bar ops civil law

BAR OPERATIONS 2013 - 2014 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS CIVIL LAW BY: SABUYA, MICHELLE ANDREA AUGUST F. BACUTENG, FATIMA J. TOPIC YEAR/QUESTION NUMBER 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 GENERAL PRINCIPLES Civil law vs Common Law 1 Equity Follows the Laws I Prejudicial Question 3 PERSONS Change of Name; Under RA 9048;Change of status XIV IV XIVb/ XX Civil Personality; Natural Persons Death; Effects; Simultaneous Death III II II II Juridical Capacity; Natural Persons I Presumption of Survivorship II Waiver of Rights 0 CONFLICT OF LAWS Applicable Laws; Arts 15, 16, 17 I III VIIA XIIa Applicable Laws; Capacity to Act II Applicable Laws; Laws governing Marriages II Applicable Laws: Succession; intestate and testamentary I Doctrine of Prosessual Presumption Ia Divorce; effect of Divorce; Renvoi Doctrine 2 Domiciliary Theroy vs Nationality Theory 0 Forum Non Convenience and Lex Loci Contractus XIII Nationality Theory 0 Naturalization III ADOPTION Adoption;use of surname of her Natural mother V Adoption; Consent Required Adoption Proceedings; Death of Adopter/Adoptee XIII

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Sheet1BAR OPERATIONS 2013 - 2014FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSCIVIL LAWBY: SABUYA, MICHELLE ANDREA AUGUST F.BACUTENG, FATIMA J.TOPICYEAR/QUESTION NUMBER1997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012GENERAL PRINCIPLESCivil law vs Common Law1Equity Follows the LawsIPrejudicial Question3PERSONSChange of Name; Under RA 9048;Change of statusXIVIVXIVb/ XXCivil Personality; Natural PersonsIbDeath; Effects; Simultaneous DeathIIIIIIIIIJuridical Capacity; Natural PersonsIPresumption of SurvivorshipIIWaiver of Rights0CONFLICT OF LAWSApplicable Laws; Arts 15, 16, 17IIIIVIIAXIIaApplicable Laws; Capacity to ActIIApplicable Laws; Laws governing MarriagesIIApplicable Laws: Succession; intestate and testamentaryIDoctrine of Prosessual PresumptionIaDivorce; effect of Divorce; Renvoi Doctrine2Domiciliary Theroy vs Nationality Theory0Forum Non Convenience and Lex Loci ContractusXIIINationality Theory0NaturalizationIIIADOPTIONAdoption;use of surname of her Natural motherVIVbAdoption; Consent RequiredVIIIAdoption Proceedings; Death of Adopter/AdopteeXIIIInter-country adoption; FormalitiesVIPAGE 1TOPICYEAR/QUESTION NUMBER1997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012Qualification of AdopterVIIVIIVIXVaSuccessional Rights of Adopted Child0FAMILY CODEFamily Code;Retroactive Application; Vested Rights1BLegitimationIeIllegitimate ChildIIIbMarriage; Divorce Decrees; Filiation of ChildrenIIMarriage; Divorce; Filipino Spouses becoming an AlienIVIVIIIIbMarriage, grounds; Declaration of Nullity: Legal Separation5IICVIAXIIbIVbMarriage, grounds; Declaration of Nullity: Who may fileIXbMarriage; Legal Separation; Mutual GuiltIIBVIBIIVIIBMarriage; Non-bigamous MarriageVIIMarriage; Psychological IncapacityIIAVI,XVIBIIbMarriage; Ante-Nuptial DebtsVIICMarriage; RequisitesIIIIVIIEIMarriage; Void MarriageV0IVVIIDIIIaParental AuthorityVIII0IXIVcVIPaternity and FiliationVI0IIIIIIIVPresumptive LegitimesVIVProperty Relations4VIIAIXIbVII/XIIIaProperty Relations; Void Marriage; Co-ownwershipIIIcSupport; Pendente LiteVSUCCESSIONAmount of Successional Right0XIVIIIaInheritanceXIXVI,XIIDisinheritance; Ineffective;PreteritionVIIIAIVIntestate Succession11XI,XIIIntestate Succession; Share of HeirsVIIIntestate Succession; Reserva troncalVIIIBXIIILegitime12XIIIIIProbate; holographic willVIVIIaPreteritionVIIXVIIbIntestate Proceedings0Reserva TroncalIbSuccessional Right;Children of the widow from previous marriageVPAGE 2TOPICYEAR/QUESTION NUMBER1997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012Wills10IIIXIXXI,XIVVIIIbDONATIONDonationVIIIVIIX,XVXII-2Donation; Formalities; Mortis CausaIXVIIIPROPERTYAccretion; AlluvionIVIXXVIAccretion; AvulsionIXBuilder; Good Faith; Bad faithIXIXIIIChattel MortgageXIXCondominium ActXVIIIEasementXVIVIVVIVIIXIIIEasement; Negative Easment; PrescriptionXIcHidden Treasures7VIIIMortgageXVCVIII1NuisanceVIIIIXOwnership; Co-ownership; Common-law SpouseVbOwnership; Co-ownership; PrescriptionXVIIVOwnership;Co-ownership; RenunciationXIdOwnership; Co-Ownership; RedemptionXAIVPossession9IVI-1IXaProperty; Real; Personal6XVIIIXIXSower; Good Faith/Bad FaithXBUnlawful DetainerXUsufruct8XVIIILAND TRANSFER AND DEEDSAcquisition of Lands; Citizenship RequirementXVIIIVIIXIXAdverse Claim; Notice of LevyXIXAnnotation of Lis Pendens; When ProperXXForeshore LandsVIIIForgery; innocent Purchaser; Holder in Bad FaithXIIIAHomestead Patents; Void SaleXIIInnocent Purchaser for ValueXVIIMirror Principle; Forgery; Innocent PurchaserXNotice of Lis PendensXIPrescription and Laches Elements of LachesXVIPAGE 3TOPICYEAR/QUESTION NUMBER1997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012Prescription; indefeasibility Rule of the Torrens titleVIIPrimary Entry Book; Acquisitive PrescriptionXXRegistration; Deed of MortgageIVRemedies; Reconveyance vs Reopening of a DecreeXXRemedies; Reconveyance; Prescription20CONTRACTSSources of ObligationsVXVIIIConditional Obligations14XIXIIIExtinguishmentXIVIX0LiabilityXVXIVNature of Contracts/Relativity of ContractsX0Unenforceable Contracts; Statute of Fraud; InterestVIaTRUSTExpress trust; Prescription13Implied TrustVIIIIIASALESConditonal Sale vs Absolute Sale15bContract of Sale vs Contract to Sell15aXVBXaContract of Sale; Marital Community PropertyVContract of Sale; Purchaser in Good FaithIXContract to SellXVIPactum CommissoriumXVDVIII2XVIIDouble SalesXII0XVIEquitable Mortgage vs SaleXIIVIbMaceda Law; Recto LawXIIIOption ContractsXIVAIXPerfected Sale; Acceptance of the Earnest MoneyXIVB/CRedemptionXIXXIIRight of First RefusalXLEASEExtinguishment; Total Distruction; Leased PropertyXIVImplied New LeaseXIVBLease Contract; Effect to Purchaser in Bad FaithVIIILease of Rural LandsXIXBPAGE 4TOPICYEAR/QUESTION NUMBER1997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012Leasee; Death Thereof; Effects17Option to buy; expiredXIVSublease; Sublessee; LiabilityXIVAXIXAXIVCOMMON CARRIERSDoctrine of Last Clear ChanceIIIBExtraordinary Diligence19ARBITRATIONSArbitrationXIaAGENCYAgencyV0Agency vs SaleXVIIIAgency; Coupled with an InterestXVAgency; Real Estate Mortgage0PARTNERSHIPConveyance of a Partner's Share DissolutionXVIIRight to Return of Partner's ContributionXbObligations of a Partner; Industrial PartnerXIIISettlement of Accounts/ Partners' LiabilityXVRequisites of Partnership (form)IcCOMMODATUM AND MUTUUMCommodatumXIVIIICommodatum vs UsufructXVII1Mutuum vs Commodatum0Mutuum; InterestsXIXV0DEPOSITCompensation; Bank Loan18XVSURETYRecovery of Deficiency16Suretyship vs GuarantyIIIQUASI-CONTRACTQuasi-Contract; Solution Indebiti0TORTS AND DAMAGESDamages arising from the Death of the Unborn ChildIVPAGE 5TOPICYEAR/QUESTION NUMBER1997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012Damages; Leased BuildingIIDamages; Moaral; ExemplaryXIVaDamages; Violation of Constitutional RightIIaDefense; Due Diligence in SelectionXVIIXLiability; Airline Company; Non performance of Obligation0XVILiability; Owner who was in the vehicleXIIIXVIIMoral Damages and Attorneys FeesXVIMoral Damages; Non-Recovery ThereofXVIAIaQuasi-DelictsXVXIIXIVVacarious LiablityXXXVIII0XIIIPrescriptive Period0Subsidiary Liability; MinorXIIPAGE 6

Sheet4BAR QUESTIONS 2013 - 2014FREQUENTLY ASKED BAR QUESTIONSCIVIL LAWBY: MICHELLE ANDREA AUGUST F. SABUYAFATIMA J. BACUTENGTOPIC PER QUESTION1997199819991. Civil law vs Common lawI. Applicable laws: Art. 15, 16, 17I. Juridical Capacity; Natural Persons2. a. Divorce; effect of Divorce granted toII. Applicable laws: Capacity to ActII. Death; Effects; Simultaneous Death;former FilipinosIII. Death, Effects; Simultaneous DeathIntestate Succesionb. Renvoi DoctineIV. PossessionIII. Marriage; Requisites3. Prejudicial QuestionV. Marriage; BigamousIV. Marriage; Divorce Decrees; Filipino spouses4. Property Relations: unions without marriageVI. Property Relations; Conjugal Partnershipbecoming an alien5. Marriage; grounds; nullity; legal separationVII. Implied TrustV. Presumptive Legitimes6. Property; Real vs. Personal PropertyVIII. Donation; PerfectionVI. Paternity and Filiation7. Hidden TreasuresIX. Donation; Formalities; Mortis CausaVII. Preterition; Compulsory Heirs8. UsufructX. Right of First Refusal; Lessee; EffectVIII. A. Disinheritance; ineffective9. Possession vs OccupationXI. Intestate SuccessionB. Intestate Succession; Reserva Troncal10. Wills; Probate; Notarial and HolographicXII. Intestate SuccessionIX. Builder; Good Faith vs Bad Faith11. Intestate SuccessionXIII. Common Carrier; Liability of the ownerX. Mirror Principle; Forgery; Innocent Purchaser12. Legitimewas in the vehicleXI. Conditional Obligation; Resolutory Condition13. Express Trust; PrescriptionXIV.1.Extinguishment;Compensation vs PaymentXII. Homestead Patent; Void Sale14. Conditional Obligations; Promise2. Extinguishment;Compensation/Set-offXIII. Maceda Law; Recto Law15. a. Contract to sell vs Contract of SaleXV. Liability; Solidary LiabilityXIV. A. Sub-lease; Sublessee; Liabilityb. Conditional Sale vs Absolute SaleXVI. Easement; ClassificationB. Tacida Recondacion/Implied New Lease16. Recovery of DeficiencyXVII. Conveyance of a partner's shareXV. A. Appointment of Sub-agent17. Lessee; Death thereof; EffectsXVIII. 1. Usufruct vs Commodatumb. Contract of Sale vs Agency to Sell18. Compensation; Bank Loan2. Consensual vs RealC. Mortgage19. Extraordinary DiligenceXIX. Adverse Claim; Notice of LevyD. Pactum Commissorium20. Remedies; Reconveyance; PrescriptiveXX. Primary Entry Book; Acquisitive Prescription;PeriodLachesFREQUENTLY ASKED BAR QUESTIONSCIVIL LAWBY: MICHELLE ANDREA AUGUST F. SABUYAFATIMA J. BACUTENGTOPIC PER QUESTION200020012002I. a. Property Relations; ObligationsI.Applicable Laws;Succession; Intestate/testateI. Marriage; Requisited; Marriage Licenseb. Family Code; Retroactive ApplicationII. Applicable Laws; Qualifications of AdopterII. A. Psychological IncapacityII. Death; Effects; Simultaneous DeathIII. Builder; Good Faith vs Bad Faith; PresumptionB. Marriage; Legal SeparationIII. Wills; Joint WillsIV. Accretion; AlluvionC. Declaration of NullityIV. Disinheritance; Ineffective; PreteritionV. Easement; Right of Way; InseparabilityIII. Applicable Laws, Art 15, 16 ,17V. Qualification of AdopterVI. PreteritionIV. Ownership; Co-ownership; RedemptionVI. Easements; Right of WayVII. Liability; Lease; Joint LiabilityV. Ownership; Co-ownership; PrescriptionVII. A. CondonationVIII. 1. MortgageVI. Easement; Nuisance; AbatementB. Donation; Requisites; Immovable Proeprty2. Pactum CommissoriumVII. Presciption and Laches; Indefeasibility Rule ofVIII. A. Reclamation of Foreshore Lands; LimitXI. Mutuum; Interesttorrens titleB. Foreshore LandsX. Unlawful DetainerVIII. Wills, Codicil; institurion/substitution heirsIX. Builder; Good Faith vs Bad FaithXI. Extinguishment; Assignment of RightsIX. Extinguishment; CompensationX. a. Ownership; Co-ownership;RedemptionXII. Double SalesX. Nature of Contracts; Relativity of Contractsb. Sower; Good Faith vs Bad FaithXIII. Obligations of a Partner; Induatrial PartnerXI. Notice of Lis Pendens; Transferee pendente liteXI. InheritanceXIV. Extinguishment; Option to buy expiredXII. Redemption; Legal formalitiesXII. Fraud; Procurement of Patent; EffectXV. Agency coupled with an interestXIII. Forum Non Convenience and lex lociXIII. Maceda LawXVI. Contract to SellcontractusXIV. Loss of the thing due; Force MajeureXVII. Innocent Purchaser for ValueXIV. A. Option ContractXV. A. Consideration; ValidityXVIII. Vicarious LiabilityB. Perfected SaleB. Conditional ObligationXIX. Redemption; Legal FormalitiesC. Acceptance of Earnest MoneyXVI. Prescription and Laches; Elements of LachesXX. Annotation of Lis Pendens; When ProperXV. Mutuum; InterestXVII. Ownership; Co-ownership; PrescriptionXVI. Moral Damages and Attorneys FeesXVIII. Agency vs SaleXVII. Fortuitous Event; Liability of owner who wasXIX. A. Sublease; Sublessee; Public Utilityin the vehicle; Vicarious LiabilityB. Lease of Rural LandsXX. Vicarious Liability; Public UtilityFREQUENTLY ASKED BAR QUESTIONSCIVIL LAWBY: MICHELLE ANDREA AUGUST F. SABUYAFATIMA J. BACUTENGTOPIC PER QUESTION200320042005I. Equity follows the law1. waiver of rightsI. Property Relations; Marriage Settlement;CPGII. Applicable laws; Laws governing Marriages2. Domiciliary Theory vs Nationality TheoryII. Marriage;Divorce Decrees; Filiation of ChildrenIII. Naturalization3. Nationality TheoryIII. Legitime; Compulsory Heirs; SecondaryIV. Damages arising from Death of Unborn Child4. Torts; Prescriptive PeriodCompulsory HeirV. Agency5. Successional Rights of Adopted ChildIV. Paternity and Filiation; Recognition ofVI. A. Marriage;Grounds;Declaration of Nullity6. Marriage; Void MarriageIllegitimate ChildB. Annulment; Legal Separation; propery7. Parental Authority; Substitute vs SpecialV. Qualification of AdopterVII. Qualifications of Adopter8. Paternity and Filiation; Common Law UnionVI. Inter-Country Adoption; FormalitiesVIII. Parental Authority, Special Parental Authority9. Amount of Successional RightVII. Easement; Effects; Discontinuous EasementsSeparation of property10.Intestate ProceedingsVIII. Nuisance; Public vs Private NuisanceIX. Accretion; Avulsion11. Inexistent Contracts vs Annullable ContractsIX. Contract Option; ElementsX. Donations; with Resolutory Condition12. Extinguishment; Cause of ActionX. Non-payment of AmortizationsXI. Wills, Revocation of Wills; Dependent13. Double SalesXI. CommodatumRelative Revocation14. Agency; Guarantee Commission as agentXII. Equitable MortgageXII. Legitime; Compulsory Heirs15. Agency; Real Estate MortgaeXIII. A. Forgery; Innocent Purchaser for ValueXIII. Conditional Obligations16. Mutuum vs CommodatumC. Ejectment Suit vs Cancellation of TitleXIV. Liability; Solidary Obligations, Mutual Guranty17. Mutuum; InterestsXIV. Sublease vs Assignment of Lease; RescissionXV. Donation vs Sale18. Pledgeof ContractXVI. Immovable Property; Rescission of Guaranty19. Quasi-Contracts; Solution indebitiXV. Quasi-DelictXVII. Defense; Due Diligence in Selection20. Liability; Airline Company; non-performanceXVI. Liability; Airline Company;Non-performanceXVIII.Acquisition of Lands;Citizenship Requirementof an obligationObligationXIX. Chattel Mortgage; Immovables21. Vicarious LiabilityXX. Remedies; Reconveyance vs Re-opening of a22. Intellectual Creationdecree; Prescriptive PeriodNote: Not numbered according to the actual testquestionFREQUENTLY ASKED BAR QUESTIONSCIVIL LAWBY: MICHELLE ANDREA AUGUST F. SABUYAFATIMA J. BACUTENGTOPIC PER QUESTION200620072008I. Parental Authority; Child Under 7 yrs of ageI. 1. Occupation vs PossessionI. Marriage; Requisites; Marriage LicenseII. Marriage; Legal Separation; Mutual Guilt2. Illegal and Impossible conditions in a simpleII. Death; Effect; Beneficiary of InsuranceIII. Paternity and Filiation; Formalitiesdonation vs Illegal and Impossible conditionsProceedsIV. Marriage; Void Marriagesin an onerous donationIII. Marriage, Requisites; FiliationV. Contract of Sale; Marital Community PropertyII. Movable vs Immovable PropertyIV. Change of Status; change of NameVI. Marriage; Psychological IncapacityIII. A. Constructive TrustV. AdoptionVII. Marriage;Non-bigamous MarriagesB. Doctrine of Last Clear ChanceVI. Succession; InheritanceVIII. Ejectment Suit; CommodatumIV. 1. Governing Law based on the transactionVII.Acquisitive PrescriptionIX. Nuisance; not nuisance per seinvolved; Acquisition of Real PropertyVIII. Hidden TreasureX. Wills; Testamentary Disposition2. Unregistrable PropertiesIX. Accretion; AlluvionXI. Donations unregistered; Effects; Non-V. Sources of obligations; obligations withoutX. Succession; PreteritionCompliance; Resolutory Conditionan agreementXI. Wills, Probate; Testamentary prohibitionXII. Quasi-DelIct; Mismanagement of DepositorsVI. Wills; ProbateXII. Succession, InheritanceAccountVII. A. Applicable laws; Art 15, 16,17XIII. Succession; Reserva TroncalXIII. Vicarious LiabilityB. Marriage; Legal Separation; PrescriptionXIV. Wills; RequisitesXIV. Change of Name; Under RA 9048C. Marriage; Ante-Nuptial DebtsXV. Compensation; LoanXV. A. Entries in the Civil RegistryD. Marriage; Annulment of Void marriageXVI. Right of First Refusal; LeaseB. Adoption; Use of Surname of NaturalE. Marriage; Family CodeXVII. ChecksMotherVIII. Donation; Void donationXVIII. ContractXVI. A. Moral Damages; Non-Recovery thereofIX. (multiple choice questions)XIX. Purchaser in Good FaithB. Marriage; Psychological incapacityX. Succession; Inheritance