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Bodleian Library Publishing AUTUMN 2021

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Bodleian Library Publishing AUTUMN 2021

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Cover image Victoria Crowe, Landscape with Hidden Moon, 2018, oil on linen, 127 x 127 cm. Private Collection, photographer: John McKenzie. Taken from The Lighted Window, page 2.

Image opposite Radcliffe Camera © Fetherstonhaugh Associates

All prices and information are correct at time of going to press and may be subject to change without further notice.

Design by Sue Rudge Design & Communication

Founded in 1602, the Bodleian Library is one of the oldest libraries in Britain and the largest university library in Europe. Since 1610, it has been entitled to receive a copy of every book published in the British Isles.

The Bodleian collections, built up through benefaction, purchase and legal deposit, are exceptionally diverse, spanning every corner of the globe and embracing almost every form of written work and the book arts. With over thirteen million items and outstanding special collections, the Bodleian draws readers from every continent and continues to inspire generations of researchers as well as the wider public who enjoy its exhibitions, displays, public lectures and other events. Increasingly, its unique collections are available to all digitally.

Bodleian Library Publishing helps to bring some of the riches of Oxford’s libraries to readers around the world through a range of beautiful and authoritative books. We publish approximately twenty-five new books a year on a wide range of subjects, including titles related to our exhibitions, illustrated and non-illustrated books, facsimiles, children’s books and stationery. We have a current backlist of over 250 titles.

All of our profits are returned to the Bodleian and help support the Library’s work in curating, conserving and expanding its rich archives, helping to maintain the Bodleian’s position as one of the pre-eminent libraries in the world.

Bodleian Library Publishing AUTUMN 2021

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The Lighted WindowEvening Walks Remembered

Peter Davidson

Homecoming, haunting, nostalgia, desire: these are some of the themes evoked by the beguiling motif of the lighted window in literature and art. In this innovative combination of place-writing, memoir and cultural study, Peter Davidson takes us on atmospheric walks through nocturnal cities in Britain, Europe and North America, and revisits the field paths of rural England.

Surveying a wide range of material, the book extends chronologically from early romantic painting to contemporary fiction, and geographically from the Low Countries to Japan. It features familiar lighted windows in English literature (in the works of poets such as Thomas Hardy and Matthew Arnold and in the novels of Virginia Woolf, Arthur Conan Doyle and Kenneth Grahame) and examines the painted nocturnes of James Whistler, John Atkinson Grimshaw and the ruralist Samuel Palmer. It also considers Japanese prints of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; German romanticism in painting, poetry and music; Proust and the painters of the French belle époque; René Magritte’s L’Empire des Lumières; and North American painters such as Edward Hopper and Linden Frederick.

By interpreting the interactions of art, literature and geography around this evocative motif, Peter Davidson shows how it has inspired an extraordinary variety of moods and ideas, from the romantic period to the present day.

Image left Takahashi Shōtei, Mount Fuji seen from Mizukubu, woodblock print, 1930s (detail). Image courtesy of Sanders of Oxford, Antique Prints & Maps.

PETER DAVIDSON is Senior Research Fellow of Campion Hall, University of Oxford. His previous books include The Idea of North (2005) and The Last of the Light (2015).

224 pp, 234 x 156 mm66 colour illus9781851245147HB £25.00October 2021

12 t h e l igh t e d w i n d ow c h a p t e r h e a d 13

away from the observer, as with Eric Ravilious’s haunting Train Going over a Bridge at Night, his paintings of ferries and piers between the wars.

But the image of the lighted window has also an unequivocally positive aspect, an opposite mood by which it represents the security of home, a promise of domestic happiness towards which the traveller hastens at nightfall, especially the traveller returning after a long absence. Perhaps one of the most distinguished artists in this mode is the Victorian ruralist Samuel Palmer, who conveys a blessed and exceptional security in his images of lighted cottage windows folded about by small hills and orchard trees bowed down with fruit. There is a moment in a letter from the young Cyril Connolly to a friend where he describes lighting lamps in December so that he may contemplate his home shining out through the winter dusk

I … turn on one light, or all the lights when my father has gone to bed and go out to the end of the garden to see the golden shafts shining through latticed windows and stretching over the grass to where I stand by the dark yew hedge listening to the soft splashing of our stream, my feet in the dead leaves.1

The image of yellow, welcoming light in the vast blue dark of winter is a repeated motif of Scandinavian romantic painting, the sheer scale of the northern landscape emphasised by the sparse lights of the dwellings scattered across its hills and islands. In a different mood, the single lighted window, or the lonely streetlights in rural or urban darkness, became a defining motif of American art in the years during and after the second world war, and remains so to this day, particularly in the work of contemporary American photographers. From the turn of the twentieth century, the lighted window is also a motif repeated with infinite subtle variation in Japanese prints. These nocturnes are beautifully rendered in superimposed blocks of cobalt, turquoise and shadow, in points of brilliant yellow and white.

The motif of the lighted window also appears in those optical devices and models in which painters have delighted since the eighteenth century: transparencies and glass-paintings, like Gainsborough’s Show Box, with its reverse-lit slide of a lamplit cottage by a moonlit pond. This technique continues with the varnished transparencies often depicting lit buildings at night, designed to be viewed with a lamp or candle behind the paper, which were a passing fashion of romantic Germany and England. This fashion manifests itself later in small devices of wonder: toy theatres and Christmas lanterns, innocent lights and diversions for the depths of the winter.

*My mind circles back to the Oxford Elegy, to Arnold’s wanderer on the snowy hill as an image expressing belatedness and regret for the life abandoned or relinquished, belated arrivals, chances not taken. Variations of this scene became for me a talisman of nineteenth-century English poetry and experience. So much so that I set out from Oxford

Windows glimpsed through mist at nightfall: James Whistler, Nocturne in Grey and Gold: Chelsea Snow, 1876.


Winter C it ie s

The Augustijnenkaai in Ghent was silent except for the faint stir of the willows along the water. The streetlights had come on early on a winter evening: lights trailed in the canal, glowed behind sparse leaves, glimmered over wet cobbles. Elegant, substantial houses of all eras from the late middle ages to the nineteenth century lined the quay, and all were unlit in this early evening, dark as the apparently deserted villages seen from the train from Brussels at dusk the day before. Stepped gables, a palace front with a central carriage entrance, the long blank wall of a convent.

We walked to the bridge at the corner and turned back down through the cobbled square on the other side, its houses lightless also – handsome, renaissance houses with stepped and carved gables. Then a light kindled between the willow leaves, reflected in the dark canal, and yellow lamplight shone out from a ground floor window in the only small house on the quay. Then the gap between hanging branches gave us a glimpse into a comfortable room, the corbelled beams of the ceiling painted yellow, a standard lamp beside a green sofa. A fair-haired young man was standing by the lamp, reading the newspaper. The moment was both haunted and haunting, seeing the

Houses of dreams by the still canal: René Magritte, L’Empire des Lumières (The Empire of Lights), 1954.

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The Secret History of English SpasMelanie King

English spas have a long and steamy history, from the thermal baths of Aquae Sulis in Bath to the stews of Southwark, and from the elegant pump rooms of Cheltenham and Buxton to the Victorian mania for hydrotherapy and Turkish hammams.

The Secret History of English Spas is an informative but light-hearted social and cultural history of our obsession with drinking and bathing in spa waters. It tells the stories of the rich, the famous, the poor and the sick, all of whom visited spas in the hope of curing everything from infertility to leprosy and gonorrhoea. It depicts the entrepreneurs who promoted these resorts – often on the basis of the most dubious scientific evidence – and the riotous and salacious social life enjoyed in spa towns, where moral health might suffer even as bodies were cleansed and purged.

And yet English spas also offered an ideal of civility and politeness, providing a place where social classes and sexes could mingle and enjoy refined entertainments such as music and dance – all part of the fashionable pastime referred to as ‘taking the waters’.

MELANIE KING is the author of The Lady is a Spy: The Tangled Lives of Stan Harding & Marguerite Harrison (2019), Tea, Coffee & Chocolate (2015) and Can Onions Cure Ear-ache? (2012).

232 pp, 234 x 156 mm70 colour illus9781851244539HB £25.00September 2021


Tea, Coffee & Chocolate: How We Fell in Love with Caffeine 9781851244065 illus HB £9.99

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Rachel OwenIllustrations for Dante’s Inferno

Edited by David Bowe

Rachel Owen’s hauntingly beautiful illustrations for Dante’s Inferno take a radically new approach to representing the world of Dante’s famous poem. The images combine the artist’s deep cultural and historical understanding of The Divine Comedy and its artistic legacy with her unique talent for collage and printmaking. These illus-trations, casting the viewer as a first-person pilgrim through the underworld, prompt us to rethink Dante’s poem through their novel perspective and visual language.

Owen’s work, held in the Bodleian Library and published here for the first time, illustrates the complete cycle of thirty-four cantos of the Inferno with one image per canto. The illustrations are accompa-nied by essays contextualizing Owen’s work and supplemented by six illustrations intended for the unfinished Purgatorio series. Fiona Whitehouse provides details of the techniques employed by the artist, Peter Hainsworth situates Owen’s work in the field of modern Dante illustration and David Bowe offers a commentary on the illustrations as gateways to Dante’s poem. Jamie McKendrick and Bernard O’Donoghue’s translations of episodes from the Inferno provide complementary artistic interpretations of Dante’s poem, while reflections from colleagues and friends commemorate Owen’s life and work as an artist, scholar and teacher. This stunning collection is an important contribution to both Dante scholarship and illustration.

Image opposite Illustration to Canto XXVI © The Estate of Rachel Owen

RACHEL OWEN (1968–2016) was a

Welsh photographer, printmaker and

lecturer on medieval Italian literature.

She taught at Pembroke College and

at other colleges within the University

of Oxford. Owen mixed photography

with printmaking and her work

explored ideas of transformation

using photographic screenprints.

She was married to Radiohead singer

Thom Yorke. DAVID BOWE is an Irish

Research Council postdoctoral fellow

in the Italian Department of University

College Cork and co-director of the

Centre for Dante Studies in Ireland.

136 pp, 259 x 237 mm52 colour illus9781851245703HB £25.00September 2021

For seven hundred years artists armed with pens, needles and brushes have been eager to accom-pany Dante into hell. Rachel Owen decided to take her camera as well, and returned with images which she mixed with found materials and bold markers plus a few dashes of colour to create what seem like daring stills from a film noir of Dante's journey. – Tom Phillips

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The Science of Life and Death in FrankensteinSharon Ruston

What is life? This was a question of particular concern for Mary Shelley and her contemporaries. But how did she, and her fellow Romantic writers, incorporate this debate into their work, and how much were they influenced by contemporary science, medicine and personal loss?

This book is the first to compile the many attempts in science and medicine to account for life and death in Mary Shelley’s time. It considers what her contemporaries thought of air, blood, sun-light, electricity and other elements believed to be most essential for living. Mary Shelley’s (and her circle’s) knowledge of science and medicine is carefully examined, alongside the work of key scientific and medical thinkers, including John Abernethy, James Curry, Humphry Davy, John Hunter, William Lawrence and Joseph Priestley. Frankenstein demonstrates what Mary Shelley knew of the advice given by medical practitioners for the recovery of persons drowned, hanged or strangled and explores the contemporary scientific basis behind Victor Frankenstein’s idea that life and death were merely ‘ideal bounds’ he could transgress in the making of the Creature.

Interweaving images of the manuscript, portraits, medical instruments and contemporary diagrams into her narrative, Sharon Ruston shows how this extraordinary tale is steeped in historical scientific and medical thought exploring the fascinating boundary between life and death.

Image opposite Benjamin West, Benjamin Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky, 1816. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

SHARON RUSTON is Chair in Romanticism in the English Literature and Creative Writing Department at

Lancaster University.

192 pp, 234 x 156 mm 16 halftones, 32 pp colour plate section 9781851245574 HB £25.00

October 2021


The Making of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Daisy Hay9781851244867 illus PB/flaps £12.99

plate 25 (previous spread) Mary Shelley tells Percy in her letter of 26 September 1817 that she is glad he finished his poem, before William Lawrence advised him not to write poetry for health reasons.

plate 26 Mary Shelley’s famous line ‘It was on a dreary night of November’ in the Frankenstein manuscript, notebook A.

plate 28 Male wax anatomical figure, Italian, 1776–1780.



The night Victor Frankenstein animates the Creature, he has a terrible nightmare. Fraught with the horror of his creation, Franken-stein dreams that he meets his beloved, Elizabeth, in the streets of Ingolstadt. When he kisses her lips ‘they became livid with the hue of death’. Her features also change. Instead of his fiancée, he finds that he is holding the ‘corpse of my dead mother in my arms; a shroud enveloped her form, and I saw the grave-worms crawling in the folds of the flannel’.1 He wakes up, horrified; he is sweating, his teeth are chattering, and his limbs convulse. He realizes that the Creature is watching him, and at this moment Frankenstein runs away. The episode presents the transformation from life to death. It also dwells on the horror of contemplating the reality of the death of our loved ones.

Previously, when Frankenstein had described how he discovered the principle of life, he boasted that he did not fear the dead. He tells Captain Walton that his father had been careful to ensure that his education was rational and that ‘supernatural horrors’ should not frighten him. As a result, Frankenstein considered that ‘a church-yard was … merely the receptacle of bodies deprived of life, which, from being the seat of beauty and strength, had become food for the fig. 16 Set of English surgical instruments, John Weiss & Sons, c. 1830.

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Hawkers, Beggars and QuacksPortraits from The Cries of London

Sean Shesgreen

Buy my Dish of great Eeles, Any Old Iron take money for, Twelve Pence a Peck Oysters, Buy my fat Chickens, Fair Lemons & Oranges

Marcellus Laroon’s The Cryes of the City of London drawne after the Life presents, in seventy-four striking portraits, a panorama of London’s marginal men and women: street vendors, hustlers and petty criminals together with the shouts (or cries) they used to hawk their wares, as they existed at the end of the seventeenth century.

Following an illustrated introduction which sets Laroon’s engrav-ings within the tradition of the Cries, each portrait is beautifully reproduced with a commentary that illuminates the individual street-seller and their trade. The commentaries provide a wealth of detail about their dress, the equipment they used to ply their trade, the meat and drink of those they served and their own diets. This book also mines historical archives for contemporary reports about the colourful and often desperate lives of these hawkers.

Drawing on the historical material found in the Burney Collection of English newspapers, this book provides a fascinating insight into the men and women who made their livelihood, legally and illegally, on the streets of England’s capital.

SEAN SHESGREEN is an Emeritus

Professor of English and formerly a

Presidential Professor at Northern

Illinois University.

240 pp, 245 x 190 mm 100 illus 9781851245512 HB £35.00 September 2021


London: Prints & Drawings before 1800Bernard Nurse9781851244126 illus HB £30.00

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North Sea CrossingsThe Literary Heritage of Anglo-Dutch Relations 1066–1688Sjoerd Levelt and Ad Putter

SJOERD LEVELT is Senior Research Associate of the project The Literary Heritage of Anglo-Dutch Relations, c.1050–1600 at the University of Bristol. AD PUTTER is Professor of Medieval English at the University of Bristol and Director of the Centre for Medieval


304 pp, 259 x 237 mm c.100 colour illus 9781851245543 HB £40.00

December 2021


Reynard the FoxAnne Louise Avery9781851245550 illus HB £20.00

This richly illustrated book tells the story of cultural exchange between the people of the Low Countries and England in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period, and reveals how Anglo-Dutch connections changed the literary landscape on both sides of the North Sea.

Ranging from the Norman Conquest of 1066 to the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688, it examines how Dutch-speaking immigrants transformed English culture, and it uncovers the lasting impact of contacts and collaborations between Dutch and English speakers on historical writing, map-making, manuscript production and early printing.

The literary heritage of Anglo-Dutch relations is explored and lavishly illustrated through the unique collection of manuscripts, early prints, maps and other treasures from the Bodleian Library in Oxford. The book sheds new light on the literature and art of a pivotal period in European history.

VISIT THE EXHIBITIONBodleian Libraries, OxfordNorth Sea Crossings

December 2021 – April 2022

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Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardThomas GrayWood Engravings by Agnes Miller ParkerIntroduction by Carol Rumens

THOMAS GRAY (1716–1771) is best

known for Elegy Written in a Country

Churchyard. Born in London, he spent

much of his adult life in Cambridge,

eventually becoming Professor

of Modern History there. AGNES

MILLER PARKER (1895–1980) was

one of the greatest British wood

engraving artists of the twentieth

century. CAROL RUMENS’ most recent

poetry collections are The Mixed Urn

and Bezdelki: Small Things, winner

of the Michael Marks Award for Best

Poetry Pamphlet in 2018.

88 pp, 210 x 148 mm 33 b&w illus 9781851245772 HB £16.99

October 2021

‘The Curfew tolls the knell of parting day …’

Thomas Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard has been loved and admired throughout the centuries. First circulated to a select group of friends, it was rushed to official publication in 1751 in order to avoid pirated copies being sold without the young poet’s permission. Praised by Samuel Johnson, reprinted over and over again in Gray’s lifetime and recited by generations of schoolchildren, it is one of the most famous poems in the English language.

This edition reproduces the exquisite wood engravings made by Agnes Miller Parker in 1938. Parker visited the churchyard at St Giles, Stoke Poges, where the poem is set, in order to make her sketches, and all thirty-two stanzas of the poem are accompanied by detailed full-page illustrations. Commemorating the 250th anniversary of the poet’s death, this edition will not only bring new readers to the Elegy but will also appeal to those already familiar with its riches.


Aesop’s Fables9781851245376 illus HB £30.00

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Universal Declaration of Human RightsProclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, Paris, December 1948Foreword by Amal ClooneyIntroduction by John Pinfold

AMAL CLOONEY is a human rights

lawyer and humanitarian advocate.

JOHN PINFOLD was Rhodes House

Librarian from 1993 to 2008. His most

recent book is Petrograd 1917

(Bodleian Library Publishing).

96 pp, 148 x 100 mm 9781851245765 HB £6.99

November 2021

‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.’ Article 1

On 10 December 1948, in Paris, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a groundbreaking and important proclamation: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This milestone document, made up of thirty Articles, sets out, for the first time, the fundamental human rights that must be protected by all nations.

The full text of the document is reproduced in this book following a foreword by human rights lawyer Amal Clooney and a general introduction which explores its origins in the ‘Four Freedoms’ described by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the role his wife Eleanor Roosevelt took on as chair of the Human Rights Commission and of the drafting committee, and the parts played by other key international members of the Commission. It was a pioneering achievement in the wake of the Second World War and continues to provide a basis for international human rights law, making this document’s aims ‘as relevant today as when they were first adopted a lifetime ago.’


Pocket Magna Carta: 1217 Text and Translation9781851244522 HB £5.99

‘There are few historical develop-ments more significant than the realisation that those in power should not be free to torture and abuse those who are not.’ – Amal Clooney

‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’

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Jane Austen, Ada Lovelace, Mary Shelley Handwriting Notebook Set3 A5 ruled notebooks with stitched spines

Bodleian Library

48 ruled pp each, 210 x 148 mm 9781851245758 3 A5 ruled notebooks with stitched spines £11.99 incl VAT (£9.99 + VAT)September 2021


Drawn from the manuscript collections at the Bodleian Library, this delightful softback notebook set features the distinctive handwriting of three remarkable women writers and thinkers: Jane Austen, Ada Lovelace and Mary Shelley.

The Library holds part of the manuscript of Jane Austen’s unfinished novel, The Watsons, together with the original notebooks in which Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein and the personal correspondence of mathematical pioneer Ada Lovelace.

Inspirational and unusual, these useful literary notebooks make the ideal gift for writers and book-lovers alike.

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A Fox for All Seasons JournalWith new Reynard the Fox mini stories

Anne Louise Avery

This handsome hardback journal features ten new mini stories about everyone’s favourite fox, reimagined by Reynard the Fox author Anne Louise Avery.

Told by Reynard to his three little cubs on a moonlit spring night in the east of Flanders, each of the two-page stories is based on old medieval French vulpine tales, drawn from Marie de France’s version of Aesop, Ysopet, Guillaume Tardif’s Les Apologues et Fables de Laurens Valle and Le Roman de Renart. Some tell of Reynard’s antics, others of the exploits of his noble and mythic ancestors. Foxes tumble into dyer’s vats, steal twists of eels from unsuspecting fisherman, lounge around Black Sea ports and are transformed into eternal and glittering stars.

With a stylish ribbon marker, foiled spine, gilt edges and high-quality ruled pages, this notebook is a stationery-lover’s delight as well as the perfect gift for fans of Avery’s captivating story-telling and all those entranced by this enduring animal fable.

ANNE LOUISE AVERY is a writer and art

historian based in Oxford.

160 pp, 182 x 130 mm 9781851245802 HB £11.99 incl VAT (£9.99 + VAT) October 2021



Reynard the Fox9781851245550 illus HB £20.00

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Botanical Art Notebook Set –Lemon, Chillis and Apples3 A5 ruled notebooks with stitched spines

Bodleian LibraryWith illustrations from Johann Wilhelm Weinmann’s Phytanthoza Iconographia

48 ruled pp each, 210 x 148 mm 9781851245697 3 A5 ruled notebooks with stitched spines £10.99 incl VAT (£9.16 + VAT) May 2021

Johann Wilhelm Weinmann was an apothecary who established a botanic garden in Regensburg and set about producing a highly detailed catalogue of plants and their uses, with illustrations commissioned from some of the finest engravers of the time. The resulting Phytanthoza Iconographia is an immense work, contained within several volumes published between 1737 and 1745. It features no fewer than 1,025 beautiful colour plates – including early examples of colour mezzotint – of all manner of fruit and vegetables.

Three of the exquisite plates are reproduced in this lovely set of A5 softback notebooks: the perfect gift for gardeners and connoisseurs of botanical illustration.

Eric Fitch Daglish (1892–1966) was a wood engraver, writer and illustrator. His book Woodcuts of British Birds was published in 1925.

Daglish learnt the art of wood engraving from Paul Nash and became known for his illustrations of the natural world. He illustrated an edition of Gilbert White’s Natural History of Selborne and he both wrote and illustrated several books on natural history, including Birds of the British Isles, 1948.

Beautifully produced in hardback with ruled paper and ribbon marker, this makes a perfect gift for bird watchers and nature-lovers.

Birds JournalBodleian LibraryWith illustrations by Eric Fitch Daglish

160 ruled pp, 182 x 130 mm 19 b&w illus 9781851245680 HB £11.99 incl VAT (£9.99 + VAT) April 2021

‘High from the earth I heard a bird’ – Emily Dickinson


Birds: An AnthologyEdited by Jaqueline Mitchell9781851245291 HB illus £16.99


A Cornucopia of Fruit & Vegetables: Illustrations from an Eighteenth-Century Botanical TreasuryCaroline Ball9781851245666 illus HB £15.00

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26 Postcards from the CollectionsA Bodleian Library A to Z 52 pp, 165 x 120 mm26 colour illus9781851244133Cards £9.99 incl VAT (£8.33 + VAT)November 2014

An Illuminated Alphabet26 Postcards52 pp, 165 x 120 mm26 colour illus9781851244041Cards £9.99 incl VAT (£8.33 + VAT)September 2014

Tolkien Smaug Journal160 ruled pp, 207 x 140 mm 9781851245277 HB £9.99 incl VAT (£8.33 + VAT)March 2019

48 ruled pp each, 210 x 148 mm 9781851245413 3 A5 ruled notebooks with stitched spines £10.99 incl VAT (£9.16 + VAT)November 2020In association with Oxford University Museum of Natural History

London Map Journal 160 ruled pp, 207 x 140 mm9781851245222HB £9.99 incl VAT (£8.33 + VAT)March 2019

Alice in Wonderland Journal – ‘Too Late,’ said the Rabbit160 ruled pp, 182 x 130 mm21 b&w illus9781851245499HB £11.99 incl VAT (£9.99 + VAT)July 2020

Alice in Wonderland Journal – Alice in Court160 ruled pp, 182 x 130 mm21 b&w illus9781851245420HB £11.99 incl VAT (£9.99 + VAT)July 2020

Featuring more than twenty of Sir John Tenniel’s Alice illustrations, these stunning hardcover ruled journals also include foiled page edges, ribbon marker and printed endpapers – the perfect gift for writers and Wonderland fans.

Alice Journals

Butterfly Notebook SetThis set of three A5, softback notebooks feature paintings of butterflies from the Oxford University Museum of Natural History’s copy of Jones’ Icones. Each notebook features high-quality ruled paper and coloured inside covers – an exquisite gift for nature-lovers and writers alike.

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Recent Highlights

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A Cornucopia of Fruit & Vegetables Illustrations from an Eighteenth-Century Botanical Treasury

Caroline Ball

Close-up photographs of plump apricots, juicy mangoes, crisp lettuce … these are familiar to us all through cookery books and garden guides. But seeing fruit and vegetables as detailed art, viewed through eighteenth-century eyes, is something very different – and more interesting.

Thanks to intrepid explorers and plant-hunters, Britain and the rest of Europe have long enjoyed a wide and wonderful array of fruit and vegetables. Some wealthy households even created orangeries and glasshouses for tender exotics and special pits in which to raise pineapples, while tomatoes, sweetcorn and runner beans from the New World expanded the culinary repertoire.

This wealth of choice attracted interest beyond the kitchen and garden. In the 1730s Johann Wilhelm Weinmann, a prosperous Bavarian apothecary, produced the first volume of a comprehensive A to Z of plants, meticulously documented, and lavishly illustrated by botanical artists. A Cornucopia of Fruit & Vegetables is a glimpse into his world. It features exquisite illustrations of the edible plants in his historic treasury, allowing us to enjoy the sight of swan-necked gourds and horned lemons, smile at silkworms hovering over mulberries and delight at the quirkiness of ‘strawberry spinach’ … a delicious medley of garden produce and exotics that will capture the imagination of gardeners and art-lovers alike.

CAROLINE BALL is an editor, copywriter and occasional translator who has written on many subjects, but has a particular interest in horticulture, garden history and plant-hunters.

152 pp, 190 x 150 mmc.100 colour illus9781851245666HB £15.00May 2021


Heritage Apples 9781851245161 illus HB £25.00

Roots to Seeds 400 Years of Oxford Botany

Stephen A. Harris

Since 1621, and the foundation of the Oxford Botanic Garden, Oxford has built up an outstanding collection of plant specimens, botanical illustrations and rare books on plant classification, collecting and plant biology. These archives, and the living plants in the Garden, are integral to the study of botany in the University.

This book profiles the botanists and collections which have helped to transform our understanding of the biology of plants over the past four centuries, focusing on plant classification, experimental botany, building botanical collections, agriculture and forestry and botanical education. Highlights include a selection of Ferdinand Bauer’s renowned illustrations for Flora Graeca – an extraordinarily lavish and detailed eighteenth-century botanical publication of plants found in the Eastern Mediterranean – and rare plant speci-mens from the herbaria, such as Fairchild’s Mule (the first artificially created hybrid plant).

Together with seventeenth-century herbals, elegant garden plans, plant models and fossil slides, these items from the archives all help to tell the story of botanical science in Oxford and the intrepid bota-nists who devoted themselves to the essential study of plants.

STEPHEN A. HARRIS is Druce Curator

of Oxford University Herbaria.

240 pp, 259 x 237 mm c.80 colour illus 9781851245611 HB £40.00 May 2021 In association with the University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum

VISIT THE EXHIBITIONBodleian Libraries, OxfordRoots to Seeds: 400 Years of

Oxford Botany

May–October 2021


Planting Paradise: Cultivating the Garden 1501–1900 9781851243433 illus HB £29.99

A Cornucopia ofFruit &

Vegetablesi l l u s t r at ion s f ro m

a n e ig h t e e n t h - c e n t u ry b o ta n i c a l t r e a s u ry

Caroline Ball

130 131

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Hyphens & Hashtags* *The stories behind the symbols on our keyboards

Claire Cock-Starkey

The punctuation marks, mathematical symbols and glyphs which haunt the edges of our keyboards have evolved over many hundreds of years. They shape our understanding of texts, calculations and online interactions. Without these symbols all texts would run in endless unbroken lines of letters and numbers.

Many hands and minds have created, refined and promulgated the symbols which give form to our written communication. Through individual entries discussing the story behind each example, Hyphens & Hashtags reveals the long road many of these special characters have taken on their way into general use. In the digital age of communication, some symbols have gained an additional meaning or a new lease of life – the colon now doubles up as the eyes of a smiling face emoticon and the hashtag has travelled from obscurity to an essential component of social media. Alongside historical roots, this book also considers ever-evolving modern usage and uncovers those symbols which have now fallen out of fashion.

Hyphens & Hashtags casts a well-deserved spotlight on these stalwarts of typography whose handy knack for summing up a command or concept in simple shorthand marshals our sentences, clarifies a calculation or adds some much-needed emotion to our online interactions.


of over a dozen non-fiction books on a

variety of subjects but all united in their

aim to tell fascinating stories.

192 pp, 184 x 118 mm 9781851245369 HB £12.99 March 2021


The Real McCoy and 149 Other Eponyms9781851244980 HB £9.99

Martha Lloyd’s Household BookThe Original Manuscript from Jane Austen’s Kitchen

Introduced with annotated transcription by Julienne Gehrer Foreword by Deirdre Le Faye

This is the first facsimile publication of Martha Lloyd’s Household Book, the manuscript cookbook of Jane Austen’s closest friend. Martha’s notebook is reproduced in a colour facsimile section with complete transcription and detailed annotation. Introductory chapters discuss its place among other household books of the eighteenth century.

Martha Lloyd befriended a young Jane Austen and later lived with Jane, her sister Cassandra and their mother at the cottage in Chawton, Hampshire, where Jane wrote or revised her novels. Martha later married into the Austen family. Her collection features recipes and remedies handwritten during a period of over thirty years and includes the only surviving recipes from Mrs Austen and Captain Francis Austen, Jane’s mother and brother.

There are many connections between Martha’s book and Jane Austen’s writing, including white soup from Pride and Prejudice and the author’s favourites – toasted cheese and mead. The family, culinary and literary connections detailed in the introductory chapters of this work give a fascinating perspective on the time and manner in which both women lived, thanks to this extraordinary artefact passed down through the Austen family.

JULIENNE GEHRER is an author, journalist and food historian who lectures on Jane Austen and the long

eighteenth century.

312 pp, 223 x 171 mm c.85 colour illus 9781851245604 HB £30.00

June 2021In association with Jane Austen's House


Jane Austen: The Chawton LettersKathryn Sutherland9781851244744 illus HB £14.99

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Bestsellers and Backlist

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The single best, and best value, one-stop-shop for the visual material associated with JRR Tolkien. – The Notion Club Papers – An Inklings Blog

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