bad trade: international forest offsets and california’s carbon market

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  • 7/28/2019 Bad Trade: International Forest Offsets and Californias Carbon Market




    Warming Solutions Act, which sets a goal of lowering greenhouse gas emissions to

    1990 levels by 2020 (a reduction of about 30 percent).1

    Under his regulaion, polluers can mee heir emissions

    reducions hrough hree opions: reducing emissions, rad-

    ing emissions allowances or using ofse credis or emissions

    reducions ouside o he cap.2 Caliornia is he irs saeo have a cap-and-rade marke or greenhouse gases in he

    Unied Saes.3 Many policymakers are looking o he saes

    marke as a es or a naional model.4

    Cap-and-rade markes, however, are no he soluion o emis-

    sions reducions ha hey preend o be. They do no produce

    real reducions in greenhouse gas emissions and pose serious

    problems or common resource managemen. The privaiza-

    ion and inancializaion o naure is synonymous wih hese

    markes, and he numerous opporuniies or corrupion

    urher weaken heir legiimacy as real soluions or reducing

    emissions. In paricular, he use o ofses poses signiican

    problems in Caliornias new marke.

    %DFNJURXQGRQ2VHWVDQG5(''An ofse is a radable credi represening reducions in green-

    house gas emissions ouside o he eniies covered by he

    cap-and-rade marke.5 Through ofses, a polluer can pay o

    preven emissions ouside o he cap, in lieu o reducing emis-

    sions a he source.6 So ar, Caliornias cap-and-rade marke

    has approved our caegories o domesic ofses, and each



  • 7/28/2019 Bad Trade: International Forest Offsets and Californias Carbon Market


    polluer will be allowed o mee 8 percen o is emissions

    reducions wih ofses.7

    For example, a polluer in Caliornia could pay or a secion o

    ores o no be cu down in Oregon. This would coun oward

    he polluers required reducions even hough emissions are

    no reduced in Caliornia bu are in heory prevened in Or-

    egon. Because rees sore carbon bu also release greenhouse

    gases ino he amosphere i hey are cu down, hen no cu-

    ing down rees is considered an ofse.

    In addiion o he domesic ofses already approved, Calior-

    nia is considering he uure inclusion o inernaional ores

    ofses. These would come rom programs like he Reducion

    o Emissions rom Deoresaion and Degradaion (REDD+),

    which has he added purpose o conserving and enhancing

    ores carbon socks and susainably managing oress (he +

    in REDD+).8

    REDD+ programs are carried ou in developing counries wih

    signiican ores cover, like Brazil, Indonesia and many oh-

    ers.9 Through inancial incenives, landowners are paid o nocu down oress and insead proec hem. Wha Caliornia

    would do is sell credis or preserved oresland rom REDD+

    programs. This would be one o he irs cap-and-rade

    programs o allow inernaional ores ofses rom REDD+


    The use o ofses is problemaic, as is REDD+, and i Calior-

    nia goes hrough wih acceping hese ofses in is cap-and-

    rade marke, he impacs could be serious. REDD+ ofses

    lead o he inancializaion and privaizaion o naure. In

    addiion, oress usurped ino REDD+ programs become of-

    limis o he indigenous communiies ha have lived here or

    decades and have susainably managed he oress wihou

    inancial incenives.

    Moreover, signiican concern has been voiced abou ores

    ofses. Some criics quesion he wisdom o enrusing he

    worlds las ropical oress o he insabiliy o proi-led

    global commodiy and rading markes ha have proven o

    be highly unsable and unpredicable and hisorically sufer

    rom drasic boom and slump cycles.11 Ohers argue ha of-

    ses do no reduce emissions, bu raher move he reducions

    elsewhere, usually o counries in he global Souh where i is

    less expensive o make he reducions.12 Polluion coninues a

    he source while i is assumed ha reducions are made a he

    ofse locaion, which may or may no be he case.13

    Generaing ofses rom REDD+ programs exposes vial ores

    resources o inancial markes ha have no regard or he

    inrinsic value o biodiversiy, conservaion, susainable man-

    agemen and he necessiy or common resources o remain

    under public conrol. Unorunaely, here is a real chance haREDD+ ofses could make i ino he Caliornia marke, as

    recen analyses show ha exising domesic ofses will no

    mee demand, whereas he inclusion o REDD+ ofses could

    mee his demand and even exceed i.14

    2VHWV$/LDELOLW\To qualiy as an ofse, one credi mus equal one meric on o

    greenhouse gas emissions.15 Ofses are essenially a loop-

    hole in real emissions reducions, because hey do no reduce

    emissions a he source, and are hereore a serious liabiliy.

  • 7/28/2019 Bad Trade: International Forest Offsets and Californias Carbon Market


    As he U.S. Governmen Accounabiliy Ofice (GAO) repors,

    In heory, ofses allow regulaed eniies o emi more while

    mainaining he emissions levels se by a cap and rade pro-

    gram or oher program o limi emissions.16

    Ofses mus mee a series o requiremens in order o be

    valid requiremens ha are oen hard o mee and veriy.

    These include proving ha an ofse is real, addiional, per-

    manen, quaniiable, veriiable and enorceable.17 These are

    deined as:

    Real:There mus be evidence ha he ofse is boh appro-

    priae and accurae;

    Permanen:The ofse mus be irreversible;

    Addiional:Emissions reducions mus exceed (be in addi-

    ion o) hose required by law, and mus exceed reducions

    ha would oherwise occur in a business-as-usual scenario;

    Qaniiable:I mus be possible o accuraely measure and

    calculae he emissions reducions produced by an ofse,and o be able o replicae he indings;

    Veriiable:The emissions reducions rom an ofse mus be

    moniored and documened; and

    Enorceable:There mus be srucures o accounabiliy

    in place and a body ha oversees and enorces hese


    Meeing hese requiremens is challenging, especially wih

    regard o REDD+ ores ofses. Firs, guaraneeing perma-

    nence is very dificul.19 Trees can easily be cu down, dam-

    aged by ire or desroyed hrough oher naural disasers.20 A

    Congressional Research Service repor suggess ha ofses

    could come wih assurances ha i somehing compromised

    he ofse i would be resored.21 However, his conradics he

    poin o requiring permanence and presens anoher loophole

    in ofse compliance.

    Second, esablishing a baseline o greenhouse gas emissions

    is very dificul, ye i is a vial componen.22 Baselines are

    needed o compare prediced reducions o wha would have

    happened wihou he ofse program. Wihou his com-

    parison, deermining emissions reducions or he amoun o

    carbon sequesered is nearly impossible.23

    Baselines are also needed o esablish addiionaliy, he re-

    quiremen ha reducions be in addiion o wha would havehappened i no acion were aken. This requires deermining

    wha he emissions levels would have been wihou an ofse

    program.24 Wihou a properly calculaed baseline, i is di-

    icul o deermine addiionaliy, and non-addiional ofses

    have already been awarded under exising programs, meaning

    ha real reducions may no maerialize.25

    Third, here is a signiican risk or leakage o occur. This

    happens when emissions conrols cause polluion o shi

    elsewhere, leading o reduced emissions in he locaion under

    regulaion and increased emissions in unregulaed areas.26 The

    polluion hereore leaks rom one area o anoher. For ex-

    ample, i a counry agrees o proec is oress, logging com-

    panies could move o unproeced land and carry ou logginghere. I his happens, he oal level o prevened deoresa-

    ion and emissions would be unchanged, because he leakage

    elsewhere cancels ou he reducions in he regulaed area.27

    A ourh complicaion o ofses is ha hey cause disorions

    in price signals and incenives o reduce emissions wihin he

    polluion marke. I he marke is o work as supporers sugges

    i will, hen marke signals mus be able o drive prices in order

    o drive reducions in polluion ha is now le o he marke,

    insead o regulaion. I oo much emphasis is placed on he use

    o ofses o achieve reducions, he proper price signals are no

    sen o polluers o reduce emissions a he source and subse-

    quenly o inves in he necessary echnology o do so.28

    This complicaion can be atribued o he disorionary naure

    o ofses, which serve primarily o make compliance wih

    reducion requiremens less expensive, raher han inceniviz-

    ing polluers o reduce emissions a he source.29 Again, ofses

    represen a loophole ha undermines real emissions reduc-

    ions, urher perpeuaing he problems caused by green-

    house gas emissions.

    Finally, measuring emissions reducions is anoher challenge,

    and ores projecs are he mos conroversial ype o ofse

  • 7/28/2019 Bad Trade: International Forest Offsets and Californias Carbon Market


    because so many issues exis in ensuring heir inegriy.30 The

    only way o atemp a good measuremen is direc monioring

    hrough various ools.31 However, direc monioring is no always

    atainable or economical, and does no accoun or he impacs

    o leakage.32 This conradics he promoed purpose o ofses o

    keep compliance coss low or emissions reducion markes.

    While ofse credis migh be cheaper per credi han rading

    emissions allowances, he process o esablishing ha ofses

    are valid and legiimae is highly cos prohibiive. I he only

    way or ofses o work is hrough exensive monioring and

    evaluaion sysems ha require subsanial unds o operae,

    hen ofses do no ofer a cos-efecive marke opion or re-

    ducions. Insead, he law should be enorced and require ha

    polluers direcly reduce heir emissions.

    7KH'DQJHUVRI5(''The iniial REDD concep is based on he premise ha deor-

    esaion and degradaion occur because no economic value is

    placed on oress excep as lumber or poenial agriculural

    land. By providing inancial incenives o proec oress, i

    is hough ha his will solve problems o deoresaion and

    degradaion.33 However, many indigenous communiies worry

    ha moneizing oress hrough REDD+ iniiaives will lead o

    land grabs by large corporaions or he governmen, a problem

    ha has already occurred in rial projecs.34

    Rainoress are home o millions o indigenous peoples and

    ores communiies ha subsis on he resources o he or-

    es.35 These communiies have successully managed and con-

    served oress or cenuries, wihou degrading or deoresing

    hem, because hey depend on he oress or heir livelihood

    and long-erm wellbeing.36 Ye REDD+ programs raise many

    concerns abou indigenous righs, land enure, ores gover-nance and corrupion.37

    Indigenous peoples are oen orced of heir land and prohib-

    ied rom heir long-esablished use o he oress when he

    governmen or oher groups become involved in ores man-

    agemen.38 The oress become privaized and are no longer in

    he hands o he communiies ha have long resided here.

    Concerns have also been raised ha REDD+, which rewards

    polluers, gives only marginal beneis o he indigenous com-

    muniies ha have susainably managed oress.39

    Unorunaely, in many counries wih vas holdings o ropi-

    cal ores, he governmens oen do no recognize indigenous

    righs or ancesral oreslands.40 Fores communiies have

    lived on oreslands or decades wihou legal ile o i, and

    many cases exis where governmens will declare his uniled

    land propery o he sae.41 As a resul, indigenous communi-

    ies are kicked of heir land.42

    A primary concern is ha he proecion o ores carbon

    reserves will be placed above he proecion and righs o or-

  • 7/28/2019 Bad Trade: International Forest Offsets and Californias Carbon Market


    es peoples.43 REDD+ programs sand o generae signiican

    income or governmens, incenivizing leaders o ignore land

    dispues in oresed areas and o suppor REDD+ iniiaives

    over indigenous righs.44 This shis governmen accounabiliy

    away rom he ciizens o he inancial beneis o REDD+ i

    pus prois over people.

    Looking speciically a ofses rom REDD+ iniiaives, many

    problems and limiaions persis. Developing counries oen

    do no have access o he resources necessary o implemen,

    monior and enorce he rules.45 Problems o permanence and

    esablishing a baseline are also ormidable challenges.46 In ad-

    diion, because each counry has diferen legal rameworks,

    issues arise wih veriicaion.47 The measuremen echniques

    are complex and cos prohibiive, documenaion o emissions

    or avoided emissions can be inadequae and i is dificul o

    esablish wheher projec developers have legal ownership o

    he land in use.48

    Ample opporuniies or corrupion exis as well, since here

    are no incenives o correcly repor inormaion or inspec

    ofse auheniciy i he baseline is oversaed, more ofses

    can be produced.49 There is also a risk ha ofse buyers will

    enorce heir own crieria or ores governance ha could

    jeopardize he livelihoods o indigenous peoples and ores


    Finally, REDD+ by isel and as an ofse poses serious risks

    or he privaizaion and inancializaion o naure. Ataching

    inancial incenives, like ofses, o REDD+ programs could

    cause owners o oresed land, primarily governmens, cor-

    poraions and conservaion organizaions, o cu up racs o

    ores ino proeced, privaized areas.51 The Unied Naions

    REDD+ program (UN-REDD+) has even admited ha sev-

    eral poenial ailings exis. These include he likelihood o

    depriving indigenous and ores communiies o heir lands,

    marginalizing hese communiies, undoing signiican prog-

    ress in susainable ores managemen pracices and, mosimporanly, ha REDD+ programs could lock-up oress by

    decoupling conservaion rom developmen.52

    &DOLIRUQLDDQG5(''2VHWVSince Caliornia aces a poenial shorage o ofses or is

    cap-and-rade marke, adminisraors have discussed us-

    ing REDD+ ofses o keep compliance coss low.53 I REDD+

    ofses become eligible in Caliornias marke, hey sand o

    generae up o $2.2 billion.54 Caliornias marke would be one

    o he irs o use hese, despie he ac ha oher markes

    have rejeced using REDD+ ofses.55

    This has happened in he case o he UN Clean Developmen

    Mechanism (CDM).56 CDM is an ofses iniiaive ha issues

    ceriied emission reducion credis (CERs) in developing

    counries ha can be bough by indusrialized counries o

    mee heir reducion arges. REDD+ credis are no ac-

    ceped because o problems wih measuremen, reporing and

    veriicaion (MRV), as well as wih accouning, addiionaliy,

    leakage and permanence.57

    In anicipaion o he possible inclusion o REDD+ ofses in

    Caliornia, he Governors Climae and Foress Task Force

  • 7/28/2019 Bad Trade: International Forest Offsets and Californias Carbon Market


    (GCF) was se up in 2008 and esablished Memoranda o

    Undersanding (MOUs) wih Brazil and Indonesia.58 The

    MOUs represen iniial agreemens o work wih Caliornia in

    developing REDD+ ofses or use in he saes cap-and-rade

    marke. Since hen, urher counries have become members

    o he GCF, including Mexico, Nigeria, Peru and Spain, and

    addiional saes in Brazil.59

    Glaring problems emerge, however, when considering ofses

    rom he counries oulined. For an ofse o be valid i mus

    prove addiional, and he Caliornia Air Resources Board (ARB)

    saes ha or an ofse o be addiional, emissions reducions

    mus exceed hose required by law and exceed reducions ha

    would oherwise occur in a business-as-usual scenario.60 Brazil

    has a decades-old ores law ha serves o preven deoresa-

    ion and conserve is ores reserves.61 Mos o he saes in

    Brazil ha are members o he Task Force are in he Amazon,

    and landowners in ha region are required by he Fores Code

    o conserve 80 percen o oress on heir land. 62

    Mexico and Indonesia boh have ores laws on he books as

    well, which require ores proecion and conservaion.63 This

    raises serious quesions abou how REDD+ ofses rom hese

    counries will prove addiional. I canno be said ha he

    reducions in deoresaion and degradaion, and he added

    conservaion o oress resuling rom hese laws, would no

    have happened wihou REDD+ ofse programs.

    Furhermore, he poenial harm caused o indigenous com-

    muniies by REDD+ ofses conradics he iniial inenions

    o Caliornia when draing he regulaion or is cap-and-

    rade marke. Under a secion called Requiremens or no ne

    harm, he ARB saed, The sandardized mehodology mus

    ensure ha he ofse projec ype does no cause or conrib-

    ue o adverse efecs on human healh or he environmen.64

    Unorunaely, his no longer seems o be a prioriy or Calior-

    nia in he developmen o he marke. In Ocober 2012, indig-

    enous leaders raveled o Caliornia and proesed he poen-

    ial use o REDD+ ofses in he saes cap-and-rade marke.65

    Many cied ha hey already ace persecuion, hreas and

    unjus reamen a home or proesing he iniiaive.66 The

    ARB will decide on he use o REDD+ ofses in 2013.67

    Overall, he use o REDD+ ofses in Caliornias cap-and-rade

    marke poses signiican problems and, i adoped, would lead

    o he large-scale inancializaion and privaizaion o naure.

    Foreslands would be of-limis o public use and add o he

    alarming rend o moneizing naure or inancial gain.

    5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVSupporers o alernaive mehods o manage oress poin o

    a non-marke approach, called he Join Miigaion and Adap-

    aion Mechanism (JMA), included under he Unied Naions

    Framework Convenion on Climae Change.68 This approach

    incorporaes public suppor and mehods or susainable

    ores managemen, and srenghens governance.69 I also in-

    cludes saeguards or he righs o indigenous peoples, parici-

    paion o relevan sakeholders and ensuring ha JMA is no a

    mehod or convering oress, bu or proecing hem.70

    Bolivia has developed a proposal or JMA ha emphasizes he

    use o local knowledge on ores managemen, addressing he

    roo causes o deoresaion and reinorcing ha oress are no

    commodiies.71 The primary goal o JMA is no carbon emis-

    sions reducions, bu raher o proec he many uncions and

    beneis o oress hrough he applicaion o beter land use

    pracices and prevenion o biodiversiy loss, deoresaion and

    degradaion.72 Foress do no need REDD+ programs o seques-

    er carbon or preven emissions; hey already do his on heir

    own when iniiaives ocus on ores inegriy over prois.

    Given he serious implicaions or indigenous peoples and he

    public managemen o ores resources, Caliornia should noallow REDD+ ofses in is greenhouse gas cap-and-rade mar-

    ke. While he use o ofses migh make compliance more cos

    efecive, he process o accuraely veriy hem is highly cos

    prohibiive, so hey are no a easible marke opion overall.

    Based on he myriad problems o ofses, and speciically o

    REDD+ ofses, polluers should be required o direcly reduce

    heir emissions wihou depending on loopholes o do so.

    REDD+ ofses do no lead o real, addiional or permanen

    emissions reducions, and hey mus no be allowed ino Cali-

    ornias cap and rade marke.

  • 7/28/2019 Bad Trade: International Forest Offsets and Californias Carbon Market


    (QGQRWHV1 Barringer, Feliciy. A Grand Experimen o Rein In Climae Change. The New York

    Times. Ocober 13, 2012; Caliornia Assembly Bill 32, Subchaper 10 Climae Change,

    Aricle 5, 95800-96023, Tile 17, Caliornia Code o Regulaions. December 21, 2011.

    2 Fores Carbon Markes and Communiies, U.S. Agency or Inernaional Developmen

    (USAID). Caliornia Climae Legislaion: Cap and Trade and Inernaional Fores

    Carbon Ofses: Brieing paper or Ocober 30 Webcas The Caliornia Carbon

    Marke and he Role o Inernaional Foress: A Primer on Risks and Opporuniies or

    Insiuional Invesors. Ocober 30, 2012 a 2.

    3 Eshelman, Rober S. Carbon ofse group parners wih Clinon Foundaion on Ma-

    lawi ani-povery iniiaive. ClimaeWire. Ocober 17, 2012.

    4 Barringer, 2012.

    5 Air Resources Board (ARB), Caliornia Environmenal Proecion Agency. Background

    and Descripion: Caliornias Cap and Trade Regulaion. A 2.

    6 Gilberson, Tamra and Oscar Reyes. Dag Hammarskjld Foundaion. Carbon Trading:

    How i works and why i ails. Criical Currens, no. 7. November 2009 a 11.

    7 ARB, Proposed Regulaion o Implemen he Caliornia Cap and Trade Program. Par 1,

    Vol. 1. Ocober 28, 2010 a III-5; Fores Carbon Markes and Communiies, USAID. 2012 a 2.

    8 ARB. 2010 a III-26; Unied Naions Framework Convenion on Climae Change

    (UNFCCC). Repor o he Conerence o he Paries on is sixeenh session, held in

    Cancun rom 29 November o 10 December 2010. Decision 1/ CP.16. 15 March 2011.

    Paragraph 70 a 12.

    9 ARB. Overview: Preliminary Dra Regulaion or a Caliornia Cap and Trade Pro-

    gram. November 24, 2009 a 80; UN-REDD Programme. UN-REDD Programme Par-

    ner Counries. Available a htp: //

    Deaul.aspx. Accessed January 10, 2013.

    10 Cosslet, Chris. Caliornia Leading he Way Towards REDD+ Carbon Markes. UN-

    REDD Programme. UN-REDD Programme Newsleter, Iss. 16. February 2011; Teixeira,

    Marcelo. Brazil akes legal acion agains ores carbon deal in Amazon. Thomson

    Reuers: Poin Carbon. December 14, 2012.

    11 Grifihs, Tom. Fores Peoples Programme. Seeing REDD? Foress, climae change miiga-

    ion and he righs o indigenous peoples and local communiies. December 1, 2008 a 22.

    12 Gilberson and Reyes. 2009 a 11.

    13 Ibid. a 11.

    14 Fores Carbon Markes and Communiies, USAID. 2012 a 2 o 3.

    15 ARB. Background and Descripion: Caliornias Cap and Trade Regulaion. A 2.

    16 U.S. Governmen Accounabiliy Ofice (GAO). Climae Change Issues: Opions or

    Addressing Challenges o Carbon Ofse Qaliy. (GAO-11-345). February 2011 a 8.

    17 ARB. 2010 a III-4.

    18 Caliornia code 95802, secion a, 3. 2011. In Subchaper 10 Climae Change, Aricle 5,

    Secions 95800 o 96023, Tile 17, Caliornia Code o Regulaions; Taylor, Mac. Sae o

    Caliornia Legislaive Analyss Ofice. Evaluaing he Policy Trade-Ofs in ARBs Capand Trade Program. February 9, 2012 a 19.

    19 Taylor. 2012 a 19 o 20.

    20 Ibid. a 19 o 20.

    21 Ramseur, Jonahan L. Congressional Research Service. Volunary Carbon Ofses:

    Overview and Assessmen. (RL34241). November 7, 2007 a 4.

    22 GAO. Climae Change: Observaions on he Poenial Role o Carbon Ofses in

    Climae Change Legislaion. (GAO-09-456T). March 2009 a 17.

    23 GAO. 2011 a 9.

    24 Ibid. a Execuive Summary.

    25 Ibid. a 8.

    26 Gore, Ross W. and Jonahan L. Ramseur. Congressional Research Service. Fores

    Carbon Markes: Poenial and Drawbacks. (RL34560). July 3, 2008 a 17.

    27 Ibid. a 17.

    28 GAO. 2009 a 9.

    29 Fores Carbon Markes and Communiies, USAID. 2012 a 2.

    30 Ramseur. 2007 a 5.

    31 GAO. 2011 a 11.32 Ibid. a 11.

    33 Gilberson and Reyes. 2009 a 59.

    34 Ibid. a 59.

    35 Ekl, Gran. Swedish Sociey or Naure Conservaion. New hope or he oress?

    REDD, biodiversiy and povery reducion. (89542). 2011 a iii.

    36 Ibid. a 2.

    37 Ibid. a iv and 2.

    38 Ibid. a 2.

    39 Grifihs. 2008 a 19.

    40 Ibid. a 21.

    41 Sheikh, Pervaze A. and Ross W. Gore. Congressional Research Service. Inernaional

    Foresry Issues in Climae Change Bills: Comparison o Provisions o S.1733 and

    H.R.2454. (R40990). December 22, 2009 a 12.

    42 Grifihs. 2008 a 21.

    43 Gilberson and Reyes. 2009 a 60.

    44 Grifihs. 2008 a 21.

    45 Sheikh and Gore. 2009 a 15.

    46 Ibid. a 7 o 8.

    47 GAO. 2011 a 15.

    48 Ibid. a 15.

    49 Ramseur. 2007 a 3; GAO. 2011 a Execuive Summary.

    50 Grifihs. 2008 a 27.

    51 Ibid. a 21.

    52 Gilberson and Reyes. 2009 a 60.

    53 Fores Carbon Markes and Communiies, USAID. 2012 a 2 o 3.

    54 Ibid. a 1.

    55 Cosslet, 2011; Teixeira, 2012.

    56 Murray, Brian. REDD as a Compliance Opion. In Edior, Workshop on secor-based

    ofse crediing and a subnaional (REDD) program. Sacrameno, CA: Nicholas Insiue

    or Environmenal Policy Soluions. July 30, 2010 a 9.

    57 Ibid. a 9.

    58 Governors Climae and Foress Task Force (GCF). Abou GCF. Available a

    htp:// Accessed December 2012; GCF. GCF Task Force

    2011 Brochure. A 1.

    59 GCF. Abou GCF.; GCF. GCF Task Force Brochure.

    60 Caliornia code 95802, secion a, 3. 2011. In Subchaper 10 Climae Change, Aricle 5,

    Secions 95800 o 96023, Tile 17, Caliornia Code o Regulaions.

    61 Secker, Tifany. Brazilians begin o swap ores credis o push Amazon oresaion.

    ClimaeWire. December 18, 2012.

    62 Ibid.; GCF. Abou GCF.; GCF. Documens: MOUs Esablishing GCF. Available a

    htp:// Accessed January 2013.

    63 The REDD Desk. General Law or Susainable Fores Developmen. Available a


    Accessed January 2013; The Law o he Republic o Indonesia, Number 41, Year 1999.

    Aricles 40 and 46.

    64 ARB. 2009 a 65.

    65 Friends o he Earh. [Press release]. Indigenous leaders rejecing Caliornia REDD

    hold governor responsible or heir saey. Ocober 24, 2012.

    66 Ibid.

    67 Ibid.

    68 UNFCCC. Repor o he Conerence o he Paries on is seveneenh session, held

    in Durban rom 28 November o 11 December, 2011. Decision 2/CP.17. 15 March

    2012. Paragraph 67 a 15; UNFCCC. Repor o he Conerence o he Paries on is

    sixeenh session, held in Cancun. 2011. Appendix I, paragraph 2 a 26.

    69 UNFCCC. Repor o he Conerence o he Paries on is seveneenh session, held in

    Durban. 2012. Paragraph 67 a 15; UNFCCC. Repor o he Conerence o he Par-

    ies on is sixeenh session, held in Cancun. 2011. Appendix I, paragraph 2 a 26.

    70 UNFCCC. Repor o he Conerence o he Paries on is seveneenh session, held in

    Durban. 2012. Paragraph 67 a 15; UNFCCC. Repor o he Conerence o he Par-

    ies on is sixeenh session, held in Cancun. 2011. Appendix I, paragraph 2 a 26.

    71 The Plurinaional Sae o Bolivia. Proposal or he Developmen o he Join Miiga-

    ion and Adapaion Mechanism or he Inegral and Susainable Managemen o

    Foress. Presened o he UNFCCC. Augus 2012 a 10 o 11.

    72 Ibid. a 9 and 14.

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