biomes ppw

BIOMES In The world. . . . . .

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Post on 28-May-2015




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In The world. . . . . .

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LOCATION The north of Asia, United States and


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Cold, in summer is 45 or 50 grades F. And in winter 20- to 30- F

Yakutsk, Russia

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There are acuatic and terrestial plants

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ANIMALS There are 48 species of animals, shrews,

hares, rodents, wolves, foxes, bears and deers.

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LOCATION Eurusia and North America.

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CLIMATE From -54º to -1ºc in winter and -7ºc in


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Balsam Fir  is often used as a Christmas tree

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ANIMALS  Lynx, snowshoe rabbits, red squirrels,

voles,Red deer, elk, and moose.

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LOCATION Grasslands are in the middle latitudes

or in the interiors of continents

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 As low as -40° F and in summer as high 70° F

Ingeniera White, Argentina

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Grass, Sunflower, Crazy Weed, Asters, Blazing Stars, Coneflowers, Goldenrods and Clover.

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ANIMALS Cows, Sheeps.

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LOCATION Southern Europe, southern Oceania,

chile and very tiny parts of U.S.A

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CLIMATE The temperature range is between 30° and

100° F.

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Blue Oak, Coyote Brush, Common Sagebrush, Fairy Duster.

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ANIMALS Aardwolf, Black-tailed Jackrabbit, Golden

Jackal, Grey Fox, Isand Grey Fox, Puma.

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LOCATION The north of Africa, the south of USA,

Oceania and south America

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CLIMATE The average annual temperature of

these miles of hot sand is 64° F (18° C).

El-Oasr el-Akhdar, Egypt

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Barrel cactus, brittle bush, chainfruit cholla, creosote bush, etc.

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ANIMALS Hot and Dry Deserts animals include

small nocturnal carnivores, insects, arachnids, reptiles, and birds.

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LOCATION Africa, northern Oceania, South Asia,

and South America

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Climate: 20° - 30° C.summer . 20° - 25° C winter.

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Baobab,bermuda grass, candelabra tree, elephant grass, jarrah tree .

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ANIMALS Lions, leopards, cheetahs, jackals and


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LOCATION Alpine biomes are found in the mountain

regions all around the world. They are usually at an altitude of about 10,000 feet or more. 

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CLIMATE In the summer the most temperatures

are from 10 to 15° C . In the winter the temperatures are below freezing. The winter is long.

Texas, USA

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Because the severe climate of the Alpine biome, there are only about 200 species of Alpine plants.

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ANIMALS Andean Condor, Chinchilla, Llama,

Mountain Goat, Snow Leopard, Vicuña, Yak.

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LOCATION Central America, Africa, Indo-Malaysia -

west coast of India, Assam, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Queensland, Australia.

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CLIMATE The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets

higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C); average humidity is between 77% and 88%

Campa Pita, Belize

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A tropical rain forest has more kinds of trees than any other area in the world. Scientists have counted about 100 to 300 species

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ANIMALS Africa Forest Elephant, Bengal Tiger,

Chimpanzee, Golden Lion Tamarin, Harpy Eagle, King Cobra.

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LOCATION North America, middle of Europe, Asia,

Southwest Russia, Japan, eastern China, New Zealand, and southeastern Australia.

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CLIMATE The average annual temperature in a

deciduous forest is 50° F. The average rainfall is 30 to 60 inches a year.

Staunton, Virginia, United States

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PLANTS In deciduous forests there are five different

zones. 1: Tree Stratum zone, contains oak, beech,

maple, chestnut hickory, elm,etc. 2:The small tree and sapling zone.This zone

has young, and short trees. 3: Shrub zone. Some of the shrubs in this zone

are rhododendrons, azaleas, mountain laurel, and huckleberries.

4: Herb.It contains short plants such as herbal plants.

5:The final zone is the Ground zone. It contains lichen, club mosses, and true mosses.

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ANIMALS American Bald Eagle, American Black

Bear, Coyote, European Red Squirrel, White-tailed Deer.