be great the first announcement, five sundays before lent … · 2018-01-29 · beginning of the...

The Pre-Lenten Period . . . CALLING OF ZACCHAEUS The First Announcement, five Sundays before Lent Sunday, January 21 • “The desire and effort to see Jesus [displayed by Zacchaeus] begins the entire movement through Lent towards Easter. It is the first movement of salvation… We are also assured of God’s mercy and com- passion by Christ’s words to Zacchaeus, ‘Today salvation is come to this house’.” (See Luke 19:1-10.) THE PUBLICAN & THE PHARISEE Beginning of the Lenten Triodion Sunday, January 28 Humility based in Reality “Two men went up to the temple to pray. One was a Phar- isee who observed the requirements of religion: he prayed, fasted, and contributed money to the temple… His sin was in looking down on the Publican and feeling justified be- cause of his external religious observances. The second man was a Publican, a truly sinful tax-collector who was cheating the people. He, however, displayed humility, and this humili- ty justified him before God. The lesson to be learned is that we possess neither the Pharisee’s piety, nor the Publican’s repentance… We are called to see ourselves as we really are, asking Christ to be merciful to us, deliver us from sin, and to lead us on the path of salvation.” (See Luke 18: 9-14.) SUNDAY OF THE PRODIGAL SON Returning to the House of the Father Sunday, February 4 • “This parable of God’s forgiveness calls us to ‘come to ourselves’ as did the Prodigal Son, to see ourselves as being in a ‘far country’, far from the Father’s house, and to make the journey of return to God. We are given every assurance that our heavenly Fa- ther will receive us with joy… We must only ‘arise and go’, confessing our self-inflicted and sinful separation from that ‘home’ where we tru- ly belong.” (See Luke 15:11-24.) SUNDAY OF THE LAST JUDGMENT ’As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren…’ Sunday, February 11 Meatfare Sunday • “The second to last Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent is called ‘Meatfare’ since it is the last day before Easter for eating meat. It commemorates Christ’s parable of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25. We are reminded that it is not enough for us to see Jesus [as Zacchaeus did], to see ourselves as we are [as did the repentant Publican], and to come home to God as his prodigal sons. We must also be His sons by following Christ, His only- begotten divine Son, and by seeing Christ in every one and by serving Christ through them.” (See Matthew 25:31-46.) SUNDAY OF FORGIVENESS The Exile of Adam and Eve from the Garden Sunday, February 18 Cheesefare Sunday • “Finally, on the eve of Great Lent, we sing of Adam’s exile from par- adise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the Fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us.” (See Matthew 6:14-21.) Let us begin the Fast with Joy! The season of Great Lent is the time of preparation for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. It is the living symbol of man’s entire life which is to be fulfilled in his own resurrection from the dead with Christ. It is a time of re- newed devotion: of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time of repentance, a real renewal of our minds, hearts and deeds in conformity with Christ and His teachings. It is the time, most of all, of our return to the great commandments of loving God and our neighbors. “In the Orthodox Church, Great Lent is not a season of mor- bidity and gloominess. On the contrary, it is a time of joyfulness and purifi- cation. The very first hymns set the proper tone: Let us begin the Fast with joy, let us prepare ourselves for spiritual efforts; let us purify our souls and cleanse our flesh; let us abstain from passions as we abstain from food; Let us rejoice in the Spirit and persevere with love, that we may all see the Holy Passion of Christ our God, and rejoice in spirit at the Holy Pascha! “The Church welcomes the Lenten Spring with a spirit of exultation, with the enthusiasm of a child. The tone of the church services is one of brightness and light…” From The Orthodox Faith, and The Lenten Spring, by Fr. Thomas Hopko. CHRIST THE SAVIOR~HOLY SPIRIT ORTHODOX CHURCH Fr. Steven C. Kostoff, Rector 4285 Ashland Ave • Cincinnati OH 45212 513-351-0907 • The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Fr. Andrew Tregubov For more resources on the Orthodox Christian Faith, and for your Lenten journey, visit our website at, and do join us for these special Lenten services, with their quiet, ‘ joy-producing sorrow.’ ‘O Lord and Master of my life…’ G reat L ent 2018

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Page 1: be Great The First Announcement, five Sundays before Lent … · 2018-01-29 · Beginning of the Lenten Triodion Sunday, January 28 • Humility based in Reality “Two men went up

The Pre-Lenten Period . . .

CALLING OF ZACCHAEUSThe First Announcement, five Sundays before LentSunday, January 21 • “The desire and effort to see Jesus [displayed by Zacchaeus] begins the entire movement through Lent towards Easter. It is the first movement of salvation… We are also assured of God’s mercy and com-passion by Christ’s words to Zacchaeus, ‘Today salvation is come to this house’.” (See Luke 19:1-10.)

THE PUBLICAN & THE PHARISEEBeginning of the Lenten TriodionSunday, January 28 • Humility based in Reality“Two men went up to the temple to pray. One was a Phar-isee who observed the requirements of religion: he prayed, fasted, and contributed money to the temple… His sin was in looking down on the Publican and feeling justified be-cause of his external religious observances. The second man was a Publican, a truly sinful tax-collector who was cheating the people. He, however, displayed humility, and this humili-ty justified him before God. The lesson to be learned is that we possess neither the Pharisee’s piety, nor the Publican’s repentance… We are called to see ourselves as we really are, asking Christ to be merciful to us, deliver us from sin, and to lead us on the path of salvation.” (See Luke 18: 9-14.)

SUNDAY OF THE PRODIGAL SONReturning to the House of the Father Sunday, February 4 • “This parable of God’s forgiveness calls us to ‘come to ourselves’ as did the Prodigal Son, to see ourselves as being in a ‘far country’, far from the Father’s house, and to make the journey of return to God. We are given every assurance that our heavenly Fa-ther will receive us with joy… We must only ‘arise and go’, confessing our self-inflicted and sinful separation from that ‘home’ where we tru-ly belong.” (See Luke 15:11-24.)

SUNDAY OF THE LAST JUDGMENT’As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren…’ Sunday, February 11 • Meatfare Sunday • “The second to last Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent is called ‘Meatfare’ since it is the last day before Easter for eating meat. It commemorates Christ’s parable of the Last Judgment in Matthew 25. We are reminded that it is not enough for us to see Jesus [as Zacchaeus did], to see ourselves as we

are [as did the repentant Publican], and to come home to God as his prodigal sons. We must also be His sons by following Christ, His only-begotten divine Son, and by seeing Christ in every one and by serving Christ through them.” (See Matthew 25:31-46.)

SUNDAY OF FORGIVENESSThe Exile of Adam and Eve from the GardenSunday, February 18 • Cheesefare Sunday • “Finally, on the eve of Great Lent, we sing of Adam’s exile from par-adise. We identify ourselves with Adam, lamenting our loss of the beauty, dignity and delight of our original creation, mourning our corruption in sin. We also hear on this day the Lord’s teaching about fasting and forgiveness, and we enter the season of the Fast forgiving one another so that God will forgive us.” (See Matthew 6:14-21.)

Let us begin the Fast with Joy!

“The season of Great Lent is the time of preparation for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. It is the living symbol of man’s entire life which is to be fulfilled in his own resurrection from the dead with Christ. It is a time of re-newed devotion: of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It is a time of repentance, a real renewal of our minds, hearts and deeds in conformity with Christ and His teachings. It is the time, most of all, of our return to the great commandments of

loving God and our neighbors.

“In the Orthodox Church, Great Lent is not a season of mor-bidity and gloominess. On the contrary, it is a time of joyfulness and purifi-cation. The very first hymns set the proper tone:

Let us begin the Fast with joy, let us prepare ourselves for spiritual efforts; let us purify our souls and cleanse our flesh; let us abstain from passions as we abstain from food; Let us rejoice in the Spirit and persevere with love, that we may all see the Holy Passion of Christ our God, and rejoice in spirit at the Holy Pascha!

“The Church welcomes the Lenten Spring with a spirit of exultation, with the enthusiasm of a child. The tone of the church services is one of brightness and light…”

From The Orthodox Faith, and The Lenten Spring, by Fr. Thomas Hopko. CHRIST THE SAVIOR~HOLY SPIRITO R T H O D O X C H U R C H

Fr. Steven C. Kostoff, Rector4285 Ashland Ave • Cincinnati OH 45212

513-351-0907 •

The Return of the Prodigal Son, by Fr. Andrew Tregubov

For more resources on the Orthodox Christian Faith, and for your Lenten journey, visit our website at, and do join us for

these special Lenten services, with their quiet, ‘ joy-producing sorrow.’

‘O Lord and Master

of my life…’




Page 2: be Great The First Announcement, five Sundays before Lent … · 2018-01-29 · Beginning of the Lenten Triodion Sunday, January 28 • Humility based in Reality “Two men went up

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

FEBRUARY 18Cheesefare9:10 Hours9:30 Divine LiturgyForgiveness Vespers(after Liturgy)

19CLEAN WEEK Great Lent Begins

7pm Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete


7pm Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete


7pm Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete


7pm Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete


6pm PresanctifiedLiturgy

W/O 24

6pm Great Vespers & Confessions

W/O 25Sunday of Orthodoxy9:10 Hours9:30 Divine Liturgy 6:00pm Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers

26 27 28

6pm PresanctifiedLiturgy


7pm Akathist Hymn

W/O 3

6pm Great Vespers & Confessions

W/O 4St Gregory Palamas

9:10 Hours9:30 Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great

5 6 7

6pm PresanctifiedLiturgy

8 W/O 9Forty Holy Martyrs

of Sebaste

7pm Akathist Hymn

W/O 10

6pm Great Vespers w/Procession of Cross

W/O 11Veneration of the Cross

9:10 Hours9:30 Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great

12 13 14

6pm PresanctifiedLiturgy

15 16

7pm Akathist Hymn

W/O 17LENTEN RETREATw/Kh. Krista Westbeginning at 9:00am,full schedule online4pm Great Vespers

W/O 18St John Climacus

9:10 Hours9:30 Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great

19 20 W/O 21

6pm PresanctifiedLiturgy

W/O 22

7pm Great Canon w/Life of St Maryof Egypt

W/O 23

7pm Akathist Hymn

W/O 24

6pm Great Vespers w/Litiya

F/W/O 25ANNUNCIATIONSt Mary of Egypt9:10 Hours9:30 Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great

W/O 26 27 28

6pm PresanctifiedLiturgy

29 30

7pm Vespers ofLazarus Saturday

W/O/Caviar 31Lazarus Saturday9:30 Divine Liturgy

6:00pm Vigil for Palm Sunday

PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 1 (Fish, Wine, Oil)Hours ~ 9:10amDivine Liturgy ~ 9:30amBridegroom Matins ~ 7:00pm

HOLY MONDAY, APRIL 2Bridegroom Matins ~ 7:00pm

HOLY TUESDAY, APRIL 3Bridegroom Matins ~ 7:00pm

HOLY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4Matins & Anointing w/Oil ~ 7:00pm

HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 5 (Wine, Oil)Vesperal Divine Liturgy (Institution of the Eucharist) ~ 9:30amMatins (12 Passion Gospels) ~ 7:00pm


Royal Hours: 9am, 10am, 11am, NoonVespers (Descent from the Cross) ~ 3:00pmMatins (Lamentations at the Tomb, w/Procession) ~ 7:30pm

GREAT & HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 7 (Wine)Vesperal Divine Liturgy ~ 10:00am (15 OT Prophecies)Nocturns ~ 11:30pmPaschal Procession, Matins, Divine Liturgy ~ Midnight

GREAT & HOLY PASCHA, SUNDAY, APRIL 8Agape Vespers ~ 2:00pm (Gospel read in many languages)

BRIGHT MONDAY, APRIL 9Paschal Divine Liturgy ~ 9:30am

G r e a t L e n t 2 0 1 8

Lenten Services in Bold • Memorial Saturday Liturgy TBA • Sync to our Online Calendar • F = Fish allowed, W = Wine, O = Oil •