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Behavioral and Cognitive

DOI: 10.1177/1534582302001003002 2002; 1; 206 Behav Cogn Neurosci Rev

David Badre and Anthony D. Wagner Semantic Retrieval, Mnemonic Control, and Prefrontal Cortex The online version of this article can be found at:

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Semantic Retrieval, Mnemonic Control,and Prefrontal Cortex

David BadreMassachusetts Institute of Technology

Anthony D. WagnerMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyMartinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH/MIT/HMS

Accessing stored knowledge is a fundamental function of the cog-nitive and neural architectures of memory. Here, the authorsreview evidence from cognitive-behavioral paradigms,neuropsychological studies of patients with focal neural insult,and functional brain imaging concerning the mechanismsunderlying retrieval of semantic knowledge and their associa-tion with prefrontal cortex. First, the authors examine behav-ioral and neuropsychological evidence distinguishing betweencontrolled and automatic semantic retrieval. Then the authorsreview the subregions of prefrontal cortex that functionalneuroimaging has associated with semantic retrieval across arange of memory demanding tasks. Finally, two hypotheses con-cerning the nature of processing in these brain regions—the con-trolled semantic retrieval and selection hypotheses—are criticallyexamined, and a possible synthesis is proposed.

Key Words: semantic memory, controlled retrieval, cog-nitive control, executive function, frontal cortex, PFC

Recovering meaning about the world in a context-rel-evant manner is critical to cognition. It allows us to flexi-bly access information about concepts and objects tocomprehend inputs and generate responses. Consider,for example, that you want to pound in a nail without thebenefit of a hammer. You might have other objects atyour disposal, such as a hardback book. Informationstrongly associated with the concept of book, such as howbooks can be used as a reference, would probably nothelp in the current context. However, we are capable ofaccessing other features of a book when contextdemands, such as that it is heavy, fairly wieldy, and rathersuitable as a hammer. The ability to comprehend stimulirequires a system that can guide access to relevant knowl-edge in cases when strongly associated semantic infor-

mation is insufficient or is not present to meet taskdemands. Hence, a mechanism is required that can rep-resent the task context or goal and can enact strategic,controlled semantic retrieval.

Prefrontal cortex (PFC) is a critical component of theneural architecture underlying cognitive control (Miller& Cohen, 2001; Stuss & Benson, 1986), including thecontrol of memory (Fuster, 1997; Goldman-Rakic, 1987;Shimamura, 1995; Wagner, 2002). Models of cognitiveand mnemonic control conceptualize PFC functions astop-down bias mechanisms that facilitate the processingof task-relevant representations that do not readily cometo mind, thereby favoring relevant representations evenin the presence of prepotent, irrelevant codes (Cohen &Servan-Schreiber, 1992; Dehaene & Changeux, 1992;Desimone & Duncan, 1995; Miller & Cohen, 2001).Extant data indicate that the representation of task con-text and biasing of goal-relevant information fromsemantic memory partially depends on left ventrolateralPFC. However, at present, there is little agreement aboutthe nature of this semantic control process, its configura-tion in PFC, or the parameters that govern its operation.

In this review, the processes guiding semanticretrieval and their neural underpinnings in PFC are con-sidered. First, we review the cognitive behavioral litera-ture distinguishing between two routes by which mean-ing can be recovered: (a) automatic semantic retrieval



Authors’ Note: Supported by the NIH (DC04466 and MH60941),Ellison Medical Foundation, McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuro-science, and P. Newton. We thank Silvia Bunge and Russ Poldrack forinsightful comments on an early draft of this article.

Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience ReviewsVolume 1 Number 3, September 2002 206-218© 2002 Sage Publications

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Page 3: Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews · BEHAVIORAL AND COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE REVIEWS Semantic Retrieval, Mnemonic Control, and Prefrontal Cortex David Badre Massachusetts

and (b) controlled semantic retrieval. Then, we brieflyconsider neuropsychological evidence regarding con-trolled and automatic semantic retrieval in the brain.Subsequently, we review neuroimaging evidence impli-cating left ventrolateral PFC in tasks involving semanticprocessing and further discuss evidence for functionalsegregation within this broader neural region. Finally,having established some of the operating principles ofsemantic retrieval and their basic association withventrolateral PFC, we critically examine two theoreticalperspectives on the type of control operations subservedby ventrolateral PFC—controlled semantic retrieval andselection—and advance a possible synthesis of appar-ently conflicting results.


Throughout a lifetime, humans encode and retain atremendous amount of general knowledge about theworld. This general knowledge—semantic memory—includes long-term memory for facts, concepts, andinformation about objects, as well as knowledge of wordsand their meanings (Tulving, 1972). Semantic memoryis a form of declarative or explicit memory, as we are con-sciously aware of and can declare this knowledge. In con-trast to episodic memory—another form of declarativememory that supports the conscious remembrance ofour personal everyday experiences—semantic memoryis detached from a specific learning context (Gabrieli,1998; Schacter, Wagner, & Buckner, 2000; Squire, 1987).To be useful, semantic knowledge must be readily acces-sible and sufficiently abstracted such that it can be flexi-bly retrieved in a variety of contexts.

A discussion of the neurocognitive structure ofsemantic knowledge is beyond the scope of this review(for discussion, see Damasio, 1990; Martin & Chao,2001), and we will remain relatively theory-neutralregarding its specifics. However, there are a few charac-teristics of semantic representations that bear on theprocesses that access those representations. First, seman-tic knowledge is stored in a distributed, associative net-work that links conceptual representations and compo-nents of representations. Second, the associationsbetween representations have variable strengthsdepending on their frequency of prior co-occurrence,their overlap in features, and/or their categorical rela-tionship. Third, multiple representations can competefor processing through mutually inhibitory interactions.

As the context demands, relevant knowledge must beretrieved from this associative semantic structure. Theprocesses guiding retrieval can take two basic forms thatreflect the extremes of a continuum. Automatic semanticretrieval occurs when the associations between the

retrieval cues and relevant knowledge are strong enoughthat bottom-up activation of the target representations issufficient to result in recovery of the relevant knowledge.Hence, when a cue is presented and its representation inlong-term memory is activated, other associated repre-sentations may become active, either due to the strengthof prior pairing with the cue or due to the degree of over-lap between the features in the two representations.Such spreading activation occurs relatively automaticallyand outside of volitional control. Hence, automaticsemantic retrieval (a) occurs rapidly, (b) is obligatoryand impervious to conscious control, and (c) is contextindependent, thus yielding retrieval of associated knowl-edge irrespective of whether it is task-relevant or irrele-vant (Carr, 1992; Neely, 1991).

By contrast, controlled semantic retrieval occurs whenrepresentations brought online through automaticmeans are insufficient to meet task demands or whensome prior expectancy biases activation of certain con-ceptual representations. Hence, controlled semanticretrieval may depend on a top-down bias mechanismthat has a representation of the task context, either inthe form of a task goal or some expectancy and that facili-tates processing of task-relevant information when thatinformation is not available through more automaticmeans (Neely, 1991). Relative to automatic semanticretrieval, controlled semantic retrieval (a) is slower andmore effortful, (b) can bias retrieval of task-relevantinformation even in the face of stronger, prepotent task-irrelevant representations, and (c) can either directly orindirectly inhibit the retrieval of prepotent, task-irrele-vant information.

Automatic Semantic Retrieval

Behavioral evidence for cue-driven automatic activa-tion of semantic representations has been obtained froma number of paradigms, including the lexical decisiontask (LDT) (Meyer & Schvaneveldt, 1971; Neely, 1991).In the normative variant of the LDT, an initial primeword is presented and is followed by a target word towhich the participant makes a word/nonword decision.Typically, the response time (RT) to verify the target as aword is shorter when the target is semantically related tothe prime than when it is unrelated (Neely, 1991). Thissemantic priming effect presumably emerges becausethe related prime activates the associated target repre-sentation in memory, thus facilitating its recovery. Thisfacilitated access could be due to a close semantic rela-tionship within conceptual space or strong lexeme-to-lexeme associations.

The strength of association between two representa-tions in semantic memory affects the degree of auto-matic semantic retrieval as evidenced by the magnitude


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of semantic priming. The strength of associationbetween two concepts is often determined by free associ-ation norms. Estimates of associative strength derivedfrom free association norms are a better predictor of thetime to verify the conceptual accuracy of a sentence (e.g.“a robin is a bird”) than are other estimates such as hier-archic organization (Conrad, 1972). With respect tosemantic priming on the LDT, the stronger the associa-tion between prime and target, the greater the magni-tude of priming (McNamara, 1992; Moss, Ostrin, Tyler,& Marslen-Wilson, 1995).

Automatic retrieval emerges outside of consciouscontrol, as evidenced by its being impervious to contextmanipulations that influence expectancy and thus con-trolled processing. For example, in an LDT manipula-tion (Favreau & Segalowitz, 1983; Neely, 1977), partici-pants were instructed that some category primes (e.g.,BIRD) were “category nonshift primes” in that the targetfollowing that prime (e.g., “robin”) would come fromthe same category as the prime. By contrast, otherprimes (e.g., BODY) were “category shift primes” in thatthe target that would follow these primes (e.g., “house”)would come from a predictable other category (e.g.,BUILDING). Given this structure, the expectancy whenprimed with a category shift prime would be the predict-able other category; this expectancy could elicit context-aware control processes that favor task-relevant repre-sentations associated with the predictable categoryrather than the potentiated, but task-irrelevant, repre-sentations associated with the presented category. How-ever, when a target was presented shortly after the prime,comparable facilitation on the LDT was observed forprime-related targets in the shift- and nonshift condi-tions. Furthermore, targets unrelated to the prime werenot facilitated, even if the target was from the task-rele-vant shift category. Hence, with a short interval betweenprime and target, expectancies that emerge from thecontext have little effect on what is automaticallyaccessed.

The rapid nature of cue-driven automatic activationwas further demonstrated in the shift/nonshift para-digm when the prime-target interval—the stimulusonset asynchrony (SOA)—was varied (Favreau &Segalowitz, 1983; Neely, 1977). As just described, at ashort SOA (e.g., < 400ms), rapid automatic retrieval pro-cesses yield priming for related targets regardless of theexpectancy. However, at longer SOAs, the categoryexpectancy determines the priming effect such thatshift-category primes have a facilitative effect on targetsfrom the shift category, whereas nonshift categoryprimes only facilitate related targets. Hence, manipula-tion of SOA modulates the degree of controlled andautomatic semantic processing occurring during thesesemantic tasks; only automatic retrieval is evident at

shorter SOAs, indicating its more rapid, nonvolitionaloperation.

Controlled Semantic Retrieval

Given their differing temporal dynamics, SOA manip-ulation within the context of related LDT paradigms hasbeen adopted to further assess automatic and controlledretrieval. As with the above expectancy paradigm, con-text effects are consistently apparent only with longSOAs. For example, as the proportion of related to unre-lated trials increases, so does semantic priming in theLDT, with this relatedness proportion effect being absent atshorter SOAs (den Heyer, 1985; Neely, 1977). Anincrease in the proportion of related trials is thought toyield a greater expectancy that the prime will be followedby a related target. This expectancy fosters controlledbiasing of related target representations when there issufficient time to recruit or implement this controlmechanism. Similarly, nonword interference effects—that is, the finding that the time to reject a nonword islonger when the prime is related to the word from whichthe nonword was derived—are sensitive to thenonword/word ratio and the SOA. At longer SOAs, thelarger the ratio, the weaker the behavioral interference(Neely, Keefe, & Ross, 1989), suggesting that this contexteffect also requires cognitive control.

Changes in control requirements during semanticretrieval also have been explored within the context ofsemantic classification tasks, using long-term repetitionpriming paradigms (Thompson-Schill & Gabrieli, 1999;Vaidya et al., 1997; Vriezen, Moscovitch, & Bellos, 1995).In such experiments, a semantic decision (e.g., classify-ing a word as abstract or concrete) must be made eachtime a stimulus is presented. Consistently, RTs torepeated (primed) stimuli are faster than RTs to novelstimuli, with these long-term repetition priming effectsappearing to differ from the short-term semantic prim-ing phenomena indexed on the LDT as they surviveintervening trials and persist across long delays(Roediger & McDermott, 1993; Wiggs & Martin, 1998).Moreover, long-term conceptual repetition priming issensitive to the overlap between initially and subse-quently accessed features: Priming is robust when thesame semantic features that were initially retrieved arerequired for the subsequent decision and declines whendifferent semantic representations from those initiallyretrieved are subsequently required (Thompson-Schill& Gabrieli, 1999; Thompson-Schill et al., 1998; Vriezenet al., 1995). Critically, these priming effects are thoughtto emerge due to facilitated access to previouslyretrieved information, perhaps reflecting a transitionfrom a greater to a lesser dependence on mnemoniccontrol (Raichle et al., 1994) (see Figure 1A and 1B).


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Further evidence for the controlled nature of someinstances of semantic retrieval derives from dual-taskinterference studies. Under situations in which atten-tion is divided, the capacity for controlled access tosemantic stores should be compromised as such controlis presumed to be resource demanding. Consistent withthis prediction, semantic priming in the LDT duringconditions that typically encourage engagement of con-trolled retrieval is reduced when LDT is accompanied bydual-task interference (Becker & Killion, 1977;Herdman, 1992). By contrast, LDT facilitation that arisesfrom more automatic retrieval mechanisms is unaf-fected by divided attention manipulations (McCann,Remington, & Van Selst, 2000). Similarly, long-term con-ceptual repetition priming during subsequent semanticprocessing is reduced when attention is divided duringinitial semantic processing of a stimulus (Mulligan,1997), underscoring the importance of mnemonic con-trol for these semantic facilitation effects.

This brief review of the cognitive behavioral literatureindicates that semantic knowledge can be accessed in acontrolled or an automatic manner. Automatic accessmay emerge through cue-driven, bottom-up activationof related representations, with the degree of activationdepending on associative strength. By contrast, in somecontexts, retrieval may be guided by a control mecha-nism that favors relevant or expected representationswhen they are not available through automatic retrievalroutes. In the following section, we considerneuropsychological evidence for a distinction betweencontrolled and automatic semantic retrieval.


Patients who incur damage to regions of ventrolateralPFC often suffer from Broca’s aphasia. This languagedeficit may be more akin to a production deficit than asemantic deficit, per se, as these patients are often able tononverbally identify the uses of various objects and donot usually suffer from verbal comprehension deficits.However, left PFC lesions do have some adverse effectson semantic performance (Metzler, 2001; Swick &Knight, 1996; Thompson-Schill et al., 1998) and also cancause deficits in translating orthographic informationinto phonological codes (Fiez & Petersen, 1998). Thus,instances of intact semantic processing in the face of leftPFC lesions may reflect (a) lesions to left PFC subregionsthat do not subserve semantic retrieval and the sparingof subregions important for this cognitive function,and/or (b) the effectiveness of automatic retrieval pro-cesses that may be mediated by posterior neural struc-tures and that support recovery of strongly associatedknowledge without PFC input.

Initial data indicate that patients with left frontallesions may be particularly impaired on semantic tasksthat require some form of cognitive control duringsemantic or lexical access (Metzler, 2001; Thompson-Schill et al., 1998). Such impairments appear to be asso-ciated with lesions to ventrolateral, rather thandorsolateral, PFC (Thompson-Schill et al., 1998). Forexample, patients with Broca’s aphasia demonstrateintact semantic priming on the LDT when there is astrong association between the prime and target(Blumstein, Milberg, & Shrier, 1982). Moreover, whenprime-target SOA is varied, priming is not extinguishedat a shorter SOA, suggesting that Broca’s aphasics canaccess semantic knowledge using a rapid automaticretrieval system (Hagoort, 1997). By contrast, Broca’saphasics fail to show typical priming magnitudes whenthe cue-target associative strength is weak (Milberg,Blumstein, & Dworetzky, 1987), an instance in whichgreater control may be necessary to access relevantsemantic knowledge. Similarly, patients with lesions inleft ventrolateral PFC show intact semantic primingunder conditions in which the relationship between theprime and target is unambiguous, but fail to show intactpriming when the relationship between the prime andthe target is ambiguous (Metzler, 2001).

If damage to left PFC disrupts controlled semanticaccess, patients with such lesions should not benefitfrom expectancy in the same manner as healthy con-trols. Indeed, comparison of the relatedness proportioneffect in Broca’s aphasics and healthy controls reveals adifferential pattern of priming (Milberg, Blumstein,Katz, Gershberg, & Brown, 1995). Neurally intact (andyounger) participants demonstrated an interaction suchthat when the relatedness proportion was high, therewas greater facilitation on related trials and a trend forgreater inhibition on unrelated trials. By contrast,Broca’s aphasics failed to show this pattern. Rather, theywere slower to respond on all trial types when there was ahigh-relatedness proportion. These patients appearcapable of detecting the greater relatedness proportion,but the influence of their expectancy fails to appropri-ately modulate semantic retrieval. Such outcomes indi-cate that insult to left ventrolateral PFC may hinder themechanism through which context comes to guideaccess to semantic knowledge, suggesting that ventralPFC structures may be necessary for controlled semanticretrieval.

Just as PFC-lesioned patients exhibit deficits whencontrolled access to semantic knowledge is necessary,other patient populations exhibit deficits in automaticsemantic retrieval. For example, patients with Alzhei-mer’s disease sometimes fail to show semantic primingeffects on the LDT at short SOAs (Bell, Chenery, &Ingram, 2001). Whether this disruption of automatic


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processes arises due to a degraded semantic store or pos-sibly a problem in automatic lexical access remains to beclarified. Either way, this impairment (a) suggests thatautomatic retrieval may emerge through bottom-updynamics within long-term representational space and(b) further illustrates that automatic and controlledretrieval mechanisms depend on partially separable neu-ral systems.


Functional neuroimaging methods that offer highspatial resolution—positron emission tomography(PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)—provide a means to more precisely fractionateventrolateral PFC along functional lines. The pastdecade has witnessed evidence that (a) indicates thatspecific ventrolateral PFC subregions are associated withsemantic and phonological computations and (b)begins to adjudicate between alternative hypothesesregarding the nature of PFC-mediated control pro-cesses. Here, we briefly review neuroimaging evidenceassociating left inferior prefrontal cortex (LIPC) withsemantic processing, as well as consider evidence forfunctional subdivisions within LIPC (also see Buckner,1996; Fiez, 1997; Poldrack et al., 1999; Wagner, 1999).

PET and fMRI studies have consistently revealedincreased activity in LIPC during the performance oftasks that demand access to semantic knowledge(Poldrack et al., 1999). Few efforts have explored theneural correlates of semantic priming in the LDT (butsee Mummery, Shallice, & Price, 1999). Rather, the vastmajority of work has used semantic generation and para-digms to examine the neural bases of semantic computa-tions. For example, in Petersen, Fox, Posner, Mintun,and Raichle’s (1988) landmark study of single-word pro-cessing, greater LIPC activation was observed when par-ticipants retrieved semantic knowledge associated with aword cue (by generating a verb associated with a noun)than when participants simply read the word. Subse-quent investigations similarly implicated LIPC in seman-tic computations, showing greater activation in thisregion when participants made semantic relative tononsemantic classifications of words or pictures (e.g.,abstract/concrete vs. orthographic decisions) (Dembet al., 1995; Gabrieli et al., 1996; Kapur, Rose, et al., 1994;Price, Moore, Humphreys, & Wise, 1997;Vandenberghe, Price, Wise, Josephs, & Frackowiak,1996; Wagner et al., 1998). Differential LIPC responsesduring semantic versus nonsemantic classification wereobserved even when task difficulty or duty-cycle wasgreater during the nonsemantic condition (Demb et al.,1995; Poldrack et al., 1999), indicating that LIPC activa-

tion is modulated by the type of representation attendedrather than more global demands on attentionalresources. Based on these observations, LIPC has beenposited to subserve the top-down control of semanticinformation stored in posterior neocortices.

Functional Segregation Within LIPC

Moving beyond a general association of controlledsemantic processing with LIPC, other neuroimaging evi-dence points to a functional distinction within LIPCalong semantic and phonologic dimensions (see Figure1C) (Buckner, Raichle, & Petersen, 1995; Poldrack et al.,1999; Wagner, Maril, Bjork, & Schacter, 2001). Spe-cifically, at least two functional subregions within LIPChave been identified: (a) the posterior and dorsal extentof LIPC (pLIPC; approximately Brodmann’s [BA] area44 extending into premotor, BA 6) and (b) the anteriorand ventral extent of LIPC (aLIPC; ~BA 47/45).

Studies of verbal working memory (Jonides et al.,1997; Paulesu, Frith, & Frackowiak, 1993) have impli-cated pLIPC in the maintenance of phonological codesthat may be represented or stored in posterior cortices(Awh et al., 1996; Davachi, Maril, & Wagner, 2001;Paulesu et al., 1993). In addition, pLIPC activation fre-quently has been observed during phonemic classifica-tion and simple word reading (Poldrack et al., 1999). Bycontrast, in addition to modulating pLIPC, semanticgeneration and semantic classification tasks also consis-tently elicit activation in aLIPC (Fiez, 1997; Gabrieli,Poldrack, & Desmond, 1998; Poldrack et al., 1999; Wag-ner, 1999). Differential functional connectivity has alsobeen observed between aLIPC and pLIPC with posteriorneocortical structures (Bodke, Tagamets, Friedman, &Horwitz, 2001). Critically, direct comparisons of seman-tic and phonological classification indicate that aLIPC isdifferentially sensitive to semantic processing demands,whereas pLIPC is particularly sensitive to phonologicaldemands (Kirchhoff, Wagner, Maril, & Stern, 2000;Otten & Rugg, 2001; Poldrack et al., 1999; Price et al.,1997; Roskies, Fiez, Balota, Raichle, & Petersen, 2001;Wagner, Maril, et al., 2001). Hence, the nature of thestimulus features being processed affects the specificLIPC mechanisms invoked.

Although neuroimaging has revealed clear dissocia-tions, the differential necessity of anterior and posteriorLIPC for semantic and phonological control remainslargely unknown due to ambiguities in extant lesiondata. Consistent with this putative dissociation,intraoperative stimulation of anterior LIPC can disruptsemantic classification but not word reading (Klein et al.,1997), underscoring the importance of this region forsemantic rather than orthographic or phonological pro-cessing. Moreover, posterior LIPC lesions can disruptlexical-decision judgments (Swick, 1998), possibly


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reflecting a lexical-semantic or phonological access defi-cit. Divergent data include the previously discussedobservation that Broca’s aphasics demonstrate dimin-ished controlled semantic priming, and that lesion toposterior LIPC can yield impairments when semanticretrieval requires cognitive control. Whether theseeffects reflect disruption of posterior LIPC computa-tions or a disconnection of anterior LIPC is unclear.Finally, further complicating matters are two observa-tions of apparently intact semantic processing followinganterior LIPC lesion (Price, Mummery, Moore,Frakowiak, & Friston, 1999; Thompson-Schill et al.,1998). These results, however, are also ambiguousbecause the lesion site in one patient appeared to fallrostral to the anterior LIPC region typically associatedwith semantic processing, and the behavioral resultsfrom the other patient suggested an impairment.


Although delineation of the differential necessity ofanterior and posterior LIPC for semantic control awaitsfurther targeted investigation, it is clear that LIPC isinvolved in the controlled processing of semantic infor-mation. The precise nature of LIPC contributions tosemantic control remains controversial. From one per-spective, the controlled semantic retrieval hypothesis,LIPC subserves goal-directed controlled retrievalthrough representing the task context and biasingretrieval of task-relevant information when that informa-tion is not available by more automatic means. By con-trast, the selection hypothesis posits that LIPC does notguide semantic retrieval per se, as retrieval is thought tobe supported by posterior neocortical circuits. Rather,once representations have been retrieved, LIPC is criti-cally involved in selecting task-relevant representationsfrom amidst competing, irrelevant knowledge.

LIPC and the ControlledSemantic Retrieval Hypothesis

Under the controlled semantic retrieval hypothesis,demands on LIPC vary inversely with the extent to whichtask-relevant semantic knowledge can be accessedthrough bottom-up cue-driven retrieval. When auto-matic access is insufficient due to weak cue-target associ-ations or the presence of prepotent, competing repre-sentations, LIPC control processes play a central role inguiding the recovery of context-relevant meaning(Gabrieli et al., 1996; Raichle et al., 1994; Wagner, Paré-Blagoev, Clark, & Poldrack, 2001). Mechanistically, thenature of this control may be analogous to other positedPFC bias signals that provide a top-down influence onrepresentational space (Miller & Cohen, 2001; Norman& Shallice, 1986), although from the present perspec-

tive, interference from prepotent competitors is notrequired for its instantiation (Wagner, Paré-Blagoev,et al., 2001).

More specifically, models of retrieval and selectiveattention hypothesize that multiple representationsoften compete for processing and recovery (Anderson &Spellman, 1995; Desimone & Duncan, 1995). In certainsituations, some representations have a stronger associa-tion with the retrieval cue or task context than othersand thus have a competitive advantage. When such pre-potent responses are present, they will tend to win outover less dominant responses and will tend to beretrieved through more automatic routes. However, inother situations, a less dominant response or representa-tion may be task-relevant and thus must be retrieved tosatisfy the current goal. In such situations, a mechanismis required to favor the task-relevant representation overthe prepotent, task-irrelevant response. Such goal-directed bias is thought to occur via the top-down alloca-tion of attention, with multiple lines of evidence impli-cating PFC as a component of the neural substrate ofsuch control (Braver, Cohen, & Servan-Schreiber, 1995;Miller & Cohen, 2001). Thus, with respect to LIPC andsemantic retrieval, when prepotent semantic associa-tions interfere with retrieval of target knowledge, LIPCprocesses may serve to bias the less dominant knowl-edge, thus contributing to its successful recovery. Impor-tantly, from the controlled retrieval perspective, thisLIPC bias mechanism may also guide recovery when cue-target associative strength is weak even if prepotent, task-irrelevant competitors are absent (Wagner, Paré-Blagoev, et al., 2001). When cue-target associations areweak, automatic retrieval may fail simply due to insuffi-cient bottom-up activation and under these circum-stances a top-down signal may be required for successfulretrieval.

Initial neuroimaging support for the controlledsemantic retrieval hypothesis comes from severalsources. First, as previously discussed, LIPC is differen-tially active during semantic versus nonsemantic classifi-cation (see Figure 1C), with the former presumablyrequiring goal-directed retrieval of task-relevant knowl-edge that does not automatically come to mind on stimu-lus presentation. Second, studies of semantic (or con-ceptual) repetition priming reveal that prior access tosemantic knowledge, which renders the knowledgemore accessible in the future, results in decreased LIPCactivation when subsequently reaccessing that knowl-edge (see Figure 1D) (Schacter & Buckner, 1998). Theseneural correlates of conceptual repetition priming haveat least five important characteristics. First, reducedLIPC activation is thought to reflect decreased cognitivecontrol demands due to the increased availability of thetarget knowledge (see Figure 1A and B) (Demb et al.,


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1995; Wagner, Desmond, Demb, Glover, & Gabrieli,1997). Second, these effects are thought to reflect thebenefits of implicit or nondeclarative memory, as evenpatients suffering from global amnesia demonstratereduced LIPC activation during repeated semantic pro-cessing of stimuli (Buckner & Koutstaal, 1998; Gabrieliet al., 1998). Third, reduced LIPC activation results fromlong-term representational changes—changes that arelikely instantiated in posterior neocortices—as they arereproducible over long delays (Wagner, Maril, &Schacter, 2000). Fourth, these LIPC priming effects arespecific to the particular semantic features retrieved dur-ing initial stimulus processing and do not generalize tofuture attempts to retrieve other semantic features asso-ciated with the stimulus (Thompson-Schill et al., 1999).And last, priming in aLIPC emerges when subsequentsemantic processing was preceded by prior semanticprocessing but not by prior nonsemantic processing. Incontrast, priming in pLIPC emerges when subsequentsemantic processes are preceded by either semantic ornonsemantic processing (Wagner, Koutstaal, Maril,Schacter, & Buckner, 2000). Collectively, the imaging lit-erature on conceptual repetition priming suggests thatas the need for controlled processing declines, due toincreased accessibility of target representations and/orthe strengthening of cue-target associations, so dodemands on LIPC (especially aLIPC). This decline mayemerge due to the “tuning” or “sculpting” of semanticspace that follows initial stimulus processing (Fletcher,Shallice, & Dolan, 2000; Wiggs & Martin, 1998); subse-quent retrieval attempts, therefore, are relatively moreautomatic and require less guidance from LIPC torecover the relevant knowledge from semantic memory.

LIPC and the Selection Hypothesis

An alternative conceptualization of LIPC control, theselection hypothesis, also has received support fromneuroimaging and neuropsychological investigations(Barch, Braver, Sabb, & Noll, 2000; Thompson-Schill,D’Esposito, Aguirre, & Farah, 1997; Thompson-Schillet al., 1998, 1999). Rather than operating in the generalservice of controlled semantic retrieval, under the selec-tion hypothesis, LIPC has a more restricted role. In thisview, retrieval is subserved by temporal neocortices suchthat cue-associated knowledge is accessed throughdynamics in long-term semantic space (Thompson-Schill et al., 1999). Hence, LIPC does not subserveretrieval per se. Rather, LIPC contributes to task perfor-mance only when a subset of the retrieved semanticknowledge is required for performance. LIPC biasmechanisms effectively select those task-relevant repre-sentations from amidst the competing, task-irrelevantrepresentations.

The selection account makes two predictions that dif-fer from those of the controlled retrieval hypothesis.First, under the selection hypothesis, demands on LIPCcomputations should not be modulated by the amountof semantic information to be retrieved because retrievalengages only posterior regions and selection occurspostretrieval. Second, when all knowledge is task rele-vant, no knowledge must be selected against in thecourse of task performance. This suggests that, undersuch circumstances, the degree to which representationscome to mind through more automatic or more con-trolled retrieval processes should not affect LIPC


Figure 1: Characterization of Controlled Processing in Left InferiorPrefrontal Cortex (LIPC) Including Schematic Representa-tion of Reduced Demands on Cognitive Control with Re-peated Semantic Access, Functional Subdivisions WithinLIPC, and Magnitude Changes in LIPC Activation With Re-duced Control Demands.

NOTE: A and B are a schematic representation of reduced demandson cognitive control with repeated semantic access. During initial se-mantic classification (section A), a control component representingthe task goal (e.g., “abstract/concrete”) directs access to relevant se-mantic features (e.g., neck and legs) associated with a cue (e.g., “GI-RAFFE”) when those features are not available through automaticroutes. During repeated semantic retrieval (section B), less mnemoniccontrol is required because the initial retrieval rendered relevant fea-tures more accessible (indicated by the thicker lines). In section C,functional subdivisions have been observed within LIPC. The anteriorLIPC (red) has been associated with semantic processing demands,whereas the posterior LIPC (blue) is modulated by phonological pro-cessing. In section D, the magnitude of LIPC activation declines duringrepeated semantic retrieval (data are from Wagner, Koutstaal, Maril,Schacter, and Buckner, 2000). The statistical map renders an aLIPC re-gion that demonstrated greater activation during novel than repeatedsemantic processing (indicated by the arrow). The percent signalchange from this region is plotted below.

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engagement. Rather, the selection perspective positsthat the presence of competitors and the degree of com-petition from those competitors are the principal influ-ences on LIPC demands. Hence, this view can accountfor data showing that patients with lesions to PFC dem-onstrate impairments in semantic tasks that involveresolving ambiguity or selecting relevant representa-tions from amidst competitors (Metzler, 2001;Randolph, Braun, Goldberg, & Chase, 1993; Robinson,Blair, & Cipolotti, 1998; Swaab, Brown, & Hagoort,1998). Moreover, this account can accommodate LIPCneural priming effects to the extent that these effectsemerge from decreased competition (and, thus, selec-tion demands) due to increased dominance of therecently accessed relevant representations (Thompson-Schill et al., 1999).

Support for the selection account comes from a seriesof fMRI studies that putatively varied both selection andretrieval demands (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997). Inone representative experiment, participants made deci-sions about which of a set of target words (e.g., FLEA andWELL) was similar to a cue word (e.g., TICK). Decisionswere based on either global semantics (low selection) oron a specific semantic feature (e.g., color; high selec-tion). When a decision must be made about a specificfeature, all other semantic characteristics are irrelevantto the task and so must be selected against in favor of therelevant feature. By contrast, when computing globalsimilarity, Thompson-Schill and colleagues (1997) pos-ited that all features of a concept are task-relevant and soselection demands are low or nonexistent. In this study,trials also varied in terms of the number of possible tar-gets to consider (either two or four). This manipulationputatively varied the amount of semantic retrievalrequired, presumably being greater when there weremore targets. Critically, the fMRI results showed clearpLIPC activation associated with increases in selectiondemands (i.e., feature > global similarity). However,increased semantic retrieval demands did not yield a sig-nificant change in LIPC activation (i.e., four targets ≈two targets). These results were interpreted as indicatingthat LIPC specifically subserves selection of task-relevantinformation from amidst competitors and does notmediate semantic retrieval.

Support for the hypothesis that semantic retrievalemerges from posterior neocortical, rather than LIPC,computations comes from a subsequent fMRI study offeature-specific repetition priming (Thompson-Schillet al., 1999). When participants repeated generation ofthe same feature (i.e., color → color repetition) associ-ated with a stimulus, activation in LIPC and ventral tem-poral cortex decreased relative to novel generation.Importantly, for repeated words in which a different fea-ture was initially retrieved (i.e., action → color), LIPC

activation increased relative to the novel condition,whereas temporal cortical activation again demon-strated a decrease. Thus, temporal cortex was inter-preted as subserving retrieval of semantic features, irre-spective of which are task relevant, such that subsequentretrieval is facilitated due to prior retrieval. By contrast,LIPC may specifically mediate selection: Selectiondemands may decrease when a specific feature is morereadily available due to its prior selection and mayincrease when a prior selection favored what is subse-quently a task-irrelevant feature.

Potentially supportive data also include the observa-tion that left ventral PFC activation increased duringintentional episodic encoding of paired-associates in theface of proactive interference (Dolan & Fletcher, 1997;Fletcher et al., 2000). Here, greater LIPC activation dur-ing the processing of recombined as opposed to novelword pairs could reflect increased selection demands.Moreover, neuropsychological data indicate thatpatients with LIPC lesions (especially in pLIPC; BA 44)demonstrate impairments when selection demands arehigh relative to when they are low (Thompson-Schillet al., 1998).

Selection in Terms of ControlledSemantic Retrieval

The controlled retrieval and selection hypotheses aremechanistically similar with the exception of whetherthe posited LIPC bias mechanism occurs postretrieval,only selecting from already accessed representations, orsubserves both controlled access and selection of targetrepresentations when necessary at retrieval. The mostinfluential observation in support of the selectionhypothesis, and against the semantic retrieval account, isthe simultaneous demonstration that LIPC is sensitive toselection demands (feature > global) but insensitive tothe degree of semantic retrieval (four target ≈ two tar-get) (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997). However, a closerlook at the design of this study reveals a possible reconcil-iation. As has been discussed, there are generally tworoutes to the recovery of semantic knowledge, automaticand controlled retrieval. Under the controlled retrievalhypothesis, LIPC computations will be necessary forsemantic retrieval only when automatic retrieval fails.Consequently, simply varying the number of possible tar-gets need not invoke greater controlled retrieval pro-cesses if the relevant knowledge can be accessed throughautomatic retrieval routes. Critically, in the “low selec-tion” (global similarity) condition of the Thompson-Schill et al. (1997) study, the correct target was a strongassociate of the cue word and the distractor targets wereunrelated to the cue. Thus, task performance may havebeen based solely on automatic retrieval processes. Tothe extent that this is the case, then the resultant null


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would be an insufficient test of the controlled retrievalaccount.

A recent study tested the critical prediction of thecontrolled retrieval hypothesis that increased LIPC activ-ity should be observed when the cue-target associativestrength is weak even when using a global semantic com-parison task that presumably does not require selection(Wagner, Paré-Blagoev, et al., 2001). To manipulate con-trolled retrieval demands, the pre-experimental associa-tive strength between the cue and the correct target wasvaried (see Figure 2A). To manipulate the extent ofsemantic retrieval, the number of targets was varied in ananalogous manner to that of Thompson-Schill and col-leagues (1997). Critically, the fMRI results providedstrong support for the controlled retrieval hypothesisand diverged from the predictions of the selectionaccount. That is, even though selection demands wereheld constant and to a minimum, LIPC activationincreased with the number of targets even when cue-tar-get associative strength was strong (see Figure 2B). Fur-thermore, the cue-target associative strength manipula-tion also modulated activation in LIPC, with there beinggreater LIPC activity during trials with weak cue-targetassociative strength (see Figure 2C). Conceptually simi-lar effects of associative strength also have been reportedby Roskies and colleagues (Roskies et al., 2001; but seeBarch et al., 2000), as greater aLIPC activation wasobserved during categorical decisions about lessprototypical exemplars (e.g., BIRD-OSTRICH) thanabout more prototypical exemplars (e.g., BIRD-ROBIN). Although this latter study may have simulta-neously varied selection demands, taken together withthe results of Wagner, Paré-Blagoev, et al. (2001)—inwhich selection demands were presumably minimizedand held constant—these data indicate that LIPC isengaged during semantic retrieval when that retrievalrequires cognitive control.

Likewise, the controlled retrieval hypothesis may beable to account for many of the neuroimaging andneuropsychological findings that have been argued tosupport the selection perspective. This is because in thevast majority of the studies that varied selectiondemands, cue-target associative strength covaried (e.g.,Barch et al., 2000; Thompson-Schill et al., 1997, 1998).Perhaps most challenging for this perspective are theobserved feature-specific repetition priming effects,where LIPC activation was observed to increase duringrepeated semantic processing of a stimulus when the tar-get features differed from those that were initially taskrelevant (Thompson-Schill et al., 1999). Although thesedata may support the selection hypothesis, four factorswarrant further consideration. First, the locus of prim-ing in LIPC, as with previous selection data, fell posterior

to the aLIPC region sensitive to controlled retrievaldemands. Second, the increase in pLIPC activationcould reflect increased phonological demands, or per-haps semantic retrieval, due to recapitulation of the pre-viously retrieved and now prepotent but irrelevantknowledge. Third, alternatively, the increase in LIPCactivation could reflect increased controlled retrievaldemands due to retrieval-induced suppression of thenow relevant representations during initial retrieval ofthe now irrelevant representations (Anderson, Bjork, &Bjork, 1994; Anderson & Spellman, 1995). Finally, theobserved decreased activation in temporal cortex couldreflect cue-based lexical priming rather than a decline insemantic retrieval demands. Given these ambiguities, it


Figure 2: Task Design and Neuroimaging Results From fMRI Study ofControlled Semantic Retrieval.

NOTE: In section A, the experimental tasks that were used in Wagner,Paré-Blagoev, Clark, and Poldrack (2001). Trials consisted of a cue andtwo or four targets. Participants were required to determine which ofthe targets was most globally related to the cue. The correct response(circled) was either strongly or weakly associated with the cue, basedon normative data. The factors of number of targets and cue-target as-sociative strength were crossed. In section B, activation maps revealed amain effect of the number of targets (four targets > two targets) in bothanterior (red arrow; ~BA 47/45) and posterior (black arrow; ~BA 44/6) LIPC. In section C, activation maps revealed a main effect of cue-tar-get associative (weak > strong) in both anterior and posterior LIPC.

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remains unclear whether the observed pattern of PFCand temporal activations in this priming study point to aPFC role in postretrieval selection. Importantly, this dis-cussion suggests that controlled retrieval demands willtypically increase as selection demands increase: Whencompeting task-irrelevant information is present, thedegree to which task-relevant information will automati-cally come to mind is likely to be attenuated and thuscontrolled retrieval becomes necessary.

Although it is possible to account for the principaldata in support of the selection hypothesis from a con-trolled retrieval perspective, not all data in support ofthe controlled retrieval hypothesis can be accommo-dated by the selection hypothesis. Consequently, onemight ascribe a singular controlled retrieval function toLIPC. However, such a synthesis becomes complicated ifone considers the relation between the anatomic corre-lates observed in studies supporting selection and con-trolled retrieval. Specifically, the anatomic correlate ofsemantic selection (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997, 1998),as well as of selection in nonsemantic paradigms thatrequire delineation of relevant from irrelevant phono-logical or lexical information (Bunge, Matsumoto,Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 2001; D’Esposito, Postle,Jonides, & Smith, 1999; Jonides, Smith, Marshuetz,Koeppe, & Reuter-Lorenz, 1998), appears situated inpLIPC (~BA 44/45). By contrast, direct manipulationsof controlled semantic retrieval demands have consis-tently implicated aLIPC (~BA 47/45). For example, inthe study by Wagner, Paré-Blagoev, et al. (2001), aLIPCwas observed to be more sensitive to cue-target associa-tive strength than was pLIPC (also see Roskies et al.,2001).

A possible resolution of these functionalneuroanatomic differences awaits data from studies thatdirectly cross controlled retrieval and selectiondemands. Initial results from a recent fMRI study con-ducted in our lab (O’Kane, Badre, Paré-Blagoev,Poldrack, & Wagner, 2001) suggest that aLIPC mayprove sensitive to both selection demands (e.g., featurevs. global similarity decisions) and control demands(e.g., weak vs. strong cue-target associative strength).Results such as this would be consistent with our pro-posal that resolution of the selection/controlledretrieval debate likely will reside in the operation of a sin-gular top-down bias mechanism.


Humans are capable of retrieving semantic informa-tion in a flexible manner to meet task demands. In thisreview, we aimed to consider evidence that there are twobasic routes to retrieving relevant knowledge from

semantic memory (automatic and controlled). At theneural level, evidence suggests that ventrolateral PFC, oraLIPC more specifically, is a primary substrate of seman-tic control. This PFC subregion is consistently associatedwith tasks that demand semantic processing and, fur-thermore, is sensitive to manipulations that directlymodulate the need for cognitive control during seman-tic access. Selection between competing semantic repre-sentations may emerge during retrieval and may rely onthe same top-down bias mechanism responsible for thecontrolled recovery of meaning.

Although considerable progress has been made,questions remain regarding how this controlled seman-tic retrieval perspective fits with broader conceptualiza-tions of ventrolateral PFC function. Moreover, thedomain of semantic representations on which aLIPCoperates demands further specification. For example, aview of controlled semantic retrieval that restricts itsoperational domain uniquely to abstract semantics andnot lexical semantics is not consistent with recent resultssuggesting that aLIPC may also be sensitive to lexicalretrieval demands (Tagamets, Novick, Chalmers, &Freidman, 2000; Clark & Wagner, in press; Gold &Buckner, in press). Finally, the task contexts in whichcontrolled semantic retrieval is recruited and is neces-sary remain underspecified. Neuroimaging data suggestthat LIPC computations also contribute to episodicencoding and to source monitoring during episodicretrieval (Dobbins, Foley, Schacter, & Wagner, in press;Kapur, Craik, et al., 1994; Kapur, Tulving, Cabeza,McIntosh, Houle, & Craik, 1996; Wagner et al., 1998).These findings raise the possibility that controlledsemantic retrieval is elicited in a broad array of contextswhen semantic access is important for task performance.Future investigations that bridge cognitive domains maywell demonstrate that the controlled recovery of mean-ing is central to multiple forms of cognition.


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