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  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    Banking Awareness Study Material for

    Bank Exams (IBPS, RBI, SBI)

    INE!1. Banking History

    Pre-Independence Banking history of India

    Post-Independence Banking history of India

    Bank Nationalization in India

    Bank Liberalization in India

    2. Resere Bank of India

    I!portant Points of RBI

    "entral Board of RBI#oernors and $ep%ty #oernors of RBI

    List of &e!ale $ep%ty #oernors of RBI

    Rates of RBI

    Bank Rate

    "ash Resere Ratio '"RR(


    Repo Rate*Reerse Repo Rate

    +. Banking and &inancial )yste! in India

    "o!!ercial Banks

    &inancial Instit%tions


    "apital ,arket

    . )tr%ct%re of "o!!ercial Banking in India

    P%blic )ector Banks

    Priate )ector Banks

    . )ched%le Banks in India

    P%blic )ector )ched%led Banks in India

    Priate )ector )ched%led Banks in India

    &oreign )ched%led Banks in India

    /. )tate Bank of India and 0ssociates

    . "o-peratie Banks in IndiaList of "o-peratie Banks in India

    3. N0B0R$ 4 )hort Notes and I!portant Points

    5. Non-Perfor!ing 0ssets 'NP0( 4 Brief


    16. #ross $o!estic Prod%ct '#$P( 4 Basic


    11. R%Pay 4 0ll Infor!ation abo%t R%Pay

    12. Nair "o!!ittee Report on Priority )ector


    1+. "anara banks

    1. P%n7ab National banks

    1. 0llahabad Bank

    1/. Bank of Baroda

    1. Bio-,etrics 08,s

    13. 8alking 08,s

    15. &oreign $irect Inest!ent '&$I( in India

    26. &oreign Instit%tional Inest!ent '&II(

    21. B%dget in India

    History of B%dget in India

    8ypes of B%dget

    22. $ebt Recoery 8rib%nal

    2+. "redit Rating 0gencies in India

    I"R0 Li!ited 4 I!portant Points

    "RI)IL 4 I!portant Points

    2. Ind%strial &inance "orporation of India


    2. )I$BI

    2/. I$BI Li!ited

    2. 9:I, Bank

    23. National Ho%sing Bank

    25. )9BI

    +6. )tock ,arket in India



    +1. Bank of International )ettle!ents 'BI)(

    +2. International ,onetary &%nd 'I,&(
  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    1.Banking History

    Pre-Independence Banking History in IndiaBanking history of Indiais diided into 8;o !a7or categories -

    Pre-Independence Banking History

    Post-Independence Banking History

    Pre-Independence Banking :-

    8he origin of !odern Banking in India dates back to the 13th cent%ry.

    Bank of Hindusthan;as established in 15 and it ;as the first bank at "alc%tta

    %nder European management.

    Banking "oncept in India ;as bro%ght by Europeans.

    In 13/ General Bank of India;as set %p.

    n s ;ars against 8ip% )%ltanand the ,arathas.

    n s &irst 8r%ly );adeshi bank.

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    8he );adeshi !oe!ent inspired local b%siness!en and political fig%res to fo%nd banks of

    and for the Indian co!!%nity. 8he period bet;een 156/ and 1511 tho%sands of Banks ;ere

    established in India. ,any of those banks established then hae s%ried to the present s%ch as Bank

    of India* "orporation Bank* Indian Bank* Bank of Baroda* "anara Bank and "entral Bank of India.

    0t least 5 banks in India failed bet;een 151+ and 1513 d%e to econo!ic crisis d%ring =orld

    =ar I. In 2th s report.

    In 15+ Resere Bank of India act ;as passed.

    n the reco!!endation of Hilton-Ao%ng "o!!ission* n 1st 0pril 15+ Resere Bank of India

    ;as established.

    RBI ;as established ;ith initial share capital ;orth Rs. crore ;ith Lakh Rs. 166 share


    Post-Independence Banking History:Post-Independence Banking History:

    I!!ediately after the Independence* the partition of India in 15 adersely i!pacted the econo!ies

    of P%n7ab and =est Bengal by paralyzing banking actiities for !onths.=ith end of British r%le in India

    !arked the end of a regi!e of the Laissez-faire for the Indian banking sector.

    8he #oern!ent of India initiated !eas%res to play an actie role in the econo!ic life of the nation*

    and the Ind%strial Policy Resol%tion adopted by the goern!ent in 153 enisaged a !ied econo!y.

    8o strea!line the f%nctioning and actiities of co!!ercial banks* the goern!ent of India has ca!e

    %p ;ith the Banking "o!panies act* 155. 8he Resere Bank of India* India>s central banking

    a%thority* ;as nationalized on

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    banking instit%tion ;ith an effectie !achinery of branches spread all oer the co%ntry. 8he

    reco!!endation of this co!!ittee led to establish!ent of first P%blic )ector Bank in the na!e

    of )tate bank of India on

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    Na!e of "entral Bank of IndiaD Resere Bank of India 'RBI(

    No of "entral Bank in IndiaD ne '1(

    Resere Bank of India 0ct passed in 15+.

    Resere Bank of India 'RBI( established on 1 0pril 15+.

    Resere Bank of India 'RBI( established on the reco!!endation of Hilton-Ao%ng "o!!ission.

    Hilton-Ao%ng "o!!ission s%b!itted its report in the year 152/. Initially RBI ;as constr%cted as a Priate )hare holders> bank ;ith f%lly paid-%p capital of Rs


    RBI ;as nationalize in the year of 1st s affairs are goerned by a "entral Board of $irectors. 8he board is appointed by

    the #oern!ent of India in keeping ;ith the Resere Bank of India 'RBI( 0ct* 15+.

    "tructure of Central Board of )irectors:

    0ppointedFno!inated for a period of &@R years


    o $fficial )irectors

    &%ll-ti!e D ne #oernor and not !ore than fo%r $ep%ty #oernors.

    'on-$fficial )irectors

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    No!inated by #oern!entD 8en $irectors fro! ario%s fields and one

    goern!ent official '#enerally fro! ,inistry of &inance(

    thersD &o%r $irectors - one each fro! fo%r local boards. ne each for the fo%r

    regions of the co%ntry in ,%!bai* "alc%tta* "hennai and Ne; $elhi.

    *he +unction of Central Board of ,BI:

    8he !ain f%nction of "entral Board of RBI is #eneral s%perintendence and direction of the Bank>s

    affairs. 8he local boards adises the "entral Board on local !atters and to represent territorial and

    econo!ic interests of local cooperatie and indigeno%s banksG to perfor! s%ch other f%nctions as

    delegated by "entral Board fro! ti!e to ti!e.

    Present !oernor of RBI and "ep#ty !oernor of RBI

    8he eec%tie head of Resere Bank of India is kno;n as the #oernor* the goernor is assist by fo%r

    dep%ty #oernor.


    Na!eD $%%ri )%bbarao '$. )%bbarao(

    0ppointed onD n )epte!ber 2663

    =ill Retire onD )epte!ber * 261+

    .ist of )eputy Goernor:

    1. Na!eD $r.E."."hakrabarty

    2. Na!eD @ri7it Patel 'Ne; 0ppoint!ent* Replaced )%bir #okarn.(

    +. Na!eD )hri 0nand )inha

    . Na!eD )hri H.R.Ehan

    $emale "ep#ty !oernors of Resere Bank of India a Complete List

    &e!ale $ep%ty #oernors of the Resere Bank of India 'RBI(. &irst &e!aleF =o!anF Lady $ep%ty

    #oernors of the RBI. List of &e!ale $ep%ty #oernors of the Resere Bank of India 'RBI(.

    / % UdeshiD '16.6/.266+ to 12.16.266(

    E < @deshi beco!es the first ;o!an RBI dep%ty goernor. E < @deshi has been appointed the dep%ty

    goernor of the Resere Bank of India 'RBI(. )he is the first ;o!an dep%ty goernor of the RBI. 8he

    appoint!ent is till 12 ctober 266 ;hen she co!pletes /2 years of age.

    "hyamala Gopinath:'21.65.266 to 63.65.2665* 65.65.2665 to 26.6/.2611(

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    )hya!ala #opinath is the for!er dep%ty goernor of the Resere Bank of India 'RBI(. #opinath

    sered as dep%ty goernor of Resere Bank of India fro! )epte!ber 21* 266 to

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    Bank Rate is the rate at ;hich central bank of the co%ntry* in India it is the Resere Bank of India

    'RBI(* allo;s financeFli?%idity to co!!ercialFsched%led banks ;ithin the territory of India. RBI %ses

    Bank Rate as a tool for short-ter! !eas%res. 0ny %p;ard reision in Bank Rate is an indication that

    banks sho%ld also increase the deposit rates as ;ell as the Pri!e Lending Rate. 0ny reision in the

    Bank rate indicates !ore or less interest on yo%r deposits and also an increase or decrease in yo%r


    0hat is Bank ,ate 'on Bankers Point of ;ie(< 1

    8his is the rate at ;hich RBI lends !oney to other banks or financial instit%tions. If the bank rate goes

    %p* long-ter! interest rates also tend to !oe %p* and If the bank rate goes do;n* long-ter! interest

    rates also tend to !oe do;n. 8h%s* it can said that in case bank rate is hiked* in all likelihood banks

    ;ill hikes their o;n lending rates to ens%re and they contin%e to !ake a profit.

    Present Bank ,ate of ,BI:5.66C 0s of 0pril* 2612

    Cas' Resere Ratio

    9ery co!!ercialF)ched%led bank in India has to keep certain !ini!%! a!o%nt of cash reseres ;ith

    Resere Bank of India 'RBI(. Resere Bank of India %ses "RR as a tool to increase or decrease the

    resere re?%ire!ent depending on ;hether RBI ;ants to increase or decrease in the !oney

    s%pply. ,BI can ary Cash ,esere ,atio C,,< rate bet(een =8 and 5>8. 0n increase in "RR

    ;ill !ake it !andatory for the banks to hold a large proportion of their deposits in the for! of

    deposits ;ith the RBI. 8his ;ill red%ce the a!o%nt of Bank deposits and they ;ill lend less as they

    hae less a!o%nt as their resere. 8his ;ill in t%rn decrease the !oney s%pply. If RBI ;ants to

    increase ,oney s%pply it !ay red%ce the rate of "RR and it ;ill allo; the banks to keep large a!o%nt

    of their deposit ;ith the!seles and they ;ill lend !ore !oney. It ;ill increase the !oney s%pply. &or

    ea!pleD =hen so!eone deposits Rs.166 in a bank* it increase the deposit of banks by Rs166* and if

    the cash resere ratio is 5C* the banks ;ill hae to hold additional Rs 5 ;ith RBI and Bank ;ill be able

    to %se only Rs 51 for inest!ents and lending F credit p%rpose. 8herefore* higher the ratio 'i.e. "RR(*

    the lo;er is the a!o%nt that banks ;ill be able to %se for lending and inest!ent. RBI %ses "RR to

    control li?%idity in the banking syste!.

    8he Resere Bank of India '0!end!ent( Bill* 266/ has been enacted and has co!e into force ;ith its

    gazette notification. "onse?%ent %pon a!end!ent to s%b-)ection 2'1(* the Resere Bank* haing

    regard to the needs of sec%ring the !onetary stability in the co%ntry* can prescribe "ash Resere

    Ratio '"RR( for sched%led banks ;itho%t any floor rate or ceiling rate. Before the enact!ent of this

    a!end!ent* in ter!s of )ection 2'1( of the RBI 0ct* the Resere Bank co%ld prescribe "RR for

    sched%led banks bet;een + per cent and 26 per cent of total of their de!and and ti!e liabilities.

    Present Cash ,esere ,atio C,,< is ?73>8 @!s of $ctober =42 3453A

    (tat#tory Li)#idity Ratio

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    0hat is ".,1

    0part fro! the "ash Resere Ratio* sched%led banks in India are re?%ired to !aintain* at the close of

    b%siness eery day* a !ini!%! proportion of their Net $e!and and 8i!e Liabilities*li?%id assets in the

    for! of gold* cash and approed sec%rities. 8he ratio of li?%id assets to de!and and ti!e liabilities is

    kno;n as )tat%tory Li?%idity Ratio ')LR(. Resere Bank of India is e!po;ered to increase )tat%tory

    Li?%idity Ratio ')LR( %p to 6C. 0n increase in )LR also red%ces their 'Bank>s( capacity to grant

    loans and adances* th%s it is an anti-inflationary i!pact.

    0hat is "., 'on Bankers Point of ;ie(

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    Non-Banking $inancial Companies *NB$Cs+

    Non-Banking &inancial "o!panies 'NB&"s( are fast e!erging as an i!portant seg!ent of Indian

    &inancial )yste!. It is an heterogeneo%s gro%p of instit%tions other than co!!ercial and co-operatie

    banks perfor!ing financial inter!ediation in a ariety of ;ays*like accepting deposits* !aking loans

    and adances*leasing* hire p%rchases etc.

    NB&"s raise f%nds fro! the p%blic directly or indirectly and lend the! to the %lti!ate spenders.8hey

    adances loans to the ario%s ;holesale and retail traders* s!all-scale ind%stries and self e!ployed

    persons.8h%s they hae broadened and diersified the range of prod%cts and serices offered by a

    &inancial sector.

    )ifference bet(een 'B+Cs and Banks:

    0n NB&"s can>t accept de!and deposits.

    0n NB&"s is not a part of the pay!ent and settle!ent syste! and as s%ch an NB&"s cannotiss%e che?%es dra;n on itself.

    $eposit ins%rance facility of deposit ins%rance and credit* g%arantee corporation is not

    aailable for NB&" depositors %nlike in case of Banks.

    4.Strctre of !ommercial Banking in India

    In this article ;e hae disc%ssed abo%t the )tr%ct%re of "o!!ercial Banking in India. Bank is an

    instit%tions that accepts deposits fr! the p%blic*!obilizes their saings and keeps the sa!e %nder itsc%stody* these deposits can be ;ithdra;n by "he?%es or 08,s or any other aailable !ethods. Banks

    lends !oney to those ;ho need it and also perfor!s dierse agency f%nctions and also create credit.

    "o!!ercial banks are the instit%tions that accept deposits fro! the people and adances loans.

    "o!!ercial Banks aGsp create credit. In India* s%ch banks alone called co!!ercial banks ;hich are

    established in accordance ;ith the proision of the Banking ,egulation !ct2 5?7

    "o!!ercial banks !ay be a )ched%led banks or Non-)ched%led banks. )ched%led banks is classified

    into t;o big category based on the o;nership of the bank.

    I( P%blic )ector Banks

    II( Priate )ector banks

    Public "ector Banksis again diided into three category and they are i( Nationalized Banks* ii(

    )tate Bank of India and It>s 0ssociate #ro%p and iii( Regional R%ral Banks.

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    Priate "ector Banksis also classified into three category i( ld Priate Banks ii( Ne; Priate Banks

    iii( &oreign Banks

    P#blic (ector Banks in India

    P%blic )ector Banks is the !a7or player in the Indian Banking )ector ;ith 52C of co%ntries banking

    seg!ent is %nder state control. In India* the p%blic sector banks are diided into three categories 4

    )tate Bank #ro%p* Natioanlised Banks* Regional R%ral Banks.

    "tate Bank Group -8his gro%p consist of )tate Bank of India and &ie )ate Bank of India

    0ssociate banks. 8he RBI o;ns the !a7ority of the shares of the )BI and so!e of it>s associates. )tate

    Bank of India is the first p%blic sector bank in india. I!perial bank of india ac?%ired by the

    goern!ent to for! the )tate Bank of India in 15. In 155 the )tate Bank of India )%bsidiary act

    ;as passed and by the irt%e of this act seen princly states bank ;ere !ade the s%bsidiary of )tate

    Bank of India. No; )tate Bank of India has only fie s%bsidiary as t;o of it s%bsidiary bank !erged

    ;ith the parent concern. 'ationalised Bank -In 15/5 the goern!ent of India effected the nationalization of of 1

    sched%led co!!ercial banks in order to epand the branch net;ork follo;ed by si !ore bank in

    1536. 8otal 26 co!!ercial banks ;ere nationalized in t;o bank nationalization process b%t in 155+

    Ne; Bank of India ;as !erged ;ith P%n7ab National Bank.

    ,egional ,ural Banks -In 15* the state bank gro%p and nationalized banks ;ere re?%ired

    to sponsor and set %p Regional R%ral Banks in partnership ;ith indiid%al states to proide lo; cost

    financing and credit facilities to the r%ral !asses. n the reco!!endation of the Banking "o!!ission

    '152(* on ctober 2 15 fie Regional R%ral Bank ;ere established. 8heir !ain f%nction is to

    proide financial help to s!all and !arginal far!ers and r%ral ;orkers to help the r%ral econo!y to


    List of Priate Banks in India

    Indian Priate Banks

    1. Bank of Ra7asthan Ltd.

    2. Bharat erseas Bank Ltd.

    +. "atholic )yrian Bank Ltd.

    . &ederal Bank Ltd

    . $hanalaksh!i Bank Ltd.


  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    2. &oreign Priate Banks in India1. 8he Royal Bank of )cotland

    2. 0b% $habi "o!!ercial Bank

    +. 0!erican 9press Bank Ltd.

    . Bank of 0!erica* N0

    . Bank of Bahrain K E%;ait B)"

    /. ,ashre? Bank P)"

    . Bank of Noa )cotia

    3. Bank of 8okyo ,its%bishi @&< Ltd.

    5. "iti Bank N.0.

    16. $e%tsche Bank

    11. H)B" Ltd.

    12. )ociete #enerale

    1+. )onali Bank

    1. BNP Paribas Bank

    1. Barclays Bank p.l.c.

    1/. $B) Bank Ltd.

    1. Bank International Indonesia

    13. 0rab Bangladesh Bank Ltd.

    15. )tandard "hartered Bank

    26. )tate Bank of ,a%riti%s Ltd.

    21. Bank of "eylon

    22. "ho H%ng Bank

    2+. "hina 8r%st "o!!ercial Bank

    2. Er%ng 8hai Bank plc.

    2. 0nt;erp $ia!ond Bank N.J.

    2/. < P ,organ "hase Bank

    2. ,iz%ho "orporate Bank Ltd.

    23. !an International Bank )0#

    25. "redit 0gricole "orporate and

    Inest!ent Bank

    ".Sc#edled Banks $ Sc#edled Banks in India

    +6. "cheduled Banksin India are those banks ;hich hae been incl%ded in the )econd )ched%le

    of Resere Bank of India 'RBI( 0ct* 15+. Resere Bank of India in t%rn incl%des only those

    banks in this sched%le ;hich satisfy the criteria !entioned on section 2 '/( 'a( of the Resere

    Bank of India 0ct 15+.

    +1. Criteria for a "cheduled Banks:

    )ched%led Banks are those banks ;hose !ini!%! paid %p capital and resere and a!o%nt to

    2 lakh.

    8hese bank hae to s%b!it details of their actiities to the Resere Bank of India eery ;eek.

    8hese banks are listed on the second sched%le of the Resere Bank of India 0ct 15+.

    +2. *here are three types of "cheduled Bank in India and they are: -

    P%blic )ector )ched%led Banks in India

    Priate )ector )ched%led Banks in India

    &oreign )ched%led Banks in India

    ,,. P#blic (ector (c'ed#led Banks in India

    +. 8he P%blic )ector)ched%led Banks in Indiaconsist of 15 Nationalised Banks* )tate Bank of

    India and It>s fie '( associates and I$BI. 8here are total 2/ P%blic )ector )ched%led Banks in

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    1. 0llahabad Bank

    2. 0ndhra Bank

    +. Bank of Baroda

    . Bank of India

    . Bank of ,aharashtra

    /. "anara Bank

    . "entral Bank of India

    3. "orporation Bank

    5. $ena Bank

    16. Indian Bank

    11. Indian erseas Bank

    12. riental Bank of "o!!erce

    1+. P%n7ab and )indh Bank

    1. P%n7ab National Bank

    1. )yndicate Bank

    1/. @" Bank

    1. @nion Bank of India

    13. @nited Bank of India

    15. Ji7aya Bank

    26. I$BI Bank

    21. )tate Bank of India

    22. )tate Bank of Bikaner K

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    "iti Bank N.".

    $e%tsche Bank 0.#.

    Hongkong and )hanghai Banking


    Royal Bank of )cotland

    8he "hase ,anhattan Bank Ltd.

    $resdner Bank 0#.

    )tandard "hartered Bank

    0. State Bank of India (SBI)

    Important Points:-

    0ll abo%t )tate Bank of IndiaD )tate Bank of India is the largest Indian banking and financial serices co!pany by yearly

    t%rnoer and total assets.

    8he head?%arters of )BI is in ,%!bai* India.

    )BI is a )tate o;ned Bank.

    Presidency Banks during British ,a&:

    Bank of Bengal ;as established in 136/ in Eolkata. It ;as the first presidency bank of India.

    8;o other presidency bank ;as established* Bank of Bo!bay in 136 and Bank of ,adras in


    8hese three banks ;ere priate shareholders> bank.

    9ast India "o!pany also contrib%ted to the share capital of each of the!.

    8he b%lk of the share capital had co!e fro! priate shareholders !ostly 9%ropeans.

    8hese banks ;ere gien !onopoly of #ot. Banking- 0fter 132+

    8hese three banks receied the ecl%sie right to iss%e paper c%rrency in 13/1 ;ith the Paper

    "%rrency 0ct

    Presidency Banks ;ere a!alga!ated into the I!perial Bank of India 'IBI( ;hich ;as

    established in 2

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    In 2616* )tate Bank of Indore ;as !erged ;ith 4 )BI

    8he total n%!ber of 0ssociate Banks of )BI c%rrently ;orking in India- &ie '(

    )tate Bank of India has 1+ foreign offices in +2 co%ntries across the globe.

    )BI has abo%t 2*666 08,s

    )BI gro%p'incl%ding associate banks( has abo%t *666 08,s.

    )BI has 2/*66 branches* incl%ding branches that belong to its associate banks. 2*666th 08, of )BI ;as ina%g%rated by the then "hair!an of )tate Bank )hri .P.Bhatt on

    +1 ,arch 2611* the day of his retire!ent.

    )logans of )BID

    1. =ith yo% all the ;ay

    2. P%re banking nothing else

    +. 8he Banker to eery Indian

    . 8he Nation banks on %s

    ".%. !o&'erative Banks in India

    /. "o-peratie Banks in India is created to financing needs of agric%lt%re* retail

    trade*s!all ind%stry and self-e!ployed b%siness in %rban* se!i-%rban and r%ral areas.

    0 distinctie feat%re of the co-operatie credit str%ct%re in India is its heterogeneity.

    8he co-operatie banking str%ct%re is differ fro! @rban* R%ral and states. @rban areas

    are sered by R%ral "o-peratie Banks* R%ral 0reas are sered by R%ral "o-peratie

    Banks and )tate "o-peratie bank seres the ;hole state. 8he "o-peratie banking

    sector is theoldest seg!ent of the Indian Banking )yste!. In recent years Resere

    Bank of India and National 0gric%lt%re and R%ral $eelop!ent Bank 'N0B0R$( hae

    taken seeral i!portant steps to i!proe the "o-peratie Banking syste! in India.

    . 8here are total si types of co-operatie banks are ;orking in India and they are -

    Pri!ary 0gric%lt%re "redit )ocieties

    "entral "o-peratie Bank

    )tate "o-peratie Bank

    Pri!ary "o-peratie 0gric%lt%re and R%ral $eelop!ent Banks

    )tate "o-peratie 0gric%lt%re and R%ral $eelop!ent Banks

    @rban "o-peratie Banks

    3. 0s per !arch 2665 report* In India* there are aro%nd 121 @rban "o-peratie banks

    and 1115 R%ral "o-peratie Banks.

    1. List of Co-operatie Banks in India

    16. )ched%led @rban "o-peratie Banks

    11. In India* at present* there are total + sched%led @rban "o-peratie banks in India.

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    1. 0h!edabad ,ercantile "o-p Bank


    2. Eal%p%r "o!!ercial "oop.Bank Ltd.

    +. ,adhap%ra ,ercantile "o-p Bank


    . ,ehsana @rban "o-p Bank Ltd.

    . N%tan Nagarik )ahakari Bank Ltd.*

    /. Ra7kot Nagrik )ahakari Bank Ltd.

    . )ardar Bhilad;ala Pardi Peoples "oop

    Bank Ltd.

    3. )%rat Peoples "oop Bank Ltd.

    5. 0!anath "o-operatie Bank Ltd.

    16. 0ndhra Pradesh ,ahesh "o-p @rban

    Bank Ltd.

    11. "har!inar "o-operatie @rban Bank


    12. Jasai "oop @rban Bank LI!ited.

    1+. Indian ,ercantile "o-operatie Bank


    1. 0bhy%daya "o-operatie Bank Ltd.*

    1. Bassein "atholic "o-operatie Bank


    1/. Bharat "o-operatie Bank ',%!bai(


    1. Bharati )ahakari Bank Li!ited.

    13. Bo!bay ,ercantile "o-operatie Bank

    Li!ited15. "itizen "redit "o-operatie Bank Ltd.*

    26. "os!os "o-operatie @rban Bank Ltd.

    21. $o!bili Nagari )ahakari Bank Ltd.

    22. #oa @rban "o-operatie Bank Li!ited.

    2+. #opinath Patil Parsik s "o-operatie Bank


    +/. Ne; India "o-operatie Bank Ltd.*

    +. NE#)B "o-operatie Bank Ltd.*

    +3. Praara )ahakari Bank Ltd.

    +5. P%n7ab K ,aharashtra "o-operatie

    Bank Ltd.

    6. R%pee "o-operatie Bank Ltd.

    1. )angli @rban "o-operatie Bank Ltd.*

    2. )aras;at "o-operatie Bank Ltd.*

    +. )ha!rao Jithal "o-operatie Bank Ltd.

    . )olap%r

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    . 8he Bihar )tate "o-operatie Bank Ltd.

    /. 8he "handigarh )tate "o-operatie

    Bank Ltd.

    . 8he $elhi )tate "o-operatie Bank Ltd.

    3. 8he #oa )tate "o-operatie Bank Ltd.

    5. 8he #%7arat )tate "o-operatie Bank


    16. 8he Haryana )tate "o-opertie 0pe

    Bank Ltd.

    11. 8he Hi!achal Pradesh )tate "o-

    operatie Bank Ltd.

    12. 8he

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    +/. 8he "o!!ittee to Reie; 0rrange!ents for Instit%tional "redit for 0gric%lt%re and R%ral

    $eelop!ent '"R0&I"0R$( ;as set %p by the Resere Bank of India 'RBI(. N0B0R$ ;as

    established on 12 for a specified period of ti!e. Non-

    perfor!ing assets are one of the talking points of banks in their perfor!ance reports. 0l!ost

    all banks in India is s%ffering fro! the proble! of NP0. Here ;e hae disc%ssed the concept of

    Non-perfor!ing 0ssets.

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    . 0n 0ssets* incl%ding a leased asset* beco!e an NP0 ;hen it ceases to generate inco!e for the

    bank. 0n NP0 is a loan or an adance ;hereG

    8he Interest andFor Install!ent of principal re!ain oerd%e for a period of !ore than ninety

    days in respect of a ter! loan*

    0n acco%nt re!ains Mo%t of order> as indicated in the article belo;* in respect of an

    oerdraftFcash credit '$F""(.

    0 bill re!ains oerd%e for a period of !ore than ninety days* in the case of bills p%rchased

    and disco%nted.

    0n install!ent of the principal or the interest thereon re!ains oerd%e for one crop season for

    long d%ration crops.

    /. Banks sho%ld classify an acco%nt as an NP0 only if the interest charged d%ring any ?%arter is

    not sericed f%lly ;ithin ninety days fro! the end of the ?%arter.

    . D$ut of $rder# status:

    3. 0n acco%nt is treated as Mo%t of order>* if the o%tstanding balance re!ains contin%o%sly in

    ecess of the sanctioned li!itFdra;ing po;er. In cases* ;here the o%tstanding balance in the

    operating acco%nt is less than the sanctioned li!itF dra;ing po;er* b%t there are not credit

    contin%o%sly for ninety days as on the date of balance sheet or credits are not eno%gh to coer

    the interest debited d%ring the sa!e period* these acco%nts sho%ld be treated as Mo%t of


    5. Categories of 'P!s:

    6. Banks are re?%ired to classify non-perfor!ing assets into the follo;ing three categories based

    on the period for ;hich the asset has re!ained non-perfor!ing and reliability of the d%esD

    )%bstandard 0ssets 4 0n assets ;hich re!ained a NP0 for a period less than or e?%al to

    t;ele !onths '=ith 9ffect fro! ,arch +1* 266(.

    $o%btf%l 0ssets -0n assets ;o%ld be classified as do%btf%l assets if it has re!ained as

    )%bstandard 0ssets fore !ore than t;ele !onths '=ith 9ffect fro! ,arch +1* 266(.

    Loss 0ssets 4 0 loss assets is one* ;here the bank of internal or eternal a%ditors or the RBI

    inspection has identified the loss b%t the a!o%nt has not been ;ritten off ;holly. In other ;ords* s%ch

    little al%e that it>s contin%ance as a bankable asset is not ;arranted altho%gh there !ay be so!e

    salage or recoery al%e.

    "1. 1/. 0ross ,omestic rodct (0,)

    2. 0hat is G)P1

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    +. #ross $o!estic Prod%ct '#$P( is the !arket al%e of all final goods and serices prod%ced

    ;ithin a co%ntry in a gien period of ti!e. #$P is the basic !eas%re of the co%ntry>s econo!ic

    perfor!ance oer a gien period.

    . G)P is measured by three basic approaches

    1. 9pendit%re approach

    2. Inco!e approach

    +. Jal%e based approach

    . *ypes of G)P:

    Real #$P

    No!inal #$P

    /. Real #$P is the prod%ction of goods and serices al%ed at constant prices ;hereas no!inal

    #$P is the prod%ction of goods and serices al%ed at c%rrent prices.

    . But (hy (e need to measure both real and nominal G)P1

    3. No; ;hen the total spending increases in a gien period it points to;ards t;o happenings*

    either the goods or serices are sold at higher prices 'i.e inflation has increased( or the total

    o%tp%t of goods and serices hae increased. =hile st%dying econo!y* econo!ist tries to

    separate these t;o effects. Hence they !eas%re the real #$P ;hich allo;s the! to find

    ;hether prod%ction of goods and serices has increased or decreased oer the periods.

    5. Components of G)PD

    /6. #$P is a ariable ;hich depends %pon fo%r other ariables. 8hese ariables for! co!ponents

    of #$P

    /1. #$P "OIO#ON:

    /2. "total cons%!ption

    Igross inest!ent

    # #oern!ent spending

    N: eports less i!ports

    /+. "ons%!ption is spending by ho%seholds on goods and serices. Here ;e do not incl%de

    p%rchase of ne; ho%sing. Inest!ent is spending on inentories. 9?%ip!ents and p%rchase of

    ne; ho%sing #oern!ent spending incl%des spending on goods and serices by state and

    central goern!ent Net eports spending on the do!estic prod%cts by foreigners less

    spending on foreign prod%cts by locals.

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    4. 11.Ray !ard

    /. !ll Information about ,uPay and ,uPay Cards ,uPay !*2 ,uPay icro!*2 )ebit2

    Prepaid and Credit Cardss first do!estic pay!ent card net;ork* R%Pay* to

    co!pete ;ith Jisa Inc and ,astercard Inc.

    2. $b&ecties of ,uPay:

    +. 8he ,ain b7ectie of the R%Pay pay!ent net;ork pro7ect is to red%ce the oerall transaction

    cost and deelop prod%cts appropriate for financial incl%sion.

    Red%ce oerall transaction cost for the banks in India by introd%cing co!petition to

    international card sche!es.

    $eelop prod%cts appropriate for the co%ntry partic%larly for financial incl%sion.

    Proide card pay!ent serice option to !any banks ;ho are c%rrently not eligible for card

    iss%ance %nder the eligibility criteria of international card sche!es.

    B%ild eniron!ent ;hereby pay!ent infor!ation of the co%ntry re!ains ;ithin the co%ntry

    )hift Personal "ons%!ption 9pendit%re 'P"9( fro! cash to electronic pay!ents in a gro;ing

    econo!y ;ith a pop%lation of 1.2 billion

    . Important Points to ,emember:

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    ,uPayis the Indian do!estic card pay!ent net;ork.

    8he R%Pay pay!ent net;ork set %p by National Pay!ents "orporation of India 'NP"I( at the

    behest of banks in India.

    8he R%Pay pro7ect had been conceied by Indian Banks 0ssociation and had the approal of

    Resere Bank of India.

    8he !ain ob7ectie of R%Pay pro7ect is to red%ce oerall transaction cost for the banks in India

    by introd%cing co!petition to international card sche!es.

    NP"I has plan to proide f%ll range of credit serice like R%Pay 08,* R%Pay ,icro08,* $ebit*

    Prepaid and "redit "ards ;hich ;ill be accepted across ario%s channel P)* Internet* IJR* ,obile etc.

    0ll state-o;ned banks are epected to 7oin the R%Pay syste! by the end of this year.

    R%Pay-based debit cards can be %sed by the cons%!ers on the Internet fro! )epte!ber*


    %". 12. *air !ommittee Reort on riority Sectorending

    /. 8he Resere Bank of India* the central bank of India* on &ebr%ary 21* 2612 has released the

    report of the "o!!ittee '"hair!anD , J Nair* "hair!an* @nion Bank of India( constit%ted to

    re-ea!ine the eisting classification and s%ggest reised g%idelines ;ith regard to priority

    sector lending and related iss%es.

    . 8he Resere Bank India had constit%ted the "o!!ittee %nder the chair!anship of ,. J. Nair

    on 0%g%st 2* 2611 p%rs%ant to the anno%nce!ent !ade in the ,onetary Policy )tate!ent


    3. *he a&or ,ecommendations of the 'air Committee are:

    8he sector Magric%lt%re and allied actiities> !aybe a co!posite sector ;ithin priority sector* by

    doing a;ay ;ith distinction bet;een direct and indirect agric%lt%re. 8he targets for agric%lt%re and

    allied actiities !ay be 13 per cent of 0d7%sted Net Bank "redit '0NB"( or credit e?%ialent of off-

    balance sheet epos%re '"9B9(* ;hicheer is higher.

    0 s%b target for s!all and !arginal far!ers ;ithin agric%lt%re and allied actiities is

    reco!!ended* e?%ialent to 5 percent of 0NB" or "9B9* ;hicheer is higher to be achieed in

    stages by 261-1/.

    8he ,)9 sector !ay contin%e to be %nder priority sector. =ithin ,)9 sector* a s%b target for

    !icro enterprises is reco!!ended e?%ialent to percent of 0NB" or "99* ;hicheer is higher to be

    achieed in stages by 261+-1. 8he priority sector targets for foreign banks !ay be increased to 6 percent of 0NB" or

    "9B9* ;hicheer is higher ;ith s%b-target of 1 percent for eports and 1 percent for ,)9 sector*

    ;ithin ;hich percent !ay be ear!arked for !icro enterprises.

    Bank loans to non-bank financial inter!ediaries for on lending to specified seg!ents !ay be

    allo;ed to be reckoned for classification %nder priority sector* %p to a !ini!%! of percent of 0NB"

    or "9B9* ;hicheer is higher* s%b7ect to certain d%e diligence and doc%!entation standards.

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    %-. 13. !anara Bank $ Imortant oints


    0!!e!bal )%bba Rao Pai established "anara Hind% Per!anent &%nd in ,angalore* India* on

    1 s na!e to "anara Bank Li!ited.

    "anara Bank Li!ited ;as incorporated in 1556

    In 153* the Resere Bank of India ordered "anara Bank to ac?%ire #. Ragh%!ath!%l Bank*

    in Hyderabad.

    #. Ragh%!ath!%l Bank ;as established in 136 and conerted into li!ited co!pany on 152.

    #. Ragh%!ath!%l Bank had fie branch at the ti!e of ac?%isition.

    n 15

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    1. In 266+ P%n7ab National Bank took oer Ned%ngadi Bank* the oldest priate sector bank in


    1/. P%n7ab National Bank ;as ranked 12+ in the &orbes #lobal 2666.

    1. P%n7ab National Bank has !ore than 166 offices incl%ding oerseas branches.

    13. PNB receies Best Bank 0;ard-2611

    15. PNB receies the &IB0" 2611 M,ost Prod%ctie P%blic )ector Bank a;ard.

    26. Present )logan of PNB 4 8he Na!e yo% can Bank @pon.

    3. 2lla'abad Bank

    0llahabad Bank started operation in 13/.

    8he head-?%arters of 0llahabad Bank is in in Eolkata.

    0llahabad Bank has a net;ork of 266 branches across the co%ntry.

    "hair!an and ,anaging $irector of the bank is )hri

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    In 2616 Bank of Baroda* Indian erseas Bank and 0ndhra Bank 7ointly opened a Bank I- ndia

    BI0 Bank ',alaysia( in ,alaysia.

    In 2616 BoB opened a branch in Ne; ealand.

    Bank of India has the highest n%!ber of branches and offices %tside.

    3/. Biometric 26%s in India: 7#estions

    1. &irst Bank in India ;ith Bio!etric 08, - !ns(er this

    2. &irst Jillage to get Bio!etric 08, in India 4 !ns(er this

    +. &irst $istrict to get Bio!etric 08, in India 4 !ns(er this

    . &irst )tate to get Bio!etric 08, in India 4 !ns(er this

    . &irst Bank to la%nch )olar Po;er*Joice enabled Bio!etric 08, in India 4 @nion bank of India

    /. &irst $istrict to get )olar Po;er*Joice enabled Bio!etric 08, in India 4 #ha;addi illage.

    . &irst $istrict to get )olar Po;er*Joice enabled Bio!etric 08, in India 4 L%dhiana district.

    3. &irst )tate to get )olar Po;er*Joice enabled Bio!etric 08, in India 4 P%n7ab

    5. Bio!etric 08, first la%nched in #o%ta! B%ddha nagar in @.P by 4 a( )BI b( Bank of Baroda c(PNB d( 0llahabad Bank

    16. In case of Nor!al 08, ;e need to enter o%r secrete PIN to ;ithdra; cash b% for Bio!ertic

    08,s ;hat is necessary to ;ithdra; cash 4 &inger Print )can

    11. India>s 16th Bio!etric 08,s ;as la%nched by ;hich bank 4 "anara Bank '"anara Bank>s 1st

    bio!etric 08,(.

    38. 6alking 26% in India Important Points and7#estions

    3/. 8he specially designed 0%to!ated 8eller ,achine '08,( ;hich can be operated independently

    by a is%ally i!paired person* kno; as M8alking 08,>.

    3. "ome Important *alking !* uestions

    1. =hich Bank established &irst 8alking 08, in India 4 @nion Bank of India '@nion Bank(

    2. =hich city gets the co%ntries first 8alking 08, 4 0h!edabad

    +. =hich )tate gets the co%ntries first 8alking 08, 4 #%7rat

    . 8alking 08, )pecially designed for SSSSSSS People 4 Blind

    . =ho ina%g%rate co%ntries first 8alking 08, 4 "hair!an and ,anaging $irector of @BI* $


    /. 8alking 08, has ;hat kind of )pecial Interface 4 Joice Interface

    . =hich ;as the second bank to la%nch 8alking 08, in India 4)tate Bank of India.

    33. $oreign "irect Inestment *$"I+ Limit in India 2ll(ector
  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    35. Present &oreign $irect Inest!ent '&$I( Li!its in India. )ector-;ise &$I ceilingF li!its in

    India. &$I or &oreign $irect Inest!ent !eans net inflo;s of inest!ent to ac?%ire a lasting

    !anage!ent interest in an enterprise operating in an econo!y other than that of the inestor.

    56. Here is the list of +)I limit of !ll "ectors:

    51. Hotels and 8o%ris!* Roads and High;ay* 9d%cation* 0dertise!ent* &ar! sector* Petro

    "he!ical* Phar!ace%ticals* "oal and Lignite 4 166C

    52. +)I in ulti Brand retail:

    5+. 0llo;ed &$I in ,%lti brand retail - 1C

    5. +)I in Ciil !iation sector:

    5.*llowed -DI in Civil *viation . "!/

    5/. 8he "iil 0iation sector incl%des 0irports* )ched%led and Non-)ched%led do!estic passenger

    airlines* Helicopter serices F )eaplane serices* #ro%nd Handling )erices* ,aintenance and

    Repair organizationsG &lying training instit%tesG and 8echnical training instit%tions.

    5. +)I In Insurance "ector:

    53.*llowed -DI in Insuran+e 0e+tor . "!/

    55. &$I in the Ins%rance sector* as prescribed in the Ins%rance 0ct* 1555* is allo;ed %nder the

    a%to!atic ro%te.

    166. +)I in )efense "ector:

    161. *llowed -DI in Defense 0e+tor . 12/

    162. &$I in defense ind%stry s%b7ect to Ind%strial license %nder the Ind%stries

    '$eelop!ent and Reg%lation( 0ct 151 ;o%ld be allo;ed %p to 2/C thro%gh goern!ent

    approal ro%te.

    16+. +)I in Print edia:

    16. *llowed -DI in 3rint 4edia . 12/

    16. P%blishing of Ne;spaper and periodicals dealing ;ith ne;s and c%rrent affairs

    - 2/C. P%blication of Indian editions of foreign !agazines dealing ;ith ne;s and c%rrent

    affairs- 2/C .

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    16/. +)I in Broadcasting "ector:

    &, Radio )tations 26C

    "able Net;ork 5C

    $irect 4to-Ho!e 'd2h( )erices 4 5C

    &$I li!it in Headend-In-8he-)ky 'HI8)( Broadcasting )erice 4 C 'total direct and indirect

    foreign inest!ent incl%ding portfolio and &$I( 0%to!atic %pto 5C #oern!ent ro%te beyond 5C

    and %p to C.

    )etting %p hard;are facilities s%ch as %p-linking* H@B etc. 4 5C

    16. +)I In Credit Information Companies:

    163. *llowed -DI in Credit Information Com&anies . "!/

    165. +)I In Banking "ector in India:

    116. ew Bank (*fter *ugust$ 15) . "!/

    111. *llowed -DI in 3rivate 0e+tor Banks6 7"/#

    112. &$I in priate banking sector of India is allo;ed %p to C ;here &$I %p to 5C is

    allo;ed thro%gh a%to!atic ro%te and &$I beyond 5C b%t %p to C is allo;ed thro%gh

    goern!ent approal ro%te.

    11+. *llowed -DI in 3ubli+ 0e+tor Banks6 "!/#

    11. Li!it for &$I in p%blic sector banks In the case of nationalizedbanks as ;ell as )BI and its associate banks* the oerall stat%tory li!it

    of 26 per cent as &$I and portfolio inest!ent ;ill contin%e


    440. $oreign Instit#tional Inestor *$II+ ImportantPoints& ('ort Notes abo#t $II

    11. +oreign Institutional Inestor +II< Important Points7 "hort 'otes on +oreign

    Institutional Inestor +II

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    other inest!ent assetsQ. In India &oreign Instit%tional Inestor '&II( refers to o%tside

    co!panies inesting in the Indian &inancial ,arkets.

    126. India opened its stock !arket to &oreign Instit%tional Inestors '&II( in )epte!ber

    1552. )ince 155+* India receied portfolio inest!ent fro! foreigners in the for! of &oreign

    Instit%tional Inest!ent '&II( in e?%ities.

    121. In order to trade in Indian e?%ity !arket* all &oreign Instit%tional Inestors '&II( !%st

    register ;ith the )ec%rities and 9change Board of India ')9BI( ;hich is the reg%lator for the

    sec%rities !arket in India.

    122. ne ;ho propose to inest their proprietary f%nds or on behalf of broad basedQ f%nds

    or of foreign corporates and indiid%als and belong to any of the %nder gien categories can be

    registered for &II.

    Pension &%nds ,%t%al &%nds

    Inest!ent 8r%st

    Ins%rance or reins%rance co!panies

    9ndo;!ent &%nds

    @niersity &%nds

    &o%ndations or "haritable 8r%sts or "haritable )ocieties ;ho propose to inest on

    their o;n behalf* and

    0sset ,anage!ent "o!panies

    No!inee "o!panies

    Instit%tional Portfolio ,anagers


    Po;er of 0ttorney Holders


    4,. B#dget in India: History of B#dget in India

    12. n Noe!ber 2/* 15 R.E. )han!%kha! "hetty had presented the first b%dget of

    Independent India. B%t act%ally it ;as a reie; of the econo!y and no ne; taes ;ere

    proposed as the b%dget day for 153-5 ;as 7%st 5 days a;ay.

    12. &ro! then on;ards an interi! b%dget began to !ean a b%dget for a short period."hetty resigned a fe; days later d%e to differences ;ith Pri!e ,inister Nehr%. E.". Neogy

    then took charge of the &inance portfolio and held that office for 7%st + days.


  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    12. In 155 ,orar7i $esai beca!e the &inance ,inister. He has presented the !ai!%!

    n%!ber of b%dgets so far- ten. 8hey incl%ded fie ann%al and one interi! b%dgets d%ring his

    first stint and three final and one interi! in the second ten%re ;hen he ;as both &inance

    ,inister and $ep%ty Pri!e ,inister.

    123. ,orar7i $esai ;as the only &inance ,inister to hae had the opport%nity to present t;o

    b%dgets on his birthday Tin 15/ and 15/3. He ;as born on &ebr%ary 25.

    125. 0fter the fo%rth #eneral 9lections in 15/* ,orar7i $esai once again beca!e the

    &inance ,inister. 8his ;as his second stint. 0fter he resigned* Indira #andhi* the then Pri!e

    ,inister* took oer the &inance portfolio. )o far* she has been the only ;o!an &inance


    1+6. Ra7i #andhi presented the b%dget for 153-33 after J P )ingh ?%it his goern!ent*

    and in the process beca!e only the third Pri!e ,inister to present a b%dget after his !other

    and grandfather. Aash;ant )inha beca!e the &inance ,inister and presented the interi!b%dget for 1551-52.

    1+1. In the election held in ,ay 1551* the "ongress ret%rned to po;er and ,an!ohan

    )ingh beca!e the &inance ,inister. 8his ;as the first occasion ;hen the interi! and final

    b%dgets ;ere presented by t;o !inisters of t;o different political parties. ,an!ohan )ingh

    opened the econo!y* en-co%raged foreign inest!ents* red%ced peak i!portd%ty fro! +66

    pl%s percent to 6 percent and introd%ced the concept of serice ta.

    1+2. 0fter the elections another non-"ongress !inistry ass%!ed office. )o* a final b%dget

    for 155/-5 ;as presented by P. "hida!bara! of the then 8a!il ,aanila "ongress. It ;as the

    second ti!e that an interi! and final b%dgets ;ere presented by t;o !inisters of different

    political parties.

    1++. &ollo;ing a constit%tional crisis the I.E. #%7ral ,inistry ;as on its ;ay o%t and a

    special session of Parlia!ent ;as conened only to pass "hida!bara!>s 155-53 b%dget. It

    ;as passed ;itho%t a debate.

    1+. @ntil 2666* the @nion B%dget ;as anno%nced at p! on the last ;orking day of the

    !onth of &ebr%ary. 8his practice ;as inherited fro! the British* ;hen their Parlia!ent ;o%ld

    pass the b%dget in the noon follo;ed by India in the eening of the day. Aash;ant )inha

    changed the ti!ing to 11 a.!.

    4,8. 6ypes of B#dget:

    1+/. =hat is B%dget ho; !any types of B%dget present in India Here ;e hae eplained

    the types of B%dget present.

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    1+. Balanced Budget: Balanced B%dget is a b%dget ;here receipts are e?%al to c%rrent

    ependit%re. 8hat !eans that taes on inco!e and ependit%re etc are s%fficient to !eet

    pay!ents for goods and serices* interest on the national debt etc. 0 balanced b%dget is*

    ho;eer* not necessarily an ideal one 4 econo!ist

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    1. 8he $ebt Recoery 8rib%nals are located across the co%ntry. )o!e cities hae !ore

    than one $ebt Recoery 8rib%nal located therein. Ne; $elhi and ,%!bai hae three $ebt

    Recoery 8rib%nals. "hennai and Eolkata hae t;o $ebt Recoery 8rib%nals each. ne $ebt

    Recoery 8rib%nal each has been constit%ted at 0h!dabad* 0llahabad* 0r%ngabad* Bangalore*

    "handigrah* "oi!batore* "%ttack* 9rnak%la!* #%;ahati* Hydrabad*

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    I"R0 Li!ited 'I"R0( is one of India>s pre!ier financial infor!ation serices co!pany.

    I"R0 Li!ited is one of the"redit Rating 0gency in India.

    I"R0 also proide professional financial serices in the 0sia-Pacific region thro%gh its


    I"R0 Li!ited* ;as established in 1551* and ;as originally na!edInestment Information

    and Credit ,ating !gency of India .imited'II"R0 India(. Head?%arters of I"R0 is at Ne; $elhi* India.

    II"R0 India changed its na!e to I"R0 Li!ited* and ;ent p%blic on 1+ 0pril 155.

    I"R0 Ltd listed on the Bo!bay )tock 9change 'B)9(and the National )tock 9change 'N)9(.

    I"R0 Li!ited is a P%blic "o!pany.

    I"R0 offers Ind%stry &inancial serices and "redit ratings serices.

    "9 of I"R0 Li!ited is Naresh 8akkar.

    48,. CRI(IL

    "RI)IL or "redit Rating and Infor!ation )erices of India Ltd. is a global analytical co!pany

    ;hich proides serices like ratings* research* and risk K policy adisory.

    "RI)IL is the largest credit rating agency in India.

    "RI)IL ;as established on 153.

    "RI)IL pioneered ratings in India !ore than 26 years ago

    8oday* "RI)IL is the %ndisp%ted b%siness leader in Ratings.

    "RI)IL>s #lobal 0nalytical "entre '#0"( s%pports the #lobal Reso%rce ,anage!ent initiatie of

    )tandard K Poor>s ')KP(.

    8he !ain serice prod%ct of "RI)IL are Ind%stry &inancial )erices.

    48/. Ind#strial $inance Corporation of India*I$CI+

    1. In 15* at the of Independence* there ;as a significant de!and for ne; capital b%t

    the Indian "apital ,arket ;as relatiely %nder-deeloped. ,erchant bankers and %nder;riting

    fir!s ;ere al!ost non eistence and co!!ercial banks ;ere not ?%ipped to proide long ter!

    ind%strial finance in any significant !anner.

    8he Ind%strial &inance "orporation of India 'I&"I( ;as established on

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    )I$BI ;as incorporated initially as a ;holly o;ned s%bsidiary of Ind%strial $eelop!ent Bank

    of India.

    No; )I$BI is o;ned by seeral state-o;ned banks* ins%rance co!panies and financial


    )I$BI is an independent financial instit%tion ai!ed to aid the gro;th and deelop!ent of

    !icro* s!all and !edi%!-scale enterprises in India. It is an ape body and nodal agency for for!%lating* coordination and !onitoring the policies

    and progra!!e for pro!otion and deelop!ent of s!all scale ind%stries.

    )I$BI is in the list of top +6 $eelop!ent Banks of the =orld in the latest ranking of 8he

    Banker* London.

    48. I"BI Ind#strial "eelopment Bank of India

    8he Ind%strial $eelop!ent Bank of India 'I$BI( ;as established on 1

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    1/6. Important Points about EI Bank:

    9port-I!port Bank of India ;as established on 1532.

    9port-I!port Bank of India ;as set %p %nder the 9port-I!port Bank of India 0ct 1531.

    Head?%arters of 9:I, Bank is at ,%!bai* India

    "hair!an and ,anaging $irector '",$( of 9:I, bank is 8.".0 Ranganathan.

    404. National Ho#sing Bank

    8he National Ho%sing Bank 'NHB( is a state o;ned bank.

    National Ho%sing Bank is a reg%lation a%thority in India.

    National Ho%sing Bank ;as established on

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    1/. )tock ,arket refers to a !arket place ;here inestors cab b%y and sell stocks. 8he

    price at ;hich each b%ying and selling transaction takes i deter!ined by the !arket forces.

    Here !arket forces are de!and and s%pply for a partic%lar stock.

    1//. In earlier ti!es* stock brokers asse!bles at a stock echange to p%rchase and sale

    stock or in one ;ord to !ake transactions. B%t no; stock !arket beca!e paperless. 0l!ost

    all transaction are done electronically.

    1/. Presently there are total 3= stock echange in India7

    1. Bo!bay )tock 9change'B)9(

    2. National )tock 9change'N)9(

    +. 0h!edabad )tock 9change

    . Bangalore )tock 9change

    . Bh%banesh;ar )tock 9change

    /. "alc%tta )tock 9change

    . "ochin )tock 9change

    3. "oi!batore )tock 9change

    5. $elhi )tock 9change

    16. #%;ahati )tock 9change

    11. Hyderabad )tock 9change


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    2. Important Points

    ldest )tock 9change in India 4 Bo!bay )tock 9change

    Largest )tock 9change in India 4 National )tock 9change

    Reg%latory 0%thority of )tock ,arket 4 )9BI Ao%ngest stock echange in India 4 "oi!batore )tock 9change

    8. Bombay (tock 9c'ange *B(9+

    2/. Bo!bay )tock 9change 'B)9( is a stock echange located on $alal )treet* ,%!bai. Bo!bay

    )tock 9change is the oldest )tock 9change in 0sia. 8his stock echange ;as initially started

    by fie stock broker o%tside ,%!bai 8o;n hall @nder a banyan tree in 136. In 13 it

    beco!e an official organization kno;n as M8he Natie )hare K )tock Brokers 0ssociation>.

    2. 0fter Independence* In 15/ Bo!bay )tock 9change beca!e the first stock echange to be

    recognized by the Indian #oern!ent %nder the )ec%rities "ontracts Reg%lation 0ct.

    B)9 &o%nded in 13

    "9 and ,$ of B)9 4 ,adh% Eannan

    No. of "o!pany listed 4 *63

    B)9 Indees- B)9 )9N)9:*B)9 )!all "ap*B)9 ,id-"ap*B)9 66

    ldest )tock 9change in 0sia

    3. National (tock 9c'ange of India *N(9+

    25. National )tock 9change of India 'N)9( 4 In order to lift the Indian stock !arket trading

    syste! on par ;ith the International standards and on the basis of the reco!!endations ofhigh po;ered Pher;ani "o!!ittee* the National )tock 9change ;as incorporated in 1552 by

    Ind%strial $eelop!ent Bank of India* Ind%strial "redit and Inest!ent "orporation of India*

    Ind%strial &inance "orporation of India* 0ll Ins%rance "orporations* )elected co!!ercial banks

    and others.

    +6. 8he National )tock 9change 'N)9( is the 5th largest stock echange in the ;orld by !arket

    capitalization and largest in India by daily t%rnoer and n%!ber of trades* for both e?%ities

    and deriatie trading. N)9 is located in ,%!bai* ,aharastra.

    In Noe!ber*1552 )9BI ;as incorporated as a ta-paying co!pany.

    In 0pril 155+* it ;as recognized as a stock echange %nder the )ec%rities "ontracts'Reg%lation( 0ct* 15/.

    N)9 Incorporated on the reco!!endation of Pher;ani "o!!ittee.

    N)9 co!!enced operations in the =holesale $ebt ,arket '=$,( seg!ent in

  • 7/26/2019 Banking Awareness Study Material for Bank Exams


    No. of listings- 1*2

    N)9 Indees 4 )KP "N: Nifty*"N: Nifty years. B%t can be re!oed earlier.

    Present head of I+ -"hristine Lagarde &or!er finance !inister of &rance

    .atest .ast ember of I+-8%al%

    uotas and ;oting ,anking-India occ%py 5th Place in I,& #eneral ?%otas ;here @)0 in


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