by samuelbeckett directed by edward sobel by edward sobel. ... i chose to direct endgame this season...

Directed by Edward Sobel By Samuel Beckett JAN 17 - MAR 10 ARDEN THEATRE COMPANY PRESENTS

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Directed by Edward Sobel

By SamuelBeckett

JAN 17 - MAR 10

A r d e n T h e AT r e Co m pA n y p r e s e n Ts


January 17 - March 10, 2013Arcadia Stage

Special thanks to The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust for supporting Arden Theatre Company.

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ENDGAME is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.

Arden Theatre Company receives state arts funding support through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

* Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the U.S.


Scenic Designer


Lighting Designer


Costume Designer


Sound Designer




Stage Manager

JOHN GRASSEY*Assistant Director


Mainstage Season Sponsored by:

+ Member of United Scenic Artists Local USA 829

Directed by EDWARD SOBEL

WELCOMEfrom the producing Artistic Director

One of the things that I love about choosing plays for the Arden is that our mission allows us to produce a great variety of work. Contemporary musicals such as Next to Normal; classic stories such as Cyrano; new plays such as Clybourne Park and the American classic that inspired it, A Raisin in the Sun. In our 24-plus years, we’ve produced an extraordinary group of writers, some to whom we’ve returned more than once: seven plays by Michael Hollinger; three by Michael Ogborn; two each by Arthur Miller, Tom Stoppard, and August Wilson; nine Shakespeares; ten Sondheims. With this production of Endgame, I am thrilled to bring the work of Samuel Beckett to our stage for the fi rst time.

Samuel Beckett was a remarkable fi gure in world drama: an Irishman who lived in Paris, often writing in French and then translating his plays into English; a friend and confi dant of James Joyce who also served as part of the French Resistance during World War II. As a dramatist, Beckett was a visionary and a revolutionary, transforming how stories could be told onstage. He was also famously private, determined to let his work speak for itself. In response to the persistent question, “What does it mean?”, Mr. Beckett provided no answers, save, “I cannot explain my plays. Each must fi nd out for himself what is meant.” He left us the words, images and rhythms. It is up to us to make sense of them. Beckett was one of the most – if not the most – infl uential playwrights of the twentieth century (as detailed in Assistant Director Suzana Berger’s article, Beckett’s Infl uence, later in this stagebill). Beckett’s work also infl uenced generations of writers of fi ction, fi lm and even television (Tony Soprano and Deadwood’s Al Swearengen have always struck me as characters inspired by Beckett’s anti-heros); and his plays have attracted some of the great actors of our time. When Associate Artistic Director Ed Sobel, who has a deep and abiding passion for Beckett’s work, suggested Endgame with Scott Greer as Hamm and James Ijames as Clov, I felt the thrill of possibility. Here are two actors who bring tremendous humanity, intelligence and humor to their work. They could have careers anywhere, but they have chosen to make Philadelphia their home. When we started the Arden in 1988, we wanted to help foster a vibrant Philadelphia theatre community, one that could attract such extraordinary theatre artists as Scott and James. Who better to lead us into the world of Samuel Beckett?

As we enter this new year, in addition to our work onstage, we are busy with the ongoing construction of the Hamilton Family Arts Center. If you look at the building (three doors down towards Arch), you can see that a large portion of the front wall has been removed, awaiting the new glass windows that will connect the space to 2nd Street. The elevator shaft has been constructed; steel beams loaded in. As construction progresses, we will be offering tours of the building, so that you can see it in process and hopefully get involved in making the building a reality. This will be a place for new play development and expanded educational programming – our investment in the future and for all the new Scott Greers and James Ijames to come.

Thank you for joining us for Endgame. Thank you for being part of the Arden.

Terrence J. Nolen

cast of characters

Hamm .................................................................................Scott Greer*

Clov ....................................................................................James Ijames*

Nagg ........................................................................................ Dan Kern*

Nell ...................................................................................Nancy Boykin*


Susan Giddings, William Toussaint

Arden Theatre Company is a professional company employing members of Actors’ Equity Association. *Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the U.S.

Please check houseboards for program changes. Taking pictures and/or making visual or sound recordings is expressly forbidden.

The video and/or audio recording of this performances by any means whatsoever are strictly prohibited.

The Arden operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

Actors’ Equity Association (AEA), founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefi ts, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affi liated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions.

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DIRECTOR’S NotesI first fell in love with the work of Samuel Beckett when I was in college. At eighteen, what I perceived as aridly funny nihilism held irresistible appeal. In the intervening years I’ve strayed promiscuously, but have often returned, and never fully left. Now, as I sit squarely in the advancing shadow of middle age, I know this lover differently.

I chose to direct Endgame this season while I was reading a number of new plays from American writers that seemed to be confronting loss. Not personal psychological grief, although that was present, but loss as it has an impact on a wider community. It seemed to be in our zeitgeist. Perhaps we are now distant enough from one of our latest national tragedies that we are trying to process the impact.

Beckett’s own world view, as many artists of his time, was informed by experiences during World War II; in Beckett’s case including direct participation in the French Resistance under German occupation. As I write this, one American community and by extension all of us, has suffered a tremendous, heartbreaking loss. Each time such a thing happens, I find myself thinking, well surely this is the last. We can’t be punished anymore. Then I remember World War I, which Beckett also lived through, was called the “War to End All Wars.” Until it didn’t.

It seems I must accept that personal and communal calamity, destruction, cruelty and inhumanity are inevitable. As Beckett has Didi say in Waiting for Godot, “Astride of a grave and a difficult birth … Down in the hole, lingeringly, the gravedigger puts on the forceps.”

Beckett also wrote a phrase in his notebook: “Do not despair, one of the thieves was saved. Do not presume, one of the thieves was damned. ” He said he was not so much interested in the theology of the saying, but in its shape. That in his drama, every darkness contains the “perhaps” of light.

If it is true, if things like slavery, oppression, violence and war will always happen, if the thief is damned, then so do we also always have opportunity to respond. The possibility remains of being wiser, more forgiving, more compassionate, of laughing and loving more than we did the last time. One of the thieves was saved. What we do with our perpetual calamity, as individuals or as a country, is up to us. Such is the nature of hope in this world.

Making plays is an act of optimism. While you may never be sure that what you are saying has any value and that you haven’t just messed up your own life for nothing, you live in the faith that the creative act animates possibility, even if only for an hour and a quarter, in the dark.

Making a play is also a communal act, and I have been given the gift of an exceptional family of actors and designers, all of whom have dedicated their considerable talents to this production with a fervor that has been inspiring. I am grateful to them, and to you our audiences, for being willing to enter Beckett’s unique theatre with us.

So here we are. I am stuck with Beckett, and apparently for this production anyway, him with me. And you with us. And all of us with each other. What are we going to do now?

Edward Sobel

For further reading and insights about this production of Endgame and its process, see our blog at

BECKETT’S INFLUENCE“After Godot, plots could be minimal; exposition, expendable; characters, contradictory; settings, unlocalized, and dialogue, unpredictable. Blatant farce could jostle tragedy.” –RubyCohn,SamuelBeckett’sfriendandauthorofnumerousbooksabouthiswork

Beckett’s legacy is not only Waiting for Godot, Endgame, and his other fascinating, puzzling plays, but opening the door for theatremakers to imagine stage worlds that defy naturalistic expression. The style he created out of a struggle to understand and represent life after the horrors of World War II has given us theatrical conventions that have continued to influence other artists’ explorations for over 50 years.

Beckett’s British contemporary, Harold Pinter, said he admired Beckett’s style, “so much that something of its texture may appear in my own.” That texture is noticeable in the clipped rhythms of speech and silence in gripping Pinter plays like The Birthday Party and The Homecoming. These plays also share Beckett’s structural technique of building characters’ actions around someone or something that is very palpably absent.

Tom Stoppard also has some Beckettian fun in his Hamlet-inspired comedy, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (produced at the Arden in 2003, featuring Endgame’s Scott Greer as Guildenstern). Stoppard opens the play with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern “in a place without any visible character,” tossing coins and carrying on a cyclical, philosophical, though always active conversation that echoes Waiting for Godot’s Estragon and Vladimir. Stoppard draws on Beckett’s structural innovation to spin his story about two lost souls trying to understand the forces that determine their actions.

In the 1960s, Sam Shepard and Edward Albee became some of the first American writers to draw on Beckett’s avant-garde style. Shepard’s characters struggle with suburbanization, family breakdown, and mechanization within barren stage landscapes, cyclical time, and plots that resist easy description in plays like Cowboy Mouth and Buried Child. Albee has been a steadfast fan and supporter of Beckett, repeatedly praising his work and even directing productions of his plays. In regards to his own writing, Albee was greatly influenced by Beckett. “From him, I’ve learned economy, precision and specificity. [In my work] I embraced his notion that we must stay fully alive knowing perfectly well that we are not going to stay alive forever. And we can stay alive with far less than we think we need to. Consciousness is all.”

Although David Mamet’s characters live in extremely realistic settings, he builds on Beckett’s musical dialogue full of repetitions and terse phrases that could be interpreted as either straightforward or laden with meaning to give fire-breathing life to Lakeboat’s rough and tumble steamboat crew, Glengarry Glen Ross’ crooked real estate agents, and Speed-the-Plow’s slick Hollywood producers.

Suzan-Lori Parks’ signature style of repetition and revision or “rep and rev,” which pervades plot and dialogue in many of her plays, certainly has echoes of Beckett. Her thought-provoking content, often dealing with the omissions of African-American experiences from history and exploding the stereotypes that surround them, flows naturally from this form. She is intrigued by what Beckett and his mentor James Joyce, “could get away with,” and places her adventurous writing in, “that tradition of doing whatever you want and saying, ‘Here it is!’”

Each of these writers’ creations is unique, different from each other’s and from Beckett’s in significant ways. Yet his particular brand of theatricality so permeates the air theatre artists breathe that they have all used it to fuel their theatrical tangles with the questions of their times. We have the excitement of experiencing Beckett’s stagecraft for ourselves, as well as seeing how today’s young writers will draw on their theatrical heritage to interrogate this moment in history and help us to understand it.

Suzana Berger, Assistant Director

Scott Greer, Arden’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, 2003


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NANcy BoykiN (Nell) was last seen at the Arden as Lady Boyle in Superior Donuts. It is a pleasure to be collaborating again with Ed Sobel and James Ijames, not to mention the added good fortune of sitting in a trashcan beside Dan Kern, my husband. Other Philadelphia credits include The Dead and Twelfth Night at the Arden, the Wilma, Interact, Act II Playhouse, Temple Repertory Theater. She has performed elsewhere with the Interact Theater in Los Angeles (LA Drama Critics Circle Award), Arena Stage, Long Wharf, Cincinnati Playhouse, the Alabama Shakespeare Festival to name a few. Ms. Boykin is dedicated to the development of new plays and teaches acting at Temple University and Villanova.

Scott Greer (Hamm) is thrilled to be back for such an exciting project. Of his 26 (counting this one) shows at the Arden, here are some favorites: Death of a Salesman, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Red Herring, Baby Case, Assassins, and Wittenberg. Scott has lived in Philadelphia for the last 20 years and worked at the Walnut, 1812 Productions, Wilma, Peoples Light and many more. Regionally, he has worked for Actors Theatre of Louisville, Round House, and the Pearl Theatre in New York. He has won four Barrymore Awards for Excellence in Theatre including the prestigious F. Otto Haas Award for an Emerging Theatre Artist. Love always to Jen and Lily.

JAmeS iJAmeS (Clov) is thrilled to be back at the Arden in this production of Endgame! Some of his credits include: One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Gossamer, Shipwrecked (PLTC), An Empty Plate in the Cafe du Grand Boeuf, Romeo and Juliet, Superior Donuts, and The Whipping Man (Arden Theatre), Grey Gardens, Ruined (PTC), The Threshing Floor (Mauckingbird Theatre Company), and Ponies(Gloucester Stage Company) James has received two Barrymore Awards for Supporting Actor in a Play for Superior Donuts with the Arden Theatre Company and Angels in America at the Wilma Theater. He is the 2011 recipient of the F. Otto Haas Emerging Artist Award. Many thanks to Ed and the Arden Family.

DAN kerN (Nagg) is delighted to be making his Arden debut alongside his wife, Nancy. Locally he has played leading roles in The Tempest, Long Day’s Journey into Night, The Last of the Boys, and God’s Man in Texas. Other roles of note include Leontes in A Win-ter’s Tale (Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award for “Outstanding Performance”), Volpone in Volpone at A Noise Within, zhorzh in The Wood Demon at the Mark Taper Forum, Salieri in Amadeus at South Coast Rep and Eben in Desire Under the Elms at The American Conservatory Theatre. Film and TV appearances include – The Lovely Bones,

Me and the Big Guy, Frasier, Star Trek, Melrose Place and others. Dan is a member of the theater faculty at Temple University.

SAmUeL Beckett (Playwright) was born in Foxrock, a suburb of Dublin, in 1906. He spent much of his youth writing poems and stories and journeying through Ireland, France, England and Germany. Eventually settling in Paris, he met James Joyce and became the author’s close friend and aide, writing the essay “Our Examination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress” about the creation of Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake. In 1938, Beckett met his future wife, Suzanne Dechevaux-Dumesnil, a piano student, when she rescued him after he was stabbed by a panhandler on the street. They both became active in the French Resistance during World War II, until they were forced to flee Paris to the outskirts of France to wait out the end of the war. Upon his return to Paris, Beckett began the most prolific period of his writing career, which included his two most well-known plays, Waiting for Godot and Endgame. Beckett’s plays broke the convention of naturalism, and his work became a cornerstone of 20th

Who’s Who

century theatre. Because of his influence, future playwrights were encouraged to experiment with the underlying meaning of their work. For his accomplishments in drama and fiction, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1969. Beckett continued to write steadily until his death in 1989.

eDWArD SoBeL (Director) is Associate Artistic Director of the Arden and directed Clybourne Park, Supe-rior Donuts and the Arden’s Writers’ Room project Women in Jep. Other recent directing credits include the world premiere of Cadillac at Chicago Dramatists (five Joseph Jefferson Award nominations, including Best Director and Best Production), Huck Finn, The Chosen, and A Lesson Before Dying (all at Steppenwolf Theatre Company) and Weapon of Mass Impact at A Red Orchid Theatre. Previously he was the Direc-tor of New Play Development at Steppenwolf, where he oversaw the development of some 40 new plays into production, including the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner August: Osage County, and Pulitzer finalists Man From Nebraska and Red Light Winter. Ed created and was the program director for the FIRST LOOK REPERTORY OF NEW WORK, for which he received the Elliott Hayes award from the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas for outstanding contribution to the field. He is currently on the faculty at Temple University.

keviN DepiNet (Scenic Designer) is delighted to be working at the Arden again where he last designed Superior Donuts. His designs have been seen at Steppenwolf, The Goodman Theatre, Chicago Shakespeare, The Royal George Theatre, The McCarter Theatre, The Royal National Theatre of Great Britain, The Court Theatre, Cincinnati Play House in The Park, Milwaukee Repertory, Denver Theatre Center, Writers Theatre, Drury Lane, Glimmerglass Opera, Yale Repertory, Indiana Repertory, American Players Theatre, Chicago Children’s Theatre, Chicago Dramatists, The Marriott Theatre and Illinois Shakespeare. He also designed scenery for Michael Mann’s film Public Enemies (Universal Studios) and was the Associate Designer for the original Tony Award winning August: Osage County. He is also an adjunct professor of design at DePaul University.

miLLie HiiBeL (Costume Designer) has designed costumes for over 100 productions in opera, theater, dance and film; locally, regionally and off-Broadway. She is the Costume Director for the Opera Com-pany of Philadelphia, and has collaborated with such theaters as The New Victory Theater (NYC), Village Theatre (NYC), Philadelphia Theatre Company, Delaware Theatre Company, The Playhouse Square, PortOpera, The Wilma Theater, Bristol Riverside, Cape May Playhouse, Enchantment Theatre Company, Temple Repertory Theater, Anonymous Bodies, Center City Opera, Temple Opera, and the Lantern Theater Company. She designed the costumes for the film, Fever 1793. Millie has been twice nominated for Philadelphia’s Barrymore Awards, and was a 2007 F. Otto Haas finalist. Millie is adjunct faculty at University of Pennsylvania and Temple University. MFA: Temple University.

tHom WeAver (Lighting Designer) For Arden: Next to Normal, Cyrano, The Whipping Man, August: Osage County, The Flea and the Professor, A Moon for the Misbegotten, The Threepenny Opera, Romeo and Juliet, Blue Door, and My Name Is Asher Lev. Philadelphia: Wilma, People’s Light, Lantern, Walnut, Headlong, Delaware, InterAct, Azuka, Curtis Opera, New Paradise, Theatre Exile, 1812, PSF, and Flashpoint Theatre Company, where he is Artistic Director. Other credits: Milwaukee Rep, Theatre J, Shakespeare Theatre, Cal Shakes, Children’s Theatre Company, Virginia Stage, Roundhouse, CENTERSTAGE, Folger, Cincinnati Playhouse, Hangar, Cleveland Playhouse, Syracuse Stage, Berkshire Theatre Festival, Williamstown, Signature, Lincoln Center Festival, Spoleto, Pittsburgh Public, and Yale Rep, among others. 2011 and 2012 Barrymore, 14-time nominee, 2-time Helen Hayes nominee, and the 2007 AUDELCO Award. Education: Carnegie Mellon and Yale.

DANieL pereLSteiN (Sound Designer) is a freelance sound designer, composer, and musical director in Philadelphia. Previous designs at Arden: Next To Normal, Robin Hood, Women in Jep; Upcoming: Pinocchio. Recent designs at Wilma, Live Arts, Walnut, Peoples Light, Kimmel Center, PlayPenn, Azuka, Lantern,

Who’s Who

Who’s WhoTheatre Horizon, Flashpoint, others. Resident designer for Bearded Ladies Cabaret. Education: B.S. Engineering, B.A. Music, Swarthmore College. In loving memory of Dad. Hear samples at

SUZANA BerGer (Assistant Director)’s directing credits include Seek and Hide, a theatrical adventure through Smith Memorial Playhouse (Dragon’s Eye Theatre), Spring Awakening (Penn Players), Jester’s Dead, a Shakespearean parody of Top Gun (Philly Fringe), If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (Synchronicity Performance Group, Atlanta), Naomi Wallace’s A State of Innocence (Culture Project, NYC), and Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. She is a member of Lincoln Center Director’s Lab. Next project: Suzan-Lori Parks’ The America Play at Plays and Players.

JoHN GrASSey (Stage Manager) is excited to be back for his second season with the Arden! Other Arden credits include: Freud’s Last Session, Tulipomania and August: Osage County. In addition to the Arden, he has recently worked at the Berkshire Theatre Festival, Philadelphia Theatre Company, and Walnut Street Theatre. John is a graduate of The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. Many thanks to his family and friends for all of their support. Proud member of AEA.

terreNce J. NoLeN (Producing Artistic Director) is co-founder and Producing Artistic Director of Arden Theatre Company. Favorite Arden productions include all-Philadelphia casts of August: Osage County; Death of a Salesman; The Grapes of Wrath and Hedda Gabler and such musicals as Next to Normal; Sweeney Todd; Pacific Overtures; Violet; and Caroline, or Change. Terry directed the inaugural production of Arden Children’s Theatre, Charlotte’s Web. He has directed six world-premiere plays by Michael Hollinger, three by Dennis Raymond Smeal, three by Michael Ogborn, two by Rogelio Martinez, and Bruce Graham’s Something Intangible. Terry has been nominated for 24 Barrymore Awards for his directing work at the Arden and received awards for The Baker’s Wife; Sweeney Todd; Opus; Winesburg, Ohio; Assassins; and Something Intangible. He directed Michael Hollinger’s Opus at Primary Stages in New York and was nominated for a Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Director. His short film The Personal Touch was nominated for an Emmy Award.

Amy L. mUrpHy (Managing Director) A Philadelphia native, Amy co-founded the Arden in 1988 with Terrence J. Nolen and Aaron Posner. She is especially proud of the Arden Professional Apprentice program and its contribution to the Philadelphia cultural community. A graduate of Susquehanna University, Amy received the university’s first-ever Young Alumni Achievement Award. She completed the Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders-Arts which is a joint program of the Stanford Graduate School of Business Center for Social Innovation and National Arts Strategies. Amy serves on the Board of the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance and the Local Advisory Council of the Non Profit Finance Fund. She has served on panels for the National Endowment for the Arts, the New Jersey State Arts Council and the Executive Committee of the League of Resident Theatres (LORT). Amy was named a Hepburn Fellow 2008-9 by the Katharine Houghton Hepburn Center at Bryn Mawr College.

ArDeN tHeAtre compANy Founded in 1988, Arden Theatre Company is dedicated to bringing to life great stories by great storytellers–on the stage, in the classroom, and in the community. We stage five productions each season as part of our mainstage series and two productions through Arden Children’s Theatre, the city’s first resident professional children’s theatre program. We create and produce new work through the Independence Foundation New Play Showcase and The Writers’ Room, a new play residency program made possible by the Independence Foundation’s New Works Initiative and the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage through the Philadelphia Cultural Management Initiative. The Arden Professional Apprenticeship program trains future theatre leaders, and Arden Drama School classes teach children and teens about the craft of making plays. Our access program,

Arden For All, makes our work available to the entire community through subsidized tickets and books for economically disadvantaged young people. We also offer sign language-interpreted, captioned and audio described performances and Pay-What-You-Can final dress rehearsals that benefit other nonprofits. The Arden has received seven Philadelphia Magazine “Best of Philly” Awards, the Arts & Business Council’s Arts Excellence Award, five City Paper “Reader’s Choice” Awards, four Philadelphia Inquirer “Theatre Company of the Year” citations, 58 awards and 276 nominations from the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia’s Barrymore Awards for Excellence in Theatre, and named “Best Theatre Company” by Philadelphia Weekly in 2009. Arden Theatre Com-pany, a professional, nonprofit 501(c)(3) theatre company, is a member of the Theatre Communica-tions Group, the League of Resident Theatres, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau and Old City Arts Association. The Arden operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. The Scenic, Costume, Lighting and Sound Designers in LORT theatres are represented by United Scenic Artists Local USA-829, IATSE.

Arden theatre company wishes to thank: East End Salon

Who’s Who

tHe cHekHov proJectI love reading Anton Chekhov’s plays. They have a panoramic sweep and yet are fi lled with startlingly intimate moments. The more time I spend with his plays, the more I recognize his characters – and the more I recognize myself in these characters. As a director, I have long wanted to bring the extraordinary response I have reading Chekhov to a full-bodied production but, in order to do so, I felt I needed two things: a translator involved in the entire process and additional rehearsal time so that the actors have the time needed to fully bring these amazing characters to vibrant life. Last spring, we received a generous grant from The Pew Center for Arts and Heritage through the Philadelphia Theatre Initiative to make this work possible, and thus, The Chekhov Project was launched.

The Chekhov Project is a two-year exploration of the work of Anton Chekhov. It will culminate in a production of a new translation of Chekhov’s Three Sisters, but the goals are actually more ambitious and encompassing than that. We are seeking to fi nd a new approach to Chekhov’s plays – one that explodes the way contemporary American audiences experience his work.

We are working with Trinity Repertory Company in Providence, Rhode Island on this. Curt Columbus, Trinity’s Artistic Director, has translated numerous Chekhov plays and is one of the foremost experts in the production of Chekhov’s work here in the United States. The fi rst step in our work together was a trip to Moscow this last November, providing an opportunity to connect with the historical legacy of Chekhov and to see how contemporary Russian directors and scholars are approaching his work. We have also begun casting the ensemble of actors who will bring this play to life, drawing from both the Philadelphia and Trinity communities. Over the course of the next year, we will hold readings, workshops, and master classes with this ensemble – an immersive experience that is all-too-rare and very precious indeed. We will produce Three Sisters at the Arden in March/April of 2014, and then mount a new version at Trinity in the fall of 2014.

I don’t know what our production of Three Sisters will look like, nor can I say how it will all come together; right now, I have more questions than answers. But what I do know is that our production will be alive and vital and heartbreaking and funny; that extraordinary artists are coming together to work on this; and that we have the time we need to come to an answer or two, ask more questions and, hopefully, create something extraordinary.

Throughout The Chekhov Project, we will be looking for multiple opportunities to engage our audience in the process. If you want to hear more about the project as it unfolds, please email me at [email protected]. I look forward to sharing updates.

Terry Nolen

Curt and I at the Moscow Art Theatre, where Chekhov’s major works were fi rst staged.

In front of St. Basil’s in Red Square. Curt at Melikhovo, Chekhov’s estate where he wrote The Seagull, which now houses the Chekhov Museum.

matching Gift partnersACE Charitable FoundationArchie D. and Bertha H. Walker FoundationAXA FinancialBoeingBrandywine Realty TrustDCR Environmental Services Inc. Dilworth Paxson LLPEndo Pharmaceuticals ExxonMobil FoundationFederated Department Stores Foundation First Horizon National Corporation

First Tennessee FoundationGannett Foundation GE FoundationGlaxoSmithKlineGoogleIBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs Independence Foundation Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts ProgramMacy’s FoundationMerck Partnership for Giving Merrill Lynch

National Football LeagueNational Philanthropic TrustPenn Virginia CorporationThe Philadelphia FoundationPNC FoundationQuaker Chemical Corporation Robert Wood Johnson FoundationSaint-Gobain Corporation FoundationSap America, Inc. Subaru of America Foundation United WayThe Vanguard Group FoundationWilliam Penn Foundation

make a donation through your workplace United Way program.

Our Donor Choice Number: 14198. Contributions made through the United Way support our work with children.

corporate, Foundation & Government Support$100,000 & aboveThe Albert M. Greenfield Foundation Hamilton Family Foundation Independence Foundation The Kresge FoundationThe Pew Center for Arts & Heritage through the Philadelphia Cultural Management Initiative The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage through the Philadelphia Theatre Initiative The Pew Charitable TrustsPhiladelphia Cultural Leadership ProgramWilliam Penn Foundation

$50,000 to $99,999Comcast Corporation The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust John S. and James L. Knight FoundationThe Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily News and Foundation

$15,000 to $49,999AnonymousCampbell Soup Foundation Fox Chase BankThe Geraldine R. Dodge FoundationHarmelin Media Hirsig Family Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Lincoln Financial Foundation Medical Legal Reproductions+ National Endowment for the Arts PECO

Pennsylvania Council on the ArtsTarget Corporation Universal Health Services, Inc.

$7,500 to $14,999ACE GroupBoeing Corporation Anne M. and Philip H. Glatfelter Family Foundation The Horner FoundationMain Line HealthPhiladelphia Cultural FundPNC Charitable TrustSusquehanna BankThomas Jefferson University HospitalsTD Charitable Foundation

$2,500 to $7,499Arronson FoundationBarra Foundation Caroline Alexander Buck FoundationCaroline J. S. Sanders Charitable Trust IICivic FoundationDolfinger-McMahon Foundation Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Memorial FundThe Haley Foundation Hatboro Beverages+KieranTimberlakeLouis N. Cassett FoundationPaul E. Kelly FoundationPhiladelphia Insurance CompaniesQuirk BooksSovereign Bank FoundationThe Victory FoundationWalter J. Miller TrustThe Wells Fargo Foundation

$750 to $2,499Actors’ Equity Association Foundation BeneservThe Charlotte Cushman FoundationDrumcliff FoundationEnterprise Holdings FoundationThe Hassel FoundationJenkintown Building Services+The Kesher Fund of the Cohen-Fruchtman-Krieger Family, Inc.The Pittsburgh FoundationThe Rittenhouse Foundation

$749 and underBoxcar Brewing Company+Café Excellence+Victorian Savories+William Goldman Foundation

+denotes gifts of services or goods

Looking for a business tax break in 2013?receive a tax credit through the pennsylvania education improvement tax credit program by supporting the Arden! (Funds directly support Arden for All, education outreach program.)

Eligiblity info: Angela DuRoss at 215-922-8900 x25 or [email protected]


Sassafras Grove ($10,000 & above)Anonymous Mr. Frederick W. Anton, IIICHG Charitable Trust In memory of Ruth and Herbert Dordick+Otto Haas Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. N. Peter HamiltonHirsig Family Fund of The Philadelphia FoundationWyncote Foundation, at the recommendation of Leonard C.Haas

cherry Grove ($5,000-$9,999)Anonymous Sally and Michael Bailin^John Bitman^Ann DieboldMarie and Joseph FieldTim and Ellen Foster^Elizabeth GemmillVirginia and Harvey Kimmel Arts Education Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation Josephine KleinSuzanne F. Roberts Cultural Development FundCharles and Mindy Goldberg Rose^Lee and Christopher van de VeldeRosalyn and Stephen WeinsteinTed and Stevie Wolf

Filbert Grove ($2,500-$4,999)AnonymousCarol and Tom BeamBob and Nancy ElfantLois G. BrodskyJohn and Susan ColemanAnne M. CongdonRobert M. DeverLinda and David GlicksteinDeb Dorsey and Mike GreenLeslie and Barbara KaplanDrs. Robin and Saifuddin MamaThomas Petro and Kristine MessnerPeggy and Steve MorganKeith and Jim StrawJune and Steve Wolfson Family FoundationEllen Yin+

mulberry Grove ($1,000-$2,499) AnonymousArchie D. and Bertha H. Walker FoundationBrian Abernathy and Elizabeth IrelandIris Melendez and Hank Adamczyk, Jr.John Alchin and Hal MarryattLisa and Stan AltmanTheodora W. AshmeadBethany AsplundhJim and Janet AverillSheryl and Allen BarGiséle Sambar BathishIvy BayardSandy and Mickey BernsteinReggie Blaszczyk and Lee O’NeillLouis BluverJean G. BodineAlmut BreazealeDeDe and Tony BrownNancy BurdThomas Burke and Richard FountasLaurada Byers and Michael SanyourVicki and Russ CarlsonPriscilla and John ClementJoy De Jesús and Jamie ReynoldsTobey and Mark DichterMichael A. DonatoDeb Dorsey and Mike GreenShafiq EbrahimJames R. Fairburn and David A. WickardStephen J. Falchek and John A. Offidani, IIITed and Shannon FarmerJeanne FisherSandi Foxx-JonesDavid and Christina Fryman*Sally Walker and Tom Gilmore^Andrea GelzerTerry GraboyesPeggy and Richard Greenawalt Marcy Gringlas and Joel GreenbergMr. and Mrs. Albert M. GreenfieldDavid and MaryJane HackneyRonna and Robert HallMr. and Mrs. Jon HarmelinDon Haskin and Lynn Martin HaskinJane and Steve HeumannKaren and Mark HiteDr. David and Patricia Holtz*Drs. Paula and Thomas J. HumphriesSusan Jacobson and Michael Golden*Carol and D. Scott Kelley

Caroline KemmererMr. Peter Kenney and Dr. Dorothy NovickHolly KinserKenneth and Eve KlothenSandra and Peter KlugmanSharon and Joel KoppelmanWinnie and Eric LienWilliam A. LoebRichard Maimon and Susan SegalTina MancoLewis R. and Sue Ann MarburgGloria and Dan MarianoJean MarkovitzLee Marks and Lisl zachBarbara and Don MathesonJohn and Amy McCawley*Andrea Mengel and George A. RitterSeymour MillsteinA.C. MissiasEllen and Michael MulroneySuzanne and Ron NaplesAmy L. Murphy and Terrence J. NolenMichael Norris and Matt VarratoDr. and Mrs. Joel PorterCarol and John RauchAnn and Frank Reed, through the Malfer FoundationKurt and Mary-Ann ReissCintra and Franklyn RodgersAmelia Q. RileyPhyllis and Martin RosenthalMike Salmanson,Tobi zemsky, and Noah SalmansonDolly Beechman Schnall and Dr. Nathan Schnall, in loving memory of Laurie BeechmanLaura and Ron Siena, in honor of Nancy and Bob ElfantHether, Don and Sarah SmithRichard and Amanda Smoot Kathleen A. StephensonWilliam K. Stewart FoundationAdelaide Sugarman and Marshall GreenbergHarvey B. SwedloffEileen Heisman and Martin TuzmanThomas and Patricia Vernon^Richard E. Woosnam and Diane Dalto WoosnamHope YursaMichael zuckerman and Jan Levine, in memory of Jonathan LevinezAKARAK Productions

the special generosity of our members enables the Arden to tell great stories by having the resources to achieve the highest level of artistic quality. to join or for more information, please contact Angela Duross, Development Director at 215-922-8900 x25 or [email protected].

* denotes gifts made through the United Way +denotes gifts of services or goods ^includes a matching gift

For 12 years, the Sylvan Society has recognized individuals who support the Arden’s work by making annual gifts of $1,000 or more.

thank you to our Supporters$500 - $999AnonymousHoward AaronsonTammy ActorRebecca and John AdamsRon and Joyce BayerSheila Bell and Thomas DoddsMr. and Mrs. J. Robert and Marilyn BirnhakDorothy Tomassini and Barry BrennerWilliam H. Ross SchoolMs. Ruth E. BrownBob and Cheryl CarfagnoCaroline CastagnoMarc and Margie CohenCarolyn N. and Joseph M. Evans, Jr.Wally and Jane EvansMr. and Mrs. Farenback-Brateman^Carole M. Foley*Susan Jacobson and Michael GoldenBarbara and Jerry KaplanRonald Kershner and Catherine DolanSteven and Patricia King*Kenneth D. Kopple^Mary Ellen KroberJoan and Marc S. LapayowkerPat and Jim LobbFrank and Sally MalloryDonald J. Martin and Richard RepettoKathy Nolen Edwards and Bill Edwards*

Laura Offutt and Steve FukuchiBrenda J. OliphantWhitney Quesenbery and John ChesterPaul Rabe and Cheryl GunterIrwin C. and Carole M. SaftMarilyn Sanborne and Richard J. Labowskie*Jane ScaccettiHarold and Sharon Schwalm^Barbara and Mike SorokerAnne SpeyerHarold and Emily StarrEric Tamulonis and Deirdre GibsonDr. and Mrs. Stephen G. VassoWendy and Larry WhiteMatthew White*Mrs. Thomas A. Williams

$250-$499AnonymousDavid ArdreyAlice and James BazlenSusan Becker and Aaron RubinBill Beckett and Jo WhiteRichard and Joan BehrPeter and Lynne BermanBarry and Marilyn BevacquaDaniel BlickmanAlden and Linda BlythMary Pat and Thomas BoyleMarlin G. Brown*David BrownleeMichael P. Buckley

Chip CapelliNelly and Scott ChildressMr. and Mrs. Fred and Karen ClarkBarbara R. CobbDr. Marie A. ConnRuth Miller CoxJames Crawford and Judith DeanBarbara DaneluzziEllen Deacon and Ernest CuffGeorge Koch and Santo DiDonatoTika and Issac Djerassi Kate Kidder and Kevin DoerrJill DulanyJohn and Lois S. DursoRobert EnglishWilliam and Anne EwingAskold zagars and Marie FeehanCynthia Heininger and James FeeneyMark and Rene FeitelsonRuth and Andre FerberPaulette and Paul FreemanIn memory of Bob GallagherCharles GearKarhnak-Glasby FamilyGrace Gonglewski and Eric SchoeferBob and Jan GorenAnna and Kenneth GottschaldtSusan and Adam GuttentagRose HaganMary C. HarbisonLinda Hartnett and Richard WillisCharles W. Head, Jr.Jim and Carolyn Hessinger

ArDeN For ALL is supported by a generous gift from virginia and Harvey kimmel

� e Legacy SocietyArdenTheatreCompanywouldliketorecognizethefollowingsupporterswhohaveincludedtheArdenintheirwillorestateplans.TheirplannedgiftprovidessupportwhichwillhelpsustaintheArden’sworkfordecadestocome.

Peggy Anderson James and Suzanne HillStanley D. Baurys Mary Ellen KroberJane Berryman William A. LoebLouis Bluver Madeline Portnoy Ellis K. Ginsberg Marilyn and Dean R. StaatsPeter Gistelinck and Kim Bloom

We hope you will consider including the Arden in your will or estate plans. to be recognized as a member of the Legacy Society or with questions regarding planned giving, please contact Angela Duross, Development Director at 215-922-8900 ext. 25.

Terry HirshornGlenna HulsMarge and Philip KalodnerPhyllis KauffmanSusan Kellogg and Dick HoffmanEdith KlausnerMary and Justin KleinIn honor of Ronnie KleppertBarbara and Leonard KlinghofferBernadette KollerRuth and Peter LaibsonKathryn LeeDavid LermanDavid and Deborah LesherRuth LesserWarren and Arline LiebermanWill and Sandy LockJohn and Martha LubellDr. Edward Lundy and Debra ReiffMrs. Grace MadeiraAllison Wilson-Maher and John MaherRobert ManningGeorge and Judy McCarthyGloria McNuttMadeline MillerKathleen J. Moyer, Ph.D.Jerome NapsonPaul Nutaitis and Robert ClarkCarol Ann and Thomas O’LearyMr. and Mrs. Gerald O’NeillHugh C. and Susan O’NeillBarbara and Don ParmanJohn and Judy PeelerJayme PowersMary Jo ReillyGraham and Betsy Robb in honor of Lee van de VeldeMark and Sharon RobbLinda Robinson, Ph.D. and Peter KrillDulcie RommJoseph and Louise Shaffer^Susan GreeneJames Akerberg and Larry SimmonsWilliam and Mary SimpsonBob and Harriet SingerJames L. SmithJohn and Susan StedmanDennis Updegrove^Helene and William VanhoevenHella and Lew VolgenauMichael Walraven and Mary Lou StarlingFred and Arleen WeinsteinNancy Wingo, in honor of Peter and Alta HamiltonMr. and Mrs. Harry W. WoodcockJoseph and Renee zuritsky

$125 - $249AnonymousDr. Ron AbramsJanet and Roger Alwang^Harry BambrickAlison BauerEllen Baxter^Lisa and Joseph BeckerPat and Tom BenderJay and Nancy BerkowitzDoris and Aaron BitmanThomas H. BlackburnFran Freedman and Jon Blum^Maxine Blum and Samuel BobrowJanice and Roger BoeAllen BonnerMichael P. BoyleJ. Joseph and Mary Lou BreidenstineEadie and Allan BrooksSheryl L. RoserCarol BuettgerJeannine D. Burky and David WebberSara and Michael ChernoffSandra and James Corryzoe CoulsonMary Ann Dailey and Jacob DaileyJennifer DalpiazRaymond and Michele DeckerDaniel DevlinIn Honor of Marjorie DickeyLarry and Pat DixonMs. Diana DonaldsonEllen and Max DooneiefBeverly DotterKathy and Jerry DrewLouisa DubinAngela DuRossJoan EarleyMarcia EisenbergHelene D. Estes^Anne EwersPaul and Judith FarberIn memory of Dr. Morris FitermanMs. Judy FrankDrs. Barbara and Len FrankJim and Fran FrazerMr. Allan P. FreedmanHelene and Michael FreidmanPaula Fuchsberg^Wendi FurmanDennis T. GallagherStan GibellDavid K. GiffordDavid Glancey and Alice ReyesMac and Naomi GorsonJudy and John GouldMiriam and Saul GrossmanNancy and Richard Grove

Anne Halkedis^Mary and William HangleyAngela and Michael HennesseyHeidi Hertfelder^Sarah C. JordanCeleste Simon and Brian KeithMarjorie Epps KennedyElisabeth KerseySteven and Patricia KingAndrew Kite and Karl MartinGerald Katz and Ellen MagenAlan and Elaine KlawansGregory KleiberJoanne and Alexander KleinChristina and Harold KleinCharles and Patricia KlingSteven KnepperDavid LadovBob and Mary LawlerLisa LeeRichard LeeLorraine and late Richard LeffStewart R. LeftowAlan and Susan LevinHelene LevineBob and Lynn LevittNatalie LevkovichMr. and Mrs. Craig and Stephanie LewisLinda and Donald LewisBarbara and Richard LindeDavid and Kim LipetzRobert and Laurel LipshutzPerry Watts and Samuel LitwinClaudia MadrigaleLynn and Joe MankoMary Louise and Gerald MartinLinda McAleer and Maitlon RussellJohn McCormick and Ken Schmitt^Cheryl MeyerPaul and Lee S. MillerMartin and Sandra MillerMarianne T. MillerMelissa MorrisThe Mullin Family, in honor of Diane Dawson MullinTheodore and Theresa Munz Jr.John MusarraKenneth and Susan MyersBonnie and Eliot NiermanEtta and Chuck NissmanCarol L. O’BrienMarianne O’Connor^William O’ConnorTimothy O’MalleyMr. Richard PariseauJohn and Judith PeakesMary and F. Laurence PethickVincent and Carmen Pezzullo

thank you to our Supporters

thank you to our Supporters$125 - $249 continuedLisa TruckessNancy PostJennifer E. PottsJohn and Margaret PregKaren and David PresselLinda QuamAlan Reinach and Dana PerlmanEleanor ReinhardtLeslie RescorlaDavid and Diane RichmanJoy RickabaughDr. Elnora Rigik and Andrew BushkoClaire RoccoFrancoise and Louis RollmannMr. and Mrs. Edward RosenBernie and Camille RosenbergFaye and Daniel RossAlan Rothenberg and Enid KrasnerRobert and Joan LudwigPeter RykerJoan and Bill SaidelLucille SchlackMs. Kim SchmuckiGeorge SchulerCarleton SchwagerA. Paul ShallersCatharine ShippenJohn and Maryann ShiversLeslie E. SkiltonGail SnitzerMargaret R. SpencerRuth and David SteinmanRita StevensRobert Stewart and Barbara Barnett-StewartKate StocktonPaul L. StoneLorraine TojiCathy Toner*Harold and Judith TorranceEmily and Charles WagnerClifford and Ann WagnerMr. and Mrs. Thomas WaltherOscar WeberVivian WeinblattElizabeth WeinrebConstance WestTheresa WilliamsThe Wisnewski FamilyBertram and Lorle WolfsonRobert Woodcock and Sally LeidermanBarbara C. WrightSam and Kuna YankellTom and Jackie zemaitis

$75 - $124AnonymousLawrence AbramsonDavid ActonEmily AikenStephen AlbertNan AldersonSamuel AllinghamJanet AndereckRita AxelrodRobert Baron*Linda Barron, in honor of Courtney Baxter’s GraduationRobert Bauer and Sandy Clay BauerStanley BaurysRichard and Eileen BazelonReverend Judith T. BeckJulie BeckerConstance and Richard BermanLinda BermanDr. and Mrs. Benjamin BlankJoan BlumMarcia BowerCarrie and John Boxer*Frank BoyerJoshua and Susan BraunsteinJeanne and Arnold BrenmanCharles BrennanJudith BroudyJessica CalterAlice A. ChittendenMonica ChoiMary ChomitzSandra and Saul ClairAnnemarie Clarke and David BuchSharyn F. ClausonRhoda and Michael CobenJennifer and Daniel CoffeyJudith CohenHelene and Steve CohenSue CohenJosh and Leo CohenSuzanne and Norman CohnKelly McBrideSusan CookJanet CookJohn CookeKimberly Crown*Karen CuzzolinoCynthia D’AmbrosioCharles H. and Suzanne DavisBonnie and Robert DeAngeloRita and Grace DenboCarole and Marc DichterRay DoyleBeverly DubinMurray and Libby Rosof Dubin

Marlene DubinDonald and Geraldine DuclowDavid DurhamPatricia EamesNina and Daniel EdelmanLeah Chaplin and Eileen GildeaDebbie and Jerry EpsteinWendy EpsteinBarry and Beth EvansBrynn EvansFred and Cindy FarlinoSamuel and Helene FeinbergAnnette and Nathan FieldJohn FischerDeborah and Martin FishbeinLana FishkinMrs. Pamela FiskWalter FitzgeraldMark A. FochtEllen and David FreemanLarry S. FriedmanMary Jane FullamMiriam GalsterJulia Gardner and Aidan YoungMaria GiuntaPeggy GloverLeigh Goldenberg and Aaron BaumanVirginia GormleyDiane GraboyesRobin GreenePriscilla GrosickMarsha GrossDoris and Jack GuttentagStephen and Ona HamiltonGail HauptfuhrerJim and Pamela HaynieDouglas and Harriet HeathRuth HerdRon HermanSusan W. HerronRichard and Barbara HirshIsidore and Sharon HoffermanDonna and Bill HowerMichael J. Hozik and Margaret L. ReaKerry HuntsmanThomas K. HursterJudith HymanJustin JainJackie JerrehianTimothy and Carol JohnsonMillicent JonesJennifer and Kevin JulianDavid and Beth Medoway KaganIra and Linda KatzRobert and Ellen KavashCynthia KillionLorraine Kilmer

Without your support we couldn’t tell the whole story.

40% of our income comes from donations from patrons like you.

To make a gift, please call Angela DuRoss, Development Director

at 215.922.8900 x25 or go online:

thank you to our Supporters$75 - $124 continuedCheryl and John KirbyDavid KleinKen, Eva and Aaron KleinMarlena and Lazar KleitMary and Dean KlineJoseph Kluger and Susan LewisHarold KobbThomas KohnJames KronzerSherman and Pauline LabovitzJoyce LaskinRobert LazarEllen LeSylvia Lee and Charles L. Hillis, Jr.Kathryn LemmonNorman and Sylvia LiebermanDavid and Susan LipsonKaren LiskerDaniel and Linda LitwinDonald and Nancy MaclayBarbara and Bob MaertenMickey and Larry MagidMilton and Renee MarguliesGerald MarringtonGlenda MarshallVincent MassimianoAlice McCrearyPatricia McCunney-ThomasM. McDonaldDr. Donald Bakove and Margaret G. McLaughlinMark MendenhallLinda MerryleesShirley G. and Mitchell MillerSylvia R. MillerHandsel and Karen MinyardEllen MonseesJeff and Maxine MorganDavid and Laurel MostellerClaire MoyerPaul Yaros and Craig MurrayJoan NerenbergThe Nolen/Brooks FamilySusan Odessey and Paul CoffEdward OhlbaumLinda OslerStanton S. OswaldLynn, Andrew, Jared and Orli OzerLarry PaceSandra PackelMartin and Jacqueline PageMichael L. and Judy PaulJanette and Lance PaullBob and Leila PeckHelen PhillipsKaren PhinneyDan and Lisa PliskinJeff and Elizabeth Podraza

Sharon Pollak and Fred BaurerPaul PolskyJanet PothShirley PrestonKeith and Cynthia QuintonEllen SchlenkerKaren and Mark ReberMichael ReitterRachel ReynoldsAlyssa and Michael RickelsClifford Ridley and Betsey HansellLorraine RiesenbachMary Ann RobinsonJohn and Claire RodgersGeraldine RogersKenneth and Shelley RosenbergIn Loving Memory of Jordan RosenfeldJ. Randall RosensteelDr. Harry RosenthalJoan RozanskiBernard and Barbara RuekgauerWilliam F. RyanRoberta SampsonMr. and Mrs. A. Schmidt^Carl W. and Mary Ellen SchneiderStanley SchreinerMs. Adeline R SchultzRobert and Karen SerenbetzSarah L. SextonKathleen and Richard SextonKaren Schermerhorn and Evan SeymourPolly ShafferLenore and Bernard ShermanJanice and Thomas ShowlerStephen and Marilyn SkwireDiane SloteDavid and Carleene SlowikRichard SmithSusan L. SmithLarry Smoose and Linda LeeJay SnydermanRuth and Rick SnydermanHester SonderPhillip and Karen Spiker, in honor of Courtney Spiker MartinLeon and Marcia SteinbergCarol and Ronald StumpSheri and Jeff SturgisMichael and Marianna SullivanSally SwitzerNina TafelJoseph TerryWilliam and Joan ThomasLinda and Keith ThomsonAnna Coxe ToogoodClaire ToyMarian Tracey

Frank TrottaWilliam and Mary TsiourisBrenda Freitag and Chet TuthillJohn UrofskyConstance VilliersChristopher WatersBeth Brooks and Bob WaterstonThomas WatkinsJenny and Bill WebbBob Weinberg and Eleanor WilnerDr. Harold M. WeinerBarbara and Richard WeissMarvin and Betty WeissAnn WilkersonM. Jane WilliamsTherese WillisJames WilsonLydia WindermanMichael WinterrowdAndrew WojtekThe Yablonovitz FamilyCarol and Jeff YetterRoger and Lillian YoumanMichaeline YoungWilliam zeidner*Michele zeldner and Ian WachsteinBenjamin zuckerman and Marian Robinson

* Denotes gift made through the United Way+ Denotes gift of goods or services^ Includes a matching gift

This list represents gifts made through December 1, 2012. If your name has been omitted or misprinted, please accept our apologies. Notify Development Assistant Megan Staples at 215.922.8900 x46 or [email protected]. Although space does not allow listing gifts less than $75, we gratefully acknowledge the contributions.

Board and committee members

2012/13 Board of DirectorsBrian Abernathy, PresidentNancy Burd, Vice PresidentHolly Kinser, Vice PresidentMichael A. Donato, TreasurerNancy Hirsig, Secretary

Joy L. De JesúsNancy ElfantRobert ElfantJeanne FisherEllen P. FosterDavid FrymanElizabeth H. GemmillDarrel A. GermanAlbert M. Greenfield, IIIRonna F. HallN. Peter HamiltonJoanne HarmelinLynn Martin Haskin, Ph.D.Eileen HeismanBarbara KaplanVirginia KimmelRichard L. MaimonDr. Saifuddin T. MamaJohn J. McCawleyAndrea Mengel Amy L. MurphyTerrence J. NolenCharles H. RoseH. Hetherington SmithLee van de VeldeSteve WolfsonEllen Yin

Board executive committeeBrian Abernathy, chairNancy BurdMichael A. DonatoEllen P. FosterRonna F. HallN. Peter HamiltonNancy HirsigVirginia KimmelHolly KinserCharles H. RoseH. Hetherington SmithLee van de Velde

Advocacy committeeBrian Abernathy, chair David GlanceyTerry Gillen Julie HawkinsSusan Jacobson Holly Kinser

Board Development committee Ellen P. Foster, chairBrian AbernathyMichael DonatoPeter HamiltonRonna F. HallLynn Martin Haskin, Ph.D.Lee van de VeldeDiane Dalto Woosnam

education committee Sheryl BarMarla DiamondDr. Dennis W. CreedonDr. Carol DombJacqueline MatusowIlene PosesSally Wojcik

engagement committeeNancy Elfant, co-chairLee van de Velde, co-chairNancy BurdRobert Elfant Jeanne FisherElizabeth GemmillDarrel GermanRonna HallJoanne HarmelinEileen HeismanNancy HirsigVirginia KimmelHolly KinserSteve WolfsonDiane Dalto Woosnam

Facilities committee Hether Smith, chairMike Green James KronzerRichard L. MaimonJohn J. McCawleyPaul ThaisChris van de Velde

Finance committee Michael A. Donato, chairNancy BurdEllen P. FosterHarvey SwedloffSteve Wolfson

personnel committeeDavid Fryman, chairEllen P. FosterElizabeth H. GemmillAlbert M. Greenfield, IIICharles H. Rose

the Scene committeeMike DonohueSeth GoldenbergGenvieve Goldstein Janeale Gottlieb-GeorgeDana MarstonMeghan McKeownDan O’NeilKristen Sorek

Special events task Force Ronna F. Hall, chairNancy BurdNancy ElfantEllen P. Foster Susan Jacobson Diane Dalto Woosnam

Strategic planning committeeJoy De Jesús, chairEllen P. FosterDavid FrymanAndrea MengelEllen Yin

capital campaign Steering committeeLee van de Velde, co-chairN. Peter Hamilton, co-chairBrian AbernathyNancy BurdMichael DonatoEllen FosterJoy L. De JesusNancy HirsigHolly Kinser

Endgame marketing committeeNancy HirsigMichael KaufmannLauren Tuvell

The Cornerstone Society pays tribute to a distinguished group of individuals who have made transformative contributions to the Arden.

The inaugural members: 

Frederick W. Anton, III formerArdenboard



Gerard J. Conway, Sr.foundingboardchair


Carole Haas Gravagnoformerboardmemberand



Aaron PosnerArdenco-founder,


StaffProducing Artistic Director ................................................................................................................................... Terrence J. NolenAssociate Artistic Director .......................................................................................................................................... Edward SobelAssociate Artistic Director .................................................................................................................................... Matthew DeckerArtistic Assistant .................................................................................................................................................................. Bryan KerrLiterary Consultants ...................................................................................................Carl Granieri, Adam Meora, Dennis SmealCommissioned Playwrights .................................................... Stephen Belber, Laura Eason, Laura Jacqmin, Rogelio Martinez

Managing Director ...................................................................................................................................................... Amy L. MurphyBusiness Manager ...........................................................................................................................................Courtney Spiker MartinGeneral Manager ...........................................................................................................................................................Hannah OlanoffAssociate General Manager .....................................................................................................................................Mary Beth SimonExecutive Assistant to the Managing Director .............................................................................................................. Eric ColtonArden Professional Apprentices ................................................Nile Arena, Laura Barati, Wendy Blackburn, Angela Coleman,

Sophie Kruip, Jenna Stelmok, Katie Sink Arden Volunteer ............................................................................................................................................................ Jean Markovitz

Director of Marketing and Public Relations ....................................................................................................................Ryan KlinkMarketing and Public Relations Manager .............................................................................................................Leigh GoldenbergArt Director .......................................................................................................................................................................Kristy GiballaMarketing Assistant .......................................................................................................................................................... Maura RocheGroup Sales Associate ............................................................................................................................................... Katherine Perry

Development Director ............................................................................................................................................... Angela DuRossDirector of Institutional Advancement ....................................................................................................................... Jessica CalterDevelopment Assistant ................................................................................................................................................. Megan StaplesDevelopment Research Assistant .................................................................................................................................. Sarah OlloveDevelopment/Special Events Intern ................................................................................................................................ Rosa Taylor

Education Director .........................................................................................................................................Maureen Mullin FowlerTeen Arden Coordinator ......................................................................................................................................... Malika OyetimeinThe Albert M. Greenfield Teen Council ..................Alex Dittmar, Chioma Dunkley, Matthew Flalance, Chelsey Gaskins,

Terrell Jones, Jade Lewis, Daniel Lugano, Max Olkus, Mary Kate PurcellArden Drama School Faculty .............................. Chris Bresky, Rachel Camp, Matthew Decker, Mike Dees, Tara Demmy,

Liz Filios, Charlotte Ford, Alex Keiper, Bryan Kerr, Kaleigh Malloy, Bi Jean Ngo, Samantha Pedings, Hillary Rea

Box Office Manager ............................................................................................................................................................... Lynn KeilyAssistant Box Office Manager .......................................................................................................................................Corey MassonHouse Manager..............................................................................................................................................................Jacqui SchneiderFront of House Assistants ................................................ Tara Bankard, Nanci Cope, Tara Demmy, Sarah Dugan, Sarah Kirk,

Kaleigh Malloy, Matthew Mastronardi, Emily Mattison,Samantha Pedings, Abby Perlman, Katherine Perry, Joe Pilitowski, Fen Tamulonis, Max Vasapoli, Flora Vassar, Andrew Wojtek

Production Manager .................................................................................................................................................. Courtney RiggarTechnical Director ........................................................................................................................................................ Glenn PerlmanAssociate Production Manager ............................................................................................................................ Jessica Day WestMaster Carpenter/Shop Foreman ....................................................................................................................................... Jon WestMaster Electrician...................................................................................................................................................... Martin StutzmanCostume Supervisor ..................................................................................................................................................... Alison RobertsProperties Master .................................................................................................................................................... Christopher HaigCharge Scenic Artist ............................................................................................................................................ Kristina ChadwickProduction Stage Managers ............................................................................................................... Alec E. Ferrell, John GrasseyAssistant to the Stage Manager .........................................................................................................................................Nile ArenaAudio Engineer .................................................................................................................................................................John KolbinskiElectrician............................................................................................................................................................................ Maria ShaplinScenic Contruction Intern .............................................................................................................................................. Justin RomeoCostume Intern .................................................................................................................................................................... Alison LimaElectrics and Sound Intern ..................................................................................................................................................... Jill KlechaCarpenter .............................................................................................................................................................................. Flora VassarScenic Painting Intern ....................................................................................................................................................Anna McGahey



















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Fork 306 Market Street • 215.625.9425 •

GiGi reStAUrANt & LoUNGe 319 Market Street • 215.574.8880 •

rAce Street cAFÉ 208 Race Street • 215.627.6181 •

revoLUtioN HoUSe200 Market Street • 215-625-4566 •

SerrANo20 S. 2nd Street • 215.928.0770 •

SEAFOODcrAFt & cLAW126 Chestnut Street • 267.886.9266 •

COMFORT FOODtHe tWiSteD tAiL509 S. 2nd Street. • 215.558.2475 •

STEAKHOUSEmArmoNt222 Market Street • 215.923.1100 •

SMALL BITES AND TREATStHe FrANkLiN FoUNtAiN 116 Market Street • 215.627.1899 •

SHANe coNFectioNery 110 Market Street • 215.922.1048 •


piNot WiNe BoUtiQUe227 Market Street • 215.627.WINE • www.pinotboutique.comBYOB

BiStro 77 N. 3rd Street • 215.931.1560 •

cHLÖe232 Arch Street • 215.629.2337 •

WeDGe + FiG160 N. 3rd Street • 267.603.3090 •

ITALIANBiStro romANo120 Lombard Street • 215.925.8880 •

poSitANo coASt By ALDo LAmBerti212 Walnut St. 2nd Floor • 215.238.0499 •

riStorANte pANorAmA14 N. Front Street • 215.922.7800 •

SANDWICHES, SALADS AND PUB FAREcAFe oLe147 N. 3rd Street • 215.627.2140 •

cAmpo’S214 Market Street • 215.923.1000 •

Nick’S roASt BeeF BAr AND GriLLe16 S. 2nd Street | 215.928.9411

SASSAFrAS48 S. 2nd Street • 215.925.2317 •

triUmpH BreWiNG compANy117 Chestnut Street • 215.625.0855 •

GRANFALLOON 2013On Friday, June 7, 2013, the Arden will hold the Granfalloon, our bi-annual gala at the Arden’s new Hamilton Family Arts Center. Associate Artistic Director Matthew Decker sat down with Producing Artistic Director Terry Nolen and Managing Director Amy Murphy to reminisce about past Granfalloons.

MATTHEW DECKER: Why call it a “granfalloon?”

TERRY NOLEN: The name "granfalloon" is a word coined by Kurt Vonnegut meaning a gathering of like-minded people. Fitting as our very first production in 1988 was Who Am I This Time?, an adaptation of short stories by Kurt Vonnegut. [Arden co-founder] Aaron Posner thought that would make a good name for the night, and it stuck.

AMY MURPHY: The Arden's first Granfalloon was held in the spring of 1991. We had been around for several years and decided that we should hold a gala. But we wanted it to be different - less stuffy; more down to earth.

TN: Most of all, we wanted it to be a big ol’ celebration where people had a blast.

MD: Where was the first one held?

TN: In the rotunda of The Franklin Institute, we traded our jeans and sneakers for gowns and suits.

AM: Though Aaron still wore his sneakers.

TN: As we have grown, the Granfalloons have grown. But we always liked the idea of holding each Granfalloon in a different space, every other year, to make each experience feel special.

MD: Where else has the Granfalloons been held?

AM: The Seaport Museum, WXPN’s World Café Live, 30th Street Station….

TN: Our last Granfalloon was on top of the Comcast Center, overlooking the entire city. The 20th Anniversary we held it at the Arden where the party spilled outside on a tented block in Old City.

AM: We held our second Granfalloon at the Academy of Natural Sciences, then-Mayor Ed Rendell was in attendance. He made the most eloquent speech about how important the Ar-den was for the city and how we had set out to transform Philadelphia theatre and were doing so. It was an important moment for us: the mayor was there and championing our work. It felt that we had arrived.

MD: Any favorite Granfalloon stories to share?

AM: I remember in the early days, I worked at a farm in Newtown Square cleaning out a barn to make extra money. One day as I was cleaning up horse poop, I heard this incredible blues band rehearsing in a house near the barn. I put down my shovel, walked into their rehearsal and booked them for our next Granfalloon. That band is Leroy Hawkes and the Hipnotics and

Ben Dibble, Jeff Coon, Jarrod Lentz, Krissy Fraelich, and Keara Hailey perform

they’ve played six Granfalloons since then.

TN: In 1998, the Granfalloon was held in what would eventually become the Haas theatre. At that time, it was a big, unfinished space and we set up tables and chairs for the event. Joilet Harris sang the song “Home” from The Wiz, and to hear the last lyrics of the song – “And I’ve learned that we must look inside our hearts to find a world full of love, like yours, like mine, like home!” ring out in a space that would become our artistic home was especially mov-ing. Looking back on that now, and thinking how she went on to play Caroline, or Change in the space makes such a thrilling memory.

MD: What’s the plan for this year?

AM: This year we’re holding the Granfalloon at our new building, the Hamilton Family Arts Center, which is three doors north on 2nd Street. It will be the first event we’ll ever hold in the new space.

TN: It will be an interactive evening set up throughout the building. One room will be transformed into a caba-ret space with Arden favorite musical theatre performers singing their favorite songs. Another room will have speed dating -

MD: Speed dating?

TN: Yes – you get three minutes to chat with your favorite Arden artists. Then a bell rings and you get up and move onto the next artist.

AM: They’ll be singing, dancing, cocktails, great food, great people.

TN: But our primary goal remains the same as it was back in 1991: to have a big ol’ celebration where everyone has a blast.

For more information on tickets, or to join the Granfalloon Committee, contact Angela DuRoss, Development Director, at 215-922-8900 ext. 25 or [email protected].

Ben Dibble, Jeff Coon, Jarrod Lentz, Krissy Fraelich, and Keara Hailey perform

Granfalloon 2008

Joilet F. Harris performs

Granfalloon 2006

Dancing to Leroy Hawkes and The Hipnotics

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A Little Night Music

a little night music

A Little Night Music

A LittleNight Music

A LittleNight Music

Subscriptions & Tickets: 215.922.1122 •

By Lorraine HansberryDirected by Walter Dallas

Mar 7 – Apr 21

Follow us online for the latest casting and artistic updates

Music and Lyrics by Stephen SondheimBook by Hugh WheelerDirected by Terrence J. Nolen

mainstage Season Sponsored by:

Don’t miss our fi nal two shows!

May 23 – Jun 30

Sponsored by:

Subscriptions & Tickets: 215.922.1122 •

Mar 7 – Apr 21

Don’t miss our fi nal two shows!

Where learning and growing happen at a higher level.

3 1 W e s t C o u l t e r S t r e e t , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P A 1 9 1 4 42 1 5 - 9 5 1 - 2 3 4 5 • w w w. g e r m a n t o w n f r i e n d s . o r g

Fall Open House: November 12, 2012, 8:15 a.m.A Quaker Independent Day School for Grades K-12

May 23 – Jun 30


Main Line Health is proud to serve as theCo-Mainstage Sponsor of the

Arden’s 25th Anniversary Season!Main Line Health supports the Arden in telling great stories

by great storytellers on the stage, in the classroom and in the community. 1.866.CALL.MLH

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Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals is proud to serve as the Co-Mainstage Sponsor of the

Arden’s 25th Anniversary Season!

Sponsored bySponsored byArdenDRAMA SCHOOLtheatre classes for pre-k – Grade 12

Information online for camps for kids entering grades 1-5.

Teen camps are perfect for budding performers in grades 6-8 and 9-12.

Summer Camps are enrolling now!





ApriL 10 - JUNe 16ticketS: $16-$32


Arden Children’s Theatre sponsored by:


DIRECTED BY MATTHEW DECKERCinderella ticket holders who buy enjoy

deeper discounts and exchanges.

215.922.1122 •

TO SUBSCRIBE:215.922.1122



Ever taken a leap of faith? We’re inviting you to now.

Join us for all fi ve plays of next season – without knowing any titles – and lock into the lowest prices we’ll offer.

World premiere plays. Large scale musicals. Literary adaptations. Celebrations of community.

Great stories by great storytellers.

Please join us.

Leap of Faith pricing is available now through March 10th.

Lock in the lowest prices for next year’s shows! must order by march 10th!


Follow us online for the latest show selection updates