benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

Clientical Physics 75 (1983) 23-35 North-IIolland Publishing Company BENCHMARK MEASUREMENT OF IODOBENZENE ION FFZAGXIENTATION RATES J. DANNACHER *, H.M. ROSENSTOCK, R. BUFF **. A.C. PARR. R.L. STOCKUAUER h’atioml Alcasuremmt Laboratoty. h’otional Bureau of Stamfards, It’asl~in.~totz. DC -70234. i?SA and R. BOMBACH and J.-P. STADELMANN Pl~_mikoliscl~ Ciwmiscbes Institur der Uniwrsit~t Bad. Kili~~~clbcrgstrassc SO. CIA40-56 Bad. Swit-_rrlatd Received 5 March 1982; in final form 10 January 1983 The unimolecular fragmentation rate of iodobenzene ion has been studied by variable residcne rime ;~hotoclec~run- photoion coincidence techniques. The techniques employed variable wavelength with threshold phoroefccrron derecrion and fixed (58.4 nm) wavelength with variable energ photoelectron detection, respecGvely. Residence times of 1.0 = 0.15 or 5.9 f 0.3 and 21 f 1 or 57 f 1 ps were employed. The four sets of measurements were independently analyzed usin;l exact counting of harmonic oscillator states, taking into account the appropriate (and different) apparatus Iimcrions and the thermal energy distributions of the parent ions. The resulting mteenerpy dependences and iragmennlrion threshold mlues were in excellent agreement with one another. The best-fit rate-enFrEy dependence is proposed as a benchmark for calibration of future rate-energy measurements. The resulting ~Iff?p(CbH i) = 11 33 2 5 kJ mol is in csceknr agrscmcnr with earlier results based on a somewhat simpler method of analysis of chlorobenzene and bromobenzenc lixpnenration rates. Some remaining uncertainties regarding the tnnsitiorrstate model are discussed. 1. Introduction Photoelectron-photoion coincidence ~XYGS spec- trcnletry is one of the most valuable tools for the study of the dynamic behavior of excited molecular ions. Areas of application include the determination of breakdown curves, the partition of excess energy in ion fra~nentation processes, and the determina- tion of the dependence of the unimolecular fragmen- tation rates on the excitation energy of the fragment- ing ion [ 1 ] _ Prior to or in parallel with these espcri- merits, other experimental approaches have been de- veloped which althou@ less directly, lead to the * Guest worker, NBS, permanent address: Physikslisch Che- rnisches Institut der Universitit Basel, Kiingelbergstwssc SO. CH-4056 Basel. Switzerland. ** IntegovermenIal Personnel Act Appointee aI the Narional Bureau of Standards 1980- 1982, permanent address: Depllrtment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama. University, Alabama 35486, USA. s;lme rype of information. These include the study of metastable transitions to obtain information on kinetic energy release [2]_ zlnd the rtppliclttion of first-derivative photoionization [3j or secondderiva- tive electron-impact techniques IO give breakdown curves or the energy dependence of fragmentation raws [4] _ The successful application of 11me rech- niques requires a detailed understanding of and ac- counting for both rhe apparatus function and the de- tails of Ilie molecular ioiiizritioil-fraJiislitatioIi pro- cess. Inevitably SOIIW sirnplitkrtrions are made in order to make interpretation of rhe raw dara tractable. in a number of instances the SLUW sysrcm has been studied by severzll techniques or variants of one reclt- nique. and the e~lstinp comparison of ftnsl results often raises serious questions and stimuhtes correc- tions and refinements in the methodology. Such COIII- parisons have recently been made for the measure- ment of frqgn+nt kinetic energies in metastable transi- tions [2]_ and for the determination of breakdown 0301-0104/83/0000-0000/S 03.00 0 1963 North-Holland

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Page 1: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

Clientical Physics 75 (1983) 23-35 North-IIolland Publishing Company


J. DANNACHER *, H.M. ROSENSTOCK, R. BUFF **. A.C. PARR. R.L. STOCKUAUER h’atioml Alcasuremmt Laboratoty. h’otional Bureau of Stamfards, It’asl~in.~totz. DC -70234. i?SA


R. BOMBACH and J.-P. STADELMANN Pl~_mikoliscl~ Ciwmiscbes Institur der Uniwrsit~t Bad. Kili~~~clbcrgstrassc SO. CIA40-56 Bad. Swit-_rrlatd

Received 5 March 1982; in final form 10 January 1983

The unimolecular fragmentation rate of iodobenzene ion has been studied by variable residcne rime ;~hotoclec~run- photoion coincidence techniques. The techniques employed variable wavelength with threshold phoroefccrron derecrion

and fixed (58.4 nm) wavelength with variable energ photoelectron detection, respecGvely. Residence times of 1.0 = 0.15

or 5.9 f 0.3 and 21 f 1 or 57 f 1 ps were employed. The four sets of measurements were independently analyzed usin;l exact counting of harmonic oscillator states, taking into account the appropriate (and different) apparatus Iimcrions and the thermal energy distributions of the parent ions. The resulting mteenerpy dependences and iragmennlrion threshold mlues were in excellent agreement with one another. The best-fit rate-enFrEy dependence is proposed as a benchmark for calibration of future rate-energy measurements. The resulting ~Iff?p(CbH i) = 11 33 2 5 kJ mol is in csceknr agrscmcnr

with earlier results based on a somewhat simpler method of analysis of chlorobenzene and bromobenzenc lixpnenration

rates. Some remaining uncertainties regarding the tnnsitiorrstate model are discussed.

1. Introduction

Photoelectron-photoion coincidence ~XYGS spec-

trcnletry is one of the most valuable tools for the study of the dynamic behavior of excited molecular ions. Areas of application include the determination of breakdown curves, the partition of excess energy in ion fra~nentation processes, and the determina- tion of the dependence of the unimolecular fragmen- tation rates on the excitation energy of the fragment- ing ion [ 1 ] _ Prior to or in parallel with these espcri- merits, other experimental approaches have been de- veloped which althou@ less directly, lead to the

* Guest worker, NBS, permanent address: Physikslisch Che- rnisches Institut der Universitit Basel, Kiingelbergstwssc SO. CH-4056 Basel. Switzerland.

** IntegovermenIal Personnel Act Appointee aI the Narional Bureau of Standards 1980- 1982, permanent address: Depllrtment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama. University, Alabama 35486, USA.

s;lme rype of information. These include the study of metastable transitions to obtain information on kinetic energy release [2]_ zlnd the rtppliclttion of first-derivative photoionization [3j or secondderiva- tive electron-impact techniques IO give breakdown curves or the energy dependence of fragmentation raws [4] _ The successful application of 11me rech- niques requires a detailed understanding of and ac- counting for both rhe apparatus function and the de- tails of Ilie molecular ioiiizritioil-fraJiislitatioIi pro- cess. Inevitably SOIIW sirnplitkrtrions are made in

order to make interpretation of rhe raw dara tractable.

in a number of instances the SLUW sysrcm has been studied by severzll techniques or variants of one reclt- nique. and the e~lstinp comparison of ftnsl results often raises serious questions and stimuhtes correc- tions and refinements in the methodology. Such COIII- parisons have recently been made for the measure- ment of frqgn+nt kinetic energies in metastable transi-

tions [2]_ and for the determination of breakdown

0301-0104/83/0000-0000/S 03.00 0 1963 North-Holland

Page 2: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

-14 J. Datmacher er af./Fragmentation rafes of iodobenzene ion

curves for fragmentation branching ratios by various coincidence techniques [S-S]. In addition, data have been obtained by several methods for the energy de- pcndence of kinetic energy release in fragmentation of methyl iodide ion 19-l 11. These warrant further scrutiny, since there is disagreement among the re- sults_

The present study is concerned with the determina- tion of the rate-energy dependence of iodobenzene cation fragmentation. Comparison of the rather lim- itcd body of information on determination of rate- energy curves of large molecules [12-l 91 reveals di- verse patterns of accord and disagreement among dif- fcrent techniques for different molecules. \Ve have chosen iodobcnzene because of the large diversity of techniques for detemining the rate-energy depen- dcncc which have been and can be applied, thus af- fording a rather broad area of comparison of techni- ques and interpretations.

The fragmentation of photoionized iodobenzene

was first studied by Vilesov [20]. A few years later Bacr et al. [ 121 published rate-energy data for iodo- benzene cation, which had been inferred from the C,H; fragment ion time-of-flight distribution as ob- tained in coincidence experiments. hlorc recently Pratt and Chupka [ 191 reported results on three halo- bcrlzenes including iodobenzene, based on kinetic analysis of the first derivative of the photoionization yield curve of the metastable transition for loss of halogen atoms_ In the present work three photoelec- tron-photoion coincidence spectrometers were used. The NBS instrument (1) employs variable wavelength photoionization with detection of threshold electrons and time-of-flight mass analysis. The two instruments at Base1 (II and 111) use helium (Ior) resonance radia- tion with variable electron energy analysis, and mass analysis by means of time-of-flight only (11) or in combination with a quadrupole mass spectrometer illI).

The experimentally accessible range of fragmenta- tion rates depends on the type of apparatus used. The values of the rate constant for the dissociation of iodobenzene cation reported by Baer et al. [ 121, lie between 9 X lo4 and 2.4 X 106 s-l. The photoion- ization technique of Pratt and Chupka [19] is sensi- rive to rates between IO4 and 105 s-l and yields one value and a slope at a single excitation energy. The value is 4.2 X 1 O4 s-l at 11.52 eV in the case of

iodobenzene cation. Referring to the sampling times used (see text) and an energy span where the fraction of iodobenzene molecular ions decreases from 95 to 570, the NBS apparatus allowed the measurement of rates between 1 O4 and 3 X lo6 s-t_ The correspond- ing range of the Base1 instruments would be lo3 to 1 S X lo5 s-l. However, as a consequence of the very low Franck-Condon factor in the threshold re- gion of the investigated dissociation reaction this range is reduced to lo4 to 1.5 X 1 O5 s-l in the pres- ent case. A significant difference between the NBS and Base1 instruments is that the former, operating in the threshold electron detection mode, will sample ions produced by autoionization as well as direct ion- ization_ The Base1 instruments, using helium reso- nance radiation and selection of a narrow band of high energy (==lO eV) photoelectrons will only sample ions produced by direct ionization_

2. Experimental

The NBS threshold electron-ion coincidence ap- paratus has been described in detail elsewhere [5,13, 14,211. By varying the delay of the ion drawout pulse, it is possible to determine the wavelength de- pendence of the extent of ion fragmentation at dif- ferent ion source residence times-Two such times, 1.00 f 0.25 ps and 5.9 i 0.3 ps were used in this study. The coincidence time-of-flight spectra can be partitioned into three sections which contain a smaller or larger fraction of the totally detected events, depending on the value of the selected photon energy and the sampling time used. There are rela- tively narrow peaks centered around the expected parent and daughter ion flight times due to undisso- ciated molecular ions and fragments produced by rapid (k > 5 X 106 s-l) decays. respectively_ More- over, there is a continuous distribution of events in between these two peaks arising from ion dissociation in the accelerating-focusing region, i.e. correspond- ing to slow fragmentation processes relative to the time scale of the experiment. All ions in this inter- mediate region were included in the parent ion abun- dance. Fragment ions were thus defied as those ions formed essen&lly prior to the application of the ejection pulse [5,13,14]. The apparatus had an effec- tive threshold electron energy resolution (including

Page 3: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

photon bandwidth) of x30 meV fwhm [S]. and an ion collection efficiency of 1 O-20%.

The Base1 fixed wavelength experiments employed two instruments. The earlier model consisted of a Gmple time-of-flight mass analyzer and a hemispher- ical electron energy analyzer which selected a narrow band of energetic photoelectrons produced by He-la irradiation of the sample gas. This instrument has

been described in detail elsewhere [22] _ The more recent instrument [23] consists of the same hemi- spherical electron energy analyzer combined with a quadrupole mass analyzer which had been employed in an earlier apparatus [6]. Both fixed wavelength in- struments had an ion transmission coefficient of =225%, and the electron energy sampling function was essentially a gaussian curve with 80 meV fwhm. The electron collection efficiency was =O.I% for the ear- lier instrument (II) and =OS% for the later one (III). The relevant time scales of these two experiments are defied in such a way that molecular ions which do not decay within 21 i 1 (11) and 57 + 1 (III), respectively, are termed parent ions.

3. Results and discussion


The He-k photoelectron spectrum (PES) and the threshold photoelectron spectrum (TPES) of iodo- benzene between the onset and 12 eV are presented in fig. l_ The spectra were recorded under coinci- dence conditions. The photoelectron spectra of the halobenzenes have been the topic of numerous es- perimental and theoretical studies [25,26], and many details of interpretation are still open questions. All that is needed for the present purposes is the assign- ment given in table 1, which is in accord with mosr of the earlier literature_ The few band systems l-4 (cf. fig. 1) are essentially associated with the removal of an electron from a b,- (ring - 1, n) (l), an a?- (the other component of the benzene lel, orbltal which cannot interact with 1) (low-energy part of band 2), a b,- (in-plane lone pair of 1) (high-energy part of band 2), a bt- (out-of-plane lone pair of I) (band 3) and an aI orbital (ring - 1, a) (band 4)_ The higher resolution TPES clearly shows some fine struc- ture in the onset region of the spectrum with an aver-

.A-_=_- -I

8 IO I2




Fig. 1. Threshold-(TPES) (a) and He-IQ-(PES) (b) phoroelcc- tron spectrum between 6 and 12 rV, as obrained under coin- cidence conditions. (c) Prrrinenr energy ranges for rhis \vork (dntn sets I-IV) snd the earlier dsts of Bwr et al. Or)_ VI r.+ fleets the energy corresponding to rhc phoroionization re- sults of Prart and Chupka.

age spacing of z-5 mcV. This is ascribed to a normal mode corresponding to the ‘66 cm-‘(t) mode of neutral iodobenzene as given in ref. 11171. The vibra- tional fine structure becomes more complicated at higher ionization energy indicating the simultaneous excitation of other modes. An onser ener? of

8.685 eV was observed in the highly resolved TPES

Page 4: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

26 J. Dannachrr et al./Fragmentation rates of iodobcnzene ion

Table 1 I’hotochxtron data for the lowest electronic states of iodo- bemenc -._--_--..__---..-_ .-.. - - ..-- -~ .--.

Band SkllC Ionization energy 3 __ ---_______

b) d d)

1 % ZB, EL792 8.78 8.801 8.685 c) 6.60 c) 8.766 f)

2 ;i =A2 9511 9.53 9.52

E2B 9.775 c, 9.76 9.77 3 T ‘B: 10.585 10.59 10.563

4 E *A, =11.2=) ==11.2 c) 11.70 ___---.______

3 Corresponding to band maxima. b) This work, thrsshold photoelectron spectrum. c) This work. low-resolution He-la photoelectron spcctrunl. d, Ref. [26]. e, Band onset. 0 Adiabalic ioniz;ltion energy given in ref. [ 161.

spectrum, in good agreement with most literature values and our low-resolution PES spectrum. This value was used as the adiabatic ioni&tion potential. although it might be distorted by hot band effects as suggested in ref. [26] _ The ground-state vertical ionization potential observed in the TPES was 8.792 eV. From fig. 1 it is seen that despite the higher ener- gy resolution of the TPES apparatus. the valleys be- tween the bands are not as deep as in the lower resolu- tion PES spectrum. This clearly indicates that there is some contribution from auroionization processes producing some zero kinetic energy electrons.

The He-la photoionization mass spectrum was also determined. The relative intensities observed for the parent and the various fragment ions are given in

Table 2 Ile-la (21.22 cV) photoionization mass spectrum of iodo- benzene

Ion III/Z Relative intensity

c6H51+ 204 0.42 C6G 77 1 .oo C6Hf 76 0.04 C& 51 0.22

GH; 50 0.04

W: 39 0.01 C2fG 28 <O.OOl CzH+3 27 <0.00 1

table 2. No iodine-containing fragment ions are ob- served and, consequently, there are no parent ion hy- drogen loss processes to take into account.

The measurable data that we ultimately wish to analyze are the breakdown curves, i.e. the fraction, f. of parent ions fragmenting within a given residence time period, 3s 3 function of the photon energy (NBS apparatus). or the difference between the He-la (21.2 1 eV) energy and the nominal acceptance energy of the electron energy analyzer (Base1 apparatus). At this point it is appropriate to briefly discuss the preci- sion of these data.

In the NBS apparatus, which operates in the de- layed coincidence time-of-flight mode, the signal re- corded in a particular channel consists of three dis- tinct components: the genuine signal, a contribution from random coincidences, and a true coincidence signal corresponding to the ion mass in question but arising from ionization by photons of wavelength outside the monochromator band pass (i.e. scattered light). The magnitude of the random coincidence sig- nal is easily assessed and can be corrected for from howrl infomlation on the total count rates at the electron and ion detector. It is evident that it is strongly dependent on the total collection efficiency for both electrons and ions and on the number of ionization events produced. Further, with the count rates and total counting times feasible in the experi- ments there is a purely random error depending on the total number of counts in the group of channels defied as fragment, and the rest defied as parent. The total effect of these factors leads to an absolute uncertainty of typically -10.01 in the fraction f of parents producing fragments_ The effect of scattered light manifests itself most clearly in the fact that some fragment coincidences are already observed at relatively low photon energies and some parent coin- cidences still at relatively high energies_ It is extreme- ly difficult to establish any quantitative details of this correction when one is dealing with a hydrogen many- line light source and it is necessary to make measure- ments at different wavelength settings. The only palliative is to choose a reasonably intense line near the desired wavelength_ With this tactic one still finds some “fragment ions” at low energies and “parent

Page 5: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

J. D~Jz~mclJcr t?f a~_/~ra~JJlcJlfatiolJ rare5 ofiodobcJJxJ~? iorl '7

ions” at high energies_ The final tactic employed was

to rcnomralize the data slightly by setting the baseline

to zero when the total number of counts in the low- energy fragment or high-energy parent region

equalled the magnitude of the statistical counting

error. We estimate that this introduces an additional absolute uncertainty of +O.Ol inf_ We note further

that any major or unusual wavelength-dependent ef- fects of scattered light would reveal themselves in the

form of the corrected breakdown curves obtained in the manner described.

The factors affecting the precision of the corre-

sponding measurements on the Base1 instruments are of exactly the same nature but of substantially dif-

ferent relative importance.

It will be recalled that the Base1 instruments sample

fragmentation rates of somewhat lower magnitude.

As will be shown later, this places the corresponding

ionization events near the onset and into the steeply

rising section of the fourth photoelectron band. Thus

part of the data is degraded by the presence of an es- pecially small photoelectron count rate and a corre-

spondingly small fraction of parent ions arising from

the ionization events selected for data taking. Fortu-

nately these factors can be evaluated statistically. Further, the overall electron detection efficiency of

these instruments is substantially lower than that of the NBS instrument, necessitating operation at higher count rates and requiring larger corrections for ran-

dom coincidences_ In fact, it was only possib!e to take

data at 1120 eV on the newer apparatus, owing to its larger electron collection efficiency_

The so-called scattered light problem is quite dif- ferent in character. In addition to the He-la reso- nance line. the light source also emits at most 0.5% He-ID radiation which is ~2 eV higher in energy, and

also emits still smaller amounts of some higher-energy

lines. This is presumably constant in the experiments.

At any given electron sampling energy there is thus a

small contribution from events produced by ions of ~2 eV higher excitation energy. Neglecting a probably

minor difference in the photoionization cross section

the relative contribution from these events can be es- timated from the relative intensities in the photoelec-

tron spectrum at the nominal ionization energies of

(31.22 - Elcin el) eV and of (23.09 -E,, el) eV. Clearly this contribution changes as a function of _&, el_ However, the present fixed wavelength coin-

cidencc data on iodobcnzene cation are not subject to thcsc effects. since the ionization events due to

He-10 radiation produce exclusively fragment ions and the normalization of the data reliti only on the frac- tion of surviving molecular ions as outlined below.

The transmission coefficient for molecular ions is a constant. since their thermal kinetic cncrgy distribu-

tion is independent of their internal energy. In He-lo photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy this constant can be dctcrmincd accurately at any

ionization energy where the gener-ated molecular ions

cannot fragment for energetic reasons and. thus. the

parent ion branching ratio is by nrccssity equal to unity. Once this transmission coefficient has been evaluated. the frxtion of molecular ions producing

fragments can be detemlined unambiguously at all

ionization energies where states oi the parent cation

are populated on He-la photoionization. Themfore.

as long as only fragment ions of a single mass to

charge ratio are formed the molecular as well as this fragment ion breakdown curve are known precisely.

WC assess the likely total error in the fractionIof

parent ions fragmenting to be iO_OT! in absolute mag- nitude. essentially equal to that of the NBS esperi-

merits. Exceptions are the rather imprecise data

points at 1 1.20 eV and 1 1.25 eV corresponding to sampling very near the onset of the fourth photoelec-

tron band (cf. tigs. 1 and 31. An additional contrxt between the NBS and

Base1 experiments is the accuracy of the nominal

energy scale. 111 the threshold photoelectron esperi- ments this is determined principally by the photon monochromator and can be asscsscd as less than ? 5 meV. Even with careful crtlibration procedures

the locally inhomo~eneous potentials and the broader

electron enerc sampling function limit this accurrtcy

to about i 10 meV in the He-la coincidence csperi-


In order to deduce rate ener3 functions from the

measured breakdown curves the sampling time r of the espcrimem has to be determined as well. Any in- accuracies in this time estimate will also 3ffcct the

precision of the rate-energy determination. Dissocia-

tions occurring before time r has elapsed lead to the

detection of fragment ions. hloleculx ions fragment-

Page 6: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

28 J. Darrnaciw et al.jFragmentation rates of iodoknzene ion

ing after t seconds or not at all are ternled parent ions. As evidenced by the observed distributiom of ion flight times, this time t is not sharply defined and subject to all initial conditions, which are mapped in- to this time-of-flight distribution. A rather good esti- mate for the average value of I and the errors involved can nevertheless be obtained [ 14]_

The NBS spectrometer operates in a pulsed mode. The effective ion source residence time t is given in first approximation by the time difference between occurrence of the ionization event and the applica- tion of the drawout pulse. This time difference has a lower limit of 0.7 us detemined by the response of the apparatus and an upper limit determined some- what variably by the requirement that no significant ion losses occur as a result of escape due to the initial thermal velocity of the parent ions. In addition there is a small time interval, after start of acceleration. within which parents can form fragments with total travel times very close to those of fragments formed before start of ejection. A detailed analysis of this situation 1141 leads to an estimate of an additional 0.3 w to dciine the minimum effective residence time. With these constraints, effective residence times of 1 .O * 0.25 /_ts (data set I) and 5.9 i 0.3 ps (data set II) were chosen for the acquisition of data.

The time scale for data set 111, obtained on the first Base1 apparatus, is based on a variety of calibra- tion measurements, leading to t= 21 + 1 ps in the case of iodobenzene. This value for t reflects the time required to reach the entrance aperture of the drift tube. The later version of this apparatus used to measure data set IV offers an accessible time-range from ~60 IO 200 ps for an ion of m/e = 200. This

can be achieved by adjusting the axial pass energy of the photoions in the quadrupole mass filter. The minimum time is limited by mass resolution require- ments. On the other hand, there is also an upper limit for t. since the ions cannot be retarded arbitrari- ly long if a high ion collection efficiency is to be main- tained. Considering the estimated time dependence of the cross-over energy (see below) and the practically vanishing Franck-Condon factor below 11.2 eV, we chose the longest possible time of 57 ps with a stan- dard error off 1 ps.

3.4. Basic conseqtremes of the relationship benveen k(E*) and f

Assuming quasi-equilibrium behavior of the ex- cited parent cations, the unimolecular fragmentation rate constant k(E*) is a function only of the totally available excitation energy I? and the decay can be characterized by

I,&*) =fo(E*)exp[-k(E*)r] ,

where I, and I, denote the number of ions initially generated and those which have survived a time t. Recalling the earlier definition of the fraction of frag- ment ions formed within time t we have then. in ob- vious notation

X-(E*) = - [ln( 1 - ft) ] /t = - Iln@J] /t _

In the actual experiment the excitation energy is not sharply defined, in part because of the finite resolu- tion of the threshold energy or finite electron energy analyzer. In addition, the sample molecules possess a thermal distribution of vibrational and rotational energy. which must be folded into the photoioniza- tion energy distribution sampled by either of the elec- tron energy analyzers. Thus at any nominal energy setting of the apparatus one is sampling a distribution of total excitation energies and, consequently, a dis- tribution of unimolecular rate constants [S] _ The ef- fect of this distribution will be considered later. For the present we ignore this smearing and consider the propagation of errors in the parent ion fraction pr and in the residence time t on k(E*). Since pt and t are independent we have for the standard error of the rate constant. SE@)

SE&) = f [(

This is only approximately true because of the smearing effects, but it will provide a semiquantita- tive guide to the precision that may be expected_ The estimated uncertainty of any given measured parent fraction and any given residence time in these experi- ments is such that the standard error of the averaged rate corresponding to such a datum is in the range of lo-20%.

Page 7: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

J_ Dmmaclter et al./Fragmenration rates of iodobenzene iOJ1 29

3.5. habsis of the data

The method of data analysis used in the present work was far more searching than that employed in

our earlier studies [5,13,14,16,18] and it is useful to briefly review the earlier methodology_

In the earlier studies two breakdown curves were

measured at different residence times. A long resi- dence time cross-over energy and a short-time cross- over shift were established from the data by smoothed linear interpolation. Then it was sought to fit these two experimental parameters by calculating rate-energy curves from quasi-equilibrium theory with various activation energies (i.e. energy thresh- olds, not Arrhenius activation energies) and various sets of transition-state parameters_ The latter param- eters could be conveniently described by a single quantity, the equivalent activation entropy at 1000 K for the corresponding thermal unimolecular reaction_ This led to a useful two-parameter description of the QET model corresponding in a definite but indirect way to the two parameters derived from the actual measured data. The transition-state models were lim- ited to harmonic oscillators, and smoothed densities of state and integrated densities of state were com- puted using numerical Laplace transform methods. The latter are sufficiently accurate even just above (0.05 eV) threshold_ The crucial point to note is that the method utilizes essentially the minimum amount of information contained in the experimental data to obtain an answer. Nevertheless, and pleasingly so, the entire form of the breakdown curves could be repro- duced rather well at all residence times, when care- ful attention was paid to the apparatus function_ the vibrational and rotational distributions, and the re- quired convolutions.

In the present analysis we fully utilized the infor- mation contained in a given breakdown curve and treated each curve as an independent set of data. Exact counting algorithms were employed for enu- meration of harmonic oscillator sums and densities of states, using frequencies coarse grained in 5 meV (=40 cm-t) intervals. The parent ion frequencies were taken as equal to those of neutral iodobenzene [27] and several models representing transition states were considered, similar to those used in our earlier studies on chloro- and bromo-benzene [ 13,141. fie models employed were to change all frequencies

by a given fraction, F (model A). to change only the five halogen-dependent frequencies by a fraction F (model B). or to change only the pair of in-plane and out-of-plane halogen bending frequencies of 166 and 200 cm- 1 by F (model C). The 654 cm-l phenyl- iodine stretching frequency was always taken as the reaction coordinate_

For each transition-state model a starting value of the activation energy. E,, and frequency change fac- tor, F. was chosen. The corresponding rate-energy de- pendence was calculated using the transition-state theory expression

I&5*, f&) = WT (z? - E,)/k &I?* ).

with the abovementioned exact counting algorithm for harmonic oscillator sums and density of states. The rate-energy dependence was then converted into a breakdown curve for the appropriate residence time and convoluted with the room-temperature pop- ulation of vibrational levels. a classical three-dimen- sional rotor function and the electron energy sampling function for the NBS or Base1 apparatus as required. A general non-linear multidimensional regression technique was then employed to separately fit this numerically defmed function to each set of esperi-

Fig. 2. The relative abundance of the CaHf ira_Emrnr ions de- rermined in the course of this work as a function of energy and sampling time (0 data set I. * data set II, n data set III, l data set IV). The size of the symbols reflects the errors in- volved where no additional error bars are $vevea The solid lines represenr the calculated results obtained by fitting each data set separately- The dotted lines correspond to our best average fit to aI data sets. Note, that the fwo curves coincide for data set II. The 0 K threshold derived from the average tit liesat 11.015 eV.

Page 8: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

30 J. Dannachcr et aI./Fragmentation rates of iodobenzene ion

Table 3 Best statistical tits of breakdown curves a) -

Data Effective crossover Threshold b, Equivalent

set residence energy energy 1000 K entropy

time (PS) of activation (cal deg-’ )

I 1.00 + 0.25 11.640 11.020 6.4

II 5.9 z 0.3 11.455 11.015 6.4

111 21 +l 11.330 11.020 6.4

IV 57 51 11.215 11.005 7.2

‘) Calculated using frequency variation of five halogen-dependent normal modes (model B) and treating each data set separately. b, Calculated from sum of best-fit activation cnerev E, and the adiabatic ionization potential of iodobenzene 8.685 eV detcr-

mined here and in ref. [24]. -- Y

mental points usingE, and F as adjustable parameters_ The results of the computations are illustrated in

fig. 2 for model B, (solid lines) and are summarized in table 3. For simplicity we show only the fragment ion yield data which reveal that the individual fits

are quite good. Referring to the model B data in reble 3 it is seen that the threshold energy, i.e. the

sum of the best-fit activation energy and the ioniza- tion potential, is identical within experimental and computational error for the first three breakdown curves (data sets 1, 11,111). The reasons for the slightly different values obtained from data set IV are known and will be discussed below. We can conclude that

there is no evidence of significant systematic error in the measurements. As previously discussed [ 141, we feel that this particular transition-state model allow- ing for changes in all the five halogen-dependent modes other than the reaction coordinate, seems physically the most reasonable. Computations with the other two transition-state models led to slightly different activation energies and equivalent activation entropies, the energy difference amounting to -0.12 eV at most and the equivalent entropy difference fol- lowing in a parallel compensating manner. In particu- lar, model A led to a best fit with a 15% decrease in all transition-state frequencies, contrary to earlier re- sults of Baer et al. [ 121, who found it necessary to decrease the frequencies of the reactant. This no doubt arose from the constraint imposed by their choice of a fiied value for the activation energy.

The 5 meV coarse graining of the enumeration of oscillator states and of all of the other numerical calculations imposed limits on the precision with

which the energy and equivalent entropy parameters could be established. For example a change of 5 meV in activation energy. holding frequencies fried, pro- duced a rate constant change ranging from 5 to 10% over the rate constant range of interest_ i.e. k104-IO6 s-l_ For comparison, at constant activa- tion energy, changes of ~0-5 eu equivalent activation entropy at 1000 K led to rate constant changes of about ?lO% in rate. Thus the best-fit equivalent en- tropy can be established to no better than 50.5 eu.

One of the uncertainties in the experimental parameters is the magnitude of the effective resi- dence time, which is 1.0 A 0.25 ys for the shortest time and 57 + 1 PS for the longest. The effect of this on the best-fit breakdown curves and on the corre-

10.5 110 115 12.0 12 5


Fig. 3. Individual best fits to data set I using different values for the ion residence time of 0.75 PS (...), 1 ps (-) and 1.25 us (- - -)_ Note that for these calculations model A has been used.

Page 9: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

J. Dannacher (11 al./Fragmcnration rares of iodobmzmc ion 31

xr-- - -=z- = .: e’

: ,’ ..-;’ r ..;.

;; ’ ,

,’ ,’


“*I g, , 10.5 110 115 I2 0


Fig. 4. The ratcener~ functions corresponding to the fits presented in fii. 3. The cross-hatched regions represent eu- trapolated values.

spending rate-energy functions for these two cases are shown in figs. 3-6. It is seen that the fit of the breakdown curves is hardly affected, which is not surprising, but that the resulting rate-energy depen-

dence is slightly different. This difference in sensitiv- ity was already noted in an earlier study [ 13]_ In the case of the intermediate residence times (5.9 i 0.3 /.s and 21 2 1 w) the effects are even smaller than for the 57 .us case.

IO5 II 0 II 5 I2 0 I25


Fig. 5. Individual best fits to data set IV using different val- ues for the parent ion flight time of 56 J.IS (A, 57 ps (-) and 58 JJS (- - -)_ Note, that for these calculations model A has been used.



IO 5 II 0 II 5 12.0


Fig. 6. The rate-energy functions corresponding IO the firs presented in tig. 5. The cross-hatched regions rcprrsent cs- trapolated values.

3.6. 271~ rate-energ?’ dcpmdence

In fig. 7 we show the rate-enerz dependence de-

ternlined in this study. along with the results of other


10.5 II.0 11.5 12.0


Fig. 7. Curve ABC (solid line) denotes the best individual tits to data sets I, II. and Ill and also our best average fit fo alJ data sets Curve D (___I corresponds to the best individual fit to data set IV. Curve E (- - -) represents thy best-fit rrltr- eneqg dependence for data ser II when all convolutions are isnored. The tivc points (G) were derermincd by Barr er al

These points were shifted 0.155 eV to higher energy to ap- proximately account for the internal energy neglected by Baer et al. (see test). Point F and the indicated slope give the results of Pratt and Chupka. The &shed regions represent es- trapolated values.

Page 10: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

32 J. Dannacher et al./~ra~lIlelltation rates of iodobenzene ion

Table 4 Ausiliary thermochemistry -- -- - -



Ai$z98(iodobenzene)(g) = 162.2 f 4.6 kJ mol-’

AH~o(iodobenzene)@) = 178.2 + 4.6 IrJ mol-’

Aflfo(iodine)Q = 107.25 f 0.04 kJ mol-’

lP(iodobcnzcne) = 8.685 eV = 838.0 kJ/mol




this work and ref. [24]

a) Calculated from the room-temperature value and the frequencies given in ref. [ 271. using standard statistical mechanics methods.

workers. and with one calculated curve that illustrates the effect of neglecting the themlal energy distribu-

tion and apparatus function. The curve ABC represents the rate-energy dependences that were deduced sepa- rately from the breakdown curve data for l-0,5.9, and 2 1 ps_ They are essentially indistinguishable_ The curve D represents the rate-energy dependence de- duced from the 57 ps data. It is significantly different but is is derived from the least accurate data set (IV), for which lowest-energy points of the corresponding breakdown curve lie very near the onset of the photo- electron band. It is probable that because of the com- paratively low energy resolution of the electron ener- gy analyzer (80 meV fwhm gaussian) the population of ions sampled is strongly biased to ions with higher energies and higher rates than those characteristic of the nominal energy. This would lead to an overesti- mate of the rate, which in turn explains the different parameters obtained from this data set as compared to the other three.

If we now take as the best estimate for the activa- tion energy and entropy the arithmetic mean of all four determinations given in table 3 we are led to a calculated rate-energy dependence which is essentially indistinguishable from the composite curve ABC. It is given in numerical form in table 5. A very generous estimate of the possible uncertainty in our determina- tion is to state that the true rate-energy dependence lies in a band whose half-width is at most the interval between curves ABC and D. Since the curve ABC in- cludes measurements on two instruments with differ- ent sources of error, this indicates that no systematic error is present, other than the one which was de- fmed and assigned to set IV.

With this best-estimate rate-energy curve one can now examine the quality of the global fit to the orig-

inal experimental data, i.e. the breakdown curves themselves. In fig. 2 the breakdown curves cal- culated from this best rate-energy curve are shown as dotted lines. It is seen that the fit to all but the long- est residence time data is very good, almost identical to the non-linear individual least-squares fit. For data set lV, the largest deviations are due to the two low- est energy data points which, as discussed earlier, are the most inaccurate. In effect, due to the poor Franck-Condon overlap, these data points are both biased in the energy distribution actually sampled and are of such low intensity that the statistics are rela- tively poor.

Table 5 Selected numerical values of the best-tit rate-energy depen- dence for iodobenzene fragmentation a)

Energy (ev) Rate (s-t)

11.osob) 3.8 ll.lOOb) Jl.15Ob)

3.5 x IO’ 1.6 x lo*

11.200 5.4x 10’ 11.250 15 x 103 11.300 3.8 x 103 11.350 8.6X 103 11.400 1.8 x lo4 11.450 3.5 x 104 11500 6.6 x 104 11.350 1.2x 10s 11.600 2.0 x 10s 11.650 3.4 x 10s 11.700 5.4 x 10s 11.750 8.5 x lo5 11.800 1.3 x 106

a) Corresponding to composite curve ABC in fig. 7. b, Refers to energies outside the experimentally accessible


Page 11: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

J. Darwachcr cf al.j~-ra~menrario,2 rates of iodohenzene iotl 33

Pratt and Chupka [ 191 were able to deduce a frag- mentation rate at one energy and a local slope of this rate-energy dependence by analysis of a photoioniza- tion metastable. Their result is also sllow~~ in fig. 7, point F, and lies just outside the margin of error. One possible explanatton for this small discrepancy is that there may be a small contribution from autoioniza- tion. This would lead to a slightly lower mean energy of the ions observed as most intense metastables. Un- fortunately there is no way to correct for this.

The comparison with the data of Baer et al. [7] is not straightfonvard. They neglected the thermal ener- gy and plotted the rate energy curves on a photon energy scale. Our curves, on the other hand, are plotted on an energy asis which is the total internal

energy, i.e. it accounts for photon energy and the thermal energy. Baer et al. [33] have shown that the correction to their data for thermal energy can be made, to a first approximation, by shifting the energy scale by the room-temperature average thermal ener- gy. Points G in fig. 7 are the data of Baer et al. shifted to higher energy by this amount. 0.155 eV [34] _ The points agree with our data at higher energy but devi-

ate significantly at Iower energy where the above ap- proximation does not hold. To illustrate the impor- tance of internal energy_ we modeled our breakdown curves with one fictitious raw energy curve without convoluting it with the apparatus function or the thermal energy distributions. Rather good fits were obtained. but the rate energy dependence was dra- matically different. see curve E in fig. 7. It is seen that this comes appreciably closer to the early result of Baer et al. [7] ~ in particular for lower excitation ener-

gies. Clearly both apparatus and thermal distributions

must be carefully taken into account or disagreemenrs in rate energy depcndences such as seen here and in similar work on chlorobenzene [ 131 and bramoben- zene [ 141 will be the result.

The fragmenrarion threshold derived in the present work, when combined with other thermochemical data leads to a 0 K heat of formation of the phenyl ion. The ausiliary rhermochemical dara are given in table 4 and using the 0 K fragmentation threshold

Table 6 Comparison of measurements of phenyi ion heat of formation

Parent molecule


- Kinetic model

C6HSI CsHsBr C6HsCl G&l



C.513 K_B~

coincidence coincidence coincidence photoionization


photoionization metaSIable

photoionization mctastablc

photoionization metastable

5-oscillator 5-oscillator 5-oscillator loose cornpies,

reverse Lanzevin

loose c01np1es. reverse Langevin

loose comples,

reverse L;tn?revin


Cdl SC1 photoionization metastable


fluoride ion ion-molecuie transfer reaction

thermal kinetics + - C&l 5 radical photoionization

--.___-.-._.__ Af$&d_rf Ref.

QJ mol-‘) -_.._.

1133z5 Ihis work 1133z5 IllI 1130=5 [13.1-l]

111614 1191

111614 [19]

1159 [19l

1134 1191

1146 1191

1130 I 17 i=1

11’0 i 13 [31.31]

Page 12: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates

34 J. Dannacher et al. fFragmentation rates of iodobenzene ion

value of 11 .OlS eV we obtain a 0 K phenyl ion heat of formation of I 133 2 5 kJ/mol. This value is com- pared with other independent determinations in table 6.

The first three entries in table 6 include the pres- ent results and our earlier measurements on bromo-

benzene and chlorobenzene [ 141. All of these rep- resent the results of a best simultaneous fit of the ac- tivation energy and of a transition-state description. The constraint on the latter was that the transition state has five halogen-dependent normal modes which are jointly adjustable as a second fitting parameter. in our earlier study on chlorobenzene we found that making all normal modes (model A) or just the in- plane, out-of-plane mode pair (model C) adjustable led to s!ightly different best fitting parameters_ For example model A led to a value ~10 kJ mol-’ lower than model B. The same has been found in our present analysis on iodobenzene. Model C led to a value ~6 kJ mol-t higher for cllorobenzene, but we were unable to compute a corresponding estimate for iodobenzene because of computational difficulties. Our reasoning then as now is that model B appears physically most plausible.

Pratt and Chupka [ 191 have recently carried out an analysis of their rate data, which is in rather close agreement with our own, using the Klots formulation of rate theory. This formulation represents in effect the loose-transition-state limit of conventional transi- tion-state theory. The convenience of not having to assume detailed transition-state properties is offset by the uncertainty of assuming that the Langevin cross section is in fact the actual cross section for the reverse process and the additional uncertainties gen- erated in reducing the dynamical problem to tractable form. They find that this loose-complex model leads to significantly higher values for the activation energy and resulting heat of formation of the phenyl ion. Further they found heats of formation closer to our present values when analyzing the data with a two- oscillator model, and in fact were not able to recon- cile the behavior of chlorobenzene within the frame- work of the totally loose complex.

Thus at present, regarding the heat of formation of phenyl ion, we are left with two pictures and num- bers:

(a) All three ions have a similar set of slightly loose transition states whose sum of states can be

generated by a hamronic oscillator sum, and for which the frequency pattern is plausible_ These lead to a consistent value of ~1131 f 5 kJ mol-1 for

A$ (C6H;).

(b9j B romobenzene and iodobenzene have totally loose transition states but chlorobenzene does not. Plausible reasons can be given for this qualitatively

different behavior [ 19,35]_ This leads to AI+&&) = 1146 + 4 kJ inol-‘.

We feel, not surprisingly. that the simpler, consis- tent picture is more likely to be the correct one. There is some support for this from the other two in- dependent experimental determinations_ More impor- tantly, with the availability now of reliable rate-ener- gy data over several orders of magnitude one should be able to resolve this question by more careful mea- surements and analysis_ The two models do not lead to exactly the same rate-energy dependence, and it should be possible to establish in an objective manner which one provides a better description of the experi- mental facts.

4. Conclusions

The virtually indistinguishable rate-energy depen- dence obtained from analysis of the various experi- ments indicates that no systematic error is present in the measurements. We suggest that the present re- sults on the rate-energy dependence of iodobenzene fragmentation can serve as an absolute benchmark for calibration of future experiments. Further, the results are not dependent of the mode of ionization, i.e. direct or autoionization.

The 0 K heat of formation of the phenyl ion ob- tained here, 1133 f 5 kJ mol-l, is in excellent agree- ment with earlier results on chlorobenzene and bromobenzene fragmentation, assuming similar transition-state models. This confirms the validity of the simpler two-parameter method of data analysis developed in our previous work. The heat of forma- tion is in closer agreement with the values obtained from less accurate independent measurements than the slightly higher value deduced from assuming a completely loose transition-state Langevin model. Further analysis or independent measurements are required to decisively settle this question.

Page 13: Benchmark measurement of iodobenzene ion fragmentation rates


One of us (JD) would like to thank the Srhweize- rischer Nationalfonds for a fellowship. The part of this work done in Base1 Switzerland is part C22 of Project No. 2.622-080 of the Schweizerischer Natio-

nalfonds zur Fiirderung der Wissensclmftlichen Forsch-

ung. This research was also sponsored by Ciba- Geigy S.A., Sandoz S-A., and F. Hoffmann-LaRoche & Cie. S-A., Basel, Switzerland_ The partial support of this work by the US Department of Energy. Office of Environment under Contract No. SOEV 0373.000 is gratefully acknowledged. We dedicate

this paper to our colleague Henry Rosenstock who died unexpectedly late this summer.






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