book 6 - philosophy presentation

Melissa – Dua and Outline – 10 minutes Reem – Lead discussion - Beginning of the book to the good – 25 minutes Melissa – Lead discussion - Good, Sun Analogy, Line Analogy – 15 minutes (Discussion Questions – Lead them together)

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Post on 17-Jul-2016




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Summary of Book Six of Plato's Republic along with a Commentary


Melissa – Dua and Outline – 10 minutesReem – Lead discussion - Beginning of the book to the good – 25 minutesMelissa – Lead discussion - Good, Sun Analogy, Line Analogy – 15 minutes (Discussion Questions – Lead them together)

O U T L I N E O F B O O K 6

The importance of the philosopher-kingThe philosophic nature of the philosopher-king:

• Truthfulness, disdain for falsehood• Quick to learn, good at remembering, high-minded, graceful• Justice, courage and temperance

Ship analogy: • To respond to Adeimantus’ reproach that the philosophers are cranks,

Socrates presents the ship analogy• The ship analogy – The masses not acknowledging the skill and precision of

the person appointed to a particular craft, i.e. the people that Adeimantus is talking about are not true philosophers

Corruption of the philosophic nature – How does that happen?• The qualities of the philosophic nature are corrupted• Beauty, wealth, physical strength, etc. can corrupt the philosophic nature• Sophists - Their goal is to win arguments, not come to truth. Truthfulness was

the first requirement for a philosophic nature. They just cater to the masses.

O U T L I N E O F B O O K 6

Nature vs. nurture• He talks the philosophic nature and the environment• It comes up several times in the discussion of philosopher-

kingsTwo primary approaches to philosophy – Summary of previous pointsWho are qualified to be the philosopher-kings?

• Noble• They exist on the outskirts of society• They may have had a physical illness that keeps them away

from politics• They stay removed from the masses

O U T L I N E O F B O O K 6

How is philosophy practiced?• Through the young person who is inexperienced• When they reach the most difficult point, they quit

One of two things to create a philosopher-king:• He comes to care for the city and the masses accept his

rule• Divine inspiration into the offspring of the current rulers

Socrates encourages Adeimantus to correctly define the philosopher for the masses so they understand the true definition

O U T L I N E O F B O O K 6

Philosophic nature:• Two parts:

• Qualities – Discussed previously• Desire to live a stable, quiet life

The form of the good• The good is the highest form • The good is more beautiful than truth and knowledge• Things are distinguished by words, but the essence is good

Sun Analogy• Even if you have sight and things to see, you can’t see anything

without light• He equates the sun to god who gives light

Line Analogy• Visible and Intelligible Things

D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N # 1

Discussion question: Does the best nature in combination with a bad environment really lead to the worst possible result?

Why or why not? Do you have any examples?

D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N # 2

Discussion question:

Do young people take on the study of philosophy too young without any life experience? Do they quit when things get hard? What does it mean to quit when things get hard? 

D I S C U S S I O N Q U E S T I O N # 3

Discussion question:

 What do you think are the qualities of a ruler? Is it enough to possess these qualities, or is it equally important to possess the desire to present these qualities in a stable, orderly way?