automated tests - facts and myths

Automated tests Facts and myths / Wojciech Sznapka @sznapka

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Post on 19-May-2015




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The discussion on automated tests is hot topic. The approach has same number of advocates and skeptics. More and more tools eases testing, but also introduces a fundamental question: what, when and how to test? Practise and experience let's answer those questions or guide in the right direction. In this talk usage examples of unit, functional and behavioral tests will be shown. Importance of properly handling dependencies and mocking them will be discussed as well. But most of important part will be hints on how to write code, that could be tested automaticaly. Slides are available in interactive mode here:


Page 1: Automated tests - facts and myths

Automated testsFacts and myths

/ Wojciech Sznapka @sznapka

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An introductionI work in software industry for about 9 yearsCare a lot about robust and testable architecturesLoves software craftsmanship, sophisticated architectures, Big Dataand ice hockey

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Test DrivenDevelopment

What is this?

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Add a test

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Write an implementation

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Refactor code

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What'simportant here?

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... to have tests

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You won’t go to hell if you’llwrite a test after declaring an

interface or prototyping aclass ...

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... but you’ll surely end up inhell, if there won’t be a test


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Myths aboutautomated tests

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Boss doesn't payfor automated tests

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It's a myth!A 2005 study found that using TDD meant writingmore tests and, in turn, programmers who wrote

more tests tended to be more productiveby American Scientists

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But this ain't that hard ...class RomanConverter{ protected $conversions = [ 1000 => 'M', 900 => 'CM', 500 => 'D', 400 => 'CD', 100 => 'C', 90 => 'XC', 50 => 'L', 40 => 'XL', 10 => 'X', 9 => 'IX', 5 => 'V', 4 => 'IV', 1 => 'I'];

public function convert($inArabic) { if (!is_numeric($inArabic)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('I convert numerics'); } if ($inArabic <= 0) { return ''; } list ($arabic, $roman) = $this->conversionFactorFor($inArabic);

return $roman . $this->convert($inArabic - $arabic); }

protected function conversionFactorFor($inArabic) { foreach ($this->conversions as $arabic => $roman) { if ($arabic <= $inArabic) { return [$arabic, $roman]; } } }}

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... start from obvious thingsclass RomanConverterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testEmpty() { $this->assertEquals('', (new RomanConverter)->convert('')); }}

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... provide some meat ...class RomanConverterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ /** @dataProvider provideTestData */ public function testConversions($arabic, $roman) { $converter = new RomanConverter(); $this->assertEquals($roman, $converter->convert($arabic)); }

public function provideTestData() { return array[ [3497, 'MMMCDXCVII'], [1, 'I'], [2, 'II'], [6, 'VI'], [9, 'IX'], [40, 'XL'], [45, 'XLV'], [90, 'XC'], [100, 'C'], [400, 'CD'] ]; }}

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... test edge casesclass RomanConverterTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ /** @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testEmpty() { (new RomanConverter)->convert('wtf I am passing here')); }}

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Help yourself with tests generationphpunit-skelgen --test RomanConverter

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... or using Symfony'sXSolveUnitSkelgenBundle

./app/console xsolve:skelgen:test Acme/ExampleBundle/Service/.

./app/console xsolve:skelgen:test Acme/*/Controller/*

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We are buildingtoo complicated

systemfor an automated tests

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TDD forces you to writecleaner code

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It's easier to test smaller unitsof code

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so you write smaller classeswhich are less coupledand that makes your system more stableand open for an extension in the future

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Your Object Oriented designbecomes S.O.L.I.D. compilant

and this is awesome!

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You will of course tacklecostly dependencies

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Use PHPUnit's mockframework or Mockery

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Fake it till you make itclass MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testNonExistingValueObjects() { $configuration = \Mockery::mock('\ConfigurationValueObject', [ 'getUrl' => '', 'getFormat' => 'xml']); $this->assertEquals('xml', $configuration->getFormat()); // OK }}

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Mock thingsthat can't be tested quickly or non-

reproducableclass MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testApiCalls() { $buzzMock= \Mockery::mock('\Buzz\Browser'); $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get') ->andReturn('<response><mood>Awesomity</mood></response>');

// this also is wise solution, to write xml fixtures in file // $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get')->once() // ->andReturn(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures.xml'));

$api = new \ApiConsumer($buzzMock); $api->assertEquals('Awesomity', $api->getCurrentMood()); // OK }}

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Expect declared behaviorsclass MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ public function testExpectationsDeclarations() { $buzzMock= \Mockery::mock('\Buzz\Browser'); $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get') ->andReturn('<response><mood>Awesomity</mood></response>');

$loggerMock = \Mockery::mock('\Monolog\Logger'); // we just want to be sure that Logger::info was called only once $loggerMock->shouldReceive('info')->once();

$api = new \ApiConsumer($buzzMock, $loggerMock); $api->assertEquals('Awesomity', $api->getCurrentMood()); // OK }}

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Be prepared for failuresand check if you prepared for unexpected situations

class MockedTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{ /** @expectedException \MyExceptionWrapper */ public function testFailedConnection() { $buzzMock= \Mockery::mock('\Buzz\Browser'); $buzzMock->shouldReceive('get') ->andThrow('\Buzz\Exception\ClientException');

$loggerMock = \Mockery::mock('\Monolog\Logger'); $loggerMock->shouldReceive('info')->never(); $loggerMock->shouldReceive('err')->once();

(new \ApiConsumer($buzzMock, $loggerMock))->getCurrentMood(); }}

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We providingAPI for external

consumersit can't be tested...

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Use Symfony's WebTestCaseto test your API

I call it integration tests

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Call your API and check if itreturns prepared data

class ExpenditureControllerTest extends WebTestCase{ use IsolatedTestsTrait; // it resets test environment

public function testGetListInJson() { $client = static::createClient(); $client->request('GET', '/expenditures.json'); $json = json_decode($client->getResponse()->getContent());

$this->assertTrue($client->getResponse()->isSuccessful()); $this->assertCount(80, $json); $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( new \DateTime($json[79]->created_at), new \DateTime($json[0]->created_at)); }}

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Use fixtures and resetenvironment

IsolatedTestsTrait should do the trick

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Steps required to effectivelyrun in isolation

1. configure PDO SQLite in file2. create database3. drop schema4. load fixtres5. copy database as a backup6. copy database from backup for every test7. delete database backup after test suite

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frequentlywe can't keep up with unit


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Use behavioralapproach

Behat in PHP

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Describe features as scenariosIt will be readable for: business, developers and machines

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Perfectly fits into Agileprocess

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Simple exampleFeature: look for a job In order to find cool job As an aspiring programmer I need to be able to list job offers

Scenario: list offers for PL version Given I am on "/" Then I should see "Dołącz do teamu" And click "Dołącz do teamu" Then I should be on "/kariera" And I should see "PHP Senior Developer (Gliwice)"

Scenario: no offers for EN site Given I am on "/en" Then I should not see "Dołącz do teamu" And I should not see an "#join-us" element

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Our tests areslow!

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This could be true ...

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Always use in-memory sqlitedatabase

Or create clean sqlite database and copyit for every test

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Group your testsUse PHPUnit's @group or Behat's @tag

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Create "smoke tests" groupsThose should be fast test, which ensures your system is most likely


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Slower tests should run duringnight

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It gives you confidenceabout changes and your code

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Team is able to rapidlyexperiment with code

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TDD enforces betterObject Oriented design

Smaller units of code and lower coupling always leads to betterunderstanding of the codebase by future devs

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End user experiences betterquality

lower 500 error ratio in the production

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Happier users↓

more $$$ in future

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Setting up an workingenvironment for automated

testsis timely costly at the begining, but it pays off in the future

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System without any kind ofautomated tests

has big potential to be a big ball of mud

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Good coverage can be easilyachieved with

mix of unit, functional and behavioral tests

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You need to build andcultivate

TDD culture in your surrounding

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Thank you so much forattending!

Feedback is much appreciated

[email protected]

Twitter: @sznapkaGitHub: @wowo

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