brief analysis on opening a sundanese restaurant at south jakarta

Page 1 Brief Analysis on Opening a Sundanese Restaurant at Different Locations in South Jakarta by: Ibrahim Alfero Affan "A Personal Project"

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Page 1: Brief Analysis on Opening a Sundanese Restaurant at South Jakarta

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Brief Analysis on Opening a

Sundanese Restaurant at

Different Locations in South


by: Ibrahim Alfero Affan

"A Personal Project"

Page 2: Brief Analysis on Opening a Sundanese Restaurant at South Jakarta

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Contents Page


Contents Page

Demographics of South Jakarta


Senayan - Kebayoran Baru

SCBD - Kebayoran Baru

Suryo, Senopati - Kebayoran Baru

Pondok Indah - Kebayoran Baru

Gandaria, Simprug - Kebayoran Baru

Pasar Minggu

Kemang - Mampang Prapatan


Kalibata - Pancoran



Kuningan - Setiabudi

Semanggi - Setiabudi










8, 9











20 - 22

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Demographics of South Jakarta:

South Jakarta is located at 106’22’42 East Longitude until 106’58’18 East Longitude and 5’19’12

South Latitude. Area of the place as of the Head of the Capital Region (number 1815, year

1989) are of 145.37 km2 or 22.41% of the whole Jakarta.

Borders of South Jakarta are:

North : Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Jl. Kebayoran Lama and Kebun Jeruk

East : Ciliwung River

South : Borders with City Administration of Depok

West : Borders with the sub district of Ciledug, Administration city of Tangerang

South Jakarta consist of 10 Sub-districts and 65 Administrative Villages with a total dwellers of

1,893,706 people as of 2010. The most dense place (total citizens) is located at the

administrative village of Tebet with 23,234 of people/km2 and the least is Cilandak with 8,975


Total Population as of 2010 (South Jakarta)


Kecamatan Total Luas (km2) Kepadatan (jiwa/km2)

1 Tebet 221.421 9.53 23.234,10

2 Setiabudi 100.582 9.05 11.114,03

3 Mampang Prapatan 141.160 7.74 18.237,73

4 Pasar Minggu 257.781 21.91 11.765,45

5 Kebayoran Lama 270.423 19.31 14.004,30

6 Cilandak 181.562 18.20 8.975,93

7 Kebayoran Baru 157.370 12.91 12.189,78

8 Pancoran 119.437 8.23 14.512,39

9 Jagakarsa 242.714 25.38 9.563,20

10 Pesanggrahan 201.255 13.47 14.940,98

Jakarta Selatan 1.893.705 145.73 12.994,61

As calculated by the Local Administration of South Jakarta1.

1 "Pemerintah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan." Pemerintah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. N.p., n.d. Web. 25

Mar. 2014. <>.

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In general, in order to have a good business at restaurant(s), owners needs to have a

suitable and strategic place for the restaurant, a restaurant location or spot is crucial to its

success, the correct spot will influence every part of a restaurant, if a location is already

spotted, do not get too attached until the spot is clearly justified with all the requirements and

specifications, same goes to opening a Sundanese restaurant; to open a Sundanese restaurant,

the place must be opened at the right spot and location, here are the few crucial elements to

consider a potential location for a Sundanese restaurant:

One the most crucial element is to see whether the spot supports the idea to open a

business, there needs to be enough people or population for the business to be successful, for

example, is the restaurant near a huge shopping centre or it is on the side of a crowded street?

these aspects affects the success of a business, the idea of opening a restaurant at a certain

spot must support the fact that the place will be suitable for you or not, you must make sure

the spot for the restaurant actually lives. It is good that you might already have a concept in

mind. Likewise, you probably have your eye on a certain town or city as well. As the prospective

owner, it behooves you to do a little digging into the local demographics. This involves

researching characteristics of the people who live in the town and neighborhood in which you

are thinking about planting your restaurant. Some of the most important demographics to

consider includes; age groups, population, income levels, education levels and also crime rate2.

There are a couple more aspects affecting the success of a restaurant, such as the

accessibility of the spot itself; most successful restaurant locations are easy to find (mostly),

and also the visibility of a restaurant is important, people need to know and find out that a

restaurant exist at a certain spot, this aspect is why property prices in downtown districts and

developed strips are higher than other areas, because these spots offers a great level of

visibility which can affect the success of a restaurant. In this case, most people that wants to

open a Sundanese restaurant in South Jakarta needs to know the background of the spot itself,

they need to know whether the place is suitable or not, by letting them know these things,

people could be aware on whether it is good to open a restaurant or not.

Here are the few reasons why some spots are efficient and good to open a Sundanese

restaurant, the spots that will be included in these essays are places which are already familiar

to people in South Jakarta, such as Kebayoran Baru, Kebayoran Lama, Mampang Prapatan,

Setiabudi, Cilandak etc.

2 Parpal, Monica. "Choosing a Location for Your New Restaurant." Choosing a Location for Your New Restaurant.

N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

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Senayan - Kebayoran Baru

Kebayoran Baru is one of the ten sub districts in South Jakarta, it is a place consisting of

a well-planned residential areas, shopping centers, and many business districts supported with

civic facilities such as schools, hospitals, parks, etc; many important government institutions are

also in Kebayoran Baru, such as the Indonesia Stock Exchange building, the City hall of South

Jakarta and the ASEAN Secretariat building. Kebayoran Baru is one of the most affluent areas of

Jakarta, where many wealthy citizens live, this area is one the most expensive residential

district in Indonesia, having a very high land prices per square foot, the district now harbors

many commercial ventures, being known for its lifestyle businesses. As Kebayoran Baru has

many wonderful places to be looked at, this explanation will be separated into some parts

Kebayoran Baru consist of many possible places to open a Sundanese restaurant, it is a

very huge sub district which has lots of choices in choosing the right spot; among the best

choices of spots, to set an example, one of them is Senayan, Senayan is a place at the heart of

South Jakarta where people can find diversity in food and business, with one of the two most

well known shopping centre in Jakarta, opening a Sundanese restaurant right inside one of

them is perfect, in Plaza Senayan alone, there are about 90 restaurants[1] diverging in different

range of cuisines, to be specific, there are no particular Sundanese food in Plaza Senayan,

however, there are tons of Indonesian food that are well known and successful in Plaza

Senayan; such as Sari Ratu, Remboelan, etc.

Right across from Plaza Senayan, there is Senayan City, another shopping mall that is

well known among people in Jakarta, this consist of a seven-floor high end shopping mall, an

office tower (mainly occupied by SCTV), and an apartment tower, Senayan City also has about

90 food restaurants, the same as Plaza Senayan, however, the mall Senayan City also has a huge

food court called Urban Kitchen and Food hall where inside of them, holds a lot of different

types of restaurants. There is one particular Sundanese restaurant in Senayan City called

"Aroma Pondok Sunda", the place itself is identical to any Sundanese restaurants in Jakarta,

with the traditional, signature food and surroundings (music, etc). From most of the review in (a reviewing website of restaurants), the rating of this restaurant is immensely

great which signifies the success of the restaurant; Opening a Sundanese restaurant here is

pretty strategic although the rent price will definitely be very high.

For most people living in South Jakarta, they usually go to Senayan on the weekends as

they enjoy eating together with their families; or in general, for entertainment purposes (movie

theatre, etc). Moreover, there are more places in South Jakarta that are as great as Senayan,

These places include the diversity and immense place called Sudirman Central Business District.

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SCBD - Kebayoran Baru

SCBD or Sudirman Central Business District is an integrated mixed use development

place located in the prime of South Jakarta, this place was established by a real estate company

called PT Danayasa Arhatama Tbk in 1987; Their main vision is to establish SCBD as the best

world-class business district in Indonesia as they strive to be a first class real estate company by

international standards. This place consists of well-developed and sophisticated buildings and

places which are really amusing.

SCBD has many parts and places where people can open a business area, in this case,

opening a restaurant, one of them is the mall Pacific Place, since malls are usually varied in all

different kinds of cuisines and styles; opening a Sundanese restaurant here might be a good

choice, similar to the malls in Senayan, Pacific Place is a really strategic spot for a mall with

diverse restaurants since it is near building offices and has a high rate of population around the

surroundings of SCBD. There are approximately two Sundanese restaurants in Pacific Place,

they are "Dapur Sunda" and "Riung Sunda"3. The "Dapur Sunda" restaurant has a fantastic

rating of 4.5/5 by; although the taste of every Sundanese food is different from

one another, a well integrated spot is very significant for the place to be successful. The

location of "Dapur Sunda" in Pacific Place is in a discreet and remote location, which is at the

basement, although the basement is not that common for people to roam around, the taste

and feel for the food remains the same, but on the other hand, Riung Sunda's spot is right at

the place where most restaurants are, in this case, not being biased or anything but opening a

Sundanese restaurant in Pacific Place mall is mildly-strategic as people demanded other

cuisines more than Sundanese in that mall (particularly Chinese food).

As for opening a Sundanese restaurant at another spot in SCBD other than Pacific Place,

I assume that other spots such as the Fairgrounds, Lot, Foundry 8 consists of formal or from

middle-high class types of restaurant, having a traditional restaurant would not be strategic at

all on these places , mostly some of these places, especially in Fairgrounds, which includes

Fable, Lucy in The Sky; are pretty well known for the nightlife, as was told before, SCBD consists

of diversity in businesses, opening and placing a particular restaurant in SCBD would be more

valid and reasonable in the mall Pacific Place.

In SCBD, its either youngsters enjoying their Saturday night having fun, hard working

people operating from sunrise till dawn or families enjoying their weekends with their children.

Other than restaurants, in SCBD, there are also entertainment for families and kids, such as the

"Kidzania" and the movie theatre "Blitzmegaplex". While malls are one of the favorite places for

people to visit, the areas of Senopati - Suryo is also common for people to go to and eat.

3 "Directory." Pacific Place Jakarta. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Suryo, Senopati - Kebayoran Baru

Right near Senayan and SCBD, fits-in both the street Senopati and Suryo, these places

consist of many businesses and opportunities, especially in culinary. With just everything you

need around the surroundings, the demand of houses or apartment here increases which

therefore made the price range to buy land or rent apartments very expensive compare to

other places. As was mentioned before on the land prices in Kebayoran Baru, the surroundings

of Senopati seems to be the perfect example as the land prices around the Sriwijaya residence

near Senopati is one of the examples of expensive lands and housings.

Not just that the neighborhood is great, one of main reason is that the area is near to

many entertainments and culinary choices, to get to the point, the Sundanese food located at

the Senopati and Suryo street is perfect for an any-day lunch or a family dinner. With a highly

strategic and comfortable access, the Sundanese restaurant "Bumbu Desa" is a wonderful

example of a profoundly successful Sundanese restaurant located in Kebayoran Baru. With

wonderful taste and feeling to the place, customers are delighted with the food and are

satisfied. With some culinary awards and positive reviews, Bumbu Desa in Suryo who had been

there since 2007 is deemed as a success financially as the place chosen was perfect. According

to the owner of Bumbu Desa in Suryo, Ferris Affan: "Suryo was our first outlet for Bumbu Desa

in Jakarta, the reason is that the surroundings of Suryo; according to our team analysis, is one

of the most strategic street for opening up a Sundanese restaurant with good surroundings of

offices and residential homes"

Around the areas of Senopati and Suryo, there are numerous apartments, offices and

many housings around it such as the Residents 8. These may support the fact that opening a

Sundanese restaurant around this area is very strategic, not just the ideas that there are a lot of

culinary choices and cuisines here, the surrounding area helps advocates the reputation of the

place itself, although there are not many parking spots for restaurants, there could be an

alternative way such as using a valet and they park the cars at a nearby empty lot since there

are unused and free parking spaces near by the outlet itself, this system is integrated by Bumbu

Desa and other restaurant there, the owner said that this valet system is a must for restaurants

around that area since parking space is very limited compared to the huge amounts of


But, with unpredictable and nasty traffic, especially during rush hour, having a business

there might reduce the demand of people to come there, as people tends to avoid traffic at

most times and rather just eat at home or find another restaurant near their houses, malls are

more preferred by some people, but people living around Kebayoran Baru will have to at least

experience the diverse culinary experience in either Senopati or Suryo.

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Pondok Indah - Kebayoran Lama

Another sub-district that is considered to be well developed and famous amongst the

people in South Jakarta is Kebayoran Lama, the most famous area in the district is Pondok

Indah, in Pondok Indah, it consist of middle to high class residential housings and

entertainment. With the amount of people in the surrounding areas of Pondok Indah escalating

throughout every year; the traffic, especially during rush hour has been known for being

dreadful and exaggerating. With the support of having luxurious housing, the expansion in

population of Pondok Indah and the increasing amount of business areas such as malls and

restaurants, opening a Sundanese restaurant around the areas of Pondok Indah might be a

valuable idea.

Pondok Indah Mall, a place known to be the "focal point" of Pondok Indah, is one of the

most recognized malls in South Jakarta. With hundreds of stores or shops ranging in from

Pondok Indah Mall 1 (PIM1) to Pondok Indah Mall 2 (PIM2), everything needed in a mall is there

including cinemas, amazing branch of restaurant cuisines and such, but how about the

Sundanese restaurants in PIM 1 & 2? Apparently there is only one Sundanese restaurant

located in both PIM 1 & 2, which is the previously mentioned "Dapur Sunda", this restaurant is

located in Pondok Indah Mall 1 which I personally think it looks like a more classic looking mall

since it was completed in 1991 and the restaurant inside are also not that fancy and deluxe

compared to PIM 2 but people still visit there anytime they want since the people still like it and

it is always packed.

Right next to PIM 1, there is a brand new spot for people to come dine in; called the

"Street Gallery", it is developed by the same group of PIM 1 & 2 (Pondok Indah Group). This

area is focused on having the nightlife sort of vibe, according to the website; Street Gallery is "A

modern design hangout place for people to enjoy the breeze ambience and for a culinary break

from a day of shopping. Exclusive restaurants and cafes featuring delicacies from all over the

world are ready to welcome you to enjoy the day4". As this mall is filled with dashing

restaurants and bar, opening a Sundanese restaurant there is not strategic at all, combining a

contemporary or a modern type of place to a traditional local Sundanese restaurant in it will

not a fit at all, it will be dreadful to see a traditional Sundanese restaurant in a nightlife themed

of a place.

With the rather significant amount of spots in Pondok Indah, there is some more places

to discuss. As to opening a Sundanese restaurant in PIM 1 & 2, It is a good choice to open a

Sundanese restaurant right there since the mall is considered to be a family-friendly mall which

includes many variation in cuisines and entertainment.

4 "Malls." Pondok Indah. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Pondok Indah #2 - Kebayoran Lama

With many opportunities to open up any business around the areas of Pondok Indah

(legally), there are some other places that supports the surroundings of residences and

entertainment, such as the famous hospital "Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah" or for short RSPI.

These things help the area become better as not just that it is already famous for its

entertainment business but also for its medical treatment and hospital.

Almost right beside the hospital of RSPI, there is a small place called the Pondok Indah

Plaza, many people might not notice it being there as the place is quite remote and infamous

compared to Pondok Indah Mall 1 and 2. In opening a standalone Sundanese restaurant in

Pondok Indah Plaza, it might not be a good idea since the location of the place does not really

support the fact that the restaurant will be likely to succeed, in a nutshell; Every restaurants'

aim is to be successful, to get the success that they wanted, restaurants needs on-going

customers, and to gain customers, they must get noticed, and to get noticed, they must have a

perfect and strategic location so that people can actually see that it exist. Although it is a

possibility that any Sundanese restaurants might get successful there; I personally think

opening up a Sundanese restaurant is preferably better in malls or streets that people usually

pass by and not any hardly known spots especially around Pondok Indah.

For some reason, despite its massive amount of traffic every single day, people still

wants to go to the malls in Pondok Indah to enjoy it with their friends or family, this definitely

signifies that they are going there for a reason, and that reason could be going to eat at their

favorite restaurant which is located nearest to their houses, offices or any other places they are

from; or just maybe the fact that they love the mall and ignores the truth that the traffic lives

on there at all times? who knows? The location of every Sundanese restaurants near another

similar restaurant really justifies the success of one another, for example; if a whole family lives

across the Pondok Indah Plaza and is craving for Sundanese food that is not available by call or

across their house at the Pondok Indah Plaza, they will try to go to the other nearest Sundanese

restaurant which is probably located in Pondok Indah Mall; If for example there is the same

exact restaurant located in Pondok Indah Plaza, the family might eat at Pondok Indah Plaza

rather than going to the mall itself since it is basically the same restaurant just at different

spots, but nobody knows, some people might prefer eating at a mall rather than a standalone

place even if there's no difference in terms of taste of food, people has their own preferences.

Further more, with the help of cinemas and entertainment in malls, people might go

there after having to eat at their favorite place, so this is definitely a plus for malls since there

are more things to do or buy. Another place in Kebayoran Lama that is quite new and fairly

famous is the areas of Gandaria and the familiar named street of Simprug.

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Gandaria, Simprug - Kebayoran Lama

Some other notable places in Kebayoran Lama are the newly developed and well known

place of Gandaria and the immense residential areas and surroundings of Simprug. Gandaria is

known mostly for the huge mall called "Gandaria City" right next to the road which leads to

Pondok Indah and Simprug.

Positioned as a "one-stop lifestyle hub" Superblock Gandaria City consists of a retail mall

(Gandaria City), two towers of executive condominium (Gandaria Heights), a Green Mark office

tower (GandaRia 8) and a five-star hotel5. Gandaria City mall is considered to be the biggest

mall in South Jakarta with its specialty stores reaching above four-hundred shops, in this mall,

there is the Sundanese restaurant "Riung Sunda" which was previously mentioned to be in

SCBD - Kebayoran Baru, other than the standalone Sundanese restaurant of Riung Sunda, there

is also the food court called "Eat and Eat" which features many different types of cuisines

placed in one compacted spot, this food court will have many different variety in food and

people going there will not have limited choices in terms of the taste whether it is local or

international food. Opening a Sundanese restaurant in Gandaria City might be a good idea since

it is located in a very strategic area and the spot might just bring a success to anybody opening

a Sundanese restaurant inside Gandaria City.

Right near Gandaria City; there is the residential place of Simprug, with its strategic

location of apartments and school; living right at any of the apartments in the areas of Simprug

such as the "Pakubuwono View" or the "Pakubuwono Residence" really supports the fact that

the place is family-friendly. Right near the apartments of Simprug stands tall the International

school of "Binus International School Simprug", this school indulges in the high learning profile

of the "International Baccalaureate" and it serves professional and international educational

viewings to any students in that school. In opening a Sundanese restaurant around this area, it

might not be as strategic as most people would rather go to the malls since Simprug is really

near to any great malls of South Jakarta (Senayan City, PIM, Gandaria, etc). There is also the

area of Permata Hijau which also consist of many housings and apartments, these places are

not really supportive in possibly having a success in opening a Sundanese restaurant around

there; so opening a Sundanese restaurant around Simprug should be limited to malls near it.

Although Simprug is supported by many apartments and marvelous schools, it might not

be a great idea in opening a Sundanese restaurant around that area since it is not strategic

enough for a Sundanese restaurant to open right there and aim for success; The Simprug area is

also not known for its culinary choices but rather mostly for its residential and educational

prospects. But Gandaria City is a possible place.

5 "Property Portfolio" - Pakuwon. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Pasar Minggu

Moving on to the south-east part of South Jakarta, lives on the distinct place of Pasar

Minggu, as the name of this sub district literally means "Sunday Market", this place is most

famous for its traditional market and its fruits. Other than its famous market, this place is also

known for its Zoo called the "Ragunan Zoo" which was open a long time ago, precisely in 1966

at that particular location. Other attractions includes the newly developed mall called the

"Pejaten Village" which is run by the Lippo Group.

Since the previous mall was bought and redeveloped, a newly refined mall was made in

2008 by "PT Lippo Karawaci Ltk." which is a subsidiary company of the Lippo Group. Just like

any other modern mall, the design and look feels really new and fresh, the mall should fulfill

any requirements for middle to high class residence around the area. Unfortunately, there isn't

any eminent and known Sundanese restaurant in this mall (according to the website, no

Sundanese restaurant are listed), but although there isn't any Sundanese restaurant in this mall,

it does not simply tells you that opening a Sundanese restaurant in that mall will not prove to

be successful. The supply of local traditional food might be excessive around that area

therefore investors won't open up any more restaurants or just simply because they think the

place is not as strategic and maybe not as profitable enough as to opening another particular

Sundanese restaurant at a different location.

Too add explanation and reason, Ferris Affan; previously mentioned as the owner of

Bumbu Desa franchise in Suryo, stated that; "The demand of a decent Sundanese restaurant in

Pasar Minggu is not that much compared to other district, and the buying power of the Pasar

Minggu area mostly consist of middle to low class people and also the area is not that

interesting to invest in, and our group think that it is not a proper place for our restaurant."

Around the areas of Pasar Minggu, there are also a lot of blighted area (slums of Jakarta); this

area lives amongst the low class people of Jakarta, which therefore will probably not going to

ever eat at a quite expensive restaurant or even a pretty decent Sundanese restaurant (not the

cheap-side of the street ones). These slums lived in cramped and a very populous place, there

are maybe more slums around the areas of South Jakarta, but this is just to show more reason

and understanding of the district Pasar Minggu.

As this place is very oblivious to me, these judgment of Pasar Minggu might be biased

and could sway a little bit; with not much more evidence and support; other than opening a

Sundanese restaurant in Pasar Minggu, there should be more places that would be strategic

and suitable for better success and to gain more reputation in opening a Sundanese restaurant.

Other than this unfamiliar place, there is a place where it is known for its great culinary

adventure and also its nightlife, this place is known as Kemang.

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Kemang - Mampang Prapatan

At the expense of its history, the area of Kemang was known for being designated as a

residential area, but as time flies, this place was developed into a place not just known for its

residential areas, but also for its entertainment and the inevitability of its nightlife. With bizarre

and plenty of culinary choices throughout Kemang, it's not enough just to try one of its

hundreds of hidden gems in terms of taste and environment in Kemang. But how about

opening a Sundanese restaurant in Kemang?

To be honest and to get to the point, people don't specifically go to Kemang to eat

amazing Sundanese food, in a way, they usually come here to eat extraordinary food with taste

and environment where they don't find anything like it rather than in Kemang. In this particular

case, opening any same typical Sundanese restaurant might not be that of a good idea

especially around the areas where the best times happens at night. But, some famous

restaurants in Kemang such as in the areas of La Codefin still offers Indonesian food, but most

of them are combined together with other menu choices such as Western or other

International food variety. It is not so much of an ideal spot to open up a Sundanese restaurant

around these dashing areas, most parts of Kemang are absolutely fitting in a place where you

can relax with your friends and drink, such as in a bar or so; But I'm not saying that there is no

place to open a Sundanese restaurant here in Kemang, I am just saying that it will not be as

applicable and as strategic as opening other restaurants.

With many "outsiders" in this place, there is no exception that this place is considered to

be a voyager for a lot of people and any culinary joint will be demanded. At the center and

newly build area of Kemang Village, there is a mall called the Lippo Mall Kemang, It is a fashion

and lifestyle mall built to cater to the discerning consumers in Kemang and South Jakarta6. With

very bad parking system and a decent rating of around 7.4/10 (according to foursquare), this

mall delivers the typical environment with many varieties in food and drinks. Sundanese food is

pretty common to Indonesian people, and to have Sundanese restaurants in places like this

surely will have its own benefit; opening a Sundanese restaurant in Lippo Mall Kemang should

be considered to be deliberate enough. Not just with the choices of food in Lippo Mall Kemang,

this mall also offers many entertainment and shopping spots, such as the cinema, department

stores, etc.

This assorted place has a lot of goods in it, there are so many possibilities and prospects

in opening any type of cuisine here; the odds of getting success in opening a Sundanese

restaurant here could be reached and achieved if the spot of the restaurant is strategic enough,

maybe in a visible spot with great surroundings or maybe just in a food court.

6 "Kemang Village." N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Cilandak; ironically a name which comes from the Sundanese language which literally

means "Hedgehog River" or the "Sungai Landak", is a place consist of many residential

housings, schools and many places for entertainment such as the Cilandak Town Square mall or

in short "CITOS". The Cilandak sub-district is bordered with the acclaimed and discussed place

of Kebayoran Baru and Kebayoran Lama, most people from Kebayoran Baru going into Cilandak

usually goes to the road at Kebayoran Lama which is very famous for its traffic; since there are

not that many great entertainment varieties in Cilandak, people who lived in residential

administrative such as Lebak Bulus usually travel to either Kebayoran Lama or Kebayoran Baru

in order to fulfill most of their demands.

Cilandak Town Square is mall which was built around the year of 2002, this place is

considered to be a popular place to hangout for people, it uses the piazza concept which

derives from an Italian word meaning to have an open public square in a city or town; This mall

has a lot of mixtures in different cuisines and also a lot of places to shop and also places for

leisure. Opening a Sundanese restaurant could be a great there in the mall CITOS, one reason is

that the area of the mall, is really good; it is near the highway and also very open; it has a

surprising high rating from thousands of people in foursquare, which is 9.2/10; which is a huge

margin compared to the previous talked mall of Lippo Kemang. Opening a Sundanese

restaurant at the levels such as the Bumbu Desa or Dapur Sunda could be a good idea in that

mall; but maybe, in Cilandak, it is only strategic in opening a decent Sundanese restaurant in

CITOS only, that is because the other spots in Cilandak are basically not as good and not really

as supportive of a spot compared to others.

A great example of Sundanese restaurant in Cilandak is Dapur Sunda; In Cipete, which is

still part of the sub-district Cilandak, there are many stand alone traditional or local restaurants

here, such as the famous place of Ikan Bakar Cianjur and others. It might be a decent place to

open up a Sundanese restaurant around that area. There are also other aspects that affects the

great lively hood of Cilandak, with the support of having famous and good schools such as

Highscope, Cikal and a lot of great residential housings at Lebak Bulus; not to forget to mention,

Lebak Bulus also has a mall called the Poin Square and Lebak Bulus also holds the football

stadium previously used for our local team "Persija Jakarta".

Among the possibility of opening a Sundanese restaurant in Cilandak, It's hard to decide

on whether to actually open up a business there. There are so many other places to talk about

in Cilandak, it is a big sub-district, it also consist of Pondok Labu which I am not that familiar in

at all, so in opening a Sundanese restaurant in Cilandak; it's all about supply and demand, it's a

fifty-fifty chance that a Sundanese restaurant would prove to be successful right there.

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Kalibata - Pancoran

Pancoran; a sub-district in South Jakarta, the name is derived from the word "Pancuran"

which means water fountain or a douche. Pancoran is located at the far right of South Jakarta and it

borders Pasar Minggu and also Mampang Prapatan. Pancoran is a quite a large sub-district which

consist of many famous administrative villages, one the most known and great business area in

Pancoran is Kalibata; a place noteworthy for holding many business centers and also has a very

famous cemetery called the "Kalibata Cemetery" or another name would be the "Heroes Cemetery"

Where it holds and buries veterans and national heroes of Indonesia. With many access and great

surroundings, there is a possibility of having great success and a decent strategic location in opening

a Sundanese restaurant around this area.

A great and decent spot in Kalibata to open a Sundanese restaurant is around or inside

Kalibata City. Kalibata City holds places such as apartments, malls and such; It is developed by the

famous Agung Podomoro Group which runs and develop many famous apartments, residences and

malls such as the previously mentioned Senayan City. According to the website; Kalibata City Square

will fulfill the demand of needs and wants of 30,000 Kalibata City dwellers7. The amount of

population in Kalibata City will be a potential target for people to visit Kalibata City Square and its

neighborhood; In addition, Kalibata City is surrounded by many residential areas, educational and

office for middle to high class people; such as people living in the DPR/MPR RI housings or anything.

With decent ratings and views of the mall, Kalibata City Square could be a potential place in

opening a Sundanese restaurant around the areas of Kalibata. Another entertainment area in

Kalibata is the Plaza Kalibata or the Kalibata Mall; although the design is not that fascinating and the

mall is not actually a really great destination for most people (especially people outside Kalibata).

To open a decent Sundanese restaurant such as Dapur Sunda or Bumbu Desa is a possibility, since

the range of prices of that restaurant are not really that expensive and it is affordable, the segment

of consumers of those restaurants are mostly middle class people which the Kalibata surroundings

can provide easily; therefore, it might be a valuable idea opening a Sundanese restaurant there

since people also demanded a great and tasteful Sundanese restaurant, it could be more strategic in

opening a Sundanese restaurant around those areas of Kalibata (any of those two malls), rather

than opening a traditional Sundanese restaurant in a place where most people enjoy the place

mostly at nighttime.

There is so much possibility in opening up a Sundanese restaurant in South Jakarta, although

with the amount of choices in locations and also decisions in developing a business around these

areas, it is just not enough in only talking about the good sides and the famous sides of South

Jakarta, one of the examples of these kinds of places which are not really significant and famous in

South Jakarta is Jagakarsa.

7 "HOME." N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Jagakarsa; the least familiar and known sub-district in South Jakarta holds the famous

"University of Indonesia", this place is located at the bottom of South Jakarta; literally right at

the bottom which is on the boundaries of Bogor; The place is a bit remote for people to visit,

especially for most of the residential people of Southern Jakarta, they usually go here for school

or business purposes but not much for its entertainment or culinary experience. The population

there is not that dense but it is too far to visit, especially to eat Sundanese restaurant, there

should be a closer Sundanese restaurant and it might not be worth it just to eat Sundanese

restaurant and go to Jagakarsa.

Although Jagakarsa still holds some residential developments and shops such as around

the areas of Lenteng Agung; there are not really big and exclusive malls or big shopping centers

or even a decent business area which people might likely to visit frequently. From this point of

view, the feasibility of opening a descent Sundanese restaurant in Jagakarsa sub-district is a bit

risky; as was recommended before, rather than taking a risk of opening a Sundanese restaurant

and hoping for a good outcome, there are still many alternative places which should be

considered in order to have a success in Sundanese restaurant.

The area of Jagakarsa is not supported by a good business area, to compare this to other

business districts such as SCBD, they obviously cannot match the greatness of SCBD, there are

not even many buildings in Jagakarsa. Jagakarsa could be described as just some rural area of

South Jakarta. Also, the people who lives in the Jagakarsa sub-district, such as around the areas

of Lenteng Agung, mostly works in other areas of South Jakarta, probably around the city center

such as Kebayoran or any other place. On the weekends, they might try to travel and spent

most of the time having to eat outside Jagakarsa, especially if they want to visit decent malls in

South Jakarta or even a better surrounding and entertainment area of Southern Jakarta such as

malls in Senayan or Pondok Indah; although it might be a waste of time and fuel that every time

they want to feel something better, they have to travel far, but that is the opportunity cost in

living in an area where it is not as great as the other famous areas of South Jakarta (Kebayoran

Baru, SCBD, etc). I am not saying that it is a total liability in having to live in Jagakarsa, but this is

totally just an opinion fully based on popularity, feedback and reputation.

On the bright side, the land price in Jagakarsa might be very cheap compared to the

areas of Kebayoran Baru and similar places like that. Although it is not fair to explain Jagakarsa;

which is a big area in only five-hundred words, but with the least information and reputation

reviews of Jagakarsa, there are limited information on the actual demographics and

surroundings of Jagakarsa rather than just simple notations or basic information of the spot and

location according to the internet or people that I know as the author.

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Flooding; a word familiar and famous to the citizens of Jakarta gets on peoples nerve

every now and then. The next sub-district is located on the far right corner of South Jakarta and

it is famous for its residents and it is also prone to flooding at some time of the year. As a new

resettlement spot; Tebet is considered to be well planned and is divided into many houses,

residential roads, parks and other facilities. Although previously not much people want to live in

Tebet because it is far from the city center of Jakarta, now Tebet is considered to be a very

attractive area for both residential housings, businesses, schools and others.

A familiar spot in Tebet is Kota Kasablanka, this superblock consist of the typical

superblock which has office buildings, apartments and of course; a mall. The mall Kota

Kasablanka consists of six floors of entertainment and such; with about thirteen anchor

tenants. With a great rating of 9.3/10 (foursquare) and sufficient amount of shops and also

great demand of entertainment in that area, opening a Sundanese restaurant is profoundly

strategic. Kota Kasablanka area is developed by the Pakuwon Group, which is familiar for also

developing the Gandaria City superblock. Opening a Sundanese restaurant and finding out how

a place behaves is a tough job, owners need to know the environment and the demand of

eating local traditional food in there; the point of this analysis is to know whether a spot is

strategic enough to open a Sundanese restaurant; although this might not justify all the

possible reasons on the success of a restaurant in Tebet, this could just give a little insight on

the possibility of success in opening a Sundanese restaurant around the areas of Tebet.

A famous and known Sundanese restaurant in Tebet is Bumbu Desa, it is located inside a

mall called the Tebet Green, this mall is not really that interesting and not that famous

compared to Kota Kasablanka, so why open it there?, according to Ferris Affan, although he

does not own the Bumbu Desa franchise there in Tebet Green, he stated that although the mall

is not particularly famous, the rent price could be a factor of its success, the rent price in the

mall compared to others may be less, therefore the owner opened it there. That mall also

located in MT Haryono which is a major road which people can get easy access too, the place is

also next to the highway which means that it is a visible and accessible place for people to visit

the place to eat.

Tebet is a really huge place and there might be other possible places to open a

Sundanese restaurant. The last sub-district that will be discussed is around the areas of

Setiabudi; Setiabudi is considered to be a really great business area which holds down the

Golden Triangle of Jakarta. With it being famous for the business desire and environment; the

entertainment in the sub-district of Setiabudi doesn't fail to impress people in or out of South

Jakarta and can fulfill the demand of most people in having malls at Kuningan or Semanggi.

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Kuningan - Setiabudi

Setiabudi is a really known sub-district which holds out many business places. It holds

one of the most famous business area called "The Golden Triangle of Jakarta" which is a

triangular business and commercial area established in South Jakarta. The Golden Triangle is

the heart of the dynamic city of Jakarta, this region has positioned itself to be the most

prominent business district in Jakarta, or maybe even in Indonesia. This area is held by the main

roads of Gatot Subroto, Rasuna Said and Jenderal Sudirman.

Kuningan is an administrative village located in the sub-district of Setiabudi; Kuningan is

a huge place that holds many of the famous business and/ important places in South Jakarta.

Kuningan holds many important International embassies in South Jakarta such as embassies for

Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, Poland, Nigeria, Switzerland, India and Russia. The major

business area located in Kuningan are the Mega Kuningan area and the Rasuna Epicentrum.

Kuningan City superblock features the mall developed by the Agung Podomoro Land. Straight

from the website; The mall is all about to "Discover an impressive array of well selected

international and local gourmet and culinary delights from all corners of the globe, with its

amazing selection, there are always restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs to tempt your taste buds

and be entertained.8"

There is the acknowledge Sundanese restaurant of Dapur Sunda located in Kuningan,

specifically; it is located in Bellagio mall located in the areas of Mega Kuningan. Opening a

Sundanese restaurant could prove to be strategic here, with the famous and great areas in

Kuningan mentioned before, the ideas of opening a Sundanese restaurant could turn out pretty

good. Another place that could be a potential spot is in Rasuna Epicentrum, this area is

developed by the famous company of Bakrieland and it consist of many apartments, offices and

also a huge mall. The mall, known to be called as Epiwalk or Epicentrum Walk has a really

interesting architecture and design to its place; which can really increase the exotic factor

which could possibly increase curiosity and demand in going to the place. Thus, with a great

rating of 9/10 (foursquare); opening a Sundanese restaurant in Epicentrum Walk or around the

areas of Kuningan may settle some sustainability in the success of a restaurant.

Tall buildings and great surroundings could determine the fact that the place is a vast

and growing business area. Setiabudi, which was previously known to have a huge business

district and having the Golden Triangle of Jakarta are not only famous for having Kuningan as

being a part of them, but another place that covers a big part of Setiabudi sub-district and goes

around the road of Jenderal Sudirman and Gatot Subroto is the administrative village of


8 "Mall - About." Mall - About. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Semanggi - Setiabudi

In Semanggi, another administrative village in Setiabudi; has most of its areas that is

inside Semanggi to be residential areas, around fifty-percent of the land in Semanggi are used

for residential homes which includes houses and apartments, while the rest of the land are

used for businesses, offices, industry and public facilities. Holding out the highly known and

crowded main road of Gatot Subroto and Jenderal Sudirman; the areas of Semanggi is amongst

the area which has the worst traffic in South Jakarta especially during rush hours, Semanggi

covers the main road which goes from places to places in South Jakarta, which therefore, most

people coming or going out from work will go through this road and will increase the traffic.

Since Semanggi is a huge area, Semanggi also has some entertainment businesses to

fulfill the demand of people living in that area. At the center; there is the mall of Plaza

Semanggi, which is a mall with the typical food and environment. Plaza Semanggi also holds the

concert hall of Balai Sarbini which is famous for holding major local events such as Indonesia's

own "Indonesian Idol", this place could be considered to be strategic since it is located near

many residential housings and apartments, this area also has great complexes with easy access;

although there are really bad traffic around this area. Another factor that could justify the

success of having a Sundanese restaurant here in Semanggi is that the place is near to many

building offices; for example, the mall Plaza Semanggi is surrounded by the CBD or the Central

Business District of Jakarta which means that; some people might visit this mall after going to

work to eat at a restaurant or just to buy a meal for home.

Plaza Semanggi is actually placed at the heart of the really bad traffic in Semanggi, which

means that, everyday; people come and go past the place every time, it is literally placed where

most people passing by that intersection and huge road will possibly see first; The mall is really

visible and has easy access. There is a reason on why malls or restaurants are located in huge

roads and maybe the highway or freeway exits, that factor will increase the accessibility of the

mall which would really determine the fact that the place can attract customers to come inside

easily; But logically, every company knows that location, visibility and accessibility is really

important in having great success; so Plaza Semanggi is not really that special.

The area of Semanggi has really great surroundings and it borders many of the great

landmarks of business and entertainment in South Jakarta. The spot is really near to Kebayoran

Baru which holds out many huge and great malls which means that Semanggi is not that bad to

be compared location wise. But the location where it holds the restaurant doesn't only

necessarily predict the outcome but also the location within the location, which means that the

location of the restaurant inside the mall also determine the fact that a restaurant can be

successful or not.

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There so many other potentials and depth in opening a Sundanese restaurant in South

Jakarta, with the amount of places described here, it is not fair not mention other places that

did not get the chance to be placed in this essay which is also located in South Jakarta, the sub

district that has not been included and explained in this essay is Pesanggarahan, although this

place is actually quite famous by having the administrative village of Bintaro, which is a really

nice neighborhood that has great residential environments, businesses and international

schools such as British International School, Global Jaya, etc; unfortunately, the amount of

places must be limited down because of time and other factors.

In life, some things can be better than the other and in this case; the truth is that some

locations are just more strategic and greater than other places in opening a Sundanese

restaurant. It is not that easy just to find a location at some part of South Jakarta and investing

some or all your money at opening a restaurant at that particular restaurant and thinking that

everything is going to be good and successful. The purpose of this essay is not only to give some

people an insight in locations of opening a Sundanese restaurant based on views of people such

as an owner of a Sundanese restaurant franchise or social media; but to tell the audience that

the location of the restaurant is what makes the restaurant who it is.

The idea of getting the correct location is important and it usually defines the success of

the venture. Maybe the rent or land price was great, the place has the exact space as you

wanted, the atmosphere and surrounding was beautiful; but the right location is more

important and holds more weight in the future success of a profitable restaurant. With the

complexities of culinary concepts sweeping across the country, one has to really study the

area that they intend to open in.9 Finding the correct location is probably the most difficult

task in opening a restaurant and therefore it must be taken into consideration at any cost. It is

not an obligation to say that one sub-district is better than the other, but that is too general; it

needs to be more specific as maybe comparing one mall to the other. For example, there is a

possibility that it might be more successful in opening a Sundanese restaurant in Plaza Senayan

mall at Kebayoran Baru compared to the Plaza Pondok Indah in Kebayoran Lama, reputation

matters and clearly Plaza Senayan has the better atmosphere and location but to compare it to

the place of Pondok Indah Mall in Kebayoran Lama; both places goes shoulder to shoulder in

having a successful Sundanese restaurant. With this factor in hand as there are two great and

equal locations; another factor goes into hand on having a successful restaurant; which are

having the taste and feel of the place; Keep in mind that having the best possible location is just

one step of being successful, but the taste of the food and the feel of the place is essential also. 9 Foley, John. "The Right Location a Must for Success." All Business. Dun & Bradstreet, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.


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