breederivier gazette 20 november 2012

Breederivier Year 16 • 20 November 2012 | Tel. 023 626 5212 Smoke rises over the Langeberg Smoke Smoke rises rises over over the the Langeberg Langeberg DALEEN FOUCHÉ Fire, rocks and rubber bullets characte- rised clashes between protesters and the police last week in the Langeberg. Protests erupted in Robertson early on Tues- day and spilled over to the rest of the Langeberg during the week. The protesters, who identified themselves as farm workers, demanded an increase in their daily wage to R150. The current minimum wage for farm workers of R70 a day is being renegotiated. Colonel John Alexander, station comman- der of the Robertson Police Station, said pro- tests started with a small group at local farms on Monday and hit the town of Robertson on Tuesday. Protesters burned tyres and rubble and blocked the entrance to Robertson at the traffic circle, with several smaller protests tak- ing place in and around Robertson. On Wednes- day, clashes between protesters and police turned violent and Alexander said five police officers were slightly injured. A photographer from Die Burger and a freelance journalist were also slightly injured on Wednesday. Most shops in Robertson and Ashton closed their doors on Wednesday. Captain SC Smith, station commander of the Ashton Police Station, said the group of pro- testers blocking the R317 marched to several farms on Tuesday, gathering farm workers to march with them. He said there were cases of intimidation, but no reports of violence. On Wednesday protesters from Zolani blocked the R60 and the same group turned vio- lent on Thursday. Smith said a vineyard and storage facility close to Zolani were burned and four people were arrested for public violence and arson. According to Smith, there was no further protest action in Ashton and surroun- ding areas on Friday or the weekend. Alexander said that by Friday, all was “qui- et” in Robertson. On Monday, protesters once again attempted to close down the traffic circle, but police foiled their attempt. Captain Bertus Conradie, station command- er of the Bonnievale Police, said protests start- ed in Bonnievale on Wednesday among about 350 people. By Friday the group had grown to about 1 000 people. Protesters marched to farms in the Bonnievale area to hand farmers a memorandum stating that farmers acknow- ledge that farm workers are unhappy about wages. According to Conradie, six people were ar- rested for public violence.vDespite unrest in the Langeberg, not a single matriculant in the area missed an exam paper. Aubrey Michaels, IBB manager for the Western Cape Department of Education in the Winelands District Munici- pality, said there was a 100% attendance of ma- triculants last week. Michaels was at Nkqubela schools on Wednesday and reported that schools continued as normal. Michaels said a “handful” of pupils from farm areas could not attend school because of road closures. Johan Els, principal of Bonnievale High School, said it is only with the help of the com- munity and the police that the school had a 100% attendance rate last week. According to Els, three matric students who live on farms were transported in a police van to write their matric exams. Although several residents claimed to have seen busloads of protesters from outside the Langeberg, none of these reports could be con- firmed. . Also see pages 2 and 3. Police managed to drive protesters into Nkqubela on Wednesday after violent clashes. PHOTO: DALEEN FOUCHÉ

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Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012


Page 1: Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012


Year 16 • 20 November 2012 | Tel. 023 626 5212

Smoke rises over the LangebergSmokeSmoke risesrises overover thethe LangebergLangeberg


Fire, rocks and rubber bullets characte-rised clashes between protesters and thepolice last week in the Langeberg.

Protests erupted inRobertson early onTues-dayandspilledoverto therestof theLangebergduring the week.Theprotesters,who identified themselves as

farm workers, demanded an increase in theirdaily wage to R150. The current minimumwage for farm workers of R70 a day is beingrenegotiated.Colonel John Alexander, station comman-

der of the Robertson Police Station, said pro-tests started with a small group at local farmson Monday and hit the town of Robertson onTuesday. Protesters burned tyres and rubbleand blocked the entrance to Robertson at the

traffic circle,with several smallerprotests tak-ingplace inandaroundRobertson.OnWednes-day, clashes between protesters and policeturned violent and Alexander said five policeofficers were slightly injured. A photographerfrom Die Burger and a freelance journalistwere also slightly injured onWednesday.Mostshops in Robertson and Ashton closed theirdoors on Wednesday.Captain SCSmith, station commander of the

Ashton Police Station, said the group of pro-testers blocking the R317 marched to severalfarms on Tuesday, gathering farm workers tomarch with them. He said there were cases ofintimidation, but no reports of violence.On Wednesday protesters from Zolani

blocked theR60and the samegroup turnedvio-lent on Thursday. Smith said a vineyard andstorage facilityclose toZolaniwereburnedandfour people were arrested for public violence

and arson. According to Smith, there was nofurther protest action in Ashton and surroun-ding areas on Friday or the weekend.Alexander said that by Friday, all was “qui-

et” in Robertson. On Monday, protesters onceagainattempted toclosedownthe trafficcircle,but police foiled their attempt.Captain Bertus Conradie, station command-

er of the Bonnievale Police, said protests start-ed in Bonnievale on Wednesday among about350 people. By Friday the group had grown toabout 1 000 people. Protesters marched tofarms in the Bonnievale area to hand farmersa memorandum stating that farmers acknow-ledge that farm workers are unhappy aboutwages.According to Conradie, six people were ar-

rested for public violence.vDespite unrest inthe Langeberg, not a single matriculant in thearea missed an exam paper. AubreyMichaels,

IBBmanager for theWesternCapeDepartmentofEducation in theWinelandsDistrictMunici-pality, said therewas a 100%attendance ofma-triculants lastweek.MichaelswasatNkqubelaschools on Wednesday and reported thatschools continued as normal. Michaels said a“handful” of pupils from farm areas could notattend school because of road closures.Johan Els, principal of Bonnievale High

School, said it is only with the help of the com-munity and the police that the school had a100% attendance rate last week.According to Els, three matric students who

live on farms were transported in a police vanto write their matric exams.Although several residents claimed to have

seen busloads of protesters from outside theLangeberg, none of these reports could be con-firmed.

. Also see pages 2 and 3.

Police managed to drive protesters into Nkqubela on Wednesday after violentclashes. PHOTO: DALEEN FOUCHÉ

Page 2: Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012

Breederivier Gazette News - Nuus Dinsdag 20 November 20122

Violent clashes erupted between policeand protesters in Robertson on Wednes-day 14November. Police took up positionbetween Raimondi’s and the traffic cen-tre. PHOTOS: DALEEN FOUCHÉ

This depot in Nkqubela, owned by Langeberg AshtonFoods, was set alight by protesters onWednesday. Near-by vineyards were also burned (read more on page 3).

Warrant Officer Eben du Preez was hit on his head by arock on Wednesday, but said, “It is not too bad”, and carriedon with his duties.

Lulama Zenzile, pho-tographer for DieBurger,washit onhisnose by a rock. Hewas taken to Robert-son Hospital, butwas released shortlythereafter, and re-turned to the protestto take photos.

This policemanwashit onthe head by a rock thrownby protesters onWednes-day. He was admitted tothe Robertson Hospitalfor treatment, but was re-leased shortly thereafter.

Police keep a watchful eye on protesters after driving themoff Voortrekker Road and into Nkqubela at Robertson onWednesday.

Abig crowdof protestersmarchedupanddownBonnievale’sMainRoadon Thursday,obstructing the road with rocks and burning grass verges and vineyards. Protestersgathered at the entrance of the informal settlement and marched to farms tohand over a memorandum to farmers (read more on page 1).

Leaders hold hands in front of dancing protesters in Nkqubela on Wednesdayto prevent protesters from moving forward during a ceasefire.

The R60 between Ashton and Swellendam remained closed throughout lastweek due to protest action in Zolani.

Protests circled out to other parts of the Langeberg on Thurs-day. This was the scene in Zolani, Ashton. Protesters lit fireson the R60 and marched towards the police blockade. Pro-testers also started fires in the nearby vineyards.

Expressions of protest in the Langeberg

Page 3: Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012

Breederivier GazetteNews - NuusDinsdag 20 November 2012 3

Costs of protest mountDALEEN FOUCHÉ

Theweek-longprotest thatsawthe closure of several shopslastweek, lefta trailofdestruc-tion in the Langeberg.

One farm outside Robertsonlost three hectares of vineyards.The fire was started on Wednes-day at about 13:00. The farm,which is a black empowermentfarm, is situated next to Nkqube-la. Martha Fielies, a director ofthe farm who also works on thefarm as a supervisor, says she isdevastated by the loss. “I feelhurt.” She says 66% of the farmis owned by workers. The rest ofthe shares are owned by Robertson Wine Cellar,which also acts as amentor to the farmdirectorate.Corne Swart, accountant at RobertsonWine Cel-

lar, says the idea is that theworkerswill eventuallyown the entire farm.Swart says that besides the vineyard, irrigation

equipment and the compost heap were also de-stroyed. “This is wrong – the farm is not for us butfor our children,” says Fielies.She says the farm does not have the money to

cover all that has been lost. “We are one nation –why are they doing this to us?”On the same day, a storage facility that belongs

to Langeberg Ashton Foods, which is situated nextto Nkqubela, was also burned down.Nassos Martalas, chief operations officer (CEO)

of Langeberg Ashton Foods, says he can not yet re-port the extent of the damage in terms of rands,but says the loss is a “big blow” for the company.He says 2 000 bins, which the company use for thepacking of fruit, were destroyed. “This is an unfor-tunate loss before the start of the season.”He says he is very concerned about the wide-

spreadprotestactionandroadclosuresbecause thefruit industry cannot afford further labour prob-lems. He says they work with perishable food that

rots if left too long.Martalas says that if LangebergAshton Foods misses the opportunity to producetheir final product, they miss the opportunity toexport their product for an entire year.He explainsthat 85% of their products is meant for export.On Wednesday several fires were started in the

fields next to Droëheuwel in Robertson.Colonel John Alexander, station commander for

the Robertson police, says several small fires werestarted in vineyards, but no big losses, besides thecases already mentioned, were reported. CaptainBertus Conradie, station commander at the Bon-nievalePoliceStation,saysbesidesafewsmall firesthatwere brought under control, therewasno seri-ous damage to property in Bonnievale.Production at the Parmalat Factory in Bonniev-

ale continued despite the absence ofmanyworkerslast week. Hansie Wolfaardt, Parmalat plant man-ager in Bonnievale and Ladismith, says workerswere intimidated to stay away fromwork.He, how-ever, says Parmalat was able to continuework andhad no financial losses due to produce not beingprocessed.On Monday, however, most businesses in Bon-

nievale reported that 100% employees had shownup for work.

Several small fires were started in vineyards next to Zolani on Thursday.

Boere hou stakings dopCHARLOTTE LESCH

Onrustigheid onder boere in die Wes-Kaap weens stakings oor loongeskille,sleep steeds voort.Plaaswerkers op De Doorns het twee

weke gelede begin staak nadat ’n daaglik-se loon vanR150 en beterwerkstoestandegeëis is.Dié staking het verlede week na ander

dorpe, veral in die Boland, uitgekring.Onrus het die afgelope twee weke in 14

gebiede oor die provinsie uitgebreek, sêprovinsiale polisie woordvoerder, lt.kol.André Traut. Volgens Traut is twee men-se noodlottig gewond in die afgelope ar-beidsgeweld.Stakings het wéér vroeg gisteroggend

op Robertson uitgebreek, ongeag ’n oor-eenkoms met werkersorganisasies omstakings vir die volgende twee weke opte skort, terwyl die onderhandelingspro-ses oor moontlike verhogings van daglo-ne plaasvind. Die toneel met brandendebande is egter vinnig opgeklaar, sê ’nplaaslike inwoner, Marlise Meyer.Palesa Mokomele, woordvoerder vir

die minister van landbou, bosbou en vis-sery, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, kon nie be-vestig of ’n loonverhoging van R80 oor-weeg word nie.Sy sê wel ’n komitee oor werksomstan-

dighede sal dieminister vanarbeid,Mild-red Oliphant, raadpleeg oor loonvasstel-ling in die landbousektor.Volgens die departement, kan die uit-

slagnog enigekant toe swaai. “Samespre-kings sal vandeesweek Donderdag plaas-vind.”DieKommissievirVersoening,Bemid-

delingenArbitrasie(CCMA)salasbemid-delaar optree.Of die boere die verhogings kan bekos-

tig, hang van die individu af, sê JohanMontgomery, ’n streeksverteenwoordi-ger van Agri Wes-Kaap.“Jaarlikse salarisverhogings word ge-

woonlik gegee gebaseer op ’n suksesvolleoes en inflasiekoers. Die posvlak enverantwoordelikhede van die werkne-mer kom ook ter sprake.”VolgensPorchiaAdams,woordvoerder

vir Agri Wes-Kaap, is salarisverhogings’nooreenkoms tussendieprodusent en sywerknemer.“Produsente moet volgens wetgewing

bydie sektoralevasstellinghouendiemi-nimumloon as basis gebruik.”Intussen is AgriWes-Kaap besig om in-

ligting onder boere in te samel omdie om-

vang van die skade te bepaal. Die totaleskade kon teen druktyd nog nie bevestigword nie.Carl Opperman, die uitvoerende hoof

vanAgriWes-Kaap,houvoldatprodusen-te en plaaswerkers direk en per plaas hulindividuele arbeidsgeskille moet be-spreek en werkbare oplossings vind.“AgriWes-Kaap is absoluut verbind tot

die normalisering van ons landbougebie-de en doen ’n ernstige beroep op die rege-ring omwet en orde te handhaaf. Die tak-tiek van intimidasie, geweld en vrees is’n duidelike aanduiding van die manierwaarop vakbondleiers te werk gaan,” sêOpperman.PieterduToit,diebesturendedirekteur

van die Du Toit-Agrigroep, het skade vanR30 miljoen bevestig. Hy doen ’n beroepop die regering om die landbougemeen-skap te beskerm met “doeltreffende poli-sie- en sekuriteitsmagte”.Die Du Toit-groep het intussen self se-

kuriteit op hul plase in die omgewing vanCeres aangestel.Die organisasie, die Koalisie vir Plaas-

werker Verteenwoordigers – wat ondermeer Women on Farms Project, SikhulaSonke, Mawubuye en Cosatu insluit – sêhulle gee die regering tot 4 Desember omtevoldoenaandieplaaswerkersseeisvanR150 per dag se loonverhogings.“As hulle dit nie doen nie, sal 4 Desem-

ber die versterking van protesaksie aan-skou,” sê die organisasie se woordvoer-der, Billy Xabela.Die Wes-Kaap se rampbestuur sê hulle

blyop ’ngereedheidsgrondslag.Ceres,Opdie Berg (Ceres), Citrusdal, Bonnievale,Montagu, Ashton en Prince Alfred Ham-let word veral dopgehou en deurlopendekoördinering met plaaslike owerhedevind plaas.Sprake van stakings in Montagu, Bon-

nievale en Prince Alfred Hamlet vir van-deesweek doen die ronde.

Page 4: Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012

Breederivier Gazette General - Algemeen Dinsdag 20 November 20124

) Geniet ’n heerlike melktertsaam met tee of koffie op dielaaste Vrydag van elke maandom 10:00 by Joubert-huis, Mon-tagu.Groepewordookontvang,maar kan slegs met ’n bespre-king minstens ’n week voor dietyd geakkommodeer word. Be-spreek nou by 0 023 614 1774.In Desember sal daar nie melk-tert bedien word nie.) The Montagu village marketis held every Saturday morningfrom early until 12:30 atEuvrard Park, Bath Street.) The McGregor market takesplace every Saturday from 08:45on the corner of Voortrekkerand Church Streets.) The next Robertson FarmersmarketwillbeheldonSaturday

24 November.) The next Salt and Light nightmarket will be held at the KWVCourtyard on the corner of Koh-ler and Long Street in Montagufrom 17:30 on 30 November.) Alle oud-Soldoedies en perso-neel van Salvkol George watdaar opleiding ontvang het ge-durende 1971 tot 1998 moet dieorganiseerders van die reüniekontak. Die Boot camp vindplaas in George. Vir meer be-sonderhede, stuur ’n epos [email protected]) The All Saints Church, Wes-ley Street, Robertson, host it’sannual Church Bazaar on Sat-urday 1 December. Call0 023 626 2235.) Send your event details toDaleen Fouché at [email protected] deadline for all diaryitems is 10:00 on Fridays.

Buy a candle for your loved onesCelebrate life by purchasing a treeof lights candle in aid of the BreedeRiver Hospice.

For only R20 you can commemo-rate the life of your loved ones dur-ing this festive season. You can buyyour lights from the hospice officeor the Montagu and Robertson

shops.Join Breede River Hospice at

Bonnievale Spar on 28 Novemberat 19:30 to gather for their annualCarols by Candlelight. Hospice willalso be selling their candles there.

Join the fun and kick off the fes-tive season with Christmas cheer.

Shows to celebrate 6 yearsGolden Valley Casino’s sixth birth-day celebrations continue aplentythis, their birthday weekend, withthree night’s live entertainment.

Friday night sees singer Nic Ste-vens on stage at Winners Action Bar,Saturday it’s the turn of Abby Jamesand Sunday night its Public Opinionin the limelight.

Nic Stevens was born NicolaasStephanus Snyman and got his stagename due to the fact that his debut CDwasinEnglishandhisrecordingcom-pany felt it necessary to have an Eng-lish performing name as well. He hasthree albums to his name, Jonk BlyandToeter Skoeter and more recentlyNic Stevens sings the Music of BryanAdams. Whether singing with thegroupBroersorsolo,Nic’sdistinctivevoice, musicality and energetic liveperformance guarantee an entertain-ing evening.

Abigail James is also known by hernickname, Koekie. Abby’s love of mu-sic started when she was very youngandherdreamwastobecomeaprofes-sional singer. Her singing career gota boost in 2001, when she was part ofa group called A2ZEE. They recordeda CD, had a hit with “Outjie met jou

lekker boudjie” and they also werefeatured on TV. Abigail’s second CDincluded the very popular track“Koekie koekeloekie”, which gaveAbigail her nickname.

Koekie has toured the length andbreadth of South Africa, singing toher fans. This mother of two does alot to encourage young talent and herwarmth and desire to share make herhugely in demand.

Rated as one of the best live show-bands in South Africa, Public Opin-ion have a collected experience ofmore than 50 years. They play a vastarray of musical styles such as Reg-gae, Pop, Funk, Jazz, Latina and Gos-pel. Public Opinion have toured ex-tensively both here and abroad andthis versatile five-piece band willkeep you dancing in your seats, wav-ing your hands and stomping yourfeet.

You can catch Nic Stevens show onFriday 23 November, Abigail ‘Koekie’James on Saturday 24 November andPublic Opinion on Sunday 25 Novem-ber. All shows start at 21:00 at Win-ners Action Bar at the Golden ValleyCasino and admission to all threeshows is free.

Skouplesiervir hele gesinDie Heidelberg Landbouge-nootskap hou van 7 Februarietot 9 Februarie sy jaarlikselandbouskou.

Op 1 Februarie word dieskoudans gehou en op 5 Febru-arie word ’n nuwe spoggeleent-heid, Skouspel, aangebiedwaar sewe kunstenaars gaanoptree. Die skou verteenwoor-dig ’n samekoms van al die ver-skillende kategorieë van land-bou sowel as die besighede engemeenskapvanbinneenbuitedie dorp. In 2013 kan boere enbelangstellendes ook uitsienna uitsonderlike kampioen-skappe. Kom ontspan en kuiersaam met die HeidelbergersDonderdag tot Saterdag aand 8Februarie by die Steakhousewaar vermaak en ’n heerlikesteak-ete bedien sal word. Be-soek die facebook groep (Hei-delberg western cape) vir meerinligting en program of bel virVic Brand by 071 227 987.

Road closures for cycle raceThe Coronation Double Centurywill take place on Saturday 24 No-vember, starting and finishing inthe scenic town of Swellendam.

For the safety of the participantsand the public, traffic will be control-led in certain areas where cyclistsmake use of public roads.

The following roads will be closedto traffic on the day of the event:

) Somerset Road, SwellendamTime: 03:30 to 07:30 (The section in

front of the Swellendam ShowGrounds will remain closed until16:30)

) R324 (Tradouw Pass)Time: 06:00 to 09:00) Van Riebeeck Road, MontaguTime: 09:30 to 10:30) Van Eeden Street, SwellendamTime: 11:00 to 17:00) Murray Street and Stasie Street

on either side of the Swellendam Show

Grounds will be closed for emergencyand pedestrian access only, for the du-ration of the event (04:00 to 16:00).

Expect delays on the following pub-lic roads, which will be used for therace during the following times:

) R62, between Barrydale and Mon-tagu: 07:00 to 10:30

) R62, between Montagu and Ash-ton: 09:45 to 10:45

) R60, between Ashton and Robert-son: 10:00 to 12:00

) R317, from Robertson to Bonnie-vale Cellars and Drew: 11:00 to 14:30

) R60, direction Swellendam: 12:15to 15:30

It is advisable that motorists takespecial care due to the large numberof cyclists on the road, taking heed ofthe temporary warning signs that areerected in areas that are particularlyhazardous for example on blind rises.

The organisers of the CoronationDouble Century would like to thank

the local community for their hospita-lity as well as their patience and un-derstanding during the short delaysthat may occur as a result of the race.

On Race Day the public can contactthe event organisers on 0 079 213 7336or0 028 514 1705if thereareanyemer-gency queries or incidents to report.

For more information

Page 5: Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012

Breederivier GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 20 November 2012 5

Geliefde juffrousterf aan beroerteANNELDA GROOTBOOM

’n Ma, rolmodel en Samaritaan vir hon-derde; ’n persoon wat uitgereik het naander en gehelp het waar sy kon.

Dit is hoe mense vir Irma Daniëls be-skryf. Daniëls, ’n onderwyseres wat 26jaarskoolgehouhetbyLangebergSekon-dêre Skool, het verlede Woensdag by dieskool ’n massiewe beroerte gekry, waar-na sy inderhaas met ambulanspersoneelna die Robertson-hospitaal geneem is endadelik oorgeplaas is na Medi-Clinic inWorcester. Sywas in ’nkomaenhetDon-derdagmiddag afgesterwe.

Sy is geboreop 29Desember 1961 inRo-bertson as die tweede oudste kind vanagt kinders. Nadat sy haar skooloplei-ding voltooi het by Esselen Park Hoër-skool in Worcester, het sy ook haar on-derwysersdiploma by Pentech voltooi in1985.

Volgenshaarman,LionelDaniëls,wassy vrou gesond maar net “baie moeg”.Wat hy kan onthou was die Woensdagog-gend net voor hy oppad was McGregortoe het hy haar nog gegroet met ’n soen“soos in die fliek Titanic”. “Haar liefde,omgee, sin vir humor, family keeper enbesonderse menswees sal ek vir altydkoester,” sê Daniëls.

Sy laat haar man, kinders, drie broersen drie susters agter. ’n Roudiens wordWoensdagaand om 19:00 gehou in dieskoolsaal van Langeberg Sekondêr endie begrafnisdiens is Saterdag om 10:00by die huis in Watsoniastraat 10 en 11:00by Langeberg Skoolsaal.

Irma Daniëls, oud-inwoner en onderwyser vanLangeberg Sekondêre Skool, is verlede weekoorlede na ’n massiewe beroerte.

Wesgro focuses on tourism tradeThe Western Cape Destination Marketing,Investment and Trade Promotion Agency(Wesgro),hostedatourismnetworkingses-sion, bringing together provincial stakeholders and emerging and established en-trepreneurs.

Hosted at the Protea Hotel – BreakwaterLodge in the V&A Waterfront, the informativesession focused on successful tourism branddevelopment. The speakers’ programme in-cluded Solly Moeng, senior consultant of DonValley Brand and Jacyntha Maclennan, headof Wesgro Intelligence Unit.

“Domestic tourism from the Western Capeaccounted for 34,7% of total tourist arrivals tothe region, indicating importanceof local tour-ism to the economy and can be considered tobe a market that could be developed in the fu-ture to further stimulate the appetite for do-

mestic travel and tourism,” Maclennan said.She also reported that the in the first quarter

of 2012, tourist arrivals to the Western Capegrew by 12,3% quarter-on-quarter from 2011 toreach 426,348 tourist arrivals making up 18,8%of total South African tourist arrivals for thatperiod.

Special guests Vernon Adams and Wajdi Ab-rahams, producers of Business at Heart showon Heart 104.9 FM, were also present. Wadjisaid: “The Western Cape is the gateway intoAfrica and we need to invite our SMME’s toshare their knowledge and stats to gain an ideaof what’s happening on the ground levels with-in the provinces tourism.”

For more on how to participate in the tour-ism networking sessions, please contact LindaMase on [email protected] or 021 487 4819.

Formore information,pleasecontactRoshinSchmidt, 021 487 8693 or [email protected]

A graph of the foreign arrivals in South Africa is shownhere during the Wesgro network session.

ALMAL DRA ’N HOED: Hoërskool Ro-bertson het die afgelope Vrydag, 9 No-vember, ’n Hoede- en Siwwiedag ge-hou om fondse in te samel vir Die Bur-ger se Kersfonds. Leerlinge kongewone klere aantrek en ’n prettigehoed opsit. Hulle het dit baie genietom só geld in te samel vir ander watmeer behoeftig is as hulle. Die bedragingesamel beloop R3 019,50 wat oor-betaal word aan die Kersfonds. Hierop die foto verskyn ’n groepie leerlingewat “belasting” op hul klere en hoedebetaal het ten bate van Die Burger seKersfonds.


Page 6: Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012

Breederivier Gazette Leader - Hoofartikel Dinsdag 20 November 20126

Moenie vrees nieNádie afgelopeweek se onluste en soms gewel-dadige ontmoetings tussen betogers en polisie,het baie mense onlangs hul vrees vir die situa-sie uitgedruk.Mense wat op plase woon het die afgelope

week in vrees gewagvir betogers omhul grondte betree om hul griewe aan te meld of om ’nmemorandum te oorhandig. Hulle het in vreesgelewe vir hulle lewe, besittings en grond.Aan die ander kant leef die betogers in vrees

vir honger ly en vrees hulle ’n gebrek aan temin kos en geld om die einde van die maandte haal.Vrees is een van die grootste dryfkragte van

die moderne mens. Hoewel vrees hom dikwelsvermom en vir ander lyk soos emosies vanhaat, verwyt of woede, is en bly die wortel vandie onluste vrees. Vrees bly die grootste faktorwat gemeenskappe uit mekaar uit hou en nouselfs verder uit mekaar dryf.Ná die era van apartheid was die gemeen-

skaplike doel om een nasie te skep. Tog dryfvrees gemeenskappe steeds verder en verderuitmekaar uit.Vrees verhoed ’n mens om kreatief te kan

dink en planne te maak om te oorleef. Komons oorkom ons vrese, kom ons reik mekaardie hand en bou saam aan ’n beter lewe vir al-mal.

Ope brief aan ons gemeenskap – saamwerk die enigste opsieOpe brief aan ons gemeenskap – saamwerk die enigste opsieOns het drie opsies op die tafel.1. Onskandiepragtigevallei intweeskeur

en elkeen kies ’n kant wat vir hom sal werk.Is dit juis nie waarvan ons weg wil beweegnie!2. Ons kan mekaar uit die vallei probeer

jaag en in die proses als wat ons saam opge-bouhet, plat trapenverniel, en ’ndorre land-skap agterlaat vir ons kinders met geen toe-koms.3. Of ons kan in harmonie saamwerk om

die streek uit te bou tot een van die sukses-verhale in die wêreld.Die plaaswerker-mosie het definitief ’n

aar raak geboor. Daar is mense wat na hulwerkers omsien as tweedehandse burgers.Dis onverskoonbaar en moet deur die siste-me van reg opgeneemword. Ironies genoeg,dit is ’nmosiewat deur diemeeste boere ookondersteun word. Was ons verras dat wer-kers van ons gemeenskap uit frustrasie ensimpatie deelgeneem het? Onthou dit is ’nsaak van die hart. Staan net ’n slag in hulskoene. Hoe moet hulle aan hul misnoeë enfrustrasie uiting gee? Sy lewensomstandig-hedeblydag in endaguit dieselfde. Sywoon-buurt lykagterlikweensdiensleweringspro-bleme, met politieke beloftes wat net niemeer haalbaar is nie. So ’n persoon gryp naenige grashalmwat lyk of dit hul omstandig-hede kan verbeter. Sou ons almal nie?Daar is ook die sensasie-jagters wat nie

kan wag vir wat volgende gaan gebeur nie –watter impak het jou aksies op die gemeen-skap gehad? Wat maak jou beter as die eenwat agter die optog aanloop? Albei soek ak-

sie, jammerlik, asseblief ons dorp is nie ’nfliek nie, hier bly mense met drome.Onsmoet regtig besin oor wat beteken die

woord “gemeenskap”. Daar woon 18 000mense in ons vallei. Moet ons almal ondereen kam skeer as net 500 deelneem aan dieoptog?Daar is baie waardering vir die feit dat in

Bonnievale vandie optogleiers gevrahet diekinders moet skool toe gaan en niemandmoet die dorp beskadig nie. Hoërskool Bon-nievale het met 103%matriekleerlinge van-oggend eksamen geskryf. Van die naburigeskool se leerlinge het hier kom skryf!Dan is daar ’n alombekende gesegde “You

cannot right awrongwith awrong”. Enhierrig ek dit weer aan die gemeenskapsleiers.Wat sê ons vir ons kinders? Is dit hoe onsgrootmense probleme uitstryk? Is reg en ge-regtigheid net van toepassing solank dit mynienegatiefbeïnvloednie?Kanonselkeboerin die gemeenskap onder dieselfde kamskeer?Weet ons regtig wat hulle vir die helegemeenskap doen?Moet ons nie besef dat asjy iemand opsweep, die gevolge na jou kanttoe sal kom nie? Het ons nie gesien wat inander dorpe gebeur nie, of wou ons regtighê dit moes hier ook gebeur?Wil ons regtig poog om van vooraf ons ge-

meenskap te polariseer? Kan ons bekostigomonsreedssukkelendeinfrastruktuurnogverder op te breek? Dit was vir my en mywerker ’n hartseer en skaam gesig hoe diestrate inHappyValley bemorswas. Ons kin-ders kom uit die skool, en dit is wat hullesien! Is ons as gemeenskap nie volwasse ge-

noeg sodat ons saam om ’n tafel kan geselsen dinge uitpraat nie. Is dit makliker om ’nopinie oor iemand te fel as wat dit is ommethom te praat? Is ons dan so dom dat ons toe-laat dat ons gemeenskap as speelbal gebruikword?Enhierwil ek sommerdiepolisie (onsskeidsregters) namens almal bedank wathierdieplofbare situasiepuikhanteerhet enverhoed het dat die minimum eiendommeen persone skade opgedoen het.Wie van ons het in die week wat die chaos

voorafgegaan het, met die ander persoongaanpraatomtekykofdaarnie ’nmeerdien-like oplossing op die tafel is nie? Albei kantetrek liewer laer. En dit is ’n groot hartseervir ons gemeenskap, as dit alles oor is, lê diebesluit nog steeds nie by ons nie!Vanmiddag stap die skoolhoof saam met

sy Happy Valley-skoolkinders huis toe omte verseker hule kom veilig tuis. So selfs indie donker dae kan elkeen van julle rondomjulle kyk, en die wonderwerke sien gebeur.Wat is die wonderwerk? Mense – bruin, witenswart –watbesig is omopsiedrie ’nwerk-likheid te maak. Ek dink die geringe skadehier is deels dat ons as gemeenskap al ’n verpad gestap het om dit te verwesenlik. Diege-ne van die gemeenskapwat hard gewerk hetom die gemoedere in plek te hou – wie salooit weet wat jul kalmerende insette vir onsas gemeenskap beteken het?Dankie aan almal van jullewat die pad vo-

rentoe oop sien. Laat julle die lig wees sodatander ook kan sien, om saam te werk is aluitweg.


Facebook commentsFacebook commentsBreede River Gazette readers expressed their opi-nion on protests in the Langeberg on theGazette’sFacebook page.

) Adri Joubert: Thanks to all the SAPS whowere out in the dreadful heat today protecting ourtown and local businesses and people.

) Patricia Lineker: Medals to all the SAPS outin the heat of the day and the heat of the momentmaking brave decisions for our safety!

)Mariki Viviers: They (the protesters) also donot look like my image of wine-farm workers.

) Felicity Menge: Shocking that the presidentallowed this to happen to his SAPS who work forthe country to protect everyone. DA requested afew times to release the army to help and he ig-noredall requests! Ihopeeveryone injured isokayand I take my hat off to all journalists and policewho risked their lives to protect us and to reporton what is going on.

) Charmaine Little: Baie dankie aan die SAPS– ek dink jul doen uitstekende werk!

) LisavanZyl-Jones:So freaky thatall thishap-pened in our special little “dorpie”. Saddening.

) Cornelia Wolfaardt: Dankie aan ons polisiehelde en heldinne wat so hard werk om ons te be-skerm. Ek dink elke oomblik aan julle.

) Jeanne Fochessati: Is this what Malemameant when he said he would make the WesternCape ungovernable? Makes you think!Visit

for photos, comments and updates.

Dié gedrag onsedelikDié gedrag onsedelikIsdaarnog ’nwetwatonsbeskermteenonsedelikegedrag in die openbaar? Klaarblyklik is dit dees-dae heeltemal normaal om kinders en tieners inhulle onderklere op straat te sien loop. Ek verwysspesifiek na die groepe kinders wat naweke vanen na die dorp se publieke swembad stap. Ek is’n vrou en ma van ’n dogtertjie, en dring aan opmy reg om tenminste inmy residensiële woonge-bied, kerk- en skole-gebied te kan stap of ry sonderom in opgeskote, reeds ontwikkelde, tieners enkinderswat innatonderklereopstraat loop,bloot-gestel te word.Dithetnikstedoenmetwaarhullevandaankom

of waarheen hulle op pad is nie. Ek kan net niedinkdatditwettigisominjouonderklereopstraatte loop nie. Wat het geword van respek vir jou eieliggaamenrespekvir joumedemens?Wattervoor-beeld stel hulle en hoe leer jy die jonger geslagvan respek as hulle so onnodig blootgestel word?Wel, ek het nog respek vir myself en my mede-mens. Ek is moeg daarvan om in mense met natonderklere vas te kyk op straat en weier om mywaardestelsel te verlaag of geïntimideer te wordhierdeur. Daar is ’n verskil tussen ’n onderbroek,slaapbroek, sportbra en swembroek. Koop asse-blief vir julle swembroeke, of bly by die huis.


Dié drie jong versiendes ’n inspirasieDié drie jong versiendes ’n inspirasieEkwilgraag ’nstoriemet jul-le deel van wat plaasgevindhet tydens die staking. Ekdink die kinders verdien ’nmedalje en voorbladnuus.Terwylalmalgeloopenvu-

re maak het in ons strate inBonnievale, vuvuzelas ge-blaas en getoyi-toyi het, wasdaar ’n breek Donderdag-middag so teen 17:00.Ek is gou Spar toe net om

uit te vind dit is toe. Op padsien ek twee tienerseuns indie straat op die hoek vanAngora- en Hoofstraat.Ek sien toe hulle is besig

met die rommel wat in diestrate lê nadat die betogersdaar bande en rommel ge-brandhet.Ekkonnieonmid-dellik uitmaak wat hulledoen nie, want ek kon sienhulle het nie amok gemaak nie.Op pad terug stop ek en sien toe daar is

eintlikdrie jongseuns,nienetmeertweenie,en vra toe vir hulle, “Wat maak julle?”.Die een sê: “Meneer ons maak skoon.” Ek

was heel verbyster, want dis amper op myvoorstoep en die gedagte het nie eens deurmykop gegaannie, diemunisipaliteit sal ditmos doen, dink ek by myself.Ek vra toe: “Word julle betaal?”Die een outjie sê: “Nee meneer.”Nuuskierig om te hoorwat diemotivering

is, vra ek toe, “Nou hoekom doen julle dit?”Die seun sê toe: “Meneer, ons bly ook mos

hier.”Wel, dis net daarwaar ek toe vir hulle elke

een ’n paar rand gee.Later is ons op pad plot toe. Bertie begin

toe rommel uit die pad dra om by die ingangvandieplot in tekom–asdrommewasomge-keer en stene het die hele pad vol gelê.Enkykdaar,diedrieselfdeseunshardloop

en kom help hom. So is hulle toe ’n roomysbelowe.Hoop dis inspirasie vir almal en die hele

Bonnievale-gemeenskap.Maaknie saakvanjou velkleur, beroep of ouderdom nie.Tienuit tienvirdie jongmannewatomgee

vir die gemeenskap en hoe hulle dorp lyk.Mag julle drietjies net die hoogste sport indie lewe bereik.

ANNONIEM, Bonnievale

Die skade op die hoek van Angora- en Hoofstraat nadat die betogersdaar verby is.

Drie tienerseuns maak die pad skoon ná die betoging.

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Breederivier GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 20 November 2012 7

TROUFOTO’S: Deoni Swanepoel neem stylvolle en ele-gante foto’s van jou spesiale dag.

MUSIEK: Musiekland bied platejoggies met die bestegehalte musiek en verskaf vet pret met die musiekvir elke funksie en troue.

FOTO’S: Charmaine Little van C Photography biedunieke fotos van jou spesiale dag. Op die foto isChantal Moller op haar troudag in Robertson.

HAIRANDBEAUTY: All treatmentsandaccommodationfor the Beauty Clinic are available from 1 February2013. Book your place at Illusions Hair Design on0 023 626 1692 or [email protected]

BLOMME: Gypsyrose bloemiste bied professionele,vriendelike diens en billike pryse, gratis konsultasieen lewer af aan alle dorpe binne die Langeberg-area.

ROKKE EN PAKKE: Criszanda’s bied iets vir alle trou-benodighede soos trourokke, blommemeisie-rokke,hofknapie-pakke en veel meer. Skakel Yolanda by 023626 5488.

DRAPERINGS: Anna van der Merwe is al bekend inRobertson vir haar elegante draperings. Bel haar gerusvir u volgende funksie by 023 626 2928.

EVENT DECOR: Final Touches in Robertson offersservices in event-co-ordination and decor rental. Con-tact them for all your event decor needs.

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Breederivier Gazette General - Algemeen Dinsdag 20 November 20128

Rotary honoursprominent residentProminent Robertson resident,Willem Scott, was honoured witha prestigious Paul Harris Fellow-shipAwardby theBreedeRiver Winelands RotaryClub.

The ceremony was con-ducted at the induction din-ner of this year’s president,Gert Lubbe.Scott has been a Rotarian

since the Club received itscharter in 2005, and hasserved as both treasurerand club services director.Although the award was

conferred primarily forserviceswithinRotary, ital-so recognises the extensive range ofcommunity tasks which he has vol-untarily and quietly undertaken inRobertson, Montagu and McGregor.Without fanfare, Scott has spent

many years helping to build up thestatus of the Robertson Museum (ofwhich he is chairman) to the pointwhere it is now recognised and sup-ported by the provincial authorities

- a vital development which prevent-ed the closure of this treasured as-pect of the town’s heritage.

He has also helped theMcGregor Museumwith its research intoformer resident GeorgePayne (a composer andworld-renowned experton succulents), by bur-rowing through the ar-chives of the Universityof Bloemfontein duringseveral visits to the city.Anacknowledgedmu-

sicologist, Scott is chair-person of the MontaguMusicSociety,whichof-fers a wide range of con-

certs throughout the year, and be-hind the scenes has helped a numberof other musical endeavours and so-cieties.A further contribution is his role

as chairman of the Robertson Liter-ary Society, founded in 1883with thequirky name of the Adult Improve-ment Society, and still going strongunder his leadership.

Willem Scott

Beurs vir Bonnievale-leerlingLizaan Viljoen, matriekleerlingvan Hoërskool Bonnievale, hetvanjaar die Goedverwacht Trustse studiebeurs ontvang. Dit be-hels ’n volledige beurs om van2013 aan die Universiteit Stellen-bosch te gaan studeer.Viljoen sal ’n BRek-graad aan

dieUniversiteitvanStellenboschvolg.Meisies wat in 2013 aan Hoër-

skool Bonnievalematrikuleer en

van 2014 af in die wetenskappe-of wiskunde-/rekeningkunde-rigtings wil gaan studeer, wordgenooi om die nodige aansoek-vorms by Dirk Jordaan, ’n trus-tee van die Goedverwacht Trust,af te haal. Navrae kan aanD. Jor-daan, Privaatsak X2, Bonnievale6730gerigword.AansoekevirdieGoedverwacht-beurs om in 2014verder te gaan studeer, sluit op28 Februarie 2013.

LastyearonYouthDayasaCommu-nity Policing Forum Initiative, JillHogan, creator of the McGregor Al-ternative Technology Centre (Mat),was roped into doing somethingwith the children of McGregor.At the same time, a local potter

gave Hogan some clay and they de-cided to build a little house. Thiswas the first attempt, but the chil-dren wanted to know when theywere going to build the next one.So, inspired by the miniature vil-

lage inBourtonontheWater inEng-land, (, it was decidedto build a miniature cob cottage atMat.Bruce Milne, an architect, drew

up the plans and the children weretaught how to build a house withnatural materials.The children were asked what is

the first thing you do when youbuild a house? They answered, “digthe foundations”. Hogan, however,explained that first you buy theland, whichmeans you needmoneyand a good job. For this you need aneducation,“soyouhaveto learnandstay at school and become quali-fied”.Over many weeks, working each

Saturday morning, the miniaturehouse grew bit by bit. Hogan saysit was interesting to see the chil-dren relax, openupand sharemany

issues. Hogan saysthat as a result of thisexercise, one of theboys has decided tostudy to become abuilding inspector.Children were

taught the variousstages of building, in-cluding the founda-tions, stone footings,building up the walls,putting in the win-dows and doors. Andplastering, preparingthe grass and eventu-ally the thatching ofthe roof.Each building

phase of a normal house was fol-lowed and the exact samematerialswere used. Hogan said the idea is tobuild a little village at Mat, with amain road running through it, us-ing various building methods andstyles as examples of naturalhomes.Fogene Page, Leonardo Aden-

dorff, Jevino Fortuin and MaxwellHager were the participants in theproject. AndeleneAdendorff taughtthe boys how to make cob and limeplaster, while De Gaulle Pap helpedthem with the plastering. JonOostendorf taught them thatching.Hogan said natural homes are

warminwinterandcool insummer.

Lizaan Viljoen ontvang die beurs vanDirk Jordaan,mede-trustee van dieGoedver-wacht Trust.

McGregor children build own house

Theyarealsomorethan90%carbonneutral and do not harm the earthin the building process, as no build-er’s rubble is dumped and no toxicmaterials are used.Hogan said that all materials

used, such as clay, straw and sand,are natural. Natural building is du-rable andhasbeenproven to last fora couple of hundred or thousandyears.“When this house does finally fall

down, it will simply leave a coupleof bottles or, as in the case of the bighouses atMat, a couple ofmotor carwindowsforsomeoneelse topickupand use to build their own home,”Hogan said.

The children from McGregor working on their miniature cob house. PHOTOS: JILL HOGAN

The final product

TEGNOLOGIE-PRESTEERDERS: Die gr. 7-tegnologieklas van Hoër-skool Bonnievale het vanjaar aan die FAK Tegnologie-kompetisiedeelgeneem. Die leerlinge het projekte gemaak om die gebruikvanmeganismes soos ’n nok in ’n speelding vir ’n kind te illustreer.Ses van die gr. 7-leerlinge se projekte is gekies omop6Novemberdeel te wees van die finale prysaanwysingseremonie te GoudiniSpa. Tydens dié geleentheid is die 40 beste projekte van al dieskole in die KaapseWynland Onderwysdistrik uitgestal vir besigti-ging waarna die finale wenners aangekondig is. Op die foto vanlinks (agter) JDWentzel, Jenna Roseveare en JanaWessels; (voor)Chantell Smit, Megan Britz en Sunica Joubert.


TENNIS: Laerskool Robertson wens die leerlinge geluk. Hullehet aan die Boland Interpro-kampioenskappe teen WestelikeProvinsie deelgeneem het. Hier is Phillip Falck, Cheslinarendse, Theo Louwrens en Getha Kloppers.

VRYBURGERS RE-DENAARS: Die leer-linge van LaerskoolRobertson het aandie Vryburgers-rede-naars deelgeneem.René Wentzel is asdie wenner aange-wys en Christine vanZyl was tweede.

VASVRAE: Dieleerlinge het La-erskool Robert-son se internevasvra kompeti-sie van 2012 ge-wen. Agter is Dy-lan Ward en Peir-re-Albert van derMerwe en voor isRené Wentzel enJanico Stipp.

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Breederivier GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 20 November 2012 9

DANS: Robertson Dance Studio het ’n opwindende jaar gehad. MarcelleRosser (dansonderwyseres) en Hannah Powell (leerling) het die voorreggehad om as deel van die Cape Town Dance Team aan die “New PragueDance Festival” in die Tjeggiese Republiek deel te neem. Hulle het uitste-kend gevaar en die groep het met vier trofees teruggekom. Die groepneem ook elke jaar aan die Montagu Jeugkunstefees deel en het daarook uitstekend gevaar met 2 dubbelgoud,2 goud en 2 silwer asook dietrofee vir beste moderne danser. Die Dance Studio bied ook elke jaar‘n konsert aan. Hier is Stephanie Kriel in aksie tydens vanjaar se konsert“Shut Up And Dance”. FOTO: VERSKAF

OEFENING: Die Monkeynastix-program leer kinders deur speletjiesverskillendebewegingsaan.Daardeurwordhul fyn-motoriese spiere,oog-hand-koördinasie, krag, spoed, soepelheid, algehele fiksheidasook goeie balvaardigheid ontwikkel. Monkeynastix lê ook diegrondslag vir vaardighede in verskillende skoolsporte.

SPEEL: By Mini Mense word daar weekliks aktiwiteitegedoen. Babas tot peuters word se ontwikkeling wordgestimuleer deur speletjies. Ouers kan ook een keer’n week ’n werksessie met hul kinders bywoon.

DANSE: Teacher and owner of Danza la Vida School of Dance, DaniqueFullard, is very excited about 2013. Following their successful productionlast month, there has been an increase in interest in the art / sportof dance. Danza la Vida will be in Robertson in 2013.

LEER SWEM: In die gerief van ’n onderdak-, warmwater-swembad wordkinders by Robbies swemskool van die ouderdom van ’n paar maandetot skoolgaande ouderdom afgerig vir swemlesse. Waterveiligheid enswemklasse word deur opgeleide instruktrises aangebied.

SKOOL: Die Plaaswerf skool is nie ’ngewone speelskooltjie nie. Uitstappiesen atletiekbyeenkomste word gerel enkonserte en ’n gradeplegtigheid wordook gehou. Daar is selfs tyd vir baken brou. Al die aktiwiteite word deuropgeleide gekwalifiseerde onderwyse-resse gelei. Die skool bied ’n goeievoorsprong vir enige peuter.

SPORT: Met Playball, word u kind blootgestel aan ’n verskeidenheidsportsoorte wat hulle ’n hupstoot gee vir hul toekomstige sportkeu-ses. Klassies is klein en ouderdom-spesifiek om hul vaardighedeelk individueel te vorder. Die afrigters word met sorg geselekteeren voordurend opgelei. Playball word reeds wêreldwyd as ’n sukses-volle sportprogram aanbeveel en aangebied.

REKENAARGELETTERDHEID: Logikabied ’n unieke re-kenaargeletterdheidsprogram aan, geskik vir kindersvan alle ouderdomme bo vyf. Die program word geïn-tegreer met die skool-leerplan. Een gratis les wordverskaf sodat ouers kan sien of die kursus by hulbehoeftes pas. Vakansie-werksessies word aange-bied en sertifikate word aan die einde van die kursusuitgedeel.

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Breederivier Gazette Classifieds Dinsdag 20 November 201210






JANSENROSYGeluk met jou geboorte-dag, Woensdag, 21 No-vember 2012. Mag dieHere se seën op jou lewerus. Psalm 90:17 word joutoegewens.RAAIWIEWORD 21?

ARNOLDUS, ARNOGeluk met jou 21steverjaarsdag, Sondag25 November. Mag dieHere jou seën en baie jarespaar. Van jou Pa Arnold,Ma Innie, Mammie, Jenny,Bradley, Allen, oumas,oupas, ooms en tannies.




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Bamford wat by onswerksaam was. Dit is ‘ngroot verlies vir ons asbesigheid en wees

verseker dat hy gemis salword deur ons en ook al sy




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Gest: 12/11/2012






Bote en Toerusting


2 SEATER PEDAL bootsfor sale. R9 900. ContactNico 084 837 5374.





General Services

KOM geniet die avontuuren ontspanning van perdryby die Robertson Ry-skool.* Ons bied verskei-denheid van rylesse virkinders en grootmense virbeginners en ervare rui-ters *Outrides tussen diewingerde en langs dieBreërivier * Wynproë op’n perd se rug of met diewaentjie by Majors Hill enSpringfield. *Perdrykampe vir kindersgedurende skoolvakansies* Mini kommando’s opSaterdae*Kinderpartytjies. Skakelons gerus by 072 291 7631of 082 402 7088.

CAPITALSECURITYTel: 023 347 3827/8

of 023 626 5655

• 24 uur telefoon/radiomonitor

• 24 uur gewapende reaksie• 24 uur beheerkamer• SIRA goedgekeur• CCTV• Afstandbeheer/paniekalarms

• Alarminstallasies• Wagte• Toegangsbeheerstelsels• SAIDSA goedgekeur• Poligraaf toetse

"Knowledge is thekey to safety"



LOANS approved R1000to R10 000. Blacklist &garnish welcome, sms Idnr+ gross and nett income,fax ID, 2 monthsbankstatement and latestpayslip to 021 8701728.Contact 076682272(Wendy) 10 minutesapproval. Cellphonecontracts also available.

A first for Masekeke matricsMasakheke High School inNkquabela held their first ev-er matric farewell on Tuesday9 October.

The principal, staff andgrade 12 pupils of MasakhekeHigh School would like tothank Build-It Robertson andRapidRiverSpur for theirsup-port and commitment thatmade the matric farewell sucha success.

For their contributions inthe form of donations or assis-tance – financially or other-wise – the school wants to ex-press their heartfelt thanks tothe following organisationsand individuals:

, Dros Robertson, Robertson Lenteskou, Robertson Garden Centre, Robertson Bloemiste, Robertson Vloerdienste, Shaun Veldsman, Dirk Rossouw, Deon Van Deventer, Johan Smit, Jacques Wentzel, Anna van der Merwe, Anschen Granger

, Suzelle Kruger, Aida, Electric Earth, Chrizandra’sThe school also thanked Dion Van Eyssen

and Van Eyssen Elektries for their pro-activeinvolvement and commitment in assisting theschool to rise above limitations.

Matriculants of Masakheke High School in Nkquabela at their first evermatric farewell. FOTO: DEON VAN DEVENTER

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Breederivier GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 20 November 2012 11


InstructIons to ApplIcAnts: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Governmentdepartment or must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect thename of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this asreference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, and certified copies of ID,driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed foreach post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applicationsmust be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed ore-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel willreceive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not beconsidered.

Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not receiveda response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consideryour application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available forselection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department.

As directed by the Department of public service & Administration, applicants mustnote that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that theirappointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include securityclearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previousemployment.


The Department of Health is guided by theprinciples of Employment Equity. Disabledcandidates are encouraged to apply and anindication in this regard will be appreciated.

closing date:14 December 2012

lAnGEBErG suB-DIstrIct (cApE WInElAnDs HEAltH DIstrIct)

Administration Clerk: Admissions

rEmunErAtIon: r 108 078 pEr Annum

sErVIcE BEnEFIts: 13tH cHEquE, EmployEr’s contrIButIon to tHE

pEnsIon FunD, HousInG AnD mEDIcAl AID AlloWAncE.

rEquIrEmEnts: mInImum EDucAtIonAl quAlIFIcAtIon: Senior Certificate

(or equivalent). ExpErIEncE: Appropriate basic administrative experience.

InHErEnt rEquIrEmEnt oF tHE JoB: Driver’s licence (code B). compEtEncIEs

(knoWlEDGE/skIlls): • Good interpersonal skills. • Ability to handle conflict

situations and to maintain confidentiality. • Good typing and computer skills.

• Computer literacy (MSOffice:Word, Excel and PowerPoint). • Ability to communicate

effectively (verbal and written) in at least two of the three official languages of the

Western Cape. • Basic Routine Health Information System for Data Capturers.

DutIEs (kEy rEsult ArEAs/outputs): Handle switchboard and control

of telephone calls when necessary. • Document and file all patient results and

correspondence where necessary. • Accurate data capturing on computer. • General

administration duties (i.e. filing process, telephone, typing letters, patients’ folders).

• Schedule appointments at doctors, hospitals, out patients and other institutions.

• Ensureproperdata collectionflow fromsub-district todistrict. • Performadministrative

role as a member of the information management team.

EnquIrIEs: Ms A Metelerkamp, tel. no. (023) 626-8548


DEpArtmEnt oF HEAltH

plEAsE suBmIt your ApplIcAtIon For tHE AttEntIon oFms A mEtElErkAmp to tHE pHc mAnAGEr: roBErtson HospItAl,prIVAtE BAG x617, roBErtson, 6705.

Gospelfees om te onthouMaak nou ’n aantekening in jou dagboekvir diemees opwindende fees van die jaar.

DieBreederivier Gazette bied op 1 Desemberdie Blue Rock-gospelfees op die Blaauwklip-pen-wynplaas by Stellenbosch aan. Dit gaan’n dag van pret en vermaak vir die hele gesinwees. Die 150 stalletjies by die gesinsmark saliets bied wat in elkeen se smaak val. Van varsprodukte tot smaaklike kos en wyn, kuns,handwerk, modes en dekor.Met optredes deur onder meer Louis Brittz,

Rouchelle Liedemann, Neville D, Ivan Siege-laar, Anders, Louis Loock van Romanz, Onbe-skaamd en Heinz Winckler sal daar nie ’n te-kort aan vermaak wees nie. Vir die kindersis daar ook ’n optrede deur Luidkidz wat dieberge in lofsang sal laat bewe.Die feestelikhedebeginom10:00metplaasli-

ke sangers wat besoekers vermaak. Optredessluit in Alban Petersen, Kenny Simon, StarlitSky, Heavenly Quartez, Elton Jansen, GarethJames,HenriKriel,FrancoisLouwentallean-der. Met die talle kos- en drinkgoedstalletjiesbyderhand, kan jy gerus jou komberse, son-sambreel of gazebo bring en ’n heerlike piek-niek geniet terwyl die kunstenaars optree.Daar sal ook van Blaauwklippen se internas-ionaal bekende wyn te proe en te koop wees.Terwyl ma en pa hul Kersinkopies by die

markie doen, is daarhope pret en vermaakvirdie kleingoed in ’n veilige omheinde gebied.Daar word ook ’n spesiale doekruil-stasie en’n moederskamer met TV-skerms opgerig so-dat nie een oomblik van die aksie op die ver-hoog gemis word nie. Radio Tygerberg sal ’nregstreekse uitsending doen en besoekers iswelkom om die aksie by hul buite-uitsaaisen-trum te gaan bekyk.

Veilige en gemaklike parkering is beskik-baarbyTegnopark langsdieR44enpendelbus-sies sal deurlopend tussen die parkeergebieden die plaas ry. Vir diegene wat van ver kom,bied Protea Hotel Stellenbosch kamers teenR420 per persoon aan. Dit sluit in ’n aandeteen vertoning na afloop van die fees en ontbytdie Sondagoggend. ’n Kerkdiens word ook dieSondag by die hotel aangebied.Terwyl die son stadig agter Tafelberg sak en

die Helderberge in hul volle glorie deur diesonstrale verlig word, sal die hoofvertoningom18:30versekerdat1Desember ’nonvergeet-like dag van lof en aanbidding tussen die win-gerde sal wees. Kaartjies is nou beskikbaar byComputicket en kos R100 vir volwassenes enR50 vir kinders onder 12. Dit gee jou toegangvir die hele dag en sluit alle vertonings in. Virmeer inligting skakel 0 079 716 4593 of [email protected].

Chrismas market helps agedBonnievale Cellar will host a Christmasmarket from 21 to 24 November in aid of theHerfsvreugde home for the aged.Adam Tas will perform on Thursday 22

November. Tickets for the show is R180 andincludes a picknick basket and wine.

There will also be a wine auction in aidof Vera School for autistic children. Themarketwill be open fromWednesday to Fri-day from 09:00 to 18:00 and Saturday from09:00 to 15:00. Formore information contactthe Bonnievale Cellar on 023 616 2795.

Page 12: Breederivier Gazette 20 November 2012


Year 16 • 20 November 2012 | Tel. 023 626 5212

Môreson klop vir LikkewaanMôreson United Domino Klub oorheersweereens die liga nadat die klub vir Likke-waan Klub op hulle tuisveld met vyf teen-oor drie geklop het.

Likkewaan het met ’n hoë tempo begin deurmet twee teenoor nul voor te loop, maar Môre-

son United het met ’n groot slag terug gevegen gewen.Spelers soos Susan Koopman en Eben Beuk-

man het ’n groot rol in Môreson United se oor-winning gespeel. Ria Matthys en Carlo Demashet gehelp om Môreson United se oorwinningte verseker.

Môreson United Domino Klub.

LEIERS: Die nuwe verteenwoordigende raad van leerlinge van die Ashbury Primêre Skool is onlangs verkies.Ashbury Primêre Skool se sportman en -vrou vandie jaar is Gerald Andriese en Liza Jansen.

PRESTEERDER: Maretha Burger van Laer-skool Ashton het ’n medalje ontvang virdeelname aan die ROX-tennistoernooi opStellenbosch. Sy het onder die top agt ge-eindig in die toernooi, en is ook genomineerom aan die Wilson Meesters deel te neemop 24 November 2012.

ROBERTSON-POOLKLUBS MEET KRAGTE: Op Sondag 11 November het die Heartbreakers-poolklubvan Môreson teen Young Shooters-poolklub van Dorpsig gespeel. Die Heartbreakers het vroeg dievoorsprong geneemdeur die eerste rondemet vyf teenoor nul tewen. YoungShooters het wel teruggekomin die tweede ronde en die telling ses teenoor vier gemaak. Die wedstryd is toe weer oorheers deurdie tuis-spanwat dit uiteindelik beklink hetmet 13 teenoor agt. Die Heartbreakers nooi enige belangstel-lende spelers uit om deel te word van die sport. Hier is (van links) Warren Adams, Jason Abrahams,Dimetri Spannenberg en Adriaan Edwards; (voor) Ryan Van De Heyde. FOTO: VERSKAF

DONASIE: Raimondi het ’n gholfdag ge-hou, en R50 000 aan Nasionale Insti-tuut vir Blindes, die Herberg Kinderhuis,Nasionale Instituut vir Dowes, JosephMatwa Old Age Home, en J9 geskenk.Van links is Schalk Hugo van die Nasio-nal Instituut vir Blindes, Petro Uren vandie Herberg Kinderhuis, Joost Van DerWesthuizen van J9,AnnelRaimondi,Na-taleRoelofse vandieNasionale Instituutvir Dowes, en Bruno Raimondi