bangka island

Bangka Island <> Bangka Island is an island located to the east of Sumatra, Indonesia, and included in the province of Bangka Belitung Islands. Bangka island can be interpreted as an "island of old. " if viewed on the mineral content contained in this region, Bangka island contains many mineral mining materials formed millions of years. One example is tin minerals, therefore the people call it by name Bangka Island. According to folklore, Bangka Island has no indigenous people, all people are migrants who later given the name "sekak tribe". This island community is still embracing animism and then came the nations wither from Malaka by bringing the religion of Islam which is then developed until now. Since 1710, Bangka Island is one of the largest tin-producing region in the world. Tin production process is controlled entirely by the Indonesian government. In addition to society's economic resources Bangka Island is from the agricultural sector, namely pepper, rubber, and palm oil. Since 1710, Bangka Island is one of the largest tin-producing region in the world. Tin production process is controlled entirely by the Indonesian government. In addition to society's economic resources Bangka Island is from the agricultural sector, namely pepper, rubber, and palm oil. History….. Bangka Island is one of the areas under the authority of the Sultanate of Palembang, since the collapse of the power of the Sultanate of Palembang and Bangka territory handed over to Britain in 1812. In 1814, the British government of Bangka island bartered with Cochin in India that had been owned by the Dutch. During the second world war the Japanese government became ruler at that time controlled the island of Bangka from tahun1942 until 1945. After Japan surrendered in 1945 unconditionally to the Allies as well as almost all regions of Indonesia experienced a power vacuum,

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Page 1: Bangka Island

Bangka Island <>

Bangka Island is an island located to the east of Sumatra, Indonesia, and included in the province of Bangka Belitung Islands. Bangka island can be interpreted as an "island of old. " if viewed on the mineral content contained in this region, Bangka island contains many mineral mining materials formed millions of years. One example is tin minerals, therefore the people call it by name Bangka Island.

According to folklore, Bangka Island has no indigenous people, all people are migrants who later given the name "sekak tribe". This island community is still embracing animism and then came the nations wither from Malaka by bringing the religion of Islam which is then developed until now.

Since 1710, Bangka Island is one of the largest tin-producing region in the world. Tin production process is controlled entirely by the Indonesian government. In addition to society's economic resources Bangka Island is from the agricultural sector, namely pepper, rubber, and palm oil.

Since 1710, Bangka Island is one of the largest tin-producing region in the world. Tin production process is controlled entirely by the Indonesian government. In addition to society's economic resources Bangka Island is from the agricultural sector, namely pepper, rubber, and palm oil.


Bangka Island is one of the areas under the authority of the Sultanate of Palembang, since the collapse of the power of the Sultanate of Palembang and Bangka territory handed over to Britain in 1812. In 1814, the British government of Bangka island bartered with Cochin in India that had been owned by the Dutch.

During the second world war the Japanese government became ruler at that time controlled the island of Bangka from tahun1942 until 1945. After Japan surrendered in 1945 unconditionally to the Allies as well as almost all regions of Indonesia experienced a power vacuum, then the island of Bangka after the proclamation of independence became part of Indonesia in 1949.

Together with the island of Bangka Belitung. was originally part of South Sumatra province until 2000 after the political map changes and upheaval in Indonesia in 1998 that led to the fall of the Suharto regime, at the insistence of the people on the island of Bangka and Belitung and then in 2000 the island of Bangka and Belitung islands then passed as a province and escape from South Sumatra and passed into a province called Bangka Belitung Islands.

There are six kinds of tourist attractions on the bangka island such as coastal tourism, nature tourism, historical tourism, cultural tourism, and education tourism.

1. coastal tourism

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Tanjung Pesona Beach

Located in Rambak Village, Sungailiat District about 9 km from the city of Sungailiat. The beach is located in between Teluk Uber Beach and Tikus Beach. This beach has open sea panorama over the bay and has also been completed with tourism facilities including 3 stars rated hotel.

Parai Beach resort

The beach is located in Matras Village , Sinar Jaya Urban Village of Sungailiat District. This beach has been completed with various tourism facilities, including 4 stars rated hotels and other leisure facilities.

2. nature tourism

Hot water bathing Tirta Tapta Pemali

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It is located in Pemali Village, Pemali District, some 20 km from Sungailiat. The water of the spring comes from active groundwater which contains sulfur, and it is believed could heal various health problems by bathing in the hot water ponds available.

Forest Tourism Sungailiat

The forest is located in Parit Padang Urban Village, Sungailiat District, right in the heart of the city of Sungailiat, facing directly The Agung Mosque. The forest is often ed by students, scouts and youths for camping.

3. historical tourism

custom house

Art heritage buildings on the island of Malay-style house has been there since the 15th century and evolved with the influence of Chinese, Arabs and Europeans after the first world war.

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Graveyard Depati Bahrin

This tomb is located in the village Kimak Merawang District. This location is within about 30 minutes from City Sungailiat. Depati Bahrin was one of the heroes who opposed the Dutch colonial Bangka.

4. Cultural tourism

Sepintu Sedulang

This tradition is better know as "Nganggung", where each household delivers dishes of food in a 'dulang' (large rounded tray).

5. Edocation tourism

Tin Manufacturing Polytechnic Campus (POLMAN TIN)

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This campus is located in Air Kantung Industrial Estate of Sungailiat . This campus is one of format education institutions managed by PT. Timah, Tbk. Occupying with the lates equipments of technology of high quality.

In running its education program, timah Manufacturing Polytechnic Cooperate with Bandung Institute of Technology. This facilities is interesting to visit, especially for students visiting Bangka Island

Musical instruments and traditional dance * Dambus

* Flute

* Drum Malay

* Dance Zapin

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* Rebana

* Rudat

* Bahtera Bertiang Tujuh Dance

* Sekapur Sirih

Traditional food

1. Lempah kuning

2. Getas

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3. Rusip

4. Calok

5. Otak-otak

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