autonomous region in muslim mindanao (armm)


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Page 1: Autonomous region in muslim mindanao (armm)
Page 2: Autonomous region in muslim mindanao (armm)

Autonomous Region in Muslim

Mindanao (ARMM)


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• is composed of five provinces namely, Basilan, Lanao del

Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-tawi. Its capital is

Cotabato City even if it’s outside the ARMM jurisdiction.

• The region was established on August 1, 1989 through RA

6734 aka Organic Act in pursuance with a constitutional

mandate to provide an autonomous area in Mindanao.

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Area and Location

• Land Area:26,974 km2 (10,415 sq mi)

• Located at the southwesternmost tip of the archipelago

• Bounded by Lanao del Norte and Sulu Sea on the north

and northwest

• Bukidnon and Cotabato on the east

• Sultan Kudarat and Celebes Sea on the South

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Game: Name the provinces!

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Brief History

• 1380-Muslims arrived in Tawi-tawi and natives converted to Islam

• 1457-Sultanate of Sulu was established then Maguindanao and Buayan


• These sultanates resisted Spanish colonialism. Sulu recognized its sovereignty

not until the last quarter of 19th century.

• The people collectively call themselves “Bangsamoro” to identify themselves

under the Islamic law and culture. They resisted the three colonizers and

nevertheless wasn’t annexed into the Philippine government after the

declaration of Independence( Most of it’s territories have

been separate so they were able to develop their own identity.

• It was opened to Christians during Ramon Magsaysay’s term as part of his

economic reforms

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• 1970’s (Marcos Regime) when tensions escalated between government

forces and the (MNLF) Moro National Liberation Front. This prompted the

president to issue a proclamation that created Autonomous Region in

Southern Mindanao…

• Aug 1, 1989- Creation of Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao through

RA 6734 aka organic Act

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Population: 3,256,140 as of 2010

Ethnic groups: Maguindanaos, Maranaos, Badjaos,Tirurays, Tausugs,


Languages: Tausug, Samal,Cebuano,Tagalog

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• Capital: Lamitan

• TLA :1,379 square kilometers

• Location: North-Zamboanga del Sur; east-moro gulf; west-

sulu sea; south-Mindanao sea

• Ethnic groups: Yakan, Tausug and Zamboangueno

• Languages: Tausug, Chavacano, Samal

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Treasure Islands of the Southern Seas

• History: The Spanish Pigafetta expedition landed on a

group of islets west of the main island of Basilan, where

they found precious pearls; subsequent Spanish

cartographers aptly named these the "Isletas de Perlas"

(Pearl Islets). Native Samal and Bajao folk called this

group of islets and reefs "Pilas" (Perlas), a name still used

to this day. More recently, there have been local rumors

about gold bars and other trinkets hidden among the many

islets by retreating Japanese troops at the end of World

War II. To date, treasure hunters of various nationalities,

among them Japanese and Europeans, have scoured the


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How to get there

• Zamboanga City is the main gateway to Basilan Island which lies 17 nautical

miles (narrowest point of the Basilan Strait) due north. If you’re from Manila or

Cebu, take a flight to Zamboanga City then take a jeepney bound

forCanelar and walk towards the port.

• From there, a boat ride of 1 hour and 45 mins (for conventional passenger

ferries), or 1 hour (for a fast craft), will take you to Isabela and Lamitan. The

fare ranges from Php20 (student and senior citizen's discounted fare on some

conventional ferries) to P70 (first-class w/ aircon). Fast craft usually charge

P140 for ordinary and P170 w/ aircon.

Isabela-Zamboanga-Isabela Route (1 hr, 30 mins)

Lamitan-Zamboanga-Lamitan Route (1 hr, 30 mins)

Maluso-Jolo-Maluso Route (6 hours)

Terminal fee is 11 pesos in Zamboanga City and 4 pesos in Isabela port.

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Tourist Attractions

• Balagtasan Waterfalls-biggest in the province where

hydroelectric powerplant is located

• Kalun’s Park/Shrine-tribute to Kalun, a popular Yakan

leader during his time.

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• Malamaui Island-contains traditional resting place of the sea-faring Badjaos

and Simal-Luan Banguingui

• Menzi agricultural plantation-anyone can witness the actual processing of

rubber, coffee, black pepper and African palm oil.

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• Museum of Lamitan

• Palm Beach

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• Plaza Isabel

• Sta. Isabel Cathedral

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• Sumagdang Beach

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Pakaradjaan Basilan, celebrated annually from March 1 to March 7 to commemorate the anniversary of the Province of Basilan.

Lami-Lamihan Festival, the island's premier festival, is celebrated during the Feast of St. Peter (Fiesta San Pedro) on June 29 in

Lamitan City. The festival is highlighted by the Yakans, who attend the festivities in full regalia, selling wares and produce

brought in from their farms in the interior.

Cocowayan Festival, Isabela City's annual commemoration of its cityhood, is a week-long series of activities culminating in the

annual Street Dancing parade on April 25.

Fiesta Santa Isabel, celebrated every July 8 by the residents of Isabela City, in honor of its Patroness Saint, Elizabeth of

Portugal (Span. Sta. Isabel de Portugal). The focal point of the celebrations is the Sta. Isabel Cathedral, located at the center of

Isabela City. This is highlighted by a procession and novena masses, the traditional Bella Isabela Beauty Pageant, a marathon, a

regatta and other activities organized primarily by the Diocese of Basilan and the Prelature of Isabela and its lay organizations,

the Catholic Women's League and the Knights of Columbus.

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Lanao del Sur

• Capital: Marawi City

• A&L: 3850 km2 north-lanao del norte; east-Bukidnon;

west-Illiana bay; south- Maguindanao and Cotabato

• Ethnic groups: Maranao( literally People of the Lake)

• Languages: Maranao, Cebuano

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• Lanao comes from the word ranao, meaning "lake." Lanao centers on the basin

of Lake Lanao; thus, it is the land of the Maranaos, the "people of the lake."

• Lanao is the seat of the Sultanate of Lanao.

• When the Spaniards first explored Lanao in 1689, they found a well-settled

community named Dansalan at the lake's northern end. Dansalan became a

municipality in 1907 and a city in 1940.

• During the Pre-Spanish time, there are 4 important Boundaries hold the power

of appointing a new sultan namely: Bakayawan, Dalama, Madamba and

Sawer. In appointing a new sultan the permission of these four boundaries are

needed to validate the new sultan appointed to his position.

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Tourist Attractions

• Brassware Factory,Tugaya

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• Mt. Mupo-On the Summit is a national park with the view

of Lanao Lake

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• KARIYALA FESTIVAL Best Wao’s ceremonial gatherings

and merrymaking for a bountiful harvest, for peace,

prosperity and progress to ALLAH. KARIYALA comes from

Maranaw term for merrymaking & other related ceremonial


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How to get there

• PAL and other airlines has daily flights every day from Manila to Cagayan de Oro City. From Cagayan de

Oro, collective taxi for 4 to 6 passanger who share the fare goes to Marawi.

From Cotabato City, the seat of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and Region XII, you can

either take plane of 30-minute flight or you can go by land. Should you choose to take a plane,it will bring

you to Baloi Airport at Baloi, Lanao del Norte. Then take a PU jeep to Marawi, about 30-minute ride. If you

choose by land, then you have to choose either via Malabang or via Davao - Butuan - Cagayan de Oro City

- Iligan City tri before you finally reach Marawi.

If you want to reach Marawi City by water transportation, from Manila, you can take about direct to

Cagayan de Oro City for two days or to Iligan City for two and a half days. Also, from Manila to Cebu City to

Iligan then from Cagayan or Iligan, PUj�s can take you to Marawi City.

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• Capital-Sultan Kudarat

• A & L- 5,474.10 km2;north-Cotabato,east-Lanao del

sur,west-Moro gulf, south-Sultan Kudarat

• Ethnic groups: Lumad, Visayan,

other Moro tribes (such as Maranao, Iranun )

• Languages: Maguindanao

language, Chabacano,Cebuano, Filipino,

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Maguindanao (People of the plains)

• Early 15th Century-Sharif Muhammad Kabungsuan, an Arab-Malay preacher

from the Royal House of Malacca, arrived in what is now Malabang, introduced

Islamic faith and customs, settled down with a local princess, and founded a

Sultanate whose capital was Cotabato.

• The native Maguindanaon have a culture that revolves around kulintang music, a

specific type of gong music, found among both Muslim and non-Muslim groups of

the Southern Philippines.

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Tourist Attractions

• Amai Ningka,Datu Piang, Maguindanao- One can find heree the old cannons of the


• Rio grande de Mindanao-second largest river in the country

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How to get there

• From Cotabato City, buses opérate regularly bound to


• Ships from Manila and Cebusail directly to Maguindanao

via Zamboanga

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SAGAYAN Festival

• Sagayan is one of the ancient (unchoreographed) dance

forms in the world that still exist to the present; one of the

proofs is its mentioned in the Darangen, one of the oldest

epics in the world

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• Karim-ul-Mahkdum, an Arab religious missionary and

learned judge, reinforced the Islamic foundation of

RajahBaguinda’s polity (1390–1460) and that of the

Sultanate of Sayid Abubakar, princely scholar from Arabia

who married Paramisuli, the daughter of Rajah Baguinda.

Sayid Abubakar eventually inherited the rule of Rajah

Baguinda, established the Sultanate of Sulu and became

its first Sultan. To consolidate his rule, Sayid Abubakar

united the local political units under the umbrella of the

Sultanate. He brought Sulu, Zamboanga

Peninsula, Palawan andBasilan under its aegis.


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Tourist Attractiond

• American Calvary Monument

• Bud Dato

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• Marungas Island-*km east of Jolo. The beach abounds variety of seashells

• Maubo Beach-most frequented beach because of its

Proximity to the town proper

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• Mount Tumatangis

• Pearl Farm

• The Sulu Sea is dotted with coral reefs, such as the pearl

farm at Marungas Island and provides some of the world’s

best dive spots. The Tubbataha Reef, a 33,200 – hectare

underwater splendor, is the best site of Sulu Sea. Because

of its fabulous beauty, the Tubbataha Reef Marine Park

was honored by UNESCO in December 1993 as the first

natural site in the Philippines to be etched in the

prestigious World Heritage List.

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• Provincial Capitol-moor-inspired

• Sulu Ethnological Museum-

houses cultural historical artifacts

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• How to get there

Regular boats sail from Zamboanga to Jolo almost daily

which takes 12 hours

By ferry,it takes 6 hours

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• Capital- Bongao

• A & L-1,087.40 km2 ; north and west- Sulu sea, east and

south-Celebes sea

• Ethnic groups- Yakans, Tausugs

• Languages-Вajau-Sinama,Тausug/Ѕulus,Zamboangueño


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• Sibutu remained under Spanish rule until 1900.

• Tawi-Tawi was previously part of the province of Sulu. On September 11,

1973, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 302, the new province of Tawi-

Tawi was officially created, separate from Sulu.[3] The seat of the provincial

government was established inBongao.

• The name of Tawi-Tawi is a projection of the Malay word "jauh" meaning

"far." Prehistoric travelers from the Asian mainland would repeat the word

as "jaui-jaui" to mean "far away" because of the distance of the islands

from the continent of Asia. The word "Tawi-Tawi" was picked up to later

become the official name of the province.

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Tourist Attractions

• Bongao Peak-monkey sanctuary

• Cagayan de Tawi-tawi-islands are known

for their flora and fauna

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• Manuk-Mangkaw/Musa

• Sitangkai Island

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• Tahing-tahing Beach-inspiration for the “Tawi tawi beach” song composed by

American soldiers

• Tubig Indangan- site of the oldest mosque in the country built by Sheik Makhdum

whose tomb is beside it.

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• Turtle Islands- “site of one of the largest concentrations of

marine turtles in Asia”( Libosada,178)

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A “PANGALAY” dancer dressed in a traditional “biyatawi” (fitted blouse) and “sawwal” (loose trousers) leads

the street dancing of the Bongao delegation during the 41st Kamahardikaan Festival in Tawi-Tawi province.

The backdrop is the “sambulayang,” or colorful flags that traditionally decorate native boats, like the lepa.

Agal-Agal Festival is modeled after

the “mother of all festivals”—the

touristic Ati-Atihan—which features

street dancing and parade of floats

that lead to the final “showdown”

or competition among performing

groups representing localities.

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• How to get there

Sea- Boat from Zamboanga to tawi tawi for 12 hours

Ferry, by six hours

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• The ARMM region is famous in rice delicacies, namely; duldul, pastil, katilapan, pawa.

Native dishes like chicken with cury powder. In addition is the Muslim delicacies

are putrid, sinigang na baka and tinadtag

Delicacy from Marawi

City Katilapan

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• Maguindanao

PASTIL, steamed rice with kagikit (flaked chicken) filling wrapped in a banana leaf.

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• Tawi-tawi

A very spicy and tasty meat of

stingray cooked with coconut

milk then added with burned

coconut grated meat that gave

the sauce its olive like color.

This particular seaweed or agar agar as others call it, is very

much common in the coastal waters of Visayas and Mindanao.

The only difference is that, instead of serving it fresh garnished

with onion, tomatoes and vinegar, the Tawi Tawinians blanch the

seaweeds then added with little soy sauce and some spices like

ginger, onions , giving it a yellowish color.

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Marawi Resort Hotel is perfectly nestled at the summit of

the Islamic City of Marawi and found at the campus of the

Mindanao State University. (Wide array of General and

Recreation Facilities)

The Farmland Resort (Lanote)

Anson's Hotel (Sumagdang)

Hotel Royal Issra (Marketsite)

Casa Rosario (Port Area), Basilan Hostel (Eastside)


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• Sulu-

Sulu Pearl Hotel (Jolo)-

• Maguindanao

Ectosan Garden Hotel (Cotabato City)

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cultural heritage

Natural sites


Tourism promotion


Tourism facilities




Foreign investments could be used

as tools for promoting the heritage

and natural sites in Mindanao

-mass media in redefining the

image of the región

-more airports

-more business and tourism



Natural calamities

LGU should invest in facilities and

seminars to reduce risks and

heighten disaster readiness.

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