aztec project power point

My Aztec Project By Brian

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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  • 1. My Aztec Project By Brian

2. Click to Learn More About These Topics The Great PyramidWalled Ball CourtAztec House Steam Bath House Corn Silo Where Did The Aztecs LiveConclusion 3. The Great Pyramid The Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan has twotemples at the top of the pyramid. Eachtemple is dedicated to a god. The godsare, the god of sun and war and the god ofrain. The pyramid is made of a sloping basewith a flat square or rectangular top. 4. Aztec House Aztec houses were made of adobe brick. Theyhad one main room and very little furniture.There were low tables, chests for clothes, andreed mats for beds. 5. Corn Silo This is a corn silo. It is round and made out ofmud. The roof is thatch which is long grassesor reeds. The Aztecs farmed for a living. Cornwas the main Aztec crop. 6. Walled Ball Court The Aztecs played Tlachtli,a sacred ball game.It was played in a capital I shaped walledball court like the one I have built. The gamewas played by two teams. The Aztec playerstried to hit a hard rubber ball through hollowstone rings on the side of each wall. Often therings had monkey or snake shapes carved in tothem. The hollow rings were 27 feet high.Players could only hit the ball with theirelbows, hips and knees. 7. Steam Bath House Taking steam baths was a part of the Aztecsdaily life. The steam bath worked when a firein the fireplace next to it was lit. This madethe walls hot. They poured water on the wallsto make the bath house steamy. Then theywould take a steam bath. 8. Where Did The Aztecs Live? This is where the Aztecs lived - Mexico. 9. Thank You