•winn. n,.—.•—-i..*.—•'•— .„.•,•—•— t or...

I* fe I;: 'I I I ] i' m >n "'• PRIZES FOB I PUZZLE SOLVERS •Winn. n,.—.•—-I..*".—•'•— .„.•,•—•— t Continued From Flret Pi 'age A. A., Riverton. N. J. 3822 Poplar Btreefc.Phila- Dey, Mrs. Doyle,'W. dclphia. Darlington, Mr 8 . Clara, 25 S. Forty-hfth si reel, Philadelphia.. Doll. Walter. 542 B. Alleghany avenue, Philadelphia. Deaset, Joseph, 1G49 N. Ninth street, Philadelphia. Krthal^J., 783 Lex street, Philadelphia. Fetter,'Joseph, 440 Jefferaon street, Philadelphia. Forge. Jestfe. « t l K , m str€et ' Con8h °- hocken,.Pa. Faher, Mrs., 2423 latterly street, Phil- Fitzgeraht.F- -459 Ingersoll street, Phih adelphia. . KorKctt. H.. 4062 Spring Garden street, Philadelphia- Gould, Louis. 2514 E. Somerset street, Philadelphia. Gaaton, R., Absecon, N. J. Qonitav, L., 3452 Frankford avenue, Phil- Hamif Emma, 1728 N. Eighth street, Philadelphia. ' HegeiWi C*. F)., Marietta, Pa. Holoch Delia, 1215 Taney street, Phil- adolpnia. _, .. Hahiv Fred: 4843 Mulberry street, Phil- adelphia. . Hinokle, L. H, Philadelphia. Horner. Uanaah, 18 Orange street, adelphia. Huhne, Janet, Philadelphia. Horman, M"»- C W Reading, Pa Hcnkel. Theo., 1143 Fairmount avenue, Phil- 1944 N. Eighth street, 212 S. Sixth street, 1315 S. Third street, Phil- J. S., 5829 Race street, Norria Miekle street, Cam- adelphia, JefYcott. <Mr«. Philadelphia. Johna.ton," W. J., 48 Pleasant,street, Phil- adelphia ' _ , Jones, James, 213 W. Columbia avenue, PhiUdelphia. ' m Kappenatein, Charles, (500 N. Twenty- third \ street, Philadelphia. Kna?i8e,' Ered, 482 Union street, Allen- town, 'Pto. „ , • ^, ., Kehl. Kdna, 4721 Haverford avenue, Phil- adelphia ' ' _. .. Lopg; Mr*.,- 6664 Musgrave street, Phil adelphia. „,.„ ... . _ ,' Lewler, Mrs., Hkh street,Jdillville,N. J Longendorfcr, Walter, 3220 W street, Philadelphia- Harry, 517 J den, N. J. Murdock, R., 257 S. Fifty-second street, Philadelphia. Moora, Mrs-V 2423 N. Seventeenth street, Philadelphia. Maurer. Mrs. May, 1617 Page street, Philadelphia. McDevitt, J., 2143 Latona street, Phil adelphia. -- .... Mitchell, 0.. 444 N. Christian street, Lancaster, Pa. ; Mathis, Fred, 407 W. Main street, Mill- ville. N. J. Miller, David. Elwyn, Delaware co., Pa. Martin, Frank, 132 N. Pine street, I*n- .Miller. Mr., 2100 Master street, Phila- delphia. Nordman, Mrs. A., 1116 Brown street, Philadelphia. Neely, Janiea, 2124 Walden street, Phil- adelphia. Osborne. J., 333 Chestnut street, Cam- den, N. J. Paessier, Emma, 1415 Toronto street, Philadelphia. Rommel, Mrs. William. 411 S. Jackson strest, Wilmington, Del. Royer, Kalph, Strondsbnrg Pa. Roberts, Mrs. H. 0., 122 N. Fourth street, Allentown, Pa. Radcliffe Arthur, 408 Pine street, Mill- ville, Vt: J. « A vT Schwartz. vSarah. 1220 N. Howard street, Philadelphia. StroWr, J. N., 918 N. Fallon street, r Philadelphiai i Stockton, Mrs. C, 3036 N. Fifth street, Philadelphia. ». M. A wyn, Pa. Simpson. 217 S. Third street, Col- hil- Styer. L. S., 1523 Christian street, adelphia. , Scott. Margaret, 826 Adams street, Wil- mington, Del. Sticker^ Harry, 814 Oxford street, Phil- adelphia. Seifert, George, 914 W. Columbia avenue, Philadelphia. Shultz, John, 439 N. Queen street, l*n- caster, Pa. , .-..., Shupe, Laura, 1005 Stella streef, Phila- delphia. Smith, Dora, Ashland, Pa. Smith, Albert, 3547 N. Seventh street, Philadelphia. Sehnitzer, Fred, 730 Atlantic street, Philadelphia. Smith, W E , 262 Susquehanna avenue, Philadelphia. Sleeper. Paul, Palmyra, N. J. Sto.nuler, P. M-. 2709 Fairhill street, . Philadelphia. _ Sehealer, Calvin, Royertown, Pa. Shaefe?, Melvin, 186 Court street, Phila- delphia. ^, ., Soflifu?, U, 638 Callowhill street, Phila- delphia. Schdenhut, A., Twentieth and Loudon streets, Wayne, Philadelphia. Schuck, Mrs. M., High street, Millville, N. J. Stump, Geo., 715 Manor street, l^ancas- (er,,pa- , „ Smith, Laura, Sixth and Bay avenue, Ocean City, N. J. Thomis, John, 1928 Columbia avenue, '. Philadelphia. Wieland. Theo., 2067 E Philadelphia Ella lphia. Wilson, W., 3642 N "pi Wisham, Ella, '.Philadelphia. Fletcher street, 4447 Cleveland avenue, Eighth street, Phil S ' J., 820 McKean street, Phila- ( adelphia. Walters, David, Catawissa, Pa. eise, Ed., 8012 Pine road, Fox Cha&e, Pa. Roll of Honor No. 63 The following names have been placed on Roll of Honor No. 63, and the persons named are entitled, after they have sent such C tickets as they have claimed, to put at the bottom of future coupons until they have won a prize R. NEo. 68, which means that their coupons dll be given preference over those which tve not earned an earlier roll mark. rice. B. E.. 905 N. Twenty-sixth street, Philadelphia. Brenner, John, 220 Arch street, Lancas- Beylr, £, Mrs., 2148 N. Fifth street, Philadelphia Oook, Enwna, Mrs., 1481 S. Seventeenth street, Philadelphia. Coburn, Dave, 3704 Rawle street, Ta- Fartell, Raymond, 930 Fairmount ave- nue, Philadelphia. Fleck, 0. P., 1532 Third avenue, Al- toona, Pa, Fennellj J. Getty A*' Rpbert, 937 S. St. Bernard street, Philadelphia. Galloway,'B. -R., Charleston, Md., Cecil itafgl n diarles, Mrs., 1400 N. Nineteenth \«tre«t. Philadelphia. Hoffman, L., Miss, 126 N. Front street, Darby, Pa. Huston, Lucie, 1531 N. Twenty-eighth , street, Philadelphia. Kiefer, H. John., 2855 N. Fourth street, •Philadelphia. Lindennan. Harry, 2449 N. Tenth street, Philadelphia, fieser. Carl, 529 Wanatnaker street, W. Philadelphia. 1-oe.b. Julie, Miss., 1710 Mt. Vernon street. Philadelphia. Moses, M. Harry, 107 Bradford avenue, Downingtown, Pa. McCovmiek, John, 6737 Leeds street, W. Philadelphia. Hush, Ella.*Bedford, Pa. Itamsev, Florence. Millville, N. J. fechmidt, John. 1162 Glen wood avenue, Philadelphia. MringfelW. E.. 5934 N. Thirty-first street, Philadelphia White, E. Mary, 2640 N. Third street, Philadelphia. *^rfe.4^ Mrf " m 6 ' Fifth ' tre6t ' & THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SUNDAY MOBNING, JULY 21, 1907 Handkerchiefs, 50c T HE men's are of a fine material with the desirable size initial & hem. The women's are of pure linen with script initial & 1-4 inch hems. Regularly sold at 75 cents a box of half dozen, marked A{\~ special, per box OVJC First Floor, South Market Street Filbert Street i Philadelphia's Economy Centre : : or womens Beautiful $10 & $15 Tailored Summer II a . il I. mill '•" •• • | I II lit I'' II I .' " Suits & Princess Dresses Offered at ra NOTHER stirring example of this store's unequaled value giving at all seasons of the year. The charming Princess dresses come in very fine sheer lawns or dotted Swiss in plain white, While the Coat Suits Are to Be Had in I . i. i i i .i. ••. i ." ,i ii i •• «n i i i in. w t English rep, finest linen or linene. Jaunty Eton, pony or Prince Chap models. % Some plain tailored, others trimmed with stitched straps in contrasting colorings. Some with lace & embroidery. Coilarless or with shaped mannish collar & revers. Three-Quarrer or long sleeves. Gracefully flaring skirts, plaited .models with folds or straps j* £* to match jacket. Princess dresses are elaborately trimmed with Valenciennes Uj um. lace insertion. Regular $10.00 & $15.00 values, special for this sale at only *P ^J Women's$30 & $35Tailored Suits,$20 Women's $7.50 Skirts at $4.98 Very fine quality taffeta silk in golden brown, navy blue or black. Nobby Eton or pony coat models. Some Etons trimmed with frilling: & fancy buttons; pony coats embroidered in scroll effect with silk cords, fancy vest fronts of Persian braid. Both models lined with fine taffeta silk. Plain high kilt effect skirt?. Worth $30 & $35, marked special for this sale at only $20 In the most up-to-date styles in very fine linen, high lustre Sicilian & Panama In plain white, navy blue, brown or black. Some plain high kilt models, others laid in'cluster* of plaits or trimmed with folds of material; still others box plaited. Skirts that are worth $7.50, marked special for "M A CkQ this sale at the low priceof only ^(J/O •mm Women's Summer Skirts, $1.49 A wonderful value in these skirts. Of fine linene, plain white;, also ducks in polka dots of Various sizes. All new and wanted colors. Styles are plain high gor#5 kilted models or trimmed at foot with folds of material. Full flare effects. All are A I A Ok neatly made & finished in best manner.' 'Regular price $3.50, at w X ••f'%7 Eighth Street Seventh Street Glove Special I ILK & lisle mesh' gloves' Ifi black, white & colors: all siy.es. 2. clasps. These have lisle ! palms, 50c, 75c and $1 kinds' at 25c. Also elbow-length silk mesh Mousquetair'e gloves in gray; linon &r x mode. Regular price A. •* r\ $2.50, m a r k e d ? l .Du First Floor. Houili ains N] 0 matter whether you will stay at home during July & August, or go to the seashore, you will need more pretty waists, & here is your opportunity. The materials are white lawn & batiste. This purchase represents the surplus stock of several leading manufacturers who supplied us wjth waists forthis summer's selling. Wishing to ri# themselves of all summer waists before beginning their fall work, they closed us out their surplus stocks at a grea{ price con- cession—arid, as usual, you reap the benefits. , These Beautiful $2 and $2.25 Waist$ Come in all sizes. Effectively trimmed with handsome em- broidery & Val, lace in dainty designs. Your choice of open front Or back models—long or three-quarter ± m ^ Q sleeves. Waists that sell regularly at $2 and. JS I i n $2:25, marked at (First floor. Main Arcade) ~ . • *~ 7f. myi vmmm Beautiful White Lawn Waista, $l-'flf>1.25 Values, 65c Trimmed with pretty embroideries & Vol. laces. Thre**-quarter f jg length sleeves; button back models. Really worth $1 & Q j l P now at the very low price or rt *' ri » t '*" •*»J* ^^ *** % " # $1.25, w HI m »"•'' marked at i»*i •unseat to very low r~- mmII* >m price of CSecomd floor) mmmmmmmtmmmmmmmu»i i. m\t\ .wniii White or Black Jap SiJk W^aisfs Silk embroidered & lace trimmed/ white or black Jap silk waists; also some plain tail- M% Q Q ored models. Well worth $2.50, special ¥ 1 «5^O MM $1.50 to $2.50 Table Cloths at $1 Ah Importer's Entire Surplus Stock Sacrificed HINK what a bargain this is—$1.50 to $2.50 all linen table cloths at $1.00. They're in Austrian & German damask; plain hemmed, hemstitched and fringed. Come 2, 2% and 2yi yards long. . — Some are plain with colore.! borders. Nice quality, well wearing. Launder nicely. These' ^ I cloths usually sell at $1.50 to $2.50, we mark them special at (First floor, north) T * m r Sensational Sale of Fine Mattings and Rugs | $10, $11 & $12 Mattings, Offered in This Sale at $6.50 N ®S3 lEVER such a value as this—it means a tremendous loss to the importer, but a splendid gain for you. Think of buying $10, $11 & $12 mattings at $6.50. They're fine linen warp, ±> f ft *r\ reversible mattings in handsome carpet designs, 40 yards to the roll. We mark J r\ ^ 1 1 these mattings special, for this July sale, at the low price of, per roll, (4th floor) Beautiful Japanese Mattings Newest Japanese Mattings— Finest Japanese Mattings— $1.50 Inlaid linoleum, 85c - -Carpet designs in the most A large assortment of the lat- Heavy e d g e , reversible linen 2 yards wide; best make* desirable colors; 40 yards to est carpet designs. 40 yards warp; handsome designs. As many yards as you wish the roll. Regular MS\ r\£. to the roll. $15 M •» r\ * r \ Worth $16 a roll of A <a <% cut from the piece, rj^ $14 values marked 2 p 5 r # Sr3 grades, ver roll $ JLLNDV/ yards, marked at $ X Zt #1-50 kinds, sq. yd., 0 3C 50c Matting Rugs, 25c Japanese Matting Rugs in a good assort- ment of pretty patterns. Size ^ ^ 27x56 inches, worth 50c, spe- A ^\ f\ cial at (Main Arcade, 1st floor) ^" ^ ^^ Clearing Rugs at a Great Sacrifice Best Quality (10-wire^ Tapestry Brussels Rugs —Seamless. Siee 9x12 feet. Regular $22.50 values at a1 £ ~ * onlv W ID* I O Japanese Matting Rugs —At less than half reg- ular prices. Pretty patterns. Size 6x9 feet. Worth A -. Q Q 54.50, now*l»"0 Best Grade Tapesti Brussel Rugs—Splendfd line of pretty pattern*. 6x9, worth $10. $7.98. 8.3x10.6 feet, worth $13.50, $9.98; 9x12 feet, worth $18, $12.98. Finest Wash Fabrics at Half Beautiful 50c Silk Jacquard Poplins, 25c T HIS is news indeed, for when have you ever seen such fabrics, at this price? They are new 27-inch light weight dress materials. Neat, round corded weave ground with diamond shape & fancy satin finish self colored figures. Firmly woven with a beautiful lustrous finish. Desirable for street or evening wear. Come in cream, evening shades, street colors & rich black. These dress r\ p* materials cannot be duplicated for less than 50c a yard, we mark them f^ ^\ /^ for this MinJav sale, while the lot lasts, at only (Main Arcade) ^••r* r * /? ~ I S^ 2 7-inch Printed Batiste and Lawns Fine, sheer dress materials. Come in white & colored grounds with large and small polka dots, rose buds, stripes, ring patterns, etc. Dainty & cool for women & children's dresses. Regular prices \2%c t o 15c, w e mark this lot special for Monday's sale at (Main Arcade) 9c Special Extraordinary! 27-inch figured .silk chiffons. Dainty light weight dress materials —correct weight for warm weather wear. Neat plain chiffon weave ground with self colored shadow figures, dainty & dressy for evening & street wear. Come * n cream, evening -m ^^ shades & rich black. Made to sell I W A at 38c"a yard (Main Arcade), at * ** V "' ^ a =* Again we offer $2 to $3 Umbrellas at $1 '*T*JHE season's best bargain—26- and 28-inch rainproof American taffeta umbrellas with tape edge covers. Warranted fast color. Paragon frame, steel rod; case & tassel. Many pretty handles from which to make your selection—pearl & sterling silver, gold. cape horn, silver, gold & gun-metal trimmed, gun-metal caps and natural wood handles. These sell regularly at $2 to $3 (First floor, .Main Arcade) special here at r Sale tie of $2 Summer Portieres, $1.25 35c to 55c H UNDREDS of pairs of beautiful summer portieres in pretty green, blue & red mercerized stripes go on sale Monday at $1.25. They're full width & length & have tassel fringe. Regular $2.00 values, now, per pair, $1.25 1,000 Pieces of White Mosquito Netting: 49c value 25c These are "seconds"—only slight imperfections. Eight yards r% * to the piece. These regkularly sell at 49c a piece, special at <^*JC Irish Point Lace Curtains Our own importation. Come 3*4 yards long & full width. Extra heavy borders. $5.00 kinds at $3.98. $8 Bed Sets at $4.98 Deep flounce edged with Renaissance; large Renaissance medallion centre. Bolster to match. Regular v^ $8.00 kinds, per pair, $ 4 . 9 8. price $8.00, now per set at $4.98 MMMB $1 Brussels Nets, 50c Beautiful Laces at Half A *<£&y 25c Third Floor WONDERFULLY attractive purchase ofa limited quantity of white cotton Brussels nets. '"Come 2 yards wide. Fine quality for waists & dresses., These were imported toretail at$l a yd., s^/^| while the lot lasts at (1st floor, north) JJMJC mi iii' iiiiiil 8 I 33c to 50c Cambric, Nain- sook £** Swiss Embroideries 20c to 25c Fine hand loom & Schtffli open work & blind flounc- ings, edges & Insertions. New fresh lot of desirable patterns, 6 to IS inches wide. Regular price 33c to 50(, now marked at 20c to 25c Extra Special! French. German and Eng- lish Val. laces, edges & insertions. Splendid pat- terns in round & square mesh designs; 12 yard pieces. Good quality. Sell regularly at 35c to 1 55c, now marked ry ^ r% I per piece, at ZDC ^ Nottingham Lace All-Overs White and Ecru shades, IS inches wide. Very desirable for waists & gulnv e>: all new' dainty patte ns 35c to '&w25cto50c Corset Cover Embroideries Swiss & Nainsook, 18 inches wide. Pretty blind & open-work effects; beading tops. Worth 37 Ma to 50c ;„ ya ; d '25c tf 37&c News Worth Reading 19c Ribbed Vests, 12¥ic RETTY styles, which you are sure to like, for warm-weather wear. Low neck and sleeveless models, with deep lace yokes'in several patterns, Also plain, ywith taped neck & arms. J 19c values, marked at only pia k / «— 12/2C Three July Silk Bargain ft—65c Silk Messalmes at 49c ; E HESE fine all-silk Messalines have a very pretty soft weave with very'high lustre. Fashionable silks for evening waists & dresses, also in colorings for street AQr* ' *• Worth 65c a yard, marked S T*7\* Fine Black Taffeta Silk—This is undoubtedly one of the wear. Washable Tafleta Silks—With a rich glove finish—made from the pure spun silk—will clean & launder splendidly, /i * _ White, cream & colors. Well worth 75c, at O D C best values In I lack taffeta silk, 30 inches wide, ever o^^ offered.* $1.10 grades at only (First floor, south) O J J C $3 Cambric Petticoats, $1.98 I\TT1E purchased a maker's entire surplus stock I W I of beautiful long cambric petticoats—every tefe) one a crisp, dainty creation—at the great-* est concessions every known. Six hand" some styles, with deep embroidery flounces; fin- ished with ribbon bow. Seme have fine , plaits above ruffle; others with ribbon beading. $3 values, (Second floor fc? <* '1 Qfi Main Arcade.) W * & O * T -r 1 1 1— r—r-i i-nrm-mwii i i •• .111 t Extra Special—Women's cot- ton ribbed umbrella pants,made extra full & finished neatly with lace trimming. 2 5 c «• (\^ grades, now marked 1 17C First floor, south. Women's lisle thread union milts, with low necks, no sleeves. Umbrella pants, with lace trimming. Regular sizes spe- . daily marked at 50c* Extra large r\^%C* sizes marked for thli sale at only ^ 4 / v » Women's Swiss ribbed Hale thread, vests, with crochet yokes & pretty lace yokes in several patterns. R c g u I a r 50c trade's, now marked 125c Am I Remarkable Sale a Women's $2,50 & $3.50 Oxfords, Shoes & Pumps, $1.50 v M em j f S housecleaning time &we have gone through our immense stocks & taken cer- tain lines of our J2.50, $3 St $3.50 shoes, oxfords & pumps, & marked them at $1.50. Included in this lot are patent coltskln,patent kid, gup metal calf, ideal kid, black & colored suedea & white and colored canvas in Gibsotf^Ohristy, sailor and Newport ties. < < (First floor, north) And Every Pair is a $2.50, $3 or $3.50 Value 'The shoes come in button, lace & Blucher styles, some with oloth tops. Hand welted & turn Soles, tipped, or plain toes. Heels in dommo^ sense, Louis XV, Cuban,- military, £ | (tg% etc. All widths & sizes. Regular $2.50, |3.00 & $3 50 footwear reduced to V l.DVJ $ 2 B f O W t l ^ prominent manufacturer sold us his entire surplus stock^-2600 pairs in " i • i all, in several shades of brown kidskin. Made on the latest Oxfords* $1 lasts &.toe shapes. Cuban heels. AH sizes from 1% to 8. 1 $2.00 oxfords, while the tot lasts, .£or.. ! ..< ^mmwmmwmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmwmmmmtmwtmmwfmrm^^ » I " — m ii in ••••»- ••••••«»• ••••••. $1.00 X Infants' 1 Dresses at Half Entire Stock of Rubinovitz & •. Giinestoy, N. J., Sacrificed ; |NFANTS' long & short dresses, made of good quality lawn & nainsook, prettily trimmed with lace & em- broidery. Some low-neck style. Some dainty French dresse> included. No ^ ^^ mail orders filled. Regular $1 values, ^ 1 • / * special at (Second floor) C^VTV» Infants' S3 long * *hort Dresses, fl— Good quailtv lawn & nalrU sook, lace & embroidery trimmed; skirts edged wfth lace 4 % g\f% &embroldery. French styles Incl ded. Good $2 values at w l* \J\J - mm Infants' long 9t. short dresses (some French styles) of best quality lawn & nainsook, trimmed with lace A *% f\f\ & embroidery. $3 & $4 values, special at wJu»\j\J i mmmmmm* - ' -I ains ' The July Sale Mems Much to Every Household in PhiUdelphia This Quartered Oak Sideboard Has carved atandard, bent post, swell top drawers, large linen drawer and double closet; extra heavy post. Regular price $25, mark we thess at (4th floor) $18.98 This Solid Oak Bed Room Suit Has roll on standard & pattern mirror In bureau, with serpen- tine top drawers; high roll head and foot, board In bed; combine.- ggfe $29.98 This Continuous Post Metal Bed Has fancyschills, with scroll de- signs in head & foot; extension end. Comes in all sixes. These metal beds usually sell for $6*5 0, we ^ J•» ^ o mark them $ A.J/Q special at only ~.^V.7**\-^* Mwmm^vmT0miMmm**m%*m*m*mm\mm 1 i\fm\+mmmmmm*mf**mmwimmm •^ iisWi 30-inch tufted couch with high head, solid oak frame; ball legs; upholstered 4 1 f t Q Q in fancy or solid color velours. Regular price $12.75, now marked at only w M\\J*W .' " ...'Hi .' I"'?"'" 1 "."'. 1 ' ••!.'- ——g— mtmmmw» Boys' *2i50 and *3 Wash Suits, 98c * wncn w MfMIMhl •pi HE greatest bargain of the sea- son in, boys' wash togs — the entire stock of I leading maker, ill sailor & Russian styles with full cut blouse; m a d e fly front. These $2:50 •2r$3.00Suiti have plaited sleeves, large sailor collars. Made plain or neath/ trimmed; bloomer trousers. Plain white & fancy, colored A mixed effects < in pique, duck, galates, crash <fc cheviots. Worth $2.50 a n d S3, at cohrt Moor, mtmmm t * Great July Sale of^ Bargains in Every Department open to 33 inches. Also Window screens—24 inches high, quality wire. Special each 30c. Also screen doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. Hard wood frames, best quality wire. Specially priced here Monday at Best $1.05 Dish pans—Large si*e; heavy ena-met, heavy side han- « Q dies. Bach priced special 1 *^C Connected free by U, G. I. r n H i m niTi if Wash style, tubs. Gas range with 4*buwer top, one simmering burner; extra large oven, asbestos 1 ned. Regular . ^ ^ L . price $12, now «P«7«pU If purchased on the club plan, $2! 00 down and 50c per week. Basement. bench-—Slatted; folding Will hold two «a rt Priced special at O O C 15c 15c Washing. machine Hard wood tub; electric hoops. Ro- tary running gears. ^ u 0 Q Special at ^O.lfO Wash tuba—White cedar; electric hbops, stave >,<. handles. Priced special O D C Hot p 1 a t e a — 2 - burner; black, at * 1 «>2SJ Tee & coffee pots—Air- tight lids; heavy enamel, Berlin sauce pans & kettles—Heavy enamel, at ••••»• «*.»• Ice chest—hardwood; galvanized lined, nicety finished in antique oak;, extra heavy ice resting racks. 4 ^ <* * Very special at* *y*Ju\j Wath Boilers — Heavy block tin; oval shape copper t?0Uohv, heavy sidy handles' & cover. Priced special for M% this sale at * * Refrigerators, solid oak, sine lined, removable wast a pipe; double lids, Ice capacity 40 pounds. Regular price $9. <fc/L Special here at ? W No mail orders filled. mm WW* •via* a •w- •MMMI^MIi ^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: •Winn. n,.—.•—-I..*.—•'•— .„.•,•—•— t or womensfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Philadelphia PA...I* fe I;: 'I I I ] i' m >n "'• PRIZES FOB I PUZZLE SOLVERS


fe I;: 'I




i' m > n



PUZZLE SOLVERS •Winn. n , . — . • — - I . . * " . — • ' • — . „ . • , • — • — t

Continued From Flret Pi 'age

A. A., Riverton. N. J. 3822 Poplar Btreefc.Phila-

Dey, Mrs. Doyle,'W.

dclphia. Darlington, Mr8. Clara, 25 S. Forty-hfth

si reel, Philadelphia.. Doll. Walter. 542 B. Alleghany avenue,

Philadelphia. Deaset, Joseph, 1G49 N. Ninth street,

Philadelphia. Krthal^J., 783 Lex street, Philadelphia. Fetter,'Joseph, 440 Jefferaon street,

Philadelphia. Forge. Jestfe. « t l K , m s t r € e t ' C o n 8 h ° -

hocken,.Pa. Faher, Mrs., 2423 latterly street, Phil-

Fitzgeraht.F- -459 Ingersoll street, Phih adelphia. .

KorKctt. H.. 4062 Spring Garden street, Philadelphia-

Gould, Louis. 2514 E. Somerset street, Philadelphia.

Gaaton, R., Absecon, N. J. Qonitav, L., 3452 Frankford avenue, Phil-

Hamif Emma, 1728 N. Eighth street, Philadelphia. ' •

HegeiWi C*. F)., Marietta, Pa. Holoch Delia, 1215 Taney street, Phil-

adolpnia. _, .. Hahiv Fred: 4843 Mulberry street, Phil­

adelphia. . Hinokle, L. H,

Philadelphia. Horner. Uanaah, 18 Orange street,

adelphia. Huhne, Janet,

Philadelphia. Horman, M"»- C W

Reading, Pa Hcnkel. Theo.,

1143 Fairmount avenue,


1944 N. Eighth street,

212 S. Sixth street,

1315 S. Third street, Phil-

J. S., 5829 Race street,


Miekle street, Cam-

adelphia, JefYcott. <Mr«.

Philadelphia. Johna.ton," W. J., 48 Pleasant,street, Phil­

adelphia ' _ , Jones, James, 213 W. Columbia avenue,

PhiUdelphia. ' m Kappenatein, Charles, (500 N. Twenty-

third \ street, Philadelphia. Kna?i8e,' Ered, 482 Union street, Allen-

town, 'Pto. „ , • ^, ., Kehl. Kdna, 4721 Haverford avenue, Phil­

adelphia ' ' _. .. Lopg; Mr*.,- 6664 Musgrave street, Phil

adelphia. „,.„ ... ._ ,' Lewler, Mrs., Hkh street,Jdillville,N. J Longendorfcr, Walter, 3220 W

street, Philadelphia-Harry, 517 J

den, N. J. Murdock, R., 257 S. Fifty-second street,

Philadelphia. Moora, Mrs-V 2423 N. Seventeenth street,

Philadelphia. Maurer. Mrs. May, 1617 Page street,

Philadelphia. McDevitt, J., 2143 Latona street, Phil

adelphia. - - . . . . Mitchell, 0.. 444 N. Christian street,

Lancaster, Pa. ; Mathis, Fred, 407 W. Main street, Mill-

ville. N. J. Miller, David. Elwyn, Delaware co., Pa. Martin, Frank, 132 N. Pine street, I*n-.Miller. Mr., 2100 Master street, Phila­

delphia. Nordman, Mrs. A., 1116 Brown street,

Philadelphia. Neely, Janiea, 2124 Walden street, Phil­

adelphia. „ Osborne. J., 333 Chestnut street, Cam­

den, N. J. Paessier, Emma, 1415 Toronto street,

Philadelphia. Rommel, Mrs. William. 411 S. Jackson

strest, Wilmington, Del. Royer, Kalph, Strondsbnrg Pa. Roberts, Mrs. H. 0., 122 N. Fourth

street, Allentown, Pa. Radcliffe Arthur, 408 Pine street, Mill-

ville, Vt: J. « A vT „ Schwartz. vSarah. 1220 N. Howard street,

Philadelphia. StroWr, J. N., 918 N. Fallon street, r Philadelphiai i Stockton, Mrs. C, 3036 N. Fifth street,

Philadelphia. ». M. A

wyn, Pa. Simpson. 217 S. Third street, Col-

hil-Styer. L. S., 1523 Christian street, adelphia. ,

Scott. Margaret, 826 Adams street, Wil­mington, Del.

Sticker^ Harry, 814 Oxford street, Phil­adelphia.

Seifert, George, 914 W. Columbia avenue, Philadelphia.

Shultz, John, 439 N. Queen street, l*n-caster, Pa. , . - . . . ,

Shupe, Laura, 1005 Stella streef, Phila­delphia.

Smith, Dora, Ashland, Pa. Smith, Albert, 3547 N. Seventh street,

Philadelphia. Sehnitzer, Fred, 730 Atlantic street,

Philadelphia. Smith, W E , 262 Susquehanna avenue,

Philadelphia. Sleeper. Paul, Palmyra, N. J. Sto.nuler, P. M-. 2709 Fairhill street, . Philadelphia. _ Sehealer, Calvin, Royertown, Pa. Shaefe?, Melvin, 186 Court street, Phila­

delphia. ^, ., Soflifu?, U, 638 Callowhill street, Phila­

delphia. Schdenhut, A., Twentieth and Loudon

streets, Wayne, Philadelphia. Schuck, Mrs. M., High street, Millville,

N. J. Stump, Geo., 715 Manor street, l^ancas-

(er,,pa- , „ Smith, Laura, Sixth and Bay avenue,

Ocean City, N. J. Thomis, John, 1928 Columbia avenue, '. Philadelphia.

Wieland. Theo., 2067 E

Philadelphia Ella

lphia. Wilson, W., 3642 N

"pi Wisham, Ella, '.Philadelphia.

Fletcher street,

4447 Cleveland avenue,

Eighth street, Phil



J., 820 McKean street, Phila-

( adelphia. Walters, David, Catawissa, Pa.

eise, Ed., 8012 Pine road, Fox Cha&e, Pa.

R o l l of H o n o r No. 63 The following names have been

placed on Roll of Honor No. 63, and the persons named are entitled, after they have sent such C tickets as they have claimed, to put at the bottom of future coupons until they have won a prize R. NEo. 68, which means that their coupons dll be given preference over those which tve not earned an earlier roll mark. rice. B. E.. 905 N. Twenty-sixth street, Philadelphia.

Brenner, John, 220 Arch street, Lancas-

Beylr, £ , Mrs., 2148 N. Fifth street, Philadelphia

Oook, Enwna, Mrs., 1481 S. Seventeenth street, Philadelphia.

Coburn, Dave, 3704 Rawle street, Ta-

Fartell, Raymond, 930 Fairmount ave­nue, Philadelphia.

Fleck, 0 . P., 1532 Third avenue, Al-toona, Pa,

Fennellj J.

Getty A*' Rpbert, 937 S. St. Bernard street, Philadelphia.

Galloway,'B. -R., Charleston, Md., Cecil

itafglndiarles, Mrs., 1400 N. Nineteenth \«tre«t. Philadelphia. Hoffman, L., Miss, 126 N. Front street,

Darby, Pa. Huston, Lucie, 1531 N. Twenty-eighth , street, Philadelphia.

Kiefer, H. John., 2855 N. Fourth street, •Philadelphia.

Lindennan. Harry, 2449 N. Tenth street, Philadelphia,

fieser. Carl, 529 Wanatnaker street, W. Philadelphia.

1-oe.b. Julie, Miss., 1710 Mt. Vernon street. Philadelphia.

Moses, M. Harry, 107 Bradford avenue, Downingtown, Pa.

McCovmiek, John, 6737 Leeds street, W. Philadelphia.

Hush, Ella.*Bedford, Pa. Itamsev, Florence. Millville, N. J. fechmidt, John. 1162 Glen wood avenue,

Philadelphia. MringfelW. E.. 5934 N. Thirty-first

street, Philadelphia White, E. Mary, 2640 N. Third street,


* ^ r f e . 4 ^ Mrf" m 6' Fifth 'tre6t'



Handkerchiefs, 50c

T HE men's are of a fine material with the desirable size initial & hem. The women's are of pure

linen with script initial & 1-4 inch hems. Regularly sold at 75 cents a box of half d o z e n , m a r k e d A{\~ s p e c i a l , per box OVJC

• First Floor, South Market Street Filbert Street i

Philadelphia's Economy Centre

: :

or womens Beautiful $10 & $15 Tailored Summer

II • • a . il I . m i l l '•" •• • | • • I II lit I' ' • " » I I I .' "

Suits & Princess Dresses Offered at ra NOTHER stirring example of this store's unequaled value giving at

all seasons of the year. The charming Princess dresses come in very fine sheer lawns or dotted Swiss in plain white,

While the Coat Suits Are to Be Had in I • . i . i i i . i . • • . i . " ,i i i i • • «n i i i i n . w t

English rep, finest linen or linene. Jaunty Eton, pony or Prince Chap models. % Some plain tailored, others trimmed with stitched straps in contrasting colorings. Some with lace & embroidery. Coilarless or with shaped mannish collar & revers. Three-Quarrer or long sleeves. Gracefully flaring skirts, plaited .models with folds or straps j* £* to match jacket. Princess dresses are elaborately trimmed with Valenciennes Uj um. lace insertion. Regular $10.00 & $15.00 values, special for this sale at only *P ^J

W o m e n ' s $ 3 0 & $35Tailored Suits,$20 W o m e n ' s $7.50 Skirts at $4.98 Very fine quality taffeta silk in golden brown, navy blue or black. Nobby Eton or pony coat models. Some Etons trimmed with frilling: & fancy buttons; pony

coats embroidered in scroll effect with silk cords, fancy vest fronts of Persian braid. Both models lined with fine taffeta silk. Plain high kilt effect skirt?. Worth $30 & $35, marked special for this sale at only $20

In the most up-to-date styles in very fine linen, high lustre Sicilian & Panama In plain white, navy blue, brown or black. Some plain high kilt models, others laid in'cluster* of plaits or trimmed with folds of material; still others box plaited. Skirts that are worth $7.50, marked special for "M A CkQ this sale at the low priceof only ̂ ( J / O


Women's Summer Skirts, $1.49 A wonderful value in these skirts. Of fine linene, plain white;, also ducks in polka dots of Various sizes. All new and wanted colors. Styles are plain high gor#5 kilted models or trimmed at foot with folds of material. Full flare effects. All are A I A Ok neatly made & finished in best manner.' 'Regular price $3.50, at w X ••f'%7

Eighth Street Seventh Street

Glove Special I ILK & lisle mesh'

gloves' Ifi black, white & colors: all siy.es. 2. clasps. These have lisle!

palms, 50c, 75c and $1 kinds' at 25c. Also elbow-length silk mesh Mousquetair'e gloves in gray; linon &r x mode. Regular p r i c e A. •* g» r\ $2.50, m a r k e d ? l . D u

First Floor. Houili


N] 0 matter whether you will stay at home during July & August, or go to the seashore, you will need more pretty waists, & here is your opportunity. The materials are white lawn & batiste. This purchase represents the surplus stock of several leading

manufacturers who supplied us wjth waists forthis summer's selling. Wishing to ri# themselves of all summer waists before beginning their fall work, they closed us out their surplus stocks at a grea{ price con­cession—arid, as usual, you reap the benefits.

, These Beautiful $2 and $2.25 Waist$ Come in all sizes. Effectively t r immed wi th handsome e m ­broidery & V a l , lace in dainty designs. Your choice of open front Or back models—long or three-quarter ± m ^ Q sleeves. Wa i s t s that sell regularly at $2 and . JS I i n $2:25, marked at (First floor. Main Arcade) ~ . • *~ 7f.

m y i vmmm

Beautiful W h i t e Lawn Waista , $l-'flf>1.25 Values , 65c Trimmed with pretty embroideries & Vol. laces. Thre**-quarter f jg length sleeves; button back models. R e a l l y worth $1 & Q j l P

now at the very low price or rt*'ri»t'*" • * » J * ^ ^ *** %"# $1.25,

w HI m »"•'' marked at

i » * i •unseat to

very low — r ~ - mmII* >m

price of CSecomd floor) mmmmmmmtmmmmmmmu»i i . m\t\ .wniii

W h i t e or Black Jap SiJk W^aisfs Silk embroidered & lace trimmed/ white or black Jap silk waists; also some plain tail- M% Q Q ored models. Well worth $2.50, special ¥ 1 «5^O


$1.50 to $2.50 Table Cloths at $1 Ah Importer's Entire Surplus Stock Sacrificed

HINK what a bargain this is—$1.50 to $2.50 all linen table cloths at $1.00. They're in Austrian & German damask; plain hemmed, hemstitched and fringed. Come 2, 2% and 2yi yards long. . — Some are plain with colore.! borders. Nice quality, well wearing. Launder nicely. These' ^ I cloths usually sell at $1.50 to $2.50, we mark them special at (First floor, north) T *

m r Sensational Sale of Fine Mattings and Rugs |

$10, $11 & $12 Mattings, Offered in This Sale at $6.50 N ®S3

lEVER such a value as this—it means a tremendous loss to the importer, but a splendid gain for you. Think of buying $10, $11 & $12 mattings at $6.50. They're fine linen warp, ±> f ft *r\ reversible mattings in handsome carpet designs, 40 yards to the roll. We mark J r \ ^ 1 1 these mattings special, for this July sale, at the low price of, per roll, (4th floor)

Beautiful Japanese Mattings Newest Japanese Mattings— Finest Japanese Mattings— $1.50 Inlaid linoleum, 85c --Carpet designs in the most A large assortment of the lat- Heavy e d g e , reversible linen 2 yards wide; best make* desirable colors; 40 yards to est carpet designs. 40 yards warp; handsome d e s i g n s . As many yards as you wish the roll. Regular MS\ r\£. to the roll. $15 M •» r\ * r \ Worth $16 a roll of A <a <% cut from the piece, r j ^ $14 values marked 2 p 5 r # S r 3 grades, ver roll $ J L L N D V / *° yards, marked at $ X Zt #1-50 kinds, sq. yd., 0 3 C

50c Matt ing Rugs, 25c Japanese Matting Rugs in a good assort­ment of pretty patterns. Size ^ ^ 27x56 inches, worth 50c, spe- A ^\ f\ cial at (Main Arcade, 1st floor) ^ " ^ ^^

Clearing Rugs at a Great Sacrifice Best Quality (10-wire^ Tapestry Brussels Rugs —Seamless. Siee 9x12 feet. Regular $22.50 values at a 1 £ ~ * onlv W ID* I O

Japanese Matting Rugs —At less than half reg­ular prices. P r e t t y patterns. Size 6 x 9 feet. Worth A -. Q Q 54.50, n o w * l » " 0

Best Grade Tapesti Brussel Rugs—Splendfd line of pretty pattern*. 6x9, worth $10. $7 .98 . 8.3x10.6 feet, worth $13.50, $9.98; 9x12 feet, worth $18, $12.98.

Finest Wash Fabrics at Half Beautiful 50c Silk Jacquard Poplins, 25c T HIS is news indeed, for when have you ever seen such fabrics, at this price?

They are new 27-inch light weight dress materials. Neat, round corded weave ground with diamond shape & fancy satin finish self colored figures. Firmly woven with a beautiful lustrous finish. Desirable for street or evening wear.

Come in cream, evening shades, street colors & rich black. These dress r\ p* • materials cannot be duplicated for less than 50c a yard, we mark them f^ ^\ /^ for this MinJav sale, while the lot lasts, at only (Main Arcade) ^ • • r * r *

/? ~ I


2 7-inch Printed Batiste and Lawns Fine, sheer dress materials. Come in white & colored grounds with large and small polka dots, rose buds, stripes, ring patterns, etc. Dainty & cool for women & children's dresses. Regular prices \2%c t o 15c, we m a r k this lot special for Monday's sale at (Main Arcade) 9 c

Special Extraordinary! 27-inch figured .silk chiffons. Dainty light weight dress materials —correct weight for warm weather wear. Neat plain chiffon weave ground with self colored shadow figures, dainty & dressy for evening & street wear. Come *n cream, evening -m ^^ shades & rich black. Made to sell I W A at 38c"a yard (Main Arcade), at * ** V"'

^ a —

= *

Again we offer $2 to $3 Umbrellas at $1 ' * T * J H E season's best bargain—26- and 28-inch rainproof American

taffeta umbrellas with tape edge covers. Warranted fast color. Paragon frame, steel rod; case & tassel. Many pretty handles from which to make your selection—pearl & sterling silver, gold.

cape horn, silver, gold & gun-metal trimmed, gun-metal caps and natural wood handles. These sell regularly at $2 to $3 (First floor,

.Main Arcade) special here at

r Sale tie of $2 Summer Portieres, $1.25




H UNDREDS of pairs of beautiful summer portieres in pretty green,

blue & red mercerized stripes go on sale Monday at $1.25. They're full width & length & have tassel fringe. Regular $2.00 values, now, per pair, $1.25

1,000 Pieces of White Mosquito Netting: 49c value 25c These are "seconds"—only slight imperfections. Eight yards r% * to the piece. These regkularly sell at 49c a piece, special at <^*JC

Irish Point Lace Curtains Our own importation. Come 3*4 yards long & full width. Extra heavy borders. $5.00 kinds at $3.98.

$8 Bed Sets at $4.98 Deep flounce edged with Renaissance; large Renaissance medallion centre. Bolster to match. Regular

v ^ $8.00 kinds, per pair, $ 4 . 9 8. price $8.00, now per set at $4.98


$1 Brussels Nets, 50c Beautiful Laces at Half

A *<£&y

25c Third Floor

WONDERFULLY attractive purchase ofa limited quantity of white cotton Brussels nets. '"Come 2 yards wide. Fine quality for waists & dresses., These were imported toretail at$l a yd., s^ /^ | while the lot lasts at (1st floor, north) JJMJC

• mi iii' iiiiiil 8 I 33c to 50c Cambric, N a i n ­sook £** S w i s s

Embroideries 20c to 25c

Fine hand loom & Schtffli open work & blind flounc-ings, edges & Insertions. New fresh lot of desirable patterns, 6 to IS inches wide. Regular price 33c to 50(, now marked at

20c to 25c

Extra Special! French. German and Eng­lish Va l . laces, edges & insertions. Splendid pa t ­terns in round & square mesh designs; 12 yard p i e c e s . Good quali ty. Sell regularly at 35c to

1 55c, now marked ry ^r% I per piece, at Z D C ^

Nottingham Lace All-Overs White and Ecru shades, IS inches wide. Very desirable for waists & gulnv e>: all new' dainty patte ns

35c to '&w25cto50c

Corset Cover Embroideries Swiss & Nainsook, 18 inches wide. Pretty blind & open-work effects; beading tops. Worth 37Ma to 50c

;„ya;d'25c tf 37&c

News Worth Reading 19c Ribbed Vests, 12¥ic

RETTY styles, which you are sure to like, for warm-weather wear. Low neck and sleeveless models, with deep lace yokes'in several patterns, Also plain,

ywith taped neck & arms. J 19c values, marked at only

pia k /



Three July Silk Bargain ft—65c Silk Messalmes at 49c ;

EHESE fine all-silk Messalines have a very pretty soft weave with very'high lustre. Fashionable silks for evening waists & dresses, also in colorings for street AQr* • ' *• Worth 65c a yard, marked ST*7\*

Fine Black Taffeta Silk—This is undoubtedly one of the wear.

Washable Tafleta Silks—With a rich glove finish—made from the pure spun silk—will clean & launder splendidly, / i * _ W h i t e , cream & colors. Well worth 75c, at O D C

best values In I lack taffeta silk, 30 inches wide, ever o ^ ^ offered.* $1.10 grades at only (First floor, south) OJJC

$3 Cambric Petticoats, $1.98 I \ T T 1 E purchased a maker 's entire surplus stock I W I of beautiful long cambric petticoats—every tefe) one a crisp, dainty creation—at the great-*

est concessions every k n o w n . Six hand" some styles, w i th deep embroidery flounces; fin­ished wi th ribbon bow. Seme have fine , plaits above ruffle; others wi th ribbon beading. $3 values, (Second floor fc? <* '1 Q f i Main Arcade.) W * • & O

* T - r 1 1 1 — r—r-i i-nrm-mwii i i •• . 1 1 1 t

E x t r a S p e c i a l — W o m e n ' s cot­ton ribbed umbrella pants,made extra full & finished neatly wi th lace tr imming. 25c «• (\^ grades, n o w marked 1 1 7 C

First floor, south. Women's lisle thread union milts, with low necks, no sleeves. Umbrella pants, with lace trimming. Regular sizes spe- . daily marked at 50c* Extra large r\^%C* sizes marked for thli sale at only ^ 4 / v »

Women's Swiss ribbed H a l e thread, vests, with crochet yokes & pretty lace yokes in several patterns. R c g u I a r 50c trade's, now marked 125c


I Remarkable Sale a Women's $2,50 & $3.50 Oxfords, Shoes & Pumps, $1.50 v M

em j f S housecleaning time & w e have gone through our immense stocks & taken cer­

tain lines of our J2.50, $3 St $3.50 shoes, oxfords & pumps, & marked them at $1.50. Included in this lot are patent coltskln,patent kid, gup metal calf, ideal kid, black & colored suedea & white and colored canvas in Gibsotf^Ohristy, sailor and Newport ties. < < (First floor, north)

And Every Pair is a $2.50, $3 or $3.50 Value •

'The shoes come in button, lace & Blucher styles, some with oloth tops. Hand welted & turn Soles, tipped, or plain toes. Heels in dommo^ sense, Louis XV, Cuban,- military, £ | (tg% etc. All widths & sizes. Regular $2.50, |3 .00 & $3 50 footwear reduced to V l.DVJ

$ 2 B f O W t l ^ prominent manufacturer sold us his entire surplus stock^-2600 pairs in " i • i all, in several shades of brown kidskin. Made on the latest

O x f o r d s * $ 1 lasts &.toe shapes. Cuban heels. AH sizes from 1% to 8. 1 $2.00 oxfords, while the tot lasts, .£or..!..<

^mmwmmwmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmwmmmmtmwtmmwfmrm^^ » • I " • — m ii i n

• • • • • » - • • • • • • « » • ••••••. $1.00


Infants'1 Dresses at Half Entire Stock of Rubinovitz &


Giinestoy, N. J., Sacrificed ; |NFANTS' long & short dresses, made of good quality

lawn & nainsook, prettily trimmed with lace & em­broidery. Some low-neck style. Some dainty French dresse> included. No ^ ^^ mail orders filled. Regular $1 values, ^ 1 • / *

special at (Second floor) C^VTV» Infants' S3 l o n g * *hort Dresses, f l— Good quailtv lawn & nalrU sook, lace & embroidery trimmed; skirts edged wfth lace 4 % g\f% &embroldery. French styles Incl ded. Good $2 values at w l * \J\J



Infants' long 9t. short dresses (some French styles) of best quality lawn & nainsook, trimmed with lace A *% f\f\ & embroidery. $3 & $4 values, special at wJu»\j\J


mmmmmm* -

' • -I

ains '

The July Sale Mems Much to Every

Household in PhiUdelphia

This Quartered O a k Sideboard

Has carved atandard, bent post, swell top drawers, large linen drawer and double closet; extra heavy post. Regular price $25,

mark w e thess at (4th floor) $18.98

This Solid O a k Bed Room Suit

Has roll on standard & pattern mirror In bureau, with serpen­tine top drawers; high roll head and foot, board In bed; combine.-

ggfe $29.98

This Continuous Pos t Metal Bed

Has fancyschills, with scroll de­signs in head & foot; extension end. Comes in all sixes. These metal beds usually sell for $ 6 * 5 0 , we ^ J•» ^ o m a r k them $ A . J / Q special at only ~.^V.7**\-^* Mwmm^vmT0miMmm**m%*m*m*mm\mm 1 i\fm\+mmmmmm*mf**mmwimmm

• ^ iisWi

30-inch tufted couch with high head, solid oak frame; ball legs; upholstered 4 1 f t Q Q in fancy or solid color velours. Regular price $12.75, now marked at only w M\\J*W

.' " ...'Hi .' I " ' ? " ' " 1 " . " ' . 1 ' ••!.'- • — — g — m t m m m w »

Boys' *2i50 and *3 Wash Suits, 98c

* wncn w MfMIMhl •p i

HE greatest b a r g a i n of the sea­s o n in, b o y s '

w a s h togs — the entire stock of I leading maker, ill s a i l o r & Russian styles with full cut blouse; m a d e fly front.

These $2:50 •2r$3.00Suit i have plaited sleeves, large sailor collars. Made plain or neath/ trimmed; bloomer trousers. Plain white & fancy, colored A mixed effects < in pique, duck, galates, crash <fc cheviots. Worth $2.50 a n d S3, at

cohrt Moor, mtmmm t *

Great July Sale of^ Bargains in Every Department

open to 33 inches. Also

Window screens—24 inches high, quality wire. Special each 30c. Also screen doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. Hard wood frames, best quality wire. Specially priced here Monday at


$1.05 Dish pans—Large si*e; heavy ena-met, heavy side han- « Q dies. Bach priced special 1 *^C

Connected free by U, G. I. r n H i m niTi if

Wash style, tubs.

Gas range with 4*buwer top, one simmering burner; extra large oven, asbestos 1 ned. Regular . ^ ^ L . price $12, now « P « 7 « p U If purchased on the club plan, $2! 00 down and 50c per week. Basement.

bench-—Slatted; folding Will hold two « a r t

Priced special at O O C


15c Washing. machine — H a r d wood tub; electric hoops. Ro­tary running gears. ^ u 0 Q Special at ^ O . l f O

W a s h t u b a — W h i t e cedar; electric hbops, stave > , < . handles. Priced special O D C

Hot p 1 a t e a — 2 -burner; black, a t * 1 «>2SJ

Tee & coffee pots—Air­tight lids; heavy enamel,

Berlin sauce p a n s & kettles—Heavy enamel, at ••••»• «*.»• Ice chest—hardwood; galvanized lined, nicety finished in antique o a k ; , extra heavy ice resting racks. 4 ^ <* * Very special at**y*Ju\j Wath Boilers — Heavy block t in; oval shape copper t?0Uohv, heavy sidy handles' & cover. Priced special for M% this sale at * *

Refrigerators, solid oak, sine lined, removable wast a pipe; double lids, Ice capacity 40 pounds. Regular price $9. <fc/L Special here at ? W No mail orders filled.

mm W W * • v i a * a •w- •MMMI^MIi ^

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