butter - university of...

y VOL- - X.-- NO. 11. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. lusituss OJaris. anertisemtms. THE DAILY WAYS THAT ARE DARK. TIMB TABLE OP THE Gommereia Advertiser Q. P. CASTLE. J. B- - ATHERTON. S. N. Ca&TLE. GARDNER K. WILDER, Australian Mail Service THROUGH STEAMERS EDW. D. TEVNEY. W. A. BO WEN. PUBLISHED or THS .15 -- Atto rne v atLaw OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. ng Except Sundays, florin Office Honolulu CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Hale, Merchant Street. 1264-l- y FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 1 40 Merchant St. ' At fhe new and fine Al steel steamship Due at Honolulu from San Francisco, on or about. J. ALFRED MAG00N, 80BSCRIPT1ONH : -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- - 95 ZEALANDIA Attorney and Counselor at Law and SIX months.. .?6 00 .. 3 00 . 60 . 5 00 Alameda October 26 Mariposa November 23 Zealandia December 21 Notary Public. GreiiLeral Merchandise. .. per month. .. . line vear f Ha foreign (in- - Office 42 Merchant Street. Honolulu. H.I. Of tho Oceauic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about 6 00 121-- 1 m -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR-- Giving Away Dice Boxen Why the Cards Were "Sacrificed." A dapper looking young man dropped In at a Dearborn street resoi t one day not long ago and inquired for the pro- prietor. When informed by the white aproned young man who caters to the thirst of the customers in the absence of the proprietor that the latter was not in, tho dapper young man unwrapped a package which he carried and pro- duced a new dice box containing tho regulation rive dice. He stated that he represented a certain patent medicine, the proprietors of which thought of giv- ing out these dice boxes as an advertise- ment, and, if he succeeded in placing enough of them to make it an object, he would come around later and stencil an advertisement on the boxes. He begged permission to leave that one for the pro- prietor, with his compliments, and, as the dice boxes in use were somewhat shabby, the white aproned man gladly accepted the new one and thanked the dapper youth. When the proprietor turned up a little later he was pleased with the gift and threw away the old boxes. On the following afternoon a party of well dressed man entered the place, calted for the dice box, and proceeded to shake for the drinks. After two or three rounds the men began to shake for 'a quarter a corner" and then $1. The pro- prietor, who was behind the bar, noticed that the big man who proposed the shak- ing for money was the heaviest winner, and, in the course of the afternoon, one Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, on or about. lu variably in Advance. UftM Nov. 16, 1889, Kohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Pala Plantation, Papaikou Sugar Co. Qrove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation, A. H. Smith & Co., Eoloa, Kauai, Q. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Zealandia November 16 Alameda Deoember 14 NTERPEIS PLANING MILL, ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. 174 Telephone 65. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., 46 Merchant st., n Honolulu. H. I. Advertisements. And willleave for the abve port with mails and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Eemington and Wheeler & Wilson SEWIlSra MACHINES. tf . FILTER PRESSES. C. PARKE, SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. WILLIAM For Sydney and Auckland. JTT utoniev b -- Lie w Street, Hono- - .No. 13 Paauhau Plantation, Hawaii, March y, 1888. j Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran- cisco. Gentlemen We have used two of your Filter l'resses this season. They are convenient, easily bandied and are working entirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend no improvement on tbem. . Very respectfully yours. (signed) A. Moobe, Manager Paauhau Plantation. Kaahunianu lulu, H. 1. Insurance effected upon every description of property at current rates of premium. The new and tine Al steel steamship Total Sum Insured In 1885 327,333,700 46 99 MAKIPOSA LEWERS & COOKE, . anon to Lewera & Dickson) Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. and Dealers In Lumoer rUT FT. E. Mclntyre & Bro. IMPORTEKS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Goods received by every pacset from the Eastern States and Europe Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postomce Box No. 416 Telephone No. 82 0apl7 Of the Oceanic steamship company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Nov. 23, 1889. Heeia, Sept. 28, 1889. Mr. John Dyer, Agent Risdon Iron Works, Honolulu. Dear Sir: Please ship us one of your 30 Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feet surface, same as the one supplied us last season, which I am pleased to say has given us entire satisfaction. Yours truly, GEO. R. EWART, Manager Heeia Agricultural Co. URT STREET, Honolulu. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 0. 15REWER & COMPANY, JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer and Dealer in And will have prompt dlspatcn with mails an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC (Limited). COMMODATIONS, apply to ;ral merchandise. GENERAL MERCANTILE h 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., p AGENTS Tbese Presses are made extra heavy for high pressures, occupies a floor space of llx 4 ft., and presents a Altering surface of 240 square feet. A limited number in stock in Honolulu and are sold at very low prices. Kisdon Iron & Loco. Works, San Francisco. For particulars enquire of JOHN DYER Honolulu Room No. 3 Spreckels Block: 82 1234 W. G. IKW IN & Co., Agents. a. hackfeld & co., of the proprietor's friends, who had gone into the game, lost $90, the bulk of which went to the big man. There was some- thing peculiar in the way in which ho handled the box, and, after he left, the proprietor examined it carefully. While he was thus engaged an old friend of his, who had for years traveled with a circus, came in. He knows all of tho tricks with dice, and, when asked if there was anything wrong with this par- ticular outfit, he picked it up, looked at it, and then said: "Yes, it's what is called a California smooth box, and in practiced hands it is a sure thing. You notice that the inside of tho box is as smooth as glass and that tho dice are per- fect cubes, with square corners. The man who understands it can shake two pair 'on the square,' and when he picks up the odd die he can slide it into the box with the desired spots on the upper face, shake it up and down carefully, and the same spots will slide out and fill tho hand like this," and the circus man demon- strated the idea. The proprietor readily saw that the box had been "planted" there by the big fellow's confederate, the alleged patent medicine man, and he now retains it as a curiosity, but allows no one to shake with it. Some months ago this proprietor was deceived in another way. It was just after Mavor Roche's edict against gam-bl- lr aad gene forth ar.d the sports had begun to feaUee thai wide open gambling wat defce for for the time being, and wer Ixjginning to r. . k fresh fields and pasfures ne. U tbtfj could muster the pri Gf a railroad ticket. One day a r.T sport dropped in at tfi s " ' : quietly informed the propi . was hungry, had no money to buy a meal, and his sole assets consisted of three packs of cards, which he had saved from the clutches of the COMMISSION AGENTS. ral Commission Agents GEO. W. LINCOLN, THE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS A and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of work appertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, in the same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shop expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain- ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to do the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time bearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY : tort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf LIST OF OFFICERS: P. C. Jones. Jr President and Manager J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor NEW YORK beaver saloon, BUTTER rMtevt. Owiiosite Wiitter at t;o. , DIRECTORS: H. J. NOLTE. PROPRIETOR. Thanking the public for past favors, I remain respectfully i .. ;rs, GEO. W. LINCOLN. Hon. H. "Waterbouse Hon. C. R. Bishop. a r.iinrhea Served with Tea, Coffee 65 . Water, Ginger Ale or Mil. A S 1V Wm. Q. Irwin. ui. Claus spreckels i ii r roiu a. m. in iv okers Requisites a Specialty. ltf iOLULU IRON WOKKS UU., CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKEES. HAWAIIAN BUSIIESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, f onolnlu, Hawaiian Islands. Assets : $95,000,000.00. Steam .Engines, Brass MS, Kuar .nnis, uwoiers, ami Lead Castings, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU GENEK A-- L AGENTS, EXPERT ... A "Facts are stubborn things." it avarv rt ASCTlUtlOn maOB w Pin .Miinp attention riaia 10 suiun aas. .Int. work executed on tne snortem a" ' i Exchange on the principal parts o the AM Draw world. ACCOUNTANTS AND COLLECTORS, REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. EVERY AGE, AT EVEKY In 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest Article for Warm Climates. S.FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. 26 and 28 California St., San Francigco. feb21,89 45-l- y Walker & Redward, iffH. Contractors & Builders Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. 76 KING STREET. THE ROYAL SALOON, Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and premium table, ana in every year, tne ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies Merchant Streets -- o- exchange business. Under the Management of of the New York Life Insurance Co. Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav Ings Department subject to published rules and E. H. F, Wolter, have been LARGER than those OF regulations. 17oc3tf uiv? in stork a. varietvof the best "Wines police at the last "pull. He offered to sacrifice them for twenty-fiv- e cents per pack, and, as the proprietor's customers often indulged in a little game in the back room, and he was out of cards just then, ho bought them, and the sport withdrew with seventy-fiv- e cents. About two or three days later in came a party of young fellows, who had a few drinks and then asked the privilege of indulging in a small game. They were furnished with one of the three packs of cards and went into tho room. When the proprietor went into the room a few minutes later to take the party's order he noticed that the greater part of the chips and cards had accumulated in front of a sport whom he knew to be a friend of tne fellow who sold him the cards, and when he went out he examined the backs of the other two packs, and found them marked ingeniously. He invented an excuse to break up the game, and then he burned the cards. Just now he is wondering if his eye teeth are through yet. Chicago Herald. &IY OTHER COMPANY issuing b, Beers, and ice cold beers on draught at paper glass. LOVE'S BAKERY similar policies. rt'Hll ami See ITs.f?! ltf Departments of Business: Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly mad- - Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles fM Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely ireA. Houses, Cottages? Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. No. 73 Nnaanu Street. For particulars apply to WONG SA.I, Manufacturer of Proprietress, MRS. ROBT. LOVE, 0, 0. BERGER, Every Description of Plain and Fancyi Clemen's Underclothing Wollen and Pongee Coats, P. O. Box 423. Bread and Crackers, Bell Telephone No. 2. Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 149-t- f 211 tf xl, Calico, German and Linen Shirts. -- FRESH- ALL 'Street, next door to E. B. Thomas' BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. PIONEER 14-3- m Soda Crackers A ND WILLIAM C. ACH1, s My Fac lory Saloon Bread and cy and Counsellor at Law, Having bad an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully HAWAIIAN BUSINESb AGENCY. solicit a trial. THE RISDON Iron and Locomotive Works, Corner of Beal and Howard Streets, San Francisco California W. H. TAYLOR President R. S. MOORE Superintendent Kal Estate Broker. Always on. Hand. AND Bell Telephone No. 274. ifij MILK BEEAD Office 36 Merchant St., Honolulu. m Election Returns Sixty Years Ago, Just sixty years ago Jackson's first election took place, and I find by refer- ence to Niles' Register that the details were uncertain so late as the 24th of tho following December. This fact is given in the following paragraph: "A letter from a member of the com- mittee of Pittsburg, dated Dec. 24, to a friend says that a reply has just been re- ceived from Gen. Jackson. He states that it would give him great pleasure to accept our invitation, but he thought any arrangement relative to it should be deferred until the result of the election was perfectly ascertained. Then if the circumstances permitted he would be happy to become the guest of our city." The above paragraph appeared in Niles' Register of Jan. 10, 1829, more than two months after the election. The result, however, had been conjectured as early as the .d of November, and The Register of that date say: "Not heard from Rhode Island, South Carolina, A SPECIALTY. Builders of Steam Machinery JOHN NOTT, DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. Island Orders Promptly Attended to J- - C MARCHANT, BAKERY. F. HORjNT. Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. 172-3- m In all its branches. binder & Paper Ruler Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. Just JReceived ! STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete, St., Press Pub. Co. Building. 2-- tf with hulls ot wood, iron or composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad visable. dttpatw t k ttvpttt'S RaTcrfis anfl Steam Tnsa ron HONOLULU MARKET. NEW GOODS! JkJUAiu ijii ii w o a I structed with reference to the trade in which Wed per Bark Aron from Hongkong. Ex "J. I" HARWAY," Corning Top Buggies, Piano box Top Buggies, (Successor to Wm. McCandless.) No. 6 Queen Street, Fisn Market. Ho- nolulu, H. 1. Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Missis- sippi, niinois and Missouri, all of which but Rhode Island and Louisiana are con- ceded to Jackson, so that he will be elected by a very large majority. We shall at some future period present a full tabular statement showing all the votes in the several states." New York Cor. Troy Times. 1 Contn act Matting, Assorted Prtl-- o. vu VJVJIVIO, ruaii rw s and Lounges New patterns and styles ; they are to De empioyea. speeu, luuuugc tuu draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi 5heet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets rolled, puncLed and packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riveted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality oi work beim; far superior to hand worf . 8HIP WORH , Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacific Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works' purposes, built with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. JOHN DYER Honolulu 13m Room No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels' Block I "tel Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish VEGETABLES, ETC., Always Kept on Hand. th i 311K, Manila Ctears, Flower Pots, asstd sizes; PHAETONS, One Surrey Carryall, canopy top. ALSO Bagzase Express Wagons AND Mule Carts, For Sale by C. Brewer & Co , Ao, an assortment of Miosm-- , -- rr At Reinickondorf, a village near Berlin, it is reported a consumptive sanitarium is to be erected on a novel plan, utilizing the supposed therapeu- tic influence of association with certain animals. A large cylindrical building will be occupied in the upper part by the patients, while the ground floor will be given up to the accommodation of large numbers of milch cows, the exhalations from which will be con- ducted to the apartments above. A whey and buttermilk diet will also be contributed by the under boarders. uhu urns. Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. Shipping orders Carefully Family and Attended to. TAI & CO., iuuanu Street. Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short notice. ' and Sheet Iron Work dyertise your wants in Plumbing, Tin, Copper 1 A THE liv? UAILY ADVERTTSF.P Pacific Commercial Advertiser . w N"o. 212 queen street. Telepliones 40-l-m 1284-3- m tue latest news.

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Gommereia Advertiser Q. P. CASTLE.J. B- - ATHERTON.S. N. Ca&TLE.GARDNER K. WILDER, Australian Mail Service THROUGH STEAMERS EDW. D. TEVNEY.W. A. BO WEN.


ng Except Sundays,florin Office Honolulu

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,

Hale, Merchant Street.1264-l- y FOR SAN FRANCISCO.1

40 Merchant St.'At

fhe new and fine Al steel steamship Due at Honolulu from San Francisco,on or about.J. ALFRED MAG00N,80BSCRIPT1ONH :

-- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN--95ZEALANDIAAttorney and Counselor at Law and

SIX months...?6 00.. 3 00. 60. 5 00

Alameda October 26

Mariposa November 23

Zealandia December 21Notary Public. GreiiLeral Merchandise... per month. . .

. line vearf Ha foreign (in- - Office 42 Merchant Street. Honolulu. H.I.

Of tho Oceauic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about6 00121-- 1 m -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR--

Giving Away Dice Boxen Why the CardsWere "Sacrificed."

A dapper looking young man droppedIn at a Dearborn street resoi t one daynot long ago and inquired for the pro-prietor. When informed by the whiteaproned young man who caters to thethirst of the customers in the absence ofthe proprietor that the latter was not in,tho dapper young man unwrappeda package which he carried and pro-duced a new dice box containing thoregulation rive dice. He stated that herepresented a certain patent medicine,the proprietors of which thought of giv-ing out these dice boxes as an advertise-ment, and, if he succeeded in placingenough of them to make it an object, hewould come around later and stencil anadvertisement on the boxes. He beggedpermission to leave that one for the pro-prietor, with his compliments, and, asthe dice boxes in use were somewhatshabby, the white aproned man gladlyaccepted the new one and thanked thedapper youth. When the proprietorturned up a little later he was pleasedwith the gift and threw away the oldboxes.

On the following afternoon a party ofwell dressed man entered the place,calted for the dice box, and proceeded toshake for the drinks. After two or threerounds the men began to shake for 'aquarter a corner" and then $1. The pro-prietor, who was behind the bar, noticedthat the big man who proposed the shak-ing for money was the heaviest winner,and, in the course of the afternoon, one

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, onor about.lu variably in Advance.

UftM Nov. 16, 1889,Kohala Sugar Co.,

Haiku Sugar Co..Pala Plantation,

Papaikou Sugar Co.

Qrove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation,

A. H. Smith & Co., Eoloa, Kauai,Q. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.Zealandia November 16

Alameda Deoember 14



174 Telephone 65.


46 Merchant st.,

n Honolulu. H. I. Advertisements.

And willleave for the abve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Eemington and Wheeler & Wilson




Established 1710.WILLIAM

For Sydney and Auckland.JTTutoniev b --Lie w

Street, Hono- -

.No. 13

Paauhau Plantation,Hawaii, March y, 1888. j

Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-cisco.

Gentlemen We have used two of yourFilter l'resses this season. They

are convenient, easily bandied and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on tbem. .

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moobe,

Manager Paauhau Plantation.

Kaahunianululu, H. 1. Insurance effected upon every description of

property at current rates of premium.The new and tine Al steel steamship

Total Sum Insured In 1885 327,333,7004 6 99MAKIPOSALEWERS & COOKE,

. anon to Lewera & Dickson) Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.and Dealers In LumoerrUT


Groceries, Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every pacset from the Eastern States and Europe Fresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postomce Box No. 416Telephone No. 82 0apl7

Of the Oceanic steamship company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Nov. 23, 1889.

Heeia, Sept. 28, 1889.

Mr. John Dyer, Agent Risdon Iron Works,Honolulu.

Dear Sir: Please ship us one of your 30Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. R. EWART,Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

URT STREET, Honolulu. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


Importer and Dealer inAnd will have prompt dlspatcn with mails anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC

(Limited). COMMODATIONS, apply to;ral merchandise.GENERAL MERCANTILE

h 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,p


Tbese Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of llx4 ft., and presents a Altering surface of 240square feet. A limited number in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Kisdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER Honolulu

Room No. 3 Spreckels Block:82 1234 W. G. IKW IN & Co., Agents.

a. hackfeld & co.,

of the proprietor's friends, who had goneinto the game, lost $90, the bulk of whichwent to the big man. There was some-thing peculiar in the way in which hohandled the box, and, after he left, theproprietor examined it carefully.

While he was thus engaged an oldfriend of his, who had for years traveledwith a circus, came in. He knows all oftho tricks with dice, and, when asked ifthere was anything wrong with this par-ticular outfit, he picked it up, looked atit, and then said: "Yes, it's what iscalled a California smooth box, and inpracticed hands it is a sure thing. Younotice that the inside of tho box is assmooth as glass and that tho dice are per-fect cubes, with square corners. Theman who understands it can shake twopair 'on the square,' and when he picksup the odd die he can slide it into the boxwith the desired spots on the upper face,shake it up and down carefully, and thesame spots will slide out and fill tho hand

like this," and the circus man demon-strated the idea. The proprietor readilysaw that the box had been "planted"there by the big fellow's confederate, thealleged patent medicine man, and he nowretains it as a curiosity, but allows noone to shake with it.

Some months ago this proprietor wasdeceived in another way. It was justafter Mavor Roche's edict against gam-bl- lr

aad gene forth ar.d the sports hadbegun to feaUee thai wide open gamblingwat defce for for the time being, andwer Ixjginning to r. . k fresh fields andpasfures ne. U tbtfj could muster thepri Gf a railroad ticket. One day ar.T sport dropped in attfi s " ' : quietly informed thepropi . was hungry, had nomoney to buy a meal, and his sole assetsconsisted of three packs of cards, whichhe had saved from the clutches of the

COMMISSION AGENTS.ral Commission Agents


and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workappertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

CALL FORDIAMOND CREAMERY: tort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf


P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor NEW YORK

beaver saloon, BUTTERrMtevt. Owiiosite Wiitter at t;o. ,DIRECTORS:

H. J. NOLTE. PROPRIETOR. Thanking the public for past favors,I remain respectfully i .. ;rs,

GEO. W. LINCOLN.Hon. H. "WaterbouseHon. C. R. Bishop.

a r.iinrhea Served with Tea, Coffee 65. Water, Ginger Ale or Mil.

A S 1 V Wm. Q. Irwin.ui. Claus spreckelsi ii r roiu a. m. in ivokers Requisites a Specialty. ltf



Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, f onolnlu,Hawaiian Islands.

Assets : $95,000,000.00.Steam .Engines,BrassMS, Kuar .nnis, uwoiers,

ami Lead Castings, HAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULU GENEK A--L AGENTS, EXPERT... A "Facts are stubborn things."it avarv rt ASCTlUtlOn maOB w

Pin .Miinp attention riaia 10 suiunaas. .Int. work executed on tne snortem

a" ' i Exchange on the principal parts o theAM Drawworld.





In 31b, and 71b. Tins.

Finest Article forWarm Climates.

S.FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


26 and 28 California St., San Francigco.feb21,89 45-l- y

Walker & Redward,


Contractors & BuildersBrick, Stone and Wooden Building

Estimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.


THE ROYAL SALOON, Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking and premium table, ana in every year, tne

ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine PoliciesMerchant Streets --o-exchange business.Under the Management of

of the New York Life Insurance Co.Deposits bearing interest received In their SavIngs Department subject to published rules andE. H. F, Wolter, have been LARGER than those OFregulations. 17oc3tf

uiv? in stork a. varietvof the best "Wines

police at the last "pull. He offered tosacrifice them for twenty-fiv- e cents perpack, and, as the proprietor's customersoften indulged in a little game in theback room, and he was out of cards justthen, ho bought them, and the sportwithdrew with seventy-fiv- e cents.

About two or three days later in camea party of young fellows, who had a fewdrinks and then asked the privilege ofindulging in a small game. They werefurnished with one of the three packs ofcards and went into tho room. Whenthe proprietor went into the room a fewminutes later to take the party's order henoticed that the greater part of the chipsand cards had accumulated in front of asport whom he knew to be a friend oftne fellow who sold him the cards, andwhen he went out he examined the backsof the other two packs, and found themmarked ingeniously. He invented anexcuse to break up the game, and thenhe burned the cards. Just now he iswondering if his eye teeth are throughyet. Chicago Herald.

&IY OTHER COMPANY issuingb, Beers, and ice cold beers on draught atpaper glass. LOVE'S BAKERY similar policies.rt'Hll ami See ITs.f?! ltf

Departments of Business:Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly mad- -

Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles fMLegal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely ireA.Houses, Cottages? Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

No. 73 Nnaanu Street.

For particulars apply toWONG SA.I,Manufacturer of

Proprietress,MRS. ROBT. LOVE,

0, 0. BERGER,Every Description of Plain and FancyiClemen's UnderclothingWollen and Pongee Coats, P. O. Box 423.Bread and Crackers, Bell Telephone No. 2. Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

149-t- f211 tfxl, Calico, German and LinenShirts. --FRESH-


AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES.PIONEER14-3- m Soda CrackersA N DWILLIAM C. ACH1, s My Fac lorySaloon Breadandcy and Counsellor at Law,

Having bad an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully


THE RISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

W. H. TAYLOR PresidentR. S. MOORE Superintendent

Kal Estate Broker. Always on. Hand.AND Bell Telephone No. 274. ifijMILK BEEADOffice 36 Merchant St., Honolulu.


Election Returns Sixty Years Ago,Just sixty years ago Jackson's first

election took place, and I find by refer-ence to Niles' Register that the detailswere uncertain so late as the 24th of thofollowing December. This fact is givenin the following paragraph:

"A letter from a member of the com-mittee of Pittsburg, dated Dec. 24, to afriend says that a reply has just been re-ceived from Gen. Jackson. He statesthat it would give him great pleasure toaccept our invitation, but he thoughtany arrangement relative to it should bedeferred until the result of the electionwas perfectly ascertained. Then if thecircumstances permitted he would behappy to become the guest of our city."

The above paragraph appeared inNiles' Register of Jan. 10, 1829, morethan two months after the election. Theresult, however, had been conjectured asearly as the .d of November, and TheRegister of that date say: "Not heardfrom Rhode Island, South Carolina,


Builders of Steam Machinery JOHN NOTT,DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET.

Island Orders Promptly Attended toJ-- C MARCHANT,


Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.

172-3- m

In all its branches.binder & Paper Ruler Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,

High Pressure or Compound.Just JReceived !STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,St., Press Pub. Co. Building.

2-- tf with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad

visable.dttpatw t k ttvpttt'S RaTcrfis anfl Steam Tnsa ronHONOLULU MARKET.NEW GOODS! JkJUAiu ijii ii w o a I

structed with reference to the trade in whichWed per Bark Aron from Hongkong.

Ex "J. I" HARWAY,"

Corning Top Buggies,

Piano box Top Buggies,

(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

No. 6 Queen Street, Fisn Market. Ho-

nolulu, H. 1.

Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Missis-sippi, niinois and Missouri, all of whichbut Rhode Island and Louisiana are con-ceded to Jackson, so that he will beelected by a very large majority. Weshall at some future period present a fulltabular statement showing all the votesin the several states." New York Cor.Troy Times.

1 Contnact Matting,Assorted Prtl-- o.vu VJVJIVIO,

ruaii rw s and LoungesNew patterns and styles ;

they are to De empioyea. speeu, luuuugc tuudraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi 5heet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, puncLed and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality oiwork beim; far superior to hand worf .

8HIP WORH , Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

JOHN DYER Honolulu13m Room No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels' Block

I "telChoicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand.

th i 311K,Manila Ctears,

Flower Pots, asstd sizes;


One Surrey Carryall, canopy top.


Bagzase Express WagonsAND

Mule Carts,

For Sale by C. Brewer & Co ,

Ao, an assortment ofMiosm-- , --rr

At Reinickondorf, a village nearBerlin, it is reported a consumptivesanitarium is to be erected on a novelplan, utilizing the supposed therapeu-tic influence of association with certainanimals. A large cylindrical buildingwill be occupied in the upper part bythe patients, while the ground floorwill be given up to the accommodationof large numbers of milch cows, theexhalations from which will be con-ducted to the apartments above. Awhey and buttermilk diet will also becontributed by the under boarders.

uhu urns.Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.Shipping orders CarefullyFamily and

Attended to.TAI & CO.,iuuanu Street. Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short

notice. ' and Sheet Iron Workdyertise your wants in Plumbing, Tin, Copper1 ATHEliv? UAILY ADVERTTSF.P Pacific Commercial Advertiser . wN"o. 212queen street. Telepliones40-l-m 1284-3- mtue latest news.


Ntxa 3lbcrtisemciit9.3terlisemntts.13 n Statfyoriig. lines, unless our government puts them THE AMERICAN WORLD'S FAIR.on an equal basis with their coinpet- -

order and condition, an average of ninety(90) head of fat beef C;tttle per month, forthe use of the Board of Health, for six(G) months from the time of awarding thecontract. The Tender should state the


ltors.It is the expression of such sound e?tureS of the Ameri- -

can World's Fair in 1892, says thecommon sense logic as tuis that g R chronicle, there will probablyhelps to convince political skeptics j i)e a very tall tower, it having beenthat liberality towards the foreign j planned to build one twice the height

' of the Eiffel tower, which would

average weight and price per head.

"Dik" Die StackThe Board of Health does not bind itselfto accept the lowest or any bid.

111 t I VII ir-- l III Z v l. 1 U IT II I IA rGEO. C. POTTER,

I14-3- t 1297-2- t Secretary. augment the prosperity of theI

For Pipe and Bolt Threading.nation

make it nearly 2,000 feet high. Thesubject has already attracted consid-erable attention, and Eiffel himselfhas expressed the opinion that therewould be no serious engineeringrliffinnHrv in the wav. all that would

Department of InteriorTHE ADVERTISER CALENDAR.SATURDAY, the 16th of November,



1S89, being the 53d Anniversary of theBoth Guides and Dies Instantly Adjustable.November, 1889.

The proposed treaty with Hawaii, j Hp nepded bein? to widen the baseBirth of His Majesty the King, will be ob-

served as a national Holiday, and all Pub Su.i Mo. To. V. Th. the text of which was published j an(j make the ironwork proportion-exclusivel- y

in a late edition, ateiy stronger. No Wrench, Thumbscrew or Collets, toolFr

1lic Offices throughout the Kingdom will



9J rmirks a new and dangerous de

Moon's Phases.

November 7.Full Moon.

November 15.Last Quaiter.November S3.

New Moon.

be closed on that day.L. A. THURSTON,

llG-2- t Minister of the Interior.

complete in itself, and win ao morrand better work than any

other Hand Die.

ttf Dies easily sharpened on a Grind- -14 Lemon, Cream and Plain Sod- -















z24 j







26.Sealed Tenders November 29.

First Quarter. LIGHT, STRONG, COMPACT, SIMPLE,28Will be received at the Interior Office until

and Very easily operated. Ginger Ale, Hop Ale, Grenadine, Rasptenyaflf, SarsaparilTHURSDAY, December 5, 1889, at 12

The idea of a tall tower is wellenough, but it should not stop there.There should be something distinc-tive, something original, somethingAmerican about it. Were it possibleto reproduce in iron and steel one ofthe big trees of our California groves,then the structure would have an in-

trinsic value outside of its mereheight; or could it be so built as toillustrate some phase of Americannational life or habits of industry, itwould fulfill a purpose; but to simplyorpot a tower twice as high as the

o'clock noon, for the erection of a newJail at Lahaina, Island of Maui.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

parture from our traditional foreignpolicy. It is especially inopportunejust at this time. The representa-tives of all the American nations areour guests. They are conscious ofour overwhelming power and sensi-tive to the possibility of dictation oraggression. We desire to give themconfidence in our just and friendlyintentions. European Governmentsare striving to imbue them with theidea that we aim to make use ofthem to forward ambitious schemesof territorial aggrandizement. Oncelet them imagine that we cherishany such desire and the congresswill be worse than a failure. The

A Word About tlie Bolt Die Stock. MINERAL WATERS, ETC., KToI lans and specifications for the workcan be seen at the office of the Superintendent of Public works, and at the office ofT, E. Evans, Deputy SherifT, Lahaina.

No turning back over the threads afterit is once cut, is a prominent feature of the" Duplex."

ah monhuniVs nfrrppine' that the turning TELEPHONE 397.AH bids must be endorsed " Tender forBe just ami fear not:

Let all the ends thou aim'st at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. Paris tower would be absolutely

Lahaina Jail." childish. bac k against the cutiing edge injures thedies much more than the actual cutting.

l .3.-1- 1There are wavs by which a tallThe Minister of the Interior does nottowTer mieht be incorporated with When the "Duplex ' aies Dt ome mm

-- TTTTTx-fj tlipv run rpadilv be renewed bybind himself to accept the lowest or any NOV. 15, 1889FRIDAY,suggested Hawaiian treaty could not "j v . . . - , Jshnrnpniiiir on a crrindstone. Thus iak- -the exposition buildings and be de-

voted, in part at least, to exhibition inw thp Hf of thpsp dies loneer. at least by

All communications and orders should be addressed to

BENSON, SMITH & Co.,four fold than any other made, and at thesame time avoiding the common occur- -purposes, and in that case the tower

would iustifv its construction, even


Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, November 14, 1889.

HG-3- t 1297-i- d

Sealed Tenders

rence ot stripping or weakening tne tnreaumiH rpudpriiie thp work worthless. 64 1287-l- ythough it were deficient in novelty

of desitm. If it were divided, up to AGENTSThis tool, when set to any desired size,rnn inetnnt.lv hp rplpased and lifted off anda certain height, into stories, andreset to same size without trial, thus in- -

each was the home of some partiWill be received at the Interior Office until snrinc rll thp threads uniformly alike. ItArtinafs tn rII the variations in iron rouirh.V ednesdav. Nnvemher "O Iss't m 10 cular exhibit of American products

or industries, then the tower wouldserve some definite purpose; but to

oversized iron is shaved to standard sizeand threaded at the same time. This can- -nrt liu irrrmnlis;lPil with unv OtllPT Die

o'clock noon, for the construction of aRad from the landing to the upper Gov

rear a monument 2,000 feet highernment Road at Uolualoa, North Kona, Stock. The " Duplex " being the only tooli it i e 1 , A . .


Few people realize how moderateare the charges here for the tele-

phone, compared with those of othercountries. In France the telephonesystem is under the control of thepost-offic- e officials and the service isthus maintained at an expense topatrons which is claimed to barelycover the cost. The Postmaster-Genera- l

has recently issued a newtariff sheet, by which the service inParis is reduced from an annualcharge of $120 to 80. The reduc-

tion is received with much favor,and already a marked increase in thenumber of telephones and theamount of business done has beennoted.

mane auowmg one set oi aits 10 nwumiajcut two distinct sizes in the adjustment

Specifications for the work can be seen t--. Ti'iiiiirli enrow lriirr rr nnv pvtm tool

simply because France has one 1,000feet high is ridiculous and absurd.

It is evident already that one ofthe most urgent demands of the ex

at the office of the Superintendent of Pub being used and when ad justed is as rigidas a solid dip. and will do at least one-thir- dlic Works, Honolulu, and also at the store NOTICE.position of 1892 will be brainsof J. Kaelemakule, Kailua, North Kona. more work in the same space of time. W esolicit a comparison with other makes,both as. to range of sizes each tool cuts,

ii - c ft i ;All bids must be endorsed " Tenders forMoney is, of course, indispensable,but money without brains and intel:lierence to direct its expenditure willRoad, North Kona, Hawaii." ami prices, as wen as price oi eiirn mes.

-For Sale byHaving purchased from J. J. Melchers, W. Z. Schiedam

Holland, the sole right to use hisThe Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or any Hawaiian Hardware Co.

be only thrown away, and theWorld's Fair will be a failure. Ideasare in demand, so that the Americanexposition shall have at least a

v 6 Elephant Isabel 99bid.L. A. THURSTON,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Oct. 31, 1889.

1295-t-d 101-- it

Opposite Spreckels & Co.'s Bank,103-- 1 m Fort Street, Honolulu.

flavor of originality, and shall not bea mere copy of previous exhibitionsIt may be assumed that foreign nations will respond to the invitationand send exhibits or interest ana

serve the purposes of our Europeanrivals more perfectly if it had beendrafted in London. Its inevitableeffect must bo to sow distrust of ourdisinterestedness in the minds ofthose we are most anxious to con-

vince of our good intentions. If weare to have a protectorate over Ha-waii, with the right to supervise alltreaties with foreign powers and toland troops in the country wheneverwe think best, the republics ofSpanish America cannot fail to askthemselves, "Is our turn to comenext?" Instead of being a trustedand revered elder brother, we are indanger of coming to be regarded asan odious bully.

And the worst feature of the newdeparture is its wanton needless.Nothing in our relations with Ha-waii has made any such measurenecessary. Our position there is im-

pregnable. We have siniply to letit be tacitly understood, as it is al-

ready understood, that we shall nottolerate any European interferencewith the Government. No power onearth would venture to take Hawaiiagainst our will.

The United States is too great toengage in diplomatic scheming. Wewant nothing from outside powersbut what is just, and when we makeup our minds that a certain thing isjust, we do not need to depend uponsharp practice to secure our rights.We have no desire for aggressionanywhere, and the weaker the coun-try against which the aggressionmight be directed tho less pleasingwould any appearance of domineer-ing be to the American people.

We have a unique opportunity inour international relations. Alreadythe greatest power in the world, andsoon to be greater than any two orthree combined, we can set an ex-

ample of absolute justice and goodwill in our dealings with other na-

tions that will go far toward raisingthe whole tone of diplomatic life.The nations of the world have occu-pied towards each other tho relationsof a gang of savages, casually throwntogether and each watching hischance to club his neighbor. We

value; and the question is, whashall the United States do to makethe exposition genuinely and dis

For GIN in this Kingdom, which label bears the picture ofan elephant, under palm trees, printed in different

colors, and also tlie words

"Greatest Gin Distillery of the Netherlands.registered;

J. J. Melchers, W. Z, Schiedam,"

And having been granted a Certificate of Registration forthe term of twenty years, dating from the 17th day of Se-ptember, A. D. 1889, under the hand and seal of L. A.

Thurston, Minister of the Interior, for the Hawaiian Islands,for the exclusive use of the said label throughout the Ha-

waiian Kingdom, all persons are hereby warned not to usothe said label, or any imitation thereof, under penaltyof law.

tinctively American, so far as herpart of it is concerned1?



The eclipse of the sun which oc-

curs in December is attracting con-

siderable attention, and several as-

tronomical expeditions are being sentout to South America and Africa toobserve it. The Lick University ofCalifornia sends one to BritishGuinea, South America, the wholeexpense of which will be paid byCol. Charles Crocker. Another willbe sent from the Naval Observatoryat Washington . The superintendentof that institution states that thepreparations for the expedition toAfrica to observe the total eclipse ofthe sun, which occurs in Decembernext, are being actively pushed for-

ward. The smallness of the appro-priation by Congress for this work,

5,000, necessitates careful expendi-tures, and it will be impossible tosend the expedition to St. Paul deLoando, where the observations willtake place in Africa, except on aGovernment vessel.

76-3- mEvery Mill-buildin- g, Warehouse, Store

TENDERS ARE INVITED Public Hall, Church, Hoarding School.

Official Notice.His Majesty the King, will hold a recep-

tion at Eolani Palace, on SATURDAY,November 16th, from 11 o'clock a. m. to12:30 o'clock p. in. The order of receptionwill be as follows :

At 11 a. m. The Chancellor of the King-dom, His Majesty's Ministers, the Presi-dent of the Legislature of the HawaiianKingdom, and Judges of the SupremeCourt.

11 :lf a. m. Privy Councillors and Mem-bers of the Legislature of the HawaiianKingdom.

ll:3o a. m. The Diplomatic Represen-tatives, accredited to the Court of Hawaii.

11:46 a. m-.- The Consular Corps.12 m. Admiral Kimberly and taff, and

the Captains and Officers of the ships ofwar in port.

12:15 p. in. Government officials.Ladies and gentlemen desiring to pay

their respects to His Majesty upon thisoccasion, will call at the Palace betweenthe hours above stated, and be presentedduring the intervHs, between the officialpresentations. Morning dress. .

Office of His Majesty's Chamberiai- -,

lolani Palace, November 12, 1389.115 td

for the erection of a Ruilding on Hospital, Dwelling where a good force ofthe corner of Nnuanu and Merchant streets, Honolulu. Plans

and specifications can be seen at the officeof the undersigned. Tenders will be

water is obtainable should be provided withone or more

"Paragon"Hose ReelsWith 100 feet Hose, which is one of the

opened on MONDAY, November 18, 1889at vz o clock noon, lne lowest or anytender not necessarily accepted.

10'Mit W. C. PEACOCK & CO

.'. ' l I W I UgUlIl.t Mil .

Notice of Election. By actual experiments water can beturned on, 100 ft. Eureka Mill Hose pulledon, ana a stream put on a hre in thirtyseconas. GENT'8 FINE 131 .UFInsurance Companies have recog

THE COLONIAL MAIL SLT.?ICE.nized the great advantages and protectionwhen this system is always ready for useby making deductions rates of

i r . , . . on pre- -


Waihee Sugar Co., held this day, thefollowing persons were duly elected for theensuing year:

Col. Z. S. Spalding PresidentMr. 'E. D. Tenney Vice-Preside- nt

Mr. J. O. Carter. . Secretary A AuditorMr. P. C. Jones Treasurer

J. O. CARTER,Secretary Waihee Sugar Co.

Honolulu, Nov. 11,' 1889. 112-l- m


For further particulars enquire of




E. S. Babcock. Jr.. President of the Ho

can substitute for that primitiveanarchy the customs of a society ofgentlemen. To do so is the honestdesire of the American people. Inentire good faith, and without anymental reservation whatever, we wishto see all our neighbors prosperous,self-respecti- ng and independent.We do not desire to bully them or tomake use of them for any purposesof ours which are inconsistent withtheir own interests. Inspired by suchideas, we sent out the invitations tothe Pan-America- n Congress, intend-ing to discuss in good faith measureswhich we believe would benefit alltho countries concerned. That Con-gress bids fair to begin a new era inthe feelings of nations towards eachother. It would be a calamity to theworld if we should destroy its effectsby displaying ouselves in Hawaii asselfish schemers. S, F. Examiner.

tel del Coronado that has 85 Reels, eachwith 100 feet 14 inch Hose, writes the fol-lowing under date of Sept. 14, 1889: Wetake pleasure in certifying that at the re-cent fire in connection with the laundry ofthe Hotel some 6 ' Paragon Hose Reels 'were in use for several hours under a pre-sur- e

of lOOlbs. and both Reels and Hosestood the strain with perfect ease."

Ill 1296-l- m


Gent's Black, Brown and Grey

FINE -:- - STIFF -:- - FELT -:- - HATSFruit Trees

DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THEJ. Alfred Magoon will act

for me under power of attorney.WM. McCANDLESS.

Dated Honolulu, Nov. 12, 1889,114-l- m 1297-2- t


Hawaiian Opera HouseON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH,


PROF. G. SAUVLET.Assisted by Leading

Local Amateurs and the Royal Hawn. Band.


School House at Haou. Hana, Maui.Tenders will be received at the office of

the Board of Education until 12 o'clocknoon, on SATURDAY, the 30th of Nov.inst., for the construction and completionof a School House 20x30x12 feet, with oneroom and veranda on one side, on theGovernment school lot at Haou, Hana,Maui.

Plan and specifications can be seen atthe office of the Board of Education.

The Board of Education does not binditself to accept the lowest or any bid.

By order of the Board of Education.W. J AS. SMITH,

Secretary.Education Office, Nov. 13, 1839.

H5-3- t 12S7-l- t

Sealed TendersWill be received at the Interior Office untilTUESDAY, Nov. 19. 1SS9. at 12 o'clock-noon- ,

for furnishing Blue and White Bal-lot Paper for the General Election of 1890.

Samples of paper and specifications canbe seen upon application to the InteriorOffice.

The paper must be ready for delivery onor before January 1, 7890.

The Minister of Interior does hot bindhimself to accept the lowest or any bid.

L. A. THURSTON.Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Nov. 12, 1889. LU--ft

Tax Appeals for the Island f Oahu.The Courts of Tax Appeal, for the Isl-

and of Oahu, will hold sittings at the fol-lowing times and places, if there are anyappeals to be heard.

For the Honolulu District, in the CourtBoom of the Police Justice of Honoluluat 1 o'clock p. m on MONDAY, the 18thday of November, 1889.

--Plants t3 Jll tlie above Goods are NEW GOODS and

DESIGNS, and will be sold at "VERY LOW FIOURES a

The continuance of the Oceanicsteamship service between SanFrancisco and the Colonies foranother year is assured without adoubt, by the resolution of the NewZealand government to join withNew South Wales, in maintaining itfor at least one year longer. Bothcolonies believe that before thatterm expires the United States willbe prepared to join with them inmaintaining the service, as it mostcertainly will. Both President Har-rison and Secretary Blaine haveghen opinions strongly in favor ofgranting subsidies to foreign steam-ship lines, and this will probably beamong the first to receive the sanc-tion of Congress.

Statistics which will be presentedto Congress will show that the tradebetween the United States and theAustralian colonies is steadily ontl j increase, and needs only largerships and more frequent trips togive it a large impetus. The lastfew trips of the Oceanic steamershave been with full cargoes of Amer-ican goods for the colonies. Sogreat have bsen the increase that onseveral occasions, freight for thisport has been refused on thethrough boats. Instead of decreas-ing, this demand for more freightroom and larger vessels will steadilyincrease. The two colonial govern-ments which we haVe warned seethese wants and are loathe to dropthe service until the American gov-ernment has had an opportunity toassist by providing a generous sub-sidy for the service. Already thelatter derives an income from post-ages on the colonial service exceed


Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.10,000 FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS

From our Orchard and Nurseries inAlameda Co. California.

'The box plan for the sale of seats67 1289A SMALL OIL PAINTING 17X11,

representing the Burning of the PoliceStation, during the sailor's nut of 1S52.This picture hung in the office of tlie late

al Parke for many years. Anyinformation regarding it will be gladly

by W. C. Parke, 13 Kaahumanustreet. llo-l- w

will open at Mr. L. J. Levey's office onMonday, Nov. 11, at 9 a. m. 107-t- d

Pianos For Rent. WORKSCRYSTAL SODAMeeting Notice.


123-t- fCOMPANY

ORANGE LEMON, OLIVE, WAL-NUT, ALMOND; 2 years old; $2 each.vTnP?4PEACH PKAR' APRICOT,rTARINE QUINCE, PRUNrCP'RT and PECAN 5 1 to 2 yearsold; $1.50 to $1.75 each.ROOTED GRAPE VINES; 10 varie-ties of Table and Wine Grape ; 20 to 40cents each. Grape and Olive Cuttings.ROSES ; 10 choice varieties ; 1 year

old ; 30 to 40 cents each.Ten thousand ASPARAGUS ROOTS

nit ff ; .2 years ?ld; 8tronS' can be$5 100

transnlanting ;

JOHN GRACE, Proprietor. - NO. 54 KING SIBB



S !: M A N N D A L M E ET I NG O F Til EBoard of Trustees of the tut'en's Hos-

pital will be held on THURSDAY, the 12thof December, 1889, at the rooms of theChamber of Commerce, at 10 o'clock a. m.Amendment to the By-law- s. Per order.

F. A. BCHAKFKR,Secretary.

Honolulu, Nov. 11, 1889. 115-t- d



Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons.

At Residence Cor. Beretaniia and AlakeaSts. or will visit pupils at their residence.



DENTIST,TILL RETURN ON THE AUSTRALIA" due November 15th and resume prac-

tice at his former office, 98 Hotel street.100-t- d


A YOUNG DOG, LIGHTbrown, long ears and face,black streak down the back, no

collar, answers to the name of Fido, wasmissed the 10th inst. Anyone finding thesame will be rewarded by leaving it at Mrs.E. Wenner's, King street, near ThomasSquare. 115-3- t

?r Pu,rPse to recommend nothingJnnwTroknOW to be f value adwe

Islands experience will grow in the

JinSSS8 eir orders before theanS puSf fn 1EB WlU receive their Tes

to f5P"Fu,1J Particulars will be given howplant and when, with every $25 orderAddress A. HERBERT,

Or 302 California St., San FranCaV.114 1297-l- m

GINGER AXJSSarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and PI111 ?0

Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.


For flie Ewa and Waianae District, at,rIUrt HUse' at 9 oV,wk

on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day of No-vember, 1889.

For the Waialua District, at the Waia- -"UUSe at 'ckk a.m., onTHURSDAY, the 2tst day of Nov. 1889.

For the Kootaoioa District, at MakaoCourt House, at 8 o'clock a. m.. on FRI-UA-

the 22d day of November, L889.For the Kooiaupoko District, at the Ka-neo- he

Court House, at 9 o'clock a. m onSATURDAY, the 23d day of November,

W. FOSTER.Tolice Justice of Honolulu, Oahu.

Dated Honolulu, Nov. 12, 1889. 114-l- w

Tenders.Office of the Board of Health. )

Honolulu, Nov. 12, 1889.)

Sealed Tenders will be received at thisoffice until MONDAY, .Dec. 2d, 1889, until12 o'clock noon, for the delivery on thewharf at Kalaupapa, Molokai, in good

ing 50,000 a year, which is increas-ing at the rate of $10,000 per annum.Consequently whatever subsidy itmay vote will by no means be a lossto it.

And right here the language ofMr. Thurber of New York, which wequoted in our issue of the lltb,applies with great emphasis:

Trale follows the flag. Steamshiplines build up thair respective countriesjust as railroad lines build up their res

NOTICE.T HAVE THIS DAY SOLD ALL MYJL right, title and interest in the CarriageManufacturing Business as carried on byme on Fort Street, to Mr. Gideon West.Thanking the public for their many past

HAVING BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.the Honolulu Carriage Manu-

factory, at 128 Fort Street, I am preparedto continue the above business under theold name of Honolulu Carriage Manufac-tory, and being an old experienced carriagebuilder I solicit the patronage of my oldfriends and the public in general, and withmy thorough knowledge of the businessand with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material 1 guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me beforegoing elsewhere.

(Signed) GIDEON WEST.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889. 103-t- f

298pective termini. As trade develops the i favors, 1 would bespeaK tue same tar upLEWIS & CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


amount of postage collected will increase, successor, ana naving Knon r, westfor a number of vears as a practical caruntil all subsidies or extra mail pav by Mutual 330--TELEPHONES---




, 111 1296-l- y

riage builder I am satisfied that he willgive general satisfaction.

(Signed) W. H. PAGE.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889. 103-2- w

our government can be withdrawn ; butuntil the time arrives, we can neverhave successful American steamship Telephone 240. P. O. Box 297.

81-l- y



No rain ; no mud.AKlUVAI.S.Thibsday, Nov. 14.

The Australia is due from SanHONOLULU

FIRE DEPARTMENT.obnson, Emerson. 43

. jr Ann'6stle, 8 W.

fL . . - - . I . l i i

nl it.. .r inul. iruill Jvuuai.

f.MiIi'' "u-.,- ir from Hawaii.


oE1.4KTUKES.Thursday, Nov. 14.

IfYou Want to Furnish Your House:GO TO:

B. F. EHLERS & CO.'s, 99 FORT ST.,


And PLUSH RUGS in all sizes, at very low prices, in great variety.


Everett, for Waia- -

,r 5? ... t 9 am.for circuit of

IP 111.a a

Wind fresh, north-east- ; weatherpleasant; for yesterday.

It is expected that H. B. M. S. Cham-pion will relieve the Espiegle.

The annual meeting of the UnionFeed Co. takes place at noon to-da- y.

The wielder of the facile pen whosewitty poesy fed the Owl, is again lyingill at the Hospital.

The regular weekly meeting of theMechanics and Workingmen's Uniontakes place this evening.

The California Fruit Market will re-ceive the usual supply of fruit and vege-tables by steamer Australia.

" Z,U Lesvinc To-da- y.

for Maui and


Election of Engineers. Pori rrom Foreign Ports.


V I ilt running's Island.ifc Lvon,

lIprt Green, Fanning's Island.Sois, Bishop. Sn Francisco. FOR 1800-91- .

Miss Katie McGrew Entertains HerFriends.

A very pleasant occasion was the oc-

currence yesterday evening at the resi-dence of Dr. J. S. McGrew, of a partygiven by Miss Katie McGrew in compli-ment to the friends who had called onher since her return from Paris. Theaffair was intended both as a con-

versazione and dance party aud thenotable assemblage had opportunityto enjoy their bent in either par-ticular. The large airy and brilli-antly lighted parlors were filled duringthe early evening with a joyous com-municative company while the devoteesof Terpsichore found ample opportunityto engage in the mazes of the waltz,whirl of the schottische or less impul-sive pleasures of the stately lancers inthe dancing room where Prof. FelixOllert presided at the piano. The pro-gramme cf dances consisted of twelvenumbers and included waltz, schot-tische, lancers and the much admired"York."

The many curios brought from Parisby the young hostess, engaged the atten-tion of the guests, as also the valuablebric-a-bra- c, vases and rare drawings andpaintings which adorned the walls. Thebrilliant company were right royallyentertained, the resources of the catererbeing called into requisition at an appro-priate hour and the guests indulged ina repast which included the delicacies ofthe season. The party broke up a littleafter the midnight hour, their fair hostessbeing highly complimented on her per-formance of her pleasant duties.

Among the distinguished guests pres-ent were Admiral Kimberly and mem-bers of his staff, Captain Bishop of U. S.S. Iroquois, Captain Green of the U. S.S. Alert, Captain Coghlan of the U. S.S. Mohican, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Irwin,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paty, Mr. and Mrs.F. M. Hatch and a number of otherladies and gentlemen.

NM '

Address by the Hawaiian Consul forTahiti.

His Majesty was pleased to grant anaudience yesterday to Mr. J. T. Cognet,the Hawaiian Consul at Papeete, Tahiti.The gentleman was introduced by HisExcellency the Minister of ForeignAffairs, after which, by permission, Mr.Cognet addressed His Majesty as follows :

"Your Majesty : Under the commis-sion of His Excellency the Minister ofForeign Affairs of your Kingdom datedAugust 12, 18S6, I have had the greathonor to be called to the functions of

Consul in the Society Islands, at Pa-

peete, Island of Tahiti, French Estab-lishment in Oceanica, in the place ofHon. J. K. Sumner. Since that period,I have taken a lively interest in theaffairs, politics and subjects of the Ha-waiian Kingdom, the extent of which isincreasing year by year. I have appliedmyself to the study of regular steamcommunication between this beautifulcountry of the Hawaiian Islands, calledwith so much reason "The Paradise ofthe Pacific," and the Society Islands,which are without boastfulness equally atrue Paradise. The success of thisscheme only depends upon Your Majestyshould you believe it to be Your Ma-jesty's duty to take it into consideration.

I have for a long time, Your Majesty,sought for a favorable, occasion to visityou to present to vou my very humblerespects and compliments; to-da- y YourMajesty that 1 have the honor to bepresented officially, permit me to say toyou that I am proud to represent yourflag at Tahiti, and I profit by this cir-cumstance to assure Your Majesty of myhumble and modest services to contri-bute to the extent of my power as yourConsul at Tahiti, to the greatest glory ofYour Majesty, the prosperity of yourbeautiful country and the protection ofall your subjects."

His Majesty expressed his satisfactionat the sentiments advanced, and theaudience ended.

The hearing in the mandamus case,Col. G. W. Macfarlane vs. the Ministerof Finance, has been further postponed.

1 .IJ ll.lll, imv,I ..illPff, Howard, Burrard Inlet.lM , .' iiipson. l'ort Townsend.


To be Issued the latter part of next month, considerably Enlarged and

further improved.All Societies, Corporations, Plantations, or other bodies having corrections to

make (or the coining issue will please report as early as convenient.Advertisers desiring space, or changes in former ads. will please report same by

November 20th.Parties on the other islands desiring copies will please order, remitting 50 cents

per Copy inter-islan- d, or (iO cents per copy if mailed abroad.No Annuals sent out without order.

BKfiodfrey, Dabel, Puget Sound,gilder, Giffiths, fcJan Francisco.

(zpect4l from Foreigne irom.

The four corners of King and Nuuanustreets are now occupied by saloons.This looks like centralization, or a saloontrust, or no trust.

The amnesty act will be performed asusual on the coming 16th. The receiversof executive clemency are expected to begreat in number if not in deed.

Notice is hereby given that the first bi-

ennial election (under Chapter 45 StatuteLaws of 1888) will be held


At the Bell Tower,For the purpose of Electing a Chief En-gineer and two Assistant Engineers ofthe said Fire Department. )"Polls willbe open at 0 p. m. and close at 9 p. m.


Nov 15.Oct. 3UDec 10Dec 27

..Dec 30. Nov 1

Dec 25.J an 15.Nov 20

Sun Francisco.L'l Hartford....

. tioston. . Bremen

. LiverpoolHongkong,LiverpoolNewcastle

..l'ort Townsend


yt MinorLjToroer..

meg,Rsekfeld .

. JohnsonKobt Lewers

Address THOS. a. THRUM,Publisher, Honolulu.112-l- w 129G-- 2tThe last noon-da- y meeting this week

will "be held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms at12:05 to-da- y. Subject: "True friends,"Mark 2 :1 12. All are welcome.

HENRY SMITH,Secretary H. F. D.114-t- d

Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu.No. 104 Fort Street.For Sale!



L Kauai, per Kaala, Nov 14 John

a Koobra per C K Bishop. Nov 13

f j; idgers, Mrs Stewart, J T Silva,

0 Newcastle, per Annie Johnson,g-P-bilip Buy and Win A Roy.

The undersigned bega to inform tbe public of tbese islands that he is making Shirtmeasurement. Directions for will be given on application.

White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night Gowns.- F A TIsland orders solicited.. HaiiKilaia. per Iwalani. Nov 14

I 1 XT TURKEYS A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order.OSPECIAL BUSINESS II E.MS.- Hengersen, rion raui Neumann,

taCreighton, Rev M C Harris, and 22 M. MELL1S.It ell Telephone 410.AND- -DEPARTURES.

Stn Francisco, per Forest Queen,lJ Mi t'andless.

Camareno's Refrigeratorx Will arrive per Australia with

f3j3ja full supply of Ice House deli-- s

cacies: Celer3T, Oysters, Oystersin Shells, Grapes, Plums, Cauliflowers.Also, White Heart Cabbage, Potatoes,Onions, etc. llt-3- t

John Ena, Vice-Preside-

Cecil Brown, Auditor.E. R. Hendry, President and Manager.Godfrey Brown, Secretary & Treasurer.SHJITINO NOTES.

I Ida yet remains alongside the Fish- -

The Minister of Interior advertises fortenders, to be presented on or beforeThursday, December 5th, at noon, forthe erection of a new jail at Lahaina,Maui.

The working gear and machinery ofthe steam-shov- el has arrived safely atthe Oahu Kailway Co.'s station, and willbe forwarded by rail to the terminus ofthe road.

Prof. Berger and his "boys" will en-liven the local public, as well as addi-tions made thereto by tourists per Zeal-andi- a,

by giving a concert at the Hotelthis evening.

The coal piles along the Esplanadelook to be few and far between and thearrival of the bark Annie Johnson, coal-lade- n,

seems to have been very oppor-tune for the consignee.

There has just been published VolumeVI of Hawaiian Reports, and the sameis on sale at the Supreme Court officeThe first volume of thisseries was boughtby Cecil Brown, Esq., yesterday.

The merry-go-roun- d will now swingitself and patrons around a circle situatedon Hotel street, near the corner of Nuu-anu street. It would seem as if the loca-tion was not in accord with the conveni-ence of the public.

The wooden buildings, formerly occu-pied by the Royal Saloon, situated onthe corner of Merchant and Nuuanustreets, were sold at auction yesterdaynoon, bv Mr. Levey, to Messrs. Walker& Redward for $100.

Oranges ! Turkeys !

Just received from Waianae


Thanksgiving,Christmas and

New Year,BY


52 Fort Street.

and Waialua, 5,000 Oranges.Also, Fat Turkeys.

California Fruit Market.

rift wharf.hebarkentine S. G. Wilder is at Brew-wha- rf

loading slowly.keW.G. Irwin is lying at the O. S. S.finishing discharging.

ke mud-digg-er is still pulling up mudie end of Hrewer's wharf.je bark W. B. Godfrey is still discharg-lambe- r

at the Esplanade.Annie Johnson has hauled in along-rfth- e

Wilder S. S. Co. wharf.it Matilda is off the old Custom House.

115-- 3t

3Teu) Utocrtiscmcuts.

REMOVAL Parties desiring should leave theirorders at once, as the number is limited.

113-2- m

twiixiiiiill pump which is continually1 1 shows that the leak has not yetI i pped.I niierC. R. Bishop brought 2,1821 iy, 300 bags rice, 50 turkeys, 1001 bran, 10 cases oranges, and 29

k imdries. Ail I D !THF. OFFICIO OF BANDERS' Ex-

press was removed on Wednesday,Oct. 16th, to the old stand, No. 81 Kingstreet, directly opposite the present stand.Imerican iron bark Annie Johnson. King up telephone So. vtt-i- nii L. G. Emerson, arrived Nov. 13th,

fa from Newcastle, N. B. W., withma coal to ship's account.bark Forest Queen sailed on the 13th

t San Francisco with 7.219 baers


Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in

Hardware, Crockery, Glassware,Chandeliers, Electoliers, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSPaints, Oils and Varnishes, Lard Oil, Cylinder Oil ;

Towder, Hhot and Caps, Machine-loade- d Cartridges, Chamberlain's Patent;Silver-plate- d Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery:Plows, Planters' Steel Hoes, and other Agricultural Implements ;

Han Ilea of all kinds;

Plantation Supplies of every description.Hart's patent " Duplex " Die Stock for Pipe and Bolt Cutting;Manila and Sisal Hop Kubber Hose,Wire bound Bobber Hose, RpTftfliergTP ;

Sprinklers and Sprinkler Stands.

AGENTS FOE:Union Metallic Cartridge Co.,

"New Process" Rope,Hartman's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel-wir- e Mats,

Neal's Carriage Paints,WTm. G Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,

Gate Citv Stone Filters," New Process " Twist Drills,

Hart's Patent "Duplex" Dh Stocks.100-- 1 v

The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. AdvertiseAre the Itt Advertising WerilnmR In th t m el oin

VOW THAT THE RAINY SEASONJ i.-- upon us, everybody vants a door

mat that will be an ornament at the frontdoor, and will thoroughly do the work re-quired of it. Theitfs coffee, and 94 bbls. molasses.

rs were: H. Hackfeld & Co.,-- agar, Theo. H. Davies & Co.,:ir, .50 bags coftee, and 94 bbls.

n; lastle & Cooke, 202 bags sugar ;

fewer Co., 3,384 bags coffee. Total Hartman Steel Wire MatI !7Jtons; domestic value, $43,050.

The particular pleasantries whichcaused the festive gathering on Sumnerisland last night were not advertised inadvance but there were sounds of rev-elry from there far into the silentwatches of the night.

Information is given that on the occa-sion of the balloon ascension and para-chute jump to be performed by ProfessorVan Tassell on the 16th inst., notice willbe given to the public, one hour beforethe event takes place, by the tapping ofthe fire-be- ll at the Tower.

IIAKTIiANII" NHH.liN K K.I 1 1 1 I I is just the thing. It cannot become soakedby rain, as is the case with fiber mats, andit always keeps clean. Being made ofGalvanized Wire&Jc

A Monthly Social.The parlors of the Central Union

Church were filled yesterday eveningwith a gathering of the members of thechurch and their friends for the purposeof again engaging in the pleasant asso-tion- s

of the usual monthly sociable.The parlors were tastefully decorated

with greenery and palms, and a bowerof choice flowers ornamented the centreof the auditorium. Bunches of choiceexotics graced the prand piano and filledthe air with their fragrance.

The special entertainment for theevening had been arranged by Mr. J. B.Atherton and consisted of: Vocal solo,"O Day of Bliss," Mrs. J. H. Paty;vocal solo, "The Two Grenadiers," PA. D. Bissell ; vocal solo, "He givethhis beloved sleep," Mr. Richards; reci-tation, "The Heroine," Miss BlancheCornwell; reading, "The Tar Baby,"from Uncle Remus, Mr. Willie Lewers.Each and every one of the numbers werewell presented and received appropriaterecognition.

Alter the musical and literary portionhad ended, social converse was engagedin and an adjunct to the comforts of theoccasion was presented in the shape of alight collation. The party separatedabout 9:30 p. m. bearing with thempleasant memories of the usual monthlysocial.

A Farewell Party.A party was given yesterday evening

at the residence of Hon. Alex. Young asa good speed and safe return to hisdaughter Miss Susie Young who leavesfor San Francisco by the Australia.The company present engaged in themazes ot the dance to the music ofProf. H. Berger's string band, theevents on the programme beingtwelve in number. An excellent repastwas served during an intermission in thedances. The occasion was a most pleas-urable one and will live in the memoryof those present until the occurrence of alike joyous occasion, on the young lady'sreturn.

I'ublic Concert.,The Royal Hawaiian Band will give a

concert this evening, at the HawaiianHotel, commencing at 7:30 o'clock.Following is the programme :

1. Quickstep Birthday..! Schild2. Overture Masaniello Auber3. Grand March La Hanau o ka Moi

Berger4. Selection II Trovatore Verdi

Hookeno, Kupa Loke. Oiwi nani.5. Medley The Black Brigade Beyero. Waltz Danube Waves Ivanovici7. Fantasia Pleasant Memories Berger

Hawaii Ponoi.

What Constitutes Bigamy ?

An. English court has at last set-tled a disputed point in the law gov-erning bigamy. The wife in thecase married one man in 1880 and asecond five years later in the beliefthat the first husband was dead.The law requires the wife to waitseven years in the absence of proofthat her husband has died and re-

leases her at the expiration of thattime after desertion without suchproof if she does not know him to bealive. But in this case the wife hadproof, which she believed, and mar-ried two years before the legal timeof waiting had expired. The ques-tion then occurs if she is guilty of

Saruoan Disaster.

They Cannot Rust,1 . TT U C3

t 1 a i "m

ah :t in s pirv mnnni or ft arv aim as do many of the wire mats now in use.They are far superior to and far moredurable than fiber or rubber. Can be hadof Steel Wire atIVSti mtmna mlnnroi rr tho hnarH i n. i i lllll-l,.V- I ""'J W W lV(l V ill

A Board of Survey, consisting of Captains Fuller, Mclntyre and Mr. Thos.Sorenson have partly examined the barkMatilda and report that they find thevessel is now leaking at the rate of sixinches per hour and that other damagesrequire a further examination.

Mr. Frank B. Auerbach the passengerticket agent of the Oahu Railway Co.during the dispensation of free trans-portation, will furnish tickets to-da- y

"These resolutions, coming from

POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

This powder never varies. A marvel ofpurity, strength and wholesonieness. Moreeconomical thun the ordinary kinds, andcannot be sold in competition with themultitude of low test, short weight, alumor phosphate powders. Sold only in Cans.Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St..New York. 104 ly



Opposite Spreckels & Co.'s Bank,102-l- m FORT STREET.

BAY VIEW"ueJ token of their appreciation of Iff GUIDE BOOK.UTT . . I I I t-- Tm ci rri n. - wo Olllipi V 1X1 J .l 11 1;J ClH 111

from 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock to such per-sons as may apply for them. Mr. Auer-bach-'s

office is with J. E. Brown & Co.presence in Baltimore yesterday

i. Ii T - TIT r.11 TT 1

'"iiuauutT L'eiuus vy . iuunan, u.o.n .i . . .


Book and Stationery Store.


hith the American men-o- f war..--

" aim iiimiiMii. H.IM1 r.iie rii nr.

ith many lives. Commander

King St., opp. Oahu Railway Depot,

Billiards, Bowling AUey


Cold Lunches! Cold Drinks!

iivi a a II.lLlVt? Ul IlIia.IHJIlM,in nn n . : . . i iv , mt'i i c 1 iniifi-- Willi si veil8hl, the Nipsic. Marvland has Full and Complete As-

sortment oltu feel proud of such a performance

The HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANYare now printing a

'Tourists' Guide Ttattf tte

Hawaiian Manas,"

And are prepared to receive Advertisementsfor the same. The Edition of this

Book will be about

5.000 COPIES,And it will have about 200 octavo pagesdescriptive of the Scenes and Scenery ofthe Group. The work is to be illustrated,aud will contain from twelve to fifteen fall

890re part of one of her sons, and sim-- f

achievements on sea and land liaveJJ apprupi iately recognized by the

F1 a,-o- of her legislature. AtCommander Mullan not onlyf W the iiualitiea of a sunerior sea--

NEAR HONOLULU, A REDjfP&l Horse, with four white feet;M 7l branded JxL. Anyone finding

said horse, will be rewarded byreturning the same to E. D. Baldwin. 79


TS PREPARED TO DESIGN ANDA contract for all classes of Sugar Extrac-tion Machinery, Irrigating Machinery,Evaporating Apparatus, Vacuum Pans,Engines of all kinds and for all purposes,Water Wheels, Water Conduits, both Pipesand Flumes, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, etc., etc.

Diffusion MachineryIn all its branches a specialty ;

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the veay best de-

scription to oader.Close attention paid to all orders and

satisfaction to the purchaser guaranteed.P.O. Box 380, Fort St.. Honolulu.

67 1287-- 1 y

Co-partners-hip Notice.

The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


And here comes the watercart, full tothe bung, scattering water around thesame as though there hadn't been anyrain for a month. The mud was just get-ting dry enough to allow one to cross thestreet, when tbe cart stirs up the muddypools and makes the streets as bad asthey had been for several days past. Dowait, till the clouds roll by.

Mr. G. W. Ashley the secretary of theOahu Railway and Land Co. states thatMr. Dillingham has issued orders to in-

sure against the occurrence of any likelyaecident. The tickets issued for eachtrip are such in number that no over-crowding can take place on the cars.The tickets are round trip only and notstop-ove- r, so that ieisons alighting atthe Halawa terminus are apt to get left.

The store-lightin- g by electricity is nowso well regulated that the current isturned on nightly. Additions to the cir-

cuit are being made daily, the latestbeing the store of Mr. M. Mclnemy,which was lighted up for the first timelast night. The Germania Market andarmory of the Honolulu Rifles wereamong those places lighted on the firstnight but mention was accidentallyomitted.

and u courageous man, but forpw his conduct of affairs at Apia

Pviuus to the disaster, preventedOvsters and Game by every. uu-iai-

s irom grauiving meirucnt desiru ........ . i. California steamer.HN Of tllM SalaJwl K. O

For Two Dollars and a Half($2.50) we will Sell the


Never Needs Grinding and isalways ready for useBuy one andbe Happy !

... , " "'aim. tt nil uice .TltlSlc . . .. i l 1 il. L.i -- "i cunuuuucu oy Liie iuucii E. M. SNIFFEN,

1 1 1-- 1 v Manager.Won i vs8els of an unfriendlyr.ne insisted that American rights

rrin ireI,t'cteu. ad succeeded in

Vh if8 puint" 11 is to lctedhurt ,rive some suDstautiai re- -

"Jlriim tU xt rv , .r miv-- v department. Uai- -

1C 0Q0. Aiiir 9

bigamy. Five of the Judges con-

tended that she was and nine thatshe was not. The decision of thenine is the law, not only in this case,but in those that may come after.


By the S. S. City of Peking, and Bk.Velocity, for and Sale by



11' Prince8a Lihuokalani and a

(I i

friends enioved themselves

TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATD. Manaku and E. M. Sniffen have this

day formed a to carry on aRe'staurant and Billiard Saloon in Hono-lulu, under the firm name of E. M. Sniffen&Co. (Signed) D. MANAKU,

E. M. SNIFFEN.Honolulu, Oct. 5, 1889. 110 1296-3- t

H. R. Hitchcock. J. McQueen.

page illustrations of Baildiuga and IslandScenery. It will also have a beautifullyilluminated cover.

Aa the circulation of tHg work will beworld-wid- e, aniwng tourists and travelers,it famishes one of the b i mediums foradvertising that has ever been offer, d tothe business men of tbese Islands.

Advertisements will be inserted at tbefollowing rates :

Fall Page, $25 with ten copies of tbe Guide,gratis.

Half Page, $14 with foar copies of theGuide, gratis.

Quarter Page, $8 with two copies of the, Guide, gratiH.Small Business Cards page) $5 with one

copy of the Guide, gratis.Every advertiser, on payment of hia bill,

will be entitled to copies of tbe Book, asabove specified.

J3F For farther particulars, address,

H. M. WHITNEY,Manager Hawaiian Gazette Co.

Honolnlo, November, 1889. 1296 2m


C a.v nioriiincr hv IaIpSms Station, the nrPSAnt. rprminns Hawaiian Transfer Co.

wahu Railway and Land Co. A WANTED., "wuiwas Placed at her

weUfflled by Her Royal JAMES CAKTY. u menus. A GERMAN GIRL. A POSITIONBY a private family to do general house-

work. Apply at the Advertiser office.113-6- t

For Kauai Ports.

henth r' McGrew 8 audHiiJ-Part- had tired tliemselves bytwL beautiful grove, a native



Mutual Telephone 565. BeU Telephone 160.103-3- ni

Can be found next door to the P. C. A.Office, Merchant Street.

Hacks Nos. 18, 37. 66, 75, 180AND WAGONETTE HO.

2T Bell Telephone 204, Mutual 590.IRS--tf

Iv eiiw , un tbe gss and tbor1.1 'aiian meles. e mill were

CV.er Otieilf tho no,,, a,.,J

Tbe Loomens Cane.

His Honor the Chief Justice has filed

his allowance of the exception taken by

Antone Rosa, Esq., counsel for the de-

fendant. The document in full is asfollows :

The King vs. Albert Loomens.

Treason.The Chief Justice on Saturday, Nov-

ember 2d, 1889, heard defendant's mo-

tion for new trial which with affidavitsin support thereof are hereto attachedand made part hereof, and on the sameday gave judgment overruling said mo-

tion to which said defendant's counselexcepted and exceptiou was duly al-l- o

weciAll the papers forming part of the

record in this case are made part thereof.The foregoing bill of exceptions is

hereby allowed. A. F. Judd.Chief Justice Supreme Court presiding

at Term.November 12, 1889.

How to get even with some menPay them what you owe them.

EtH J?lyed themselves. Affer the


Japan Fire Screens, Picture Frames,Bronze Vases, different kinds ;

Card Cases, ivory, bronze, sandal wood,etc., etc.

Fans, a large assortment ;

Framed Japanese Pictures,Ink Stands, bronze ;

Paper Knives, ivory, bronze, etc. ;

Bronze Plaques,Ca es, all kinds and very choice ;

Dinner and Tea Sets, Hand Painted.Ladies' Bronze Baskets,Japanese Fancy Towels,Jap. Morning Gowns, cotton, silk, etc;Silk, Grasscloth, and Ladies' Fancy

Handkerchiefs,Crepe Shawls,Japanese Sauce,Rattan Chairs, assorted varieties;Chinese Plants,Paving Stones,Chinese Matting, white and colored ;

Row Boats, etc. etc. 155-l- y

THE STM R. AKAMAI,Capt. Mason, will sailregularly for followingports: Nawiliwili.Koloa,l ltendam1f ,Highne8s directed one of

treeplant three ro8e apple ARE YOU ILL? H y.iZ G ?!fi.sfriven univer- -

vjS I I . l - .. RsliEleele.and Waimea, onafter VANfcCHAWS only Perfect Electrio

- a Dranch of pomana,tUlS wno For Freight or Passage, ap- -Kauai.ritilt. . done the Dartv 4 ' ire oi v

'V Kile I. 1hoard, or to .Vnniriveiv core Nerromtuc irain and rt iS MM! mnnlliri pimiiuriimm' ' tr J i .IiiijiaA& K h.nrnft.t.i-.--- viui lieu to tiono- - fpl s:ifi in rrrnmnmnrt

K SECOND-HAN- D KROOG'S PATENTFilter Presses, as good as new, having

been used but a few months; two cham-bers, three 30 chambers.

Eight second-han- d clarifiers. 800 gallonscapacity each.

This machinery has been thrown out ofuse by the Diffusion process being intro-duced ; and is offered for sale at very lowprices.

4lTlf. . . ...fiSCt ' T.m Hark. Imnntencv.DAVID DAYTON, Agent,

115ly No. 91 King St., up-stair-s. Sir d or.iy the . ,,cr,P;SAjiisPt Kidnev Complaint. DysW1W31C&I J3. a rimvi n wpepsia, Male and Female Weakness. Thousands cured

Fu America. Forwarded safely to any partof the worldJ?.JCg kT, pre8ent were Mrs.t J-

- A c"ckw?l. Mrs. Townsend,Clurw A,ArB- - oiiuman,-

r.V M,ra- - Manaku, Mrs. t tj.: 1 Sold tv Drufcsists.PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE

THIS E. C. Dake's AdvertisingAgency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange,Son Vranc.isco. Cal., where contracts for

S--W rite for Pamphlet No. a. Address 51. ,. f"Te., 704 Sacramento St., San Francisco, Cal.,

Pi ke cured-ramp- h. No. 3 describes a new Invention.

rpHE ADVERTISER IS THEL leading daily paper of the Kingdom

For particulars apply toJ. N. 8. WILLIAMS,W ark. Mr n'iur8' AuId. Mrs. C. Hollister & Co., Wholesale Agents.

Benson, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents.1y

Fort 8treet, Honolulu.kLJv'Ulr V ,,' MrB- - Howiand,C H;ci Toler' Mr. Allan P. O. Box 380.I advertising can be made for it.



Hvtrtitmttu$, Official Direeto Stftocrtiscmcnts.A MARVELOUS INVENTION.


A 1T11T1 i 1 1CrI'M 11(1

i 0

-- AT



Fine Fischer Pianosalso have for sale,

Just Arrived from New York. We


ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANOSRenowned for their tone and durability in tropical climates.

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE104 Fort Street, : : : Honolulu,

N. S. SACHS, Proprietor,

To Commence on Monday, Nov. 4, 1889.HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,

King and Bethel Streets.PRICES MODERATE. ED.

129 100-l- v



DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODSAnd Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods will be offer.ed

At Cost Price,In order to make room for an Immense New Stock.

Bona-nd-e Sale, Genuine Bargains'Everything Reduced from its

in Plain Figures and

SOLD FOR CASH OlSTI-Y-!'We will mention but a few of

VALENCIENNE LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt length, 75c. a yard ;

ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt length, 50c. a yard ;

ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt length, extra quality, 75c. a yard ;

Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, Brakes, Wagons. Etc,


CARRIAGE WAGON REPAIRINGSolicited at very low prices.


Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs GOc. a doz.

ADIES' ENGLISH BALBRIGGAN HOSE, extra fine. 25c. a pair;FANCY STRIPED FLANNELETTES, 8 yards for $1 ;

NUN'S VEILINGS, (all Wool) in all colors, 25c. a yard;SATINS, assorted colors, (for fancy work) 25c. a yard;

MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, 50c. each;MEN'S BRITISH SOCKS, $2.40 per dozen.

105-3- w

Just Received a large invoice of

Second Growth of White Oak Spokes



Large Assortment of Bai Iron.26 1282-3r- a

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Reduction in Lamp Goods !

New Invoices in Latest Designs Just Received and offered at Specialty LowT Prices. BUHA.CH !

The Genuine Article.

ctorHis MestrL

vember 16, 1836; J?,

SK 1874, iihLeoruary 13, 1874. "SUn

nVr ""yesty the Queen T

Her Royal HighnessLiliuokalaxi, hJ? P

o. September 2. 1838TW D

Victoria k,,, 1110 Pri Qcea" i iU Alt..AjIjAALIU) Km AV.v ' U- -I

PALAPA, 6. Ortnh,., UI1U..W

Her Royal HighnessKapoolokuPoomaikh IXia

ter to Queen Kapioj7, 1839. ' J- - Apr

WANANAKOA, son of RPrincess Kekaulike iruary 19, 1868. ' '

His HirhnMas i,.:, T

mo ka,Am;;; 'k,R. H. Princess K,:,u ',;

U.ir,.li OQ LIKE. .

His Majesty's Chamlberlain,W. Macfarlane ColftHis MflioeH)- - r:

J. W. Robertson.Tin-- : cabinetHis Ex. 8. M. Damon,

His Ex. Jona, AustinAffairs. ' hr''i

His Ex. L. A. Thurston im

General. ittoroe v.

SUPREME COURTHoni. A. P. Judd, Chief JusticeHonu J" M"y, First Assochb

JusticeHon. E. Preston, Second Assockb

Justice.Hon R F. Bickerton, Third Ass-

ociate Sustice.Hon. 8. 15. Dole, Fourth Associ

Justice.Henry Smith, Chief Clerk,

Bitting in HouoIuIu-- Rm

Monday in January, April, ,jUvand October.

POLICE COURT.William Foster, Magistrate.

CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT.A. S. Cleghorn, Collector-Genew- l,

u. . --Soaraman, Deputy-Collect-or

Captain A. Fuller, Harbor-Mast- et

GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.George W. Ross, Auditor-Gene- nl

Department Foreign Affairs: (WH. W. Mist, Sec'y.

fC.it Hi Jr--f M.mI- -

Department Finance: P. 8. Pratt,

Registrar.Department Attorney-Genera- l: A.

P. Peterson, Deputy.Prof. W. D. Alexander, Surveyor-Genera- l.

Jno. H. Soper, Marshal of the

Kingdom.C. L. Hopkins and Cha& Creign

ton, Deputy Marshals.Thomas G. Thrum, Registrar of

Conveyances.W. E. Rowel 1, Superintendent Pu-

blic Works.S. G. Tucker, 11. D., Medical

Supt. Oaha Insane Asylum.C. B. Wilson, Superintendent W-

ater Works.POSTT A E DE PA1 ITM EOT.

Postmaster-Genera-l, F. Wumien-berg- .

Assistant Postmaster-Genera- l, I).

Manaku.The Post Office is on Merchant

street. OhMce hours S a.m. Wp. m. , except Su ndays. When nail

steamers arrive after office bona,

or on Sundays, mail are asaortoj

as soon as delivered, andagcfflfl--l

delivery made. Letters are tidelivered in Honolulu bycarrien,

but must be inquired for at

window of the PoatOffica


Hon. C. R. Bishop, PresidentA. T. Atkinson, Inspector-Gene- M

of Schools.W. James Smith, Secretary.


N. B. Emerson, M. D., President

George Trousseau, M. D., PortWsician.

Geo. C. Potter, Secretary.


Cabin passage per steamer,lulu and San Francisco, S ; Bjwwtrip tickets, good for 3 month--,

Steerage passage per sieaininoluli i and San Francisco, -- -

nainii.. .... rnssiiirfi ner steamer. J

X O 1

lulu to Hongkong or Japan, - '"go.Steerage passage per steamer,

nolulu to Japan, $35.toHonoluluCabin passage per sail,

Hongkong, $60. irncioSteamers to and from Sanare two every four weeks-- oi e u

and return, the otner e;,from Australia and New

a A VAll through pasaegew given

over privilege on PP" uhSteamship Co., as ine "VthrooiSteUUiCl sail i wwj - - - ! ..lutlfVUl

it gives a Wun TOsteamer,. H.considerabletime to see j

Steamers from San Franc -, ,

pan and China, or met versa,

nally touch off port en route.CARBlA(iE FAKK.

Carriage fare from steamer '

Hotel, each VnS? """one p

Carriage fare per hour,senger '1'"".

Carriage fare per hour, tw o Vg $

for each passenger, when m

each wav '

Specially for the Pali, twoJ pas-4- ()

senger each way v;";:;:;;;;'pas. ,Specially o r the

sensrer each way . j.

The above raiw A1 (,tii"to 11 T.X.

horns the rates of t "fa a

No driver is T07pah,i ifl frp for the mo

c'e'pt'by special WgSSoffer,or morebe accepted. be bad j

niajGood saddle horses

the hour or day.

A New Sort of Railway That Is Cheap,Fast and Safe Beyond Comparison.

A press view took place yesterdayof the so called "Chemin de Fer Glis-sant,- "

or "Slide Railway," on the Es-

planade des Invalides, within the ex-

hibition. The new invention's a sin-

gularly original contrivance for en-

abling trains to run, by means oiwater power, at a speed hitherto un-

dreamed of. Arriving there withoutany intimation as to what a slidingrailwav might be, I at first mistook itfor an overgrown switchback, withthe humps smoothed away.

The train consisted of four carriagesaffording room for about a hundredpassengers. The carriages had nowheels, being supported at the cornersby blocks of iron of a size somewhatlarger than a brick, which rested upona double line of iron girders. In themiddle of the line at regular intervalsjutted out irregularly shaped pillars,the use of which was not yet appar-ent. Having taken our seats and thesignal being given, we glided alonggently for the space of a few yards,when suddenly we gathered speed;two or three tugs were felt and wewere flying on at a pace of an ordinarytrain, but as smoothly as a boat on ariver. There was a clicking noise onthe rails, but this, I was assured, wasdue to a defect in the constructionof the slides, and would be remedied.The absence of any vibration, shakingor "tail motion" was wonderful. Aslight jerk there was at regular inter-vals; but then, again, I was told thatit was due merely to the shortness ofthe course and the inability to get upa proper pace. In a hydraulic traintraveling at full speed, that is to sayat the rate of 140 to 200 kilometers, or87 to 124 miles an hour, there wouldbe almost no consciousness of motion.The journey down the length of theEsplanade only occupied a few sec-onds.

Upon our safe return Mr. Pilter,chairman of the company which ownsthe invention, gave a full account ofit The sliding railway was inventedin 1SG by an engineer named Girard,who was killed in the Franco-Germa-n

war, and it has been improved to itspresent state by one of his assistantengineers, M. Barre.

As has already been mentioned, thehydraulic carriages have no wheels,these being replaced by hollow slides

. fitting upon a flat and wide rail, andgrooved on the inner surface. Whenit is desired to get the carriage in mo-tion water is forced into the slide orskate of the carriage from a reservoirby compressed air, and seeking to es-

cape, it spreads over the under sur-face of the slide, which it raises forabout a nail's thickness above the rail.The slides thus resting, not on therails, but on a film of water, are in aperfectly mobile condition; in fact,the pressure of the forefinger is suffi-cient to displace a carriage thus sup-ported. The propelling force is sup-plied by the pillars, which stand at reg-ular intervals on the line between therails. Running underneath everycarriage is an iron rack, about sixinches wide, fitted with paddles.

Now as the foremost carriage passesin front of the pillar a tap on the lat-ter is opened automatically, and astream of water at high pressure is di-rected on the paddles. This drivesthe train on, and by the time, the lastcarriage has gone past the tap (whichthen closes) the foremost one is in frontof the ceit tap, the water's action thusoeing continuous. The force develop-ed is almost incredible. There issome splashing on the rails at thestart; but this diminishes the fasterthe train goes. To stop the train thesmall stream of water that feeds theslides is turned off, and, the lattercoming in contact with the rails, theresulting friction stops the carriage almost instantaneously.

A water train running at over 100miles an hour could, I was told, bepulled up within thirty yards, couldclimb up gradients of sixteen inches inthe yard, descend them with equalsafety, and run on curves of forty-fou- r

yards radius. This system wouldseem peculiarly adapted for elevatedrailways in cities, being light, noise-less, smooth, without smoke, fast andthoroughly under command. Thedanger of running off the rails is re-duced to a minimum, the center ofgravity of the carriages being scarce-ly more than a couple of feet fromthe rails. The cost of a metropolitansystem would only be a third of one onthe old plan, while in the open coun-try its cost would be somewhat higherthan the ordinary railway; but M.Barre tells me the expense would be inFrance an average of 8,000 a mile.Where no natural water supply isavailable, a propelling machine evervtwelve miles or so would be sufficientto keep the trains going at full speed.me consumption oi coal per passen-ger would be one-tent- h only of theusual quantity.

The importance of this mav be realized by considering the statement thatthe Paris-Lyon- s company alone hasan annual coal bill of two millionssterling. Nevertheless, it would berash to predict the general introductionof the water system on railways. Oneobjection, tor instance, that occurs tome is its apparent unsuitabilitv foigoods traffic. M. Persil, the managerof Uie "Uhemins de Fer Ghssants " be-lieves it will all but do away with theJcomotive engine. With respect toAn iana, he believes that the disadvanuige of the present slow method ofcrossing the channel will become soapparent that all opposition to the tunnel will vanish. "I am ready," hesaia, witn entnusiasm, "to wager anysum that when the tunnel is made andour system has a trial people will gojruiu ijouuod to fans in two Hours. "London Daily News.

A. Desirable Quanncation.Commanding Officer So you want

to marry Private Malone's widow? Sheis old enough to be your mother!Surely, a smart young fellow like youcould find a nice young girl whowould take you ?

Private T. Atkins Young girls is"well enough, sir; but I likes my dinner'ot, and inoticed Private Malone al-ways had 'is dinner 'ot, so I 'opesvou'll give me leave, sir." Punch.

One of the social lines that peoplewill persist in drawing cuts foreverasunder a man who will carry a bun- - 4die done up in a newspaper and theman who will not carry it unless it is"wrapped in manilia brown. Somer-vill- e


A NEW LINE OF GOODSArtists" Materials, Art Goods,

. Paintings, Pictures, Picture Mouldings,All of which were personally selected and are of newest patterns.

Guns, Pistols,Ammunition, Etc.

A full Assnit. ofBaseball, Lawn Tennis & Cricket Goods.

SOLE AGENTS FOR THEWhite & New Home Sewing Machines

andNew National and Peerless Machines.

Also, all kinds of Material for Fancy Work.Embroidery and Stamping Orders rilled atshort notice.

Having procured a workman, we arenow prepared to do all Jobs in the repairline and warrant satisfaction.

41-3- m 79 FORT ST., Honolulu.



from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allum- -

inum and rubber Dases.Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Flate. ah oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

gW Hotel street, Tregloan premises.55-l- y

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


Assets 9 40,000,000Net Income 9,079,000Claims Paid 112.569,000

Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellingsand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop Sd Co.118S-6- m m


Open Day and ISTignt

BILL OF FARE:Tea, Coffee or Chocolate with

Ham and Eggs 25 centsEggs to order 25 "Porterhouse Steak 25 "Mutton Chops 25 "Pork Chops 25 "Hamburg Steak 25 "Steak and Eggs 35 "Steak and Chops 35 "Fish 25 "Tea, Coffee & Chocolate.with Bread

and Butter or Cakes 10 "Mush and Milk 10

fSTFresh Wild Game to order everyTuesday, Thursday and Saturday .

PP,Extra dishes cooked to order.

Dinner from 11 a. m. to 2 p. in.Dishes cooked to order up to 8 :30 p m.

19-- tf


J. E. GOMES,(Formerly of Gomes fc Wichman.)

No 135 Fort Street,

Manufacturing -:- - Jeweler,Island orders promptly attended to. P.

O. Box No. 488, Honolulu. 48-3- m


W lowest prices, all my Goods andr lxtures, such as

Clocks, Watches,Guitars, Banjoes,

Violins, Curios, Etc.If I can not sell them before December

1, 1889, they will be sold at auction.7-l- m A. KRAFT.


108 Nuuanu Street,(Opp. Queen Emma Hall,)

Have Just ReceivedPer Late Arrivals from Japan and

China, a Fine Assmt. of

Christmas & Holiday Goods

SILKS in assorted colors;

Chinese Porcelain Dinner and Tea Sets,

JAPANESE CABINETS!Trays, Screens, Tortoise Shell

Glove and Handkerchief Boxes

Tortoise Shell Tea Tables,Card Receivers, Paper Cutters,Salad Forks and Spoons,Bronze Inkstands,




Mosquito TJrnsETC., ETC., ETC.

101-l- m

GOO KIM,Merchant Tailor,

HAS on hand;Cashmere, Diagonals, Tweeds and

Serges, Etc.

JDF"A perfect fit guaranteed.



THE- -


Former Price. All Goods will be marked

the many Bargains that we will offer :

its branches a specialty.

in all Lines Just Received.


Sale of

THE YEAR 1888,

Every Coast Steamer.-tf

RUBBER HOSE!Having been appointed AGENTS of some of the largest factories in the

East, we are prepared to supply all grades and sizes of Hose upon unusuallyfavorable terms.


A Full Assortment Just to


Originated in Honolulu by us have beenreduced 25 per cent, in price.


In Quantities to Suit.


Hand ex Stmr Australia.

o- -

Malt, Etc




-- A Large Stock of Goods

Electric Light Chandeliers and FixturesLATEST PATTERNS, JUST RECEIVED FROM THE

MANUFACTURERS DIRECT.1290 lltff Depot for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.


CRITERION SALOON, FORT ST. ExtractHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands,


For the 109 Fort St.,148

-:- - JOHN WIELAND'S -:- -



Printing Establishment:o:- - 46 Merchant St.,

SOLD DURING Plain and Fancy Printing122,173 BARRELS! OF EVERY KIND



Fall Importations by2 H. M. WHITNEY, Business Manager,