biological affinities and adaptations of bronze age bactrians: iii. an initial craniometric...

Biological Affinities and Adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An Initial Craniometric Assessment BRIAN E. HEMPHILL* Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235 KEY WORDS craniometry; phenetic distance; Central Asia; Iran; Indus Valley ABSTRACT Discovery of a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization (Oxus Civilization) centered on the oases of Central Asia immediately raised questions concerning the origin and interregional impacts of this civilization. Fifteen craniometric variables from 12 Bronze Age samples—encompassing 544 adults from Central Asia, Iran, the Indus Valley, and Anatolia—are compared to test which, if any, of the current hypotheses offered by archaeolo- gists are best supported by the pattern of phenetic affinities possessed by the Oxus Civilization inhabitants of the north Bactrian oasis. Craniometric differences between samples are compared with Mahalanobis generalized distance, and patterns of phenetic affinity are assessed with two types of cluster analysis (WPGMA, neighbor-joining method), multidimensional scal- ing, and principal coordinates analysis. Results obtained by this analysis indicate that current hypotheses for both the origin and interregional impacts of Oxus Civilization populations are incomplete. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:329–348, 1998. r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Mysterious Bronze Age artifacts have been sold on the black market in Kabul for de- cades. These objects, although exhibiting some iconographic similarities to the known traditions of Iran to the west and the Indus Valley to the east, seemed to reflect a sepa- rate and unique cultural tradition (Sari- anidi, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1994; Amiet, 1986). No one knew the point of origin of these unusual artifacts, yet with continued excava- tions, these objects began to appear as iso- lated elements in numerous Bronze Age assemblages from Iran and Pakistan. Dur- ing the 1960s and 1970s, a series of excava- tions by Soviet archaeologists revealed the existence of a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization in southern Central Asia (Masson and Sarianidi, 1972; Askarov, 1977, 1981; Sarianidi, 1977, 1981; Masson, 1981a). There, urban centers were found that con- tained artifact assemblages dominated by these previously mysterious objects. These urban centers are concentrated in the foot- hill plain along the northern slopes of the Kopet Dagh foothills of south-central Turk- menistan (Altyn depe, Namazga, Kara depe), the Margiana oasis of eastern Turkmenistan (Togolok, Gonur depe), and the northern, southern, and eastern Bactrian oases of southern Uzbekistan and northern Afghani- stan (Sapalli tepe, Djarkutan). The recent discovery of this civilization, variously labeled as the Namazga Civiliza- tion (Kohl, 1981), the Bactrian Civilization (Askarov, 1977; Sarianidi, 1977; Tosi, 1988; Ligabue and Salvatori, 1988), and the Oxus Civilization (Francfort, 1989; Hiebert, 1994; Lamberg-Karlovsky, 1994a,b), immediately Contract grant sponsors: Mellon Foundation and University Research Council of Vanderbilt University. *Correspondence to: Brian E. Hemphill, Department of Anthro- pology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235. Tel: (615)-322- 2553. Fax: (615) 343-0230. E-mail: [email protected] Received 15 September 1997; accepted 27 April 1998. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 106:329–348 (1998) r 1998 WILEY-LISS, INC.

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Page 1: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

Biological Affinities and Adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians:III. An Initial Craniometric Assessment

BRIAN E. HEMPHILL*Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University,Nashville, Tennessee 37235

KEY WORDS craniometry; phenetic distance; Central Asia; Iran;Indus Valley

ABSTRACT Discovery of a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization(Oxus Civilization) centered on the oases of Central Asia immediately raisedquestions concerning the origin and interregional impacts of this civilization.Fifteen craniometric variables from 12 Bronze Age samples—encompassing544 adults from Central Asia, Iran, the Indus Valley, and Anatolia—arecompared to test which, if any, of the current hypotheses offered by archaeolo-gists are best supported by the pattern of phenetic affinities possessed by theOxus Civilization inhabitants of the north Bactrian oasis. Craniometricdifferences between samples are compared with Mahalanobis generalizeddistance, and patterns of phenetic affinity are assessed with two types ofcluster analysis (WPGMA, neighbor-joining method), multidimensional scal-ing, and principal coordinates analysis. Results obtained by this analysisindicate that current hypotheses for both the origin and interregional impactsof Oxus Civilization populations are incomplete. Am J Phys Anthropol106:329–348, 1998. r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Mysterious BronzeAge artifacts have beensold on the black market in Kabul for de-cades. These objects, although exhibitingsome iconographic similarities to the knowntraditions of Iran to the west and the IndusValley to the east, seemed to reflect a sepa-rate and unique cultural tradition (Sari-anidi, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1994; Amiet, 1986).No one knew the point of origin of theseunusual artifacts, yet with continued excava-tions, these objects began to appear as iso-lated elements in numerous Bronze Ageassemblages from Iran and Pakistan. Dur-ing the 1960s and 1970s, a series of excava-tions by Soviet archaeologists revealed theexistence of a previously unknown BronzeAge civilization in southern Central Asia(Masson and Sarianidi, 1972; Askarov, 1977,1981; Sarianidi, 1977, 1981; Masson, 1981a).There, urban centers were found that con-tained artifact assemblages dominated bythese previously mysterious objects. These

urban centers are concentrated in the foot-hill plain along the northern slopes of theKopet Dagh foothills of south-central Turk-menistan (Altyn depe, Namazga, Kara depe),the Margiana oasis of eastern Turkmenistan(Togolok, Gonur depe), and the northern,southern, and eastern Bactrian oases ofsouthern Uzbekistan and northern Afghani-stan (Sapalli tepe, Djarkutan).

The recent discovery of this civilization,variously labeled as the Namazga Civiliza-tion (Kohl, 1981), the Bactrian Civilization(Askarov, 1977; Sarianidi, 1977; Tosi, 1988;Ligabue and Salvatori, 1988), and the OxusCivilization (Francfort, 1989; Hiebert, 1994;Lamberg-Karlovsky, 1994a,b), immediately

Contract grant sponsors: Mellon Foundation and UniversityResearch Council of Vanderbilt University.

*Correspondence to: Brian E. Hemphill, Department of Anthro-pology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235. Tel: (615)-322-2553. Fax: (615) 343-0230.E-mail: [email protected]

Received 15 September 1997; accepted 27 April 1998.



Page 2: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

raised several important issues. Where didthis civilization come from? What impact didthis civilization have on neighboring BronzeAge urban centers in Iran and the IndusValley? This article addresses these ques-tions by comparing craniometric variationwithin the population of the Oxus Civiliza-tion, and between this group and others, asdetailed in the historical summaries below.

Origins of the Oxus Civilization

Archaeologists are divided over the mostlikely origin of Oxus Civilization popula-tions. The predominant hypothesis holdsthat the oases of Margiana and Bactria wereunoccupied before the Initial Late BronzeAge (before c. 2200 B.C.; Kohl, 1992). Withthe development of sophisticated irrigationtechnology in the Kopet Dagh foothill plainof south-central Turkmenistan during theMiddle Bronze Age (c. 2500–2000 B.C.; Kohl,1992), subsequent population pressure ledto wholesale colonization eastward into thepreviously unoccupied oases of Margianaand Bactria.

Proponents of this hypothesis maintainthat the close similarity of earlier ceramicwares from the urban centers of south-central Turkmenistan with those from north-ern Iranian sites indicate an initial north-eastward movement of peoples from northernIran to the Kopet Dagh foothill plain duringthe fourth millennium B.C. (Masson andSarianidi, 1972). Later ceramic wares fromthis region appear to be derived from thisearlier tradition and are maintained to bethe best prototypes for the characteristicartifact assemblages of the Oxus Civiliza-tion (designated as the Bactrian-MargianaArchaeological Complex [BMAC]: Hiebert,1994) found in the urban centers of Bactriaand Margiana. By asserting that these ce-ramics represent the direct antecedent ofthe BMAC, proponents of this hypothesismaintain that the Oxus Civilization popula-tions of Bactria and Margiana are the prod-uct of wholesale colonization from the ur-ban centers of south-central Turkmenistan(Masson and Sarianidi, 1972; Askarov, 1974,1977, 1981, 1988; Biscione, 1977; Masimov,1979; Masson, 1981a, 1989, 1992a,b; Hiebertand Lamberg-Karlovsky, 1992; Lamberg-Karlovsky, 1994b).

An alternative view has been offered byUdemuradov (1988). Although agreeing thatartifactual evidence indicates a close tiebetween the oases of Bactria and Margianawith the Kopet Dagh foothill zone, Udemur-adov maintains that the interaction be-tween these regions was not one of whole-sale colonization into unoccupied oases.Rather, a small but significant populationresided within these oases before the appear-ance of the Oxus Civilization. Udemuradovsuggests that the impact of Kopet Daghpopulations on the resident populations ofBactria, and by extension, Margiana, wasone of ever-increasing gene flow from west toeast, rather than a wholesale transplanta-tion of Kopet Dagh populations.

Discovery of the Harappan outpost ofShortughai in the eastern Bactrian oasis ofnorthern Afghanistan (Francfort, 1984,1989), along with the discovery of a fewartifacts at Altyn depe attributed to theIndus Civilization (Masson, 1981a,b,c, 1989,1992a), has stimulated a third hypothesisfor the origin of the Oxus Civilization. Thisalternative holds that Oxus Civilizationpopulations of Bactria, and perhaps Margi-ana, may derive from the southeast—frompopulations of the Indus Valley of Pakistanrather than from populations of the KopetDagh foothill plain to the west.

Interregional influences of the OxusCivilization

Models of the impact of Oxus Civilizationpopulations on neighboring urban BronzeAge populations are as contentious as theo-ries concerning their origin. The dominantview asserts that the oases of Margiana andBactria represent the center of a new andvigorous commercial power that spreadthroughout the Indo-Iranian borderlands to-ward the end of the mature-Harappan pe-riod, around 2000 B.C. (Hiebert and Lam-berg-Karlovsky, 1992; Lamberg-Karlovsky,1993, 1994b; Sarianidi, 1993, 1994; Hiebert,1994, 1995). In fact, the presence of charac-teristic Oxus Civilization artifacts in Paki-stani Baluchistan led Hiebert and Meadow(1991) to assert that this Central Asiancivilization represented a strong presenceon the edge of the Indus Valley—a presencethat certainly affected the Indus Civilization


Page 3: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

near the end of the mature-phase (for an-other view see Jarrige, 1997).

This theme has been taken up by Parpola(1988), who noted that the spread of charac-teristic Oxus Civilization artifacts from Cen-tral Asia throughout the Indo-Iranian bor-derlands involves not just a few isolatedobjects, but an entire complex of materialcultural items. Parpola asserts that therapid, unidirectional transplantation of thisarchaeological complex may signal an actualphysical movement of Oxus Civilization ‘‘con-querors,’’ who replaced indigenous popula-tions in eastern Iran and the periphery ofthe Indus Valley during the immediate post-Harappan period.

A less dramatic, but similarly unidirec-tional view of the interregional effects ofOxus Civilization populations has been of-fered by Hiebert (1994) and Lamberg-Karlovsky (1993, 1994b). These scholars in-terpret the appearance of an entire complexof characteristic Central Asian artifactsthroughout the vast Indo-Iranian border-lands as evidence that the Oxus Civilizationestablished ‘‘colonies’’ in the urban centers ofneighboring Bronze Age cultures. These re-searchers speculate that once settled in thesedistant regions, Oxus colonists may haveserved important economic or political roles,linking these distant colonies to the urbancenters of Bactria and Margiana.

A different interpretation of the interre-gional effects of Oxus Civilization popula-tions has been offered by Jarrige (1994).Jarrige claims that throughout the first halfof the second millennium B.C., the Indo-Iranian borderlands witnessed a generalsemihomogenization of local cultures. Siteassemblages throughout this region aremarked by unique combinations of generalIndo-Iranian influences with items that indi-cate a continuance of locally distinctive tra-ditions. Jarrige interprets these data asindicative of the participation of local elitegroups, who shared a common socioreligiousorientation and iconography, in a bidirec-tional exchange network with other elitesthroughout this vast region. The product ofthis ever-increasing bidirectional exchangewas the formation of a koine, or sphere ofinteraction in which no single region heldhegemonistic power over the others (see also

Amiet, 1988; Tosi, 1988). Although Jarrige’sanalysis is restricted to assessment of ce-ramic wares and decorative motifs, such akoine may have involved the bidirectionalexchange of individuals (genes) and com-modities.

Although it would be foolish to directlyequate the movement and homogenizationof artifacts with that of populations, it isnevertheless true that options for interre-gional interaction (and even more specifi-cally, marital alliances) most often occuralong established trade routes (Lamberg-Karlovsky and Tosi, 1973; Anthony, 1990).Indeed, such movements are well knownfrom demographic studies, in which incre-mental genetic exchange between a wholeseries of intermediate localities is known as‘‘channelized’’ or ‘‘chain’’ migration (MacDon-ald and MacDonald, 1964; Hillery andBrown, 1965; Alvarez, 1987). Because ofthese factors, Jarrige’s interpretation of tradeand exchange across the Indo-Iranian bor-derlands stands in marked contrast, both indirectionality and intensity, to the unidirec-tional exportation of Oxus Civilization com-modities (Hiebert and Lamberg-Karlovsky,1992; Hiebert, 1994; Lamberg-Karlovsky,1994b) and even populations (Parpola, 1988;Lamberg-Karlovsky, 1993; Hiebert, 1994).

Aim of this study

This article compares craniometric varia-tion among Oxus Civilization inhabitants ofthe north Bactrian oasis of southern Uzbe-kistan with Bronze Age samples from Iranand the Indus Valley. The results of thiscomparison are used to test which, if any, ofthe alternative hypotheses advanced by ar-chaeologists best explain the origins andinterregional effects of Oxus Civilizationpopulations.

Measurements of the neurocranium andfacial skeleton have been used for manyyears to provide an assessment of the degreeof biological relatedness among samples ofpast and living populations. Although it isclear that these measurements actually pro-vide assessment of an unknown combina-tion of environmental and hereditary factors(Cavalli-Sforza and Bodmer, 1971) and maybe affected by masticatory mechanics (Carl-son and Van Gerven, 1977; Van Gerven,


Page 4: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

1982) and environmental variation (Beals,1972; Guglielmino-Matessi et al., 1979), twinstudies (Lundstrom, 1954; Clark, 1956; Na-kata et al., 1974a; Orczykowska-Swiat-kowska and Lebioda, 1975; Saunders et al.,1980), familial studies (Howells, 1966; Na-kata et al., 1974b; Susanne, 1975, 1977;Devor, 1987), and world-wide comparisonsof craniometric variation reveal a moderatedegree of genetic control (0.52 , h2 , 0.72;Susanne, 1975, 1977) and demonstrate theutility of these variables in reconstructingthe nature of biological interactions amongpopulations (Howells, 1973, 1989). Becauseall samples included in this study derivefrom sedentary, agricultural communitiesand from sites that differ little in latitude, acomparison of craniometric variation amongthese samples should suffer no systemicbiases due to differences in masticatorystresses or natural selection for dramati-cally different environments.


Bronze Age skeletal samples from CentralAsia, Iran, and the Indus Valley are rela-tively few in number and often recovered infragmentary condition (Fig. 1). Neverthe-less, 11 samples, numbering 525 individuals(270 males, 255 females) are compared toassess patterns of biological affinity withinand across these regions of the Indo-Iranianborderlands (Table 1). An additional samplefrom Anatolia, Tell al-Judiadah, is includedas an outgroup to provide a context for thedegree and patterning of craniometric varia-tion. Fourteen cranial variables (six for theneurocranium and eight for the facial skel-eton) of those defined by Martin (1928)provide the metrical basis for the currentstudy (Table 2).

The samples included in this analysislargely date to Bronze Age contexts fromCentral Asia, the Indus Valley, Iran, and

TABLE 1. Samples considered in the study


Maximumsample size

Site/region Period Dates ReferenceMales Females

CEMH 13 18 Harappa/IndusValley

Late Harappan 1900–1600B.C. Gupta et al. (1962)

DJR 16 32 Djarkutan/NorthBactria

Djarkutan phase 2000–1800B.C. This Report

HAR 23 41 Harappa/IndusValley

Mature Harappan 2500–2000B.C. Gupta et al. (1962)

Hemphill et al.(1991)

KUZ 12 9 Djarkutan/NorthBactria

Kuzali phase 1800–1650B.C. This Report

MHD 10 6 Mohenjo-daro/IndusValley

Mature Harappan? 2500–2000B.C. Sewell and Guha(1931)

Guha and Basu(1938)

MOL 18 26 Djarkutan/NorthBactria

Molali phase 1650–1500B.C. This Report

SAP 13 26 Sapalli tepe/NorthBactria

Sapalli phase 2200–2000B.C. This Report

SHS 45 43 Shahr-i Sokhta/Eastern Iran

SHS I, II, III 3000–2200B.C. Pardini and Sarvari-Negahban (1976)

Pardini (1977,1979–1980)

TAJ 10 9 Tell al-Judiadah/Anatolia

Neolithic/Iron Age 5000–64 B.C. Krogman (1949)

TH2 9 7 Tepe Hissar/North-west Iran

Tepe Hissar II 3500–3000B.C. Krogman (1940)

TH3 102 36 Tepe Hisar/North-west Iran

Tepe Hissar III 3000–1750B.C. Krogman (1940)

TMG 9 11 Timargarha/IndusValley

Late Bronze/EarlyIron

1400–800 B.C. Bernhard (1967)

1 Abbreviations for samples are defined in the text.


Page 5: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

Anatolia. For those samples obtained frommixed periods (Tell al-Judiadah, Timar-garha), the majority of individuals are ofBronze Age antiquity. All samples, except forthe sample from Tell al-Judiadah, span arelatively narrow time frame between 3500and 800 B.C.

The site of Sapalli tepe represents themost thoroughly documented Oxus Civiliza-tion settlement in the north Bactrian oasis(Askarov, 1974, 1977). All human remainsrecovered from Sapalli tepe have been as-signed to the Sapalli phase of the OxusCivilization. A single radiocarbon date (2009B.C.; Hiebert, 1994) suggests a time span forthe Sapalli phase between 2200 and 2000B.C. The Sapalli tepe sample includes 39adult individuals with cranial remains (13males, 26 females). All craniometric mea-surements for the Sapalli tepe skeletal se-ries were made by the author at the Insti-tute of Archaeology, Uzbek Academy ofSciences, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Excavations of the Bronze Age site ofDjarkutan in the north Bactrian oasis by theInstitute of Archaeology, Uzbek Academy ofSciences, under the direction of Askarov(Askarov and Abdullaev, 1983) and Sirinov(Askarov and Sirinov, 1991) led to the discov-ery of a large cemetery south of the habita-tion area. Partial excavation of the cemeteryresulted in recovery of 113 adult individuals(46 males, 67 females) with cranial remains.The human remains recovered from Djarku-

tan have been assigned to three successivechronological phases defined by Abdullaev(1979): the Djarkutan (DJR) phase (2000–1800 B.C.), the Kuzali (KUZ) phase (1800–1650 B.C.), and the Molali (MOL) phase(1650–1500 B.C.). All measurements forthese remains were made by the author atthe Institute of Archaeology, Uzbek Acad-emy of Sciences, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Abbreviations, sample sizes, and samplelocations for comparative samples are pro-vided in Table 1 and Figure 1. The degree ofinterobserver error was assessed by meansof repeated measures analysis of variance(Hemphill et al., 1991; Hemphill, in press)and indicated no significant measurementdifferences between observers for individu-als obtained from Tepe Hissar, Tell al-Judiadah, the Bactrian samples, and Harappa(Cemetery R37, Cemetery H). Interobservererror could not be assessed for samples ob-tained from Shahr-I Sokhta or Mohenjo-daro.


The covariance matrix for each sample isobtained for males and females pooled to-gether with list-wise deletion.Although pair-wise deletion permits greater effective sam-ple sizes within each sample, listwisedeletion is used to avoid systematic biasescaused by overrepresentation and underrep-resentation of individual variables (Wilkin-son, 1990). A pooled covariance matrix isobtained for all samples and bias-adjustedto accommodate differences in sample size.Variable averages are calculated for bothmales and females. Sex-standardized groupvalues for each variable are obtained bytaking the average of male and female meanvalues for each sample (Table 3). The bias-adjusted pooled covariance matrix and sex-standardized group values are used to ob-tain Mahalanobis generalized distances (d2)between each pair of samples. The diagonalmatrix of Mahalanobis d2 values are pro-vided in Table 4.

The diagonal matrix of Mahalanobis d2

values is used as input for cluster analyses.Different associating algorithms are used toprovide two perspectives on the patterningof intersample phenetic affinities. These as-sociating algorithms include the weightedpair-group arithmatic average linkage method

TABLE 2. Craniometric variables used to generateMahalanobis generalized distances (d2)

between samples


NeurocraniumMaximum cranial length (GOL) 1Maximum cranial breadth (BEB) 8Auricular height (AVH) 21Sagittal arc (SAA) 25Horizontal circumference (CAB) 23bMinimum frontal breadth (BFTB) 9

Facial skeletonUpper facial height (NPH) 48Nasal height (NH) 55Nasal breadth (NB) 54Orbital height (OH) 52Orbital breadth (OB) 51aBizygomatric breadth (BZB) 45Internal palatal length (IPL) 62Internal palatal breadth (IPB) 63

1 Numbers of the variables as defined by Martin (1928).


Page 6: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

(WPGMA) (Sneath and Sokol, 1973) and theneighbor-joining method (Saitou and Nei,1987; Felsenstein, 1989). The copheneticcorrelation coefficient, rcs (Sneath and Sokol,1973), is computed with the NTSYS-pc statis-tical package to measure the degree of corre-spondence between the obtained phenogramfrom WPGMAcluster analysis and the originalresemblance matrix.

The diagonal matrix of Mahalanobis d2

values is used as input for nonmetric multi-dimensional scaling to provide a third per-spective on the patterning of intersampleaffinities. Kruskal’s stress formula numberone (Kruskal, 1964a,b) is used to calculatedistances between individual points. Thegoodness of fit obtained by multidimen-sional scaling is assessed by calculating ofthe degree of stress obtained through 100iterations. Multidimensional scaling is ac-complished with the SYSTAT statisticalpackage (Wilkinson, 1990). Results obtainedare ordinated in three-dimensional space,

and a minimum spanning tree (Hartigan,1975) is imposed on the array of data pointsto ease interpretation of intersample associa-tions.

Principal coordinates analysis is used toprovide a fourth perspective on intersamplecraniometric variation. Principal coordi-nates analysis is preferred over principalcomponents analysis in situations in whichthe number of variables exceeds the num-ber of samples compared (Hair et al., 1971).The symmetric matrix of Mahalanobis d2

values is double-centered before entry intoNTSYS-pc statistical software. The firstthree principal coordinate axes are retained;group scores are calculated along these axesand ordinated into three-dimensional space.As with results from multidimensional scal-ing, a minimum spanning tree is imposed onthe array of principal coordinate scores toease interpretation of intersample associa-tions. The cophenetic correlation coefficientis computed to assess the goodness of fit of the

Fig. 1. Geographic location of Bronze Age craniometric samples. Oxus Civilization samples arerepresented by stars, Iranian samples by triangles, Indus Valley samples by circles, and Tell al-Judiadahby a square. Abbreviations for samples are defined in the text.


Page 7: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

obtained eigenvectors with the matrix ofMahalanobis d2 values. This latter step isespecially important because the copheneticcorrelation coefficient provides more informa-

tion on the patterning of relative pheneticdistances among samples than the absolutedistance (as indicated by the percentage oftotal variation explained by the first three

TABLE 3. Mean values of craniometric variables


Male sample2

CEMH 188.2 141.3 118.2 376.3 533.0 96.3 67.9 50.8 26.3 32.9 41.3 134.8 45.7 39.5DJR 186.9 134.7 115.1 374.0 514.4 94.6 69.9 50.7 24.8 30.9 37.5 131.3 45.1 39.5HAR 187.3 134.5 115.2 376.5 521.6 95.8 69.2 51.4 26.5 33.2 41.4 131.5 49.1 38.9KUZ 190.9 138.9 120.3 386.7 534.3 96.0 68.7 49.6 26.4 30.9 39.9 134.0 44.3 40.0MHD 188.0 132.5 119.9 386.2 518.5 93.6 71.1 49.1 24.2 32.9 39.1 127.8 52.4 42.8MOL 185.6 138.1 115.3 377.4 514.7 95.0 69.4 51.5 25.1 31.8 38.3 126.6 44.2 39.7SAP 183.5 134.9 112.3 370.9 506.7 93.0 70.2 51.3 24.2 32.7 37.7 129.1 43.1 38.6SHS 185.8 136.4 120.2 377.0 511.9 96.0 70.2 50.6 25.7 31.8 42.1 129.4 47.0 40.1TAJ 178.0 142.9 115.7 366.3 511.7 96.9 67.1 52.5 24.8 33.4 41.2 133.7 44.1 39.5TH2 188.8 132.0 116.2 374.4 515.9 94.2 70.3 50.4 25.1 31.6 41.0 125.3 46.8 40.7TH3 188.4 134.1 115.4 379.3 515.6 95.5 69.8 50.6 25.4 32.1 41.2 127.3 47.6 40.1TMG 190.2 132.0 117.7 381.2 521.4 93.8 70.3 50.0 22.9 33.3 41.5 133.0 48.3 39.8

Female sampleCEMH 179.2 132.4 108.6 363.6 500.8 92.5 62.7 46.0 24.4 33.3 39.9 119.5 44.2 35.1DJR 184.7 134.0 113.2 376.9 511.3 93.8 69.5 50.2 25.6 33.0 38.5 123.9 42.5 39.5HAR 180.9 132.1 110.6 371.9 506.1 93.2 66.2 48.3 24.2 34.1 40.6 123.9 45.1 36.4KUZ 179.3 132.6 112.5 373.5 506.3 91.5 65.1 46.8 23.6 30.7 36.3 122.4 42.5 37.6MHD 179.2 119.9 115.6 366.2 466.8 86.7 60.4 46.4 22.2 33.6 37.7 105.8 40.5 34.5MOL 183.5 134.2 112.7 373.3 506.6 93.6 70.6 49.7 25.0 32.6 38.8 126.5 44.4 37.9SAP 181.5 134.1 111.7 361.3 505.4 92.5 67.5 49.2 24.8 33.0 37.2 124.4 43.2 36.3SHS 179.1 133.3 116.0 367.7 499.2 93.9 67.6 50.0 24.5 31.9 40.7 122.7 45.7 38.2TAJ 164.9 141.2 109.2 351.2 487.5 93.9 59.3 45.0 21.8 32.4 36.4 124.0 40.5 36.6TH2 178.3 132.1 113.6 366.9 499.9 91.7 67.6 48.3 23.7 33.6 38.7 118.7 46.3 37.6TH3 179.4 131.8 111.3 365.9 498.2 92.2 66.1 48.3 23.9 31.7 39.6 120.2 45.5 38.2TMG 180.2 130.9 114.7 363.8 501.7 91.7 66.6 48.1 22.9 33.1 40.0 122.3 41.5 37.0

Sex-standardized sampleCEMH 183.7 136.8 113.4 370.0 516.5 94.4 65.3 48.4 25.3 33.1 40.6 127.1 44.9 37.3DJR 185.8 134.3 114.2 375.4 512.9 94.2 69.7 50.5 25.2 32.0 38.0 127.6 43.8 39.5HAR 184.1 133.3 112.9 374.2 513.8 94.5 67.7 49.9 25.4 33.6 41.0 127.7 47.1 37.6KUZ 185.1 135.7 116.4 380.1 520.3 93.8 66.9 48.2 25.0 30.8 38.1 128.2 43.4 38.8MHD 183.6 126.2 117.7 376.2 492.6 90.2 65.8 47.8 23.2 33.2 38.4 116.7 46.4 38.6MOL 184.5 136.1 114.0 375.3 510.7 94.3 70.0 50.6 25.1 32.2 38.6 126.5 44.3 38.8SAP 182.5 134.5 112.0 366.1 506.1 92.7 68.8 50.2 24.5 32.9 37.5 126.7 43.1 37.5SHS 182.5 134.8 118.1 372.3 505.5 94.9 68.9 50.3 25.1 31.8 41.4 126.0 43.3 39.1TAJ 171.4 142.0 112.5 358.8 499.6 95.4 63.2 48.8 23.3 32.9 38.8 128.8 42.3 38.1TH2 183.5 132.1 114.9 370.7 507.9 93.0 69.0 49.4 24.4 32.6 39.9 122.0 46.5 39.1TH3 183.9 133.0 113.4 372.6 506.9 93.9 69.9 49.4 24.7 31.9 40.4 123.8 46.5 39.1TMG 185.2 131.5 116.2 372.5 511.6 92.7 68.4 49.1 22.9 33.2 40.8 127.7 44.9 38.4

1 Abbreviations for craniometric variables are from Table 2.2 Abbreviations for samples are defined in the text.

TABLE 4. Matrix of Mahalanobis d2 generalized distances


CEMH 0DJR 6.265 0HAR 2.328 5.860 0KUZ 5.618 3.685 7.509 0MHD 18.702 13.953 15.019 20.815 0MOL 6.546 0.822 5.446 6.262 12.768 0SAP 5.215 1.305 5.212 5.703 15.802 1.551 0SHS 8.252 6.782 6.932 11.552 8.365 5.018 8.532 0TAJ 9.471 11.306 10.391 14.533 26.188 9.302 8.804 11.884 0TH2 5.393 4.522 4.836 7.862 7.554 4.069 5.969 2.616 13.929 0TH3 5.678 3.714 3.933 8.715 8.472 2.370 5.047 1.878 11.052 1.321 0TMG 5.106 6.243 4.842 5.906 11.162 7.291 6.197 7.069 14.362 4.480 5.653 01 Abbreviations are defined in the text.


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eigenvectors) (Rolf, 1972, 1994), and it is thepatterning of these relative distances that ismost useful for understanding processes ofpast population interactions.

As a final step in assessment of the natureof intersample craniometric variation, spa-tial distance and temporal distance matricesare computed among all sample pairs. Con-gruence between the Mahalanobis d2 matrixand these latter two matrices are assessedby means of the Mantel test (Mantel, 1967)and Mantel correlation coefficient (Smouseet al., 1986). These statistics test whetherdifferences between samples may simply beattributed to geographical propinquity ordifferences in antiquity. Significance of theseassociations is obtained through 1,000 per-mutations at random by rows and columns.


The bias-adjusted matrix of Mahalanobisd2 values (Table 4) was calculated accordingto the procedures outlined above. The vastmajority of d2 values between samples aresignificant (61 of 66; 92.4%). Of the 61pairwise contrasts exhibiting a significantdifference, 6 (9.8%) are significant at the0.05 level, and 55 (90.2%) are significant atthe 0.01 level. An examination of this matrixreveals that two samples, Mohenjo-daro

(MHD) and Tell al-Judiadah (TAJ), standout as distinct outliers by exhibiting verylarge Mahalanobis distances from all othersamples.

WPGMA cluster analysis

The dendrogram obtained by means of theWPGMA associating algorithm (Fig. 2) con-firms the outlier status of TAJ and MHD.Remaining samples are arranged in threedistinct groups, and these groups may beidentified as Iranian samples, north Bac-trian samples, and samples from the IndusValley. Within the group of samples fromIran, affinities between Shahr-i Sokhta(SHS) and Tepe Hissar 3 (TH3) appear rela-tively close, whereas the earlier inhabitantsof Tepe Hissar (TH2) join these two samplesat a more distant remove. Among northBactrians, affinities are closest between MOLand DJR phase inhabitants of Djarkutan,with the earlier Sapalli phase (SAP) samplefrom Sapalli tepe somewhat more distant.The KUZ phase sample exhibits a distantassociation to all other north Bactrians.Indus Valley samples, except for the highlydivergent individuals from Mohenjo-daro,exhibit diffuse associations but are moresimilar to one another than to Iranians ornorth Bactrians. Affinities are slightly closer

Fig. 2. WPGMA cluster analysis of Mahalanobis d2 values. Branch points are euclidean distances.Abbreviations for samples are defined in the text.


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between mature phase Cemetery R37 (HAR)and late-Harappan Cemetery H (CEMH)individuals than with the post-Harappansample from Timargarha (TMG). Overall,north Bactrians exhibit slightly closer asso-ciations with Indus Valley inhabitants thanwith Iranians.

Neighbor-joining cluster analysis

Neighbor-joining cluster analysis (Fig. 3)provides a different representation of thedistance matrix than that provided byWPGMA cluster analysis, because it is anunrooted tree whose branches have differentlengths. Long branch lengths may be inter-preted as an indicator of a large degree ofphenetic separation, whereas short branchlengths are indicative of a small degree ofphenetic separation between samples. Theneighbor-joining tree provides an array ofsample distances largely in agreement withthose depicted by WPGMA (Fig. 2). TAJ andMHD are again identified as distant outliersto all other samples by their locations in theextreme upper left and extreme lower rightof this array. The three geographical group-ings of samples identified by WPGMA clus-ter analysis are also largely confirmed. Twoof the Indus Valley samples, HAR andCEMH, exhibit closest affinities to one an-

other. Three of the north Bactrian samples(SAP, DJR, MOL) exhibit closest affinities toone another, and the three Iranian samples(TH3, TH2, SHS) are grouped together inthe middle-right of this array.

Nevertheless, four important differencesmay be identified. First, the peripheral mem-bers of Indus Valley samples (TMG) andnorth Bactrian samples (KUZ) exhibit closerassociations to one another, albeit diffuse,than to other samples from their respectiveregions. Second, associations between thethree remaining north Bactrian samples(SAP, DJR, MOL) are slightly closer to Irani-ans than to the two Indus Valley samplesfrom Harappa (HAR, CEMH). Third, affini-ties among Iranians are closer between thetwo samples from Tepe Hissar (TH2, TH3)than with the sample from eastern Iran(SHS). Fourth, north Bactrians (except forthe highly divergent KUZ phase sample) arearranged in reverse chronological order fromthe main line of intersample variation. Thatis, the earliest sample, SAP, is most diver-gent, followed by the temporally successiveDJR phase sample; the chronologically mostrecent sample, MOL, is least differentiatedfrom the main line of intersample variation.

Cophenetic correlation coefficients

The cophenetic correlation coefficient forthe degree of correspondence between thephenogram obtained by WPGMA clusteranalysis and the bias-adjusted matrix ofMahalanobis d2 values is somewhat low(rcs 5 0.678). This suggests that a fairamount of distortion is encountered whenattempting to arrange intersample differ-ences in craniometric variation in a hierar-chical fashion through cluster analysis (Rolf,1994).

Sneath and Sokol (1973) recommend thatalternative methods of data reduction beused in such cases where cophenetic correla-tions indicate that a fair amount of distor-tion of the original data matrix is incurredby hierarchical cluster analyses. Specifi-cally, they recommend use of multidimen-sional scaling and principal coordinatesanalysis to provide a more robust represen-tation of intersample affinities.

Fig. 3. Neighbor-joining tree based on Mahalanobisd2 values. Abbreviations for samples are defined in thetext.


Page 10: Biological affinities and adaptations of Bronze Age Bactrians: III. An initial craniometric assessment

Multidimensional scaling

Multidimensional scaling of the bias-adjusted diagonal matrix of Mahalanobis d2

values into three dimensions with Kruskal’sformula one is accomplished with a stressvalue of 0.026 after 100 iterations. Thisvalue falls well within acceptable limits(Kruskal, 1964a,b) and indicates that multi-dimensional scaling of these data into threedimensions provides an array of inter-sample associations little affected by distor-tion (Sneath and Sokol, 1973). A plot ofmultidimensionally scaled values with aminimum spanning tree imposed betweenindividual data points is provided in Fig-ure 4.

An examination of this array confirms thethree regional groups identified by WPGMAcluster analysis (Fig. 2). Indus Valleysamples all occur in the lower left of thearray and exhibit closer associations withone another than to any others included inthis analysis. The minimum spanning treeindicates that connections between IndusValley and other regional samples are clos-est between TMG and the earlier samplefrom TH2, but this connection is not close.North Bactrian samples occupy the upperright of this array. As indicated by bothWPGMA and neighbor-joining cluster analy-ses, associations between SAP, MOL, andDJR are close, whereas the KUZ phase

Fig. 4. Minimally spanned plot of sample values for the first three multidimensionally scaleddimensions. Sample symbols are the same as in Figure 1. Abbreviations for samples are defined in thetext.


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sample is markedly divergent. The mini-mum spanning tree indicates that connec-tions between north Bactrians and otherregional samples are closest between themost recent of the north Bactrians, MOL,and the later sample from TH3. Again, as forinterregional associations of Indus Valleysamples, connections between north Bactri-ans and other regional samples are notclose. Iranian samples (TH2, TH3, SHS)occupy the center of this ordination andexhibit closer affinities to one another thanto those from other regions. In agreementwith WPGMA cluster analysis, this arrayindicates that the later Tepe Hissar sample(TH3) possesses slightly closer affinities toeastern Iranians from SHS than to theearlier sample from TH2. Both MHD and

TAJ represent distinct outliers to all othersamples, but the distinctiveness of this sepa-ration is not as explicit as in the arraysprovided by cluster analyses.

A principal coordinates analysis of thedouble-centered Mahalanobis d2 matrixyields three coordinate axes that combine toexplain 91.8% of the total variance. Compari-son of the eigenvector matrix with the Maha-lanobis d2 matrix yields a cophenetic correla-tion coefficient value (rcs 5 0.952) whichindicates that the first three eigenvectorsprovide an excellent fit of the data (Rolf,1994). An ordination of group scores for thefirst three coordinate axes is provided inFigure 5. A minimum spanning tree is im-posed on this array to clarify associationsbetween samples. TAJ and MHD occupy

Fig. 5. Minimally spanned ordination of sample scores for the first three principal coordinate axes.Sample symbols are the same as in Figure 1. Abbreviations for samples are defined in the text.


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isolated positions in the extreme left andright sides of this array, respectively, thusreaffirming their outlier status relative toall other samples. The three regional aggre-gations of samples are also confirmed. IndusValley samples occupy the upper left of thisarray.As indicated by WPGMAand neighbor-joining cluster analyses, affinities are clos-est between CEMH and HAR individuals,whereas post-Harappan individuals fromTMG are more distantly removed. NorthBactrian samples occupy the center of theordination. As indicated by all other analy-ses, associations between SAP, DJR, andMOL phase samples are relatively close,whereas the KUZ phase sample featuresonly a distant association with other northBactrians. In agreement with neighbor-joining analysis but in contrast to multidi-mensional scaling, ordination of principalcoordinate scores suggests a connection be-tween Indus Valley and north Bactrian oasisinhabitants, through a moderate associationbetween TMG and KUZ samples. Iraniansoccupy the center right of Figure 5. Thepatterning of associations among Iraniansamples confirms the closer affinities be-tween the later inhabitants of TH3 and SHSidentified by WPGMA cluster analysis(Fig. 2). Principal coordinates analysis alsoverifies the reverse chronological patterningof affinities between north Bactrian (exceptKUZ phase) and Iranian samples throughTH3, indicated by both neighbor-joining clus-ter analysis and multidimensional scaling.

Mantel tests

The Normalized Mantel statistic, which isequivalent to a correlation coefficient (r),obtained between the Mahalanobis d2 ma-trix and the matrix of chronological differ-ences between samples is 20.032. The per-mutational probability to observe a higheror equal correlation based on 1,000 permuta-tions is P 5 0.497. This value suggests thatdifferences in antiquity provide little expla-nation of the patterning of craniometricdifferentiation among these Bronze Agesamples. By contrast, a comparison betweenthe Mahalanobis d2 matrix and the matrix ofgeographical distances between samplesyields a correlation coefficient of r 5 0.464.The permutational probability to observe a

higher or equal correlation is nearly signifi-cant, with a value of P 5 0.055. This sug-gests that the amount of geographic dis-tance between individual samples representsan important, but by no means exclusive,contributing factor behind the patterning ofcraniometric differentiation among theseBronze Age samples.

DISCUSSIONOrigins of the Oxus Civilization

Three hypotheses have been advanced toaccount for the appearance of the OxusCivilization within the oases of Central Asiaduring the final centuries of the third millen-nium B.C. The first holds that Oxus Civiliza-tion oases populations owe their ultimateorigins to populations of the Gorgan Plain innorthern Iran. These Iranian populationsspread northeastward from the Gorgan Plainto the Kopet Dagh foothill plain of Turkmeni-stan during the fourth millennium B.C., andthen moved eastward into the oases of Mar-giana and Bactria immediately before therise of the Oxus Civilization (c. 2200 B.C.).Proponents of this hypothesis assert thatimmigration from the urban centers of theKopet Dagh foothill plain was predicatedupon a refinement in irrigation technologythat not only led to population pressure inthe Kopet Dagh, but also made possible awholesale colonization of the previously un-occupied oases of Bactria and Margiana.

If this hypothesis is true, we expect northBactrians to possess closest affinities to thenorthern Iranian samples from Tepe Hissar.More specifically, if the initial occupation ofthe north Bactrian oasis was one of whole-sale colonization, we expect affinities be-tween north Bactrians and northern Irani-ans to be especially close between the earlysample from TH2, which is contemporane-ous with proposed initial emigration to theKopet Dagh foothill plain during the fourthmillennium B.C., and the earliest of thenorth Bactrian samples, SAP.

Results from this analysis provide littlesupport for this hypothesis. Although thearray of affinities provided by neighbor-joining analysis, multidimensional scaling,and principal coordinates analysis indicatethat north Bactrians exhibit closer affinitiesto northern Iranians than to any other non-


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Central Asians, these affinities are not of theimmediate proximity expected from whole-sale colonization. In addition, affinities arenot closest between the earliest north Bac-trian sample (SAP) and the earlier samplefrom TH2. Rather, closest affinities occurwith the latest of the north Bactrian samples,MOL, and the more recent northern Iraniansample from TH3. Thus, although it is pos-sible that Oxus Civilization populations mayhave their ultimate origins among earliernorthern Iranian populations, the initialpeopling of the north Bactrian oasis beforethe rise of the Oxus Civilization appearsmore complex than a simple wholesale trans-plantation of northern Iranian-affiliatedpopulations from the urban centers of theKopet Dagh foothill plain into previouslyunoccupied oases.

The second hypothesis also calls for theultimate origins of north Bactrian popula-tions from northern Iran via the Kopet Daghfoothill plain, but differs by asserting thatthe oases of Margiana and Bactria wereinhabited before the appearance of the OxusCivilization. This model suggests that theimpact of immigrating populations from theurban centers of the Kopet Dagh foothillplain on the populations of Margiana andBactria was one of steady, unidirectionalgene flow into a preexisting resident popula-tion.

If this hypothesis is valid, north Bactriansamples should exhibit closest affinities tonorthern Iranian populations. However, be-cause the proposed relationship betweenthese two regions was one of low-level, unidi-rectional gene flow from west to east, affini-ties may not be exceptionally close. In addi-tion, if this gene flow continued in aunidirectional manner from west to east,later north Bactrian samples should exhibitcloser affinities to northern Iranians thanearlier north Bactrian samples, who maynot have experienced substantial gene flowfrom populations of the Kopet Dagh foothillplain.

Results from this analysis provide mar-ginal support for this hypothesis. The arrayof affinities identified by neighbor-joininganalysis, multidimensional scaling, and prin-cipal coordinates analysis confirms that ofall non-Central Asian samples, northern Ira-

nians bear closest phenetic affinities to northBactrians and that these affinities are notespecially close. In addition, these analysesalso indicate that, apart from the highlydivergent KUZ phase sample, north Bac-trian samples are arranged in reversechronological order with respect to the de-gree of affinity to northern Iranians. Thispattern is consistent with a model that callsfor long-standing, low-level, unidirectionalgene flow between northern Iranian-affili-ated Kopet Dagh populations and the inhab-itants of the north Bactrian oasis.

The third hypothesis suggests that OxusCivilization populations of the north Bac-trian oasis, and perhaps Margiana, may owetheir ultimate origins to Harappan popula-tions of the Indus Valley, rather than tonorthern Iranian-affiliated Kopet Dagh foot-hill plain populations. If true, we expectnorth Bactrians to exhibit closest affinitieswith Indus Valley samples and more distantaffinities with northern (TH2, TH3) andeastern Iranians (SHS).

The results provided by this analysis offerno support for this hypothesis. AlthoughWPGMA cluster analysis indicates slightlycloser affinities between north Bactriansand Indus Valley inhabitants, these affini-ties are not confirmed by any other analyses.Quite the contrary, apart from indications ofa distant association between the highlydivergent KUZ phase sample and the post-Harappan sample from TMG, all other analy-ses consistently indicate that Indus Valleyinhabitants are phenetically more distantfrom north Bactrians than northern andeastern Iranians. Hence, this analysis cor-roborates results obtained in an earlier studyof dental morphology (Hemphill et al., 1997,in press) in finding no support for any modelthat calls for the ultimate origins of northBactrian oasis Oxus Civilization popula-tions to be inhabitants of the Indus Valley.

Taken together, the results of this analy-sis do not provide any evidence to indicatethat Oxus Civilization populations of thenorth Bactrian oasis are the product of awholesale colonization by northern Iranian-affiliated populations from the urban cen-ters of the Kopet Dagh foothill plain. Nor dothey support a model that calls for theultimate origin of these oasis populations to


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be inhabitants of the Indus Valley. Theresults are more consistent with interactionthat involved low-level, unidirectional geneflow from the urban centers of the KopetDagh foothill plain into extant resident popu-lations of Bactria and Margiana. Neverthe-less, even this model is inadequate to fullyexplain the origins of the Oxus Civilizationpopulations of north Bactria.

First, closest affinities between later northBactrians (DJR, KUZ, MOL) and northernIranians do not occur with the earlier sam-ple from TH2 as expected if the populationsof the urban centers of the Kopet Daghfoothill plain stem from a migration of north-ern Iranian populations during the fourthmillennium B.C. Rather, the affinities thatdo exist between later north Bactrians andnorthern Iranians are with the later TepeHissar sample (TH3). This suggests thatgene flow continued from west to east longafter the urban centers of the Kopet Daghfoothill plain declined (Masson and Sari-anidi, 1972; Masson, 1992a,b) or atomizedinto small villages (Biscione, 1977) around2200 B.C.

Second, if the Oxus Civilization inhabit-ants of the north Bactrian oasis are theproduct of a resident oasis population thatexperienced long-standing, low-level unidi-rectional gene flow from northern-Iranianaffiliated Kopet Dagh populations, laternorth Bactrian populations should reflectthe cumulative effect of this gene flow byexhibiting ever-closer affinities to the twosamples from Tepe Hissar. Although thispattern holds true for DJR and MOL phasenorth Bactrians, KUZ phase individuals rep-resent a glaring departure. If the statisticalplacement of KUZ phase north Bactrians isnot the product of sampling error, theseunique phenetic affinities may supportHiebert’s (personal communication, 1997)suggestion that Kuzali ceramic wares aremore properly interpreted as signaling thepresence of a separate social or ethnic groupat Djarkutan, rather than reflecting a dis-tinct chronological phase of occupation ofthis site.

Interregional effects of the OxusCivilization

Three hypotheses have been offered forthe interregional effects of Oxus Civilization

populations on neighboring BronzeAge popu-lations. These hypotheses emphasize thatthe Oxus Civilization represented the core ofa new and vigorous commercial power whoseinfluence spread during the later phases ofthis civilization throughout the Indo-Ira-nian borderlands during the first half of thesecond millennium B.C. However, these hy-potheses differ dramatically over the natureof interactions between Oxus Civilizationand neighboring Bronze Age populations.Proponents of the first two hypotheses be-lieve that Oxus Civilization populations ex-erted a widespread, unidirectional effect onneighboring cultures but were themselveslittle affected by these cultures. Althoughmost proponents of this unidirectional viewlimit their discussions to the movement ofcharacteristic Central Asian artifacts ratherthan people, several scholars have specifi-cally suggested a unidirectional movementof Oxus Civilization ‘‘conquerors’’ (Parpola,1988) or ‘‘colonists’’ (Lamberg-Karlovsky,1993; Hiebert, 1994) from the oases of Margi-ana and Bactria into Iran and the westernborder of Indus Valley during the initialcenturies of the second millennium B.C.

If the rise of the Oxus Civilization in theoases of CentralAsia actually led to a concen-tration of power in this region so that late-phase Oxus Civilization inhabitants con-quered and replaced contemporaneouspopulations in the Indus Valley, we expectsuch an event to be reflected by the pattern-ing of phenetic distances between northBactrians and Indus Valley inhabitants. Spe-cifically, the post-Harappan sample fromTimargarha should be these north Bactrian‘‘conquerors.’’ Hence, Timargarha should ex-hibit a strong phenetic separation from ear-lier inhabitants of the Indus Valley (HAR,CEMH) and be virtually identical to latephase north Bactrians (KUZ, MOL).

The results provided in this analysis offerno support for the ‘‘conquerors’’ envisionedby Parpola. To be sure, one late north Bac-trian sample (KUZ) does exhibit affinities tothe single post-Harappan Indus Valley sam-ple (TMG) included in this analysis. How-ever, the nature of this affinity is inconsis-tent with Parpola’s notions of populationreplacement, for the affinity between TMGand KUZ phase samples is extremely tenu-ous and inconsistent. A moderately close


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affinity is identified by principal coordinatesanalysis, a distant association is depicted byneighbor-joining cluster analysis, and thethree-dimensional ordination of multidimen-sionally scaled group scores fails to identifyany affinity between these two samples. Theconclusion to be drawn is that some associa-tion may exist between these two samples,but clearly this association is not of theimmediate phenetic proximity expected un-der Parpola’s model of ‘‘conquering armies’’of north Bactrians replacing the indigenouspost-Harappan populations of the IndusValley.

If, however, the nature of interaction be-tween Oxus Civilization and neighboringBronze Age populations involved unidirec-tional colonization of these neighboring re-gions, gene flow from late phase north Bac-trian ‘‘colonists’’ into the resident populationsof post-Harappan Timargarha, and perhapsTepe Hissar 3, should be reflected by theselatter samples exhibiting closer affinities tonorth Bactrians than earlier Indus Valley(HAR, CEMH) and Iranian (TH2, SHS)samples. Because the nature of this interac-tion is held to be unidirectional—from theoases of Bactria and Margiana to neighbor-ing areas—late phase north Bactrians (KUZ,MOL) should not exhibit a reduction ofphenetic distance toward these other re-gional samples that draws them away fromearlier north Bactrians (SAP, DJR).

This analysis provides no support for uni-directional colonization of Indus Valley orIranian urban centers during the first half ofthe second millennium B.C. by Oxus Civili-zation populations. Whereas neighbor-join-ing cluster analysis, multidimensional scal-ing, and principal coordinates analysis offersome evidence of a reduction of pheneticdistances between the latest samples fromthe Indus Valley (TMG), Iran (TH3), andnorth Bactrians, the nature of this reductionstands opposed to the expectations of thismodel. Quite simply, the reduction of phe-netic distances is not unilateral. Rather,these analyses all depict the convergencebetween late-phase north Bactrians and TepeHissar 3 as involving an equal deflection ofthese samples away from earlier members oftheir respective regions. Comparisons be-tween Indus Valley samples and north Bac-trians stand at even greater odds with the

expectations of this model. The results ei-ther indicate an equal phenetic movement oflate phase north Bactrians (KUZ) and post-Harappan Timargarha (principal coordi-nates analysis), a completely unique associa-tion between these samples (neighbor-joininganalysis), or no convergence at all (multidi-mensional scaling).

The third hypothesis for the interregionaleffects of Oxus Civilization populations sug-gests that interactions among Central Asian,Indus Valley, and Iranian groups increasedin intensity during the first half of thesecond millennium B.C. Jarrige (1994) ar-gues that elites in these three regions partici-pated in a bidirectional exchange network,or koine. If the first half of the secondmillennium B.C. witnessed increased bidirec-tional exchange across the Indo-Iranian bor-derlands, such exchanges may have in-volved the movement of individuals (genes)and commodities. The effects of such ex-changes should be reflected by the pattern-ing of phenetic distances among CentralAsian, Indus Valley, and Iranian samples.Specifically, earlier inhabitants of each ofthese respective regions should have experi-enced little interaction with inhabitants ofother regions and therefore be marked bystrong phenetic separations from one an-other. Later inhabitants, however, are ex-pected to reflect the effects of this gene flowby exhibiting a reduction of the pheneticdistances between them. Because this inter-action is maintained to be bidirectional,late-phase inhabitants of the north Bactrianoasis (KUZ, MOL), the Indus Valley (TMG),and Iran (TH3) should manifest a generalreduction of regional distinctiveness by mov-ing toward one another to occupy a centralphenetic position away from earlier inhabit-ants of each respective region.

This analysis provides greater support forbidirectional interaction across the Indo-Iranian borderlands during the first half ofthe second millennium B.C. than for modelsbased on an assumption of unidirectionalinteraction. As expected, the array providedby neighbor-joining analysis places the lat-est north Bactrian (KUZ, MOL), Indus Val-ley (TMG), and Iranian (TH3) samples inmore proximate positions to one anotheralong the main line of intersample variationthan earlier samples. A broadly similar pat-


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tern is also revealed by multidimensionalscaling, for ordination of the first threedimensions also reveals a slight degree ofphenetic convergence among late-phasenorth Bactrians and Iranians through MOLand TH3. However, no reduction of pheneticdistance occurs between late-phase northBactrians and post-Harappan Indus Valleyinhabitants. Ordination of the first threeprincipal coordinate axes yields strongerevidence in support of bidirectional ex-change than multidimensional scaling. Asexpected, affinities between north Bactriansand Indus Valley inhabitants occur amonglater samples (KUZ, TMG), and these lattersamples occupy an intermediate positionbetween earlier members of their respectiveregions. Likewise, affinities between northBactrians and Iranians also occur amonglater samples (MOL, TH3); these samplesalso occupy a phenetic position intermediatebetween earlier members of their respectiveregions. However, in contrast to the expecta-tions of the bidirectional model, the degreeof phenetic convergence between late-phaseIndus Valley and Iranian samples is notmarked.

Hence, results obtained in this analysisoffer no support for models that suggest thatthe interregional effects of Oxus Civilizationpopulations on neighboring BronzeAge popu-lations were unidirectional, regardless ofwhether the nature of this interaction wasone that involved north Bactrian ‘‘conquer-ors’’ or ‘‘colonists.’’ Rather, these results aremore consistent with models that invoke acultural koine that involved bidirectionalexchange across the Indo-Iranian border-lands. Nevertheless, two aspects of the pat-terning of affinities among late-phasesamples suggests that even this model isincomplete.

First, there is no universal homogeniza-tion of phenetic differences across late-phase samples from north Bactria, the In-dus Valley, and Iran. If such a generalhomogenization did occur, these samplesshould be most proximate to the main line ofintersample variation in neighbor-joininganalysis and occupy the center of arraysprovided by multidimensional scaling andprincipal coordinates analysis. This is notthe case. Rather, we see a bilateral reduction

of phenetic distances between post-Harap-pan Timargarha and Kuzali on one hand,and Molali and Tepe Hissar 3 on the other.Standing in direct opposition to Jarrige’smodel, there appears to be little, if any,phenetic reduction between late occupantsof the Indus Valley (TMG) and Iran (TH3). Apossible interpretation of these results isthat Oxus Civilization populations served as‘‘middlemen,’’ mediating interactions be-tween late-phase Indus Valley populationsto the southeast and Iranian populations tothe south and west. If true, these resultsconfirm that the nature of interactions acrossthe Indo-Iranian borderlands during thefirst half of the second millennium B.C.involved bidirectional exchange of individu-als and commodities, but these exchanges(at least with respect to genes) appear morelimited both in intensity and in geographicrange than anticipated. By and large,samples from the north Bactrian oasis, theIndus Valley, and Iran remain regionallydistinct from one another until the very endof the Bronze Age. This may explain whyMantel tests indicate that geographic propin-quity accounts for an important, but by nomeans exclusive, contributing factor behindcraniometric variation across these samples.

Second, two of the samples included inthis analysis depart on a unique pheneticvector that cannot be attributed to any of thethree regions included by Jarrige (1994) asparticipants a bidirectional koine across theIndo-Iranian borderlands. Neighbor-joininganalysis and principal coordinates analysisboth indicate that Kuzali and Timargarhasamples not only exhibit an association toone another, but also differ from earliersamples of their respective regions along acompletely separate vector of variation. Inneither case can the source of this departurebe attributed to gene flow from Iranians.This suggests that if the cause of the uniquephenetic deflection of Timargarha and Kuzalisamples is the result of gene flow and notdue to sampling error, the source of thesegenes must derive from some other popula-tion. The retention of strong interregionaldifferences in cranial morphology until nearthe end of the Bronze Age, coupled with thepotential influence of gene flow from a sourceoutside the three regional populations (Oxus


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Civilization, Indus Valley, Iran) included byJarrige in the late Bronze Age koine acrossthe Indo-Iranian borderlands, may explainwhy Mantel tests indicate that temporaldifferences provide little explanation for thepatterning of craniometric variation acrossthese samples.

A possible source of gene flow that mayaccount for the unique phenetic associationsof Kuzali and Timargarha samples may bethe Vakhsh/Beshkent cultures of southernTajikistan and the southern Bactrian oasisof northeastern Afghanistan. Sites identi-fied with Vakhsh/Beshkent cultures are con-temporaneous with later phases of the OxusCivilization and are located only 70 km tothe south (Afghanistan) and to the east(Tajikistan) of Sapalli tepe. Vakhsh/Besh-kent sites feature a unique fusion of late-phase Oxus Civilization ceramic warescoupled with burial practices and metalobjects that bear closest affinities with steppecultures of Kazakhstan to the north (Litvin-sky, 1964, 1973, 1981; Mandel’shtam, 1966;Askarov, 1977; Litvinsky and P’yankova,1992; P’yankova, 1993, 1994).

Interaction between Vakhsh/Beshkent andthe Oxus Civilization populations are notonly attested by the presence of Oxus Civili-zation style ceramics at Vakhsh/Beshkentsites, but also by recovery of a few Vakhsh/Beshkent material culture remains fromOxus Civilization urban centers (Askarov,1977, 1981; P’yankova, 1993, 1994; Hiebert,1994). In addition, Parpola (1994, 1995) hasemphasized that Vakhsh/Beshkent culturesprovide the most likely source for the appear-ance of the Gandharan Grave culture insuch post-Harappan northern Indus Valleysites as Timargarha (see Dani 1966, 1967).Although intriguing, the hypothesis that theVakhsh/Beshkent cultures provided a con-nection between late-phase Oxus Civiliza-tion populations and contemporary inhabit-ants of the Indus Valley cannot be testeduntil osteological data for inhabitants ofthese sites become available.


The results obtained in this analysis sug-gest that current hypotheses that seek toaccount for the origins and interregionaleffects of Oxus Civilization populations are

inadequate. The pattern of craniometricvariation provides no support for modelsthat suggest that Oxus Civilization inhabit-ants of the north Bactrian oasis owe theirorigins to transplanted northern Iranian-affiliated populations from urban centers ofthe Kopet Dagh foothill plain to the west orto Indus Valley populations from the south-east. The pattern of phenetic affinities exhib-ited by north Bactrians provides greatersupport for the hypothesis that these popula-tions are the product of gene flow betweennorthern Iranian-affiliated urban popula-tions of the Kopet Dagh foothill plain and anextant population within the north Bactrianoasis. However, the close phenetic proximitybetween Molali phase inhabitants of thenorth Bactrian oasis and the later inhabit-ants of Tepe Hissar runs counter to thismodel and suggests that gene flow contin-ued from west to east long after the urbancenters of the Kopet Dagh foothill zonedeclined or atomized into smaller villages.

Analysis of the interregional effects ofOxus Civilization populations on neighbor-ing Bronze Age populations provides no sup-port for models that assume that the natureof this interaction was unidirectional. Al-though the results obtained are more consis-tent with a pattern of bidirectional exchangeacross the Indo-Iranian borderlands duringthe first half of the second millennium B.C.,the intensity and geographic range of thisinteraction (at least with respect to geneflow) appears more limited than expected. Inaddition, the unique phenetic departure ofKuzali phase Bactrians and post-Harappaninhabitants of Timargarha suggests that afourth population participated in this sphereof interaction during the late terminalBronze Age. Currently, the best candidatefor this role are populations of the Vakhsh/Beshkent cultures of southern Turkmeni-stan and northeasternAfghanistan. Unfortu-nately, the lack of osteological data forhuman remains attributed to the Vakhsh/Beshkent culture prohibits a definitive testof this possibility.


I thank Dr. Timor Sirinov, Director of theInstitute of Archaeology, Uzbek Academy ofSciences, for granting access to the Djarku-


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tan and Sapalli tepe skeletal series; GulnoraAminova, Assistant to the Director of theInstitute of Archaeology, Uzbek Academy ofSciences, for assistance in tracking downobscure references and for making all ofthose behind-the-scene arrangements thatmade my sojourn in Samarkand a pleasantone; Drs. Fredrik Hiebert and C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky for encouraging my participationin this research; and Alexander F. Chris-tensen for assistance while in the field.Special thanks are due to Jaymie L. Brauerfor numerous helpful comments and in-sights throughout all stages of this research.I am also grateful to Drs. Fredrik T. Hiebert,Jean-Francois Jarrige, Henri-Paul Franc-fort, Jonathon M. Kenoyer, and RichardMeadow for their insightful comments on anearlier draft of this paper. Thanks to M.Cassandra Hill for the preparation of Fig-ure 1.


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