autotrophic & heterotrophic

Autotrophic & Heterotrophic

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Post on 06-Jan-2018




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Nutrition Obtaining & processing materials needed for energy, growth, repair, and regulation 2 types: Autotrophic- makes own food Heterotrophic- takes in preformed organic compounds


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Autotrophic & Heterotrophic

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Obtaining & processing materials needed for energy, growth, repair, and regulation

2 types: Autotrophic- makes own food Heterotrophic- takes in preformed organic


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Ability of most plants and some monerans and protists (algae) to manufacture organic compounds from inorganic raw materials.

Photosynthesis- capturing and transforming energy from the sun into chemical energy.

Light energy Glucose(sun) (Chemical energy in bonds)

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Is a source of chemical energy (glucose) when living things eat the photosynthetic plants!

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Provides oxygen for all living things!

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Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue and reflects green (that’s why we see the green in plants). “Plants are Patriotic.”

Each particle of light (that makes up the waves) is called a photon.

The shorter the wavelength, the more energy the photons have.

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Photosynthetic cells contain chloroplasts Chloroplasts contain pigments such as

chlorophyll Pigments can be separated into

component colors using chromatography Pigments are what absorb the light Light travels in waves, each color of light

has a different wavelength (white light is composed of ROYGBIV!)

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Inorganic Organic Light Energy Chemical Energy Reactants Products

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Scar tissue forms below the leaf; prevents water and nutrients from entering the leaf. Without water and nutrients, the plant can’t produce chlorophyll, so we’re left with all the other colors in the leaf.

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Stroma= dense area surrounding grana, dark reaction occurs here (carbon fixation)

Grana= stacks of parallel membranes called thylakoids (aka lamellae) Contain chlorophyll and

enzymes Light reaction occurs here


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1. Light- photochemical (occurs in grana) Requires light (taken in by chlorophyll) Water is ‘split” by the light energy (photolysis) 2 Water 4 H atoms + Oxygen gas

(released) 2. NADPH2 is formed (a higher energy product

used to power the rest of photosynthesis in dark reactions)NADP + H2 NADPH2

(a hydrogen (from water) (carried to stroma) receptor)

NADP= nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate


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Energy (ATP) is also formed to power the dark reactions.

ADP + P ATP 2 + 1 = 3 NADPH2 & ATP go on to the dark


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“Carbon fixation”= CO2 is “fixed” into glucose

Occurs in stroma H2 from photolysis combines with CO2

from environment Calvin Cycle: series of reactions when

glucose is made

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CO2 + NADPH2 + ATP PGAL (3-C sugar)

2PGAL 1 glucose (C6H12O6, 6-C sugar)

Carbon-14 (radioactive) has been used to trace these reactions.

PGAL= phosphoglyceraldehyde Can also occur in the presence of light

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Oxygen used for respiration Glucose can be:

Used for energy Made into other compounds Stored as complex carbohydrates (D.S) such

as glycogen and starch

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1. Temperature (above 35˚C, denaturation occurs)

2. Light Intensity- if too high, stomates close to prevent water loss and no CO2 gets in

3. CO2 level- an increase in CO2 increases the rate

4. Water- an increase in water increases the rate

5. Light availability- green=least effective, red and blue= most effective

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Chemosynthesis- production of glucose using CO2 instead of light (deep ocean)

Some plants are also heterotrophic, ex: venus fly trap, pitcher plant, mistletoe (parasite)

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Upper Epidermis- secretes cuticle (waxy layer) Protects from water loss, damage

Pallisades Layer- most photosynthesis occurs here

Spongy Layer- air spaces, gas exchange, some photosynthesis

Mesophyll (middle layer)

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Unicellular Algae Raw materials are absorbed directly into cells

by diffusion Cells have chloroplasts Found in oceans, lakes, ponds (near surface)

Photosynthetic Bacteria Use hydrogen sulfide instead of water Produce sulfur odor

Terrestrial (land) Plants Have specialized structures for photosynthesis:

LEAF= large surface area for light absorption

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Veins (Fibrovascular bundle) Transport materials through leaf Xylem transports water Phloem transports food/glucose

Lower epidermis- contains guard cells which regulate the opening and closing of stomates (openings for passage of gases and water)

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When filled with water= open When loses water= closed

Life Function= Regulation!!! Controls water and gases enter and exit in the


StomatesVenus Fly Trap

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Photosynthesis RespirationUses CO2, H2O Uses O2, glucoseMakes O2, glucose Makes CO2, H2OOccurs in Autotrophs Occurs in plants and

animals 24/7

These are OPPOSITE processes……

6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2

Photosynthesis (light!)

Respiration, 36 ATP out!

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Function Energy Storage (in glucose/ starch)

Energy Release

Location Chloroplasts MitochondriaReactants CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2

+ H2OProducts C6H12O6 + O2

+ H2OCO2 + H2O

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Organisms obtain preformed organic compounds from environment (refer to ingestion, digestion, and egestion in Ch. 1)

“You are what you eat!” Your body grows rapidly, the food you eat

provides the material your body needs to build cells, tissues, and organs….the atoms in food will take their place in the new cells you are building (assimilation)

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Even if you have stopped growing, your body is in constant need of repair.

The essential molecules in food are called nutrients

A lack of nutrients may cause disease (disruption of homeostasis).

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1. Carbohydrates energy sources; can be broken down to

2. Lipids produce ATP, must be broken down to enter

3. Proteins- must be broken down to enter cells (growth & repair)

4. Vitamins small enough to be absorbed by cells without being

5. Minerals broken down

6. Water7. Roughage- materials body cannot digest; mostly complex

carbs (cellulose, fiber, fruits & veggies); serves to push food through large intestine (egestion)

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Catabolism- breakdown reactions Anabolism- build up reactions Organic- C-H bonds Inorganic- no C-H bonds Intracellular- within/inside cell Intercellular- between cells Extracellular- outside cells

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Mechanical- food is broken into smaller pieces by cutting, grinding, or tearing No chemical changes occur Increase surface area exposed for chemical

digestion Occurs in mouth and stomach

Chemical- “hydrolysis” Large molecules are changed chemically to

smaller molecules Complex carbs (disaccharides/polysaccharides)

broken down to simple sugars (monosaccharides) Lipids broken down to 3 fatty acids and glycerol Protein broken down to amino acids

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Continuous 1 way tract with accessory organs

AKA alimentary canal Food moves through the

system by peristalsis (wave-like muscular contractions)- Peristalsis Video

What is reverse peristalsis?????

A trip through your digestive tract- length of trip: approximately 18-20 hours.

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1. Oral Cavity (mouth) (1 min) Ingestion occurs Contains teeth and tongue for mechanical digestion Salivary glands produce saliva which contains amylase

(aka ptyalin) that digests starch during chemical digestion2. Pharynx (throat)

Passageway from mouth to esophagus

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3. Esophagus (1 min) Food tube; connects throat to

stomach No digestion here Swallowing initiates peristalsis Epiglottis- flap over trachea (wind

pipe) which closes when you swallow, prevents choking, inhalation of food/fluids

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4. Cardiac Sphincter- muscle that controls the opening from esophagus to stomach (“heartburn”)

5. Stomach- thick walled muscular organ Mechanical digestion occurs when folds of the

stomach (rugae) grind food. Chemical digestion occurs here:

Lining secretes gastric juice (HCl and pepsin) Proteins begin digestion here (protease) Pyloric glands secrete mucus so stomach doesn’t digest

itself! Chyme- the soupy liquid formed from digestion of solids

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Caffeine and alcohol can increase HCl production

Ulcer- when the mucus layer breaks down, causing sores caused by bacteria (Helicobacter pylori), stress, diet; may bleed

Digestion in the stomach occurs for 2-6 hours for solid foods.

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6. Pyloric Sphincter- muscle controlling opening from stomach to intestines

7. Small Intestine- “small” refers to diameter, not length

6.5m long, 2.5cm in diameter 3 sections: duodenum, jejunum, and ilium Partially digested food from stomach goes to

the small intestine Most digestion occurs here (not stomach) All digestion is completed here

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Intestinal Enzymes- maltase, protease, lipase

Pancreatic Enzymes- protease, amylase, lipase (dumped into small intestine)

Liver produces bile (stored in gall bladder) which emulsifies fats Fat globules are broken down to smaller fat

globules through mechanical digestion to increase surface area for chemical digestion

Gall stones: hard cholesterol deposits accumulated in gall bladder

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Absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestine!!!

Lined with villi (fingerlike projections that increase surface area for absorption) Capillaries absorb glucose,

amino acids Lacteals absorb: lipid end

products (fatty acid, glycerol)- part of lymphatic system

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Fate of Fat

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Once absorbed by the small intestine, the body can use these nutrients for: Energy Synthesis Assimilation

It takes approximately 12 hours for food to travel through the small intestine!

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8. Large Intestine (colon) 3 sections: ascending, transverse, descending 1.5m long, 6cm diameter Water absorbed from waste (too much

absorbed= constipation, too little absorbed=diarrhea)

Undigested food forced out through anus by peristalsis, these wastes are called feces

It takes 3-4 hours for food to pass through the large intestine.

FYI: The appendix= small pouch where large and small intestine join- has NO FUNCTION!

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Nutrient Digestions Begins Digestion Ends

Carbohydrates Mouth Small Intestine

Protein Stomach Small Intestine

Lipids Small Intestine Small Intestine

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Inside Eddie Johnson

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Mode of Disruption

Malfunction Description

Inheritance Lactose intolerance

Inability to digest diary products (lactose) b/c you lack the enzyme lactase; results in intestinal distress (diarrhea, can take lactaid)

Toxic Substances Food poisoning: caused by bacteria such as E. coli & salmonella

Toxins released by bacteria cause intestinal distress & kidney disease

Poor Nutrition Deficiency diseases: scurvy, rickets, & goiter

Lack of a vitamin or mineral in diet. Results in poor general health- need to supplement diet.

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Mode of Disruption

Malfunction Description

Organ Function Gall StonesConstipation/ Diarrhea

-Accumulation of hardened cholesterol, results in disruption of bile secretion-Too little or too much water in diet

Personal Behavior Eating Disorders:-anorexia-bulemia

- Robs your body of essential nutrients, leads to poor general health, ulcers, and death

Infectious Disease Tapeworm (contracted when we ingest larva in uncooked or undercooked meat- if the animal had tapeworm)

-Worm grows in intestinal tract -Robs your body of nutrients-Leads to deficiency diseases