bioscrypt v-pass

Bio sc ryp t Inc . Architect & Engineer Specification Document# 430-00140-03 © Copyright 2003-2006, Bioscrypt Inc. All rights reserved. V- Pa ss Fingerprint Reader May 2, 2006 1. Introduction The intent of this document is to describe the specifications, operation, and physical attributes of the V-Pass fingerprint reader, Model Number V-PASS, A, manufactured by Bio sc ryp t, Inc . The device specifications, installation specifications, and connections are provided in detail for system architects and engineers designing access control and other systems utilizing the V-Pass reader. 2. Description The V-Pass reader shall provide a 1:Many fingerprint identification that negates the need for cards or PINs. Depending on the firmware version, the V-Pass shall support either a 1:200 or 1:500 fingerprint identification. The V-Pass shall automatically detect the presence of a finger on the sensor, capture the candidate fingerprint and compare it against a database of previously enrolled templates. By identifying the template that matches the finger presented by the user, the V-Pass shall provide a convenient yet secure access control solution. 3. Mechanical Specifications 3.1. Dimensions The V-Pass reader shall measure 5.32” x 2.75” x 2.52” (135 x 70 x 64 mm) and sha ll a rrive d isa sse m b le d . The V-Pa ss sha ll b e c o m p rise d o f: A. A wall plate that mounts directly to the wall or a single-gang box mounted in the wall. B. The body that mounts to the wall plate. A 1:1 scale diagram of this wall plate with dimensions is provided in Figure 1: V-Pass Wall Mounting Plate . 3.2. Material The V-Pass reader shall be made of Polylac PA-765A, a high flow grade, flame retardant material to a UL94 V-0 standard. This material shall be used for the case body and the wall mounting plate and shall be an ABS plastic.

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The V-Pass is an easy one-touch fingerprint identification reader for up to 200 users.


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Biosc ryp t Inc . Arc hitec t & Eng ineer Spec ific a tion

Doc ument# 430-00140-03 © Copyright 2003-2006, Biosc ryp t Inc . All rights reserved .

V-Pass� Fingerprint Reader May 2, 2006 1. Introduction

The intent of this doc ument is to desc ribe the spec ific a tions, opera tion, and physic a l a ttributes of the V-Pass fingerp rint reader, Model Number V-PASS, A, manufac tured by Biosc ryp t, Inc . The devic e spec ific a tions, insta lla tion spec ific a tions, and c onnec tions a re p rovided in deta il for system a rc hitec ts and eng ineers designing ac c ess c ontrol and other systems utilizing the V-Pass reader.

2. Description

The V-Pass reader sha ll p rovide a 1:Many fingerp rint identific a tion tha t nega tes the need for c a rds or PINs. Depend ing on the firmware version, the V-Pass sha ll support either a 1:200 or 1:500 fingerp rint identific a tion. The V-Pass sha ll automatic a lly detec t the p resenc e of a finger on the sensor, c ap ture the c and ida te fingerp rint and c ompare it aga inst a da tabase of p reviously enrolled temp la tes. By identifying the temp la te tha t ma tc hes the finger p resented by the user, the V-Pass sha ll p rovide a c onvenient yet sec ure ac c ess c ontrol solution.

3. Mechanical Specifications 3.1. Dimensions

The V-Pass reader sha ll measure 5.32” x 2.75” x 2.52” (135 x 70 x 64 mm) and sha ll a rrive d isassemb led . The V-Pass sha ll be c omprised of: A. A wa ll p la te tha t mounts d irec tly to the wa ll or a sing le-gang box mounted

in the wa ll. B. The body tha t mounts to the wa ll p la te. A 1:1 sc a le d iagram of this wa ll p la te with d imensions is p rovided in Figure 1: V-Pass Wa ll Mounting Pla te .

3.2. Material

The V-Pass reader sha ll be made of Polylac PA-765A, a high flow grade, flame reta rdant ma teria l to a UL94 V-0 standard . This materia l sha ll be used for the c ase body and the wa ll mounting p la te and sha ll be an ABS p lastic .

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The “ finger mask” tha t surrounds the fingerp rint sensor itself sha ll be a c a rbon fiber c onduc tive p lastic .

3.3. Fingerprint Sensor

The V-Pass reader sha ll inc orpora te the Authentec , Inc . sensor model AF-S2. The AF-S2 sensor sha ll be manufac tured of silic on and sha ll be c apac itive-based . The sensor surfac e a rea sha ll measure 24 x 24 x 3.5 mm. The sensor sha ll add itiona lly inc orpora te Authentec ’ s TruePrint tec hnology, whic h utilizes a pa tented rad io frequenc y (RF) imag ing tec hnique tha t a llows the sensor to genera te an image of the shape of the live layer of skin tha t is buried benea th the surfac e of the finger. For more information on this imaging tec hnology, p lease visit http :/ / www.authentec .c om.

3.4. Color

The V-Pass c ase sha ll have a c harc oa l g ray body (ABS Gray – Pantone 426C). Furthermore, the c olor used in the “ b iosc ryp t” text sha ll be Pantone 423C.

3.5. Weight The V-Pass sha ll weigh 6.6 ounc es (pac kaged weight for shipp ing sha ll be 1 pound ).

3.6. Mounting The wa ll mounting p la te sha ll be designed to mount to a sing le gang elec tric a l box using 2 # 6-32 sc rews in the c enterline holes, or to mount d irec tly into a door mullion, wa ll anc hor, wood or sheet meta l using # 4 fla t head sc rews (thread d iameter of <0.125 inc h and a head d iameter of <0.250 inc h) in the 4 outer holes. The ac c ess hole in the wa ll for wiring should be less than 1.5” wide so tha t the wa ll p la te will c over it. It should a lso be less than 1.5” ta ll if mounting onto d ry wa ll so tha t there is enough materia l to hold the anc hor. The rec ommended size is 1” x 1.125” to matc h the opening in the wa ll mounting p la te. The V-Pass body c ase sha ll have two tabs tha t slide into slots on the wa ll p la te. The body sha ll be sec ured to the wa ll p la te by a sing le # 4-40 inc h sc rew.

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3.7. Mounting Position

The V-Pass should be mounted on the wa ll or struc ture to be in c omp lianc e with a ll Americ an Disab ilities Ac t (ADA), loc a l and federa l laws as they app ly to the insta lla tion. The reader should a lso be mounted a t a height tha t is c omfortab le to use. In genera l, the reader should be mounted suc h tha t the height of the sensor (top of the devic e) is between 48 and 54 inc hes from the ground . Should the reader be insta lled below this mounting height (i.e., on a turnstile), insta lla tion of a wedge p iec e sha ll be required between the mounting surfac e and the V-Pass wa ll mounting p la te. Please c ontac t Biosc ryp t Tec hnic a l Support for further information. Furthermore, the reader sha ll require free spac e above the reader suc h tha t the user has room to p lac e their finger on the sensor. Roughly, 2-3 inc hes (or more) of free spac e is rec ommended depend ing on if there is any obstruc tion interfering with the view of the V-Pass. The reader should a lso be p rovided with free spac e (roughly 3-4 inc hes rec ommended) below the devic e for c onvenient ac c ess to the bottom RJ11 RS-232 port (see Sec tion 7.3: RS-232 RJ11 Port for further deta ils).

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5/32” ø(4 mm)

1 1/8” (28 mm)

5 5/




) 3 ¼

” (8

2 m


1” (25 mm)

1 1/

8 ”





6 ”




2 5/8” (67 mm)

2 ¾” (70 mm)

1 ¼

” (3

2 m


Figure 1: V-Pass Wall Mounting Plate

4. Certifications and Approvals

The V-Pass has been tested and eva lua ted for c omp lianc e with a ll app lic ab le interna tiona l standards and sha ll have the following approva ls: FCC, CE, UL294,

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c UL. These approva ls sha ll be p rinted on the labeling loc a ted on the rea r panel of the reader. 4.1. FCC Information to Users

The V-Pass sha ll c omp ly with the limits for a Class A d ig ita l devic e, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits a re designed to p rovide reasonab le p rotec tion aga inst ha rmful interferenc e when the equipment is opera ted in a c ommerc ia l environment. This equipment genera tes, uses, and c an rad ia te rad io frequenc y energy and , if not insta lled and used in ac c ordanc e with the instruc tion manua l, may c ause harmful interferenc e to rad io c ommunic a tions. Opera tion of this equipment in a residentia l a rea is likely to c ause harmful interferenc e in whic h c ase the user will be required to c orrec t the interferenc e a t his own expense.

4.2. CE Information to Users

The V-Pass sha ll have the CE mark, for c omp lianc e with CISPR22, EN 55022 and EN 50082-1 requirements.

4.3. UL and cUL Information to Users

The V-Pass sha ll c omp ly with the Standard for Ac c ess Control System Units for UL294 and with CSA C22.2 No. 205 for the c UL Mark.

5. Environmental Specifications

The V-Pass sha ll be manufac tured for indoor use, and if p lac ed outdoors must be insta lled within a c omp lete Biosc ryp t c ertified enc losure to p rotec t the reader aga inst d irec t c ontac t with the elements, inc lud ing ra in, sun, snow, or exc essive moisture. Fa ilure to p lac e V-Pass readers insta lled outdoors within suc h an enc losure will void the warranty. 5.1. Bioscrypt Enclosure

The Biosc ryp t c ertified enc losure sha ll be required for outdoor insta lla tions and sha ll op tiona lly inc lude a hea ter tha t sha ll trigger on when tempera tures reac h below 24q C (75q F). For further information on the Biosc ryp t c ertified enc losure, inc lud ing power requirements and sc hematic s, p lease c ontac t Biosc ryp t Tec hnic a l Support.

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5.2. Temperature The elec tronic s and mec hanic a l pa rts tha t make up the V-Pass reader sha ll be ra ted to opera te in a tempera ture range of 0q C to 60q C (32q F to 140q F). However, the extremes of this tempera ture range will not be a c omfortab le opera ting range for users of the system. The tempera ture range for the environment in whic h the reader will be insta lled should be limited to 10q C to 50q C (50q F to 120q F). Add itiona lly, the reader should not be p lac ed in d irec t sunlight or in unc ontrolled environments (indoors or out).

5.3. Humidity

The V-Pass reader sha ll be ra ted to opera te within a humid ity range of 0% to 95% non-c ondensing.

5.4. Vibration

The environment in whic h the V-Pass sha ll be insta lled should not sub jec t the reader to vib ra tion.

6. Electrical Specifications

6.1. Pigtail Connections

The V-Pass reader sha ll inc lude a 15-p in DB15M c onnec tor for externa l c onnec tions to power and other devic es. A 15-c onduc tor c olor-c oded p ig ta il c ab le sha ll be p rovided with eac h V-Pass reader to fac ilita te c onnec ting the reader to other wiring . The rema inder of this doc ument assumes you a re using the p ig ta il c ab le p rovided to make c onnec tions. Append ix A: Pig ta il Cab le Connec tions lists the c onnec tions ava ilab le through the p ig ta il. Also, see Sec tion 7: Communic a tions and Sec tion 8: Connec tions to Externa l Equipment. For add itiona l instruc tions on insta lling the V-Pass reader, p lease refer to the Very-Series Insta lla tion Manua l whic h sha ll be p rovided within the software CD rec eived with the reader.

6.2. Power Requirements

The V-Pass reader sha ll opera te on DC power between 9 and 24 volts, however, opera tion a t 12 VDC is rec ommended . The V-Pass sha ll c onsume approximately a maximum of 5 wa tts of power:

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� At 12 VDC the devic e sha ll have an inrush c urrent of 1 amp for 10mS and sha ll require c ontinuous c urrent up to 400 mA during opera tion.

The V-Pass reader sha ll require an isola ted power supp ly (not p rovided with reader). This power supp ly may be op tiona lly purc hased from Biosc ryp t. The power supp ly should be:

� Isola ted from other equipment inc lud ing c a rd reader power, loc k power, Ac c ess Control System power and other interferenc e-c ausing or non-Biosc ryp t elec tro-mec hanic a l devic es (i.e., power supp ly should be ded ic a ted to the V-Pass reader(s)).

� Regula ted and filtered . � Protec ted by means of an uninterrup tib le power supp ly (UPS) or ba ttery

bac kup . � A UL-Listed Class II power supp ly a t 12 VDC, 500 mA c ontinuous.

Add itiona lly, the power supp ly should NOT be:

� Connec ted to any devic e tha t may put transients on the power supp ly line or c ause the power supp ly to behave improperly. If transients a re an issue in the insta lla tion, a transient voltage suppression devic e is a lso rec ommended .

If power is to be d istributed to va rious V-Pass readers over some d istanc e, then it is important to take into c onsidera tion the resistanc e of the c ab le used for power d istribution. Sinc e the reader sha ll require signific ant power levels, the c ab le should be of appropria te gauge (18AWG or better is rec ommended). Pin 11 should be c onnec ted to Power GND and Pin 13 should be c onnec ted to +12 VDC power input.

6.3. Grounding

The V-Pass reader sha ll have va rious ground ing requirements:

� Power GND (Pin 11): the return for the input power supp ly. Pin 11 sha ll be c onnec ted to the nega tive on the power supp ly. Refer to Sec tion 6.2: Power Requirements for further deta ils.

� Wiegand GND (Pin 6): the referenc e ground for the Wiegand Da ta 0 and Da ta 1 interfac e. Pin 6 sha ll be c onnec ted to the reader GND termina l of the Ac c ess Control System. Refer to Sec tion 8.4: Ac c ess Control System for further deta ils.

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� Signa l GND (Pin 12): the referenc e for seria l c ommunic a tions. Pin 12 sha ll be c onnec ted to the GND on the seria l port or RS-485/ RS-232 c onverter (dependent on c ommunic a tions p rotoc ol selec ted ). Refer to Sec tion 7: Communic a tions for further deta ils.

� Safety GND (Pin 15): p rotec ts the V-Pass (sensor and interna l elec tronic s) from elec tro-sta tic d isc harge (ESD) by p rovid ing a sa fe d isc harge pa th to an earth ground . Refer to Sec tion 8.2: Earth Ground and Sec tion 9.4: Fingerp rint Plac ement: Loc k, Drop & Hold for further deta ils.

7. Communications

The V-Pass sha ll inc lude support for RS-232 and RS-485 seria l c ommunic a tions. This is p rimarily intended for use with a PC running the VeriAdmin software, whic h a llows for temp la te management (enrollments, deletions, ed itions, d istribution) and reader c onfigura tion. If RS-232 and RS-485 c ommunic a tions a re desired for use with an app lic a tion other than the VeriAdmin software, the BIO-SDK (Biosc ryp t Software Development Kit) sha ll be required to integra te V-Pass support into a c ustom app lic a tion. Refer to Sec tion 11: VeriAdmin Management Software for further deta ils on the software fea tures. The V-Pass sha ll p rovide three seria l c ommunic a tions ports:

� RS-485 ac c essib le through the p ig ta il (DB15) � RS-232 ac c essib le through the p ig ta il (DB15) � RS-232 ac c essib le through the bottom RJ11 port

Only two of the three ports may be ac tiva ted a t a time. By default, the V-Pass sha ll be c onfigured for Port Mode 1 (Host RS-485 DB15 / Aux RS-232 RJ11), whic h ac tiva tes the RS-485 port ac c essib le from the p ig ta il and the RS-232 port ac c essib le from the bottom RJ11 port. 7.1. RS-485 DB15 Port

The V-Pass reader sha ll support RS-485 seria l c ommunic a tions p rotoc ol ac c essib le from the DB15 port. This sha ll be the default c onfigura tion for the reader. For RS-485 p rotoc ol support, an externa l c onverter must be utilized . Biosc ryp t has tested and qua lified the B&B Elec tronic s 485TBLED RS-485/ RS-232 c onverter for use with the V-Pass reader (must be purc hased separa tely). The B&B Elec tronic s c onverter c onnec ts d irec tly to both the Host PC and to the V-Pass reader. This c onverter sha ll support “ sense da ta ,” a lso referred to as

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“ send da ta ” . This is nec essary sinc e the V-Pass reader sha ll utilize a ha lf-dup lex (2-wire) RS-485 signa l with no RTS/ CTS c ontrol on the RS-232 line. The RS-485 c ommunic a tions p rotoc ol should be c hosen if a network of more than one V-Pass reader is being insta lled or if a sing le reader is being insta lled more than 150 feet from the PC or other host. The maximum c ab le d istanc e for a RS-485 network is 4,000 feet (1200 meters), over whic h no more than 31 V-Pass readers c an be added . To extend these limita tions, c ontac t Biosc ryp t Tec hnic a l Support. No end-of-line termina tion is required a t a baud ra te of 9600. For RS-485 c ommunic a tions, the V-Pass readers must be c onnec ted as follows:

� Use Ca tegory 5 ra ted c ab le (shielded is rec ommended). This c ab le

should be ded ic a ted to the RS-485 network c onnec tion between the B&B Elec tronic s 485TBLED c onverter and the V-Pass readers and should not be used for any other purpose.

� Use Pin 7 [RS-485 (-)], Pin 8 [RS-485 (+)] and Pin 12 [Signa l GND]. � The B&B Elec tronic s 485TBLED c onverter sha ll require 12VDC/ 100mA

power from an externa l supp ly. � Connec t the B&B Elec tronic s 485TBLED c onverter to the PC’s DB9 COM

Port using a DB25-to-DB9 c ab le. � Connec t the V-Pass readers in a da isy-c ha in c onfigura tion (i.e.

Converter o Reader 1 o Reader 2 o Reader 3, etc .). Do NOT use a sta r or other multi-d rop c onfigura tions.

For a wiring d iagram and more spec ific instruc tions p lease refer to the Configura tion for Veri-Series Fingerp rint Readers and RS-485/ RS-232 Converter app lic a tion note.

7.2. RS-232 DB15 Port

The V-Pass reader sha ll support RS-232 seria l c ommunic a tions p rotoc ol ac c essib le through the DB15 port. The V-Pass sha ll require c onfigura tion by means of an ac tive port (RS-485 DB15 or RS-232 RJ11) to ac tiva te the RS-232 DB15 port by selec ting a Port Mode of 0 (Host RS-232 DB15 / Aux RS-232 RJ11) or 2 (Host RS-232 DB15 / Aux RS-485 DB15). Note tha t if Port Mode 2 is selec ted , the bottom RJ11 RS-232 port sha ll be de-ac tiva ted . The RS-232 p rotoc ol does not run on a d ifferentia l pa ir of wires like the RS-485 p rotoc ol, and sha ll therefore be less immune to EMI and other noise sourc es. The tradeoff for RS-232 sha ll be speed versus d istanc e. RS-232 c ommunic a tions d istanc es a re dependent on the baud ra te (bps). For examp le, a t 9600 baud , a d istanc e of

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150 feet is possib le using shielded c ab le, but a t 57600 baud , a maximum of 20 feet is rec ommended . RS-232 c ommunic a tions p rotoc ol should be c hosen only if a sing le reader is being insta lled less than 150 feet from the PC or Host devic e. For RS-232 DB15 c ommunic a tions, the V-Pass readers must be c onnec ted as follows:

� Use Ca tegory 5 ra ted c ab le (shielded is rec ommended). This c ab le

should be ded ic a ted to the RS-232 c onnec tion between the V-Pass reader and the PC or host devic e.

� Use a fema le DB9 c onnec tor. � Connec t Pin 9 (RS-232 Tx) to the DB9 Pin 2. � Connec t Pin 10 (RS-232 Rx) to the DB9 Pin 3. � Connec t Pin 12 (Signa l GND) to the DB9 Pin 5.

7.3. RS-232 RJ11 Port

The V-Pass reader sha ll p rovide a RS-232 RJ11 port on the bottom of the devic e for c onvenient ac c ess. This sha ll be the default c onfigura tion for the reader. This RJ11 port is imp lemented as a 6p6c (6-position, 6-c onduc tor) jac k. This port sha ll be physic a lly p rotec ted by means of a p in-in-hex sec urity sc rew. Add itiona l sec urity sha ll be p rovided through a password p rotec tion fea ture, whic h may be ac tiva ted through the VeriAdmin software. Add itiona lly, an RJ11-to-DB9 p rogramming c ab le sha ll be p rovided with eac h V-Pass reader. This c ab le sha ll be a 6-foot, 6p6c stra ight-thru c ab le with an RJ11-to-DB9 adap tor. This c ab le should be used to c onfigure the reader and may op tiona lly be used for temp la te management and other func tions desired via a loc a l c onnec tion. The RS-232 p rotoc ol does not run on a d ifferentia l pa ir of wires like the RS-485 p rotoc ol, and sha ll therefore be less immune to EMI and other noise sourc es. The tradeoff for RS-232 sha ll be speed versus d istanc e. RS-232 c ommunic a tions d istanc es a re dependent on the baud ra te (bps). For examp le, a t 9600 baud , a d istanc e of 150 feet is possib le using shielded c ab le, but a t 57600 baud , a maximum of 20 feet is rec ommended . By default, this port will be c onfigured for 57600 baud . To c rea te your own RJ11-to-DB9 c ab le the following is required :

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� Use Ca tegory 5 ra ted c ab le (shielded is rec ommended). This c ab le should be ded ic a ted to the RS-232 c onnec tion between the V-Pass reader and the PC or host devic e.

� Use a fema le DB9 c onnec tor. � Use a 6p6c RJ11 jac k. � Orient the jac k so tha t the 6 gold p ins a re fac ing upward and the jac k

(or c lip ) is fac ing the user. Pin 1 would be on the fa r left and Pin 6 would be on the fa r right.

� Connec t the RJ11 Pin 1 (RS-232 Tx) to the DB9 Pin 2. � Connec t the RJ11 Pin 2 (RS-232 Rx) to the DB9 Pin 3. � Connec t the RJ11 Pin 5 (Signa l GND) to the DB9 Pin 5.

8. Connections to External Equipment

8.1. Power

The V-Pass reader sha ll require an isola ted power supp ly (not p rovided with reader). This power supp ly may be op tiona lly purc hased from Biosc ryp t. Two c onduc tors sha ll be required for this c onnec tion (Pins 11 & 13). Sinc e the reader requires signific ant power levels (see Sec tion 6.2: Power Requirements), the c ab le should be of appropria te gauge (18 AWG or better is rec ommended).

8.2. Earth Ground

The V-Pass reader sha ll require a homerun c onnec tion to Earth Ground using Pin 15. This c onnec tion sha ll help to p rotec t the V-Pass (sensor and interna l elec tronic s) from elec tro-sta tic d isc harge (ESD) by p rovid ing a sa fe d isc harge pa th to an earth ground . Pin 15 must be c onnec ted to a p roper ea rth ground suc h as a c old -wa ter c opper p ipe or build ing ground . The c onnec tion c hosen for Earth Ground should measure less than 4 ohms resistanc e when measured aga inst a known loc a l Earth Ground . DO NOT CONNECT PIN 15 TO POWER GROUND. At a minimum, this c onnec tion should be made with a low-resistanc e, sing le-c onduc tor c ab le (14 – 18 AWG is rec ommended). Interna lly, Pin 15 is c onnec ted to the finger mask (c onduc tive p lastic surround ing the fingerp rint sensor) and should be used in c onjunc tion with the Ridge-Loc k. Refer to Sec tion 9.4: Fingerp rint Plac ement: Loc k, Drop & Hold for further deta ils. If no such connection is provided, Bioscrypt will consider that the reader was not properly installed and may consider the warranty void.

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8.3. External Wiegand Reader

The Biosc ryp t 15-c onduc tor p ig ta il sha ll inc lude c onnec tions for Wiegand input (Pins 2, 4 & 6). These c onnec tions a re typ ic a lly used to c onnec t an externa l Wiegand reader to a V-Flex reader. As a fingerp rint-only reader tha t performs either a 1:200 or 1:500 searc h, the V-Pass reader sha ll not require any type of input or c onnec tion to an externa l Wiegand reader.

8.4. Access Control System

The V-Pass reader sha ll support Wiegand p rotoc ol output for c onnec tion to an Ac c ess Control System (ACS). This system may p rovide advanc ed ac c ess c ontrol fea tures suc h as aud it tra ils, user-defined ac c ess sc heduling , anti-passbac k, etc . An 18 – 22 AWG c ab le should be used for this c onnec tion. At 18 AWG, a d istanc e of 500 feet is possib le. For Wiegand output the V-Pass reader sha ll require a homerun c onnec tion to the ACS using three c onduc tors:

� Wiegand Out Da ta 0 (Pin 1) c onnec ted to ACS Data 0 � Wiegand Out Da ta 1 (Pin 3) c onnec ted to ACS Data 1 � Wiegand GND (Pin 6) c onnec ted to ACS reader power GND (0 VDC)

The V-Pass reader sha ll by default have the Wiegand output ac tiva ted for Standard 26-b it Wiegand format. The reader sha ll support other formats. Refer to Append ix B: Wiegand Protoc ol for further information.

8.5. Line Trigger

The V-Pass reader sha ll inc lude a Line Trigger, a low-level signa l tha t is triggered following a suc c essful verific a tion. By default, this line sha ll be inac tive and must manua lly be ac tiva ted through use of the VeriAdmin management software p rovided with the reader. When the Line Trigger is ac tiva ted , the user must a lso spec ify the dura tion (in sec onds) the trigger should be set high. This sourc e output is an open-d ra in d rive c apab le of 50 mA with a maximum voltage d rop of 1 VDC from a 5 VDC sourc e. This d rop is load -dependent.

8.6. PC or other Host Device

The V-Pass reader sha ll support RS-232 and RS-485 seria l c ommunic a tions p rotoc ols for c onnec tion to a PC or other host devic e. Eac h V-Pass reader

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sha ll inc lude a VeriAdmin software CD. This software a llows for reader c onfigura tion and temp la te management. For more information on the VeriAdmin software func tiona lity p lease refer to Sec tion 11: VeriAdmin Management Software . If c onnec ting to a PC, it should have the following c harac teristic s:

� Opera ting System: Windows 98, ME, NT4.0, 2000, or XP (not c ompatib le with Windows 95)

� 486-c ompatib le � 16 MB RAM � 30 MB Disk spac e � DB9 Seria l c ommunic a tions port (do not support USB ports)

For more information on the RS-232 and RS-485 c onnec tions p lease refer to Sec tion 7: Communic a tions. Although the V-Pass reader does not have built-in Ethernet support, it may be c onnec ted to a Lantronix UDS-10 Seria l Devic e Server for this purpose. For more information on this c onnec tion p lease refer to the app lic a tion note Configura tion for Veri-Series Fingerp rint Readers and Lantronix UDS-10 Seria l Devic e Server.

9. Operation

The V-Pass reader sha ll be designed to integra te easily into most ac c ess c ontrol systems. To func tion, a fingerp rint must be enrolled on the reader and this c an be done through the VeriAdmin software inc luded with the reader. Onc e a fingerp rint is enrolled , b iometric identific a tion may be performed any number of times. After b iometric identific a tion, the reader sha ll genera te a Wiegand string based on the ID number of fingerp rint temp la te identified and a p re-c onfigured site c ode. This string sha ll be sent to the Ac c ess Control System or other host equipment for appropria te ac tion. 9.1. Fingerprint Template Capacity

The V-Pass sha ll inc lude support for up to 200 or 500 fingerp rint temp la tes within its interna l memory (depend ing on firmware version). By default, the V-Pass may only retrieve temp la tes from its own interna l memory.

9.2. Memory

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The V-Pass reader sha ll utilize non-vola tile flash memory to store a ll temp la tes and da ta c onfigura tions and sha ll therefore not lose any temp la tes or c onfigura tion informa tion if the reader is powered down.

9.3. User Interface

The V-Pass sha ll have a c ommon user interfac e. A green LED on the front of the reader sha ll ind ic a te tha t power is on. A b i-c olor LED on the top of the reader sha ll d isp lay green, red , or amber (green and red together). The top LED may d isp lay in an off or solid sta te. The c olor and sta te of the top LED may a lso be c ustomized through the use of the VeriAdmin software. By default, the c olor and sta te of the top LED sha ll have pa rtic ula r meanings as shown in Table 1: V-Pass LED Feedback.

Top LED Indicator Meaning Off Fingerp rint Cap tured – Algorithm Proc essing Solid Red Biometric Identific a tion Fa iled Solid Amber Plac e Finger on Sensor Solid Green Biometric Identific a tion Ac c ep ted

Enrollment Fingerp rint Image Cap tured Table 1: V-Pass LED Feedback

9.4. Fingerprint Placement: Lock, Drop & Hold

A Ridge-Loc k sha ll be p rovided as part of the fingerp rint sensor mask as a fingerp rint p lac ement guide and a means to d isc harge ESD. To p roperly p lac e the finger on the sensor, the user should slide their finger ac ross this Ridge-Loc k, pa ra llel to the sensor. Onc e the Ridge-Loc k loc ks into p lac e under the first joint, the user should then lower the finger evenly onto the sensor and app ly modera te p ressure. The user should hold the finger on the sensor until the top LED turns off and returns a green LED. A Mac romed ia Flash anima tion dep ic ting p roper fingerp rint p lac ement using the Ridge-Loc k may be viewed online a t http :/ / www.b iosc ryp t.c om > Support > Enrollment Tips. This information is a lso ava ilab le for download as a PDF file. The Ridge-Loc k is designed as a guide to help the user to p roperly and c onsistently position their finger on the sensor so as to fully c ap ture the fingerp rint c ore, the unique information-ric h a rea of the fingerp rint. When used p roperly during enrollment and identific a tion, the Ridge-Loc k sha ll help to reduc e fa lse rejec tions and fa lse ac c ep tanc es.

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As the end user’ s first point of c ontac t with the reader, the Ridge-Loc k is a lso designed as means of d isc harg ing ESD through the Earth Ground c onnec tion, whic h is manufac tured using a c a rbon fiber c onduc tive p lastic . This sha ll help to p rotec t the sensor from damage by ESD. This requires tha t the reader have a p roper c onnec tion to Earth Ground . For more information on this c onnec tion p lease refer to Sec tion 6.3: Ground ing and Sec tion 8.2: Earth Ground .

9.5. Enrollment

Enrollment is the p roc ess of add ing users to the fingerp rint reader system. The V-Pass sha ll inc orpora te a one-touc h enrollment p roc ess. Enrollment sha ll be initia ted a t a PC running the VeriAdmin software and may not be performed d irec tly a t the reader without the use of the software. The Enrollment PC should be loc a ted in c lose p roximity to a V-Pass reader. When initia ted through the software, the temp la te tha t is c rea ted through the enrollment p roc ess may be stored either on the PC or the reader itself. When saved to the PC, the fingerp rint temp la te sha ll not be usab le on the V-Pass reader for b iometric identific a tion until the temp la te is transferred to the reader’ s interna l memory.

When enrollment is initia ted , the reader sha ll d isp lay a solid amber LED to ind ic a te to the user to p lac e a finger on the sensor. When the fingerp rint is c ap tured , the LED sha ll turn off. Onc e the p roc essing is c omp leted , the LED sha ll turn red or green depend ing on the result. The reader sha ll a lso p roduc e an aud ib le tone when enrollment is suc c essful. The software sha ll p rovide feedbac k regard ing the image c ap ture whic h a llows the enrollment administra tor to va lida te tha t the fingerp rint c ore was fully c ap tured and p roperly c entered in the field of view. Add itiona lly, qua lity and c ontent sc ores will be returned ra ting the enrollment; however, the image c ap ture should ac t as the ultimate dec id ing fac tor in ac c ep ting the enrollment. Doing so tends to yield a higher qua lity da tabase of fingerp rint temp la tes, help ing to reduc e fa lse rejec tions and fa lse ac c ep tanc es. When a temp la te is stored on the reader a fter enrollment is c omp lete, the temp la te sha ll reside on the reader until deleted , and the user sha ll be ab le to identify on this pa rtic ula r reader as long as the temp la te is resident. During the enrollment p roc ess, the V-Pass reader sha ll not be ava ilab le for ac c ess c ontrol func tions. This, however, sha ll not a ffec t other readers on the

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network (if any). In many c irc umstanc es, it is rec ommended tha t an add itiona l reader be designa ted for use as an Enrollment Sta tion.

9.6. Fingerprint Template Format

During the enrollment p roc ess, the V-Pass sha ll c rea te a fingerp rint temp la te roughly less than 2488 bytes and sha ll be c ompatib le with other Biosc ryp t searc hing devic es (i.e., V-Sta tion-Searc hing). This temp la te size sha ll be la rger than the verific a tion temp la tes utilized by Biosc ryp t’ s authentic a tion devic es sinc e the identific a tion temp la tes must c onta in more information to a id in the searc hing p roc ess. Identifica tion temp la tes may be c onverted to verific a tion temp la tes for use on non-searc hing devic es (but not vic e-versa ).

9.7. Template Distribution

Onc e a fingerp rint temp la te has been enrolled , it may be d istributed to other V-Pass readers using the VeriAdmin softwa re. This d istribution may oc c ur over a RS-485 network, or temp la tes may be downloaded to a lap top and then the lap top may be used to up load the temp la tes loc a lly to eac h of the rema ining readers via the bottom RJ11 RS-232 port.

9.8. Identification

Identific a tion is the p roc ess of p rovid ing the V-Pass reader with a c and ida te fingerp rint for eva lua tion aga inst an entire da tabase of temp la tes p reviously stored on the reader. The V-Pass reader sha ll be based on a d ig ita l signa l p roc essor (DSP) tha t utilizes a fingerp rint sensor to automatic a lly detec t and c ap ture an image of the p resented finger. The identific a tion p roc ess on the V-Pass is as follows:

� An amber LED sha ll be illumina ted to signa l the user to p resent their finger to the sensor

� The user sha ll p resent their finger to the sensor � The V-Pass sensor sha ll automatic a lly detec t and c ap ture the

fingerprint � The V-Pass DSP sha ll perform a 1:Many searc h between the c ap tured

image and the da tabase of stored temp la tes to identify the user � The V-Pass sha ll return a red or g reen LED ind ic a ting fa ilure or pass � On a pass (identific a tion), the V-Pass sha ll genera te and release a

Wiegand sequenc e to output to an Ac c ess Control System and / or ac tiva te the Line Trigger (depend ing on the reader’ s c onfigura tion).

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9.9. Granting Access

When used in c onjunc tion with an Ac c ess Control System (ACS), physic a l ac c ess sha ll not be granted by the V-Pass d irec tly. The V-Pass reader sha ll simp ly send a Wiegand da ta signa l to the ACS. Tha t system is responsib le for logg ing and making the dec ision to release door loc ks, etc . When the Line Trigger fea ture is used , any user fingerp rint temp la te stored on the V-Pass reader sha ll have the ab ility to perform a b iometric identific a tion and ac c ess the V-Pass reader. The V-Pass reader itself does not support advanc ed ac c ess c ontrol fea tures (suc h as aud it tra ils, user-defined ac c ess sc heduling , anti-passbac k, request to exit buttons, etc .). For these fea tures, an ACS sha ll be required .

10. Estimated Performance

Biosc ryp t works to c ontinuously improve the performanc e of the c ore fingerp rint authentic a tion tec hnology while a lso improving the usab ility and flexib ility of the system. We have developed a da tabase of rea l-world fingerp rint images and use these images to test the a lgorithm used by the V-Pass. This da tabase has inc reased in size to the point where today we perform 1,000,000 c omparisons to genera te the following sta tistic s.

10.1. Performance Terminology

Biometric systems typ ic a lly sta te performanc e in terms of Fa lse Rejec tion Ra tes (FRR) and Fa lse Ac c ep tanc e Ra tes (FAR). The FRR is the expec ted ra te a t whic h the system would inc orrec tly rejec t (fa il) the c orrec t fingerp rint. The FAR is the expec ted ra te a t whic h the system would inc orrec tly ac c ep t (pass) the wrong fingerp rint.

10.2. Identification (Searching) Algorithm

The identific a tion (1:Many searc hing) a lgorithm utilized by the V-Pass reader sha ll not use the Globa l or ind ividua l Templa te Sec urity Threshold levels. Instead , the sec urity threshold level sha ll be fixed . The sec urity level built into the searc hing a lgorithm sha ll be set suc h tha t overa ll sec urity p rovides an FRR of 1.0% and a FAR of 0.2%. Optimized performanc e sha ll oc c ur for a

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da tabase of 100 temp la tes for a 1:200 searc h and a da tabase of 300 temp la tes for a 1:500 searc h (depend ing on firmware version).

11. VeriAdmin Management Software Eac h V-Pass reader sha ll inc lude a CD-ROM c onta ining the VeriAdmin PC software. The VeriAdmin software supports Windows 98/ NT4.0/ ME/ 2000/ XP. It is not tested under other Windows-c ompatib le or non-Windows-based opera ting systems. The VeriAdmin Management Software may be used to perform the following func tions:

� Manage a network of V-Pass readers � Enroll new user fingerp rint temp la tes � Edit existing user fingerp rint temp la tes � Delete user fingerp rint temp la tes � Distribute the user temp la tes from the V-Pass reader or PC to other Biosc ryp t

readers in the insta lla tion � Ad just the parameters (c ommunic a tions, b iometric s, Wiegand , line trigger,

etc .) of an ind ividua l reader or a ll readers c onnec ted on a network � Configure the opera tion of the V-Pass top LED � Perform firmware upda tes

For further deta ils on the VeriAdmin software and its opera tion, p lease refer to the Veri-Series Opera tions Manua l (insta lled on the PC a t the time of software insta lla tion).

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12. Appendix A – Pigtail Cable Connections

The following tab le rep resents the c olor c odes and signa l desc rip tions used in the p ig ta il c ab le for the V-Pass reader. This p ig ta il c ab le is interc hangeab le and may be used with the V-Pass and V-Pass fingerp rint readers.

Pin # Signal Description Original Cable (Gray Jacket)

New Cable (Blue Jacket)

1 Wiegand Out Data 0 Red / Blac k Green 2 Wiegand In Data 0 Green/ Blac k Green/ White 3 Wiegand Out Data 1 Orange White 4 Wiegand In Data 1 Orange/ Blac k White/ Blac k 5 Line Trigger Green Gray 6 Wiegand GND Red Blac k/ White 7 RS-485 (-) Blue/ Blac k Blue/ Blac k 8 RS-485 (+) White Blue 9 RS-232 TX Blac k/ White Violet 10 RS-232 Rx Red / White Violet/ White 11 Power GND Blac k Blac k 12 Signa l GND Green/ White Blac k/ Red 13 Power Input (9-24VDC) Blue/ White Red 14 Reserved Blue Red / White 15 Sa fety GND White/ Blac k Green/ Yellow

Table 2: 15-Conductor Pigtail Cable Connections

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13. Appendix B – Wiegand Protocol

The Wiegand p rotoc ol has bec ome a standard means of c ommunic a ting user identific a tion numbers between ac c ess c ontrol front-end p roduc ts, suc h as a c a rd reader or keypad , and the ac c ess c ontrol system interfac e to tha t front-end . Some manufac turers have mod ified the orig ina l standard format for their own use, but often still support the orig ina l standard . The V-Pass reader sha ll support a va riety of formats; however, the fac tory default is the Standard 26-b it format as desc ribed below. 13.1. Standard 26-bit Format

The Wiegand p rotoc ol is desc ribed c omp letely in a doc ument ava ilab le from the Sec urity Industry Assoc ia tion (SIA) as Ac c ess Control 26-b it Wiegand Reader Interfac e Standard . Without going into the deta il p rovided in tha t doc ument, the Wiegand c ommunic a tion format c an be summarized as p rovid ing a series of b ina ry b its (0 or 1) tha t a re interp reted as two (2) da ta fields: site c ode and identific a tion number. Proprieta ry and c ustomized formats a re p reva lent and c an c onta in extended da ta ranges or add itiona l da ta fields, but the standard format is 26-b it. The 26-b it format is genera lly d iagrammed as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



Where P rep resents a pa rity b it, S rep resents a b it from the Site Code (a lso referred to as a Fac ility Code), N is a b it from the ID Number (a lso referred to as Card ID), E represents b it positions tha t a re used for Even parity c a lc ula tions, and O rep resents b it positions tha t a re used for Odd parity c a lc ula tions. The fac ility c ode is 8 b its and supports va lues from 000 to 255. The ID number is 16 b its and supports va lues from 00000 to 65535. In the c ase of a V-Pass the ID number assigned to eac h fingerp rint temp la te should be enrolled in the Ac c ess Control System as the Card ID.

13.2. Other Supported Formats

The V-Pass sha ll support the following Pre-Defined Wiegand formats:

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� Standard 26-b it � Apollo 44-b it � Northern 34-b it � Northern 34-b it (no pa rity) � Andover 37-b it* � Generic 64-b it*

� Ademc o 34-b it � HID Corpora te 1000 35-b it � HID 37-b it � Wiegand 4002 40-b it* � Generic 34-b it*

If the Ac c ess Control System is c onfigured for a Wiegand format other than the default of Standard 26-b it, then the software sha ll be required to selec t the supported format. Only one format may be selec ted and c onfigured into the reader a t a time (i.e. the V-Pass reader sha ll not support both Standard 26-b it output and Northern 34-b it output a t the same time). *This format is ava ilab le as a Custom Pre-Defined Format and must be manua lly up loaded to the reader. Please refer to sec tion 13.3: Custom Pre-Defined Formats. Contac t Biosc ryp t Tec hnic a l Support to c onfirm c ompatib ility with your reader.

13.3. Custom Pre-Defined Formats

The V-Pass reader sha ll support the use of a Custom Wiegand Format. A slot on the Pre-Defined Wiegand Formats d rop-down list sha ll be a lloc a ted to a Custom Wiegand Format. A Custom Wiegand Format file sha ll be required and must be up loaded onto the V-Pass reader. This file may be c rea ted only by the Biosc ryp t Eng ineering Department a fter thorough tests a re c omp leted involving a ll nec essary equipment (i.e. c a rds, Ac c ess Control System, etc .) to be utilized a t the site. Please c ontac t Biosc ryp t Tec hnic a l Support to see if the Wiegand format expec ted by your Ac c ess Control System is ava ilab le as a c ustom Wiegand format.

13.4. Pass-Thru Formats

If the format you p refer to use is not ava ilab le as a Pre-defined or Custom format, the V-Pass reader sha ll support a Pass-Thru mode. In this mode, c ritic a l information about the format is p rovided to the V-Pass reader, whic h sha ll a llow the V-Pass reader to c orrec tly genera te the Wiegand ID sequenc e required by your Ac c ess Control System. To support your p rop rieta ry Wiegand format in a Pass-Thru mode, the following is required :

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� Wiegand da ta is interp reted as a standard b ina ry representa tion (i.e., hex and other da ta interp reta tions a re not supported )

� A c ontiguous series of b its for the ID number � The sequenc e must be non-enc ryp ted � The Tota l number of b its in the format is 64 or fewer � The b it stream provides the b its in order from Most Signific ant Bit (MSB)

to Least Signific ant Bit (LSB)

The V-Pass reader sha ll be unab le to c orrec tly genera te the Wiegand sequenc e if the c ond itions above a re not met. If your Wiegand format meets these requirements, then the following information is required to c onfigure this format into the V-Pass reader in Pass-Thru mode:

� Tota l Number of Bits in the format � Sta rt b it position of the ID number da ta in the format (note: Biosc ryp t

c onsiders the first b it position as 0) � Length of the ID number da ta in the format (number of c a rd id b its)

It is important to note tha t the V-Pass reader sha ll send 0’ s for a ll b its other than the ID (i.e., pa rity, site c ode, etc .).

13.5. Pre-Defined vs. Pass-Thru Functionality

Advanc ed Wiegand func tiona lity sha ll be ava ilab le for use on a V-Pass when a Pre-Defined or Custom format is used tha t sha ll not be ava ilab le for Pass-Thru formats. Sinc e Biosc ryp t has intima te knowledge of Pre-defined and Custom formats (inc lud ing site c ode sta rt and length, pa rity b it sta rt and length, pa rity b it c a lc ula tion, etc .), the following fea tures a re ava ilab le for Pre-Defined and Custom formats:

� Alt Site Code: an a lterna te site c ode may be ac tiva ted and selec ted . This c ode sha ll ac t as the site or fac ility c ode required by the Ac c ess Control System for ac c ess. When this op tion is not selec ted , the V-Pass sha ll genera te and send a site c ode of 0 for suc c essful identific a tions.

� Fa il ID Code: a fa ilure c ode may be ac tiva ted and selec ted . This c ode sha ll supersede the ID portion of the Wiegand string for a ll fa iled identific a tions tha t oc c ur a t the reader. When this op tion is not selec ted , a Wiegand sequenc e sha ll not be sent to the Ac c ess Control System on b iometric fa ilures.

� Fa il Site Code: a fa ilure c ode may be ac tiva ted and selec ted . This c ode sha ll supersede the site or fac ility c ode portion of the Wiegand string for a ll fa iled identific a tions tha t oc c ur a t the reader. When this

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op tion is not selec ted , a Wiegand sequenc e sha ll not be sent to the Ac c ess Control System on b iometric fa ilures.

� On Fa il Send Inverse Parity: when ac tiva ted , a fa iled identific a tion sha ll result in the Wiegand sequenc e being sent to the Ac c ess Control System with the pa rity b its inversed to ind ic a te fa ilure. This op tion should not be selec ted unless the Ac c ess Control System performs parity b it c a lc ula tion and supports this fea ture.

13.6. Extended ID

The V-Pass reader sha ll support Wiegand formats, whic h a lloc a te up to 64 b its for the Card ID. Bec ause Biosc ryp t fingerp rint temp la tes by default use only up to a 32-b it ID, any Wiegand Formats whic h a lloc a te more than 32 b its to the ID number sha ll require the V-Pass to be in a spec ia l Extended ID mode, whic h adds an Extended ID field to the fingerp rint temp la te. This field ac tua lly uses the Emp loyee ID field (not shown in VeriAdmin) and the Password field (not ava ilab le on a V-Pass). For Extended ID support, the V-Pass sha ll require firmware version 7.30 or grea ter with a VeriAdmin software version of 5.30 or grea ter. Also, a Custom Wiegand Format file or Pass-Thru Format sha ll be required to support Extended IDs. For more information on this fea ture, p lease c ontac t Biosc ryp t Tec hnic a l Support.

13.7. Duress Signals The V-Pass reader sha ll support a Duress Finger Mode whic h offers users a way to ind ic a te a duress situa tion (suc h as being forc ed to open a door) by authentic a ting with a spec ia lly designa ted “ duress finger” . An ind ividua l fingerp rint temp la te may be spec ified as suc h by selec ting the “ Make Duress Finger” op tion during enrollment. When a suc c essful identific a tion oc c urs with suc h a temp la te, the reader sha ll send the Wiegand sequenc e to the ac c ess c ontrol panel in reverse b it order. The Ac c ess Control System c an then respond with the appropria te ac tion (a lerting sec urity personnel, sound ing a la rms, etc .). To fully support this fea ture, the Ac c ess Control System must a lso support reverse-b it Wiegand sequenc e duress signa ls.

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Technical Support Contact Information: Bioscrypt 2101 Rosec rans Ave., Suite 1250 El Segundo, CA 90245 USA Hours: 530A – 500P Direc t: 310-760-4130 Toll-Free: 866-304-7180 Fax: 310-760-4137 E-ma il: support@biosc ryp t.c omWeb: http :/ / www.b iosc ryp t.c om Disclaimer The information in this doc ument has been c a refully c hec ked for ac c urac y and is p resumed to be reliab le. Biosc ryp t, Inc . and its writers assume no responsib ility for inac c urac ies and reserve the right to mod ify and revise this doc ument without notic e. It is a lways our goa l a t Biosc ryp t, Inc . to supp ly ac c ura te and reliab le doc umenta tion. If you d isc over a d isc repanc y in this doc ument, p lease e-ma il your c omments to support@biosc ryp t.c om or c ontac t Biosc ryp t Tec hnic a l Support a t the telephone numbers listed above. Biosc ryp t ac c ep ts no liab ility for the misuse of third -party ha rdware mentioned in this doc ument. In no c ase sha ll Biosc ryp t be liab le for damage to a reader resulting from the misuse of suc h hardware.

Version Number: 4 Da te: May 2, 2006

Corporate & Canadian Office 505 Coc hrane Dr. Markham, ON L3R 8E3 T 905 940 7750 F 905 940 7642 www.b iosc ryp t.c om

U.S. Office 2101 Rosec rans Ave., Suite 1250 El Segundo, CA 90245 T 310 760 4101 F 310 227 8038

U.K. Office 35 Jac kson Court, Hazlemere High Wyc ombe, Buc kinghamshire Eng land HP15 7TZ T +44 (0) 1494 815 516 F +44 (0) 1494 815 513