bulgarian horizons newspaper pg06 10 2009

 Œ¡Ÿ—“¬Œ 6 ¡˙΄‡ÒÍË ıÓËÁÓÌÚË 18 Ï‡È 2009 „.  à÷åñòâåíà  äèàãíîñòèêà  à÷åñòâåí  è áúðç ðåìîíò íà âñè÷êè âèäîâå ëåêè àâòîìîáèëè SUV è âàíîâå â óäîáíî çà  êëèåíòà âðåìå âêë. ñúáîòà è íåäåëÿ Òîðîíòî è GTA «‡ Ôӂ˜ ËÌÙÓχˆËˇ Ò ӷ‡‰ÂÚÂ Ë ÓÒÚ‡‚ÂÚ Ò˙Ó·˘ÂÌË ÚÂÎ. 905-794-1628  ¿Î ÂÍ Ò ÊÓ ‡ÎË̇ ÂÓ„Ë‚‡ ‡ÎË̇ ÂÓ„Ë‚‡ LOKAL Swine Flu Spreads to Toronto Hospitals Staff at the University Health Network are being urged to be extra vigilant about infection control after three more employees tested positive for swine flu. Health network spokesperson Gillian Howard confirmed last week that there are now four workers who have test- ed positive for the H1N1 virus, including one case reported earlier. One of the employees has had patient contact. Three of the infect- ed staffers work at Princess Margaret Hospital, which specializes in cancer care. In Bulgaria, the Bulgarian gov- ernment has granted 1 890 000 euro with which 100 000 dozes of anti-flu medicines and five cameras for temper- ature scanning at the air- ports to be bought. CANADA  RCMP Apologizes for Taser Death The RCMP's second-in- command has issued an out- right apology for the death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. "We are very sorry for Mr. Dziekanski's death and we are committed to learning as much as possi- ble from this terrible event," Deputy Commissioner William Sweeney told a Senate committee last week. Dziekanski died moments after he was jolted five times with a Taser during a con- frontation with four Mounties at Vancouver's air- port in October 2007. In another incident, the RCMP have been accused of pro- viding false information leading to the imprisonment of a former Canadian mil- lionaire businessman, Michael Kapoustin, in Bulgaria since 1996. Transactions with Schreiber unusual, not sin- ister: Mulroney Former prime minister Brian Mulroney said there was nothing "sinister" about meeting with German- Canadian businessman Karlheinz Schreiber in hotel rooms and accepting large cash payments. For the sec- ond day, lead inquiry coun- sel Richard Wolson ques- tioned Mulroney, asking him about his meetings with Schreiber. The Oliphant inquiry is looking into the three cash payments Mulroney received from Schreiber at three hotels from 1993 to 1994. "There was no sinister intention or knowledge or any such thing." Schreiber has said he paid Mulroney $300,000 to lobby domestically on behalf of a plan to a establish a light armoured vehicle plant in Canada, which has become known as the Bear Head project. Mulroney has said he was paid $225,000 in three instalments and that the money was payment for his efforts to promote the vehicles internationally on behalf of the German com- pany Thyssen. He has denied it was for any domes- tic lobby work, which would have violated domestic lob- bying rules. In Bulgaria, there have been several inci- dents of high-ranking gov- ernment officials being accused of corruption, but none of them has reached the courts. Tamil-Canadian protesters  gather at U.S. Consulate in Toronto  A crowd of Tamil- Canadians has gathered Friday in front of the U.S. Consulate in downtown Toronto to protest the bloody civil war in Sri Lanka. It's the latest in a series of demonstrations by the Tamil community, which is hoping to pressure Ottawa into imposing political sanc- tions against Sri Lanka. Previous Sunday, thousands of Tamil protesters blocked the Gardiner Expressway, a busy Toronto highway, for downtown, again snarling traffic, after staging a peace- ful demonstration at the Ontario legislature. WORLD  New US Commander of  Afghan War Appointed U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates fired the com- mander of the Afghanistan war on May 11, saying the Obama administration need- ed "fresh thinking" to turn around the war against a resurgent Taliban. Defence officials said Gen. David McKiernan was removed after less than a year on the  job because of what they described as a conventional approach to what has become one of the most complicated military chal- lenges in American history. The new commander will be Lt.-Gen. Stanley McChrystal, also an army officer but with experience as a leader of special forces, having recently commanded all special operations in Iraq. Bulgaria has 500 soldiers in  Afghanistan and will be sending a training and com- munications team as part of the NATO forces in the region.  Pope Prays for Peace in the Middle East Pope Benedict XVI placed a handwritten appeal for peace into a crack of Middle East. The Pope stood before the contentious religious site and said a prayer in Latin before plac- ing the note, which, accord- ing to the Vatican, read: "Send your peace upon this Holy Land, upon the Middle East, upon the entire human family." The Vatican has billed the Pope's visit as a pilgrimage of peace, but it is also widely viewed as an attempt to improve strained ties between the Roman Catholic Church and the Jewish state. His visit has generated controversy, par- ticularly among Jews who were angered earlier this year after he revoked the excommunication of an ultra-conservative bishop who had denied the Holocaust. The Pope has not visited Bulgaria yet.  Nearly $1B pledged f or Toronto LRT, but nothing  yet for streetcars The federal and provincial governments have commit- ted nearly $1 billion for Toronto's new light rail rapid transit line - but a big ques- tion mark remains over how the city will pay for a new fleet of streetcars. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty made the joint announcement on LRT funding Friday, standing in a Toronto Transit $950 million - two-thirds from Ontario and one-third from Ottawa - to build the LRT. The LRT line will run along Sheppard Avenue in the city's north end. Construction will begin in July. But still unsettled is how the city will buy a new fleet of streetcars for the existing system. In the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, recently was officially opened another link in the long awaited subway system SPORTS Toronto Raptors Sign Triano as Head Coach Jay Triano will be back as head coach of the Toronto Raptors next season. The Canadian signed a three- year deal with the Raptors on May 11, putting an end to his status as interim head coach. Financial terms of the deal weren't disclosed, as per team policy. A native of Niagara Falls, Ont., Triano has been leading the Raptors since Sam Mitchell was dismissed on Dec. 3 and he was promoted from his role as assistant. Triano was assistant coach with Toronto for seven seasons, from 2002 to 2008. Triano, 50, finished the season with a 25-40 record. He led the Raptors to a 9-4 record in their last 13 games, though Toronto didn't come close to making the playoffs. The ¬.ì¡˙΄‡ÒÍË ıÓËÁÓÌÚËî Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ˇ ͇ÚÍË ÌÓ‚Ë- News in brief:  Local Canada World Sports Local Canada World Sports Local 416- 510-0015 49 The Donway W, Don Mills œ˙ÚÛ‚‡Ú ÓÚÌÓ‚Ó Í˙Ï Ó‰ÌËÚ ÏÂÒÚ‡? Ó‚ÓÂÚÂ Ò ƒ»Ã»“–»œŒ¬¿ Travel Life Á‡ ‚Ò˘ÍÓ, Ò‚˙Á‡ÌÓ Ò Ô˙ÚÛ‚‡ÌÂÚÓ  Your is where your is I would LOVE to point the way D  ANIELA HRISTOVA B.ARCH. Sales Representative Bus. 416-245-9933 Cell 416-302-0096  dhristova@symp atico.ca 1500 Royal York Rd Toronto ON, M9P 3B6 » Á‡ ‰‡ Ì ËÏ Â ìÒÍÛ˜- ÌÓî, ÚÂÁË ‰ÌË Ò‡ ËÏ ÔÓÚ‚˙‰ËÎË, ˜Â Á‡ ‚ÚÓË ÔÓ‰ÂÌ Ô˙Ú Ì‡ Úˇı̇ڇ Team Academy ‚˙Á·„‡Ú ‰‡ Ó„‡ÌËÁˇ Ӣ ‰ÌÓ ÏÂÓÔˡÚËÂ. Race for Shelter e Á‡ Real Estate Ë Ë̉ÛÒÚˇÎÌË ÙËÏË Ë Ó˘Â Ô˙‚ˡ Ô˙Ú Â ·Ë· ÌÓÏËÌˇ̇ Á‡ „Ӊ˯̇- Ú‡ ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ “˙„Ó‚Ò͇- Ú‡ ͇χ‡ ̇ ¡ËÚ‡ÌÒ͇ ÓÎÛÏ·Ëˇ Spirit of Vancouver. —˙Ò Ò˙‰ÂÈ- ÒÚ‚ËÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÚÂıÌËÚ ԇÚ- ̸ÓË ÓÚ Sauder School of Business Í˙Ï ”ÌË‚ÂÒË- ÚÂÚ‡ ̇ ¡ËÚ‡ÌÒ͇ Ó- ÎÛÏ·Ëˇ Ú ËÒÍ‡Ú ‰‡ Ò˙·Â- ‡Ú 100 ıËΡ‰Ë ‰Ó·‡ Á‡ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇÚ‡, ÍÓˇÚÓ Ò ËÊË Á‡ ·ÂÁ‰ÓÏÌËÚ ‚˙¬‡ÌÍÛ‚˙ - Union Gospel Mission. –‡·ÓÚ‡Ú‡ Ì ËÁËÒÍ‚‡ „ÓÎˇÏ ÂÍËÔ ÔË Ô·Ìˇ- ÌÂÚÓ, ‡ ÔË ÔÓ‚Âʉ‡ÌÂ- ÚÓ «‰‡‚͇ Ë —‚ÂÚÎËÌ ‡Á˜ËÚ‡Ú Ì‡ ‰Ó·Ó‚ÓΈË. ì“ ҇ Ô‰ËÏÌÓ ·˙΄‡- Ë, ͇Á‚‡ «‰‡‚͇, Á̇ˇÚ ÒË ‡·ÓÚ‡Ú‡ Ë ‡Á Ò‡ÏÓ ËÏ Ò ӷ‡Ê‰‡Ï ‰‡ „Ë ÔÓ‚Ë- ͇Ï. œÓÎÁ‚‡ÏÂ Ë ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌ- ÚË, ÍÓËÚÓ Ë‰‚‡Ú ‚ Ò‚Ó·Ó‰- ÌÓÚÓ ÒË ‚ÂÏ ‰‡ ÔÓχ- „‡Ú.î ¬ ¡ËÚ‡ÌÒ͇ ÓÎÛÏ·Ëˇ ‡Á˜ËÚ‡Ú Ì‡ ·˙΄‡Ë ‰‡ „Ë Ì‡Û˜‡Ú Í‡Í ‰‡ Ò ÓËÂÌÚË‡Ú Ó ˇ  Ô˂ΡÍÎÓ «‰‡‚͇ Í˙Ï ÓËÂÌÚˇ- ÌÂÚÓ? ¬ –‡ÁÎÓ„, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ Â Û˜Ë· ÔÂ‰Ë ‰‡ ÓÚˉ ‚ ÇÚÂχÚ˘ÂÒ͇ڇ „ËÏ- ̇Áˡ ‚ ¡Î‡„Ó‚„‡‰, Úˇ  ˄‡Â· ‚ÓÎÂÈ·ÓÎ Ë ı‡- ÂÒ‚‡ ÚÓÁË ÒÔÓÚ Ë Ò„‡. 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Bulgarian Horizons Newspaper about Team Academy, Svetlin Ranguelov and Jackie Slavenova


  • 6 18 2009 .

    , SUV , .


    . 905-794-1628

    LOKALSwine Flu Spreads to

    Toronto Hospitals Staff at the UniversityHealth Network are beingurged to be extra vigilantabout infection control afterthree more employees testedpositive for swine flu. Healthnetwork spokespersonGillian Howard confirmedlast week that there are nowfour workers who have test-ed positive for the H1N1virus, including one casereported earlier. One of theemployees has had patientcontact. Three of the infect-ed staffers work at PrincessMargaret Hospital, whichspecializes in cancer care. InBulgaria, the Bulgarian gov-ernment has granted 1 890000 euro with which 100 000dozes of anti-flu medicinesand five cameras for temper-ature scanning at the air-ports to be bought.CANADA

    RCMP Apologizes forTaser Death

    The RCMP's second-in-command has issued an out-right apology for the deathof Polish immigrant RobertDziekanski. "We are verysorry for Mr. Dziekanski'sdeath and we are committedto learning as much as possi-ble from this terrible event,"

    Deputy CommissionerWilliam Sweeney told aSenate committee last week.Dziekanski died momentsafter he was jolted five timeswith a Taser during a con-frontation with fourMounties at Vancouver's air-port in October 2007. Inanother incident, the RCMPhave been accused of pro-viding false informationleading to the imprisonmentof a former Canadian mil-lionaire businessman,Michael Kapoustin, inBulgaria since 1996.

    Transactions withSchreiber unusual, not sin-

    ister: Mulroney Former prime ministerBrian Mulroney said therewas nothing "sinister" aboutmeeting with German-Canadian businessmanKarlheinz Schreiber in hotelrooms and accepting largecash payments. For the sec-ond day, lead inquiry coun-sel Richard Wolson ques-tioned Mulroney, asking himabout his meetings withSchreiber. The Oliphantinquiry is looking into thethree cash paymentsMulroney received fromSchreiber at three hotelsfrom 1993 to 1994. "Therewas no sinister intention orknowledge or any suchthing." Schreiber has said he

    paid Mulroney $300,000 tolobby domestically on behalfof a plan to a establish alight armoured vehicle plantin Canada, which hasbecome known as the BearHead project. Mulroney hassaid he was paid $225,000 inthree instalments and thatthe money was payment forhis efforts to promote thevehicles internationally onbehalf of the German com-pany Thyssen. He hasdenied it was for any domes-tic lobby work, which wouldhave violated domestic lob-bying rules. In Bulgaria,there have been several inci-dents of high-ranking gov-ernment officials beingaccused of corruption, butnone of them has reachedthe courts.

    Tamil-Canadian protestersgather at U.S. Consulate in

    Toronto A crowd of Tamil-Canadians has gatheredFriday in front of the U.S.Consulate in downtownToronto to protest thebloody civil war in SriLanka. It's the latest in aseries of demonstrations bythe Tamil community, whichis hoping to pressure Ottawainto imposing political sanc-tions against Sri Lanka.Previous Sunday, thousandsof Tamil protesters blockedthe Gardiner Expressway, abusy Toronto highway, forhours. Three days later, along procession of protestersmarched though the city's

    downtown, again snarlingtraffic, after staging a peace-ful demonstration at theOntario legislature.

    WORLDNew US Commander ofAfghan War Appointed

    U.S. Defence SecretaryRobert Gates fired the com-mander of the Afghanistanwar on May 11, saying theObama administration need-ed "fresh thinking" to turnaround the war against aresurgent Taliban. Defenceofficials said Gen. DavidMcKiernan was removedafter less than a year on thejob because of what theydescribed as a conventionalapproach to what hasbecome one of the mostcomplicated military chal-lenges in American history.The new commander will beLt.-Gen. StanleyMcChrystal, also an armyofficer but with experienceas a leader of special forces,having recently commandedall special operations in Iraq.Bulgaria has 500 soldiers inAfghanistan and will besending a training and com-munications team as part ofthe NATO forces in theregion.

    Pope Prays for Peacein the Middle East

    Pope Benedict XVIplaced a handwritten appealfor peace into a crack ofJerusalem's Western Wall onMay 12 in the latest stop onhis eight-day visit to the

    Middle East. The Popestood before the contentiousreligious site and said aprayer in Latin before plac-ing the note, which, accord-ing to the Vatican, read:"Send your peace upon thisHoly Land, upon the MiddleEast, upon the entire humanfamily." The Vatican hasbilled the Pope's visit as apilgrimage of peace, but it isalso widely viewed as anattempt to improve strainedties between the RomanCatholic Church and theJewish state. His visit hasgenerated controversy, par-ticularly among Jews whowere angered earlier thisyear after he revoked theexcommunication of anultra-conservative bishopwho had denied theHolocaust. The Pope has notvisited Bulgaria yet.

    Nearly $1B pledged forToronto LRT, but nothing

    yet for streetcars The federal and provincialgovernments have commit-ted nearly $1 billion forToronto's new light rail rapidtransit line - but a big ques-tion mark remains over howthe city will pay for a newfleet of streetcars. PrimeMinister Stephen Harperand Ontario Premier DaltonMcGuinty made the jointannouncement on LRTfunding Friday, standing in aToronto TransitCommission repair shop.Harper and McGuinty saidthat together they'll commit

    $950 million - two-thirdsfrom Ontario and one-thirdfrom Ottawa - to build theLRT. The LRT line will runalong Sheppard Avenue inthe city's north end.Construction will begin inJuly. But still unsettled ishow the city will buy a newfleet of streetcars for theexisting system. In theBulgarian capital, Sofia,recently was officiallyopened another link in thelong awaited subway systemSPORTS

    Toronto Raptors SignTriano as Head Coach

    Jay Triano will be back ashead coach of the TorontoRaptors next season. TheCanadian signed a three-year deal with the Raptorson May 11, putting an endto his status as interim headcoach. Financial terms ofthe deal weren't disclosed,as per team policy. A nativeof Niagara Falls, Ont.,Triano has been leading theRaptors since Sam Mitchellwas dismissed on Dec. 3and he was promoted fromhis role as assistant. Trianowas assistant coach withToronto for seven seasons,from 2002 to 2008. Triano,50, finished the season witha 25-40 record. He led theRaptors to a 9-4 record intheir last 13 games, thoughToronto didn't come closeto making the playoffs. TheRaptors finished the season13th in the EasternConference.

    . - , .

    News in brief: Local Canada World Sports Local Canada World Sports Local

    416-510-001549 The Donway W, Don Mills


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    I would LOVE to point the way


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    -, , Team Academy . Race forShelter e Real Estate - - Spirit ofVancouver. - - Sauder School ofBusiness - - - 100 , - Union GospelMission.

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