book - chap 05 creep test

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  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test




    Dr. Talaat El- Benawy


  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Several metallic components, which are used in heat

    exchangers or boilers, are subjected to static

    external loading under high temperature serviceconditions which lead to a continuous deformation

    with time.


    This phenomenon is so-called creepcreep.

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    In many designs these creep deformations must be maintained smallmust be maintained small

    for the sake of avoiding failure or because of the principle offor the sake of avoiding failure or because of the principle of thethe

    manufacturing designmanufacturing design ..

    Importance of CreepImportance of Creep

    Excessive creep deformations may also lead toExcessive creep deformations may also lead to premature bucklingpremature buckling ofofstructural members subjected to compressive loads.structural members subjected to compressive loads. PermanentPermanent

    creepcreep deformations under repetitive flight conditions are additive andeformations under repetitive flight conditions are additive andd

    may reach such large values as to make an aircraft aerodynamicalmay reach such large values as to make an aircraft aerodynamical lyly


    For instance, if the creep deformations are not limited to small values,if the creep deformations are not limited to small values,

    necessary clearances between moving and stationary parts, as innecessary clearances between moving and stationary parts, as in

    steam and gas turbines, are not maintained.steam and gas turbines, are not maintained.

    Furthermore, for certain stress values, the creep deformations mFurthermore, for certain stress values, the creep deformations mayay

    become so large that fracture is produced during the lifetime ofbecome so large that fracture is produced during the lifetime of thethe


  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Creep Definition

    Metals Handbook defined the creep as the slowMetals Handbook defined the creep as the slowdeformation of adeformation of a material under amaterial under a stress that results in astress that results in a

    permanent change in shapepermanent change in shape..

    In other words, creep can be defined as the plasticIn other words, creep can be defined as the plasticdeformation timedeformation time--dependent strain of adependent strain of a material that ismaterial that is

    subjected to a stress below its yield stress for asubjected to a stress below its yield stress for a

    prolonged period of time.prolonged period of time.

    Creep occurs for stresses below the yield point only when

    the temperature is exceeding about 0.3is exceeding about 0.3--0.4 of the melting0.4 of the melting

    point of the material.point of the material. However, some nonferrous alloysHowever, some nonferrous alloys

    and metals such as lead and tin and their alloys exhibitand metals such as lead and tin and their alloys exhibitcreep at low stresses and also at room temperatures.creep at low stresses and also at room temperatures. ForFor

    a number of nonmetallic materials, including variousa number of nonmetallic materials, including various

    types of plastics, concrete, and wood, creep may also betypes of plastics, concrete, and wood, creep may also beproduced at low stresses and roomproduced at low stresses and room temperatures.temperatures.

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Creep Testing Experiment ApparatusCreep Testing Experiment ApparatusCreep testing machine is consisting of three main pieces:Creep testing machine is consisting of three main pieces:

    (1)(1) an electric furnace with suitable temperature controlling devicean electric furnace with suitable temperature controlling device;;

    (2) an extensometer to measure the creep deformation and(2) an extensometer to measure the creep deformation and

    (3) a loading setup system.(3) a loading setup system.

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Creep Data and Their InterpretationCreep Data and Their InterpretationCreep behavior of a material is determined by uniaxial loading of test

    specimen under constant stress (()) heated at temperature (T).(T). The obtainedresult data from such experiment is a creep (creep ())--time (t)time (t) curve as shown:

    Elastic strain OAOA will occur upon

    application of the load. Atelevated temperature strain OCOC

    occurs upon the application of

    the same stress . Strain underStrain underthis condition will be representedthis condition will be representedby the curveby the curve

    OABOAB. Strain OCOC

    may be entirely elastic, or elasticelastic, or elastic

    plus plastic, depending upon theplus plastic, depending upon the

    material, temp. and stress.material, temp. and stress.Strain increases as time of load

    application extends as illustrated

    by curve CDEFCDEF. This continued

    increase in with time, underconstant stress, is defined as


  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    In this stage the rate of strain hardening by dislocations is baIn this stage the rate of strain hardening by dislocations is balancedlanced

    by the rate of the rate of recovery.

    In initial stageinitial stage the total

    deformation is elastic due

    to application of the load.

    In first stage (Primaryfirst stage (PrimaryCreep),Creep), creep continues at

    a decreasing rate as the

    strain hardening is the

    dominating factor on thecreep deformation.

    In second stagesecond stage, creep

    rate becomes constant

    and this stage is therebycalled steady state regionsteady state region.

    Creep sequence mainly

    consists of three stagesthree stages as

    well as the init ial stageinitial stage.

    In third (final) stagethird (final) stage, a rapid increase in creep rate can be observed,

    which continues unti l fracture occurs.

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    InIn third stagethird stage, high strains, high strains

    produced will start to causeproduced will start to cause

    necking in specimen, which willnecking in specimen, which willcausecause increase in the local stressincrease in the local stress

    and eventually the material willand eventually the material will

    pull apart in apull apart in a ductile fractureductile fracture

    around the defects which couldaround the defects which couldbe prebe pre--existed in the material.existed in the material.

    These defects could beThese defects could be

    precipitates at high temperaturesprecipitates at high temperatures

    or grain boundaries.or grain boundaries.

    In fact, this region is not important to normal operation and crIn fact, this region is not important to normal operation and creepeep

    design criteria since it is usually to end the serviceable lifedesign criteria since it is usually to end the serviceable life of anyof any

    component at the end of the steady state creep regioncomponent at the end of the steady state creep region (second(secondstage)stage)..

    It has to be mentioned that for the lower stresses andIt has to be mentioned that for the lower stresses and

    temperatures, the final stage of creep is not observable duringtemperatures, the final stage of creep is not observable during

    the usual times covered by creep tests.the usual times covered by creep tests.

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Given figure shows the effect of stress and temperature on theGiven figure shows the effect of stress and temperature on the

    creepcreep--time curve.time curve.

    >>22>>ss33 and Tand T11>T>T22>T>T33

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Creep Testing MachineCreep Testing Machine

    Single lever creep testing machine Multiple lever creep testing machine

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Different loading method machinesDifferent loading method machines

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Explanation of Creep DataExplanation of Creep Data

    Generally, all creep and stress rupture related data areGenerally, all creep and stress rupture related data areanalyzed in terms of three variables: time, stress, andanalyzed in terms of three variables: time, stress, and

    temperature. There are two important parameter shouldtemperature. There are two important parameter should

    always be considered and calculate from creep testingalways be considered and calculate from creep testingdata: time to fracture (data: time to fracture (ttRR), which is sometimes called), which is sometimes called

    creep l ifetime and steadycreep l ifetime and steady--state creep ratestate creep rateIt is possible to calculate theIt is possible to calculate the

    creep lifetimecreep lifetime ((ttRR) by using the) by using the

    stressstress--rupture time curverupture time curve

    shown. This curve permits toshown. This curve permits to

    expectexpect ttRR of the component forof the component forparticular combination ofparticular combination of

    stress (stress () and temperature (T)) and temperature (T)as the time to ruptureas the time to rupture ttRR isis

    proportionally in linearproportionally in linearrelationship on logrelationship on log--log scalelog scale

    with the stress (with the stress () as shown) as shown

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    As shown in the figure for

    Cr-Ni steel alloy. The

    following equation can be

    deduced from the figure:

    Rt m

    = Kwhere tR= creep rupturetime in hours,

    = rupture

    stress in MPa and K and mconstants can be found

    from the figure .

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    In the second stage of thecreep-time curve, the

    creep rate becomesapproximately constantand this stage is thereby

    called steady state regionas shown in the figure.

    The figure also indicates

    that this stage has thelongest duration and the

    steady-state creep rate can

    be easily calculated

    through the following



  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    In fact, the creep rate can often be represented by the

    Arrhenius relationship of the form:

    n' Qexp


    whereA and n are constants; is usually in the range of 3

    to 7 for metals and 1 to 2 for polymers; T is the

    temperature in [K] and Q is called the activation energyfor creep in [J.mol-1] and it is mainly depending on the

    material. The value of Q can be determined by plotting the

    natural logarithm of the creep rate vs. (1/T). The datashould fall along a straight line of slopeof slope --Q/RQ/R where R is

    the gas constant that equals to 8.314 [J.mol-1 k-1] and. isthe applied stress in [MPa].

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    The shown figure

    indicates the relationshipbetween creep stress andthe creep rate for carbon

    steel at differenttemperature. The figurealso suggests that thecreep strain rate wouldcorrelate with the creepstress through thefollowing equation:



    where B and n are constants

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    The given equations give complete scope for the designThe given equations give complete scope for the design

    based on the creep properties.based on the creep properties.

    In some application, it is required to define when theIn some application, it is required to define when thecomponent, which is subjected to creep, should becomponent, which is subjected to creep, should be

    replaced before failure. In this case the creep deformationreplaced before failure. In this case the creep deformation

    itself is not important and then equation ofitself is not important and then equation of ttRR

    can be usedcan be used

    to calculate the creep lifetime for particular combinationto calculate the creep lifetime for particular combination

    of stress and temperature for specific material, at whichof stress and temperature for specific material, at which

    the component should be replaced before creep failure.the component should be replaced before creep failure.

    On the other hand, in some other applications, there is aOn the other hand, in some other applications, there is a

    certain creep deformation valuecertain creep deformation value should not beshould not be

    exceeded. In this case, equation of creep rate can be usedexceeded. In this case, equation of creep rate can be used

    to decide when the component should be replaced beforeto decide when the component should be replaced beforethe creep strain reaches to the critical value.the creep strain reaches to the critical value.

    Rt m

    = K


  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    For the same propose of calculating the creep lifetime, aFor the same propose of calculating the creep lifetime, aparameter calledparameter called Larson and MillerLarson and Miller parameterparameter ((LMLM) have) have

    been given in the literature to facilities the calculation.been given in the literature to facilities the calculation.

    This parameter is in the following form:This parameter is in the following form:

    RLM T C log twhere T is the temperature in [K]; C is material constantwhere T is the temperature in [K]; C is material constant

    usually in the range ofusually in the range of 1818--22 and in general is taken to22 and in general is taken toequal 20.equal 20.

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    In order to understand

    LM equation, let uslet usestimate the creepestimate the creep

    rupture time for arupture time for a

    NimonicNimonic 80A at stress80A at stress

    of 300of 300 MPaMPa andand

    temperature of 800temperature of 800 C.C.

    The given figure showsthe relationship

    between LM parameter

    and logarithmic scale of

    the applied creep stressfor Nimonic 80A and

    Nimonic 105

    From figure LM =22.8x10LM =22.8x1033 at =300=300 MPaMPa for NimonicNimonic 80A80A

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    By using LM parameter equation:






    LM T C logt22.8 10 800 273 20 logt

    22.8 10logt 20

    800 273

    t 17.74 Hours

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    Exercise 5

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    5. From uniaxial creep tests of a canvas-base laminatedplastic the following creep strains were found

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test



    a) Plot the creep strain (e)-time (t) curves for each of

    the stresses using the foregoing data

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test




    Obtain the approximate values of the creep rates and deduce the

    constantsB andn of the equation: n

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test




    Using the Larson-Miller parameter for ductile cast

    iron shown in Figure 2, determine the time requiredbefore the metal fails at:a)

    an applied stress of 40 MPa

    and temperature of 400 C and 600 C

    b) an applied stress of 80 MPa and temperature of 400 C and 600 C

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test




    an applied stress of 40 MPa


    temperature of 400 C and 600 C





    40 MPa

    LM T log t









    10 5R


    at from the figure LM =20.35

    20 10

    at 400 C

    20.35 400+273 20 10

    =1.7310 Hours 2010 Years

    20.35 20 10


    at 600

    4 Hours



    85 Days

  • 8/12/2019 Book - Chap 05 Creep Test




    an applied stress of 80 MPa


    temperature of 400 C and 600 C





    LM T log t









    8 3R


    at = MPa from the figure LM =19

    20 10

    at 400 C

    19 400+273 20 10

    =1.7110 Hours 2010 Years

    19 20 10

    at 600

    58 Hour




    s 2.

    + 3



    5 Day