bird dawg millioniare

ESSENTIAL! Grab This Fast For Retail Success!

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ESSENTIAL!Grab This Fast For Retail Success!

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Michael ‘”Bird Dawg”* Bergdahl, the international speaker, author and business turnaround specialist, helps you discover exciting new vistas of profitability!

*An authority on Wal-Mart’s Best Practices, Michael Bergdahl earned his nickname from Sam Walton, as a reference to his unerring ability to spot the best business opportunities.

Crest The Wave During The Economic Tsunami!

Michael “Bird Dawg” Bergdahl, the authority on Wal-Mart’s best practices, brings you strategies and tools gained from his years of experience with Sam Walton. Learn how to cruise through stormy times, to a safe, profitable harbour!

The “Bird Dawg Millionaire” one day Master Class is an essential pre-requisite to achieving amazing business success. With these valuable sessions you will gain all the “gyan” you require to navigate past the economic doldrums and capitalise on the amazing growth potential of Indian Retail. Plus you will be fully equipped with future-ready information and practices to sustain business success and conquer new horizons!

Come and make these amazing secrets of success your own!

I N M U M B A I , D E L H I A N D C H E N N A I .


brings you strategies and tools gained from his years of experience with Sam Walton. Learn how to cruise through stormy times, to a safe, profitable harbour!

one day Master Class is an essential pre-requisite to achieving amazing business success. With these valuable sessions you will gain all the “gyan” you require to navigate past the economic doldrums and capitalise on the amazing growth potential of Indian Retail. Plus you will be fully equipped with future-ready information and practices to sustain business success and

Come and make these amazing secrets of success your own!

brings you strategies and tools gained from his years of experience with Sam Walton. Learn how to cruise through stormy times, to a safe, profitable harbour!

one day Master Class is an essential pre-requisite to achieving amazing business success. With these valuable sessions you will gain all the “gyan” you require to navigate past the economic doldrums and capitalise on the amazing growth potential of Indian Retail. Plus you will be fully equipped with future-ready information and practices to sustain business success and

Come and make these amazing secrets of success your own!

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“I couldn’t help but get inspired by Sam Walton, the iconic founder of Wal-Mart.” Kishore Biyani, author of ‘It Happened in India’.

Make Waves In The Retail World

The Retail sector in India is rated number one in the world. With a huge population of over 200 million households, the highest density of outlets in the world, plus a growth in GDP of 8% for the past two consecutive years, India continues to be the leading country for retail development and investment.

“India is the fastest growing retail market in the world! With 11 retail shops per 1000 people in India, compared to 3 retail shops per 1000 people in the USA, organized retail represents only 4% of the marketplace. It is estimated that 95% of the close to 15 million retail outlets in India are family run businesses occupying average 500 sq. ft. in space. Opportunity abounds in India for both the large hypermarket operators, and small Kirana Shop owners who are able to defi ne a unique niche, and capitalize on local market opportunities by providing targeted products and great service! Times may be challenging right now, but the best is yet to come for the enormous emerging India Retail Market, and amazingly, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg!” Michael BergdahlProfessional International Speaker on 6 Continents and Author of 2 books about Wal-Mart & Sam Walton

The Indian Government has allowed FDI of up to 51% for a single brand retail company, with the intention of bringing greater benefi ts to Indian consumers across the sub-continent. “Bird Dawg Millionaire” Master Class will help bring about this paradigm shift, building the skill-sets required to successfully challenge the current scenario.

Anchor Your Business In Wal-Mart’s Best PracticesInternationally, Wal-Mart has eff ectively capitalized on a policy that incorporates local elements into the product off ering, succeeding in making it the world’s largest retail chain. In the Indian context, this strategy will add a hitherto unexplored dimension to the complex task of meeting regional consumer expectations while maintaining operational profi tability. By looking at good practice abroad and avoiding the mistakes of other markets, Indian Retailers can capitalise on the huge untapped potential!

The spokesperson for the International Council of Shopping Centres claims that India has the potential to be the most exciting and dynamic country for retail anywhere in the world. While retailers across the globe are struggling to prevent themselves from going under during this economic upheaval, the Indian Retail scene is much more hopeful. With just 2-4% of organised retail, a large consumer base still remains untapped, particularly in the rural sector.

For the incorporation of localised elements, Wal-Mart identifi es fi ve key categories - consumer electronics, pharmaceuticals, home goods, apparel and fresh food. This customer centric approach will initiate a fresh vision for Indian Retail, aligning it towards success.

The “Bird Dawg Millionaire” Master Class gives you these key strategies and tactics, to make your own. The winds of change are blowing your way!

Get Your Organisation Ship-shape In Fair Weather or Foul!The strategic areas of Wal-Mart’s retail operations are summed up in the acronym

‘POCKETS’Price Operations Culture Key Items Promotion Expenses Talent ServiceThrough a thorough discussion of each of these important concepts, you will gain the tools required to eff ectively navigate your business into the future!

Reach New HorizonsWho can be benefi ted most from the ‘Berg Dawg Millionaire’ one day Master Class? Everyone who’s anyone in the Retail Sector!

Directors, Vice Presidents, Managers, Heads of Departments, Human Resource Directors, Consultants from • Retail • Operations • Customer Service • Sales and Marketing • Advertising and Promotions • Supply Chain • Merchandising

From cross-industries• Supermarkets • Hypermarkets • Departmental Stores • Speciality Retail • Fashion Houses • Pharmacy & Personal Care• Food & Beverages • Electronics • Music Stores • Books • Toys • And many more!

Keep your calendar clear for these days

Mumbai Monday May 25th 2009 Ramada Plaza Palm Grove (Juhu)

Delhi Wednesday May 27th 2009 The Park

Chennai Friday May 29th 2009 The Park

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8.30am to 9.00am REGISTRATION9:00am to 11.00am SESSION 1 Price & Operations Strategies & Tactics for Business Success in Tough Economic Times©

Welcome and Introduction of Michael Bergdahl

Agenda“Wal-Mart / Sam Walton’s Strategies & Tactics for Business Success in Tough Economic Times©”What Businesses in India can learn from “The Wal-Mart & Sam Walton Way”Then: How Sam Walton almost failed back in 1962Now: Tough Economic Times Even for Wal-Mart 2009The Seven Strategies of Wal-Mart – The World’s Largest CompanyDefinition/Explanation of P.O.C.K.E.T.S. Niche Strategy“The Wal-Mart Way” Strategies of the World’s Largest Company“The Sam Walton Way” Tactics of the World’s Richest Man Best Practice to Compete / Survive, and Thrive in Tough Economic Times©As you learn about Wal-Mart, you’ll gather tools you can use to compete in India

Price StrategyWhy is Wal-Mart’s Pricing Strategy, and Yours, so important in today’s economy?Sam Walton’s Discounting Principle - Appeal of Low Prices around the worldEvery Day Low PricesPrice RollbacksSpecial Buy MerchandisePredatory PricingLow price strategy driven by high volume inventory turnover Manufacturing in China & Asia critical to low price profitabilityShopping Cart ComparisonsWal-Mart passes expense savings along to the customer via lower pricesPricing Tools for You

Operations StrategyWhat lessons can you learn from Wal-Mart’s operations to help you to achieve successBig Facts behind the Wal-Mart Success StoryThe History of Wal-Mart - Most Admired Company 2003 & 2004Global PresenceTypes/Number of Stores and Distribution CentersSupply Chain Driven Company, in-stock, RFID Technology / Cross Docking / Spoke and Hub Distribution/No Traditional WarehousesBenchmarking Best PracticesOperational Excellence Standards - High expectations are the key to everythingContinuous Learning / Continuous Improvement / Flow Charting ProcessesOperations Tools for You

Questions & Answers

11.30am to 1.00pm - SESSION II Culture Strategies & Tactics for Business Success in Tough Economic Times©

Culture StrategyWhy your people can make the difference when the going gets tough

Profit Sharing is the fuel that drives the Wal-Mart engineSam Walton was a servant leaderGolden Rule ValuesThe Sam Walton Way is The Wal-Mart WayThe 10 Rules of Sam WaltonSam Walton’s 3 ValuesEntrepreneurial Spirit / Work EthicEmpowering people by pushing decision making downwardEmbraced Change / Risk-takingReinforce company standards using folklore and storytellingSmall Retail Shop Owners (Kirana Stores) Self Assessment Inventory Culture Tools for You

Questions & Answers 1.00pm to 2.00pm - LUNCH

2.00pm to 3.30pm - SESSION IIIKIP/ Product & Expense Strategies & Tactics for Business Success in Tough Economic Times©

Why merchant skills and supplier partnerships are so important especially in tough times Everyone is a merchant regardless of job functionVolume Producing Item program to reinforce merchant skillsExecution of product promotions Outside / in approach to selecting products and servicesVendor Partnerships – Vendorville 3 types of Wal-Mart Suppliers - negotiating to supply Wal-MartAutomated Replenishment – just-in-time InventoryStore Wars – Wal-Mart battles retailers horizontally and suppliers vertically Innovation versus imitationKey Item Promotion / Product Strategy

Expense StrategyWhy the art and science of managing expenses can make or break you Wal-Mart Low Profitability ModelLow prices are a result of constantly reducing costs – passing savings along to customersSuppliers are pressured to improve their efficiency and lower costs Management accountability - Sales / Payroll / ShrinkageCulturally engrained expense control teaches employees to monitor expendituresAt Wal-Mart as sales volume rises expense as a percentage continuously fallsNothing exposes a weak expense structure faster than falling sales volumeEach day work schedules are adjusted to reflect sales volume shortfalls Wal-Mart’s executives lead expense control by their own example Customer greeters are at every front door to greet and monitor theft Expense Tools for You

Questions & Answers3.30pm to 4.00pm TEA BREAK

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Exciting New Horizons!

Wouldn’t it be great to learn

Sam Walton’s success strategies?

Now you can!

With’Bird Dawg Millionaire’ Master Class, you gain

directly from Michael Bergdahl as he shares invaluable

insights into the tactics followed by Sam Walton

to overcome what appeared to be an insurmountable cash

and credit crisis that threatened the viability of his

business. You will understand his 7 core strategies

and be able to make them your own. Welcome on board

the Wal-Mart way!

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Every delegate receives a Special India Edition of Michael Bergdahl’s book

“What I learned from Sam Walton“: How To Compete & Thrive in a Wal-Mart world’

Entitlement• Certifi cation of Participation signed by Michael Bergdahl• Complimentary Book

Certifi cation of Participation signed by Michael Bergdahl

4.00 5:30 SESSION IV Talent & Service Strategies & Tactics for Business Success in Tough Economic Times©

Talent Strategy

How do you increase productivity when business is diffi cult?

Setting aggressive goals with input from the entire teamAverage people and above average performanceHire for attitude and teach the necessary skillsAccentuate the Positive / Eliminate the NegativeDealing with Non-performersPerformance Discrepancy – Dealing with non-performers Empathetic versus sympathetic leadershipPromotion from within, before people are readyCross-functional movement of people Hire the Best, Provide the Best Training, and Best Place to Work11 Core Leadership CompetenciesTalent Tools for You

Service Strategy

Why serving your customers is more important than ever in tough economic times© The customer is the bossOne stop shopping – replicate the “High Street” under one roof One agenda – the customerDrop everything to serve customers10 foot rule / Sundown RuleInternal customer service / External customer serviceCustomer segmentation strategySaturday Morning Meetings / Wal-Mart CheerService Desk in the front of store – 100% product guarantee / Wal-Mart museumService Tools for You

Questions & Answers

For registration and for details.

visit at: www.birddawg2009.comTerms and conditions apply,

Conference Delegate Registration

Early Bird Off er

Up to April 15th 2009 From April 16th 2009 onwardsRs. 12,500 per person Rs. 15,000 per person

Single delegate early bird Single Delegate Rs18,000 21,000/-with return air fare on Jet Airways with return airfare on Jet Airways

Group* booking Rs. 60,000 Group* booking Rs. 70,000

Group* booking with the return Group* booking with the return air fare on Jet Airways Rs. 87,500 air fare on Jet Airways Rs. 97,500

*Five Delegates

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“Bergdahl is a Wal-Mart authority who is open and honest about what it takes to compete, survive and thrive in direct competition with Wal-Mart or any other aggressive competitor. I highly recommend him as an international speaker to other retailers, non-retailers, manufacturers and suppliers who are looking for a competitive edge.” Paul Slevin, Director of Food and Impulse, TESCO, Ireland

“Your message is powerful!”Edward Ray, Head of National Sales, Coca Cola, Russia

“Michael’s analysis of Wal-Mart’s case is lucid and inspirational at the same time. It gave me and my top leadership a great example of how amazing and consistent results can be achieved also thru Focus and Simplicity.” Andrea Ragnetti, CEO, Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care “The feedback we received from the attendees on-site and post conference was overwhelmingly positive! Thank you for sharing your insight and expertise.” Lorraine Mazza, VP, International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC)

For a registration, complete bio of Michael Bergdahl, pictures and updates on

‘Bird Dawg Millionaire’ Master Classes, please visit You are also welcome to contactMr. Bergdahl directly [email protected]

Page 8: Bird Dawg Millioniare

Event Manager Organizer

Driving performance of Indian Retail

For Registration Details, please contact:

Events Ten#9, UNI Building, Ground Floor, Thimmaiah Road,Vasanthnagar, Bangalore 560 052Tel: + 91 80 4092 6211 Email: [email protected]

Bangalore: Gerard Tel: +91 80 4092 6211-13Mobile: +91 98457 20227

Mumbai: Tauqir ShaikhTel: +91 22 2438 5007-09Mobile: +91 99693 00060

Delhi: M K Pandey Mobile: +91 99100 13600

Hyderabad: Y V L Narasimha MurthyTel: +91 40 4003 2690Mobile: +91 92465 77114


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