baldassare castiglione the courtier how perfect renaissance ladies and gentlemen should act. he was...

Download Baldassare Castiglione The Courtier How Perfect Renaissance ladies and Gentlemen should act. He was NOT bald!

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Lorenzo de Medici Patron of the Arts Well educated poet


Baldassare Castiglione The Courtier How Perfect Renaissance ladies and Gentlemen should act. He was NOT bald! Michelangelo Buonarroti Lorenzo de Medici Patron of the Arts Well educated poet Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press Made the moveable type metal type printing press. It is named after him. William Shakespeare Mid Summer Nights Dream Hamlet Henry V Poet and Play writer Sir Thomas More Humanist English Statesman Utopia Ideal Society Based on Reason Henry VIII Became King in 1509 at age 17 Catholic Won Defender of Faith Six wives Leonardo de Vinci The Renaissance Man The Last Supper A writer, painter, inventor, architect, engineer, musician and mathematician. Mona Lisa His two most famous paintings. Niccolo Machiavelli Author of The Prince. An Italian political philosopher that had influential views about government. Encouraged harsh treatment of citizens and rival states. A ruler must do anything to maintain power. Raffaello Sanzio A painter and architect Nicknamed Raphael. The School of Athens Many paintings of the Madonna, mother of Jesus Donato Bramante Chosen architect of Rome. Designed St. Peters Basilica St. Peters Basilica Desiderius Erasmus The leading Christian humanist. A priest that wrote about a need for a pure and simple Christian life. Advised readers on educating children. Was a priest in the Netherlands. Martin Luther One of the first to make public complaints about the church. The Ninety-five Theses. Nailed complaints to church door. Printing press allowed theses to spread through Europe. Christine de Pisan A female writer from Italy. Wrote The City of Women In this book, she tells of the different views of women and their role in society. Queen Elizabeth 1 A queen of England. Drafted a Supremacy Act in 1559, Split England once again from Rome. The daughter of Henry the Eighth, his second. She established the Church of England.