beautiful banana & carrot muffins. ingredients: 1 beaten egg, 60ml melted butter, 60g soft brown...

Beautiful Banana & Carrot Muffins

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Beautiful Banana & Carrot Muffins

Ingredients: 1 beaten egg, 60ml melted butter, 60g soft brown sugar, 125ml milk, 1 medium grated carrot, 1 mashed banana, (choose one from) 30ml sultanas, blueberries, cranberries, chopped dried apricots or dates, 150g SR flour, 1 x 5ml spoon, baking powder, pinch mixed spice or cinnamon.

1. Switch on oven, gas mark 6 / 200°C Prepare the muffin tin – grease, or line with 9 muffin cases.

2. In the smaller of two bowls, sieve together the flour, baking powder and cinnamon or mixed spice.

3. Grate the carrot and chop any fruit. Use a fork to mash the banana.

4. Into the large mixing bowl, add the melted butter, grated carrot, mashed banana, brown sugar, dried fruit, egg and milk.

5. Mix well, then add the sieved dry ingredients.

6. Fold in carefully and lightly until just mixed. Don’t beat the mixture or you’ll end up with tough muffins!

7. Spoon the batter into the paper cases until they are each about ¾ full.

8. Bake for 20 – 30 minutes at gas mark 6 / 200°C

9. When cooked they should be nicely risen and golden brown.

10. Turn the muffins out onto a cooling rack.

The texture of your muffins should be light and fluffy.