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M I2 O T A , C. / Relationships between the primary mineral and the clay mineral compositions of some recent andosols. Soil Science Plant Nutrition 2(1976)3: 257-268. 25 1it.refs. Japan K O J I W A D A and S H I N - I C H I R O W A D A / Clay mineralogy of the B-horizons of two Hydrandepts, a Torrox and a Humitropept in Hawaii. Geoderma s( 1976)2: 139-157. 26 1it.refs. K I R K M A N , J. H. / Clay mineralogy of some tephra beds of Rotorua area, North Island, New Zeland. Clay Minerals c(1975)6: 437-449. 33 1it.refs. W E A V E R , R. M. / Quartz presence in relationship to gibbsite stability in some highly weathered soils of Brazil. Clays and Clay Minerals 3(1975)6: 431-436. 19 1it.refs. SOIL MICROMORPHOLOGY J O N G E R I U S , A. and G. H E I N T Z B E R G E R / Methodsin soil micromorphology. A technique for the preparation of large thin sections. Wageningen, Soil Survey Institute, 1975. 48 pp. 46 1it.refs. Soil Survey Papers, No. 10. 17/203(10) G I R A R D , M. C. / Présentation de quelques exemples de fiches pour la description de l'environnement du profil. Science du Sol (1975)4: 271-293. 9 lit-refs. B L U M E , H. P. and E. S C H L I C H T I N G / Zur Bezeichnung von Bodenhorizonten. Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (197616: 739-747. 11 1it.refs. B I S D O M , E. B.A., S. HENSTRA, E.M. HORNSVELD etal. Wavelength and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis with EMA and SEM-EDXRA on thin sections of soils. Netherlands Journal of Agric. Science %(1976)4: 209-222. Bibl.: pp.219-222. 106

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M I 2 O T A , C. / Relationships between the primary mineral and the clay mineral compositions of some recent andosols. Soil Science Plant Nutrition 2 ( 1 9 7 6 ) 3 : 257-268. 25 1it.refs. Japan

K O J I W A D A and S H I N - I C H I R O W A D A / Clay mineralogy of the B-horizons of two Hydrandepts, a Torrox and a Humitropept in Hawaii. Geoderma s( 1976)2: 139-157. 26 1it.refs.

K I R K M A N , J. H. / Clay mineralogy of some tephra beds of Rotorua area, North Island, New Zeland. Clay Minerals c ( 1 9 7 5 ) 6 : 437-449. 33 1it.refs.

W E A V E R , R. M. / Quartz presence in relationship to gibbsite stability in some highly weathered soils of Brazil. Clays and Clay Minerals 3 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 6 : 431-436. 19 1it.refs.


J O N G E R I U S , A. and G. H E I N T Z B E R G E R / Methodsin soil micromorphology. A technique for the preparation of large thin sect ions. Wageningen, Soil Survey Institute, 1975. 48 pp. 46 1it.refs. Soil Survey Papers, No. 10. 17/203(10)

G I R A R D , M. C. / Présentation de quelques exemples de fiches pour la description de l'environnement du profil. Science du S o l (1975)4: 271-293. 9 lit-refs.

B L U M E , H. P. and E. S C H L I C H T I N G / Zur Bezeichnung von Bodenhorizonten. Zeitschrift f . Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (197616: 739-747. 1 1 1it.refs.

B I S D O M , E. B.A., S. H E N S T R A , E.M. H O R N S V E L D etal. Wavelength and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis with EMA and SEM-EDXRA on thin sections of soils. Netherlands Journal of Agric. Science %(1976)4: 209-222. Bibl.: pp.219-222.


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A L T E M ff L L E R , H. J. and F. B A I L L Y 1 Mikromorphologische Untersuchungen an einer Nord-Westdeutschen Parabraunerde-Pseudogley-Sequenz aus Löss. Geoderma %(1976)4: 327-343. 18 1it.refs. Niedersachsen, West-Germany

S L E E M A N , J. R. 1 Micromorphology and mineralogy earth profile. Australian Journal of Soil Research E(1975)2: 101-1 17 1it.refs. New South Wales, Australia

of a layered red-brown

I .

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P E T E R S E N , L. 1 Podzols and pozolization. Copenhagen, DSR Forlag, 1976. 293 pp. Bibl.: pp.268-293. Thesis Royal Veterinary and Agric. Univ., Copenhagen, 1976. 171689

K A L P A G E , F. S. C. P. / Tropical soils. Classification, fertility and management. London, Macmillan Press Ltd., 1976. 283 pp. Bibl.: pp.245-272. Glossary of terms. 171672

D U C H A U F O U R , P., P. F A I V R E and M. G U R Y 1 Atlas écologique des so l s du monde. Paris etc., Masson, 1976. 178 pp. Bibl.: pp.169-173. 171501

D E C O N I N C K . F. de 1 Physico-chemical aspects of pedogenesis. Gent, Rijksuniv., 1974. Int. Training Centre for Post-Graduate Soil Scientists. Bibl.: 7 pp. 171680

V O L O B U Y E V , V. R. 1 Comparative investigation of soil units identi- fied in some publications on the soils of the world. Soviet Soil Science 8(1976)1: 48-61. 12 1it.refs.


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S C H R O E D E R , D. and J. L A M P / Prinzipien der Aufstellung von Bodenklassifikationssystemen. Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (1976)5: 617-630. 19 1it.refs.

K O S T Y U C H E N K O , V.P. and G.N. L I S I T S Y N A / Genetic characteristics of ancient irrigated soils. Soviet Soil Science Z ( 1 9 7 6 ) I : 9-18. 1 5 1it.refs.

C H E R N Y A K H O V S K Y , A.G., B.P. G R A D U S O N and N. P. C H I E Z I K O V A / Types of recent weathering crusts and their global distribution. Geoderma %(1976)3: 235-255. 36 1it.refs.

B E C H E R , H. H. and B. M. W I L K E / Ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Lagerungsdichte skelettreicher oder geringmachtiger Bodenhorizonte. Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (1976)5: 611-616. 8 1it.refs.

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V R E E K E N , W. J. / Principal kinds of chronosequences and their signi- ficance in soil history. Journal of Soil Science g ( 1 9 7 5 ) 4 : 378-394. 39 1it.refs.

R U S A N O V A , G. V. 1 Distribution and chemistry of clay incrustation in podzolic soils in relation to their genesis. Soviet Soil Science 8(1976)2 : 133-143. 18 1it.refs.

Z O N N , S.V., A.F. K O S T E N K O V A , G.P. M U S O R O K etal. / Pseudopodzolization and its identification from the composition and distribution of free forms of iron. Soviet Soil Science (1975)5: 531-546. 14 1it.refs.

S O L S calcaires. Rapport du Séminaire régional FAOIPNUD sur l'amélioration et l'aménagement des sols calcaires. Le Caire (Egypte), 27 novembre - 2 décembre 1972. Rome, Organisation des Nations Unies pour 1'Alimentation et l'Agriculture, 1973. 299 pp. 21 1it.refs. Bulletin Pédologique 21. 17 /356(21)

P O N O M A R E V A , V. V. and T. A. P L O T N I K 0 V A 1 Comparison of some diagnostic criteria of gray and brown forest soils. Soviet Soil Science g ( 1 9 7 6 ) I : 1-8. 24 1it.refs.


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S R I N I V A S A N , T. R. 1 Taxonomy of saline, alkali and saline-alkali soils. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science g(1976)I: 12-19. I O 1it.refs.

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Reg iona 1

R O M A N S , J. C. C. and L. R O B E R T S O N / Some genetic characte- ristics of the freely drained soils of the Ettrick association in East Scotland. Geoderma c(1975)4: 297-317. 22 1it.refs. Map.

V A L E N T I N E , K. W. G. and J. B. D A L R Y M P L E 1 The identifi- cation, lateral variation, and chronology of two buried paleocatenas at Woodhall Spa and West Runton, England. Quaternary Research 1(1975)4: 551-590. Map. Bibl.: 51 1it.refs.

E A Q U B , M. and H. P. B L U M E : Soil development on sandstone solifluction deposits with varying contents of loess materials. Catena 2( 1976) 1 : 17-27. 12 1it.refs. Odenwald, Hessen, West-Germany

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nd M.L. T E J E D O R S A L G U E R O f Andosoles Canarios. 11x1 part. Anales de Edafologia y Agrobiologia 34(1975)3/4;5/6: 213-279; 335-422. 3 maps. 41 + 15 + 12 + 17 1it.refs.; 1it.refs. with the chapters.

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P O R T E G I E S Z W A R T , P. A.P.A. V I N K and J. non-zeolitic calcareous materials in a lacustrine plain in South-Central Italy. Reprint from: Geoderma 3(1975)277-295 . 35 1it.refs. S 7518

van S C H U Y L E N B O R G H / The weathering of zeolitic and

V E L I T C H K O , A.A. and T.D. M O R O Z O V A 1 Stagesof development and palaeogeographicel inheritance of the recent soils features in the center of the Russian plain. Catena 3(1976)2 : 169-189. 22 1it.refs.

K A S K , R. P. / Leached and podzolized sod-calcareous soils or burozems. Soviet Soil Science 8(1976)4 : 381-391. 25 1it.refs. Central Estonia, USSR

N A K A I D Z E , E. K. 1 Gray cinnamon brown soils of Georgia. Soviet Soil Science 8(1976)4 : 417-425. 23 1it.refs. USSR

D A N , J. and N. A L P E R O V I T C H 1 The origin, evolution and dynamics of deep soil in the Samarian desert. Israel Journal of Earth-Science 2 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 3 / 4 : 57-68. Map. 28 1it.refs.

C H O U D H R I , M. B. 1 Calcareous soils in West Pakistan. Read at the FAOIUNDP Regional Seminar on Reclamation and Management of Calcareous Soils. Cairo, 27 November to 2 December, 1972. 14 pp. Maps: I . West Pakistan (annual rainfall) 1:5 O00 000; 2. West Pakistan (calcareous soils); 3. Generalized landforms and soil parent materials. S 7498

C H A T T E R J E E , R. K. and G. S. R A T H O R E 1 Clay mineral composition, genesis and classification of some soils developed from basalts in Mahya Pradesh. Journal Indian Soc. of Soil Science g ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 : 144-157. 13 1it.refs.

B R E E M E N , N. van 1 Genesis and solution chemistry of acid sulfate s o i l s in Thailand. Wageningen, Centre for Agric. Publ. and Docum., 1976. 263 pp. Bibl.: pp.153-160. Thesis Agric.Univ., Wageningen, 1976. 151269

T O M L I N S O N , P . R. 1 Soils of Northern Nigeria. A generalized account of their distribution and contemporary classification. Annual Report 1nst.for Agric.Research Samaru 1963-64; 1965: Appendix A: pp.51-62. 26 1it.refs. Maps: I . Generalized soil map. 2. Nigeria, Southern Region 31 /399(63-64)

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F A U R E , P. / Les associations de sols rouges et jaunes au Nord-Ouest Dahomey. Caractères des sols et des séquences. Cahiers ORSTOM Pédologie g ( 1 9 7 5 ) 2 : 119-157. 27 1it.refs.

D I A T T A , S . / continentale. Compte rendu de deux années d'essais. L'Agronomie Tropicale 30(1975)4 : 344-353. 6 1it.refs. Senegal

Evolution sous culture des sols de plateau en Casamance

B R U N E A U de M I R E , P. / A propos de la genèse des sols "harde" dans le Nord-Cameroun. L'Agronomie Tropicale 30(1975)3 : 271-275. 18 1it.refs.

G A V A U D , M., J. P. M U L L E R and J. M. R I E F F E L / Règles de nomenclature des horizons de sols et des traits pédologiques macroscopiques. Une première approximation adoptee pour la cartographie des sols de la vallée de la Bénoud au Cameroun. Cahiers ORSTOM Pédologie f i ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 : 169-173.

S M I T H , G. D., C. S Y S and A. van W A M B E K E / Application of soil taxonomy to the soils of Zaïre (Central Africa). Pedologie %( 1975) 1 : 5-24. 4 1it.refs.

A L O N I , J. / Le sol et l'évolution morphologique des termitigres géantes du Haut-Shaba (Rbp. Zaïre). Pedologie 5 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 1 : 25-39. 19 1it.refs.

J A M E T , R. / Evolution des principales caractdristiques das sols des reboisements de Loudima (Congo). Cahiers ORSTOM Pédologie z ( 1 9 7 5 ) 3 / 4 : 235-253. 18 1it.refs. Map.

M A R T I N , D. and A. M. A U B R Y / Comparaisons de profils du Congo par des distances. Cahiers ORSTOM Pédologie z ( 1 9 7 5 ) 2 : 175-190. 10 1it.refs.

P I D G E O N , J. D. / Contemporary pedogenetic processes in a ferralitic soil in Uganda. I. Identification. Geoderma E ( 1 9 7 6 ) 5 : 425-436. 3 3 1it.refs.

W A L K E R , P. H. and R. J. C O V E N T R Y / Soil profile development in some alluvial deposits of eastern New South Wales. Australian Journal of Soil Research *(1976)3: 305-317. 41 1it.refs.


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W E T H E R B Y , K. G. and J. M. O A D E S 1 Classification of carbo- nate layers in highland soils of the Northern Murray Mallee, S.A., and their use in stratigraphic and land-use studies. Australian Journal of Soil Research G ( 1 9 7 5 ) Z : 119-132. 1 7 1it.refs. South Australia

L A T H A M , M. 1 Les sols d'un massif de roches ultrabasiques de la c8te ouest de Nouvelle Calddonie Le Boulinda. 2e partie. Les s o l s à accumulation ferrugineuse relative. Cahiers ORSTOM Pedologie g ( 1 9 7 5 ) 159-172. 3 3 1it.refs.

P O L L O K , J. A. 1 A comparative study of certain New Zealand and German soils formed from loess. Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 1975. 312 pp. Bibl.: pp.306-312. Diss. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ., Bonn. 171659

B R A C E W E L L , J.M., G.W. R O B E R T S O N and K.R. T A T E / Pyrolysis - gas chromatography studies on a climosequence of soils in tussock grasslands, New Zealand. Geoderma g ( 1 9 7 6 ) 3 : 209-215. 17 1it.refs.

R I B E I R O , R.M., C. M O U R E A U X and A. N O V I K O F F / Etude comparative de l'altération microbienne des différents minéraux constituants d'une diabase. Caheirs ORSTOM Pédologie E ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 : 161-168. 6 1it.refs. Bahia, Brazil

L A N G O H R , R., C.O. S C O P P A and A. van W A M B E K E / The use of a comparative particle size distribution index for the numerical classification of soil parent materials. Application to mollisols of the Argentinian pampa. Geoderma g ( 1 9 7 6 ) 4 : 305-312. 4 1it.refs.


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M A N U A L for land suitability classification for agriculture. Editor: W. van der K E V I E . Part I: Framework for a new classification system. Based on the FAO Framework for Land Evaluation. Part 11: Guidelines for soil survey party chiefs. Wad Medani, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Soil Survey Administration, 1976. 6 1it.refs. Bibl.: 4 pp. Technical Bull. No.21. 17/698

S O I L type and land capability. Edited by: D. M A C K N E Y . Harpenden, Rothamsted Exp. Station, 1974. 154 pp. Lit.refs. with the papers. Map: Generalized soil map of England and Wales 1:2 000 000. Soil Survey Technical Monograph No.4 171491 (4)

W H Y T E , R. O. 1 Land and land appraisal. The Hague, Dr W.Junk Publishers, 1976. 370 pp. Bibl. with the chapters. Southern, Southeast and East Asia 71368

L A N D evaluation in Europe. Report on the Technical Consultation Nitra, Czechoslovakia 1-6 September 1975. Soil Resources Development and Conservation Service, Land and Water Development Division. Rome, FAO, 1975. 123 pp. Lit.refs. with the papers. Soils Bull. No.29 17/356 (29)

W O H L R A B , B. / Beurteilungskriterien und Empfehlungen zur Bodennutzung in Zone I1 von Schutzgebieten fÜr Grundwasser. Zeitschrift f. Kulturtechnik und Flurbereinigung c(1976)4: 221-228. 5 lit. refs.

L A N D use policies and agriculture. Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1976. 84 pp. 71699

S T A B L E R , M. J. / Agricultural economics and rural land use. London etc., Macmillan Press, 1975. 95 pp. 5+157 1it.refs. 5/81 1


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H E A L Y , R. G. 1 Land use and the States. Baltimore, Maryland, The Johns Hopkins Univ.press, 1976. 233 pp. Lit.refs. with the chapters. 71643

H E A L Y , R. G. 1 Coordination: the next phase in land use planning. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2 ( 1 9 7 6 ) 4 : 141-145. 14 1it.refs.


G I B B O N S , F . R. and J. C. F. M. H A A N S 1 Dutch and Victorian approaches to land appraisal. Wageningen, Soil Survey Institute, 1976. 40 pp. 49 1it.refs. Soil Survey Papers No.11. 17/203(11)

M O O R E , A. W. / Land-use pressures in the coastal fringe of Southern Queensland. Landscape Planning 2 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 2 : 147-150. 2 1it.refs.

L A N D resource evaluation in New South Wales. A one-day symposium organized by the Australian Society of Soil Science Inc. (N.S.W. Branch) held at the Univ. of New South Wales, 20 February 1976. Proceedings edited by: P . A. B U R R O U G H . Sydney, Australian Society of Soil Science, 1976. 72 pp. Lit.refs. with the papers. 171666

B L E E K E R , P. / Explanatory notes to the land limitation and agricultural land use potential map of Papua-New Guinea. Melbourne, CSIRO, 1975. 80 pp. 38 1it.refs. Map: Land limitation and agric. land use potential of Papua-New Guinea 1: l O00 000. 171447 (36 )

M U L L E R , J. P. and M. G A V A U D 1 Conception et réalisation d’une d‘aptitudes culturales. A propos de la cartographie des s o l s de la vallée de la Bénou6 au Cameroun. Cahiers ORSTOM Pédologie %(1976)2: 131-159. 9 1it.refs. 3 maps.

L A G E M A N N , J.,J.C. F L I N N and H. R U T H E N B E R G 1 Land use, soil fertility and agricultural productivity as influenced by popu- lation density in Eastern Nigeria. Zeitschrift f . ausländische Landwirtschaft 2 ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 : 206-219. 29 1it.refs.

L A N D use in Kenya and Tanzania. Edited by: B. L U N D G R E N and A. M. S A M U E L S O N . 1 . The physical background and present situation. 2. A bibliography. Stockholm, Royal College of Forestry, International Rural Development Div., 1975. 354 + 152 pp. 71693

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M A U D E R , K. / Landnutzung in Nordost-Transvaal. Regensburg, Geographisches Institut an der Univ., 1976. 314 pp. Bibl.: pp.298-314. Maps: I . Randstufenregion Nordosttransvaals. 2.-28. 27 Detail maps of farms. Regenburger Geographische Schriften 8. 10 /176(8 )

Lage der dargestellten Farmen und der Forstreservate in der

P A T T E R S O N , G. T. and E. E. M A C K I N T O S H / Relationship between soil capability class and economic returns from grain corn pro- duction in Southwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Soil Science E ( 1 9 7 6 ) 3 : 167-174. 9 1it.refs.


S O I L surveying in tropical areas. Irrigation and Drainage Course. Uchihara Int. Agricultural Training Centre, 1976. 91 pp. Japan Int. Cooperation Agency. 281 166 ( I 2)

S H I R R E F F S , W. S . / Design and production of 1:25 O00 single colour soil maps. The Cartographic Journal s ( 1 9 7 6 ) l : 55-59. 7 1it.refs.

D u R A N D , J. H. and E. G E N E T / Evolution des techniques de carto- graphic des so ls en vue de leur mise en valeur depuis 1940. I. Carte des s o l s de la région de Kasserine. 11. Les apports de la géomorphologie 1 la cartographie des sols et des aptitudes des terres. 111. La carte d'aptitudes des terres de la Gironde au 1:IOO 000. Reprint from: Bull. de la Société linndenne de Bordeaux 4(1974)2 , 3-9; 10:33-48; 51-64 and 75-87. 6 + 19 + 13 1it.refs. S 7511

S H I E L D S , R. L, / New generalized soil maps guide land use planning in Maryland. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2 ( 1 9 7 6 ) 6 : 276-280.

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C U R T I S , L.F., F.M. C O U R T N E Y and S.T. T R U D G I L L / Soils in the British Isles. London and New York, Longman, 1976. 364 pp. Bibl.: pp.327-339. Generalized soil map of England and Wales. I 71684

S C H A B A B I , S. / Morphologie und Genese der rezenten Bodentypen der Insel Tinos (Griechenland). Zeitschrift f. Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (1976)6: 657-669. 29 1it.refs.

B A L , L. and J. B U U R S I N K / An inceptisol formed in calcareous loess on the Dast-i-Esan Top plain in North Afghanistan. Fabric, mineral and trace element analysis. Netherlands Journal of Agric. Science 2 ( 1 9 7 6 ) 1 : 17-42. Bibl.: pp.39-42. Map.

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F O L L A N D / The soils of Sabah. Vol.11: Sandakan and Kinabatangan Districts. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Div., Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. 164 pp. 9 maps. Land Resource Study 20. 32/177(20-2)

W R I G H T , P. S. The soils of Sabah. V01.111: Western parts. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Div. Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. 71 pp. 6 maps 1:750 O00 Land Resource Study 20. 321 177 (20-3)

B O W E R , R.P.,P.A. B U R R O U G H , M. s. K A L S I etal. I The soils of Sabah. Vol.IV: South-western districts. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Div., Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. 96 pp. 7 maps. Land Resource Study 20. 32/177(20-4)

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A C R E S , B.D., R.P. B O W E R , P.A. B U R R O U G H etal. 1 The soils of Sabah. Vo1.V: References and appendixes. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Div., Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. 147 pp. Bibl.: pp.1-IO. Glossary of Malay terms. Land Resource Study 20. 32/177(20-5)

(The) S O I L S of Sabah. Maps. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Div., Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. Soil maps: 1:25 000, I O sheets: NB 50-3, 50-6, 50-7, 50-9, 50-10, 50-11, 50-12, 50-14, 50-15, 50-16. Land Resource Study 20. 32/177(20)

R E I L L Y , P. M. / Land resource bibliography No.8. Sabah, Malaysia. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Division, 1976. 94 pp. 1/101(8)

S I B A N D , P. / Quelques réflexions sur les potentialités et les problhes des so l s gris de Casamance (Sénégal meridional). L’Agronomie Tropicale 2(1976)2: 107-113. 15 1it.refs.

B R A M M E R , H. / Soils of Zambia. Lusaka, Ministry of Rural Development, Rural Information Services, 1976.

Glossary of technical terms. Maps: I . Zambia, soil map 1:2 500 000; 2. Western Province soils; 3 . Mount Makulu Central Research Station soil map.

49 PP.


M A N S F I E L D , J.E., J.G. B E N N E T T , R.B. K I N G etal. 1 Land resources of the Northern and Luapula Provinces, Zambia. A reconnais- sance assessment. V01.l: Introduction, conclusions and recommendations. Vo1.2: Current land use. Vo1.3: Land capability and development potential. Maps. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Division, Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. 12 maps. Land Resource Study 19.

W E G , R. F. van de and J. P. M B U V I (Editors) / Soi daruma Area. (Quarter degree sheet 136). Nairobi, Rep. of Kenya, Ministry of Agric., National Agric. Kenya Soil Survey, 1975. 135 pp.

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s of the Kin-


Bibl.: pp.89-92. Reconnaissance soil map of the Kindaruma Area 1:lOO O00 (2 sheets). Reconnaissance Soil Survey Report RI 171686

M A K I N , M . J . , T.J. K I N G H A M , A . E . W A D D A M S etal. / Development prospects in the Southern Rift Valley, Ethiopia. Tolworth Tower, Surbiton, Surrey, England, Land Resources Div.,Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. 270 pp. Bibl.: pp.231-238.


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R I C H E , G. 1 Les sols et l'amélioration des conditions agro-sylvo- pastorales dans le bassin du Wabi Schebelle (Ethiopie). Cahiers ORSTOM Pédologie g(1975)3/4: 195-221. 21 1it.refs. 7 maps.

H A N A W A L T , R. B. and R. H. W H I T T A K E R 1 Altitudinally coor- dinated patterns of soils and vegetation in the San Jacinto Mountains, California. Soil Science =(1976)2: 114-124. 46 1it.refs.

C I O L K O S Z , E. J., R.L. C U N N I N G H A M , G.W. P E T E R S E N Characteristics, interpretations, and uses of Pennsylvania soils developed from redbeds and calcareous materials. Univ.park, Pennsylvania State Univ., College of Agric., Agric.Experiment Station, 1976. 36 pp. I O 1it.refs. Glossary of terms. Progress Report 355. 17/625(355)

J U N G E R I U S , P. D. 1 Quaternary landscape development of the Rio Magdalena basin between Neiva and Bogotá (Colombia). A reconstruction

' based on evidence derived from oaleosols and sloue deoosits. Reprint from: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology c(1976) 89-137. 39 1it.refs. Map. S 7519

S A N D E R S , J. H. and F. L. B E I N / Agricultural development on the Brazilian frontier. Southern Mato Grosso. Econ. Development and Cultural Change 2(1976)3: 593-610. Lit.refs. in footnotes. Map.

S C H R O O , H. 1 Soil productivity factors of the soils of the Zandery formation in Surinam. De Surinaamse Landbouw %(1976)2/3: 68-84. 23 1it.refs. Map.

I S B E L L , R. F. and G. L. Mc S M I T H 1 Some properties of red, yellow and grey massive earths in North Queensland. Melbourne, Com. Scientific and 1ndustr.Research Org.. Australia, 1976. 52.p~. Bibl. pp.29-32. Division of Soils Technical Paper No.30. Sesquioxidic soils


I S B E L L , R.F., P.J. S T E P H E N S O N , G.G. M U R Red basaltic soils in North Queensland. Melbourne, Com.Scientific and 1ndustr.Research Organization, 49 pp. 41 1it.refs. Division of Soil Technical Paper No.28. Australia

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F I N K L , C. W. and H. M. C H U R C H W A R D 1 Soil stratigraphy in a deeply weathered shield landscape in south-western Australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research E(1976)2: 109-120. 35 1it.refs. Map.

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S T O R Y , R., R.W. G A L L O W A Y , J.R. M c A L P I N E etal. / Lands of the Alligator Rivers area, Northern Territory. Melbourne, Com. Scientific and Industr. Research Organization, Australia, 1976. 171 pp. Lit.refs. with the chapters. Maps: 1 . Soils 1:500 000; 2. Vegetation 1:500 000; 3. Land systems 1 :250 O00 Land Research Series No.38. 171447 (38)

W A L K E R , P. H. and P. G R E E N / Soil trends in two valley fill sequences. Australian Journal of Soil Research E(1976)3: 291-303. 28 1it.refs. South Coast of New South Wales, Australia

G R I F F I T H S , E. / Soils of part of the Port Hills and adjacent plains, Canterbury, New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1974. 35 pp. 1 1 1it.refs. Soil map 1:31 680 (South Island, N.Z.) Soil Bureau Bull. 35. 17/61 (B35)

P O S N E T T , N. W. and P. M. R E I L L Y / Solomon Islands (British Solomon Islands Protectorate). Surbiton, Surrey, Land Resources Div., 1975. 126 pp. Land Resources Bibliography No.7. 11101 (7)



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M A R K , D. M. / Computer analysis of topography. A comparison of terrain storage methods. Geografiska Annaler 57A(1975)3-4: 179-188. 23 1it.refs.

S H I H , S. F. / Methods of computing area. Agronomy Journal %(1976)5: 827-829. 6 1it.refs.

H A A S , W. G. L. de / Aerial survey from nadar to radar. A tool for development. Nuffic Bulletin o(1975)l: 19-24.

S T A T U S of aerial photography in Kentucky and Tennessee. Proceedings of 1975 Winter Meeting Kentucky-Tennessee Section. SAF Lexington, Kentucky December 4-5, 1975. Sponsored by the SAF Working Group on Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry. Lit.refs. with the papers. 12/91

H O F F M A N N , H. and U. V O I G T L B N D E R / MÖglichkeiten der Nutzung von Luftbildern fÜr die Meliorationsvorbereitung. Archiv Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde 0(1976)3: 201-207.


H A K E , G. / Kartographie. I. Kartenaufnahme, NetzentwÜrfe, Gestaltungs- merkmale, topographische Karten. 11. Thematische Karten, Atlanten, kartenverwandte Darstellungen, Kartentechnik, Automation, Kartenauswertung, Kartengeschichte. Berlin, New York, W. de Gruyter, 1975-1976. 5. & 2. Auflage. 288 + 307 pp. Bibl.: 304 + 449 1it.refs. 12/93

H u T T E R M A N N , A. / Karteninterpretation in Stichworten. Geographische Interpretation topographiseher Karten. Kiel, Verl. Ferdinand Hirt, 1975. 160 pp. Bibl.: pp.18-22 + 143-155. 12/92

M A R G E R I S O N , T. A. London, Natural Environment Research Council, Experimental Cartography Unit, 1976. 20 pp. Bibl.: pp.18-20. 12/96

/ Computers and the renaissance of cartography.


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S T A U F E N B I E L , W. / Automatische Datenverarbeitung in der topo- graphischen Kartographie. I. Allgemeines. Gerätesystem. Kartographische Nachrichten E ( 1 9 7 6 ) 3 : 81-93. 13 1it.refs.

S T B B L E I N , G. and P. Z b F E L 1 Das Computerprogramm PRINTERMAP zur Herstellung von Choroplethen-Karten. Kartographische Nachrichten g ( 1 9 7 6 ) 4 : 128-140. I O 1it.refs.

L I E B E N B E R G , E. 1 SYNAE'. Its uses and abuses. The Cartographic Journal G ( l 9 7 6 ) l : 26-36. 36 1it.refs. Automated thematic mapping system

S I M M O N D S , M. C. 1 Some aspects of the use of photography in map production in the ordnance survey. The Cartographic Journal G ( 1 9 7 6 ) l : 68-71.

K E R N , H. and K. S C H U L Z / T H E W . Ein Programm zur automatisierten Herstellung thematischer Karten nach dem Diagram-Prinzip. Kartographische Nachrichten %(1976)3: 94-100.

G E O Katalog. 11: International. Amtliche geographisch-thematische Karten und Atlanten. Schnittubersichten von Kartenwerken. Stuttgart etc., GE0 Center Internationales Landkartenhaus, 1975. 1 /523

c R A W F O R D , P. V. / Optimum spatial design for thematic maps. The Cartographic Journal 2 ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 : 134-144. 15 1it.refs.

B A X T E R , R. S. / Some methodological issues in computer drawn maps. The Cartographic Journal c ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 : 145-155. 26 1it.refs.


M A N U A L of remote sensing. Editor-in-chief: R . G . R E E V E S . Falls Church, Virginia, American Soc. of Photogrammetry, 1975. 1/11 V o l . 2144 pp. Bibl. with the chapters. Glossary of technical terms. Vol.1: Theory, instruments, and techniques. Vol.11: Interpretation and applications. 12/97

R E M O T E sensing of environment. Edited by: J . L I N T Z Jr., and D.S. S I M O N E T T . Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Publ.Comp., 1976. 694 pp. Bibl.: pp.627-674. Advanced Book Program. 12/95


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B A R R E T T , E. C. and L. F. C U R T I S / Introduction to environ- mental remote sensing. London, Chapman and Hall, 1976. 336 pp. Lit.refs. with the chapters. 12/99

H O W A R D , J. A. Forestry Abstracts x(1976)9: 493-501. Review article. Bibl.: pp.499-501.

/ The development and role of remote sensing in forestry.

C A R L S O N , R. E. and C. A S P I A Z U / Cropland acreage estimates from temporal, multispectral ERTS-1 data. Remote Sensing of Environment 4-(1975)3: 237-243. 4 1it.refs. ERTS = Earth Resources Technology Satellite

B U N N I K , N. J. J. and W. V E R H O E F 1 The spectral directional reflectance of agricultural crops. Measurements on a wheat and a grass canopy for some stages of growth. Delft, NIWARS, 1974. 123 pp. 32 1it.refs. NIWARS Publ. 23. 32/316(23)

V E R H O E F , W. and N. J. J. B U N N I K / The spectral directional reflectance of row crops. 1. Consequences of non-Lambertian behaviour for automatic classification. 2. Measurements on wheat and simulations by means of a reflectance model for row crops. Delft, NIWARS, 1976. 134 pp. 16 1it.refs. NIWARS Publ. 35. 32/31 6(35)

V E R H O E F , W. and N. J. J. B U N N I K / A model study on the rela- tions between crop characteristics and canopy spectral reflectance. I . Deduction of crop parameters from canopy spectroreflectance data. 2. Detectability of variations in crop parameters by multispectral scanning. Delft, NIWARS, 1975. 89 pp. 21 1it.refs. NIWARS Publ. 33. 32/316(33)

E L A D , B. L. and N. J. R O S E N B E R G / Evaluation of resistance and mass transport evapotranspiration models requiring canopy temperature data. Agronomy Journal E(1976)5: 764-769. 19 1it.refs. Remote thermal scanning of subirrigated alfa3fa fields.

M A R M E R , G.J., J . V . T O K A R and R.P. M A D D I N G / Comparison of thermal scanning and in situ techniques for monitoring thermal discharges. Water Resources Bulletin fi(l975)6: 1157-1180. 3 1it.refs.

K R U S E - R O D E N A C K E R , A. / Regionale Planung mit Satelliten- und Luftbildanalysen. Kombinierte Methoden und praktische Erfahrungen. Zeitschrift f. ausländische Landwirtschaft G(1976)l: 72-88. 14 1it.refs.


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S T O N E R , E.R., M.F. B A U M G A R D N E R and P.H. S W A I N 1 Determining density of maize canopy from digitized photographic data.

16 1it.refs. 1 Agronomy Journal E ( 1 9 7 6 ) I : 55-59.

G A U S M A N , H.W., R.R. R O D R I G U E Z and A. J. R I C H A R D S Infinite reflectance of dead compared with live vegetation. Agronomy Journal E ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 : 295-296. 10 1ít.refs.

V I N C E N T , R.K., L.C. R O W A N , R.E. G I L L E S P I E etal.! Thermal-infrared spectra and chemical analyses of twenty-six igneous rock samples. Remote Sensing of Environment 4(1975)3: 199-209. 12 1it.refs.

S E S 0 R E N , A. 1 Lineament analysis from ERTS (Landsat) images of The Netherlands. Geologie en Mijnbouw E ( 1 9 7 6 ) I : 61-67. 21 1it.refs. 4 maps.