boucher, senator william albert

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  • 8/12/2019 Boucher, Senator William Albert


    Senator William Albert Boucher (1889-1976)

    W. A. Boucher was born on November 1! 1889 in St. "ouis! Sas#atchewan an$ $ie$

    on %une &! 1976. 'e was a etis olitician! *armer an$ merchant. 'e was the son o*

    %ean Batiste Boucher (b. 1861) an$ arie "ouise Bremner!.the $au+hter o* William

    Bremner an$ arie 'o+ue. %ean Batiste was an active *i+hter $urin+ the 188,esistance. Boucher was then a $eut lan$s o**icer *rom 1888 to 189,.

    'is aternal +ran$arents were %ean Batiste Boucher (b. 18&6) an$ /aroline"eserance. 'is brother in law was Sas#atchewan "iberal "A Arthur %ules arion.

    W. A. Boucher was electe$ to the 'ouse o* /ommons as a member o* the "iberalart in 1908 to reresent the ri$in+ o* osthern a*ter the resi+nation o* Walter A$am

    uc#er on %une 8! 1908 an$ a b-election ne2t 3ctober ,. 'e won the election o* 1909.

    'e $i$ not run *or re-election in 19,&.

    4n 19,7! Boucher was aointe$ to the /ana$ian Senate on the a$vice o* 5rime

    inister "ouis St. "aurent an$ serve$ until his $eath in 1976. urin+ his tenure in the

    Senate! he was a member o* numerous Senate /ommittees.

    /omile$ b "awrence Bar#well/oor$inator o* etis 'erita+e an$ 'istor esearch"ouis iel 4nstitute