bibliography books -

BIBLIOGRAPHY Books 1. Mishra, B. Choudhry, P.K "Transport sector in India", (1998) Kalyani publication, Ludhiana. 2. Srivastava, S.K "Economics of transport" Publication Sultan Chand and Co. Ltd. (1981) New Delhi. 3. Bhatnagar, K.P. Agrawal, B. Gupta, D.N. Gupta, S.C (1966) "Transport in India" The Singh printing press Kanpur. 4. Johnson, J. "The economics of Indian rail transport" (1963), Print well Publication, Jaipur. 5. Manorma yearbook, (1998) Publication Kottayam, Kerela. 6. Robbins, L. "An essay on the nature and significance of Economic Science "(1955). 7. Bonania, M.R. "The economics of transport"(1954) James Nisbet and Co. Ltd. Digsulell Place Cambridge. 8. Gupta, S.C. "Transport In modern India"(1974) Kishore Publishing House, Parade Kanpur. 9. Sterbo Geography Vol.111 London (1930). 10. Smith. "Early history of India and Uttar pradesh 111 edition (1914). 11. Naidu, B.V.N, "Road Rail Transport", Annamalai University Madras, Economics Sources No 6 (1941). 12. Rewilinson, H.G., India "A short cultural history", London (1965). 13. AI-Biruni, S.V., "Encyclopedia of Islam", Malaysia. 14. Edward, C. Sochan. "Al-Biruni's India Tra and Ed"Chapter xviii. (1964), New Delhi. 185

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Page 1: BIBLIOGRAPHY Books - Books 1. Mishra, B. Choudhry, P.K "Transport sector in India", (1998) Kalyani publication,



1. Mishra, B. Choudhry, P.K "Transport sector in India", (1998)

Kalyani publication, Ludhiana.

2. Srivastava, S.K "Economics of transport" Publication Sultan

Chand and Co. Ltd. (1981) New Delhi.

3. Bhatnagar, K.P. Agrawal, B. Gupta, D.N. Gupta, S.C (1966)

"Transport in India" The Singh printing press Kanpur.

4. Johnson, J. "The economics of Indian rail transport" (1963), Print

well Publication, Jaipur.

5. Manorma yearbook, (1998) Publication Kottayam, Kerela.

6. Robbins, L. "An essay on the nature and significance of Economic

Science "(1955).

7. Bonania, M.R. "The economics of transport"(1954) James Nisbet

and Co. Ltd. Digsulell Place Cambridge.

8. Gupta, S.C. "Transport In modern India"(1974) Kishore Publishing

House, Parade Kanpur.

9. Sterbo Geography Vol.111 London (1930).

10. Smith. "Early history of India and Uttar pradesh 111 edition (1914).

11. Naidu, B.V.N, "Road Rail Transport", Annamalai University

Madras, Economics Sources No 6 (1941).

12. Rewilinson, H.G., India "A short cultural history", London


13. AI-Biruni, S.V., "Encyclopedia of Islam", Malaysia.

14. Edward, C. Sochan. "Al-Biruni's India Tra and Ed"Chapter xviii.

(1964), New Delhi.


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15. Qanungo/'Life and Times of Sher Shah" (1965) Bombay.

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Industry," Deep Adri Rao, S.R.W. "Road Rail Transport"

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30. Barke, Michael. "Transport and Trade", Oliver and Boyd,

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31. Earner, Christopher T. "The Problem of Motor Transport" - An

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43. Emery, Troxel. "Economics of Transport", Rinehart & Co. INC.,

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44. Evans, A,D. "Transport - Its History and Economics", Sir Isaac

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98. Vastava, S.K. "Transport Development in India", S. Chand and

Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, (1981)

99. Taylor George, R. "The Transportation Revolution", Rinehard,

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Journals, Magazines and News Papers

1. Competition success review December 2000, New Delhi.

2. Indian Journal of Transport Management, Published by the Central

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Number 3,September 2003.


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3. Indian Journal of Transport Management, Published by the Central

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42. Southern economist, Fortnightly, Banglore.

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1. Unpublished Thesis of Dr. Qamruddin Khan "Role of transport in

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6. Unpublished Thesis of Dr. Mohammad Anzar "A study of labour

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Websites Association of State Road Transport Undertakings. Ministry of Surface Transport.

www. Planning Ministry of Planning Commission. Ministry of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport

Corporation. Ministry of National Highways Authority of India.

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