business edition - rodan · mary ann even enrolled. she encourages new independent business owners...

World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv ® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields are about to change the face of skincare … again. The Rodan + Fields ® Business System is a ground floor business model with products and programs that can change your life and the lives of those around you. We are so proud to highlight the success of our top leaders. These Consultants have worked hard to grow their businesses, demonstrating true leadership and dedication along the way as they promoted to the title of Level V Executive Consultant in five months or less. Read on for the compelling stories of: RODAN + FIELDS ® BUSINESS EDITION Spring 2011 • Mary Ann Benedetti • Kathy Chavers • Marissa McDonough • Kathy Oliveri • Bridget Russell • Stacey Roney Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us for this edition of Spotlight on Success. Stay tuned for our next edition for a look at other top leaders at Rodan + Fields. And remember, you could be next. Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of Rodan + Fields Consultants. Rodan + Fields makes no guarantee that Consultants participating in the Rodan + Fields program will generate any income. Earnings depend on a number of factors, including the area in which you live and your individual effort. The results depicted in the testimonials above substantially exceed the results realized by all Rodan + Fields Consultants. The average annualized income for all Paid R+F Consultants in the 1st Quarter of 2010 was $1,077.

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Page 1: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five

World-renowned dermatologists and creators of the acne treatment Proactiv® Solution, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields are about to change the face of skincare … again. The Rodan + Fields® Business System is a ground floor business model with products and programs that can change your life and the lives of those around you.

We are so proud to highlight the success of our top leaders. These Consultants have worked hard to grow their businesses, demonstrating true leadership and dedication along the way as they promoted to the title of Level V Executive Consultant in five months or less. Read on for the compelling stories of:



• Mary Ann Benedetti• Kathy Chavers• Marissa McDonough• Kathy Oliveri• Bridget Russell• Stacey Roney

Thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us for this edition of Spotlight on Success. Stay tuned for our next edition for a look at other top leaders at Rodan + Fields. And remember, you could be next.

Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of Rodan + Fields Consultants. Rodan + Fields makes no guarantee that Consultants

participating in the Rodan + Fields program will generate any income. Earnings depend on a number of factors, including the area in which

you live and your individual effort. The results depicted in the testimonials above substantially exceed the results realized by all Rodan +

Fields Consultants. The average annualized income for all Paid R+F Consultants in the 1st Quarter of 2010 was $1,077.

Page 2: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five

MARY ANN BENEDETTILevel V Executive Consultant from Danville, California

Mary Ann Benedetti’s “Why” is the Power Behind Her Success For most successful Rodan + Fields® Consultants, their “why” is the beacon that continues to shine day after day and guides them on their path to fulfilling their goals. Determining this why can be incredibly powerful—a fact easily proven by Level V Executive Consultant Mary Ann Benedetti from Danville, California. “I did not even think seriously about this business until my cousin said, ‘you need to think about why you want to make a lot of money,’” says Mary Ann.

Mary Ann quickly determined her “why” and it has fueled her amazing journey as a Rodan + Fields Consultant ever since—she reached Level V in less than three months. “It is so strong it makes me continue on,” she says. Her goal is to retire her husband Steve, who currently gets up at 3 a.m. every morning to work a physically demanding job. “My husband has been the greatest blessing in my life for 27 years,” explains Mary Ann.

Mary Ann is building her Rodan + Fields business alongside her full-time job as a group leader and spokeswoman for Weight Watchers—a job she absolutely loves. When Mary Ann enrolled as a Consultant, she was working 60 hours a week launching a new program for Weight Watchers. Aware of her busy schedule, her cousin and Sponsor, Rita Piziali, was Mary Ann’s cheerleader for her first 30 to 60 days in the business and was there to help her with her first BBLs. “I feel the BBLs are what really turned on my success at the beginning,” says Mary Ann. She also listened to the Master Mind call every Sunday night. “It was my motivation. It gave me so much information.” Today, in addition to helping team members with their own BBLs, Mary Ann also hosts four skincare shows in her home every month—presentations designed to showcase the products but which also attract new Consultants.

Working With Her Dream TeamMary Ann is especially grateful she was asked to be part of the California Steering Committee, designed to help grow the company in Northern California. Here she gets together with other Consultants every week at the local country club for business presentations that are open to everyone. “Being so new, I learned so much from these incredible women,” she says.

Today Mary Ann has enrolled over 25 Consultants and has over 60 Preferred Customers. She loves the fact she and Steve are working with their “dream team”—people that were on a list of 20 potential Consultants the Benedettis created before Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five years to the business and your goals.

She has also learned to love the network marketing philosophy: You become successful only if you help others. It’s a mindset that Mary Ann thinks about often. “If the world were a little more like Rodan + Fields, what a fabulous world this would be,” she says.

“If the world were

more like

Rodan + Fields, what

a fabulous world this

would be.”

Page 3: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five

KATHY CHAVERSLevel V Executive Consultant from Mobile, Alabama

Kathy Chavers Asked for Something Different—and She Got It!Level V Executive Consultant Kathy Chavers from Mobile, Alabama knows how to run a race—a frequent marathon and half-marathon competitor, she understands what it means to keep a steady pace and her mind focused on her goal. So perhaps it is not surprising she would reach Level V in less than three months. However, she would tell you divine intervention may have played a role in getting her involved in the first place.

Kathy was already using Rodan + Fields® products and impressed with the results when a series of events convinced her that the opportunity might be equally as impressive. It started on a beautiful Sunday morning as she and her husband were outside reading the paper—Ashley McCormick, her friend and Sponsor, called on her way home from the convention in New Orleans to say she wanted to talk to Kathy about the business. At that moment, Kathy was reading an article about direct sales and Rodan + Fields was one of the companies featured. Kathy agreed to meet with Ashley and her upline Consultant, Iz Head, to discuss it.

The following day Kathy had lunch with some friends, explained her upcoming meeting, and asked them what they thought. When one of her friends commented about the success she knew Ashley and Iz were having, Kathy felt she had truly been steered toward Rodan + Fields. “I’m the mother of a six-year-old boy and the demands of my job really took away from the things I needed to do with him,” she says. “My stress level was huge. I’d been praying for something different to do.” I Can Do This BigKathy thought about the business for four weeks, intending to continue her successful broadcast sales job for the local CBS affiliate. Every morning she woke up thinking about Rodan + Fields, and finally said to her husband, “I can do this. I think I can do this big.”

Once she started sharing the products and opportunity with her friends, she realized it was a natural fit for her. Even though she built a successful career in sales, she never feels as if she is selling. That’s because her story comes from the heart and she totally believes in the products, a belief system that quickly proved her comment, “I think I can do this big,” very true. In January she quit her full-time job at the TV station to focus all of her efforts on Rodan + Fields. She said her friends felt if she was willing to give up a six-figure income, this must be worth considering. “I just invited them, and said ‘I’m going for a ride and I want to take you all with me,’” says Kathy.

The 90 Day Plan and the Goal Board were very helpful to Kathy in building her business so quickly, and she feels “staying true” to the guidelines is critical. She makes a point to dig deep to help each of her team members set their goals, and stays in touch with them to remind them of those goals and how they can reach them.

“If you’re thinking about doing it, then absolutely don’t think any longer,” she says to anyone considering becoming a Consultant. “I waited four weeks too long!”

“If you’re thinking

about doing it, then

absolutely don’t think

any longer.”

Page 4: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five

MARISSA MCDONOUGHLevel V Executive Consultant from Bozeman, Montana

Marissa McDonough is Demonstrating How to Leverage a BrandLevel V Executive Consultant Marissa McDonough from Bozeman, Montana is one of those dynamic people every independent business owner dreams of having on her team. A young entrepreneur, she wasted no time last June contacting her friend and Rodan + Fields® Consultant, Stephani Byrd, when she wanted to know more about Rodan + Fields.

Marissa had heard the “buzz” about Rodan + Fields and she was looking for a way to model her career around her two children who are just one and three years old. “I don’t think there’s any better or bigger ‘why’ than being able to have a very successful career but not at the expense of your family,” she says.

As a real estate broker in Bozeman with her own firm, Marissa was well acquainted with being her own boss. However, the Rodan + Fields business model offered an extra incentive to the idea of independent business ownership. She could leverage the company’s already established powerful brand and solid infrastructure to create her own business without investing the start-up costs or amount of hours it takes to start a typical business.

Timing was also important to her, because she realized she could be first to open several markets across the United States but “still be able to live in the most beautiful place in America.” She created a strategic plan for building her business by looking at regions throughout the country where people had not yet built large organizations. “I started leveraging my network in those areas,” she says. Marissa maintains constant communication with her team members wherever they are, and when she can’t travel to an event she uses Skype to make sure she is involved.

It’s All About Trust“The 90 Day Action Plan that corporate has created for us is a huge tool for me,” she says, adding that she helps her new team members review their plans every 30 days to make sure they’re on track, with a goal of having them profitable within 30-60 days. “By using the Fast Start Program, it makes that very doable,” she adds. The Pattern to Prosperity is another valuable aid. “There is no better worksheet to show people how simple this is and that it’s truly just a duplication model.”

For Marissa, the business is all about trust—trust in the products, in the business model and in the Doctors. She feels weekly meetings are a must and that Consultants must be willing to talk to people. She believes everyone is one of three possibilities: a business partner, a Preferred Customer or a referral source.

Marissa qualified as a Level V in November after just five months working the business. And she’s certainly not stopping there—she plans to keep advancing in rank. Her 30th birthday is June 1, and she has the perfect present in mind: “There’s no better birthday celebration than getting a Lexus.”

“The 90 Day Action

Plan that corporate

has created for us is a

huge tool for me.”

Page 5: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five

KATHY OLIVERILevel V Executive Consultant from Northport, New York

Kathy Oliveri Wanted the Flawless Skin Rodan + Fields Could Give HerGlowing, makeup-free skin is the reason Level V Executive Consultant Kathy Oliveri from Long Island was attracted to Rodan + Fields®. A self-confessed “maniac” about skincare, Kathy paid attention when her cousin Theresa Del Prete told her about the Rodan + Fields Consultants she had met—all with flawless skin.

Initially her husband didn’t want her spending money on another skincare product. Then he did some investigating on his own. He saw the benefits and suggested Kathy not only use the products but sign up to do the business as well. “I said, ‘Let’s get signed up and get going,’” says Kathy. On December 17, 2010 she enrolled under Theresa and by January 31 she was Level V—a remarkable accomplishment for someone already working a full-time job and preparing for the birth of her first baby in March.

Little Nicco can take credit for being his mother’s “why.” Kathy knew she wanted the freedom to be with her family and “to do what I want, when I want to do it.” She had no trouble keeping her “why” in sight as she launched her business—all she had to do was look down at her belly.

Write Your Own ContractKathy believes she reached Level V so quickly because she was willing to put in the time and effort it required, and if she assigned herself a task on the calendar, she made sure she got it done. “You are your biggest asset,” she says. “You have to train yourself to stay positive and motivated. Put your goals down on paper—it’s your own contract with yourself.”

Although Kathy did have a BBL in January, she primarily worked her business on an individual basis. When she does one-on-one presentations, she always asks the person she’s meeting to bring others. Why? Because if the person you initially approached isn’t interested in the business, her friends might be, or they may want to be Preferred Customers.

Kathy’s priority is her team, and she continually works to help them add new independent business owners. That includes helping them to make use of the 90 Day Plan, and encouraging them to look at the big picture first (what do you want?). Then it’s a matter of working backward to determine what you have to do to reach that goal—and doing it! She also emphasizes the need to have a great support system, whether it is your spouse, friends or Sponsor, and to ask when you need help. If the person you ask doesn’t have the answer, find someone who can help you. “You need to be the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.”

Now, about that flawless skin that attracted Kathy to Rodan + Fields in the first place—Kathy says after four or five days of using Anti-Age she stopped wearing foundation. People told her she had a pregnancy glow, but she knows differently. “There were many, many sleepless nights toward the end of the pregnancy,” she says. “It was no pregnancy glow; it was all Rodan + Fields.”

“It was no pregnancy

glow; it was all Rodan

+ Fields.”

Page 6: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five

BRIDGET RUSSELLLevel V Executive Consultant from Bogalusa, Louisiana

Bridget Russell Decided It Was Time to Make Some ChangesBridget Russell’s Louisiana drawl may be pure southern comfort but there is no mistaking the savvy businesswoman driving her rapid rise to Level V Executive Consultant.

Bridget’s path to success as a Rodan + Fields® independent business owner was spurred by her close friendship with Level V Executive Consultant Kim Krause—Bridget and Kim grew up together in Bogalusa, Louisiana where Bridget still lives. When Kim began to make frequent trips to her hometown to be with her seriously ill mother, Bridget saw how Rodan + Fields was changing Kim’s life. “I could see Kim’s success—that was undeniable,” says Bridget.

However, it was Bridget’s “why” that really convinced her to join Kim’s team: The Russells’ 17-year-old son has a serious heart condition that will likely require future treatments—and considerable medical expenses. “Rodan + Fields will be my vehicle to help provide [financial help for him] down the line,” explains Bridget.

Bridget also has another “why”—as a third generation jeweler (she and her sister operate the family’s Gayles Jewelers in Bogalusa), she understands the uncertainties and limits that can be placed on retail businesses. “I decided to do something different—to make some changes,” she says, so she is now working her Rodan + Fields business alongside running the jewelry store.

Leave the Aging to Wine and CheeseAnd oh the changes she has made. In three months she rose to Level V and it all started with her BBL. At this event, held two weeks after she signed up, Bridget enrolled eight Preferred Customers and three Consultants. Kim told Bridget her job was “to get people there.” Bridget mailed out invitations and either texted, called or contacted everyone by Facebook as a follow-up. The result? Thirty-five in attendance. Bridget said she simply asked people to come and support her “and that really worked.” She and Kim also came up with a killer theme: “Leave the Aging to Wine and Cheese” and of course served both, which helped convince Bridget’s friends they would have fun.

Bridget believes her fresh out-of-the box success can be attributed to the excitement and enthusiasm she and Kim demonstrated that night, and the trust people have in her as a friend and businesswoman. Because Bogalusa is so small, Bridget has only held one other business presentation, but as she talks to people she assures them “what I don’t know we will figure out together.”

Today Bridget has personally enrolled eight Consultants, and her team even includes the former manager of a major pop star. She believes the Fast Start Program was instrumental in helping her recoup her money and start earning a profit soon after enrolling as a Consultant. She also thinks that people are impressed when they see how quickly she’s been able to get her Rodan + Fields business up and running—a real incentive for them to get involved. And her goal for the next three months? “I would just really love to see some of the women under me become Level V.”

The Fast Start

Program was

instrumental in

helping her recoup

her investment and

start earning a profit

soon after enrolling as

a Consultant.

Page 7: BUSINESS EDITION - Rodan · Mary Ann even enrolled. She encourages new independent business owners to use the 90 Day Plan and to realize you must be willing to commit two to five

STACEY RONEYLevel V Executive Consultant from Chicago, Illinois

For Stacey Roney the Question Was Simple: “Why Not Me?” It took Level V Executive Consultant Stacey Roney from Chicago, Illinois 15 minutes to grasp the concept—and potential—of the Rodan + Fields® opportunity. The ironic component of the situation? Neither Stacey nor her Sponsor, Rose Gallo-Rojas, had planned for Stacey to become a Consultant.

And that, in a nutshell, demonstrates the beauty of Rodan + Fields—the power of leverage offered by its business model, its brand credibility thanks to Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, and its proven product line backed by clinical studies.

When Stacey met with Rose last September it was only to provide her friend with referrals since Rose knew Stacey was already putting in about 60 hours a week with her other three beauty-related businesses, plus she is the mother of three toddlers under the age of 4. But when Stacey heard what Rodan +Fields offered, her response was, “Why not me?”

Why not me indeed—today Stacey is on a fast track to make her Rodan + Fields business her sole venture since she believes it is the only company that can address five issues everybody shares: skin, a desire to look younger, a wish to spend more time with friends and family, financial freedom, and providing their family with ongoing security after they’re gone.

The Power of Conference CallsStacey says she went on vacation the day after signing up, but took with her a copy of Jordan Adler’s Beach Money, a book about direct selling that Rose had given her. She read it while on vacation and returned ready to build big. “I was so excited, I launched my business literally that day,” she says. “The thing that really helped me jump-start my business was the Fast Start Program,” she adds, since it helped Stacey recoup her start-up cost soon after enrolling as a Consultant.

Because she was new to the business, Stacey set up conference calls with Rose and potential recruits, and the first week “I had call after call after call,” she says. The first month Stacey also held a BBL, which 25 guests attended, and followed up with a second BBL the second month. In the first two months Stacey signed up 18 Consultants as a result of her efforts and qualified as Level V in just four months.

For Stacey, key to building a successful business is looking for those who are already busy and successful; she has found that the people who are the busiest are the most successful because “they are motivated and they don’t want to fail.” She always leads with the business and says 99 percent of those who have joined her team enroll because they understand the potential and know the Doctors’ reputation.

Today Stacey and her team hold a monthly group BBL in Chicago where everyone can bring guests, and she’s found that Thursday evenings are the most successful. She encourages everyone on her team to hold BBLs their first and second months, and also stresses that “in this business, people skills are more important than sales skills.” Her goal is to earn new titles and the rewards that come with them, walk across the convention stage as one of the top recruiters, and most of all—help her team learn to duplicate and enjoy the success they envision.

She has found that

the people who are

the busiest are the

most successful be-

cause “they are moti-

vated and they don’t

want to fail.”