blackboard, online gradebook

Introduction to the Online Gradebook Instructors access the Gradebook from the Control Panel; students access their grades from the Tools section of Blackboard. Each student can only see her own grades. Scores for tests created with Blackboard’s Test Manager are entered into the gradebook automatically when students submit their answers for all question types except for short answer/essay. Other grades are entered manually by the instructor. To use the Gradebook, click its link in the Assessment section of the Control Panel. The Gradebook View Spreadsheet page opens. To learn how to use the Gradebook, click on the link below. To return to this page, click on Online Gradebook on the right margin of the page. Add_Item_to_Gradebook Add_Student_Grade Modify_Student_Grade Modify_an_Item Remove_an_Item Weighting_Grades Add an Item to the Gradebook 1. Click the Control Panel. Click the Control Panel

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Page 1: Blackboard, Online Gradebook

Introduction to the Online Gradebook Instructors access the Gradebook from the Control Panel; students access their grades from the Tools section of Blackboard. Each student can only see her own grades. Scores for tests created with Blackboard’s Test Manager are entered into the gradebook automatically when students submit their answers for all question types except for short answer/essay. Other grades are entered manually by the instructor. To use the Gradebook, click its link in the Assessment section of the Control Panel. The Gradebook View Spreadsheet page opens. To learn how to use the Gradebook, click on the link below. To return to this page, click on Online Gradebook on the right margin of the page. Add_Item_to_Gradebook Add_Student_Grade Modify_Student_Grade Modify_an_Item Remove_an_Item Weighting_Grades

Add an Item to the Gradebook 1. Click the Control Panel.

Click the Control Panel

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2. In the “Assessment” box, click Gradebook.

3. Click on Add Item to add an item to the Gradebook.

Click Gradebook

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4. Type the name of the item. Choose a category for the item from the “Category” drop-down menu. Type a description of the item. Select the date associated with that item. In Options, select whether to make the Gradebook item available in the student gradebook.

Click Add Item to add an item to the Gradebook

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Type the name of the item

Choose a category for the item.

Type a description of the item.

Select the date associated with that item.

Select Yes to make the Gradebook item available in the student gradebook.

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For example, the students complete an Excel Speadsheet Assignment and email it to the instructor. The instructor grades the assignment and posts the grade in the Gradebook. The instructor can display the grade as a letter grade such as percentage grade, etc. The instructor can either make or not make the grade item available to the student. If the grade is unavailable, the student will not see it in the Tools menu. Select the Options and click on Submit to save the settings.

Click on the down-arrow to display the grade as a score, percentage, etc.

Click on Yes or No to make the grade item available to the student.

Click on Submit to save the settings.

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The Excel Spreadsheet Assignment column has been added to the Gradebook.

Add a Student Grade Online_Gradebook To add a student’s grade to the Excel Spreadsheet Assignment, click on the Gradebook item.

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Click on the Gradebook item

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Click on Item Grade List and enter the score.

Click in the Grade box and enter the student’s grade. For example, I entered 9 and 8 for students Harry Potter and Snow White. Click Submit. You will receive a confirmation.

Click on Item Grade List

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Click Submit.

Enter the student’s score or grade.

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Click on OK on the confirmation page to view the grades you entered in the Gradebook.

Modify a Student Grade Online_Gradebook To change a grade, click on Control Panel / Gradebook / click on the student’s name.

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Click on the student’s name

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Click on User Grade List to view or modify the student’s grades.

Click in the Grade box next to the gradebook item to modify the student’s grade.

Click on User Grade List.

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Click in the box in the Grade column to modify the student’s grade.

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Click on View to view the student’s gradebook item.

Click on View to view the student’s test.

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View the student’s test. If a student did not complete the test, click on Clear Attempt to clear the user’s attempt to take the test.

Click on Clear Attempt to enable the student to retake the test.

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Modify a Gradebook Item Online_Gradebook To Modify a Gradebook Item, click on the Gradebook Item, or column.

Click on the Gradebook Item.

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Click on Item Information.

Click on any items on the page to modify. To change the date, click on the down arrow. Modify the Gradebook Item and click on Submit.

Click on Item Information

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Click on the down arrow to change the date.

Click Submit

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Remove a Gradebook Item Online_Gradebook To select the order in which to display the items or remove an item, click on Manage Items

Click on Manage Items

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Click on the Item under the Order column to reorder the items. Click on the Remove button to remove the item.

Click on the down arrow to reorder the item.

Click on Remove to remove an item from the Gradebook. Click OK

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At the confirmation screen, click on OK.

Click on OK to confirm.

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Weighting Grades Online_Gradebook Click on Weight Grades to enter weights for each grade.

Click on Weight Grades

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Click on Weight by Item or Weight by Category to assign weights to each score. To select Weight by Item, click on the button by Weight by Item. Type the amount in the box by the item (it must equal 100%). Click on Submit.’

Click on the button by Weight by Item. Click on the box by each item to enter the weights. The weights must equal 100%.

Click on Submit