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  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    |:77----i-"4 I6, No, 12 WASHINGTON, D. C. Mqrch 25. 19,19

  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    Pcge 2 THE BOLLING DEAMM&SRebuildsB-25


    AfterCivilian airplane mechanics, engine mechanics, and sheet_metal specialists ofthe l100th Maintenance and Supply Group this rveek finished repair rvork on a B-25severely damaged in an accident here last February. Above (left) is seen the aircraftlhen damaged, and on the right the same aircraft aftet 45 days of diligent \rorkrehabilitatinc it. Seen in the picture on the right are M/Sgt. Frederick Karel (right)crew chief ofNo.3ll, and &1,Sgt. Ray Vanderheiden, assistant crew chief'

    nation, written examination, depth pet-ception, blake r'eaction and eye tests, anda road test to detelmine his ability as adriver. The road test, however, is elimi-nated when a pellr1it holder is applyingfor a renewal.A beginning, or inexpcrienced plos-pective driver', is instluctcd fo} one weekin dr'iving, fir'st exhelon maintenance,mechanical functions. safety, and thedangel- of carelessncss, thlough lcctuleinstluction, equipnlent opel-ation and in-sDpclion. and tlaining films Dlivels alc|eouiletl to undelstan,l .lai)} maintenancr'woi k fully and conrplehensively.

    Mqrch 25, l9lnterestlnAirROTCHigh Among AM HerAirmen stationed here are making nmerous inquiries Lo the Base AirmInformation and Education section cocr'ninE information recently releasedAir Force Headquarters on Air ReserOfficers Trainins Center assiqnmenlsvarious colleges and universities ovet tcountry. This interest was arousedthe lecent orientation talk givel byCol. Patrick J. Hogan, manpower cotrol officer hele.To fulther clarify present policy cocerninE Air ROTC, Colonel Hogan anounced last week that Air Force Lter 35-35, dated 12 January 1949, is tbasic mehorandum governing actioninterested individuals. This letter lisLhe ouali6cations for ofricers. warraolTiceis and airmen to be consideredderplminjng suirabilitl for this assignrent.Enlisted requirements specify that tapplicant must be actively serving !rthe tlSAF. have a character andficiency rating of excellent, be a hii, hool graduate, have a military beari:rnd neatness not below excellent, ha(,'mpleted at least 24 months oversesnlvice since Dec. 7, 1941 or one nolmtour of overseas occupation duty, haan AGCT scole of 100 or mole, possclerical, supply or appropriate techniability. and also have instructol abilipersonality and an adaptability to capus life.Airmen possessing these qualificatioand interested in Air ROTC instructimay submit a completed Air Force Fo5g-the application for ROTC dutthlough channels to major continenair commands. for fudher submissionConAC Headquartels. Each airman'sdividual commanding officer will conda personal interview with the airman ccerned and indorse his application beffolwarding it. It is pointed out that amen rn'ho desire duty with Air ROby the fall of 1949 should submit thletters so that they will reach ConHeadquartels no later than AprilUSAF Band To MakConcert Tour Out We

    The first in a series of concerts byUnited States Air Force Band througout the southwest will begin at San Atonio, Texas, on April 1, accordingLt. Col. Geolge S. Howard, bandlector. Colonel Howard, accompanied72 l)andsmen will make the Texas tripplane, and will continue their tthrougb Texas and Louisiana by busLackland Air Force Base, Texas,play host to the internationally-knowband on April 1, 2, and 3. Two concwil then be given at Lareda, TexasAplil 4, and at Weslaco, Texas, on A5- FIom there the band goes toAngelo, Abilcne, Amal'illo, Wichita Fand either Dallas or' Commerce. The ccert plesentations in Texas will endAplil 11 at Tyler.Included in the concer't presentatioale thc "Sinqing Sergeants," under{lirection of lfu. Robeft Landry,gclher Nrrh r$o soloisls. [l Sgt GlDar'$ in ira,l S SEt. Low"ll C. Smilh, soph-onist.

    Driving School lssuest25 Permits Month lyThe Bolling Driver's Sehool, organizedto train competent and safe drivers forvehicle operation on the base, monthlyaverages more than 125 pelmits issuedto expired permit holders, experienced{h'ivers, and beginning driver's schoolgladuates. Permits, which used to ex-pil'e alter six months, are now good forone year, accotding to school authorities.To obtain a driver's license, an expe-

    r irnced driver is given a physical exami-

  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    2rooo Boys To Vitness Second Echelon Auto. Shop HereAerial Acrobats Today Carries Out 323 February W- OsMaintenance on brnkes, engines, electricill and ignition systems, lubricalion, wheealignment, and steering :rpparatus w*s c:rrried out during frebruary on 323 motovehirles by the org:rnizationol mrintenonce second echelon shop here, lst Lt. (,'hirrlesF. Brrdford Jr., officer-in-charge, disckrsed this week. 'lhat is nn average of l7vehiclcs a day for that month on work order jobs, and it does not include monthly :rnd

    --_lsemi-annual inspcctions. Approximatr'lyrctx!e!*.fr1r!lrr8r.r&.:r..,ti!!?::,rrb | 120 of the 323 work orders complotodwcIr. special ordcrs to mcet rr.rluirr.-ments sc't fo h by District of Columbiarc,rulations for automobilcs oper:rtinlwithin the limits of thc Distlict.

    New Catholic Choplain

    "'fhr reason bchind this outstandinglurrld is thc wholcheartcd strpport otht lr'r's,rnnr'l working in thc ()r'ganiza-ti()n:rl Maintenance shop," LicutcnantIlradfold dcclared. "Thcse men hsvcpit(hed in and wolked with s spirit thsis to bc envicd by all, in performing unyduty. I-f s mcchanic has Dothiu to douronrcntulily, he voluntarily looks for another job helpin,{ on a vehicle that is beint-r hcld up by a lack of working p

  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    THE BOLLING BEtrM@hufpl fiwmnsPROTESTANTSunday School*9:30 a.m. in Building424.Morning Wolship-10:45 a.m. in BaseTheater.The Sacrament of the Lord's Supperis observed on the first Sunday ofach month.Bible Study-? p.m. i! Base Theater.

    CATHOLICSunday Masses-9 a,m. and 12 noon inthe Base Theater. Mass at the Hos-pital at 10:30 a.m.Daily Mass-12:30 p.m. in Building 428.

    Mcrch 25. l9{Coming Events

    SERVICE CLUBFriday, March z5-Post Dance, music bmembers of the United States AForce Band from 8:30 p.m. thloug11:30 p.m.Saturday, March 26-Late Risers CofeHour at 10:00 a.m. Open Club.Sunday, March 2?-Late Risers CoffeHour at 10:00 a.m. Tea Dance a1130 p.m. Music by members of thUSAF Band.Monday, March 28-Chess Club anDance Class at ?i00 p.m. CamerClub at ?:30 p.m.Tuesday, March 29-"Saturday's Chidren" at 8:15 p.m. A show plesenteby the American Theater Wing.

    Published elery Friday by and for thePersonnel of Headqua;rters Command,USAF, lvashington 25, D. C.The Bean is published by the Com-mand Public lnformation Office. Materialin the Beor, may be reprint-ed unlessdesignated. AII uncredited photos are bythe Command Photo Lab.'fhe Beo,it receives material suppliealbv Armed Forces Press Service. AFPSaicreditation, as carried in eoch item, isdesired. CoL, S. D. GRUBBSCommd dingAd isor! Editot---.Capt- Wm. J. Lookadoo:',:COIC. , - T/Sgt. Robert ThornE(litor ........ -,- S/Sgt. Tom CollSpo,ts tdito, Sgt, Robert CosgroveEditotial Boat'd. I T,/Sgt. Victor L. Mapes,S/Sgt. Virginia Annon, Sgt, AbeStaufier', Sgt. Don McGill, and Sgt.Phil Gelaci. Trainee Contributor: Pfc.James Haygood.Bean O.f fice - -. .-. Room 254, Bldg.412Telephone 4082STOIIHOLDER'S REPORTCENIRIL POST FUNI) fo. P..ioit 16 M.rch t9l9 to l5 ADrll l9ll, ATHLETTCSLaundry - .. -.1100.00

    Base Nursery is open eech Sunday from10:30 until 1:00 p.m. in Building 428.Book Notes Wednesday, March 30-Open Club.Thursday, March 3l-Bingo anand Flvhursday, March 31tying Class at 8:00 p.m.MARJoBY HTnDYCATCH A FALLING STAR, ByFrederic F. Van De Water. Mr. VanDe Water has written a poDular, inter-esting tale of the American Revolutionwithout a single battle, outside of an In-dian laid and a skirinish. It is the storyof Vermont's of again-on agein policyduring the last years of the Revolution.Vermont was open to easy attack fromCanada, and had a ready ear for thepeace overtures with which Canada wasplying hel. Romance plays an import-ant palt in the story: a handsome villian,suspected of being a traitor., a long suf-fering hero, Olirr Royden (the sameyoung hot head encountered in "Reluct-ant Rebel") and Fsith Marshall, a proudbeauty, who is finally rescued irorir theIndians.Foln* lF*o*Saturday, March 26-Double feature-ALASKA PATROL, with RichardTravis and Helen lvestcott. JOEPALOOKA in the BIG FIGHT, withLeon Earl and Jo Kirkwood,Sunday, Match 2?, 28-TIIE THREEMUSKETEERS (color by Techni-colol ) with Lana Turner, Cene Kellyand Vaa Hefflin- (NEWS OF THiDAY).Tuesday, trIarch 29-FIGHTER SQUAD-RON with Edmond O'Brien, ani Rob-ert Stack. (MARCH OF TIME) .Wednesday, Maich 30-THE PRIDE OFTHE YANKEE rvith Gary Cooper,Teresa Wright and Dana A;drews.Thursday, March 31-TI{E CONNECTI-CUT YANKEE with Bing Crosby,Rhonda Flerninq and Wiliiam Benjdix. (NEWS OF THE DAY).

    Creen Bay, Wis. (AFPS)-A Dolice-msn has to be careful in this cidy. Anotice, carried in the Police Day-Bookand signed bv Chief H. J. Bero. advises:"See the bulletin board for the list ofofficers to shoot for target practice."Chicago, (AFPS)-Chamber of Com-merce ofricials aren't broadcasting thefact but coast florist shops are gittingfl owers-greenhouse variely-fronr Chi--cego this winter.Chicago wholesale florists were askedto send the flowers after cold weatherdestroyed rnuch of California's flowers.grown there in open fields.

    OFFICERS CLUBFridsy, March 2s-Television.Saturday, March 26-lnformal Dance a9:30 p.m, to 12:30 a.m. Music bUSAF Band. Dinner from 5:00 P.mto 10:00, March 27-Buffet Supper Dance6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Music bY IrwiDevron. Brunch 12:00 p.m.-2:00 P.mMonday, March 28-Television.Tuesday, March 2g-Bingo at 8:30 P.mWednesdsy, March 30-Television.Thursday, March 31-Television.

    lntE-Squadtun Offici.b-........---(12 .sm6, 2/ .t ll.26lBasketb.ll TmDhi6:J 1l2F-5 (r rt tr5.?5)Ensravins (CIIAIIPION BOLLING AFB194P, (22 ltE. at t.06r .,..-, .. ,.J 131-.t (l at ir1.00lEosraving TRUNNER UP BOLLING AFA




    1949) (22 ltE. at,.06l ,, - \.12J 130F-3 (l at $8.50)...- .- _ - - .-... ..-. . 4,50Encravins TTHIRD PLACE BOLLINGAFA l9!9) t23 ltE- !t $.06) 1.98Tlophier PGt BalketballJackeb (rZ !t tr2.00rackeb (rZ !t tr2.00rBasebau Enlry feeLnq Bhck Sh@ Lecec6, 5? ih. (60 Fr..L 1.10) -..--..-...--.=.-.:-..,-.-.--: --.----- - i0!Short Bbch She lac, 36 in. (50 Dr. atSseat Sor (6 dor. .t 35.00)TOTA t,SPECIAL gERVICEAS?.eice Club Fund .

    NCO CLUBSFrklay, March 25-Club Night (mernbeonly).Saturday, March 26-Dancing from 8:3to midnisht. "Boilermakers."Sunday, March z?-Tea Dance,2-6 P'm"Kepner Quartet."Monday, March 28-Normal Club Activties.Tuesday, Match zg-Bingo starts at 8:1D.m.Wediresdsy, March 30-Norrnal Club Ac. tivities,Thursday, Msrch 3l-Normal Club Activitiei-

    Berkeley, Calif. (AFPS)-"Mary LouUllrich received seven invitations taororities during "rush" \r'eek at thUniversity of California. It! additionrush" \r'eek at thifornia. h! additionniversity of California. Itr addition"Mary l,ou" had 14 cups of tea, adozens of sandwiches and recorded teleDhone nurnbers of 2? co-eds.

    PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICEPubliotioh of t} 'BEAU" 16 i!su6 oa3000 copie per i..u) ...- ---.Spei.l Red CcB over for the BEAU .. ...TOTAL

    phone nurnbers of 2? co-eds.

    llobby Shop F!fotat,

    - Then "Mary Lou" revealed that shwas really Walter Robert Ullrich, 2a Junior student, anxious to see how thother half lived,This Week s CoverOfficer Candidrte School has gonecoed as evidenced by lhis teek'scover. Each fight in the AFOCS hastrvo or three women among its mem.bers. Shown on the covr is OfficerCandidate Patricia Fuller of Reyn-olds, Ga. Miss Fuller w.s gradu-&ted rvith the first class of Waf thatsuccessfully completed their basictraining at Lackland AF Base, SanAntonio, Tex., in 1948. She is 21 andattended the Georgia SouthwesternCollege and Middle Georgia Collegeprior to her enlistment in the U. S.


    4722.5027.00t?49.50POST CEAPELFloweF for CbrDl Servic6 ._-. t 21.00Slai.l loweF lor Pslh Sundsy ...._.. 20.00Orcanist Sundry Srvic ._. 68.00SD*iel Uusic fo. P.lm Suhdsy .... 10.00Movi6 for ChorEl Activiti6.. 30.00TOTAL .... ...- --.....-- tlag.ooDirectorr [email protected] lor Bre OperstioB 2b.00GRAND TOTAL ....... t2?86.a?NET WORKING CAPITAL T5?63..ITOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED ..-..-.. 2786.17BALANCE rN RESERVE ....... ._,_..._a?9?6.9?

  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    Mqrch 25, 1949+znd Stat's MR45o Doys Without ErrorA visitor to the 42nd Statistical Con-tr.ol Unit's nlolning repolt section atBolline Air Folce Basp Nould marvel a(thc r'afds.long lists of figures and nameshandled daill bv the two officers and I8ailnren of this responsible section ofHeadouarters Command, USAF.Stai Control units are Jrequently re_ferred to as Dublishers of the Air Folce''\\'hos Whor'. Forty-Second Stat par-ticularlv holds the remarkable record ofsubmittins dailr Ieports for a peliod ofL-' .onsecitire months-on schedu)e andwithout errol. Aside from setting thisIecord of rvork eficiency, 42nd Stathandles and processes more officers andailnren the u'orld over than any othrone n1or.ning report section in the AirFo!ce.AmonE rhe many duties assignedStats hishly trained personnel is thalof yRs (morning reports)for'Headouarters Command, in additl,rnto those for all Air Force aid missrons,.air attaches and detachments of AF per_sonnel alriYing and dparting th UnitedStates-

    Jlore than 75,000 morning reportchanges (gains and losses) are -procelsedmonthly by the section. Upon comple-tion of each repolt, sll duly recorded bya oualified analrst. 20 copies must beplebared for Air Force Headquarters.hv ihis method an accurate "who s lvho"is constantll' maintained on Air Forcepersonnel on duty in the U, S. andfoleign countries.Oficer-in-chsrge of the 42nd Statisticalcontlol s morning report section is Capt.Flank J. Farrell. Sgt. Ernest E. Spencer'is NCOIC. Other airmen assigned to thissection include: S/Sgts. Johh T. Reavesand Glen D. Leake; Sgts. Richard F.Bild, Ftancis R. Jagerson and RichardE. Nelson; Cpls. Frank J. Albertson,Billy G. Campbell, James M. Gilis, Mel-vin K. Hammel, Frank C, James, ArchieR. Mccinthy, Jack M. Moore and JarnesM. Speer; Pfcs. Lewis D. Fowler,Beverly J. Lantz, Anthony J. Razzetti,Orsen C. Reinert and Neil E. Weener.

    6*J!'-/ SToRK'' Cr-us,,r(- .r-?z

    Accolding to information received fromthe 1100th Station Medical Group, girlsoutnumbeled boys in births fol the pe-riod bet{een March t2 end March 18.Proud palents of gills were Cap(. andMrs. Colden williams, Capt. and Mrs.William F. Higgins, Lt. Col. and Mrs.Atd|ige N. Beattie, Cpl, and MIs. Rob-ert C. Parrish, Maj. and Mrs. Emil D.Sasse, and S/Sgt. and Mrs. Albert I.Filsea.The two boys wre born to Sgt. andMrs. John E. Dolan, and to Capt. andllrs. Ilo*'ard C. Hensley.

    Fin a le Of 'Happiness'Here Tonight At e:go"Operation Happiness," the all-eirman

    musiial review of the USAF SpecialService Division, on its return engage-ment to Bolling will stsge the last ofthree consecutive performances for AirForce personnel of Washington tonightat 8:30 p.m. in the base theater.Performed by ?4 Negro airmen, offi-cels and WAFs, the show appeared atBolling last January, and at numerousAir Force installations over the UnitedStates since.Mo: "I haven't seen you {or ten years.What have you been doing?"Ron: "Ten years."Scene: Photographer's shop on Mon-day morning.Photog: (To NCO) "Okay, lookpleasaht while I snap this, and thenyou can resume your natural expres-

    THE BOLLING BEf,M PqgcSurprised Citizen iAadeAir Force Flying Cade

    Changuiz Afsher didn't know he wasan Amelican citizen four yars ago, bulast week he became a flYing cadet inthe United States Air Force.1n 1944, he applied for a student'svisa with the U SConsul at Tehran,Iran. A year laterthe consul informedthe youth that hecould study----+ven asr citizen of theUnited States. Afsher's father, norvBrig. Gen. HosseinAfsher', who is Chieof ODerations for' thelrenian State Policecame to America

    ROLLING a carpet of steel back on the Bolling aircraft parking lot are hugecranes and other heavy equipment. The steel, which was laid during the wintet toalleviate the shortage of aircraft parking space, \r'as lifted so crushed stone could belaid underneath for strengthening. The area shown is just left of Runrvay No. 28.

    oriqinallv in 1912. to studv at two Vermoit educationel institutions. H. applied and was later granted AmericaniitizenshiD. After servins in World Watl. his faiher was musteied out of theArmv. but later went back to lran obusiriess. Staving in Iran more than fivevears. Afsher's father automatically reiinquiihed his citizenship. But Afshewa! born a year before that, in 1924entitling him to claim U. S. citizenshipwhen he reached 21.From information received in the formAfsher filled out for his education iAmericg, the consul discovered thyouth's right to citizenship and bloughihis to the attention of the U. S. StateDepartment. Approval was grantedAfaher arrived in America late in 194and entered Syrscuse University to wolon his master degree. He was previouslya sraduate of the University of Tehranwhlere he received a Bachelol of Sciencdegree.Six months aqo, Afsher applied foAir Cadet training. He was acceptedand sworn in last week at Bolling, anwill enter iying school next Monday.Two Base Units ShareMarching Honors HereThe 1l01st Maintenance Squadron an1l00th Ail lnstallations Squadl.on werchqsen by Colonel Grubbs and his revie\\ ing staff fo} 6r'st place in the seconweekly levierv of the year held oWcdnesday of last week.The 1100th AIS, under command oCapt. Wallace Cusins and the l100th M& S commanded by Capt. John Kingrvele excused florn this week's psradeAir Force's F-96 JeChristened Bv USAF"Sable" recently became the labefor the U. S. Air Force's fastest jedglrter'. lhe North American F-86. whicin Seotembel of last vear established thrrorld"s speed recold of 670.981 miles I'ehour'at Muloc Ail Force Base, CaliforniaEquipped with pressurized cabin, conventional type tr'icycle landing geat ana pilot ejecrion seat, the "Sabl e"porvered by a Genelal Electric J-4? tulbojet engine.The F-86 has a service ceiling of ove.{0,000 feet and a conbat radius of morthan 500 Driles.

  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    Pcqc 6 THE rcIJ.HG Ef,^x Mqrch 25, 194Orioles Get CrawfordVas Flyer OutfieldeRulus Crowford, hard-hittiDg outfieldewhose booming b.t made him e lavoritwith Bolling Flyer fans, hos taken hwar club into the professionsl basebaranks. Crawford sigred a contraet witthe Baltimore Orioleg of the laternational League and joined them this weeat their spring trsining camp in Hollywood, FL.Crawford, who was separated from thAir Force last week, came to BollinAir Force Base in 194? and rapidm&d himself kno\r'n within local sportcircles, IIe played errd on the F\renfootbsll tcam during the past two seasonand attracted the sttentioh of scouts fothe Washington Redskins professionafootball team. They tried to interest himin football, but he rnaint-ined his interest in baseball."Big Rufe", as he was known by hfellow athletes, has been under the tutoage of Maj. Louis (Bozie) Berger, formeinfielder with the Cleveland Indiens anthe Chicago White Sox. of the AmericaLeaque. The former maior leasDer haeague. former major leaguer halnter-Squadron League Top Bolling Bowlers spent much time with Crawford; helpinhim iron out the wak spots and'thflsws oftenProduces Active Finish

    Tuesdey, Mrrcl 15Food Sefvice Squodron clim.xd thir1949 Inter-squadron schedule by settingthe high scoring mrrk for the y.r, asthey swamped the ,l2Dd Strt Control five,86 to 51. Boots T.rkin8toD and DonWhittmore led the b$ket sslsult, vith19.nd 17 points rc.pcctivcly. cGiuthyof the Statmen led hir tasm with 1?markers.ID the seco[d Fbe ol the eveDing4203rd PhotomeD woa lrom Becords Re-view 6? to 32, lor trelltll win ofthe seoson. O'Donnll ol the Photomealed the Photomen rcodn8, getting sevenffeld goals and one loul !hot. Wetts ofth lo9r! looped rvcn idd go.Is toleod the Record"r t rm.Wedncadry, llrrch 16The Medics clord oqt tleit le.son withs 12 tD 25 rrin ov.r the otor VehicleSquadrou. Torminr, lf,cdic shrrpshooter,hsd a big nisht, gettina 22 poinb. wrightfrom the Motor cr3ers hrd ll m.rk-er3.Air Police, sparlcd by Jcry E alin,who nettad 16 poiDt!, b.Dged out a 46to ,10 decisioD over Rccotd.r Review inthe fn l for both taru!. AndBon ofthe losr! slso hsd 16 poi!t!.Thusdrt, X.ttl l74203rd Photomer von victory nudr-ber l3 ond eith it, tied Pilotr Alert forthe lcrgue lerd, rt th.y hrd er easytime with the lltltb Sm Squedron,s'inning 60 to 16. B.Eopr, Photo for-ward, scored 26 poirNtr lor his D8tac.The Air Force B.D&nG! clded theirre8rrlar s4son by srina . 11 to 2gwin ovr the ,12nd gt t Control. Dunn,towering center of tbc Brndsmen, looped13 points to he.d bi. tc.m, while RoSrllof the St tmen rleo hoopcd f3,

    Given Special Awards A resideht of Campbell, Mo., he is 2years. old, six feet tall, and weights 19ws often possessed by young playerA resideht of CamDbell. Mo.. he is 2Winners of individual bowling awerdswere given trophies T'hursday afternoonat the base gym, in r formal presentr-tion by Colonel Grubbs, baae commaD-drnt.Capt. Willis Perkins ol the RecordsReview Team No. 2 in the ofticers leagueand M/Sgt. Leroy Sell of Bos Flightin the oirmeD's le.gue, ver dual win-ners. Captsin PerkiDs rcived s trophyfor high sveroge with o 169 foi the sea-son and also hed the high siagle gamescore, rolling a 246. Sergeut Slleclipsed oll fomer recor& .t Bolling,stting s new high *eson everege with19,t. Sergesnt Sll .lso received a trophJrfor rolling the high thre grme sriesrith s 662.Crpt, Ralph Dearey ol Records ReviewTeem No. 2 was awarded a trophy forhigh three grme series in the ofiicer'sleague, with s 583. M/Sat. Harvey Mrnisof Base Flicht copDed the award in the.irmen's leogle for high single Satnewith o 2,15. 132132123123

    11 4

    pounds.League Victory PendingAs Teams End ln Tie

    - The Intar-Squadron basketball leaguchampionship is hanging ih mid-air, B;the Pilok Alert and the 4203rd Photomefinished the reguhr seeson wit]| l3 winsnd two dderts snd the Bandsmen anAit Police derdlocked for third plac.Following the lstast reports, it lookeas though the title will be held ofor awhile. At the Dresnt. the 4203Photo cagers are taking part in a cagtournemnt at Topeka, Kansas, and seeral of the Pilot's regulrrs are off oRying trips. Plans call for the Air Policand Bandsmen to meet in the preltminaof the title gene, for undisputd posssion of third place.INTER-SQUADRON STANDINGSWon LosPilots Alert,!203rd PhotomenSports Quiz

    1. This handsome bovling chsmpion isoftn cllled the "picture bowler," Dovou knos his nsme ?- 2. He was one of basketball's toD starsond a mmber of the original "Celtics."He's now coaching at C.C,N.Y, Eis nrrners:3. The former trapeze stlr is now Itop-ffight motion picture star. He is:4. He was the natioD's fastest runneruntil his rctirement Lst yerr and wrsappropristely c.lled the "Flyitrg Par-son." Who ?5. This former manager of the BostonBreves and Cincy Reds is known in theboseball world as the "Descon." Hisntme:

    BandsEeYrAir Police1101st Maintedance .,-- ----,,---, 10 642nd Stat Contlol ,- ,, - ? 811llth SAM ,,..,. -...,-,.--,,....- 7 IRecords Review ------ --,--,------ ? 8Hq. & Hq. Maint. Supply.-,----- 6 9Hqs, Command Squadron ----- 5 10

    Food Service

    MedicsBase FlightMotor VehicleAnawra1. Ned Dsy.2. Nat Holmen.3. Burt Lancaster,4. Gil Dodds.5- Bill McKechnie.

    411274Sqdn. ,-- 0 15

    Pictured aboee the thc *inncrs end thc trophics of thc Bolling Air Forcc BowlingLeagues. L. to R,-Capt. Lloyd G. Calhoun, Adjot nt of l102nd, which'rvon the Airmcn's Legue; lst Sgt. Eldrcd Garnctt of thc 1l02nd llhint.nanc; T/Sgt.Frank A. DuBois, llelst M.intnence; M/Sgt- Chrrlcs E- Sokoll, 110Cth Inspectors;Col. S, D. Gruggs, Cept. Willis Perkins, Records R.view; Ralph Dcary, RecordsReview; M/Sgt. H.rvey E Manis, Base Flight, rnd M/S8t. Lcroy S.ll, Flight.

  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    Mcrch 25, 1949 THE BOLLING BEAM

    BusJ- in the print-rashing room of the l'l03rd Photographic Tcclnic.l Sqq.dfol,31lth -\ir Division, Reconnaissance, are Sgt- Ralph J. Zanhsn (re.r) rtrd Sgt Prul J.\Valker-42o3td PTS Observes Stratemeyer, WhiteheadAnniversary Of SAC Trade Air Force JobsHaving begun its e\istence at Bollingin 1916 as the successor to the Conti-nentel .{ir Forees, the Strategic Air'Command last ilondsy obseNed its thirdannilelsary at SAC units throughoutthe \\_orld, according to Lt. Gen. CurtisE. LelIay, commanding generel.Last November, the Air For:ce orderedSAC Headqusrtels moved to Otrut AirForce Base, Omaha, Nebr. At that timethev \\'ere located et Andrervs Air. ForceBa;e, ItId., where they had ben situatedsince moving from Bolling shortly aftertheir activation.

    Commanded by Lt. Col. Chsrles F- Wil-son, the 4203rd Photographic TechnicalSquadron is chargd $ith the responsi-bilitv of furnishing photographic servicesfor Strategic Air Cornmand, Headquar-ters. United Stetes Air Force, and othernrilitaly and Governnrent sgencies.lrborator'y, photogrammetric, aDtlysissnd classinottoF, -ress_lrweragc, rDdphotographic interpretation activities areall utilized in order to carry out the manyphotogrsphic responsibilities of the or-ganization. Of special is the factthat nran!'ne\rs events of particuler im-poltance to Air Force Headquarters ereior'er'ed bv still and motion picture cam-eras of the souadron. Colonel Wilsonsaid. -{ccordinn to hin, the 4203rd PfS,due to its val.iable specialization of photo-graphic capabilities, is able to ec{om-plish snJ ground photographic assign-ment n'hicb oray be lequired by higher

    A transfer of the two comuraldinggenerals of the USAF's Far E st AirForees and Continental Air CoDEandrvas gnnounced recentlv by Glreral IIo!'tS. \'andenberg, Chief of Stafr, USAF.Lt. cen. Ennis C. Whitahead, CG,FEAF, R'iU replace Lt. Gen. Georgp E.Stretemeyer es CG, ConAC, while Gen-..eral Stratemever R'ill sssume the Pacificair post in Tokyo. Ceneral Whiteheed'snew assignment, at Mitchel Air ForceBase, Ne$ York, \'ill b his first Stat-side command in seven years. Prior tohis FEAF conmand he served ss topbrass for the Fifth Air For.Geheral Stratameyer once beloreheaded a westem Pacific rir g"oup, inthe China-Burma-India Tterter, priorto his assignment to Air DefeDse Com-mand in March 1946. Ee has hesdedConAC since its orgadiz.tiotr in No-vember 19,18.CORRECTIO}IIn lest *'eek's Beam we erroneouslylisted Col. Eugene Rovegro.s "deputyfor. maitrteuance," vrhen we should havereferred to him as commanding ofricer ofthe 1100th Maintenanc rnd Supplygroup. Maj. Anthony Holub is deputychief of stafr for mrintenance here.

    PaqeAYIATIOT{ NEI{SThc Air Forcc \1ill libelalize dependency and hsrdship dischalge policies dtringlhe present period of leduced recruiing.

    Persoudel and equipment of the FThunderlolt equipped 81st Fighter ll'iwill sooD be transfeued from WheeAir Force Brse, Oahu, HaNaii, toUnited Strte& Aircraft, horvever, rremain in the Prcific Air Commandfuture disposition.

    TcrnDorery rrnk dates of field aJcompaiy giede Air Force oficels \ilnot be chrnc.d to couespond \\'ith pemaDent rank. The earliel date \\'ill bused to establish rank and plocedenceAil Fotcc Ftsonncl contemplating puchase of sunimer unifolms ale being ayised to hrve them cut to the patteof the nerv shade 8{ blue Nintel. unform. Cotton khaki shade \o. 1,troDical \{orsted or gabaldine, .\) nshade No.6l, \\'ill be authol.ized nratrisls- Currentlt prescribed shirts \\'be .uthorized.^4. scll-ra.nd.d picture of defensoroblems is Dresented in ..On \\'atchi. 'fli" ts Anrerica'selies filnr, relea"ethis monl,h, ttade br- RKO Pathe rn coDeration Nith Arnrt, NavY and AForce. it illustrates the public apathtoward defense existiDg after Wo|ld \faI, snd the dangers attending lapid d

    mohilizetion after World War II.A new fuel has been developed fiet aircraft \rhich makes more jet fuirweil*ble ner berrel of crude oil ththe old tlde JP-l kerosene, Labeled .\F-58, tfd nerv Rssoline-type fuel \require modification of presenl, kerosedesigned jet en8:ines. Although the nfuel csnnot be used in normal leciplocaing engiues, jet engines aiter modifiction will, in emergencies, be able to uthe standard high-octane gssoline usin propller driven sircraft toda]'. -jet aircrsft produced in the future \b standrrdized \r'ith the modifieogiae-Headquarters, United States Air Fo

    announc-ed receDtly that the 28th,scgand 98th Borllb Groups s-ill arrive in Enland sometime rfter April lst to leplathe 92nd and$Olth Bomb Groups presely statio ed there undergoinS fligtrsining.

    Washington-Ite Air Force will beginArctic tests ol rrdio-controlled bombsand V-l flying buzrbombs in Alisk.Dert DontL

    Clevelcnd-Four X-l rocket plancrDeble of flying rn estimated 1,350 mian hour arc being produced by the BAircEft Co.p, !t Bufialo, accordingthe president of the corpotation. Taircrrft will b 70 percent laster ththe oricin l X-l rld carry 50 percmore fuel.

    rce u|5 \at-ua8

  • 8/6/2019 Bolling Air Force Base


    Pcrgc 8OFF TIE BEIil\Yife (reading): "It says here theyhave found sheep in the Himalaya moun-rains that can r'un t0 rniles an hour."Her Hubbt: "\l'ell, it n'ould take alaDlb like that to follo\ )larJ norvadals."

    A \\'onran nrotorist \r'as driving alonga countr)' r'oad \\'hen she noticd a coupleof lepail men climbing telephoBe Fler''Foolsi she etclaimed to ltcr roE-panion, "they nrust think I never &ovcThe one-ring circus rvas visiting . townin the hills. The folks there recognizedall of the instruments of the band ex-ceDt the slide tlombone.bne old settler Natched the player forouite some tinre. then said:" Thele s a trick to it; he ein't reellysrvallerin'it."Dentist: "\\'hf this tooth has goltl init: I didD'i knov it had lpen Rlled,"Patient: "It hasn't. That's my backcollar-button you've struck.Srrrrth: "115 sife asked me to take our'ld cat off somervhere and lose it. So

    I p.rt il in a basket and tEmped out intorhe countr'y for about eight miles."Jones: "Did you lose the cat?"Smith: "Lose it! lf I hrdn't follo*edit, I'd never have gut beck home."-{irnran describing nosy friend: "Whenthe-Y passed out the errs, he thoughtthe]'..said beers, and he took tro bigJones: "That last rsce cost be trithousand dollars on a photo finish."Fellos racing fan: "lf I dropped tenthousand dollars on one race, I'd cut mythroat."Jones (opening his cost rnd spurtingblood): "I did."Hear about the pinS-pong phyer th.tnrade his hevy limey friend sit on theball, so's he could hsve plenty of EnSlishon it?Post Baabei: "Smooth working razor,isn't it buddy ?"Airman: "That dpends. If you'rshaving me, it's pretty rought, but ifsou're sllnaing me alive, it's a reason-al)l1'' comfortable job."


    THE EOI.I$TG BEf,M Mcnch 25. l9{KAtaq Paal"ePersonnel ProcurementAF Ltr 35-145 dated 2 flarch 49-Concerns nissions of Personnel PtocuremenTeams end selection of persoonel l'hrlill serve with thes traveliDg teamThe teams visit colleges and uriversitiefor the purpose of promulS?ting AF oficer procurement programs.ProDoti- PlysicrltAF Ltr 36-12 dtd lt feb 49 Promur.tes AF policy nrrrding physicsl requirlDents for Fcrbrl'eDt proDtiona rrrde below :crrrl ofiicet. All oficlrs, except eircreft pilots ovcr 40, arcorsi&red physicelhr queirfied for promotioa on the b..b ol tbe Lst r.heduleanDual physiol errmin tioD.Airrrr AacigrrcrtAF Ltr 39-8 rltd l1 Feb 19 Estsblishes procedure for the processiDg rlDsssignment of I Air- Forc crtrrslrereenlistees, ard tctrEDees froE oversesassignment. Provisioas are made fomale DeBonDel rho dsire to volunteefor USAFE. or "ODcBtioD Vittles".

    OYcreer Serri