blended learning stage 3 year 6 term 2 week 6 monday€¦ · create a mind map, either digitally...

Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday [email protected] Reading Begin/continue reading your class novel or select a text to read. This may be a novel, picture book, informative text, magazine or newspaper article. Time yourself to see how long you focus on reading and try to increase your reading stamina each day this week. Writing - Planning Write an informative text about a topic of your choice. Is there something that you have just learned to do? E.g ride a motorbike? Is there something that you want to find out more about? E.g different types of clouds. Or is there a place in the world that you would like to visit one day? Create a mindmap - an explosion of ideas. Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping, or by drawing and writing. You will need to complete some research. Take notes, sketch ideas, voice record important information and communicate your new learning to someone. Once you have chosen your topic, think about the best way to communicate your learning with others. E.g report, description, procedure, explanation Write your answer & insert photo here: Mathematics Warm-up Shuffle a pack of playing cards. All picture cards represent 0. All players turn over two cards and form a 2-digit number. Each player works out the number they must multiply their 2-digit number by to make a number as close as possible to 100 and prove the solution to the other players. The player multiplying by the greatest number in each round earns a point. The first player to 5 points wins. wins. To modify: Choose a target number greater than 100 or make the target 1000 and turn over three cards to form a 3-digit number.. Mathematics Rich task Draw as many rectangles as you can that have an area of 24 cm squared. Can you find all the possibilities? How do you know? Draw three different irregular shapes with an area of 36 cm squared. Using lines, words or colours, prove that your shapes are 36 cm squared. Supporting: Use this link if you are unsure of what Irregular means: Write your answer here: Religious Education Being in nature can help us feel close to God through experiencing the beauty of creation. Take your prayer journal and a pencil and find a comfortable place to sit outside. Become aware of your breathing. Take your time to look around you, and find 5 things that are beautiful to you. Spend time enjoying their beauty. In your prayer journal, tell God what you notice. What feelings rise up in you? You could sketch what you see or write words.

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Page 1: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday  

[email protected]  

Reading Begin/continue reading your class novel or select a text to read. This may be a novel, picture book, informative text, magazine or newspaper article. Time yourself to see how long you focus on reading and try to increase your reading stamina each day this week.

Writing - Planning Write an informative text about a topic of your choice. Is there something that you have just learned to do? E.g ride a motorbike? Is there something that you want to find out more about? E.g different types of clouds. Or is there a place in the world that you would like to visit one day? Create a mindmap - an explosion of ideas. Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping, or by drawing and writing. You will need to complete some research. Take notes, sketch ideas, voice record important information and communicate your new learning to someone. Once you have chosen your topic, think about the best way to communicate your learning with others. E.g report, description, procedure, explanation

Write your answer & insert photo here:

Mathematics Warm-up

Shuffle a pack of playing cards. All picture cards represent 0. All players turn over two cards and form a 2-digit number. Each player works out the number they must multiply their 2-digit number by to make a number as close as possible to 100 and prove the solution to the other players. The player multiplying by the greatest number in each round earns a point. The first player to 5 points wins. wins. To modify: Choose a target number greater than 100 or make the target 1000 and turn over three cards to form a 3-digit number..

Mathematics Rich task

Draw as many rectangles as you can that have an area of 24 cm squared. Can you find all the possibilities? How do you know? Draw three different irregular shapes with an area of 36 cm squared. Using lines, words or colours, prove that your shapes are 36 cm squared.

Supporting: Use this link if you are unsure of what Irregular means:

Write your answer here:

Religious Education Being in nature can help us feel close to God through experiencing the beauty of creation. Take your prayer journal and a pencil and find a comfortable place to sit outside. Become aware of your breathing. Take your time to look around you, and find 5 things that are beautiful to you. Spend time enjoying their beauty. In your prayer journal, tell God what you notice. What feelings rise up in you? You could sketch what you see or write words.

Page 2: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

Write your journal entry here:

STEM Inquiry Project I can make a model of my solution Activity Use your design and list of materials to start making your design.  Don’t forget to record the steps you take to make it.  

 Activity When you have finished making your model, take it to show a family member or peer. Ask for their feedback. Questions you might ask?

• Is there anything you might change? • Do you think it will work? • How could I improve the design?  

Record your feedback. Change or add anything to your model if you want too.   Share your recording of how you made your model with your teacher. 

Write your answer here:

Monday Daily Reflection: Questions:  Not 

really Mostly  Yes 

1. I found today’s work fun and engaging  1  2  3 

2. I completed all answers to a year 6 level  1  2  3 

3. Today’s work took me  1-2 hrs  2-3 hrs  3-4 hrs 


Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Tuesday 


Page 3: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

Reading Continue reading your class novel or selected text. Choose a character from your book and create a character profile. Draw what you imagine the character to look like, labelling the drawing with descriptive language from the text. Include a few paragraphs detailing what the character likes, dislikes, what challenges they have faced and how they have overcome these challenges or changed during the story.

Writing - Composing Using your plan, start to begin your text. Think about:

● Purpose? ● Audience? ● Text structure? ● Language features (imagery, word choice, metaphor, varied sentences) ● Content - what are the key points to include?

Write your answer here:

Mathematics Warm-up

Shuffle a pack of playing cards. All picture cards represent 0. All players turn over two cards and form a 2-digit number. Each player works out the number they must multiply their 2-digit number by to make a number as close as possible to 100 and prove the solution to the other players. The player multiplying by the greatest number in each round earns a point. The first player to 5 points wins. wins. To modify: Choose a target number greater than 100 or make the target 1000 and turn over three cards to form a 3-digit number.

Mathematics Rich task

This is a drawing of some steps made from small cubes. How many small cubes are used to make the steps? Work out your answer in two different ways.

Supporting: Can you break the shape up to help you find the total

First way: Second way:

Religious Education Prayers of thanksgiving offer an opportunity to say thank you to God for something in our life. Think of someone who helps or encourages you and write a thanksgiving prayer to God for them. You may like to begin with: ‘Thank you God for the gift of (name).

Page 4: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

I experience your love for me through their actions. They (name the things they do)... Thank you for (name) who shows me your face. Amen You can add this prayer to your family or class prayer space or give it to the person you wrote it for to share your gratitude with them.

Write your answer here:

STEM Inquiry Project I can test my model Watch Learning from design mistakes Activity It is now time to test your model. Record your testing. Questions you might ask yourself while you are testing your model:

• What works well? • What doesn’t work? • How can I make my design better? 

 Activity Show your model and the record of testing to a family member or Teacher. Ask for their feedback.   Questions you might ask them?

• Why do you think this worked? • Why do you think this didn’t work? • Is there anything you would change? 

Record your feedback and share with your teacher. 


Write your answer here:

Tuesday Daily Reflection: 

Page 5: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

Questions:  Not really 

Mostly  Yes 

1. I found today’s work fun and engaging  1  2  3 

2. I completed all answers to a year 6 level  1  2  3 

3. Today’s work took me  1-2 hrs  2-3 hrs  3-4 hrs 


Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 


Reading Continue reading your class novel or selected text. After reading a section of text today, compose a list of questions for the author. They may be specific to the setting, characters or plot or more general questions about the writing process and development of ideas. Include a range of questions beginning with who, what, where, when, why, how and which.

Writing - Composing Reflect on your plan. Reread your text from yesterday and continue to write your text. Share your writing with a friend for feedback.

Write your answer here:

Mathematics Warm-up

Shuffle a pack of playing cards. All picture cards represent 0. All players turn over two cards and form a 2-digit number. Each player works out the number they must multiply their 2-digit number by to make a number as close as possible to 100 and prove the solution to the other players. The player multiplying by the greatest number in each round earns a point. The first player to 5 points wins. wins. To modify: Choose a target number greater than 100 or make the target 1000 and turn over three cards to form a 3-digit number .

Mathematics Rich task

A rectangular garden has a perimeter of 40 cm and an area of 64 cm squared. What are the dimensions? Show two different ways of working it out. A rectangle has an area of 36cm squared. What might its perimeter be? Give three possible answers. Make up a similar problem for a friend or family member to solve.

Supporting: Watch this video

Write your answer here:

Page 6: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

Religious Education The Awareness Examen is a type of prayer that helps us become aware of God’s presence in our day. In the afternoon, find a quiet or peaceful place to spend some time looking back over your day. Use these questions to guide you (you may like to record your responses in your prayer journal):

1. What is something good I heard today? 2. What is something good I saw today? 3. What is something good that someone did for me today? 4. What is something good that I did for someone else today? 5. With God’s help, what can I do to improve tomorrow?

Concluding prayer: Our Father...

Write your answer here:

STEM Inquiry Project I can improve my solution Activity Go over all your feedback and questions that you recorded from testing your model.  Make any changes to the design that you think will improve it.  Finalize your design.  

 Share the final design with your teacher.   Don’t forget to record this step in the process. 

Write your answer here:  

Wednesday Daily Reflection: Questions:  Not 

really Mostly  Yes 

1. I found today’s work fun and engaging  1  2  3 

2. I completed all answers to a year 6 level  1  2  3 

3. Today’s work took me  1-2 hrs  2-3 hrs  3-4 hrs 


Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Thursday 


Page 7: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

Reading Continue reading your class novel or selected text. After reading the book or chapter/s today, make connections with your text:

● Text to self: A connection between the text and your life or experiences. ● Text to text: A connection between the text and another text you have read. ● Text to world: A connection between the text and the world.

Writing - Reviewing and Publishing

Reread and edit your work using the feedback. Explain your editing choices to a different friend. Publish your work according to your audience and purpose. Think about:

● Headings ● Handwriting style ● Font type and size ● Layout ● Graphics/ Images

Write your answer here:

Mathematics Warm-up One

Shuffle a pack of playing cards. All picture cards represent 0. All players turn over two cards and form a 2-digit number. Each player works out the number they must multiply their 2-digit number by to make a number as close as possible to 100 and prove the solution to the other players. The player multiplying by the greatest number in each round earns a point. The first player to 5 points wins. wins. To modify: Choose a target number greater than 100 or make the target 1000 and turn over three cards to form a 3-digit number.

Mathematics Rich task

Using 1cm square paper, draw a birds eye view of your home or school property (If you have a very large property, just select your house area). Birds eye= a general view from above. If you do not have access to a formal measuring device, you could use an informal measurement such as your leg span. Label the perimeter and work out the area of land. Record the perimeter in centimeters and meters and the area in square metres and square kilometres.

Write your answer here:

Religious Education There are many people at the moment who we would like to be with but can’t. They miss us as much as we miss them! Jesus reached out to everyone, especially the marginalised. Reach out to someone you miss or who might be lonely by sending them a letter, email or message.

Write your plan here:

Page 8: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

STEM Inquiry Project I can share my journey of learning Activity You have been recording your process from the start.  Now it is time to use the recordings and present the steps all together.  This will show your journey of learning.  Make sure that it is easy for others to follow and know what you did.    Examples of recording a process 

  There are 8 steps of the Engineering process. 1. I can ask questions that help me understand

2. I can find out more information

3. I can use my imagination

4. I can design a solution

5. I can make a model of my solution

6. I can test my model

7. I can improve my model

8. I can share my journey of learning 

 Read Think like an Engineer process poster Engineer process checklist

Write your answer here:  

Thursday Daily Reflection: Questions:  Not 

really Mostly  Yes 

1. I found today’s work fun and engaging  1  2  3 

2. I completed all answers to a year 6 level  1  2  3 

Page 9: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

3. Today’s work took me  1-2 hrs  2-3 hrs  3-4 hrs 


Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Friday 


Reading Continue reading your class novel or selected text. Using words and pictures, create a story map of the book you have been reading this week. Think about the main events, actions of characters and the consequences of these actions. You might like to use a template to help your thinking.

Writing - Free Write Assessment Task

Use this stimulus for writing or choose to use a stimulus of your own. You can select any type of text, language feature, audience and purpose for your writing. Just make sure to add these choices to the top of your writing task before sharing it with your teacher.

Write your answer here:

Mathematics Warm-up One

Shuffle a pack of playing cards. All picture cards represent 0. All players turn over two cards and form a 2-digit number. Each player works out the number they must multiply their 2-digit number by to make a number as close as possible to 100 and prove the solution to the other players. The player multiplying by the greatest number in each round earns a point. The first player to 5 points wins. wins. To modify: Choose a target number greater than 100 or make the target 1000 and turn over three cards to form a 3-digit number.

Mathematics Rich task

Can you draw a shape in which the area is: Equal to its perimeter?

Page 10: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need

Can you draw a shape in which the perimeter is twice the area? Can you draw a shape in which the area is twice the perimeter? Extension . Can you draw some shapes that have the same area but different perimeters? Can you draw some shapes that have the same perimeter but different areas?

Write your answer here:

Religious Education St. Teresa of Avila wrote a beautiful poem called ‘Christ has no body’. Read this poem reflectively and consider how you may be the hands, feet and eyes of Christ on earth. Share your thoughts and feelings about this poem with someone in your family. Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks Compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

Insert photo here:

STEM Inquiry Project

Activity Finalise your Journey of learning (recording of the 8 step process). Share your final process with your teacher.  

Well done!!  

You can know Think Like an Engineer!  Write your answer here:


Friday Daily Reflection: Questions:  Not 

really Mostly  Yes 

1. I found today’s work fun and engaging  1  2  3 

2. I completed all answers to a year 6 level  1  2  3 

3. Today’s work took me  1-2 hrs  2-3 hrs  3-4 hrs 

Page 11: Blended Learning Stage 3 Year 6 Term 2 Week 6 Monday€¦ · Create a mind map, either digitally through the app Simple Mind+ Mind Mapping , or by drawing and writing. You will need