board meeting minutes board meeting minutes sample

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  • 8/19/2019 Board Meeting Minutes Board Meeting Minutes Sample


    Board Meeting Minutes

    Cetus Inc.

    (Board Meeting Minutes: March 17, 2016)

    (1:00PM and Kitsho, Hotel Jen, Roas Bl!d" Pasa#)

    Board Members: 

    Present: Bhata Bhatacharia, Jon $hite Bear, %ouglas &ar!er, 'liaeth %ruc*er, Pat

    K#u+oto, Jac* Porter, Mar# Ri*in and -eslie .e!on

     Absent: Melissa Johnson

    Quorum present? /es

    Others Present:

    'ec" %irector: heila ansonther: usan Johns, &onsulting 3ccountant


    4 Meeting called to order  at 7:00 5"+" # &hair, 'liaeth %ruc*er 

    4 (-ast +onths) +eeting +inutes ere a+ended and a55ro!ed

    · Chief Executives !eport:

    Reco++ends that i e not ale to ind a ne acilit# # the end o this +onth, the

    organiation should sta# here in the current location o!er the inter" 3ter rie

    discussion, Board agreed"

    ta +e+er, Jac*son Brone, and anson attended the 8ational Practitioners

    8etor* +eeting in 3tlanta last +onth and ga!e a rie ete+5oraneous 5resentation"

    Both are in!ited ac* net #ear to gi!e a longer 5resentation aout our organiation"

     3ter rie discussion, Board congratulated anson and as*ed her to 5ass on their

    congratulations to Brone as ell"

    %ruc*er asserts that our organiation +ust ensure its na+e is associated ith

    hate!er +aterials are distriuted at that 5ractitioners +eeting net #ear" 9he

    organiation should generate re!enues here 5ossile ro+ the +aterials, too"

    anson +entioned that sta +e+er, heila 3ndersons husand is ill and in thehos5ital" M98 to send a git to 3ndersons husand, e5ressing the organiations

    s#+5ath# and su55ort; seconded and 5assed"

    · "inance Committee report  5ro!ided # &hair, 'liaeth %ruc*er:

    %ruc*er e5lained that consultant, usan Johns, re!ieed the organiations

    oo**ee5ing 5rocedures and ound the+ to e satisactor#, in 5re5aration or the

  • 8/19/2019 Board Meeting Minutes Board Meeting Minutes Sample


    u5co+ing #earl# inancial audit"