b2b marketing strategy and planning: beginner's checklist

Visit Lydia’s Marke/ng Consul/ng at www.lydiamarke/ngconsul/ng.com Contact informa/on: LYDIA VOGTNER lydia@lydiamarke/ngconsul/ng.com 4156721870

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Are you tasked to develop a launch plan or a fully integrated B2B marketing plan to drive leads? Are you new to B2B marketing and unsure of best practices and/or the sales process? If so, consider asking yourself these 10 questions before developing tactics. These are some of the high-level areas to think through to help ensure your B2B marketing communications plans are smart and set up for success. It's derived from: Beginner's Checklist for the Corporate B2B Marketer at http://goo.gl/c1bdVV About Lydia's Marketing: I help companies develop effective brand, marketing and content strategies. Affordable B2B marketing and communications consultation and support for startups, small and medium businesses, and marketing agencies. -Brand, marketing and messaging strategy -Marketing planning and implementation (inc. digital marketing and social media) -Content and communications -General advice and guidance


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Visit  Lydia’s  Marke/ng  Consul/ng  at  www.lydiamarke/ngconsul/ng.com  

Contact  informa/on:  LYDIA  VOGTNER  lydia@lydiamarke/ngconsul/ng.com  415-­‐672-­‐1870  

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Are you tasked to develop a launch plan or a fully integrated marketing plan to drive leads?    

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Are you new to B2B marketing and unsure of best practices and/or the sales process?    


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If so, consider asking yourself the following questions before developing tactics


These are some of the high-level areas to think through to help ensure success...

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Think it Through

Do you have a solid understanding of the business vision and financial goals?


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If not you should obtain it before doing anything else

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If not, what do you need to do

to develop it?

Think it Through

Do you have a point-of-view (POV) on how marketing can help meet those goals?


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Think it Through

Do you have a POV on which tactics within the marketing mix will have the strongest impact?


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Do you have the necessary budget and resources to effectively execute them?

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If not    make the business case to get what you need and if that’s not possible

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Encourage discussion about your barriers up front to help ensure the marketing team prioritizes effectively

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Think it Through

Do you have a framework for the marketing communications strategy…

…that allows stakeholders to

weigh in on objectives and

contribute tactical ideas?


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Think it Through

Are stakeholders aware of dependencies that may require their active participation?

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Make sure key people and areas are aligned with you and ready to do their part because if they’re not

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It could have an adverse effect on your results as well as internal relationships (and possibly the respect and morale of your staff)

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Think it Through

Do you have a Messaging and/or Brand Toolkit that everyone can work from when crafting communications such as…


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Think it Through

emails scripts

video promotions Websites

presentations product co


ral bl


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It can be a rough draft that will evolve but at least some type of brand and messaging strategy is critical

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to ensure your message is relevant, engaging and consistent

This is a Company that gets me!

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Think it Through

Do you have a Measurement Strategy figured out across tactics?


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Think it Through

Have you figured out how all the metrics will come together to determine whether or not the plan is delivering?

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Think it Through

If not, get ahead of that and encourage dialogue early so that everyone is on the same page to determine... .

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Think it Through

How well the plan is set up to measure and

How best to address key gaps or potential risks in determining ROI

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Think it Through

Have you assessed where various components of the plan need to integrate to be effective?

For example...


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Think it Through

Is there a messaging framework that needs to be implemented simultaneously across the web, sales collateral, email, videos, etc.?

Are the dots connected to activate, manage and measure social media?

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Understanding this could help you consider the necessary resources and execute in a timely manner

Think it Through

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Have you thought about third parties that are a dependency for certain tactics?


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The sooner you can research and engage vendors and agencies necessary for implementation

Think it Through

Such as for campaigns, design, research and lead management the better

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This often takes longer and is more complicated than you think

Think it Through

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Think it Through

Have you determined who in your organization needs to be trained and educated about what the marketing team is doing?


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Thinking about this ahead of time will help you gain respect

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as it ensures everyone is comfortable with what’s going on

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and that key stakeholders are part of the process

Think it Through

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Have you established milestones to assess how the plan is doing?


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Do you have resources that can pull together the necessary data and information?

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Always think ahead about how you will respond to a demand from Senior Management to...

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Show me how our marketing communications efforts are driving business and/or at a minimum supporting the sales process

Think it Through

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You’ll be considered a leader if you demonstrate you are proactively thinking this way

Think it Through

Visit this blog post for the complete narrative: Beginner’s Checklist for the Corporate B2B Marketer

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 .  Here are some great training resources if you want to stay current on B2B marketing trends and best practices ongoing

Membership Training Courses

Think it Through


Webinars Learning

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Let me know if I can help. Visit http://www.lydiamarketingconsulting.com Contact information: LYDIA VOGTNER [email protected] 415-672-1870