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Vision of Fethullah Gülen and Muslim-Christian Relations, di Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 15-16 Juli 2009.

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Johnson, Margaret A. “Glocalization of the Gülen Education Model: An Analysis of the Gülen-Inspired Schools in Indonesia,” International Fethullah Gülen Conference at Indonesia, di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 9-10 Okober 2010.

Korostelina, Karina V. “Dialogue as a Source for Peaceful Co-existence Between Muslim and Orthodox Christians in a Secular State,” International Conference on Peaceful Coexistence: Fethullah Gülen's Initiatives for Peace in the Contemporary World, " at Erasmus University of Rotterdam on 22-23 November 2007.

Ormerod, Neil. “Secularisation: A Matter of Common Interest and Concern for Muslims and Christians,” Gülen Conference In Melbourne: From Dialogue to Collaboration: The Vision of Fethullah Gülen and Muslim-Christian Relations, di Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 15-16 Juli 2009.

Orhan, Özgüç. “Islamic Himmah and Christian Charity: An Attempt at Inter-Faith Dialogue,” International Conference on Islam in the Age of Global Challenges: Alternative Perspectives of the Gülen Movement, at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., November 14-15 2008.

Polat, Cemen. “Gülen-Inspired Schools in Australia: Educational Vision and Funding,” Paper dipresentasikan pada From Dialogue to Collaboration: The Vision of Fethullah Gülen and Muslim-Christian Relations (Gülen Conference). Melbourne: Australian Catholic University, July 15-16 2009.

Saeed, Abdullah. “Progressive Muslims and the Interpretation of the Qur’an Today,” dalam Desker, Barry (Director), Progressive Islam and the State in Contemporary Muslim Societies (Report on a Conference), 7-8 March 2006. Nanyang Avenue, Singapore: The Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2006.

Skubik, Daniel W. “Fethullah Gülen, Islamic Banking and Global Finance,” A paper prepared for the Fourth Conference on International Corporate Responsibility, Doha, Qatar, 16-18 November 2008.

Somantri, Gumilar Rusliwa. “Keynote Speech,” International Conference on Fethullah Güllen at Universitas Indonesia, 21 Oktober 2010.

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Valkenberg, Pim. “The Intellectual Dimension of the Hizmet Movement: A Discourse Analysis,” dalam Ergil, Dogu, Mapping the Gülen Movement: A Multidimensional Approach (International Gülen Conference). Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Dialoog Academie; VISOR, VU Institute for the Study of Religion, 2010.

Weller, Paul. “Religious Freedom in the Baptist Vision and in Fethullah Gülen: Resources for Muslims and Christians,” International Conference on Islam in the Age of Global Challenges: Alternative Perspectives of the Gülen Movement, at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., November 14-15 2008.

Woodhall, Ruth. “Organizing the Organization, Educating the Educators: An Examination of Fethullah Gülen’s Teaching and the Membership of the Movement” (paper ke-12 dari 15 paper), An International Conference entitled “Islam in the Contemporary World: The Fethullah Gülen Movement in Thought and Practice” at The Boniuk Center for the Study and Advancement of Religious Tolerance at Rice University of Houston on 12-13 November 2005.

Yildirim, Yetkin dan Kirmizialtin, Suphan. “Fethullah Gülen’s Golden Generation: Integration of Muslim Identity with the World through Education,” the AMSS 33rd Annual Conference at George Mason University Arlington Campus-Virginia on Sept. 24-6 2004.

Yücel, Salih. “Institutionalizing of Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Nostra Aetate and Fethullah Gülen's Vision,” Gülen Conference In Melbourne: From Dialogue to Collaboration: The Vision of Fethullah Gülen and Muslim-Christian Relations, di Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 15-16 Juli 2009.

Zarcone, Thierry (convenor). Conference; Shamanism and Healing Rituals in Contemporary Islam and Sufism, Centro Incontri Umani, Ascona, Monte Verità, Switzerland, 22-23 November 2008.

Nelson, Charles. “Fethullah Gülen: A Vision of Transcendent Education,” Islam in the Contemporary World: The Fethullah Gülen Movement in Thought and Practice, November 12-13, 2005, Herring Hall HE 100, Rice University, Houston 2005.

2. Proceedings dan Annual Reports

Barton, Greg. “Preaching by Example and Learning for Life: Understanding the Gülen Hizmet in the Global Context of Religious Philanthropy and Civil Religion,” dalam Ihsan Yilmaz (conf. coord.), Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement (International Gülen Conference Proceedings), London, UK, 25-27 October 2007. London: Leed Metropolitan University Press, 2007.

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Hällzon, Patrick. “The Gülen Movement: Gender and Practice,” Conference Proceedings Islam in the Age of Global Challenges: Alternative Perspectives of the Gülen Movement, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., 14-15 November 2008.

Haughey. John, S.J. “The Driver in the Mind of Fethullah Gülen,” dalam Islam in the Age of Global Challenges: Alternative Perspectives of the Gülen Movement (Conference Proceedings), Georgetown University, Washington DC, 14-15 November 2008.

Hermansen, Marcia. “The Cultivation of Memory in the Gülen Community,” dalam Ihsan Yilmaz (conf. coord.), Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement (International Gülen Conference Proceedings), London, UK, 25-27 October 2007. London: Leed Metropolitan University Press, 2007.

Hermansen, Marcia. “Understandings of ‘Community’ within the Gülen Movement,” Islam in the Contemporary World: the Fethullah Gülen Movement in Thought and Practice, Conference Proceeding, November 12-13, 2005, the Rice University of Houston, Texas. Somerset, New Jersey, 2009.

Kayaoglu, Turan. “Preachers of Dialogue: International Relations and Interfaith Theology,” dalam Yilmaz, Ihsan (conf. coord.), Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement (International Gülen Conference Proceedings), London, UK, 25-27 October 2007. London: Leed Metropolitan University Press, 2007.

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