bread-types of bread & uses

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  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses




    For several hundred years, breads, because of their food value, in one or the other

    form have been used as one of the staple foods in many countries around the world. The

    breads may vary in size, shape and texture because of eating habits in one country to

    another country. The bread consumption in India has shown a marked increase in the past

    few years. This trend, we believe, will continue because of present low per capita

    consumption of bread, better nutritional values, increase in standard of living, and

    because the bread is most conveniently prepared ready-to-serve food. The availability of

    variety breads, on the counter of a retail bakery or at other retail outlets, could aid in

    increasing the consumption of bakery foods, because the variety breads containingredients which provide new taste, aroma and at times additional nutrition to the


    In earlier days, bread was made from grinding wheat into whole meal flour which

    was mixed with water and bake on hot stones or on the hearth of a very primitive type of

    oven. earth is the heated baking surface of the floor of an oven. !ertain breads were

    fermented by simple processes, while other breads which were not fermented took the

    appearance of p cakes or chapattis.

    "part from the different breads commercially available in balanced here are

    several other breads which will fall into the realm of variety breads. These variety breads

    are French, Italian, #ienna, $utch !runch, %aisin, %ye, &gg, Twist, !racked wheat or

    many more. The name of variety of bread denotes either the area of its origin or the

    presence of unconventional ingredients. The conventional ingredients in a regular white

    bread are flour, water' salt, yeast, sugar, shortening, milk powder and certain enrichment

    additives. " satisfactory loaf of regular white bread could be produced from four essential

    ingredients - flour, water, salt and yeast or a (sour dough(.

    For the production of bread, we must first know the type of bread that is to be

    produced. )ecause all the variety breads re*uire a different formulation.

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    French Bread

    The authentic( French bread is made from a very lean formula using sour dough.

    The sour dough process calls for setting of a small sponge which when riped is mixed intoa sponge approximately twice as large as the original sponge. "t certain periods of time

    the sponge is remixed and its size is doubled with each mixing. The dough is allowed to

    ferment until it becomes sufficiently light for make-up. This type of bread usually has a

    thick, hard crust and a characteristic sour taste. It is important to mould French bread

    tightly that is a light stern must be formed without tearing. It is not necessary, however, to

    mould as firm a loaf or to force out all the gases as with pan bread because the character

    of the grain .for this bread is open. The typical French bread is best when it has many

    large holes, i.e. less crumb.

    French bread is made up in many shapes and lengths, the most popular of which

    seems, to be the long loaves or sticks. The French sticks are usually made up to about +

    long for the // gms loaves and 0 for the 1// gms. It is important that the bread be

    proofed 2ust to the point where it will receive the cut and open slightly but not over

    proofed to the extent when cut, it will recede.

    Italian Bread

    Italian bread dough is usually made from a very lean formula. The dough often

    contains nothing but flour, water, and yeast arid salt. 3hen mixing the dough it is a

    common practice to incorporate some old dough into the batch in order to obtain more

    acid flavour. Italian bread must have a hard, thick crust with a dry crumb. 4ometimes the

    bread is proofed in the oven so that it will be crusted when it goes in the oven for baking

    thus producing a heavier crust on the baked loaf. 5ittle or no steam is re*uired for baking

    this type of bread.

    Italian bread is usually made up long and pointed and given two or three cuts

    which must crack freely. 4ome give one cut lengthwise, slightly off centre, with the knife

    held at a slant so that there is large shell-like break when the loaf is baked while others

    make the loaves round with four cuts in the form of a s*uare.

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    Vienna Bread

    The interior characteristics of #ienna bread differ from pan breads. The grain is

    more open with some holes, the crumb drier and texture harsher. The crust and crumb are

    more thoroughly baked than pan breads which accounts in part for the fine flavour andtaste. To produce *uality #ienna bread, the dough should be fully fermented but not

    overaged. 6oung dough will result in loaves with a tough rubbery crust while loaves from

    over-fermented dough will have a hard brittle crust.

    #ienna loaves are made up in great variety of shapes, the most popular being the

    pointed shape. #ienna bread should have an almost full proof before it is placed in the

    oven. The loaves are usually given two or three more diagonal cuts before being loaded

    into the oven. 4easame or poppy seeds are sometimes sprinkled on the loaves before

    baking. If the seeds are to be used the loaves should be washed with water first so that the

    seed will stick to the crust. 5ow pressure steam should be used freely in the oven while

    loading and for the first few minutes of baking.

    Dutch Crunch

    The ingredients for topping are mixed thoroughly and are allowed fifteen minutes

    rest before using. The topping is spread over the top of the bread 2ust before the bread

    goes into the oven. $uring baking the dough expands and separates, the topping making

    cracks which produce a crunchy effect. The same topping may be used on dinner rolls.

    Rai in Bread

    The procedure for making the raisin bread is the 7ame as for making the regular

    bread except that the raisin should be soaked for a few hours before use. "dd raisin two

    minutes before finishing mixing. The dough should be kept on the (young( side.

    R!e Bread

    "s far as possible, strong flour should be used for making rye bread. This strong

    flour will be able to carry the dead weight of rye flour which does not contain gluten

    forming proteins. In making rye bread, apart from yeast, sour is used as mentioned in the

    formula. The recipe for sour is as follows8

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    %ye +//94our :ilk +;

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses



    The !racked wheat bread is made like regular bread except that cracked wheat is

    soaked for a few hours prior to use. This bread has a nutty flavour.

    Te#*erature C"ntr"l

    In order to create conducive conditions for- fermentation temperature control

    assumes a great degree of importance. For regular bread production the temperature for

    fermentation ranges between ; to //F. owever the re*uired temperature within this

    range will, depend on the formula, type of flour and the condition of the bakery.

    " rich formula could have somewhat of a retarding effect on the working of the

    yeast' in this, situation a few degrees higher temperature will speed up the dough

    fermentation so that the production schedule is not disturbed. If there are no temperaturecontrols in the bakery, a variation in dough temperature will be necessary in order to

    conform to the atmospheric conditions. 3hen too low temperature is used, it will prevent

    the dough from maturing and will also prolong production. @n the other hand higher

    temperatures stimulate fermentation, and will create excessive lacitic and acetic acid

    fermentation which will affect the flavour and other *ualities of the end product.

    Therefore, it is essential that the dough temperature should be maintained not

    only during mixing stages but also during the entire fermentation period. This

    temperature control starts from the time the dough is mixed until it reaches a temperature

    of + /=F during baking at which temperature the yeast is killed. The place where the

    dough is allowed to ferment should have a temperature of about /.F. $uring the make up

    period the dough should be kept away from a place where too low or too high

    temperatures are prevailing. "t the proofing stage also, proper temperature and humidity

    should be maintained.

    Bread and Related Pr"duct)aking is defined, as it is a method of cooking the food material making use of

    dry heat. The term baking also includes the preliminary steps to get a baked product such

    as selection of ingredients, weighing, preparing and baking. )akery products are

    classified into types, depending upon the type of leavening action.

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    6east leavened products 8 )read, rolls and pastry

    !hemically leavened products 8 !akes, biscuits, cookies

    "ir leavened products 8 4ponge cake and angel cake Bartially leavened products 8 Bie crust >)oth air and chemicals?

    )read is a yeast leavened product. ard wheat with gluten content from C-+/9 is

    used for bread making. 4ugar and salt are added to improve the flavour of bread.

    Selecti"n "$ in redient

    The essential ingredients for bread making are refined wheat flour, yeast, water,

    salt, sugar, fat and milk solids.

    Pr"*"rti"n "$ in redient u ed in +read

    Fl"ur , It is customary in reporting the proportion of ingredients used in bread to give

    percentages in relation to +// parts of flour. For example, if +// g of flour is used with 0

    g of yeast, 7 of sugar, 7 of fat and 1/ g of water and the results are reported as 0, 7 and 7.

    Fat , The proportion of fat used in different bread varies. ard bread does not re*uire fat.

    The amount may be greater for rich, sweet goods or for short bread.

    -i uid , The optimum proportion of water or milk for a good loaf volume varies with the

    hydration capacity of the gluten in the flour. This proportion is reported to vary from

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    Salt , "bout +.

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    4ponge mixed

    4ponge placed kin trough

    4ponge allowed maturing >proofing?

    4ponge broken up and mixed with dough ingredients

    "llowed to rise sometime turned and folded

    $ough dividing

    $ividing and scaling


    Intermediate proof



    Ban proof




    Strai ht d"u h *r"ce , The ingredients are mixed at one time.

    3eighing ingredients

    :ixing yeast, sugar, salt and water >< min?

    "ddition of flour and water > < min ?

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    "ddition of shortening

    )read dough

    $ividing and weighing




    Ban proof




    Fer#entati"n , :ixed dough is placed in a fermentation room or proofing at / oF and

    humidity of ;

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    important. )ulk fermentation is an approximate doubling of volume is best done at a

    temperature not exceeding 7/ o!. $uring fermentation, the dough surface should be

    protected from drying, either by a moist atmosphere or by a thin film of fat. "t the end of

    an ade*uate fermentation period, a touch with the finger will leave an impression in the

    dough' dough elasticity causes rapid disappearance of the impression at an earlier stage.

    The time re*uired for fermentation depends on the concentration of yeast, sugar, salt and

    on the strength of the gluten structure, in addition to the fermentation temperature. The

    stronger the gluten structure, the greater is the time re*uired, the weaker the structure, the

    greater is the possibility of over fermentation and conse*uent further weakening of the

    structure."fter fermentation, the dough is sized, shaped, and placed in pans or on baking

    sheets. These steps are automated in commercial bread production. The fermentation that

    follows is referred to as proofing. It involves the same reaction as the earlier fermentation

    but proceeds more *uickly.

    1n"c(in , The fermented dough is knocked back or punched down . In commercial

    bread making, the punching of straight dough is done periodically during fermentation.

    Its purpose is to force out carbon dioxide, e*ualize dough temperature, and redistribute

    the yeast cells and their food supply into a more homogenous mixture. In addition, this

    step serves to further subdivid the gas cells and increases the uniformity of their size.

    This affects the ultimate crumb grain because larger cells expand more readily than

    smaller ones and variations in size thus become enhanced with loaf expansion. There may

    or may not be a second bulk fermentation.

    Punchin , Folding the ends and the sides of the dough from one side of the dough to the

    others and punching. It is done for.

    to keep the dough at an even temperature by actually turning the dough inside out.

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    release the accumulated carbon dioxide gas which restrict fermentation if allowed

    to concentrate.

    introduce fresh oxygen which produces vigorous fermentation and

    to mechanically develop the gluten.

    The first punch usually takes place after about

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    Ba(in , )aking changes the dough to an appetizing, digestible products, the temperature

    for bread baking is between // to

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    proteins are coagulated and starch is partially gelatinized. Delatinization is partial

    because bread dough is a limited - water system.

    In the final stage of baking, internal bread structure becomes firm. " curst

    develops through surface drying, and crust browning occurs, primarily as the result of

    carbonyl-amine >:aillard? reactions. )rowning is accelerated by the crust temperature of


  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    )read staling is a ma2or change that is a concern of both the consumer and the

    researcher and has received much attention. 4taling in terms of the sensory *ualities that

    are affected, taste, aroma, firmness, crumb texture, and crust crispness. In the broadcast

    sense, the process includes all of the changes, exclusive of those resulting from spoilage

    organisms that occur in bread after baking.

    Eust as the interactions among components contributing to crumb properties in

    fresh bread are complex, so also are the interactions involved in staling. !riteria starch

    crystallinity, crumb firmness, crumbliness, and opacity, all of which increase during

    staling' and water absorption capacity, soluble starch content, and susceptibility to

    amylolytic attack, all of which decrease during staling. 4ensory effect include loss of crust crispness, deterioration of flavour, and development of crumb harshness.

    The firming of bread crumb during storage is known to involve starch

    retrogradation. The linear starch molecules that are leached from the granules during the

    baking process become *uite concentrated in the limited amount of water outside the

    granules. )ecause these linear molecules in the interstitial spaces are prone to retrograde


    3hen the total extent of water loss from the loaf during storage, transfer of water

    within the loaf occurs and has been studied extensively. Transfer of moisture from the

    crumb to the crust results in the crust(s becoming soft and leathery while the crumb

    becomes increasingly firm.

    Other +i"l" icall! lea%ened *r"duct

    S"urd"u h Bread 4ourdough breads are characterized by their distinctive sour

    flavour, which is produced by the action of acid - forming bacteria.

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    Salt 2 Ri in Bread salt - rising bread is made from dough that is similar to

    sourdough in that both yeast and bacterial fermentation occur in its preparation. 3ild

    yeast cultures that are able to withstand reconstitution in very hot water are used.

    Yea t -ea%ened Ca(e The leavening system is a combination of Saccharomyces

    cerevisiae and a sour dough starter. The sour dough starter is used not so much for

    leavening as for acid production.

    Bread R"ll Pr"ducti"n

    The production of bread rolls differs principally from that used in making bread

    in that a richer formula is used and less mixing is re*uired. The dough usually is much

    softer. The significant ingredients that make richer formula are the fat and sugar content,

    and in some instances, soft wheat flour is combined with hard wheat flour. Formulas for

    rolls differ widely i however, regular bread dough may be used to make rolls of good

    *uality. )asic formulas for rolls are as follows8 +. &vaporated 0. Aonfat dry

    Bread2R"ll F"r#ula

    In redient Standard

    H"t R"ll

    uic( Rai ed

    Yea t R"ll

    Hard R"ll4Ba ed "n

    French BreadF"nnula5

    S"$t R"ll4Ada*ted

    Fr"#Standard H"tR"ll Reci*e5

    Pu$$ R"ll

    %our, ard wheat +//.// +//.// +//.// .

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    . $ividing

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    those in bread production.

    /a(eu* "$ Bread R"ll

    4teps in making bread rolls are as follows

    Sand'ich R"ll 2/a(eu* a $"ll"' ,

    >+? $ivide dough into +.0? !ut strips of dough into pieces weighing approximately step +?.

    >7? %ound the 4tep 0?.

    > ? Blace rolls in rows on a greased baking sheet ++ 0 to 0 in. apart.>

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    Pan R"ll 2 Broceed as for sandwich rolls, except omit step 1.

    )iener 4"r $in er5 R"ll 2 :ake up as follows8

    >+? $ivide dough and roll into strips as for sandwich rolls. +

    >0? !ut strips of dough into pieces weighing approximately Gse only 7/ gms. of dough for linger rolls.?

    >7? %ound dough slightly and roll into pieces approximately l 0 in. long.

    > ? Blace rolls in rows on a greased baking sheet l 0 in. apart.

    Par(er h"u e R"ll 2 :akeup as follow8

    >+? $ivide and roll dough as for sandwich rolls.

    >0? !ut strips into portions weighing approximately + in thick?

    >7? 4hape dough into balls by rolling with a circular motion on workbench.

    > ? "llow balls to rest for +/ to +< minutes.


  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    Ste* 82 F"ld "n crea e & *re t" ether.

    Sha*in Par(erh"u e R"ll

    Cl"%erlea$ R"lI - :ake up as follows8

    >+? %oll +.< kg. piece of dough into a rope approximately + in. in diameter and cut

    into pieces 0? $ivide each small piece of dough into threes

    and shape in small balls.

    >7? Blace into oiled muffin pans allowing three balls for each cup, as shown.

    Pannin "$ Cl"%erlea$ R"ll

    T'in R"ll 2 Broceed as for cloverleaf rolls but allow only two balls for each cup.

    Butterh"# R"ll 2 :ake up as follows8

    >+? %oll dough into a C in. circle or a thin rectangular sheet.

    >0? !ut circle into eight wedge-shaped pieces or cut sheet of dough into triangle.

    >7? )rush with melted butter. )egin at base, roll each triangle keeping point in

    middle of roll. Blace on greased baking sheet +9 in. apart.

    Cre cent 2 Broceed as for butter-horn rolls and bring ends of butter horn towards each

    other to form a crescent shape.

    P"**! eed "r Sea a#e eed r"ll 2 4hape as for twin rolls, braids, or pinwheels. )rush

    with egg wash or milk after panning and sprinkle generously with seeds.

  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    Butter Pin'heel 2 :akeup as follows8

    >+? %oll out a( 0.< kgs. 4trip of dough into a rectangular sheet about l in. thick.

    >0? (4pread with creamed butter. ,

    >7? %oll dough as for 2ellyroll, cut into slices 7 in. thick.

    > ? Blace >cut surface down? on greased baking sheet + 0in. apart.


  • 8/11/2019 Bread-types of Bread & Uses


    breads, is crispness of crust. To obtain the flavour, hard rolls must be thoroughly

    fermented or well aged because young dough produces tough, rubbery crusts. Gse of

    strong flour is necessary for properly fermented or aged dough. "bout + J 0 hours should

    be allowed before first punch and 3/;J hour for second. #arieties of hard rolls are round,

    french, vienna and seed. Brocedure for hard-roll production is as follow8

    +. Gse any French-bread formula, ferment as directed.

    0. 4cale dough into +.< to 0 kgs.

    7. %ound and let rest +/ to +< minutes.

    . Flatten and cut into rolls >by hand or roll divider? and shape up in anyone of the

    varieties described earlier.