buddhism unbundled


Upload: vincent-horn

Post on 01-Jul-2015




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One of the effects of 21st century technology on contemporary institutions is that many of their core offerings are being unbundled, or broken apart into smaller components. These components are then able to be offered outside of their original context at a scale and cost that the old order can’t compete with. In this talk Vincent will explore the process of unbundling as it applies to contemporary Buddhism--especially with regards to meditation and mindfulness. He’ll also explore the process of re-bundling and what the future of Buddhism may look like as new forms are recombined in both old and new ways. Recorded Talk Here: http://bit.ly/1teFsmS


Page 1: Buddhism Unbundled
Page 2: Buddhism Unbundled

Buddhism UnbundledVincent Horn // Buddhist Geek

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Page 4: Buddhism Unbundled
Page 5: Buddhism Unbundled

“Unbundling is a neologism to describe how the ubiquity of mobile devices, Internet

connectivity, consumer web technologies, social media and information access in the 21st

century are affecting older institutions (education, broadcasting, newspapers, games, shopping, etc.) by ‘break[ing] up the packages they once offered, providing particular parts of them at a scale and cost unmatchable by the

old order.’”

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–Erik Braun, “The Birth of Insight”

“These days many assume that Buddhism and meditation go hand in hand—sometimes they are even considered to be one and the same. But even counting Theravadins, progenitors of

the massively popular insight meditation (Vipassana) movement, relatively few Buddhists historically have ever understood meditation to

be essential. ”

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Buddhism UnbundledVincent Horn // Buddhist Geek

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Buddhism RebundledVincent Horn // Buddhist Geek

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–Steve Jobs

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something,

they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something.”

(my underline)

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We Are All Nodes in the Network of Consciousness.