baking soda cancer cure1

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  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    Its all about chemistry

    Curing Cancer with Baking Soda:

    What MDs and Naturopaths Dont now

    by !regory Delaney

    Wouldnt the delusional physicians and the big pharmacology swindlers be

    embarrassed to "nd that cancer could be cured with nothing more complicated than

    ordinary baking soda# Well$ no$ they wouldnt be embarrassed because they would

    be outraged% &ll o' their billions in pro"ts (anishing in a twinkle$ would not ha(e

    these betrayers o' Mankind at all happy with such a simple cancer cure% &nd yet$

    cancer can be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda% &nd

    I will e)plain how%

    While the greedy physicians and the cancer industry robber barons ha(e been using

    e(ery imaginable method 'or treating the symptoms o' cancer$ and while millions o'

    people ha(e su*ered and died under the most astounding (ariety o' mechanical$

    chemical$ bio+technological and radiological absurdities$ little progress in curing

    cancer has actually been made% &nd why# Well$ to understand why$ you would ha(e

    to understand who is treating cancer be'ore you can understand why it is not being

    cured% Who are these cancer physicians who claim to know so much yet 'ail to do

    anything use'ul#

    ,irstly$ they are people who admit that they dont know the cause o' cancer or howto cure it% &nd yet they insist that they be allowed to -practice medicine. anyway/

    0hese oncologists admit that no matter what they do$ you are going to die anyway$

    and so why not let them do something since they can make better use o' your

    money than you can% 1(en though they admit that they dont know what they are

    doing$ they o*er you 2ust two 3and only two4 choices: 354 let them cut+poison+

    irradiate+and+transplant you which includes a 'ree estimation o' how long you will

    li(e or 364 do nothing at all which also includes a 'ree$ but much shorter$ estimation

    o' how long you will li(e% &nd so$ with such limited choices$ most people pre'er to

    be7ueath their sa(ings account to the doctors 'or choice number one% &t best$ the

    physicians promise to drug you into unconsciousness so that you do not 'eel anypain either 'rom your tumors or 'rom their billing department%

    But what happens i' you dont take their ad(ice and choose alternati(e medicine$

    instead 8 you know$ the choice that the doctors ne(er mention to their patients#

    Since it has been pro(en that hospital patients li(e longer when the doctors go on

    strike$ then alternati(e medicine is ob(iously better than a placebo% But they ne(er

    mention that$ either%

  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    Secondly$ these oncologists with all o' their 'ancy degrees and years o' microscopic

    con'usion are really nothing more than disciples o' 'raud% 0his 'raud is known as

    -symptomatic medicine.% &nd these cancer physicians pro(e their idiocy on a daily

    basis by classi'ying cancer as a -disease.% Would it be a 2oke on them i' it was

    disco(ered that cancer really is not a disease at all but merely a -symptom. o'something else# 9undreds o' millions o' dying cancer patients would certainly not

    be laughing% &nd millions o' billionaire Big harma swindlers would not be laughing$

    either% Would it be a 2oke i' it was disco(ered that cancer is not a disease at all and

    that these swindling greed+bags were actually mistaking the symptoms 'or the

    disease# I dont think there would be much laughter in "nding this to be true; but it

    is true% &nd heres how this simple cure works%

    0he cancer 7uacks who are known as -modern physicians. 3or oncology engineers4$

    all know that there are many things that cause cancer% Does this ring a bell in their

    mighty brains# No$ o' course not% I' there are many things that cause cancer$ then

    how can cancer be classi"ed as a disease# Isnt it true$ rather$ that the many

    causati(e agents are the disease while the mani'estations o' tumors and

    malignancies are actually the symptom# 0his may seem strange but think about it a

    bit% &nd you alternati(e practitioners had better think about it a bit since the

    physicians ha(e already pro(en that they are on the wrong track and ha(ent

    thought about it enough%

    I' many things cause cancer 3radiation$ chemicals$ (iruses$ sunlight$ etc%4 then e(en

    the dumbest physician knows enough to remo(e the primary cause% So$ patients

    who work in the bright sun or in chemical 'actories are ad(ised to a(oid these

    situations% 9ooray 'or the doctors who ha(e common sense/ But why are they so'ew#

  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    rather the symptom%

    0he maniac oncologists cut and radiate and poison and burn the cancer cells in an

    attempt to kill them% But the alternati(e practitioner pre'ers to let the power'ul

    de'enses o' the body do all the work% &nd why# Because the body can take care o'

    itsel' 2ust "ne as long as you pro(ide it with what it needs to do the necessaryhealing% In this case$ "rst remo(e the causati(e 'actors o' cancer 3such as the

    oncologists and Big harma robber barons4 and then get to work on the underlying


    &ll cancer has some common denominators that the physicians think are

    inconse7uential% But i' you think about it a little bit$ you will see that the oncologists

    are 'ull o' themsel(es and not 'ull o' knowledge% What they think is the disease$ is

    actually the symptom% &nd what they think is inconse7uential is actually the tiny$

    little cause 'or all o' this su*ering and disease% Its a 2oke on the doctors$ but nobody

    is laughing%

    9eres how it works% Normal cells that turn cancerous ha(e speci"c 2obs to do% Brain

    cells do brainy things$ heart cells are on a bungee+2umpers rush$ li(er cells strain

    todays whiskey$ kidney cells strain the beer and sa(e the water$ bladder cells hold

    the nasty stu* that the others strain$ and skin cells en2oy a good suntan on a

    summer day% 0hey all do di*erent 2obs% But when they turn cancerous$ they throw all

    o' that speciali=ation aside%

    Cancer cells do not e(ol(e; they de(ol(e% 0hey do not per'orm the task speci"ed in

    the blueprints o' DN&$ but they rebel and go it alone% Cancer cells gi(e up being a

    high le(el technical worker in the body and become instead the lowest 'orm o' li'e%Worse than any truant teenager 8 all they do all day is eat$ e)crete$ reproduce and

    do it all while holding their breath% While holding their breath# What is this little

    detail that is o(erlooked by the oncologists#

    0hats right% Cancer cells dont re7uire a lot o' o)ygen to li(e% In 'act$ it is this low

    o)ygen le(el that allows them to thri(e% i'e: -0hou mustli(e.% &nd in order 'or them to li(e$ they must gi(e up their speci"c 'unctions in the

    body and de(ol(e to a lower le(el o' >i'e that is not so demanding o' them% 0hey

    become cancer cells in order to sur(i(e$ not because they want to be cancer cells%

    ,rom this perspecti(e you can say that cancer is normal% It is not a disease but

    rather it is the reaction o' certain cells in the body to stress 'actors that cause these

    cells to choose de+e(olution to a cancerous state as a means o' cellular sur(i(al%

  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    0hey gi(e up being highly ad(anced cells 8 brain$ heart$ li(er$ kidney$ skin$ etc% 8

    and take a step downward to a lower 'unction% 0hey become cancerous as a sur(i(al

    strategy because nature only gi(es them this choice 8 or they must die% Cancer is

    the reaction o' cells to (arious 'actors that will cause their death i' they do not

    de(ol(e to a lower$ cancerous state%

  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    G% -& diet made o' H 'resh (egetables and 2uice$ whole grains$ seeds$ nuts and a

    little 'ruits help put the body into an alkaline en(ironment% &bout 6 can be 'rom

    cooked 'ood including beans% ,resh (egetable 2uices pro(ide li(e en=ymes that are

    easily absorbed and reach down to cellular le(els within 5F minutes to nourish and

    enhance growth o' healthy cells% 0o obtain li(e en=ymes 'or building healthy cells try

    and drink 'resh (egetable 2uice 3most (egetables including bean sprouts4 and eatsome raw (egetables 6 or J times a day% 1n=ymes are destroyed at temperatures o'

    5K degrees , 3K degrees C4%.

    % &(oid co*ee$ tea$ and chocolate$ which ha(e high ca*eine% !reen tea is a better

    alternati(e and has cancer+"ghting properties% Water 8 best to drink puri"ed water$

    or "ltered$ to a(oid known to)ins and hea(y metals in tap water% Distilled water is

    acidic% &(oid it%.

    H% -Meat protein is diLcult to digest and re7uires a lot o' digesti(e en=ymes%

    ndigested meat remaining in the intestines become putre"ed and leads to more

    to)ic buildup%.

    % Cancer cell walls ha(e a tough protein co(ering% By re'raining 'rom or eating less

    meat it 'rees more en=ymes to attack the protein walls o' cancer cells and allows

    the bodyOs killer cells to destroy the cancer cells%

    -Some supplements build up the immune system 3IG $ ,lor+ssence $ 1ssiac $ anti+

    o)idants $ (itamins $ minerals $ 1,&s$ etc%4 to enable the bodyOs own killer cells to

    destroy cancer cells%

  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    the pu==le together% &nd I will lea(e you and the physicians to argue about the

    abo(e data which they ha(e plagiari=ed without 'ully understanding%

    0he newsletter makes much o' the importance o' a(oiding acidic and seeking

    alkaline but they do not know how to put two+and+two together to make any sense

    out o' the in'ormation that they ha(e stolen 'rom us% 0hey do not understand thecheap and easy and e*ecti(e Naturopathic Way because they 'ollow the 'raudulent

    and pro"table and e)pensi(e way o' symptomatic medicine%

  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    some o)ygen% &t that point$ the ionic charges again re(erse as the o)ygen drops o*

    and the carbon dio)ide is attracted and sticks to the blood cell which once again

    changes to a purple color and is carried to the lungs% ?in and yang$ a changing

    balance o' polarities%

    But 2ust like a toy balloon that cannot stick to the wall in wet weather$ o)ygencannot stick to a blood cell i' the ionic balance o' the blood is acidic% 0his is what the

    physicians and oncologists are o(erlooking% 1(ery damned one o' them has

    obser(ed the ringing alarm bell going o* but ha(e muQed their ears and closed

    their eyes because they are looking 'or some e)pensi(e and complicated cure 'or

    cancer when both the cause and the cure are actually (ery simple%

    0hey obser(e that cancer thri(es in an acidic en(ironment but they 'eed their

    patients sugar$ white Eour$ red meats$ ice cream and cake 'or dessert at 2ust about

    e(ery meal% 0hey obser(e that cancer dies in a high o)ygen en(ironment$ but they

    treat their patients to a choice between Coke and epsi 'rom the (ending machine

    down the hall% It is either much too simple 'or them to understand or else they are a

    witless part o' a greedy and (oracious conspiracy against the health o' all o'

    Mankind% 0hose are the only two choices$ Doctor; take your pick%

    0he ringing alarm bell that the physicians are o(erlooking is the blood p9% 1(ery

    cancer patient that I ha(e e(er seen$ all without e)ception$ had an acidic blood p9%

    But while the oncologists are pumping the patient 'ull o' chemotherapy$ pi==as$

    pancakes$ cokes$ ice creams$ hamburgers and 'ries$ sweet rolls and 2ams$ 'ollowed

    by radiation and surgery$ they are ignoring the 'act that cancer thri(es in a low

    o)ygen en(ironment%

  • 8/10/2019 Baking Soda Cancer Cure1


    but since they stole it 'rom naturopathic medicine at least we can all agree that it is

    good ad(ice% So$ go to the health 'ood stores and change your diet immediately%

    But also do this: 0ake a pinch o' baking soda 3sodium bicarbonate4 into your mouth$

    run it around your teeth and gums with your tongue while being sure to reach into

    the deepest parts o' your gums and teeth and swallow it three times a day 8 moreor less depending on how you 'eel% &lso$ drink a glass o' water containing a

    teaspoon o' baking soda be'ore going to bed each night% But dont o(er do this%

    Baking soda can kill you i' you take too much o' it% 0ake 2ust a little bit and see how

    it makes you 'eel% I' you 'eel okay$ then take some more% Dont o(erdo it but dont

    be a'raid to e)periment% &'ter all$ the doctors e)periment on you e(ery time you go

    to see them as they -practice medicine.% So$ why not e)periment on yoursel' and

    sa(e the money and the pain% But by all means change your diet to a natural and

    alkaline diet% &nd make baking soda a part o' that diet%

    0he physicians will charge you a lot o' money to take a p9 test o' your blood$ but

    you can start monitoring the p9$ yoursel'$ by purchasing some p9 test strips 'rom a

    pharmacy% 0est your tongue p9 in the morning as well as your urine p9% ractice

    some yoga or 0ai Chi Chuan or other deep breathing e)ercises and go on long walks

    to en2oy 'resh air and your days on 1arth% &s your blood p9 mo(es back up to the

    alkaline side o' the chart$ your deep breathing will 'ully o)ygenate your blood% 0he

    cancer cells cannot sur(i(e all o' that 'resh o)ygen so they die% &nd your 0+killer

    cells$ being 'ull o' (igor$ will kill the cancer cells that remain% Its as simple as that%

    0his is not ad(ice that a cancer doctor will gi(e you but it is ad(ice that you can

    take whether you accept his treatments or not% &'ter all$ the normal p9 o' your

    blood is %K but i' the doctor wants to treat you without regard to what is normal$then maybe you should put yoursel' in Natures hands rather than his% I' cancer is

    normal$ then it would be normal 'or e(erybody to ha(e cancer% But since it is not

    normal and since it thri(es in situations that are not normal$ then doesnt it make

    sense to seek the things that are normal so that the cancer 2ust disappears# &

    physician or oncologist who ignores the p9 o' your blood and does not know how to

    make it normal once again$ is not 7uali"ed to be treating you in any way

    whatsoe(er% &(oid such physicians 'or the idiots that they are%

    &nd whoops$ oh dear/ I am a'raid that tooth decay is also cured with this simple

    remedy because baking soda kills decay+causing germs on contact% Will thepur(eyors o' toothbrushes and pastes and drilling and "lling and billing be pleased#

    No$ those greedy betrayers and swindlers will not be pleased at all% 0hey want you

    to be sick% But the sweet$ happy smile o' good health is the natural state o'
