '

tIlan1.llolll lL,aa u l!rn,Uo D ll llriu ll t he wOllk•T hUll l'II "'n.t lu llll. lnn IIJ!o lle. 1.0,01M.Ii".h,,, )" ' lul lJn k . Cl i lt loh lllflu ll ruarl" ap ollob ..dlll'retlal lo" th o 'N lta tlo n of IIltd . hlt r. for m.YI'I'III II IU ,'u . ,ull'ropr l"l uuLl p• • IIJ M nllt.li n" Uul Ihtr e III K'Il " . l olt ," e•• loll. h"lU RM"IIU ' IK 1111 IluDlHly . U'''Q. Will. II•tln- ith. n u t lo rll of III...l lu l, .llr, jl llQu...tIIh . Z ulu WIU . n ll ..nhr o..llb., lb . leu"e"l-

~nOt:hl~t~~~itJI,r,:r;.~: r ;le~·:t"~ ~~ o:~'::t" '~r~!nalr no llflZl"

l lr . Ol. ,h lllh••'.. ",-al pUml OD ,.lurol D8hUM e 'qllall,..1 Ib" ~oolch " lIl b a .l u m.'r li llll " ,,, t'OlIlI lltlOlle d"m fl' le l, a tlun lI h Ulatb.lIolr.!. r 1.u Cb ..l. r, on \l lnl(' .. h b I. ",a luilUII'll II l1hl l ,ru('~•• loD,

·r b.. u d l..ln,nl ou ' tb . ~lI . llo llli .n e6m.1111 1': 11 t' u ' IIl IlU.... 1:"" 1 T tlr , . "..11 ", ' 1'

~V~'/~I." _I:; II~,:~· ~~~ 1~~;; rf(:~~~~ loll~a~ ;p~~''''lIIdtb. t j f .. IU, .o la tio n of l' arllalOl£' lll"'·a.. ('oJl.Il' hlrlnloll " b.. tMnn ..baDdon.. l•

'Cb.. fulnt. tu ll! or" UJ' " llbllt Ib. 1 t b.11111" In CoIt 'lIl I.. Joo plfIUJ!tt l. aDd Ih al "" e.:i~~~ ~~~~ ~::~ .:,~t~~~~lI rTi,~;.. v::~I,~J KI~:o~~:~flu ,ml "t flR. h"I 'n , tb "r r ro.UM lo... rd.11...·h d lo n. 'I h l) lib. ,. I Jo,,,aal. h llck ll. . , I h l 0 .1I. Ih..II.,I. It Dybli nH for Uf• •li t. "" li lll " ' (J' c e (If rh . bQod, td rueu II '

l'tirt~~l~ti~:~n:t~~b ·1~II ~~oc~~~a: \"t::ur~ ~I~mil It'd 10 I... 11IIJ , OOO. 'l b . IrU"• • • re rl. I"Kon '''''1 IIJ •.

C. llcJd ll{ 1M01.0 thr oal nD• •1 b, 11,00 01f f)1)( , 'I ",hollloiuK h om lI er. I.

.,1'" Nu....I" /'I IK>II, Doo. ID.-lJnltt, U. I, ' 1.111 K.I·

1",- 11'11 t:.n tc" ,o ll·Kb, rl.Qon Io-tla,'or lI u le.Ilu. WfI, 1I 1('('ohlJ,afll totlliJ th . nllw'1.La.1Ir' Il I.,. til,,,,,.. erowd uIlI, Lln4 1I1., laRIrh b ah• . 'J'll l1 nLlorn''''RUlen1 . ,,1"'41 att' " t1le·k·on·Hb. lIllon Ia. t n1 1l1it .nll WII

~~~~~~ I"c l'1~~~~I~ ~o,II~~:: ~ I:~1 ~~' t..r~:,lr~kl:~:Hllllll" I, 1l 1" ' 11"1 for (Jubli n.

lIum••••m .I II I \, ~ Illlreh fl f IIlfJ 1.ln l. , lck OIIUllt, dab

Il'I ll Ul " '1 n lel . d 1. 11. '. 1 wlill I. oUII".1 ' . 11. 01

tlal~l~ti~It:;:~:1 ·i:~~~t r~.;,~:r;;:~::in~i.1 tu e l(p •• lor tMJIU. UIlI.. . ·f L• • ",.II.nt •••hllllll·tlla", l)"••d ;t, cJ aol1l ...klfo10 llr tll'JlI.

) I C(

Irill" A. IIMI",. . _1.o" 'H)l(. ""<!. 1~. -·rh" Mr"n ll j 'II ' . t Ca l ' A - )'.'.""' .

r1c1lo(~ n . H b "u llu n. h. y" fa UD,ll ru o bill " . o(lloilut till l'ffll. . H,.III It11I)" lJ"... 1 2 -J.m~. Rkln·D,n itt , }\11l" u " ud H"I,. , fur II("l ll llIn . 'l'b" nt ' , ,.hlJ II"." on Ih. (Joltm", I ud Vol"onlCO ll lI" ,,1 f 'jf Ib l ('rll \l'1I l 'f .... l·' I.. · I . , Itt p,,_ r'''ll, u bqn t n r l! hi li .... 'rom nil. plACMI.W.~ , hliC tb l! l riol.. l ·, (J uhl in . Ul''' , ,."I IfI... 1 " b ll.. ' 1·",,11n1(It Il.'11l'r ft l h i. ",.. 111 .. I..,ff./ C Kill tUII'''" I,·"te,1 ' 11,1 a hl~ ..1 K,III·n t " ..",nln w " IKlll t Il Q'c:loek . .... _ho t ' br otlMhu IIII, I. In l,r l"0I1. Ibe ,"n ,lrn". 'Uu d lO' ( bQt'h ho '> IIhu ok

A Lhl Ll hl l'un u r"m.I"f11 • •", rt" 1I." t Ibn hi. IJr"• • ' . u.. III, na""IIl" tn HII' Ib QIJItl" "~'n" flj rn, ut 111, " 11' 11 h. lulIJ tOJ (,r" .,,.,,,1 wit h h ,U1oUnll . ..rl 'u " . I,ut I t I. t taQUlfht nottlotl prOte<: tltluD" /lAfllu. , U H h l , Ih l, flfI,I II. U",.,OIUwUlI lul .Kl lltu. A ,",Ub " ' 'I II '' flt . PI,lIe.tiOJn , ' ... l ' i ,,1 .. h.(J·'trl... I:',.,•.... . ull el . lu 1\111.. ,,' . c...... I ," t I' " . .. (lr ,I..,. ,I t'h~ .'flu'Crllf,;..., U~. 13.- 4 . G. 1'1. 11.10 .ta ll~ o.., r . . ' h,r L.trlll . . ..UI, 11""01 1101111 l b. f . ofllilla • •

.. &'......11A rr"l r.. t b" rn loluu 1 I'R I 'e,. ror lli• • 1lI0Uu lfl lJahl

"n1ul;: lh::h~=~~I~,~-:.n~r~p~~~r::~ ~ : t~ :,l~~ ~~:'~a·1'~ I,t~:: . IJ:;)~~~"~ol~;I:!::I: t ,;:~l ucb ft. Capt . UUI. 1.I11ulcl). Anl! 0"11 ". I',.nd · oU.. r 1~ 1C ..I'"' ' JAm•• \ ' . Col.b1an, Cl lfIOQ'lieut a Del Cuaola. IfI'1l1u l',l l llt lr r"" i" a " Ic.r. "' u ....or u ~'llll to .Uft 1td &bal . 10'l1l. . ...lIun' a. Ml IHl lUI th ,·" hllulI ..., Iho f..l , (,o r ti l " fII,I,1 t~ ) " Ir Lt low w. , kf! 1 r.~. wltb h i.

V';.~~' Il~~:~ti~I:=_(;.~'I~~::; ':I1~~:: ~J · I I ~" ~o r .. ~..:!:t~~r "~i·b ':; c;"a:;:l .~i~ ~~'I~I 1~.·Ifj~~~ ~:~Ihl.· r~.l l(tla tl oQ of ~''' ll1 l o 1 elllflJol . .Oln. t lol. '...rllte , la" . ..1" tb~ ru ldoACr l. lI'

a •• S·. hr,," u r . ,. .... . . Atou u 'Q"'" II' .,Q1.1 tb " ..w. r.te , JlI u l.l ll'. r,p(!. U .- T t... S" t! " ' I. 1 U"ztll" tri ...1 Ifl lI·-1 'w ut~rr Lid .. I b.. 11 tb . ... 1'.lr

rtporl , Ib tl I btl m. n III tn tJ. q. ,I h, "dl". J,dtl . '" IbeIA 1" dlll~ ('k . I ' bollMhi it IMldI,akb Ir onl tit . 1,..1.. ", 111110« u 1•• •1111( t /t'N) lo Mil ..11' rl ....'" . .. Ie . N'Q 00. l"u' Y. tr. " u l,d lI ll"'.r 10 III., \ ld nll Y 1,1 WI' II.., ".nt..1 tn l,'J )" 1f, 1. , ,,,'I .tl a PlQnnt. I dun 'Il'. I~, . a ll. ,r "'lI....1 I",t t4..t 'lr .h 1. 11" h...r kllow III. ... ..1. o f l b. fllw , t II, . UfII' 01In bI. 1)C), . _ Utlli . ou.o bo.r 01 ..I,·clr lu 11111. U 'II f1' fI·. Ih a lh , o r bt,. h ""...' Mretl. I...I,tt<ri... II)'uIotni\ll t rid l(u an ,l II lJIIIII I,lfolft IlhKld t , t1" r~, 1 llot ..II V"lr .Il bl .. I~ke ' 0'plan tit lb . Wh lt . r ')I" lao". 1' , ..,lllI n tu Ille Ih" h u.., ", Itu . "I) ' llll el' ·• ..,.1 M~ " '" ' ZiO.OOOIn ..1 a ",In ted 1I1' ocl. ru,,1l0Jn t.f1J 1"' ''1II". 10 Luc.ol .Illtd aooOll llrJag Ilia' tLfI Wlnl"r 1'.1... l'u".. Qul,I .... blllwu tip tb" lln l da, ( IitJ' ulfl)". ) 1'11 0 1,.. 11•• ' AnU.r-"I'lea w, HOt'I'11 of

"'•., .. lUI It• • A rA" " " " Hall l. akl£'. ...a l O. I-Hbt.. fJ.'llIrm fllpell ..,1.c.II. l,JOIf . D. o. 13.-0, 11 , 11.<I \,.,ta Itlit . h ow CUII'l II'M 1.... 11.. L. l'raell c•• l'u l' H.

II .lih. h um 0 .. '..11uDd . r dat.<t u' Ib e tUb In )" Ul'f'!ul"iu~ .IAt" tb ., Ib , ~D.m, .11 ....11 L..u J.h.", " . . ......,el OQ an.ld.,If. IJu' nfll.ltllulQdl~1I Ib.lr " fr.IHIt", N'o" . lhc. n.- Hu.", wlll.tov

~o:i-:rl~~: ~~t~~I~,~~:.'iC~j::. W~II .. ~:.; ~~~"II:~"tJl~t~~ lao1 r:~~~~~~~aUc:. '~U t~10bOu.oed bl .. 10iolDUon to ..u . t!k OD ' li e aruJf't p ILC• • b _n Ihf.llnolillt will be lall.a

:::~ ~~:ltti.~nli:,.tbd:"J:~' I~bfJd l ~~~:e .t1::b.~ ~"Q :~I:,~:ti~nl::o:l ,i~::~ t~b::: ~~ro,~~~llNhtiD5( _ I . 'orl, . thn . 11111...1, IQoluttfDK 1I101ltli. ta run lb . drift . n • •ap.,ID~dd.:~~~.~mo(::.~ ahl •• n woan d .. I, QI wbom ~~: :::~p~~~:O~ii ':It ~~ ·:r::':l~~

AcIIA"'". la Ir.,..... ..I., .. lidd. ....,. II oon llde r..,I, .

",!r::r::::~t~:' ~:;;:::I~'I:' w!.~~aobr~l~i Au '.,.c:':'~~·~.-tt::'.t tb o .,nnw~,..t;. ,AC:i.-:III':-o~:r:;~~':.~ ·w~" ~~d:: :.~;I~I:~:~';,.C::~0 ~1~~ r3 ~~a::fD~':.':et=~a :~~O,~:~td t~'" 'l~~i:. r:~I.:t r;·~o :~:~:~~ '.:~cI o~odu~,.~· ~~~e:r::sllll ~~.f'Q~:)'~~~i~D ~O;: UJa:i: n.WI". lJ>u.. ~opodtlo. to atop u.....,,­WuDOtl. 4 b1OlI" ahe .JIMk." wee. ..,ua! :fu.'Zl~&::bjl.'::~ ,~bl~i:~ ~:=lfo,::CatAGlio C~:'-::'· I . _..I.. ,., PClh..s 1)0 dt ,Ht ~,tIeoa.n. aa4 'be

11 n.e II " 1 ::i~:.::n':..r.::"i.-:' ·8iD~:' au'o;b,;~1U~:"~h. t ~ aIU'; : ot~~:-t:':r •bO:= r ••. mta.... 1'..... •...UJ Ib . t eoDdld b~a.... ::~.,b:'J~1t t~~::.~: 1::t;700:.=:

~~"::ID:~ ~:~U~~'Ir:.II~t:.b t1~n~ I.... a . d c rntllt &1J .. or. belo'" 10=:0dll lCla.1 r , Ia Ut f;l ' tbe o"....lIwb lu t he t~:~IDI&..bc:'~:: ,:u::r.;-,Mao':ball... lo r the ..uOIl : n .I.SJO..Ioo......l oI Q.

be~~ I:e:i~~ I~:~ ~~~~~a~Ub~:: Ift~U~ ~:~~",,,:~.~I=~~~~~1&'7 C'otD blaDc!' rt Dn t b . laI. ul1 h.... ,... tid !,tC rM D4. a.o er oeenat...' I.. I'MM4.teaed . Th. rol.lid.r 01 • • r ba.a .lr-.6,· Lbro.,.. til. ..... 'Ie ,... .114 optartJUlud Ib' ,,,"Iaulloa- of ,. anent.. •........ 1.,..1 a&.~ ..0wJ4 ..b)Nt 'N

CU.cvn~':II:.:: ::::;lb h Ota Ota .~.~":rn: .:='.::-=1\oo"'-Ni 1.9 '" Yi"er.,. oS 1A4La..porta ... .......

I rl "h 'f r , n l ...C .. kl llf 1f.· (l N · H lI,f, IUfC '~ . Il l'l l . 11.- 1' lIft ' ,1" 11 '

_Iuu t, l l l!u ;':IJII II .. IlIolII. WIIII"f II"" l illl ' " " I'l' III,,110••I,IY. IJ llr ih H1.1.•• li llY ..1·Vlor.ll,rueu ..lulIlII01 l , h l lhl"U 11"' 11'1 •." III" ..l rl','t1 flll,1 1111AI'r l o lK'I:••" In Ill '" j'u lu l l l u.. ..., WH itIbw ut(" ll ...lt b prr' I,It'. A t " /,IlI If, ruI' ...frUlIlllahu l" ry ""fI ..t" tlon"ll ,,1J11 llt tli il' lo wnah ,1 IL., l',,!l ('e " t' rl) rltlOli t"d III . h ollt( ' u, eaID. I,I" Ib .. eOllr t raol/1 nllli u <lu lI'l III.bt1Hd lnu ·

4.~• • llil tb f"fII0ml'l#r f.1I1 n g ..r,l!low , nfl.S:~~~:~~~:I~~rr~~~ ~ 110111 ' . Inlll ~·. t . \JI; II)311

..\ n r.-cku u l d" l1 fII JK'clftl 10 Ill " . I' lolI. llr1'11" ", ",)' . lI la' Iwo cb llJ l f'1I 0' Will. (l . tlllIlw., r. fr U . Q to .1,·. 11 , 1U1.1 rwo meu, II , U.Hlold. , k .1111JIIIlIIl :; ,.laM IU" ml....I.,Ir.

1'11.)" 11 11 . tlillo. ..lt to h . ve hOf'f1 , In lll t Iii Ih".l or m III nt.l 'r lz IM,

. ·111. ,. .. .. " . ", ,,.,,t'.Wu u llf(lr IlJl. l lt o . It t - 'I'h ll tIl0''''''''u 0'

Ibo NuHounl 1t' l'cl1J1I I1. 11 1"' llllll l ll 60 liMntll' lIrl, till ""Inel, "'1'11 )1& tbo.. " 0 111 IlIn r"dl,ICl nt .t'l't l n fl~ 111,1 ",la" wil l l' ffll,,,l,ly h or . pr.ll o ll l ~d Ly IlIOl h ot "11,,ot 'll frOill Jlll' m·b. " vf COllKt Oll. . lohu 1 Ittl. lu u dul lll 'ltlUlJ.' '' 41m 10 1MIlk t ho nu l t'IIM'f' lIl!ft ll"HI "{Ibuill III lJbl llllll qo, Allll ,111 1111 I ~ t h ha. 1,,,,,"mlllltl ollllll lM 'h., I' rolelllll i 111\1,1on wl,I('1IlhooonYC D, lofl ....Ul h ll h t hl.

I 'ulo,,- .I IUlI"l.r.. u ,. " ,u.I II,' .N,.w l on, Uec. I r,. _A 1I111lt'h l I" l lit!

Evuulu U I' u . t Ir'Jm ' '''", hhIMtoli f1'I ' " Ih lltHenlII or t4l\llfl,I' lr.. ,1 1111roo"IYlol fI loU"r frolll.,. 1II1 l('IVIUlor c,f Ur fOAun . ~) IrI M 11.1 ,,1 11 "••ul ll :.&JjU,IJUU1'" lorrlll 1'lO uIII" til Or" Ko li flilillIIoul.1(J1ft.'1 . ·tI,·ry lllllllo.lllen t ' or luu "'""'lhof UIIl c1""JI, t4 II" ,)' Ilulu Ibl'UI to Chi ·ne... H.lllUtl l't. h Uf Il:...ll o un lila' 11I1lllrlltillto IIn oour"lIu Ih l! . 11I1Iu ..uf H,H.lh. rn uflKro, ,,10 tI,.I ti lQtu.

• 'ol h·('ln r I" ,. 1111111 ' ·r.ul-Iollf·"h . ". ,nll 10 I" quli n err l"hl UIIII l hc I,rn .

Id.D' lUI mltl, u p 1. 1" 111 11111 10 nullilnal"Ju hn )t llrtl)n I. . noll" r tQr of IIIINnfll r"' tn l'"at KJ.b BrflQr l. co.

I,""III.ln... 1t _la lrDe,W,U lll flflt Olf, I Jf·<,. If, .- ·llm Nil'" U rI•• n"

:::~ ~:ii~~~~:,'~~..:t~~II,: ~~l:~ "~I IU;~:~I~ t;:;::; :~

;.~oe" l~ e~~~,:; ~·a~~t',, ~&I:i:I: : ~~ °J I ':~:~n~~'~:;Ibe hell.I" a niI 'i ll 111"0111. n " ' Illn 11011 ' '' .. bll ., Ih' n "(,U\' II". 'I" bAh ' (jul , [j ..oa lll' lII.011 11 m. IULt'1I flf Ibe II,,,,.. .... Olllei al u ·tm n. a r" ('u l.ln to ,,1"" t hll [Joruorht. tl h r

fiG ' 4Al,,,II, 11I t be 1",,1..11111 111 tin Join t to. llift.u I1 h b ll ••

lI .u lI lI lI' lI llf•• lh o. tr.. . - U"'II. Uf . Qa IIIn IV... 11 a" i" fM l h l'r'llth h 1I110' 1I" t)1I 1I11t1 w.. . "• (lleom..ll III II ). c'll )" "1 )h.\'l lf ( ' II U ... iIIOll.Th . IU.t lnKlIh h fl,J wl. llm" C'nlC' It!11 ('"r l l. Ml'1Iaad .u" t . co , I" ll lo Ih" i o• .,nor '" , •• i .d.o(8 "1 n pr o(', • •ln ncoluI10",...t 0' mili ta ry.POl t. o f UII Ur lui "' r lU)' of tL" U"l luLIII'.eh 'le .ooh. t1.1 ,,1,,1 chi I'll. ' . 'l"IifO "hu l"•"0b.rllhIHIIQ!1 ,1"l'ma,...I. IJI'ou lIul.lolC.1 nl e ft'lfllo 'Ul.h •• 111 '\11.10" (1 0 " . lI o)"t w.. l.eomed (jUl. (j r .nt ID a _p, c'l'll nl r onllltlN'. bl. I,IUHlh. In wb l ~h fl l' l.I . fir "" II r" ,,1I0,1brit O,. .

" "n " Rdl fllll · " "ln~1nl.II " " ) .

O Th W1 , Ont ., n ., l · . I (,.- ·flll' ('1111\1 I' t . ' "IIcholi lJ of IL. lJ, h hl . C:uhuu '" ""'ctl ll1l 1,1Ih., l ·. D"d iIUI I' licifto rl\lI_,. y 11 . 1' . ..1111. 11....,,&11 h i ~I r , O l..l n .lfffI1c, 1\ "'ftnll h yeo n t r MI l\t li t (' p,II(o r ll i o, C n • • l lf llj.tli I h OlI.u t . ln lUl I Jl tf' r"~ t lu II.. ~--- -t UlU ll iS :- . ; \\ l'oI .

·~ · I ·



·r lt . l u d l . n . ,1f1•••_.. d .r.,, 11 1 ~0I , UIC. 11.- Onfll LrouAht In

111I)"c ue uf Ib o IDIUall " '\th o .,. 10 beIr laJ IIDII pr oDII" liIO LflPM lit e oth.rll .."0011 fill "fOr ur" ll . HII W. II lock ed "11. TholUi" O. propn l1 II)" tho onl llr" , 11 t " In 110~1\~~L'I~lrA ~~L~ .nl t it" Ut" ' " lid o r dl' ()().11 at

' ·I•• IUI .. "'1,,1" ,\rr"I,.. ,

' ~ I~~~I~~g:~I'~'y ~i;~~~e~w~1 ~(~~~~ft:I~:~I::t~1~~t br t'll Hlalo OrncerM. 'l 'b e Uflrt<lJu.t.ril b l'lII R1'1Idt!t1/1to.nhlht Ami th o ItI'DIt> o f (.h u . 0 ,

~~~\Vlllr:I'f1"'~oOr b;~\I~~~~ l~olJa:.::~~~~I~u~·r , t l~~~Ih opp"c1 , nntl Ib.t of 1:11111 . .... . Hodi/"rfl. Jr"u l l'l l l't . lJ ll r~ llulJd lt nlt'll , Clip ' . UuiJiI"'"

~:,~,r~~.i~II~~ ~t1JII::.:irtJ~~:~'~~~~II:~ lh' Stich·,1.. ".1)"..1.' ' ·o .lu .... .

.. .~ ~~":IJ ~~·.~I"::·I I~:~~ I ~·.K~ ~ll:el~I ' . : ~~~:,Oil L.b.1f o r )(,• .' '':' ' • • r\1 l ·. ok llllm, 0' '.0 11'!Jllu llI, II\tfl(,II." l ·coro1 IWI• • or IIr ookl1u , N.\ ' ., )( o,lIh ll'f O.hlg,.n , 0' HI. 1.011111, .1, 1"111all oJ brolh.., ,, o f Ib tl I..te ~t fl , Hllrub AliafJor""" • • M. l n . t J .nu flQu 0.,,1.. ' r he o b.j " t'l of Ibu bi ll I. hi hA,.fI lI.e lllff d unll aUll" uld lli. wil l 0' )I n .lJor ,,, , . 0' J .lI. -t, I H70,lo1 wbl ob lb . wl.o le Qr bltr o. t.to . .. loll.

~::;I~~:II~~ 1!~~ljil~h~ ':I~~lolf~o ll.~:~~ . ,b AIVO C I n F'.hl.

• J) Rl' Un. C II I. . 1) ' 0 . U ,- ,\ . p'(l I..l h o.11_0" 1' 10011 d.t ecl lJ..o. II " 111, tb al . fl OiIlJuloR 1.0" I' lno. tb. camllll• • lon efll willIJlOCI "J. to) n onnor or t'ora Hle.l o. wh",.Ih .)' ,.fi ll oonllol1. tb _ l lln , UKlltion . (h n.n alt b. cb , lr m . o o r t be <I , wml. elon, 1111" :" I don 'l bt:1l..~ Ih, t Ib..... I ndl. n. wIll. 1I0W' Illowfieh u 10 IJoIr loJ In Colorado. Id on 'l ~lInfl ' ba t t he, Cl' " loo I fIN tl _~ .• bor. , lind I bel l. l'o w.. llIillbt .." ••11 . 011Ib l, bu .iD. ... aDII d gb l QUw," No VI.. b al!'F. PfOIf4J., ' b o n"ellt'1 up to n ool1 oa

~~~i~:'f' l~bO;~~~ f~ul:i~l7 ~~~lCf::~~:totb,. Iflf'Clfh.~ , lo, Tb oll"'. "

"ur IlIh .r• •W,f, UII I UTO!f , n ee. 13. - ·J'h. flul, . l llIoal'

~::tfl~ I·bU.b~rl~~:: Ibb~~;,:~firoore~~fllI l~~::ltQUai l rh er 1I1.1I1 · h . rbor IfI.I l"o..emfia r. . ,.tL.. followtoA: I,'or oonl ll1l1 l11" lb e i mllron.m'nt 01 Iblt !'ir.crllul. n lo rlnr, ,~O,ooo ; COb·ti Dul nK Ibll Imr" a .....au ·nt . 6f WlIUllo lllon

~~:~'Io~'f ~~~~O~~;. I'O ~I:~~~~Ii~C~~o"oJ:~:~~r~ :1111111th o ImJ lro " lIuu ut o n tbu lo wor CI,I. ' .wII'"r rl"er . I \lAb o, . 10.000 ; eon ll nl1lnR tb tlImpr oum. nl fin tb ll Coluwll1l1 f1Dll KnAk"rh~h, 1 10.000 1oolltt nftl uH tI.l lJ huVro"NUf'" 1on l b. l' Jlpllr WIII.m ell e', t ~O. OOO ; oonlin u..InKt lilt tWllrO'I'm . nt ofl ILu LowI, WIIJIII4.elluno,l Ot)laru nl. rl"M.. hO In l'u, lIlnd tot il.. ....n, ~ l lifJ. lJQO i nrlfl for cnnU flu l lI~ th oOllll. lrllctlon or Ib tl Cl\ lI l1l 1ItIJlllld III.. (J... .tlal!" . o ' Ib o ColuwLl a rhcor. , elJo.ooo. Allth""o f:.thnAlu , ho w... r ' uti li lI. rt (Jf th ott)1410' IIbuut t l-l,ooo,ooo. whlcb Ibo th er.·'ar)' or w. r In n au l ml ul llMlu CODJ(rfllll n o.o DlDl..nd~11 .hu'Jld h. "rul c1l)wn L, Ib .I I.on.I,10 l\ lol lll lllJluu n l u Olutlul'dlllH ett,ooo,OOO,a ,eduction ur IH por r llb l .

Upp ll h" "A" 1II'1I 110u. ' ( ·cnuml.I" ...S I W You . J)t:o. 13.-A WllflbloKW" "'11'0 '

la l II) an n llhl DA'"Ar llr '."1: Fl''' mtomller.o' Ibe nal ion . 1 Iw r l& blt ea n cQm lUllI •• , la .chull nR (}ar bam• • ,e d ll r.un lnR Ih tl '1'1. "IJonl to (' OIDII 1J. ' orfl t l. .. to Wmill"" . t b.,mo. t u riQu, 01 wbh:b III O orb . m ·' ca,.fI.Botb Fr1r• • nol Ch"ntllflr .11' l b,,)' .. 1II nflllJo t andld. t.. I tll ell . lrlll l n fila I " n ll II. Itc led . McCorml ~k wllt be ' &<" ' .1 ,., . LI"r.,lgna tion " ot Ln lng btoen . oe. pt. lJ,

T in'" II_ A . Ull e ll ,C UI(,'JoOO. D lfC. 1 ~ .-1· b. T r lLun. "', • •

t.rrl blo lu ."" ld n l o rc u, ,.d at l ' I. lb ulUlilb .

~~le~~'~~'l1tlb~~1 m,.0rll ~:S~ ~~~:"~ b~fJnL~~~~:W " It 1mr li ll by Ih. f.l1ln a ot Ihe ",Ib an d_h ('o dtl l( ont wtre dud , 'Cli ft 00 17 011.who.. n. ru. l. knowo Itl.. 110m.r HQLin.op.

"A,,. I 11411. .. . 11 A..14 • • , .","" tnn u oL. ri . Y., DeCI . 13.-A I fliin on

tb ' C" ot ra l V, rmont r. Ufol.tl I... t . 1'lIuIUII,rae otr Ihe h ack n. 1f lb . AddllQb JIUIOlioh.sflw briJ"e. Tb e "ngln• ••n1.do. p IIU I'm·IHokll1ent or 400 '."t., k llll nM' UKIIl' " Htln­Io n. Ih t mlln !Ih , llL:l.oM a h'" 1., ' 11 .0. cf1Klo .I'rr.

M'ld .. .. 0 11,. _ ,. "' ••1....W .t.lllI 11I'fn O!f , U('t!. 13. - 10 11111 .al l of

)I U1 A. IJIi ""r nllll ih" t tilmrm Caloe roo . ' ord.IU.,,". fo' lIreueb o f 111011111.. o f ,ultrl..,&,Ib l cuUrll'U nlfJcI .moliob of III" l" atlll Uft hu 1"" 6('po.1 h olU ' h" . ,-rdlot 10 '..or orIII I" lll1&n l I,e btl ll ,.1. T h" rll ll4l h . flt Ilown' 0 1 Ihe .h h a. r, tl r hl , Cu tin",,1 lop II, r"l/ d·aDI inlhlla"'d , b.t IL" , ., .... "" 11 . uu. ...enIDllul'o co "'bloh • •c u,ocl lb . .... , m.ul ofplllllllQ". ec"uh lCl .

• • I ~''' e . , a III....... ...AT I. 4!lT,f" D.c. 13 .~Tb. Un. W. U.

Pledg., r. contl, . ppolnt. tI a ' ' b. lhthoclldOOb "".OO8 10 Angnda 10 I, ... charKO <I I lb .church In AII. ut a, oflrnralltfd a.. lc1d. 10 li ltJ,b rk b . m Il ou• • ID 'bl. 0111 to·alibi li,utrlti a K hi .. Ih ,n.' . n• ••• a mini. .., 01r:=~::~i~ a lJd I..n .. . I . UlU, . No c. a..

1.,1)'••' .,.Id.Hl w \' 018 . D.e . 18.- Ha rln" ti l ' 'our

IDOEIlba en4 iuH , ••t.rll . 7Ih, lotal IImounto f lold brollrcb' to lbl. porl ',01D Y.arup.. 11 '1' ,67~,Vr.o .

0.11'_' •• III. ""lI'e••"DI...a. '''0. Ilt -Ullp ateb.. h OlD 1-04

1·IDo. tI". tbat 0"'1 bu tOD. 1o II•• bot-

~:;.~~.~I~~ ~je :r:~ ~i, h:r:~I::-ilu~~~a Oll OlD . U.ttb . .. to h .... . letl 'o r LoaPlnoa OD tillu4a, .lU. a l lIlAli d.tatblD.Dt10 . ('Ou t lb . Sa. Mlsa••00'."". .

........,11' .

Ih~~~~~' r~lb~O~'Il:i':t~':. ~T .b..otcrea ar , lalll'8 ulln me.,.,•• top o' lb . 110-". la to p ranle.1 OpenUOD..4 pa.rt,. 01 Dl ln..,. NJI.d Katu ' dAl 'n"lS'u lco• • ollih. t.rk. DtlD' tpbrUalil \Yll_uuu. I. w bn "" .lIb 100 to.. ClI " po~u.. NO.lel1alor toot.. • n. h.cn:.oU.......JIa aad li t. . PerflODa llIter..ta4 Ia. \it ...~ " 7' h .. lU ..... IDor. Ib, u 1.200 . IIN.. ooropa"d .ltb t be PaD.tn. roal . l iD tb."'OJ••• 10 Calif ornia. n4 Ibe 1 pnd&ol 111...11_HI ••ko a ah lp DUal _flCMllel'J'. -........,....H,. PAn.. V H . IG,-Tter bed a ...nit Ror. Ia. LM JLe4 'her tq'OI '.0


:A ,ounS lad, a ltcndinr; Loll• •ndpard.. . bawd !La... . felUle l"h l pe rOu8unUi . b, I.e abllt to call .om., ol ll"r chllp~ o...n._ .' I .

\ V_Ic:bM.. a nt. are IID.n, r, .nd IUwat.ebc:b.aln. an reproduc:..J amotlf r~'"tar ,t,1 e1 tu old cha klalne alll th tlV",,,,,h b. llo o 'p&ll ....

\ VaggI weal to tbe t um fir O~ ~r

oaTnUroad. tlul o~.r enninc. aa d lind.Ins the _ .. all ll<cup!<.l, oal.l. lu aloa.c! wn'l l'WbT. ' bLs car lan',", oln, r'or coUJ"te, the- word. eau1t'd .. f,t"o ..ral'''81I'"'I...Dd W &fli'I look tl •• \";'I .-t.n. t raIn 1000 IDO..OJ orr. In til'" mlJ..tot the indlcoation tho w.g . .. que..t1olied. "You laid &.he tar' w..,.'t lOin. r1'W.n it ....'.. theAt" "'Ph,..) \\o.R""bat It 11QQ.: '


JACODS & ANDREWS,A or or ()n l' E Y fl - A 'I' - I• .\ W.

J.n.COlilUll ', " P,'l',

!i' o pain. will be ' 1'~ I'UfJ in keup,ng upthe well·ott41" Ii.Lt"d reputa ti.D.o. of

tb 'J noa"., all one or tho fln i.,t,.t·. t and belt- kept lI otc1.

ill Hie Territory.;"oil) r ...l q u o ... f!!jo l l1.

Everything n~l\t nn" c1enn ahout. thep"ml..., Hpocial . O'om will \>0 mad.l.OkefJp tLw 'Illh lo 'IJ Jlpll~t( ",1t.)1 tbll bel tthe market c. n alfurd; ant! to MQ thattb, fu d h, cookOtJ And ""' rYtU ,,~ontl tono otb er hou.e In th e TUritorj. • .AlArge RerLdine Uooru ror t be a~mmo­

dation of Olles"". Term" mo.en"'._10 h u :'\lcGlInn. I


'I b, uld er",lgned olrl!(1I for u lo Averychoic.... colioct Ion of

FRUI'T' TREESCoDlll t ing of A'I I . I ~31 PeAl'll, P luma,C her.

riM and Jwal " £li rl1 1·'iuIL1il) Pt~h.

1t i . al1"a." fipo !rorn th., mid ·I)!" of A UgU1t to t h~ nut

11 £ Ser.t4tlllbltr. Till.W"e is bl.fd r a. lll

"erYl'rolaGc.,U " NlIeolinn,. of bl",I}' pe rennial Hor .

• d er 1·'low~1'1 i" n rv c1lo ic.. .Flowor flot4.b, H OU I, a l; ll oth~r Orna·

w-nta .l 'l'r~1l . 1111 Shrubbery.•Joll " J.IuUllut t.

Wl.atc:olII, ,,· iJ. tcom C:o.•" ".T.

1'. 0 .- · r. .\ ('ON~ J: ll.

--- -- - - - - - -

l. P. SMITH · II. 80N,

Watchma'kers!J'IWI:LU...."'D EHOR41'EaJ, J I

!lE A.TrLE. : : I: WASH . TEn.



All kind t of wor k in Lb. liM of rept.i r.IDtl...tc:b~ ~Iocb anJ je welry don. io1& .tu f&ct.or1 man ner .nd wan"&oted-

eith., lor goodJ or work', ft omall r t. or th o & und IOlld W . 011'8U 1& trial and u tlofy 10uruh'N.STORE "" Front nt rMt , opvo-ite dw




Maryland House!l. A CONN r:n , \\' , T,

R. E. YlHITNEY,)1 0 l' " It Y l' fJ Il I . I e .

r .d ill ll, W4o.~o rn county, \V. T.


~1~·J:~~i, ~I..,,~:~'~~,::~:I:~~:~~ ~ :7:~ ~::~~:::::: .:: :::~.~ ~U .. . ", .. 0 " " 1. 1110 IU, ,.:

0 " • •" •.,. (I <3 I1I1•• ' '' ' ' ' ln•• •I\o'' ,,, 1 MI.uh lu b"q u" l\ 11I•• nlon , . , • • , . . 16

It. Iibl ,.1 , N uf \l,," 10 1't'1JUt.-, .. I n r t l" " ,

:~-==---::- .~- .~=-== ==:-:c:

O. JAcOmt, W'oit ANunr.W,lj,H"Atth.. I.a Con", r.

(1 iI. n A LU U.

r;nu . U. L "ll ttAIlr. r..

Page 2: C( THE PUGET SOUND , MAIL. · 2012. 9. 14. · LA CONNER , &-E"";:;-;;.;-'"--=. = -== = =----== = =.. ~ &.:.. ~ • " '~e-=... ! un,.~"', "'. =: ''--; • ~ ~~. _. ~ ~

J . T uonAl Tt'''NEIl .

Dj otor)' 8tcnm or ,




,L T. 1111 0 \\' :; ,tt l'uh ll' r or Ihu I.nnd Ol1lCCl .

(F lr,L pUlI11c1,t1ult Oct . 1'9l h .)

D eale r . In 19'IIOl l111 81 fl


"' wellt du .'ulJer 80 ulul for

lL\. UI Wl' T ,\, n OT .1-: L

/)\:.\ 1.1':11 I :;

HA.Y, GR A.Dl ,. lIfDE8, F Ull S, &0


Olko &. Wnrcl1uu. " QtI, Y... lcr' . \ltb IU

1 ·1I'f)nT ,"~T TO SCTTL1:Il!ll .


SOLICITOR OF OOV'T CLAIMS,:"It clULor U,lr S U(ll'c m O Coml U. S .

nud I T. H, COUl't Claimfl.(OICIlIl 1. 1'1 \ '1' lIul hll nJ:. 1.11 . A\' " ~ W . )

"' ASII ' :\' VT() ~ . n, ·c . •

,S ll n dCl'HOII & Horn, S. Y.,


r , ~. OIATIIH" r Lv xn O....·ln : , IUI)' IIII'I II, WIl. hlnjof lun Tcr rlttJr1 ' f

NOTl l a : I, he reby gtvcn th'lt. In ('om ·

r~ ~~~~:,~\'~tJ~ :~~eJ ' ':;~; ~~~::~ 1 8~~.1 1~ ~~~\\~'tr" .\ u Att fu r Ille 1'\ 1t ~ of '('lmbl'r l.ttnd.. IIIUn' :-'I..le"l o f CnUf ll rill nl O rl'~ l1 n , :-'-0\'t\\11,nll~1 W II'l b l ng ~n n 'l' crr ltnr y," Wi nti t.'ld H.,1 I\lIl~'On , o r 1\.11"':\11 ('lIu n l ) ' , Wl\ . hl n,; tll ll

~~·I~r:I~~i ~ rr;.'I,ll~:11:::.~1~~~ 1 :~1~~1 t~~ , ~l ~ .E~I; I~,rt"('c(h'!l "tt, 3 1, 111 '1U\,,".h1f Nu . It') S OIlIl •~~~I; fl1t!f " l~u , D l~l" t uf tit! Wllla 111r th"

1 1 1 ;\~:~i ,i ndl~:;~n~rdol~:n~:~, I ~I: "I~tI\~II:~~~~~\I:tl~ll~f{nu~ ;: I ~I~~ii~~ ~WI~'II~ t'f~ 1 xl;;' ll,II~) ~::)~ ~from It,,le hrr t'uf .

fH1'l :l tln.h'r 10 f hllnd, I'lt tn ,' otlkl'. In0 1ylopla , W. " ' 1 tli l. t it" I4lb .h y u f 0 1k,·1H! r .\ . 1), 1, 10) ,

J . T. RUOW:; ,tko. llter orthu I..ud UI11c0,

(P 1nl llllbllclitlu ll 1t( 1, l ~lh , )- - ~:-iE\\' Al) \' t: llT l iiE I::'....S.

I' r" ' I'(' lItc,," elll l nl'l f" , ~[J Il t:fA l l. :l nth.l ' rl\'.111' O rn ll l ll, I l' IlIWl h '" d , l ' r ~ ", ,,,, ,H,," ,

:r,:l ~~IIII ~~,r~ I ~ , ~ u ~\~~:1 ~'~ u ;: : ~' ·fI ;~~~c u~I:I~ ;. " ,1 cu llt >(' Uo n II f ti lt: 't h ree Hll llth" KI I ' "I' ll)' l\lII1W I',I, UlIIll' r .\ c t or }O\ :h . Ht, 1:,10.tn tile & hUco rt Il(III S"lIort o f tbo ~ft' x i c linWar ,

CI" l nN\l1I1 In WII' hlo jft on TlJrrltflry' run m ' d lna- to mo Ihtlr tl up Hr:l.lQ recelp~I\lhl . 10 In c.ch Cl1l1tl, If l'l ,\lmlt " r )1111 0.1.'IIl brLICl'I f 1III IIIoIr ent rlu ' or I UCl'ill lOlI ll "r oQXp llr l(O. 1 wllll .ru ~N' ul c 4n ll prucure lh l!lrp lIlc ntlll nll lo rwutllh" 841110 pe r rO! lC llt.k rcJ h:ttu r tu ' uc ll clAlmaUl lIr c lllhu llllt lat ooco.



W. T.









- -:0;--

- - :0: - -

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I,A cos :mll, \\" . '1',

L.I. COS~Ell, w. T:·






Ur. .U.ER .N r u n ' (; S " PA"" ::llT' i111:D.C.IU:S"


b oth mach in o nud hnnd ·ulal1e.

Ag'1icu lt u ra l I ln l' lc llw u t" ~tn~l C' to O nl er o r lt ep nin :d , 11 01)

{l euera) :5llti ..(uction c uu rllntee ll. Kl'Ol' lf tthm ou hllul1 0.11 klut.l¥

of Honl\\'ood, P low Ucn,"~ nUll }' low Ha'N llle8, RtHl 1\11 kimlH o t

l lU 1' l om~J1 t8 p er tnin iog to th e \..'ork o( th e I"U rlHCr j nnt l iH no\\"

I'occ l\'ill g' n \ · tl.6 t l1uttn LiJr o f I-low and nU {ltLer ktud tl of Dolu,.

Fm' OI'Cnt II ll1' I,;II(IIS 1,;0 to til t' 1'101l1'1l1' ~t Ot·C 01'

.4.11 Order" ft o n, OO.er I'u h l b ..... Ied ,,'1tll Dh,IRh:1,1. ·

~ProBofiJ)UonfJ careful1,r compou D{letl nt n11 IIOUrs ,

.r. )0'. nWm,I,Y .1.,; II. S'J'O I :S~ E I"

ll EAU:ItS Dl

F U HXI T HI!. O F A L L KIXDS·L A CO~:>En , W, 'I' ,

II I, A C Ii: S )1 I '1' II A ~ J) ~I .\ C II. TX I S 'r',





,4,11 n 'ell ' h . UUlI l.· l it S"n l~"" :lSIIn UeI' I. !"Hlt h f.u tl .. u (,111'. n •

' ,"0 A<~ \' i !'lo ou r Cl1!l1tomro l'''' nnd lri ClHh to exnmi ne our s tock l>oClJfO1,ul'c1uu.inK elaewlrure•

Stllitlt! 'llul I~nn(')' ()ry G004b,~ IIn rdwRl"t ,Ih·ucl'·. . ..'ull· «.:Iotl.i..&:,. nub (:nlt~,

IJoot" &. S h o t' '' , n "nll & ,,·u o u ·I · U l ltW. GI·OCC,·it·". fh· II&:, ~. SlI lt ,

C,lh'''II, 11:11111. Doo,''' , .·10 '1·".;\ lIi l li. Pai".II, O il _, ( ;I(t(!li S,

. ·' .. ,·.. it.. .·(·, ('I'oUclu~ I'Y,(;aIl SsWII I' C.

BAIS \\".H IO:>!!. "'IT n CALI F o n S JA lU CK DIm, 8I' (lI~(1 A~1)n OI,u:n 11ll .\ KE CO)lI' LI~Tl:; AI.SO LllllIT W.\GO~!:l ,1'011tiALE AT Il I::DCCE D PIlICE!:!.

T o SCM ...: n. IS W II ,\T( 'U \C l'lIl ' NT\" :

lI orn c.'HI'l\\t !\lUi P r ': -4.' ln llt lo n l'lIiIlR' CARhe lI u\ lh b",furu lhv Chnk ut t lu~ 1)1"I, lt \C, oUt t nl I." Co Ulll" , , ... T • .\ 1..0 "' h lnlPr; 'lIf In lIn l1u"'h~ llo d ,, ; uml Ilo, thu lJll)' u f

~\~~il~:'tl ~~ 1 1;1~1~~(~ r~\riil~ ;m3~:'~II~ ~; ~~" I J~N 'rel , ' \11 : 10 11\1 f t l'" I Il Il Ul lln \C1'l11 1'1111") ' ,t W oIfl kl ll .IC lI' II\ 11110 1l\'l n 1" ." CIIl I' l loI\II. I .$)

- - - -·- - - ·-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·- - - - - 1:·1 ~I II ~rtl:r ~·i::,~~l l : : I~.llIt l :~11; r ~IIIII)II;~ r· I ,I~ " 1~~1~11~: (","h",l' "Pll ll t UlI l II IH O u llo lUr" llzl'll d ll,.l'lIl1.T lt l' /Ih ' l\'l' hu:hldn tl HI lfv \ c r ll Ill ClllIIU t'Clerk'. f, c• .

.T. A. Oll. l. lI ..\ S II .I." Cu s Nt:n , W. T.• t't ,,. I. l ~ , l ~jl1.·


O ASI-I AND PRODUOE STORE,A t ANAOORTEl'il. Ship H ..rbor, Fld~go I al lU1d , W . T .

A. nOW~IAN &< CO,. I'ROPRIETOD!ll,__10 :- -

lIu-ju l'I t'opuDetl willi G


Of O rocerioB Dry OfJodl . Furni 'hing Good.., Cloth ing. Dootl l\Dd SbotJ' j I.. rurnll hed w lt l;. l be flucn OrAud. ofn..tft anJ Cnp... Hardwaro. CrCJokery . Tob acco, An d , In Inet , n efl: Liquori Dad e l,.r• • (11.111l11>lnll reqUired 1,. Ih. trad. . 'l·b. Good. I\ro 10·1,.1...1.... . anl1 . TWO DILLIAIlD TA./lI.E8

havin g been ptlroluu••d in &D Fmncilloo .(or CAHh , ~ bottf?m tI Fl,r th l aetommodlltloQ of UIOhne n 0ralo . ,,11I llo . old · Low lor Coob. H lgbe. I O",h·l'ri.. I 'b. (.\ '0 .

t n llo"'od ' for lUer cblUJtablf' J?rodn Qo. ' r Notb lDJl' will loft undone to n tl l )(

s:a:- Office of AI. Dowm"n &t ,Co. in San i"rRbclfl;cO, 110 l'ofark.t Bt. I ,~"e' o' tbeftb t 1I~1;:Q ~O~KQdAIl lb. ad.a.,lftll' . 01".rebwDIl oh.Aply Ift,.t C..h (or lis equlnlo.,t In' , ' "Ih • •bnp. 01 produ.e) co., ..trord. wbelh .r whohoel. 0'.ru't'U ~ I re ""'i\r~~' ..' . ""....."'. • -E""to uur eu.lomo.., .... OJ:> • '" •"''' ",K . '12 1\ d.y A

F. .. ·"D WIIITER. aTOCK .f .oRoi , WHlITLER. bOlllo ...,ry m~., Co,lIy, quiaROo. .... II .. '1' 00, Add,o.. TAUI k Co,. Agc8la

j.,. BOWIU.N ,. c~ , ,¥,. lnCl: .

r ,1bcoll n.uoo ll. Ch .. t .

,\ l'" l u ltu' e of g ClI (' rt' l l1 p r ,~ I "'1l \f III 1\11lIIurc t u l"olk,.,1 111'111 ) . ,ur h l....m l tll 'HI III'lJUIIll uf f ll llll lhHlI ll~

T il l': 1lI111l \\ hn I!I In Il l" 1I!\hlt lIf l:lllllnJ,tl'tll l'r Ill'OrI C fllllh 1I1l<1n,, (,'.• II :11'ft hJ 11\' lnlIlC lb t ln IlI d r "!ll lm..I " 'Il ,

n ,:TCII;;"- rroln t h ~ Hhip lJUil"liugll i'ttrlcltt of (i renl fi li lllin , do lIotloo k much Jikc h nrd timr~ :I i n tI;l\tt rn.llc , I n Hi:cmOlll hli 106 s lronrueu ,o f :!;) j ,·ISO ECro!ls ton nng o, nn d lHRa i li ng YO eh, 01 18,W,j " 1'088 l Oll '

~1~~l)lU~~:::\Y ~1~~ttr i ;~I, : ~: ~~~:crn":lll~el u ding the C l,.·tlo.

Till co u!4lihlliOll ld lt\' or th o If\l'o' tod ota in h~tler n(hl rt' ",,,~d t o lottcd o14i~ to lit' tCMt ~t1 in Iho "iupremu Cou rt.,

" .£' hll\"(' now in th e Unittt l St At,·"nt It'llHl t l :;O,OOH,OnO IUllro g alt l RlldHihur co in thnn Wt· hnd on tLc Ilr .. t01 J ul)·, 1 ~1~ . Tid , i. 1\ h. alt hy111 111\ tion,

J AU-'ij -G-~o,..lI,..",..o,..s--jJ-·I,-.-:ol",..::-£-rr.,....ho~ c1 ir"d ­

Ctl \ r n.r(I, ~tnn ton ~~ Co . , o ( S ew­lHlrJr. to 111l ih l for him tbe tllMt£'ttlIIt <,,, ,n fncht in Ih o \\ or hl n. t n 1'(I1t' of' UlI ,OOO .

;:;- ;;.;-'"--=. = -== =

O n th eor y ll l H>lIL th <J HroRl JlJ r ll 'm ill -o f g U)'pt i.. tlltlt 0 peuullurity lI f

Ih CO l1lJ t ruct tou wua Intended 10

l)~~ ~~ l o "t'~ ~~I~R;~,W\'\\'~'~~~ l~v i ~~' hi ~~ l f ~::'nuy bod y to lJl1it w·o l'k nud live on h illmo ney, hu wuvur, on t he ~ t re lls t h o ftho !,flItlillt io n. 'fho ' l'ul'1,1 i!i "CIT 1lIoli l I ~' put tog(It!tcr, R III I will o ur lll :tI" g fl 'nt 1II1\U ) ' p.\'I'I\llIil l... ulltl Jlflo pluT h('to ill II U 1t (:C l,lH ltit ~ (or CI'owin g1l 1'1·\'U U B.

=----== = =

\ · 111' IlI 'W Cll n t' lt l Ie lit It p l ' lf I ' . :\frh ·!t·rl"' jll't'lI Y \ \: 011 t'~ llI hll .. IIt" r III u 'rl ilu d rdl'!I

: :l ~:~~l \~~;:t'.l /1~ .~~;lk~-u~~' ;,:IIJ,~ rll'i;~UII '~;t,llnl~W /l U d ll , '

~ I.\~ \' 1\ p'lli llt'I I" \f ;".., r '1""'I\, hlc P4 II't'I I',I)' II It... III hi. IlHlh'u tll ,VII, ", lh 'l! hu I .I l'II I11 ~ hI. I." " l ~ l ll l ll.l ll i . whit I"UCY hll

r. r' l" u 1l!1I t,. 1Iar,0'I", h" C' II11"" II. IINr,,' w ll.I' ''' wl:"11 he Ie u:ll,'" , r ,l. h il.:,:lun 1111\1

IIll n .~k~ \\'lt h O:ltr I:r .... :1 ~ .\ III..: r l c.l~ &tatCj .IIH!II ,

A !'fulJ Scrllch II,d,f . whu 1r1;1 no rell hf ur Inlhl crn c hurc h IIlIHIC', w".. t." , prl' '1~ l n ;;lin ,lh,lIkl' fo r IlllJ "lnll:lnll IJ r riM nn t hl.'lIlIn lI t'r own ('hu rt'h onl! dKY, wl l\' n n neli' ll.hor RI.), " WiJr, tlillt II ~ VfJf\' Ilhl ll'l t ltl.'NI.

n-~" ,~i~,SI;~Fyt~~~:Ii::S.hc,'!~\!~lt\~~:\::, I ~iJ : ~:-!.~:h~e\~~l fl l 'rl r., ~cU:I:, D~~'I~t~~;cl~~' I:h e8b~lAug fu r b lm. "

C If ,\R U :J J.,uur, \t' ll ,. 't tt 111110ben ', wnl k .log wit h h i I"'ter In & c hurchn \rlt "li d

~;:~:.:;~:~~ll~\~~I~~·li;I~:~! ~~'~1;1~~~';1~:1?::Who h l~S n " t felt at IIflnlO tlute th~ ' 1\1110

i::;~::~l~ ~\;~nc~ tt,lr. I~r h:~ ~II~~~ui1 h(ll ul~I~Cl:ho Ihllt Ihu 11110(10111,)"1111', whlltl luu wlchdI! \ 'C! 10 pW r lljtl\t o lh c Ipcrl ....,

3(n K1I1l1N K UAN, th o PeN{nn .\ ml,u ­. ul or In ( \)111111 11 t lr lflp lt': bu III cO\'l' redIhe tr u(' re nJlu U Of th o Zulu wltr, .. fo:II ~ 'IllnJ,"llllcl" rc, lIis F.xcell l'llCY, ' I !,oor;. be ('ftnno t . ell her cllllcuCM, IIcr C.orde h a lllhr ll nin UYI , ' T h., Zulu. IlUl nnkell llI H ) ' 1II IIII t lit! c!,)IIi"'ll,' I.ull l lh l'11ll fl 'r llIn VlldclI IIwlr CflUll l rn h lJ !'UlA EIIKII "h

r~' ~I~t'I :~~~ ti:~~I I~~~kl~' I~;~I~r~~I ~I:~~;f~I~~I, 'tt ll. ncd, OXCltll t-C ttt,yWtlYO,"

J.mm ON WUIII,O :- " [t 11l· 1JccoTnlnl t hefluh lun ttl d lt l lnKuhllll'd l"I'dtl llllo: P1 111I'm lt. fur 11Il};" ho)'" 10 Lc l u l,8tll Ult d for

:: :~:l~ 'j~It I;; tt ~~~j hl;~: "~~ i~:td~,~ ~IIIW~ :\\'11 11 . lIk . t"c k " .", &011 l old Luckl!.'.;" n(l ,rur Ihcl rbUl h' UI, II" V8 10 Il U~ ntl on Ihollfldl' , ca r ry tlll r Jl rllr~ ' l lUOkMnt! h.IU'l IlCI ,, ulJl)tjft her t rn ln Rml VfOU anti Gl'"ur..Hr l --'_~ ~flt'i:'e::~l~ r ~~1~IN~!.a r:lll~d~~O( ,,~~t~ )'~~~:~~I II:. a re uaua lly I e10ClctJ lo r Ihe Uftl('l',..

T ift-lit: I. on J.:ong r Ii ntl Su UQI' IHl (l1tJoy . lcr tll KlCer " 'h o hu. raked Ibu 1JIY nIV....

:I~..~uto '::i:r:(,n: ll;~Yh!.el~~'I;ilhlL' ub liil'I~~~~'I~iO"fllr.fIttllHl luI.' ",,,l en IIlUu.lln tl" of or l 't cr " In lIO ul,1 nlld . tow.. The ulller n lKhth t! Will la '<lJn In tt c hurch fAir, lin d wa.

f}:c ~ s·C r:Fn~;:t~!~¥ ' c~.::lre"~~~ttt~n:ti:i~:~tifc~~ r:,~p ~1l{1~~re. ~:..:~~. IIThi. ~~•flDUll hLn~ DOW_u ,

1\.1C'Ot":n'ny P l rlJOq J'Tf'ttcJlell a ,(' ri c. ofJ4'rmu III fin IIl1lcll enl murallty aw l . oon

~l~~ ~lr~::1 ~I 1 ~'S~Ir1 ~I~~lyvl~~It~~:;~:;b~r;~~~l o~t,;I';t:h l~i:I~~~\e~~tI·tll~I~~ou t .,dth . \Olen " IlPI"ot . Wit. Inel 11,)' li la)lUkin, "'hn butlcutl hi. etr'lIt l. In , onn d.b e ..Ideuco . flf hl l guil t , .. JlIIVQ 1'0111MwIn " ""lIu !f IIPI,IIt" " "'kNl t lle mlnt o'l'''r.

:;~~~t;:~r~.,:I~~;":;~~h~l~!' :::~fl;~~~~mil" co oli ulIt'd '~e n00d mao, .. Yt.'l,,:u 'I:)ll~ ~~I~"'~,~~n~1I11J~r.~~e~ :g~~~,v~ld Ihl! !'I f' l'''lU'lUI~ o~ tV " , "

Jageraoll'a Eloque.,oo.I'UOJ-:T SOUXJ) "un,.

8AT u n DA\ ', D J-:CI-:1Ul Ef\ 20. 1 ~O. At tu c ban qu et RDd recep tlon t o-============_:,j, Oonern l G rAn', ftl OldrR~ol hJ Ih o... Hocl&t.r o r tho Ar my o ( tho 'fCJ1l1I1H'

O l lf i llU G RAKT Jun n oeh .d from t"eo, Genoml Sheemnn IInltl :PhUadol ph ll\ tb o QDlll nn d er own ln g ( h lfTLt:\lr.:.- 1 n nw iU\'ito vcu r n t­r ceepuon 01 bit t ou r Mou nd th o teu fio n Io tho lwt.;lft h reA'ulllr h.ll\~t,

'WOI'I.l, T he rocpU on took plBCO o n " T ho Yolu utoer KohUt.'r of th e y ullllttbe loth ,9" which oecaeto n t h oro 4\ rm~', \" h OMO vulur nnd pn t r loU'Ul1

I " dt . «eved to t ho world A. ' go \'c t n ll1ont or,,118' l' I'G. d tD{l to th e G en e ml R tnblo t ho p (to pl o hv t he people nml ( ( If

f UcJ gold , tlU) eSRct lAo flimllfl ot t ho pU()l'lo:. ·r U CAp O Df.:O b.)· Colondthe-,old fauloDO(l mah egn ny center I nU'tJrl o ll .table on which Oon . OrBnt nnd Gen. Au ovation g rpelt' tl t he orator 11M

,L e••l« n oll th o hU1l111 o r th e lIu r- he IIHJllnt e11 the tnbl e Bl h l Itmih..>ll onreDdor of th e eou fed emtu ' nnny nt h ll v"at. ool lec ilo u o( heMol'N, It.

L. Allp om"Uox Ocurtho uso. Po e th o \VBII ku pt up n t freq uent iu tor vnl.., m ar blo top . Inb , how ever , A I' ln.to or du rillU th o CO U fI (I o f t ho folluwiug

," 13181. " ub.tituIOtl , Lenont h which rOHpOUIt'l :.h II C4"(l{} froiD gohl in th o lIig h"" t " ' Vhoil ,,In.\'o r)· , in tho H:I\'l\sor.,· of

•tylo o f tho jowel or '" . nrt , \ '81'10 Ud th o lnah , RIIII th e Imrbur lam uf rhoI. tmlrioti c end symbcl lenl device• . ehul n, flu.(1 the iIlH:llJit j' o f HOCOH IJ iol1" ' :\t'dund th o ,uppor rim iH OIlij' rA.ff h l , cc ufrouted t he civ il zntl on or ou r

• ..LI .. Prnonte(l to Gen , U. H, a .-not, country , th o l\U9H tin n, Il , r lll t hoD OG. IU, A. D ., 187U, Ily Frn nk '1'. gl'OI\t ftopulJlIo I cfc ud Iteclrt" (m in.

, 'V4Ildon, Ex -Confed erate ," wh lle bl oll U p OIi tho 1I1111 o( evary 10 \' 01' ofL around tho OUKo of th e tnbl e if" ~n . mnnklud , 'tho Sl'nutl XU1't h, tl ll ol1

... ! "mvetl. II 'V elcom8 h ome-s-The with int till ig ollco uud wcnlth , thuwh.oJo country f(lels Ih olt h on ore d l,ro(lutJh. (If loboe. mIH"h.\lotl 110 l'

I ' by haDan yo u lULvo received t rolD lUllt8 111141 MkC'11 ou l)' fo r n lcntl l'l',.11. , tp ; la re a t oALlan s o f tho ~Rr tb'" I'~rom tho pcO/,l0 R UIf\ f1 , r.i1ollt ,

I , " , th ough tfully po ilcl.1 unl) caIrn, ..t ep.Tltl~ . If . CUUO~ I"'LK IIR.\'II: fb e f'~ll (or wnrll , nn ll , wit h tho IIp lt o f

' pl l1n of exam ining opp1i~n ll ta (o r \·ict ol'.)' , \'oiccd tho Sntioll'Htil'ltt OilIIlOACbcra' pOIiUooli bv IUOn.U II o ( Ro t hu t llemruul - u IlCOllui tiUt1111 01111 in.l'~QOIIUOUI .h oicJotl l1i;on bd oro ha nll mOtHato IIurrC' II,!, 'r. F ro ln tha t mo,

..I tui~ u• •u un Uor ml v thrt>ug ho u t tb fl m en t. th o e ll ' I WlI'4 I..nu w n. l.' hn t., a lAte i. a COfDlll"eto ' Ail urtl. 'rho utl crnn ce WII ' Jhe lin t 1'1'0.1 ll{'cl a rn 'I E.Ja a: lolng Uoaru in cacb CMO a~10u ) d t ion of rcnl w ur l ,Eu ltl ,in llCCOn~l\ tLce

I k now as much QII th o cand ll1nte , with th tl tlrQl1lat lo u Dlty o f n llght.""hl~h \t ouM rcud or tiht rcotypu,1 ov~n ll , th o lrIohHf'f wh o Jon<lo it , ro O'qu estioDs u on CC CUl\ r)' , The pl'OHont ('tlvoll th o n01l1 8\\'o rl l or I"clJolh ou .IJt,ttlD II a moro iovibtio u fur the 'rho lo illic n o( t llo Hcpu lilic \"'cn '

. J perpet rAtion ot fm ud 8. not IIce ken lor \'ultear g lor)', I\l'il hur(I .. we ro thc~' cUliolBletl lIy Iho bol'O of,,4 CANArU 4~ P AClrlC n...IUIOAD Co..- p l und Ut' u r 10\'" o ( ('rnc l co nf lue Kt,

TJUC1'1I .-TbO cODt rncts fo r th o ' 12j ~o . HO, neH r . Th e" four,llt to llo·• l ' feull toho hom es tc ttd of h hort) · Gu ll

InUes ()('road fr om Yal o to 1\ lllt1looP8, Ilmt tlH~ i r chi hlr (lu U1 i ~b l h a.yo 110"(' 6.,hi DrlU,h Colu rAbi". wero R\\'Rnh!fl 1'h01 wcro tho "le f01uJo1'5 o t hu nm,lI.

t .. fol1ow. :- Rub-eoction 1, D un cnn ity , tho u8IItn»)"lftt (If prtlj ull icc, I heM~DoDGltl & Co " ' 2,727,30 00. HilI.· h rCllk e r8 o f clmintl, n,1111, In t ho Ilnm"aee tio n 2. ~eunl. P urcoll, H .)'Il R, vt Ih o fut uro, " lo w tbo JDOlls te r orG ool1win & Smi th, ' 2,0731000 . Hu".. IbC'ir lim o. They flni,h c,l whut th ele otlon 8, D un CAn ~lcDonQltl ,,\ Co" ftllhll t.'nl of th o HIll'o lu l io n COIUU1~njJ .

" t i .OlSR,D60 , Sub-scction..a . :\[osIn lt. ad . Til ey I)(\\,o n iH th e to tch tb ntt T ,..\ M. CnYanBRb, ' 1,809 ,150. Th e (uIJ frum thoir nugutlr h nutlR, nn d• ,aontn d lor Bootio n D . o f th o Dt'HI L tlll oll t he wo rM ugnill \vith li g ht.,\1' ColumbiA Boctlon of tho CBnndino T ho)' 1ll0 tt ed o ut. from o ut' Rtnt u l t'• I'ROI80railwa y bl\1l boon t rnnft(orr ed ltook th e 1(\"'1) Jllts ltellLJ.\· 11~' l I0l'l"i bln t

to Mr. Ond orl(o nk , n woolth.)· con- tho IU8t1gnUol1 o( rolJbnt" lU lll to ro.. tractor I of O" Uforniu. Cn,.nnl,gh wil h Lrn\ Q nml ltHli gnnn t h r1l1thI ,llroil. rabun BU illtercllt III i t . (r oUi th o ,,'oll&ti hilion o ( l ho U Ilil c tl, 1" ,, 1' StnteH th nt iufnm OllR cln ll~ o tllfllLJ' ",I'OI ~ GOYerDOr of CRli lt> n l ia h aH mnllo m<J n tho cQlohol"Jl o r th oil ' C61 ­..,Iil ued a elroulnr lotter RTllIoun t'i n g low mon. · Th p\' U18110 it l lOfot 'ltUlc, to' tho Ilr(Jlldent nn el Ca binot , COil· rOl' jUtlJ.r £JHto bC' jll llt , lor Htn tl'dlll(tll"rGlIlJmen tlnd n11 tho G o\'or n orK o f to ho hn runllo, nntl fot' polil icil\ w, totbo 8ttlt£J1I "nel Torritorios t ho r ORlill lit' honcHl. 'l 'h o.)' hrol<e \lI e I:t lll\ckl mr01 tho renGut tOW in th "t 8tnto 11(1011 from lh o li m h.. o f Itlnotl, (ru m th £'t ho Cbin olto qUlllition . 110 gi vos th u 11011111 of IhAAte n , nlld fr om t ho S Ol·tb­of1lolal Yoto a8 follow s : 1'·or Chhul!tO crn 1m, .n. 'l'hoJ' kep t OUl ' COUl\h ')'Iwm~Uon, ti83 : ogllln it Ch ineso u n tho IUllp o( tho wor ill u Utl O IH i1 1 ~

I,Jw UlI, raUo n , I G..i ,G3Yi Yot e rs "ho in Ile[l\'ell. 'l' bor ruIlC!t1 tho hto uo

~rtIBHed uo jwiah on tbo s ubje ct, ~~~II~ltltb:Ii:~~i:: c1: ~?oo fRr. J.lr~y~'c~'I ;lltl : ~,.~"', " 'J I .J Mbi uiug g nrrnen t8- Xnl iu lia li t.v n Ull.1 t ,A ,.ar U.WLua 8tate of alT4lirADp · Liber t~' . 'r bo Iwltlier!l WNO th o

pean t.oesi " lit Londtille, Co lomd o , 81lviore u( t u e Ho:public; t hoy W Cl'('\

d J.; th o li llcrn.torll o( men. I n wlithl:;'~t::~~U;~rro(l(lr fi~:~fffl '\' tlt~:: .~~ tho JJrolllumnt ion o( J::U1BIlCip ul i o ll ,liattondor to th em 8 pri son or unmou Liucoln ' lJreRtt ~ t o f ourmiS'lJt~, lll~ lt(l,

,. I whotic momon' J" (\.'og.m tlo l\ H n. su m ·Ounrle. Stewnr t , A uot ori OUY oot mor air, wluiu l'fnpeht eiuA' Il.JOitl

::~:~~.~~:i~j~~~~~~t~r~~~~ r~~h21:; 11~,t~~~ir£~d~,,~I~t£~' '' AI lW' Dt.y yean old, and bGggoJ d ,. h kpiteounly'tor bUtUfe aDd for rime to Iwor s. Cll'Ander tu an t e Gr~o ,writ, tohia moilier . AlConnol\ot "Ule, nobJor thou Un H om o n , tb e 8'Jldi ol"lt~•• , but .... o nl l aUowe..1 L.iwo to an)' o ( th o ll e (Ju bl ic , " 'ith l\ pAtr iotism n,"brief pray er. nnd waa then lAunch . CllfClc". (lJI t h e al l', (ough t fo r th o:ed, in to e~rDit1' Tbo mob thon i~tl~~ u~hdtbb~i l~c:t t~\~nt~b i~J~~~h~~took Ed. ],·rod.hAm. A.,d I\llb oullh I h b'ld ,.be at.niglJled lorooiolUly. hUD" bam rn g bt own er own C I , tua t. nrro·

" 9 '. workUlanlike mauner. Uu"t hall. gnnt idlone." . hould not Heor thoOIled familiarity wilh t l'41 ha.ug mlla '" lmok of p u.tie nt toi l, nnd tha t OUt·trade. Frodsbau ha ll boon j umpiug country Hhou ld not bUlllUan,. .henJ o(l1· .- dri . f'1 .- b t 'Donliter , mnde 'i war ring Sta te ll, bu t.0_. nog a OQCU PI\Out Y oree . n N ntion Bo vor olg o, g rnu d. Rud fl'co.'• .,d eo"duelio~ blm..ll l•• s·eeml. Bloed WA. " Alo" mODey "I\,I. n, o••J1 obJe<ltionab e 'manner. 'l 'he 101- Dud li fe W AlII ouly commo n nir , \In tilIOwinllDOle" ... pin cod 10 hi. baok : ODOflAg flOl\tad 0'.' on. 1IOI'1Ibile... Note-To ,,11 th iOtn, buoko-"t eenl , with out BIUll. Rtor RDd wit bout n.1 111\ '0.

foo\ pada aud obroui9 bonJ6Iutm 101 And then wn. nllkcd tbo (iliu tion ,th. IA"'•. A.,d .y",pl\lb lz. .. 01 Ib o 1 Iaboto alMs of crimioolA, tbi ' i .. our ,,' U a ree 1'00 }110 YOl uutBril~' tliScommencomont nn(l tbill sholl bo tborUliOlv"'Rtu 111\\' 1\ X:,tio n' Hd eLt ?

-JO'Or Gud. ' Vo mll"n bU8ine.... L ot Tbo ltoldi orH weilt homo, to th eirt hll be :rour Jut wornlo {t, !)Artl cu . wa iting wiv tlH, to th e ir Rind oh ilu ren,I I C A.d C C m lind to tb o gi rh tho)' loved , TJHI,)', ar, DOnG,. a me, onDor 0 n", ""Ollt Uuok to th u fiald. , th o Rh" llM,Hogan. FA1. Burna, Ed , <JlJamp, 1' . tb u miu tla. Thltv IUlti not UNJn 110-A. Kelll , aDd Ito ATfot ImAny athen I' J

who aro well know n to th i. orf{lloi. mora Il OC.1. '.£hc y b,u] heen en n o bled ,' '-- \" 700 It H 310cklnlJ Rt rOVell'1I0l, lnl1ghin g ' Rt

=:; ~~b·oarha• ~Ob~U'Oli ~f ~'ll:~r~'il{~~~ ,\.'~{l:,,~otdi~h~ N~tI~o~!;INlJIII bribee "bU. ,Oil,. M.nh.1 I J

Mid 31m, BtUb. ba'l. · been wlun'l{ i( e , lind ",bnt I. Hfo wi thout h onor?"to loan or ah4ro tb. lIA.IDe (ot.. 'l'be 1'1101 \York ed tUld "'r ou gh t with all&bul' ~d '*l chuaeten. have al ao of labor ', ra Ja] Ion", tb at ~yervbandtd toll.thor• ..,11 olllll" tb.1 pled llOIh. N.llon tt••do millhl ho ,.;.liari.,g766 Ilame••., rolled , Ihoy "IIi de6mod, .1..<1 thei, 1:'01\1 leArI.,IOlloedlalely beal., .nnlrinll Ibolr hulng pUlA . hlnles hl\lId 01 lrio",l ·

i rad 'd, tb d ill I h llhi p. 0 g ird l" o f clallped nllli l ov in g• '0: ofeUwt'vi;U~b::' wL~u:I~. 1Ianl1•• ar oand tho g louo. emne bOO1£'• theb1. Tho1 ,ho.Ye al rolUly to Ond, AD d i1nda, tbat n ery l lt-olDilfl

iened to burD tho towD, and madelD war balf no,., tb (t ri Dg antiL. ~ 1 gleBm 01 gold , Tbere ia an othe r_ .. ....t D"" ... to .om. peop. ~u..lloo .1111, WiIl.ll ' tb . wound'lIl!8JIOIl\ad to ha•• bee., conD.ol<ld 01 ".r be h.AI..1? I .D. .... r . ye•.~o1~::1"\~ldl~-.,:~ ~~: Tbe !lolllh... P'O!' le muel ' ''bmll ,

I ......... ~~. to I Ih ~ No~ 10 Ibe . dlotl\lIon 01 Ih. :'o,lh,• 8l> .-.. D~..... .:.liu I. 0 .. bUI to .. N.lIon·. " ill and Ibo . o,di ol=--be~~~~. outlaeda:r:(i of mabkLnd. They ".1'8 wroll g , anll-.1_. wtlieb • •• beau d::7<hd11 Ih. 11"0 ",ill 001... ...b.n Ih oy will...... Ia...... 01"Ie. ..ylh.llh.. peopl e ....e Ib e violo re

who haTe been wanqui,bed bl thO!ADd y.1 Colomdo I... 8lele In Ih. righl. Fr.odow con~u.n<l lbOIlI .

v..... baYlnll WeD admilteU 00 Iho alld I, • • doAl "' ill olllli,at-> Ihelr_ 'of popu1.tio.,. A.,d Wuhlnll- "1110, ...iIledurl\lelbelrohihlI'8D. "iII~ with Illi e1xl,. or .... .,1,. Ihon- ro,," 01 .....llb. "Ill ..omw

~ dadrion. AIId I_•• lridiag lh. I 1Ia ~11 Ihelr I• .,rI- withIII • " hap!'1 hom... Th••old",,,, . 1 lb....unnmuo ..... T.nitorla1 Ual on .....d lb. Boalb .......I1.. lbu~..jl ' ''' to ,peak. Norlh. Tb<o1 1''' ••• N.tloe.

Page 3: C( THE PUGET SOUND , MAIL. · 2012. 9. 14. · LA CONNER , &-E"";:;-;;.;-'"--=. = -== = =----== = =.. ~ &.:.. ~ • " '~e-=... ! un,.~"', "'. =: ''--; • ~ ~~. _. ~ ~



WIICU.r.R4LC " ud II ET". LI

11"'\1 .1:111 1M

'IV6 .r.cd'lIll!liill)' IItll)l»g ld

1)111' " Olly txtclI~I" c ) Sinck• ' tt

CbS" I~" I :lO 'W A t· Ul. l, (.IS f: liP


n ard wofo 1 Crookery , Olul\y& ro,lt. th

Ilop••, C:lln~·Il' • • .... Itt · :'fnll ';4 "qe. 0." .

.\ I.rll' .lId t' ol11plrttl A ' lWI l1mllni ut

0 ...."'11 urid iflc4lclnt!lIJ~ w.~bi~' in tho>

Beot ItIlU'ket•• nnl ... w e' lor...Dains a Btnotly O.ill Bualn.."ar e' enabled to Belll'ir.t 01...GoodJo.. t the Lowut Prioe• •

WE OF F En ,


A. we h &ve on hftQtl " O lt '·.rtMy ur

·i-:~~;~\~I~r~I~~~~~~C~:~~~&II n 4 ftr Klin r. t:t c:, I••r~

",urtl. II p.Rr ... MIll'"°r r_" I. l)Cc. I ..

••••d" liar,••·uft·e r "I~"r'-I

A I·U.E-Dllln:n, Comple.. lot ' lOll.t· ' II'

All or .. bleb lin.) mllny . U•• , . , lleI••tlJO'nnm cron. to mentio n (r llmul\o ltilof our I mIDr.n llC Hwck, ; lJ~' mOl tA'. good 'A n. w) "m.LI. lor IhoCou ntry T r ,ul c, will ba llOld ,a t Q,

ftDcritloo. II I-

C,II .I. E.l.11L\" 01: 8J:OClt R' O.l.~AIS ~.I j i IU"

oEItE'Ul MEROHAMDISE,Scllniiiu,' w. 'rr:

- --- ,


CArT. J. IV. ~)l1T l1. M it ' ;

Th e Rbo~1l 4~t(tnrnot l ~n ,.Mt .BConnf" for Hpntt lo ouel \"0'11) ' l,otl\UII'fue fltb) ·. flu,l H,w. ur dny, .

~'or frc1l h t ur lIn.- R I O 0111,ly flU lfofll M.,

CAl '!' . J . II, III I.r" .,u'er.Thl. It_noOf wi~n'lJl\ Oonh6r

•••r, TdD~hy nod Frida, tor 1:1•• tlloAnd "1Iy \.. ,1• •. · ,U\lt " MU r nl.lOlJf At" )UnJi "uTt. l1ATl':'tj

"."lill POll V I U IIT r. Il .Will " . rrr (nluhl lwll r' lIla llDKtm to Ittl)'

r htCOU ll &hoSfluud. ' '" 1 \

I"or rr tlil lil or f1 MI.," "l'pl)' on bdirO,I.ft CIl'lluer. O<: t. t:l, t 1l7G. I

"8T~IIER CHEIfALI IIc" i+r. '; Uos. lIJ'A Il~OK, at. .. r,

()".,,:n:wa.TIIIl 11••• lIi.uii,

ST Olt};.

t I ~


I' It f» )' Uf "~TI) 14. I


WADDEll lit, 1IIt1l.E8,

$ 'i

.p tr M J:> S .IrOnl'lllC, Drn!!" Good", &:c.


" ·hule...'Ie ItIU' UtltuU Dealer"

·r J n ~ tI .' I"IDt"d " ~lUbl.d Ware.

th ~~r(l~ ~.c~ttu ~~Jv~U ~~~ I"o'b, y to IIrwon t)


:,W"I .\ ~ ~')W HUi S H ,\ li T IlIC'T f.Y~)'\ ~n nl' :-oI :\ I':~ ." ~ ll (','#iN ANIJ li t)~E I . I . l'I n :.I I' EII TII.I:< AN\ ' li s !-:EI.. I·; I~ "' 11I: <;01':<'1'\' .

nll'~I\f: ~ ~~l~r.,~:::· ~ I ,~,~~ r:I~I,? ~,rl.I~IJ.: . c"lIln~I I"w.. f., llnd Ii ) ' l'''f ..rlt.,u' , ~ I lIl\t t h""

~t~I~~k~,',~ II~~~(J hi ",tiC I "'tter t llan tbc

S WJ XO:\I ( S Il

11.1;1 ;1 ' " (; Cl:lt,. T .\ " T I , YI '"r Hll lt' "C I h .. l .o\" " lIli I 'rl c e-I:I'l.UUH, I't:"; ll, II.ICOS,

Hl 'UAIt H .\ IiIlIUI'H,RU klnd _,CHOCKER\" , TIN WUU: , AIIlI


D ItY·O OODH Ii. CI.O'l' III NO,HOlt T!II A NI) " .... I : ".

H AT S AND C.U ·:-I,l/ OflUm\", &0.

I AI. o L umbe r, Bhlnglel. &0 .IJlJ'f ·n:lt . ( l ll .\IN. nil."

COU~'fl I\" I'l tODCm : ,'.udJlh. nntl Jio td.

I .nnll.~f; 'f I'U(J ..:tI IJA II) "'O ll

PU HH & JII,D h S .

N.lW ADVEltT If\EM~:N'r!l . , STXUtnOAT==-=-=~,..... ,;,s,=6=. c::=========~=

N E "\V :..G O'O I:>sI ' _ _'__' ,Jll I

AT THE FlDALeO ITORE.I h~,. I"ot-r::;;:;~d cllre!'

FROM !loAN FRANOlSOOAI...... ",ortm ont 01 tltAj,le An,1

Fl.llt')· 'WI r,)' O ooehl vi ,,11 kh1tb;Mon'M und ])oy. ' lJ.ull\iDB nlu.(J Olltlt ' F"ufI1uhi uK Oath a; :\fftra'aKod lloy.· Pure 1\1,I,L. r lllip\A, !l u i.. Hh!llmer JtUII IlM ' Mllrtlc.Lor C... lJI I"d Oil liolto; AI. o !loo'"Hho•••ycl llUVl'n,,; 'ul .11 ~ID'" . ",1 C.\ I"f, ,Orolt o tl COUI'I':, K U'. r.Hiuotj' :i vtlons uf nil k1hJI; Hartl- · ---" ·I,r o a nJ ,Cutior n Iron 'onl\ Nlll1Mi " ·1II1on" tJLA Connor . 90r T. mgrn ­Olh ., ~w nrtJ mhl Cr(,lc kurYi lJrul-fII anti InA'Cloopl 1 ue Htloy AUll SUha.y lor})l,tc llt 31\J(Uch lott. •' Ullllllith I ud Cou pevi lle ,' eunnec tlng

tI,or. " lIh t ho .bl go .... <1 ' rurry toO


1 " 111 - r f ' 1 II I I i 'ort. T ow mond, ," , In n u • 0 .. . n, p"' nt ' . II On Tn ••do] will lo Ud UUlllad l't bo nLo' b 11110 01 lIou,lo I '; IIl, lnk. ror tllonw".d . 1Il1 Cddilct llio nn.1

ttl Iter Cfl"t. Oil lor (:l'.h. roturn lo UtHllndy , ~l

OROCERIES '" PROVISIONS I - , .-i TEAM-'E'-R"'""S- U-'S'"'"IE-'-,-'I 1l11t. fr OIU t\r ..t hnulh III l'l lt tl n nd

....I HAN 1"lt.\!'i(J IHCO '",t~..Io , lIu<l CAI'r. lI ' O. o r.NI: \" )r.., ,,.will IIO U IUt Chon p lUI tllo Chonil4tlll.., 1' c1 rtf\tU~M Imn' n tU"ta noll.1 will~ho "(loch,1 t~rllUI UJaL \, ItI III)i themror c!"'.I llllnu ,· I , I

I ~n rf\" r\ ftlll 1InO'"r nll A'ou,bll ' l\ IlIl ~' Iif!llt in " l'~hM tJctl\'" Couul r,.H I~ r• .

'r o nl1 wllo hf'\Vo mnh4Jl tt') f1 pondJ "m nlt)',nf': - P ll'IUltllJho 11'1 • calf,a h tt I R' l1n;"'ltrf~ t lllLt ) '01\ will hmYlItnt h ticil \"hlt yuur U"fH'Bln ".


f ''0.' i·· ·· N

1 (l 11I11I "If I.

' M • f 0

LEClAI, NOTWf:ll .

J . T. IUl(j ·~'S, n et. l"t e r .'\ Flnl. pu bllra tlon We, t1tld

------ - - --- -- .

' •., ~ n O .... ln~ .\ T O, .n...I \ , W , T , .lJ"r ellllll" I, l "fY.

l'itJ':IC I-:1'1 11"'I'lIy llh l'n . llll t lhy t ul­InwlU Il l1"lllt~ Il.~ tlh~ r lilu rll l'.t nlll lt:1J,Ith l" lnt l,.l flll olllulIlukut\ndl l>rl'"1'11l "'IJI' I' tlltClf hi . clllIm , I\nd "~C l lrr lin" . I'n l , )' tttt-!"POf

d~ ;~'~t~I\:~~r1~I~tic~~ ~:;.I:fl)· drly' ( ' IJIll th u

B UllY-liT II . toIlu llr, I'rl" rClIIIlllun b ..H.~o, nu.,~ tnr 1111' W. i u t :; , W. h ~; , l:dli t ~ . W, ; alUl S , W. t u f S • •:. • li t ~·I·

: ~;:~~: ·tl'E; '~~il:~\)II~" ;:·'I .t~ ~'Ir;:~~~, ...~.~~:4. U, Ikll , u ( W LltculIl CUlilit il, W., T.,all d ( 'hllrlU II mw n, uf W hillcu lli CUUll tt ,W. '1',

~nfl r. f" .

J." !li l' thT lt :,: u 0 ' ,\ 111'1.\ , W. T "h l'i:t·lll itc r I , I ~j ll .

~1I 1 ·1'I <: ': I" h~ ; l' h )' Io!:IVl;1l Ih 'lll Ill" fil i I11I\l IIlJo( ' rlllll l,"11 1> ' Itl l" 111,,, IIIt'll ho t\( '. t .fhl~ lutf'Il I" ' " til l,, "k l.' IIn"1 I' full f 1 1I 1~·p .

: i"'I~I\:tll,~ ~: ~"lci~~h:!I~ I~~ :llt1:~~I~~ ~' It:II: ~;lr l'~~?h Ull ' IIII' 11111v lit Il d ~ lI ul h: e , \'1,. :

h\ " . .l ' :!'ll'll !"iU ~ , Il toIll C' l lJll ll llo l l l lllI!....ll l lI~ :Q . lpot l ,' 1m t hu W. I o f X. W. t IIf ~~tl-

~!'~:lll;~\ ;I~";:·,ll~~~\'Il:~1 "~ i : I ~t ':1:;~;:,:~.. ,'~:';~ :Ie" t"'r l I(Cllllod y , ul W"o lculll L'lIllnty. \\' .'1'., IUII I :' IIUlUd ( ·. lhoUll, o f Whllh 'UIIIt'tJ\lll l t . w. , ',

J . T. IIn u WX , UI·lt l llh: ' .( 1·'lr . t 1\llhll r " .11I1) 1)l·I' . till •.,

I ~ TUr. msrm cr CoUnT.' 1I1.... nm

}:~:~:.I YiL";~:ht;:~:~~r~i~r ' ~~! . ~~~~I~r,~t 'fJUlllyu t Wh , tCUlil. •

Ot:o lnlP' r . Jhll!li RII 1', . llIlt lf. lYri. , .

deu x FAlIY. lJo 'I~ nt.l anc .

Att tun hruu.ch l III IIlr 1l1.lrld Cnllr1 o fW lu le" "1 t' o Ullly , T t'ul1U1) ' of W "4 h lnll1" " , hullltll~ 1("f1ll' It IAIl'nnlu: r , Wh llh'lIIUIl ·utlnl,'. W. ' 1'. '111 11 t:lu flpl"UI1 1UI·tl lll l llvc"u u nl y Ilf W'II. t.t:tIIn . lu Illu unl ce Ilf lUlll:t" ,1l. ut "111\t J) iNtrlcH (.l'lIl n.

T u JOIIH . 'un . IJltf ll n"'n l ,I II thu nl1mu ut th tl l111lt ..d t't..~ll'. of

i~~:'i ~~~I'l;t.~tl~~lU t: ~t:~~I!1 ~~'~111,~~~11 \.~Itll ~!~Iht' 1I1 1I ' \'0 rtn!'ll lJ(1 pl,\lntll fl n Hu, nll' Ivu('II­IIl h l1 Cu t.lt l, "" 11 '11 Il ll " " " r IIltl ('ullIlt b lll ittl ud Ihr rel" wl lh ln .Ixty cl,,)·. " ti er thtlt.lnlIl li t ' hit .U lIlIllull l f ir Ju ,I)(III1 '1I1 hi 'tlt'huh, wlU ht! , ,\ lte ll H~.lu ..l.~'V ll ,u,:clJr, 4

I n ~· :ltt. t ~1;~I:,~~'1;r ~Jr~I~:~i.~ t ':~~ 1 11 :11~;'I~ in II 11 /1 ,Cft ..., uf Ihl. ('Hu r ' fu r I li u fott'IIII1Il " U Il t ,\c.:u rll\!ll Il lUr l jTll ll tl tl ~' IW ' r1 lJtJ , 1 III lhl! 'l l~ ltlt'(j l lllJlll lnl IUl lt u\ \·t:lIh' tl lJr 11111 " ,III ,llIhn1:'I\I.y un til ,' 2:"11111\' li t .\ II~ I" I, 1"'1:1. to

:~'I~~ t'~ ( :~~,I,1 !1\~r.::; t ~'III~: li~ I ,lil tr~ \,lCl.'I~' X ~ :~~~~:IHi ;!, lllinl u by .'I I ~' ,fuhu 1-'l\ h" fo r til t:IIU Ill lIt t wo !l l l ll lh ...l l Ill '" , l 'ty 1 1u""r~

~: : : :~ ~:;:~ ~i nl~"f~~~~~~tt ;~~~:: I~~;::~II'I~ :~~ :~11111, 1/' " t l ll p, U I" Il f IW fI nll .1 ollbh l,1f 11t'tI.:I·nt Iw r IWHlf h. In I hu ur.lt 'r llf I'tlllllllc1 W.

:I~ :.~~ 'u'~I:II.~~1 ~11"~111 It·II.I~~tJl l; ' ~\lltl l\~~,(~r·,i~o;~ ::l". n ,' r flt '. : 1I.1'l1 ,I ,ei rlrt·lnl",·. t'tlnh')·c·d by

~:'::;:,~ :I "I1~;:~:~:.r" t)11\i7tl ~:;'Y~::~::I'I','.i .~(~l11r IHII1II.Qr)· IIH l u with lu tllJI", 1 thNI'11II n ""Curu t\l\l (t ntl f'l. rt u. lu I\ ll'"" Vil id 011 .,\1,pr '·ful. ,·" II)' MI,1 111l\lutUf 1 ~ ll l lJ lIlI lhl li 10'1:1,II:.!1I1ll' In lfOrT 'll , nnd ('1I ' lt h ll:lll·lIl1j1li n utlnt'II U)" 1 tl'C (III'UIlOllt"t ' n . nll.! Hl lIrl·il'llll tl: all ll lll CIC4tl • 11.1 Ilr"""'l'l l, ...it: n(,!lu tHd t'll t to 11"" tll~ "1\0111' ll u'u t tl uhlit'n'UI I 'U.·('u l llIll . ~"l n'11'IIl1t1 J llll n Flloht fu r

:::: ~1~'I~~ I:I~ "'l~~:: :~ ~ ~ ~: : ~I I:I'jrfI I~' ~I~~'I~!-~, I l~: ::~~e~~~:i' u~~~[ ' f~~~~ I;::lIJ1 '~~~I' f ll lIt'11:1~ 1 ,111 : . ~{:, ::~

~ '~I;~,I~~·.1 :~' ~;l rtC;!~'~~i'l l ~~!J,~ ~ll~~~I'I~I::::l l ,t~:I~~n nd (M IIl hti, alld furtl...r re:h·( , A>I will

~:~:III~I I :: :: :};JI ~m:· I;~~ r~.t;l ' Il'h'~ IH" e lu thu,\n .l ')'uu .. rl·lu.'lfO by Il"tllit'll , I' lt ,f yuu

~~I ~:,:',:.~!' r;:'~~ rr':.~~ ''.'::''~~I lt~ : III""'.: ~I,'~::rI~mftl' l,ly tn tl llI C. lllr l I.. r l bu r d ld UcUllllldl·J

I II \rll;~\\~:nl:,I: I ' III: . s , l ~ ...."fm~ , U lI r.t' :"f K ..t 1l , 1 ~ (! .,t !Ill! ,,"1 .1 (' ''lU I , 111111 thl! .....01.,th V ct.o (,I M" ~,I , I ll)" II f lJc:t"C lllh"r• •\ , H .

h ; . . .I ."II;~ .1. 1111.1.11,,1:<11.( H U ..} Clf' rk ,

:-OT llcn: k 1. f':,\ Il \' tU I, 1 I[ \ I .I.IW I. I-::<IIU:.AltoJJlt,)'_ fu r t,•• IIIIUr.

Wlrll ~ 1" l lJlk ulll.l11 OI'C. fIlh .)




Y E A H ' S


o. YI. LYNCH,Anflilccl.

E. lI C'l''l'Hl(Q \\, SI(\".


G,o.ln o.nd r oed far: Bkle .

( ' .. 1· '1", .s ~r.nx J·U ·J "r .l:Jl .

llO .IT)I.I~ .I T 1..\ 'OJ(~lm,



Two fir.t· cln•• rAtwOon the HhQII1tR iver fr ont, wit bin a nnlelun! t\ hRiIuf tho tO WII of La c'oDllu r ,· "'Id t·OU"tnillln f HID Dl!r l:ll ol\cL. hi laerohyu lTtlrel fn t· lo ll' o h ,~ ry r'",ulon"b l"turm" 'I'hore are aotou Hix l1 acro"ul c lt.'l\r I n ll ~l , wilh ijoo(l ll wolHoR I"d'l>ar nll o n eaoh j rm tlnre wull nd &l)lod(or J.n1r)· o r ",ouernl f" rlnlllj:tpllr l'0. oll.t:4tcBI1IClrtlfrum HCGUllt n 'J,t GllConnerl' RtlJl t hosa p illcaa rt·s u ~rl,. t wlco now. ok·. A " r• • ~ Largoln AWnIt. th.pUrObtlMr. . Fo r terlo l apl llj· to. .I." G . (1-'«:1111",

L. Co nnor . W . T .


BOOT AND SHOEMAKER,L .\ cos:oa:n, w. T.

All ""a rk 1 1o~ boll pOMlIibl0m nHDer , wit h OhM. Drow n foruUtBn.

\\' 111 11111' 1111 ttl 11 11 ('I\ \I~ un r"""" ll lIlJll' !t. til I " ,

. .\ 1. " Illlllh t tl h,t .

Tw o lJunll lod nnel nfh J tunw ofOa twj orlll h lll1(In.'ll nuu rif f) tl'lP" ofn "rlev ; Dnd fl fl v to n" oC 'Y bmlt ;nnt! 0)"'0 R InrJ.Cc 'Iot of Orouhtl l"~ellf ..lr MAlo 01 low ra toll. Adtlr "M.

.1. l'i. <:1 ' X~ }: II . (, ft Cunller, " . T.

x s w A IIV~;IlTlfl l1)I1':N 'rS ,'w ..:.= .- . ~ - --;: t:..=.S:;l~:::~.:~

!!OTIOM TO J'tJ1l0R8.

n"~;I~.I;:iI:,II:~~~IIf~~I~'I'~ r;l:~ I'~~t '~ fJ(~W'~:!J~r::.111101 nl rt''' lMlllrlhlc r.'14" .

::oh ,I\' 11I3 nn cl. Iml ' t '"III IlU d une III nl'nl(",,1• ut.'lltllt·r.

t~ · ~,ili .Vlllll , :J ·I I ' ~ . lJn lr,.t l n ~ t1l'" . ~~ " , nfull"h 'lUltlto 'llll lll" , '0:"1 ','


A .T. HI G DY.


SIU O IT l" l'l' \' . W. 'I"

.\ ~l f' '\ un t nllil tl l\ l ' l ld ' u t f()r Il1ltl r ,(' ..,t lt Il l.tr ,,11'11 \ 1'11I 'Iii I.., r-h ..u t ilIll'r . lln 'lI f 1l1l,1 u ru J .~ !lJ \ I'....l! UI'I IUlhllll ·t l.·.. h·. 'I ' Iot-" I\ 11",'11'.1; ·, ' '' 1 In Ih uM' Ilr.·,

l ::' ~~ (~::: '.(; ;:~:~ Il I ~~u~4t' ~ ; :I~ ~i,~ : ~ , I ~~ i~ l:~~~~u )( IlJ .1 101 I lI'uh h ullI I Ulolr ·II.. l " l t li l l. ,. 111.1t ilit rt ( li e !I(I" I, I!lv flll llll lt will b.. IUu..l flrr u,, !rl ,l ; I\1,jl UIIl ~tllll · rlU l ru.It· 1l 1 rl ·h· r\·~ .

~l :~ 1; ~.I'~ I~~ ~;r t:I~I. I "I~r~li.~~ ~)rp:~~I~~n4~1:{~~IlI ln 1111I1 work rllJ ud ll1l( Ih l.fr (IXpUll''''

I,'or 1'",rt it"lIhll r 11l1tIn '"

{'rt" ' , ,\ . 1' . 111'11 :11 1':1.1., .\ . \t., (·r lod l,. I .Hl:..·. I :. () . 'f.' I.I:, .\ . .' t. . :- lI l~

'n e l" t:T~, 1I1111l1l11liK ~I.'n llc llllln 11.11(1ltl.d l~ lI • • 1: ~ U\lll~r , .' Ol'cul_ t'lLeh.

In,· IIr (1t.'r Il f 1111)

1••\ l 'O: 'z.\I-:n n .\ ~t..:1 NU (' 11t' 1I.

j T I !. ",V

W oduO l(l Ay , D uo e m b . r 31ot.( S I~W r'~ ,\H ' :o' ":\, 1'; .)

Ord' Hl nnt) IlP. t ll juror- h er etc tor e, cmh" tl for Ihu l ' lJl'ct" ucr ( ttJ10)te rm of the DI..tr lct Co urt o f WhAt·oom Co uuly, w. ~1'. , Iioltl lug ter m.nt Lu Conner , w, T., will phlluotak e notl cn t1l1ll t ho tim e o f h uld lliUMRil1 Cou rt hi'" been cl ulit1" otl 1.Iy tboLeHilll" t ur o 0 1 '''· lu h h lJ: lo n 'Toerl tu rytu t ile second \\' '' d Il0. 111\.' III ,10 11 IIa r.\',I HMO, nll\\ govern yuur l!(.'holt ecccr d ­IlIllly .

,J4\I F.If A. OU ,I.U••U iII . CIt'IK.II.,· order o f hi.. Ho nor , Hcoen H,

O Il r. I~' ! • •JIIfIHo.

1 .

T ,n:n : I ~ "'0"111 ) ,,11.: o( n II CIllh f .I ll " " T reo" to Ul'l\Ufy Lha lit tl e QU lI " .Au oi cuilu ll t i.lr!a.

- ' --.. -.AT n rf'U' lIlnl' conuu lluil:ntloh or

ClI. mnuo L oe)",o l'o.l ll , A. 1,' . 111111 A.:\1. , llt·l tl ~t)v . :lHIII , (l f1l~N'1l fI.8 fol •low" " ·4J ro " I(Oc te tl : P~ t t l' J) t,.J tH·llP ,W, :\h"t('r l P oll!r Pu tUJoCO Il , ~ . \\'I\r.,1tlUj J ohll l : , Can, J . \ \"lUdotl j(! ullr~' D owey, 'l'rollHUrCr j e lmlloj'h lnuM rl , Hoc,·oOO r,)·.

D ' 'fTfH m' Cou"T"J.- T ho fo ll o \\' I DR:nw th o term tbtc" o f t he Vil;tl"ic lC O lJrh of th o t 'h ir fl Judicinl Uistriutf,r \ \·w.Li ng toD Tt:rrlt nr y : 8nprt' IDoCo urt . Itccond ~tt) IH1s\' in J ul,· ; D II;'t rict Co" ,t-Rfln tt l~ , lC" 111h )(0 lui 1\,).ill J nn unrJ IIltll th lrtl ) (0,ul"1 h ,Augtnt: :ir cl l"eooDt, tir llt :\(o Utlu\ ' inJuuJt " " tl ti r .. t ) (llIu l,, 1" iu 1) (,(,l.' ln h l 'r ;HllohQlnilth. t liir.1 TU~K1 1,,)' ill ) (lIreh"110 M<!co tlll '1'UfJ"tt" v in ~o,,(! r lllutr j

Port T QWD ilIOTU!. fuur th ~(O f lt \R" inY"lJruR r )' Rn f. II('("OUt! ~( fJ fl cl l\.¥ in~1' pt4':rn l,('r : LGConll "r. M(!cfll1 ll Wf'<l.n f '" th,. in Jnl1llQry Du d tlrl'lt ' Vctll1ell.(1:\,. ill A ugu\ t , •~ _1 .•...-- _

A ~l)uw_ Cmuumo. V~e Conllul furS(i.'OtlCIl nuet Nor",,,>" , is 11l·(> l' llr c:d tooXtlClIte UI\J" u lI_inflo4M p ot t.n in illK totho affloo, I .Muofl IIIRht t\n \ftl! on 011tl lO ))li IlCil' nl ('hi olt 01Orttll.t I lrHnin ,Ger lllAO)' , H nl ) ' , UIlIHin, So n"·I1'·.Hwo\l em I'lld Denmn rk . AIltO' liblhti okeh at low~t rAte. to Rod fr omI::urol)o .

Al"DlIkW <.....III.II £ IU1 , Agent. Me,t he .W: r._ .. -..I. . •

13:" 0 0 to ~flltlk ... F icllligo tltor&to btl'· ) 'ou r Cluthi Di . n ()ot8 lindMbo.., CitboU.oru prien. •

S(') to 820 I,.r ,tRY lit I,orn. ,SaDIIJJo. wur th or; tr. o, Atldtl!'"KTJ,."O:I' ~ Co ., !lort.lnnd , :Uai ll ~ .

)( u . X. E . (lo loIJr:l.I. i ot CUU\·Q'l lll t'H'

l. n CUlilltlr ill tl lf! ill lCI(·... t ot llwIllin ill l.( t mil prnl"ct. \\' 0 \\ i", l,him "Ul·l·(HlIi. Hl'll.tt ltl Ilfl\·hfll,.: t!ull·II ibutetl MJWa hHl t11 UII" 'U1 lll l lJ lIi\l'~ .

I," <,:.,1111('1' C'UIl uffu l·tl to 110 t1 t,1I110 'th lu L; to 11I' l p " hJn.; 1110 l,o'-lU,

--...- .T ilt: Jl1 . I I Rn ~ RfIr .) " " I IHl wur , 0 11

Hwil,Ullll"h H m.u t'Vlll ioll , tl0 U l u ..hi ul-JIHI"iu c': "" iu 1110 curJ · 'o\t ll ll l lill fl. ThlJ~·till ' 0 lli d (\ ~C hl t l ~' lJ Ill' ll ltJl lo ly (.l'flll' u i"hi llf: woul1 (II I" t ilt! I,,·np l" 0 111111 (11 \\ 11ll llt l tho h!l:UIUNh nmOd ll!:!Jvroat l

.. . .._--1'11 £ SII Jll'f!mo Co mt of th o Unitt "l

Hta t()~ 11M a lll n l10 ll n l"IlC(' l l t tlocil'llonof th o COl\lIcctl l'tlt COllrt tt Ihnt mor t·~"gt lpt rt' prN,otlt inloC (ll'tll'c!"l\' outl-hleof that St~tlJ \\' lJl"(' l"xn1J\o i ll th oStll to whcr u th o )L'lI l1f!1' 1·C!lj jlt fl tl . '1'.11",q llfJII 1l6n 111\11 Ulll' lI 1Il 1l(·h ng itntNl illt hlll 1'C'rrit or,. M \Io' t'li n~ t,lflt'" hol·tI ,

antI "1J1)eult'to 1l0~ t1 8 un I1110..tio ll lll ll) ·th e riM It.uf the Couuly o r 'l'orr itor .'·tel tax It.. c!lizonM upun l' 0 r MolJ l,1proJlol·ty O Wt1tJu outMllio or tho Tel'·rlto r)·.

:\111. , \\' . L .-lJ U1I:rml" , [In nl l l ho rlz~ (l

nuulIl 1111\1 co ru,,,po ll\leu t of tho I' o rt ·Il\I1tl. DRily Utln, vi"i~,.1 Ollr town~· (' Htl.' l, l flJ' . He 1U;l.~· 1t ~t l O p (!op I~ ofl'or tl.u lt tnke 'lu it(\ " ,Joep iut (')"('l"t'\ 11 tho \,..ICCI. .uil 0 l ht) uo l,l 1 1l ~Ui fl;': "

It tM" rt£li ou , fUI l 1 will 11I·u hfLlJl.,·Itt'l ltl " tlel fl~ltt l ou o f twu thOll..lI11dor In Qr n Ltl HilL,· CrClek nu t :-'p1iuu.•\ 11 riUht.. 1'1.(1 uwro th a 1Il1iIricl '.__ ...1. ~_. .

A , ·.,I :<r t" . 1~Jt'k\' 'ft'a i "l ... tn in () ~l II\'Abu .. !' :\ [ "'~ t.I (l tl O, III tid.. IO(·l1 lit \·, lJ~l(\ltl \\ · t'tl ucMlln.r . '\' hilo t'!U;I'l lili lot,", oOtl , t Lo Q~ M1iP llt 'll nlll) cul th n, u ~· h

tLu ri;{h L f" ot foO W ll t h rC'o i:1t'hl' ~

lJet\\l'bU t ho flrilo t Illid H. t.·IJlul t ( II,lllilie liu j.(a "N,' " (''','f U Ulltl Jlllinful\\1011 fil l wh ich ~' iI1 I'ILI t i . , I1~· tliH31Jlo1I1fl1 (o r "o\'om l \\ ot'k lt.

, 1,. 111I ' ~U \V · unq UoIIUon"lJ13 clea r ,lhnt nn un pr eced en ted d ' ano of1'ro'l'43r1l,· "'Ill be u l her oll In wit htho ne w J'eu 10 th o peo plo o f Walth ·Ingtou Torr ltor, nud Jlr lt l. h Col .uIULI". Tbe ~o'th. ru i 'Aolllo Ilnll .

~:~~lu~IN:I~llL~~l1~~ li nexl\II~IH~o~~:ru~~tion (If raitr cnd .. in J': " " t ,, t' t1 " su1l .ing lon ; M i d th o CIUUHliul\ Pa oiOclt nil roRtl Ca Ul111\ 11,)' \111\'U, com ple te.lIlrtnn"C lllcnt. for t 10 expendet ureof Homo clKh t ud lllc u d ollnr" in Ih t'COl1lltru oHoll 01 till' Hr il illh Col l1R1 hil'tl h lllion o f th elr Hue. 'fh oal o Ur('lllcntol'llritlOI will n1TQ l"41 nlnm dnut em­plo)·mont. for tb e RUl'plmt lubor oft ho f.lrt.!I,t S orthw ftl!l t. Uot W(>OIl tllomlt ro/"I , h lllJher. mini II" nUtl fat m­iUij ludu "tl'in, OUI' pcopl tl nplJ enr toIJ(' l\ ,,~u rr)\1 of pr o lh a hlo co ln l'lo" ql0nt1'1 I('A"t for t bo 1I0xt 1f'ar 0 1' lwo, nilo f \flitch h. " ery g rati fy ing' to con­h·llIplnt ('l .

T nE It BOCl4L CLeu " ira flc lip.lo::fall othe r local cJrj.('lI. ul zatlon" in th onlnttu o f lIoclnl outflrtniulue nt s ,'ilb e o rg aniz atio n of tb e Cluh "' &Laperfec totl lolt W.dJte lld"y oveLin«L, tbo A"optlon 01 Aoodo or L)·.llIw• .Lnd loll a re admitted to honorn, ')'momu, nlJ lp, "It1.l. aptlAking Bud 90t·i ll" powors , an d it la DOOtUelA t o nd dth at t boy wiulll " Balutary lu.ll ioliceIn tb . d olillerallo1' s. Th. BooI. t,m eotH ove ry \\' edd....lay evening.--- - --- -

Til e urecUon of t wo addiUon al(l weUluG' bou sc" wer e (!'om me ncoc1an lh lll town t lla. week , by Mr, J ohnE . Da vi. , our eaterprlalug maohill­lat. "'I d Mr. JA.. .. \\, 1II. ..lIoon, "bor ecen(}, romoved bU G h OlD 8 1AD·wood .

IT I. I. or. d tbllt tbo go l<1 ' ...11.­m.nt "III moterlnll, into rl .r. "hlll oggi ng bUl inolLIl not oul )· au t heIlkoglt but 011 'li s !loun" lI.n...II)· ,And t"", , 101l" will, Le Rellreb n• • 1l u mme r ao J uODliOq uOOtly CO WlU3Dll• g OOlI pJi·co. -

Y... T&IlDU wu tb e cold,..," dDl 01tb . ..lUlOn. Altor A Iillb t 11111 " IInow a IOUlowbBt f urioull north·eulef let in wbi~h 18ad o HlhiVg"HW~,:i ~ it. w.,e.

H. t

Til l: citizen " o f Scutt ltl h "" o d on onoh ly tt>w"hl o JlnniulJ 11 t rnil to thelikn~l t miru:ll. H OlnQ t\\ ·o tl lou..(lUtltl ollu.rtt h 'I\'e \H: lJU c~ou trihut tll l IJ)'tb olu fo r tha t p Ul"JlOlto. Anu it fl.f­ror tla lUt plol1.'itlro to nlltt that much0 1 tl.a illJ{rntif.)iUI{rtttlllt mo.,' Lc jllfltl,·ntt ributtlll to th e iflU'1(I,ti pRble (HittY­(.0' and pu hlio ..phi t ul til e :\l n~'or of"bo cit >·, .Judgo JRcob s..

I~ .\ COfll:nu h (l\'ide utly tlc,.l iu ctlt o becom e nn im porlant ren ll fJ1.TC1\Il'I'f or lb o Skll ilil Ko ld. lllRHcn . ~nrnl

o f th c mo"t. oXpOriQRI'cd a rc " (;0 1111­' i n" l he ,,"inler IIt'ro, from W h O lli

n ow· corn e"" III">' glfJlIUu.go oll d C1I1ur'\'lIlu n bl u iu for llll1tion iu !"f'" lIrtl 10Ituhy Creek nn tI tbtt go ld region .Awong th ORO we lIl uy m Cl,Jliu lI1\fIlHIl1"It. l ' ierco, UJ nn DruI O iLholl " ,who "p unt Ilu t fllItnll.lOr IIml filII pr Olfa

puolinu I1ntl 1l1.1'Ioring lho JUillirlg'cou ntlj·.

T II F. "CQVUUTIO~ TO -me t o'I:LAT1o :rf

o f " ' h nteo lU' Coun l,., d ur lDIl th o , enr1ARO. ron)' not. come u p to th o p rlt4

tllc ll on of th o li enltle tntcll htil!lIcorin th o foli o win R pRrN.!'r"ph, lul l weheve know tlouh t at will be Ijl1 nlcloul·ly ulIonel ou li to I nlHlt 1"(1 IDOl' t "lUI­Hulno oxpoctntio ll" of th o local In­h:lh itn n . H ear whfl.tou r no igh~or­

in g con lo lll p~ rary .n~·11 III it :" W I,tt.tc lIlII J:1 ' ll. I'r lllll!OOQ o t Ir l\llIlI "

('vrry t,ltllt 'r t"HIIII)' III t he " l'rtl lor y hdull'' h l! ) 'C'II' l'fl'I I, 1m, t'xcI'\llhn.t W.tll " W " II ..,(.'01\.1111 111 11 , w hlt meu 11I1111 1\ lu'f, 1111m­IUCIIIU In " r('t\ I II th o lin t II1" cc, !In,1 "I ·InhJJIlw('r)" III III.' li t It l: lIlltl , I n \I .. 1m) '" ,

l :~ ,~~; ~~~h ~Il Ii ~~' , : ~ I ~~~'~~~1 J\:' 1~:h~\· t: I~f' lrt '. t , IIttl Ill" Ur(lR~~c ~1: 11_ l llnlh ,HO f" r ·1IIIl In th e h l ~ 'll"l tlt·/.E n '" , I u IlIlrwr,,1r4·IUUI't" C. IIrtl t lIl1Ill)' f"bll luI1J. "n..tInl'hlliucu .,1 Itl th", bo,t tlUlllltr )'ut ftJlIlI(l tin Ih uCO",,, l'0 l' llI'r , , Il\·...r IInJ guilt ·I'lle IlUll.

I ~l ~ ~~:l~1:'A\~~~ ::~1~~~Ii, \1:,t ~~,v~,~,~ ~~::~.~~ ::~ ;~ ~unll lll l !'t~ \VIIId ll"lJl~ I1l1d In· loll·. W huI.. t1l1' ro nuw Iu I.ty lh nl thrt 'o th nl l" tHltt\·ut('1 \1;11I no' llt l ca Jil t In WhQI ~ lJm IIlJlr. tN o'\"el1llJer ."

I f from OD O t houlIl1nl1 to lhn th ou­M nr\ nUln \ 1l\MIt up th o ~ku:.c it Hh'crt o th o ",01, d lRUauJ:{1t IHI:t t )'llUl', it I"

~\~~~t t~l·~~~\~t)f)~I~ :~~ tlf~~ ':;' ~:I~:'i~ 111~~;thell: l·f'turn. tl& l:o up I' ro·tJulpt itJllito r h OlUonll'llolht nl ouR' t ho l"h" 'r RIIl It{u 110 fMlllor i ll flt:liUch or l' willhtrt)l1A1'tf'rH," T I IO\' cor la luh' cu u notfnll to "QIl tha n( I "antu~(! 1t ~ lTf!f v I I II"th ilt lo unli t,\" . A 1111\11enu p ut i ll hiHtilDe to }l10 11t1\111 e Olhn. lll u~n clpntl nllRIl(l h n p w ,·ing h i" rllncll ill ", in t-H'ntHl tnld liH Ollt HuM tlu l'lt (\ t ti lU lUg·Ui n"-",, hi S\l l UU) H . If hn ftlU.. ttJmnko " goa t! I h i ll ~ nl bit htll' ( th('l1~ uch or tho IIl lnl!rt' 110 eRn fnll tmckfill t bo oth.,l". T IIl))'e nr c f ayel'a l do ·fiim lJlo ~I nhn 'l ul oll J,{ tho rh er .\'(~ t

uwtcUlcd upon . T ht:-.', will r ecE'ivf'nUollt1tHJ f\ "l 110011 R trn\'f'l 1I0t .. i ll i lltLJ t d il'tlct io ll . "0 rUlIC'h 80 tl lI,t in a"c:ar o r t \..·o \\'"8 mn,)" I lO i lO to tlCO 2l

"I)UI"r·1 h omo a ll (! "'p. 1"~ ' (llltll h:r·'i f'c-lli on fro m it..t mou th t il th o h eadnfwignlJ lo wat er. uf tlJili nohl a r n cr l--_..•.._--

,\ l 'I! OI'OIf fTfnS 11:'." Leen tnlk etl afUII'QUJ,: o u r cit izen",. llu rint:; tll o Jlll.t(~ \\' tl1\)·8. 10 u lrt!r l u , llI (, t'U1 f'ht~ to IhoCn'lllinr 0 1' IWIJIC ot llt'1' Itg ht" lmftHtC'lllll~r t u ma L: o I ~n COliUf'r hor 6 1U ~

hakin R' \ lo ill t (ur 1)10 :i k ll ~it nlJltl1I1i flt.'fl. L i!t \'CQ' 1'IOJtl'd~' (·UIlMitlol .~el t lll\t I' bO'l.t ti t to tl (",j~"tfl t ho"\Jpor \\'l, tcr " o r t lu'! HL:IIJ.:it t.· Anuut ,'W Ih 1",rlc'4'l8 n(01)', h l' fJ i ll n fullc·n1"j.(u n t Hellulo (Ill" IltJl' .1,'..lI lIutio n ,u\\' l ll ~ to th e Il b: t ~· 0 1" tl f,w' n t~· ndk f4(.If tl t' C'! H I' · fl. UI\\·i j.(ut i u u itlu'rn·tdn ':l lOh l,'t'l '1l I I ."~ cil\' u ln1 th o ,nuut ll (, It h ' ~ilin.r: lt l : h l' l:. J h ll ' ~ I~ . it h Wi '4CI­I,. IUlg~tqtltH I llmt th u l·t' I.{I1 II1I· l'i n rI !.J IIt. 111111. " I ~" t:ll fl1lft1' 11('1" h lllUI IJ l1l1t a

to\''' , IUIII /It "I,,1f··ll pl·rillll'! l hl'FC!r ... cL'i\ ·C! rw i..:ht ""tl 1IAIl'....Uj,ff·r rt h·,mlt h t\ thl"l..") Ifr Inllro Hlt;' Il.Ulf' I·1l no w p l~· ·

h t ~ rf!;.(llh r l ~· hl't\\' f'UII t llil' III,l.COnllrlSoJ 'llt lt!. A Jt i \ l~ f !"Urn olhl' r t· 'H1t1id rm·

, t lnu ,.. I l1i DCU" c:.u tit t h t! lU M:I " ~ H uu l11t.IU' not \\011 ' IfI I\t HenUI('. ou r ..to ri '"QII\l l>lbirl l'tI . hUlhlU hvi lll{ 'Hu pl,)"n'ulo to lilC' cl Q,ny or"di flllr \' trl\t l u iI.thQt HuC' . '\" 0 Hhul1 t\w ~.' ll lllfJro fu ll~'\111 th ill Ilro}J0. iti uli honmh(Jr ......._--~


Page 4: C( THE PUGET SOUND , MAIL. · 2012. 9. 14. · LA CONNER , &-E"";:;-;;.;-'"--=. = -== = =----== = =.. ~ &.:.. ~ • " '~e-=... ! un,.~"', "'. =: ''--; • ~ ~~. _. ~ ~



w. ""all acid to M<h Il10Dthl y J"'rl lnte,n Una lal... ak. td.... I""'uy.lItnpl· of loe&1 1liJtat7', DG~ Wlt. etc., etc.. -

Bald .tlOlIlplac. only by R'fo:rIj,uon, aLt3 00 per ......... BID."partoollO_ ta.....

And J...t lIa. hoek lor 110. croonla 01 h..m!Mranta "0 " oomlng, and pro­.~ to come to ()QJ' 8 &&te. To make Ita pace. enn mOnl acoeptable... 'tn..lI.... Hand·Book, as ...u .. ,

AWelcome Visitor to tile Family:end Fi ~iside ,

AJad aoce1erating the de,elopment of our natuml rMOUI'C'e'L Th o li 6 '

inand lor luch ~ work it constantl,. InCrtnltnK••nJ to mef.'~ tha t demandI ahall wid en t:.ae aoope of th e OAZETfE. c h&tlge ita fonn &WI iJul U 8 itbered'te r in regular mon\hly parU under the a bo vo t it l{\ It will 1.0


W Duden and Beautie••"f. :MountaiJUa !ValleT- and r1van; alll"rto of tho Btate will be .iaited, and falth/ ulpen·plctw . sJ"eA, omlt tina nothing Uat will ",nd er thl.. work Iny.lu·bl. ... a ; .

W ho hay. a .pecial lova for tho grand and '-utitul In nat ure, at. Ju. tbeglnnlng to tum th.l. atten tion to Orogon'. lUlIIu."...-! """,orr • . R.,..J·Woe that Lbe It half hu neve r bMn to ld" of t ho


'.1.' 0 II U '\.' .

- - -ANIJ- - -

Ooneeml~gl tho material reSOUfOOll of On.>gon an d "9u hi n.qton. Terr itory,including a f ll1l dNCription of the Citle", TOWIll', an d Counti fl" Topo.graphical A ppearance, P opula ti on. Growt.h. Du. ineu Jo:ntorp r iMa., Lil uof OfBcera, Iond " complet.t!

Busmess arid OfB.oial Direotory!01 u.. State and T.rrltorr. Our agr!oultur.1advnnta g.., .. " .Il I. thoml~manufae t nrtn,{ ~ and aU other material Int.ernew of tho entir lilState . ~ ,Terri tory 1~i11 be lolly ro_nto>d.

The Pacific Monthly~' A N DtE;::

DeVoted to Stati.tioal Inform.ati~I1 • - .

.NO lo~Ou t a'id I'or Sa l. 1af 111 0 nooA1 ,<Jlm 'oR.

Th. edition of tho OFF ICIAl. OA ZETrI> pllbli.I"J by m. two1"'" ago hu been enti re ly exbawtal , and bu .dd~1 Ita proportion tothe lnBueneea wbicb a t'! attn.cting t be lhowanw of hnmigmnh to oU!'


Offor Cor Snle nt the Loweet Pri eDe POlllblo


.A.gJ:1cultu:ra. l :t:l.'X':l.p l er.c.enta,BOLE AGENT FOR JOHN DEERE'S CELEBRATE~



DryGoods, Cl~thing, Groceries

P. SE LLING,Oorne: First and ,Ya m h ill Streets. PORTLAND.


Ouer 1.000 Bold In Oregon n.

Th~i.!;llLn~~.!~n~! ,t~~~~;. ~~~r:a.I".I.:~~On~.':~=,t4b'::,~,I, ::=~~'.:l~,c:.':f::~~r~ol,';~~ ~,'~~~'d:,~. l lrJ nll 140_, U4 \.-r.. \At q lW ,l.

Dlerl 'l 40, 60 end72 Tooth Harrow. , Farm, Feed and Grll t MIIII,itANDALL'S PULVERIZING HARROW S

Buckeye Broadcast Seeders &GrainDrills,Sohuttler, Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons

STUDEBAKER WAGONS, with Patent Roller Brake,Too w,lI /mown fa neetlcommrnl. Send f or Olrcular! and Price 'J,f. ,

HAWLEY. DO DD I} CO.::e== _. .._ ====-==__2 ._ _._ . 1


·.~_-GUmE '


a u


Beer,Ale and~orter

:Du:aO% • ., :B:.%J.'TG ,OIl~EJU.L AOF_\' T!I.

'Columll /don antt Fo r.areUIIC Jren:lI"o &a,lQIvr~r~a;;'t.'bIU . •Ilw=:t~:.::."d.

~~~·,h~~:'~':t~ ~~~~~Ia'%r~~~do~b':~"'.nll '...... I • • 1 1... . .

ASTHMAla'tann,. r eUel'Cld nnd • •0IUIYol,Cured b7 Pf'under'l OrqoD 1II01ln­taln A.lUlIIlA Cure. .o..tClO, 0 ...=~ar. F or 181.. bJ' aU ' Bra l"

Oregon Kidnev Tea!. B~811c-uE. -1-Kld~:,.~:pr l\ t1 L

P OR 8ALE l~O RUOGIH'N'1Ilod.fle UR" " t.~ C'o .••· r o '. r lrto n .


J laW' tM. r.oblc YOttth an d bo,.. Kl ng~(Hld.Y . Thoro ..t o two conditione th"tpla.co '" oountzy bef or e ue In a bUIIlHi·ale'cl ,bartO i one wb fl n ~"flrned oaten­alb ll by 11 IIOYund r fJ&U,y by • cliq ue j

~b" olb vsr when ),reaid",1 o 'er b,. .. WOIil '

1Wl, men And governed tty a cnbftL

~:~!dS\nint h~,oci~n':w': :~" ~:r O;:'e:To day, ....hen I ... w Alfonao d ri vin g out,1 never felt 8 0 proud bofor", in bfing aoit b l'"lJ of the United S~te&. If be we reto w. lk u~ or down on th e . uun y l idoof N orth.Cha rlc. atr~t d.uring II bnhnyeneenccn, aDU tr,. to I!!ngagtl Il heedl eee",~rl in " briIJia n~ ccneer••etou, mede upof e xcla ma tiorUt fIond grin., 11 " would nosn oro a ttract a ttent lon t ban nn y other­you nq man flimlla rly engaged on t hoglorlou, & bbat h in tb a t rueful ru e. Ift here h nnythlni' tnAnlT .hout Il l,.\ h j eaty h eonu." from his mother.\ \9bf n I tint I",," bim In ].Jnr il'l }IO WMpn odt.posed toward lo1Jypo~ nnd mixedC IItl,·, Subletluently at Atldillcombe, lnEn .IClllnd, he took to 11111\11 Ind ulgeuclealike Fcrdtnend Y 1[ , who eerbrcklered116tt lcol\te, , ,,iJ his prn.J'en bt\ck ward.nnd rt!lItorod. tl ill much ta lked ·of and. lit­tl t>-ululflutOOtI 11lllqu l!litlon." If t horooh' r wu" f\ lIIonl\rch that. lookod not.nInch u king, A lfonllo II lIe. I concludowit h b i. oowini{ brlJ.o o.nd (lucenJ bothfor hu choice in a Lu.b~nd , a. home, nUllcertn tnl.\· n r iokety thr on t.'. '1'h('y te lltnc- nnt) what beUt'r a.ut h,rity thantbil I'rotb etlo II t b ~y" elln you 111\\'",1- .th At A lfon.lO sli ll 8lgh. over tb t\ gra.veor hi. 10 t bride. II La 11~ i nn. Sanla," U

t h~~ poopl " (liou. ly ro ll her . Ct'rt al u lytll O ~'U a lovable tady an..l ll. trulI!' Cbr i. ·ti ..n woman , who won t.he all~,J t iona ufl hele pt'ople. If I IUQf acc et)t t be wholeato rr 01 th is CG ming ~dt', Ibt' h ('(I"o.llyp.ndowetl wit h her l)rt....1tce~o r-bu t Ieluor o .....a.yw a......- which in • wom an h~agtf'Q t a tt rac tio n to n cOlJlma.nding olinwho loves to co ntro l t he re bellion •.There AI'e r.rf'paro\t1on~ going nn ht're forthe nu ptin.II, th lt n o in teNol"' ln tero tt­inil, anti in l ome ioatnn ct'1'I peculi&rlypro f.no. Aft e r a n activ e pb,. ic I in­d ulgence in ca li. t henicAand a rew m~n·

tal IltSSOns per da.r. I ho pe to be . ble tomntter the lnnguage and t he In...., or .04

clety he r t-, and then ~ell "ou, gooc.lreader, more of 8p~in-lh8 Spanla rd_.t hei r ..lgn. and s)'mbol. , t heir hidalgo..and hlgh.j ink.. - ) I. d, id Co".. &Ili·more ;;UI_I. _

Tho Re....on W h y .

If you aro golh~ to pnln t )'ou r houle,barn, wagon or wacbint'r" tho wond er,f. 1 lop"ri . habl. )Uud P aint is . u,.l,tho bfltlt, for it i~ warrauted by th oir~enu in your own town not to chalk,enu:k, peel or hHater; tocOl"er better andwork ...IH lb a a 80 1 olb. r pain'. T he 1m pe rIIbable Plf,lat"AIII .....N ed lb. 0,.1 rt.mlum.

,E~~~~~~.~t:f:' ;}1t7n~J:a~:r~~~~~~t1~:~~~L~~.~·~~I~:I;o~O:;~~{~~~d~~~:i.

\Vaterloo, Iowa, J ...n. 2~, 18j 9.I ·"'iLl takon with an acute attaek of

,Rheum. tb m la. t fall,' and con8ned to .. .llalcv.l'oN.,..'bod. At fint employed ' ,A physician,without 1".oe6t1 ; 'tben len t to 'Va nglljrDros. 'Drug Store. It..I ld olJu. lned a bo tt.loof St. J acob. Oil, tho UIO of " hleh lOOn'gave mo, r.e1 ief, and cured me of tho'atta ck. J can IAf~ll recommend~t to alllu.tTtlri ngOwith Rhenmathtm. Re.[flC t.<lullr : Matt. l\!oDermot" 1, C. n.R. !h?p•.

A n f'lW' portable fam il,. fru it drit-rboat .tyl•• mlY be bought 10. f 8D, byapplying nt tho:Du ,office, Portl~ Cosmopolitan Hotel,O....gon. au 22·tf THE D.......Ell. OREGON.

200000 c.-ult. ' ~Dd ornam entQ} 'tHei ~::~~~~~~~Uj1~':h:f. 'l"~b.,:I t~b:::~:~for IIJO . heap.· I,Sflnd to J . n, j8 et tle- 1 ~'jh~ l::r:~~ ~ ~b'f~J~f~= tt1

T::.r,=mklr ,1'Vood':~~tal~~~ tt{ I U1~~I' j . rm:u.~:'=~~~~I:\.I .

~-:-II~·. :.II.::.::-,:.::::'b=:~';1.':__,,_ '0. "III . ,........ .. I I TRDfI(MANN sit. WOLff," ' r . \ ,A.. '0 . .

• .. ' '!! ID.' _ ' H INI STS.Assorte~CB"nedTable I'ruits ~'~" fO' rla::':;~"';;; and T.r.II«.

~~-:J;'~'w~";:::_"4:"."::::~I~hnalll~~"MonMtkolo ..,

..: J~"=~I~=':;~ kUl :(f ,U Il'II ton Fencing a lpecialt,..

..... ........~~rl."'.1 0,......

I81W\r la l\ min ora logll.:41 I~ rln. np lllif'\1

to curuiu crvat"Uu ud I UbaW 1Ct '. which~1l1 hrtalt " into cubic or pri. uu t lo orother fragment ' " it b rlOU.heoJ lu.rfaclilLThero aN lenral varld.lN of mint ra l{-~l cb yi;-ye~ll r MuM,. "I,. r, anti it1.1 difficult. witbout c10Ml Ullt., t o llluin.SUi, b ROw e of t be as ate (ormat lon af rom 'p.r. Tbaru i. ,lilt compo u nd ofbArytA, tbe l u11,bate or wlilch OCC:UfI

cr,y.t allint'. Nativ o eto of LarJ'lab ·k.lown a., heavy "I It it found Inquanti t i~ in Cumberl and end \V eI,,"recrelend, EnglanJ. ..hlor-l._r is n.mlue rel I,rod uct COlDme n In Derby.b i~.

Engl nd, and noted for itAJ; rtt.~ beau ty.It ... H~nen lly cr l lulli l et.l"In 0 \' ,,",', Lut.itl primit l ' o (ar m i . cetaltedrc n. It la.t \·.,ri oUi colcrs, ett en beaudfu llyban ded , ('4Iped.lI,. wh en In nod ules, e sulI. much priJ:od tor th e lIIanuCact ul'fl' ofyas~, Ami i. OC'auUonRlI)' used for beAdII,bt'O?C h fltont'l'Iend O\hH or ol\ruentnl l' ur.POI l' lL Feld IIpar ill herdee t lul.'" "pllr.end i. gent'I'l\U" or liqht color, Cah,'f\tft·OUII ' p. r il whi te and.o1L. :fb(' tlfl&lIt i.ful J(X.'C'{nlt'n b~ fOf1!l UI ~o ahoul,1 tllt'ncla,.. ; without chOnl lm l lU\al)·. iAor 0'0"'than tt 8t or th o ore, Ad l par of tlu~

n rlety wblch ,is hnnle.t , (LillI Lt'flMl "0clorto It . Nlf'mbLAnClt to . ga te M to d8.oelv• •rt'gardlng h \lI' tU ita !larJn.....' il\tfl.t t'd. wb en it 11t fl>und to lttl rOA ncrand more brittl~ than 19&t(O., 'fht' f1 1M'<:i.,. en \f.., brought. to tb b otll\,'t' by is rAelJ.uct-. marhle wo,}rKft. It W'~ (ound In..hat it though' to be _ IN , " fl,) rDlaC.!on,near \V ln~en. Yolo~unty, i ll \I ", 11'1110

(Cenual mngo with thtc' ouy ~ (Iuar ry neMIJ.niaiil.. h it I..J tba~ a 1_fS1' ledjOto orquantity of it . ha. been ~,.,,-.J nt " ' in­t.,rs. anJ that the . pecinh·n ~fore u, ilfrom the tor. and pr esutna.b1r not 10fine AI _to grelli t6t d t' p~h . T he ..pedmonhu ~ poUlliN by ~Ir. l .uoo I\ndfOWlJ to 'Work euily, Lut , l.a o f clo It

~.,xtu ro enou~b an dot flu fUcf.n~ strengtht<I bear worklDi' up int o o rdin nr,. for ma.It. M n .. h igh poli.b ; quitu equR.l toth .t the beat marblo will ta ke. I t l.t ra1Ullueent, And b .,ld. Ito tho light tot apoint Ion inc h thick th e deli cate brown.hadM of the m ineral a re .hown ch a r ltl·Ingl1 bl.ndNi. Th. f..... of lb . . poel.IUf.'O .howl a Iftl"ieeof hand.omo mee tinga rchoa IOUl' three in cb tll "pall en.ch andCOQ;lPoaed of alt ernate bolJ' I,ht o f blackal1d blul.h nuro... linp. find bronJ, dell·cately .•haded OOl~' of brown, N\lmo n·colorOOr.nd tiMed ... if ,.,i t b burut um·be rt brown sien nA, an ti thw.ly ' wit h amhturo of th t'1I8 and Ind ian reJ.. De­low thue u ehe. al'& I'OJt6tttli 01 IlkeahMtltDi'. Th eae ftgurd olosely rete m·hie tb e ~aut.iful band fo rm ati o nl lou ndin· 19ate. bu t ex cetd thtlm in Loldnt'..,. 1.. and d.lI""'1 of color. This d.lie..)·of lp6r or c:ryelalll aetl roek r", ould ml\keIlpleudid mM t.elornnmt nta tion i n panoll,fallo of k""",t.onllu, and lIupport." otc.•and f.ir~l r ival onyx . It II probabl e,too. th at It' ,,"ould answer t bo aamo pur·rolel accompli. h ed by encAulltic ~UiDg,

and certainly f rom Cb6 t...nta .tlc yetOI'uerly cb. raol.er of th e grai n aud tin t4

ing ,' and na tural figure work in th e . pa rwoull uceet1 it. in boauty .- . Reeord.Un ion. I

t'lNAM4;lU• .\ :oiPCO••ERCIAL A Valuable J'4Ioen l DllOOvery,

n..tro,..~ u .Ultt ..,.;.J~ In r .. w.-&.. • ..,UIC .-4 ..~..-ii i'.. ...... In rwUltdoll u..~. ..... ...1,.,_..

.~.. ty r-.~:=::: :-... T \ :"r ~~ r;:'rI Q

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~j ll• •r-o ~Io . ....... _ 1'1'._ r ..I1.1 ,_ I. ".