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  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    The Hitchhiker's Guide to AutoCAD Basics

    Welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to AutoCAD Basicsyour guide to the basic 42 commadsyou eed to create 2D dra!igs usig AutoCAD or AutoCAD "T#

    This guide is a great $lace to get started i% you &ust com$leted your iitial traiig or to re%reshyour memory i% you use AutoCAD oly occasioally# The 42 commads are grou$ed together

    accordig to ty$es o% acti(ity ad are arraged to %ollo! a geeral !ork%lo!#

    A%ter you %iish this guide you ca access the liked Hel$ commads i each to$ic %or morei%ormatio or you ca retur to the guide later to re(ie! s$eci%ic to$ics# Also try to %idsomeoe !ho !ill be able to as!er your occasioal )uestios# The $roduct discussio grou$s

    *htt$+,,%orums#autodesk#com,- ad Autodesk blogs are good resources#.# Basics

    /e(ie! the basic AutoCAD cotrols#

    2# 0ie!ig1a ad oom i a dra!ig ad cotrol the order o% o(erla$$ig ob&ects#

    3# GeometryCreate basic geometric ob&ects such as lies circles ad hatched areas#

    4# 1recisiosure the $recisio re)uired %or your models#

    5# "ayers6rgaie your dra!ig by assigig ob&ects to layers#
  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    7# 1ro$erties8ou ca assig $ro$erties such as color ad liety$e to idi(idual ob&ects or as de%ault$ro$erties assiged to layers#

    9# :odi%yig1er%orm editig o$eratios such as erase mo(e ad trim o the ob&ects i a dra!ig#

    ;# Blocks

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Note:time AutoCAD users $re%er this method#

    @otice that as you start to ty$e a commad it is com$leted automatically# Whe se(eral

    $ossibilities are a(ailable such as i the eam$le belo! you ca make your choice by clickig it

    or usig the arro! keys ad the $ressig ter or the $acebar#

    The :ouse

    :ost $eo$le use a mouse as their $oitig de(ice but other de(ices ha(e e)ui(alet cotrols#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Tip:Whe you look %or a o$tio try right>clickig# De$edig o !here you locate your cursor

    di%%eret meus !ill dis$lay rele(at commads ad o$tios#

    @e! Dra!igs

    8ou ca easily co%orm to idustry or com$ay stadards by s$eci%yig settigs %or tet

    dimesios liety$es ad se(eral other %eatures# Eor eam$le this backyard deck desig

    dis$lays t!o di%%eret dimesio styles#

    All these settigs ca be sa(ed i a drawing template%ile# Click @e! to choose %rom se(eral

    dra!ig tem$late %iles+

    Eor im$erial dra!igs that assume your uits are iches use acad.dwt or acadlt.dwt#

    Eor metric uits that assume your uits are millimeters use acadiso.dwtor acadltiso.dwt#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    The FTutorialF tem$late %iles i the list are sim$le eam$les %or the architectural or mechaical

    desig disci$lies !ith both im$erial *i- ad metric *m- (ersios# 8ou might !at to e$erimet!ith them#

    :ost com$aies use dra!ig tem$late %iles that co%orm to com$ay stadards# They !ill o%te

    use di%%eret dra!ig tem$late %iles de$edig o the $ro&ect or the cliet#

    Create 8our 6! Dra!ig Tem$late Eile

    8ou ca sa(e ay dra!ig *.dwg- %ile as a dra!ig tem$late *.dwt- %ile# 8ou ca also o$e ay

    eistig dra!ig tem$late %ile modi%y it ad the sa(e it agai !ith a di%%eret %ileame i%


  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    it Dis$lay ettigs

    A%ter you decide !hat uit o% legth that you !at to use the @.,2 istead#

    1recisio# Eor eam$le a decimal legth o% 7#5 ca be set to dis$lay as 7#5? 7#5?? or7#5???#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command



    1a ad oom i a dra!ig ad cotrol the order o% o(erla$$ig ob&ects#

    The easiest !ay to chage your (ie! is by usig the !heel o your mouse#

    oom i or out by rollig the !heel# 1a a (ie! i ay directio by holdig the !heel do! ad the mo(ig your mouse#

    oom to the etets o% your model by clickig the !heel t!ice#

    Tip:Whe you oom i or out the locatio o% the cursor is im$ortat# Thik o% your cursor as a

    magi%yig glass# Eor eam$le i% you $ositio the cursor i the u$$er>right area o% the %loor $la

    as sho! belo! oomig i magi%ies the dressig room !ithout shi%tig the (ie!#


  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    The dra! order o$tios that are listed iclude sedig all hatches to the back all tet to the

    %rot ad so o#


    Create basic geometric ob&ects such as lies circles ad hatched areas#

    8ou ca create a lot o% di%%eret ty$es o% geometric ob&ects i AutoCAD but you oly eed to

    ko! a %e! o% them %or most 2D dra!igs#


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    The lie is the most basic ad commo ob&ect i AutoCAD dra!igs# To dra! a lie click the

    "ie tool#

    Alterati(ely you ca ty$e "

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    Grid Dis$lay

    ome $eo$le like !orkig !ith grid lies as a re%erece !hile others $re%er !orkig i a blak

    area# To tur o%% the grid dis$lay $ress E9# (e !ith the grid tured o%% you ca %orce your

    cursor to sa$ to grid icremets by $ressig E=#

    "ies as Costructio Aids

    "ies ca ser(e as re%erece ad costructio geometry such as

    1ro$erty lie setbacks

    The mirror lie o% a symmetrical mechaical $art

    Clearace lies to a(oid iter%ereces

    Tra(ersal $ath lies


    The de%ault o$tio o% the C

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    Alterati(ely you ca also eter C

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    se the 1"!idth segmets

    Cotiuous $aths %or !hich you eed to ko! the total legth

    Cotour lies %or to$ogra$hic ma$s ad isobaric data

    Wirig diagrams ad traces o $rited circuit boards

    1rocess ad $i$ig diagrams

    1olylies ca ha(e a costat !idth or they ca ha(e di%%eret startig ad edig !idths# A%ter

    you s$eci%y the %irst $oit o% the $olylie you ca use the Width o$tio to s$eci%y the !idth o% all

    subse)uetly created segmets# 8ou ca chage the !idth (alue at ay time e(e as you

    create e! segmets#

    Here is a eam$le o% a $rited circuit board i !hich the traces !ere created !ith !ide$olylies# The ladig $ads !ere created !ith the D6@T commad#

    1olylies ca ha(e di%%eret startig ad edig !idths %or each segmet as sho! here+

    A %ast !ay to create closed rectagular $olylies is to use the /CTA@G commad *eter /C

    i the Commad !ido!-#

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    im$ly click t!o diagoal $oits %or the rectagle as illustrated#

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    Tip:%ill hatches+


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    sure the $recisio re)uired %or your models#

    There are se(eral $recisio %eatures a(ailable icludig

    1olar trackig# a$ to the closest $reset agle ad s$eci%y a distace alog that agle#

    "ockig agles# "ock to a sigle s$eci%ied agle ad s$eci%y a distace alog that agle#

    6b&ect sa$s# a$ to $recise locatios o eistig ob&ects such as a ed$oit o% a

    $olylie the mid$oit o% a lie or the ceter $oit o% a circle#

    Grid sa$s# a$ to icremets i a rectagular grid#

    Coordiate etry# $eci%y a locatio by its Cartesia or $olar coordiates either absolute

    or relati(e#

    The three most commoly used %eatures are $olar trackig lockig agles ad ob&ect sa$s#

    1olar Trackig

    Whe you eed to s$eci%y a $oit such as !he you create a lie you ca use $olar trackig

    to guide the mo(emet o% your cursor i certai directios#

    Eor eam$le a%ter you s$eci%y the %irst $oit o% the lie belo! mo(e your cursor to the right ad

    the eter a distace i the Commad !ido! to s$eci%y a $recise horiotal legth %or the lie#

    By de%ault $olar trackig is tured o ad guides your cursor i a horiotal or (ertical directio

    *? or =? degrees-#

    "ockig Agles

    degree agle you ca eter

    the legth o% the lie#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    6b&ect a$s

    By %ar the most im$ortat !ay %or you to s$eci%y $recise locatios o ob&ects is to use ob&ect


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    At ay $rom$t %or a $oit you ca s$eci%y a sigle ob&ect sa$ that o(errides all other

    ob&ect sa$ settigs# 8ou hold do! hi%t right>click i the dra!ig area ad choose aob&ect sa$ %rom the 6b&ect a$ meu# The mo(e the cursor to select a locatio o aob&ect#

    :ake sure that you oom i close eough to a(oid mistakes#

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    0eri%y 8our Work

    /echeck your geometry to catch mistakes early# ter the D

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Note:E; ad E.? are mutually eclusi(eturig either oe o !ill tur the other oe o%%#


    6rgaie your dra!ig by assigig ob&ects to layers#

    Whe a dra!ig becomes (isually com$le you ca hide the ob&ects that you curretly do ot

    eed to see#

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  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    With layers you ca

    Associate ob&ects by their %uctio or locatio

    Dis$lay or hide all related ob&ects i a sigle o$eratio

    %orce liety$e color ad other $ro$erty stadards %or each layer

    Important:/esist the tem$tatio to create e(erythig o oe layer# "ayers are the most

    im$ortat orgaiig %eature a(ailable i AutoCAD dra!igs#

    "ayer Cotrols

    To see ho! a dra!ig is orgaied use the "A8/ commad to o$e the "ayer 1ro$erties

    :aager# 8ou ca either eter "A8/ or "A i the Commad !ido! or you ca click the

    "ayer 1ro$erties tool o the ribbo#

    Here's !hat the "ayer 1ro$erties :aager dis$lays i this dra!ig#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    As idicated layer .? WA"" is the current layer# All e! ob&ects are automatically $laced o

    that layer#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    "ayer ettigs

    The %ollo!ig are the most commoly used layer settigs i the "ayer 1ro$erties :aager# 8ou

    click the ico to tur the settig o ad o%%#

    Tur o%% layers# 8ou tur o%% layers to reduce the (isual com$leity o% your dra!ig !hile

    you !ork#

    Ereee layers# 8ou %reee layers that you do ot eed to access %or a !hile# Ereeig

    layers is similar to turig them o%% but im$ro(es $er%ormace i (ery large dra!igs#

    "ock layers# 8ou lock layers !he you !at to $re(et accidetal chages to the ob&ects

    o those layers# Also the ob&ects o locked layers a$$ear %aded !hich hel$s reduce the

    (isual com$leity o% your dra!ig but still lets you see the ob&ects %aitly#

    et de%ault $ro$erties# 8ou set the de%ault $ro$erties %or each layer icludig color

    liety$e lie!eight ad tras$arecy# @e! ob&ects that you create !ill use these $ro$ertiesuless you o(erride them# 6(erridig layer $ro$erties is e$laied later i this to$ic#

    Cotrols i the "ayer 1ro$erties :aager

    To create a e! layer click the butto sho! ad eter the ame o% the e! layer# To make a

    di%%eret layer the curret oe click the layer ad the click the idicated butto#

    uick Access to "ayer ettigs

    The "ayer 1ro$erties :aager takes u$ a lot o% s$ace ad you do't al!ays eed to access all

    the o$tios# Eor )uick access to the most commo layer cotrols use the cotrols o the

    ribbo# Whe o ob&ects are selected the "ayers $ael o the Home tab dis$lays the ame o%

    the curret layer as sho! here#

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    6ccasioally check to make sure that the ob&ects you create !ill be o the correct layer# do! arro! to dis$lay a list o%

    layers ad the click a layer o the list to make it the curret layer# 8ou ca also click o ay

    ico i the list to chage its settig#

    :aitai 8our tadards

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    0eri%y ad Chage 6b&ect 1ro$erties

    8ou ca use the 1ro$erties $alette to (eri%y ad chage $ro$erty settigs %or selected ob&ects#

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    The 1ro$erties $ael !orks the same !ay as the 1ro$erties $alette# Whe you select a ob&ect

    the curret $ro$erty settigs are re$laced by the $ro$erties assiged to the selected ob&ect ad

    you ca use this $ael to easily chage the $ro$erties o% oe o% more selected ob&ects#

    :atch the 1ro$erties o% 6b&ects

    Eor a %ast !ay to co$y the $ro$erties o% a selected ob&ect to other ob&ects use the :atch

    1ro$erties tool or eter :ATCH1/61 or :A i the Commad !ido!#

    elect the source ob&ect ad the select all o% the ob&ects that you !at to modi%y#


    Dashed ad other o>cotiuous liety$es are assiged %rom the 1ro$erties $ael# 8ou must

    %irst load a liety$e be%ore you ca assig it#

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    3# $eci%y a di%%eret Fglobal scale %actorF %or all liety$esthe larger the (alue the logerthe dashes ad s$aces# Click 6K#

    6ce you'(e loaded the liety$es that you $la to use you ca select ay ob&ect ad s$eci%y a

    liety$e %rom the 1ro$erties $ael or the 1ro$erties $alette# Alterati(ely you ca s$eci%y a

    de%ault liety$e %or ay layer i the "ayer 1ro$erties :aager#


    The "ie!eight $ro$erty $ro(ides a !ay to dis$lay di%%eret thickesses %or selected ob&ects#

    The thickess o% the lies remai costat regardless o% the scale o% the (ie!# !orld uits#

    "ie!eights ca also be assiged %rom the 1ro$erties $ael#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    8ou ca lea(e the lie!eight set to By"ayer or you ca s$eci%y a (alue that o(errides the

    layer's lie!eight#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command



    To erase a ob&ect use the /A commad# 8ou ca eter i the Commad !ido! or

    click the rase tool# Whe you see the cursor chage to a s)uarepickbox click each ob&ect

    that you !at to erase ad the $ress ter or the $acebar#

    Note:Alterati(ely be%ore you eter ay commad you ca select se(eral ob&ects ad the

    $ress the Delete key# $erieced AutoCAD users o%te use this method as !ell#

    elect :ulti$le 6b&ects

    ometimes you eed to select a large umber o% ob&ects#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    8ou click the Co$y tool or eter C1 i the Commad !ido! to start the commad# Erom here

    you ca choose bet!ee t!o $rimary methods de$edig o !hat's more co(eiet# 8ou !ill

    use these t!o methods %re)uetly#

    The Distace :ethod

    9,;F L .,;F M .?F %rom

    the e)ui(alet $oit o the origial tile# o you select the tile $ress ter or the $acebar to

    ed your selectio ad click ay!here i the dra!ig area *.-# This $oit does ot ha(e to be

    located o the tile#

    @et you mo(e your cursor to the right relyig o the $olar trackig agle to kee$ the directio

    horiotal ad the eter .? %or the distace# 1ress ter or the $acebar a secod time to

    ed the commad#

    Whe you s$eci%ied a distace ad a directio %rom a $oit *.- you de%ied a (ector# This

    (ector !as a$$lied to the tile that you selected#

    The T!o 1oits :ethod

    Aother method oe that you !ill o%te use !he you do't !at to add umbers together

    re)uires t!o ste$s# 8ou start the C618 commad ad select the tile as be%ore but this time you

    click the t!o ed$oits as sho!# This also de%ies a (ector#

    Tip:The t!o $oits that de%ie a (ector do't eed to be located o the ob&ect that you !at to

    co$y# 8ou ca use t!o $oits s$eci%ied ay!here i your model#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    @et to add the .,;F s$ace bet!ee the tiles click the :o(e tool or eter : i the Commad

    !ido!# The :60 commad is similar to the C618 commad# elect the e!ly co$ied tile

    ad $ress ter or the $acebar# As be%ore click ay!here i the dra!ig area ad mo(e your

    cursor to the right# ter .,; or #.25 %or the distace#

    Create :ulti$le Co$ies

    8ou ca use the t!o>$oits method as a re$eatig se)uece# "et's say that you !at to makemore co$ies o% the circle at the same horiotal distace# 8ou start the C618 commad ad

    select the circle as sho!#

    The usig the Ceter ob&ect sa$ click the ceter o% circle . %ollo!ed by the ceter o% circle

    2 ad so o#

    Eor larger umbers o% co$ies try e$erimetig !ith the Array o$tio o% the C618 commad#

    Eor eam$le here's a liear arragemet o% dee$ %oudatio $iles# Erom a base $oit yous$eci%y umber o% co$ies ad the ceter>to>ceter distace#


    :ost models iclude a lot o% $arallel lies ad cur(es# Creatig them is easy ad e%%iciet !ith

    the 6EET commad# Click the 6EET tool or eter 6 i the Commad !ido!#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    elect the ob&ect *.- s$eci%y the o%%set distace ad click to idicate o !hich side o% the

    origial that you !at the result *2-# Here is a eam$le o% o%%settig a $olylie#

    Tip:A %ast !ay to create cocetric circles is to o%%set them#

    Trim ad ted

    A $o$ular techi)ue is to use the 6EET commad i combiatio !ith the T/

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    The result is that the lies are eteded to the boudary#

    The T/

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    8ou ca sa(e a lot o% !ork by takig ad(atage o% the symmetry bet!ee the le%t ad right

    !alls# All you eed to do is create the tiles o oe !all ad the mirror the !all across the

    ceter o% the room#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command



    8ou ca stretch most geometric ob&ects# This lets you legthe ad shorte $arts o% your model#

    Eor eam$le this model might be a gasket or the desig %or a $ublic $ark#

    se the T/TCH commad *or eter i the Commad !ido!- ad select the ob&ects !ith

    a crossig selectio as sho! belo! *. ad 2-# The crossig selectio is madatoryoly the

    geometry that is crossed by the crossig selectio is stretched# The click ay!here i the

    dra!ig area *3- mo(e the cursor to the right ad eter 5? as the distace# This distace might

    re$reset millimeters or %eet#

    To shorte the model by a s$eci%ied amout you'd mo(e your cursor to the le%t istead#


    The E

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command



    The I1"6D commad *eter I i the Commad !ido!- disassociates a com$oud ob&ect

    ito its com$oet $arts# 8ou ca e$lode ob&ects such as $olylies hatches ad blocks


    A%ter you e$lode a com$oud ob&ect you ca modi%y each resultig idi(idual ob&ect#

    dit 1olylies

    8ou ca choose %rom se(eral use%ul o$tios !he you !at to modi%y a $olylie# The 1Ddo! list o% the :odi%y


    With this commad you ca

    Ooi t!o $olylies ito a sigle $olylie i% they share a commo ed$oit

    Co(ert lies ad arcs ito a $olyliesim$ly eter 1D

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    ter or the $acebar to cycle through se(eral other editig modes# ome $eo$le $er%orm most

    editig o$eratios usig gri$s#




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    6ce iserted the block definitionis stored i your curret dra!ig# Erom the o you ca

    choose it %rom the @ame dro$>do! list !ithout eedig to click the Bro!se butto#

    Tip:The de%ault settigs i the

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command



    4# elect the ob&ects that you created %or the block *click . ad 2-#

    5# $eci%y the block isertio $oit#

    8ou ca eter the i%ormatio %or ste$s 3 4 ad 5 ito the Block De%iitio dialog bo i ay


  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    A%ter creatig the block de%iitio you ca isert co$y ad rotate the block as eeded#

    sig the I1"6D commad you ca e$lode a block back to its com$oet ob&ects i% youeed to make chages#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    8ou ca create a idi(idual dra!ig %ile %or each block that you ited to use# 8ou sa(e

    these dra!ig %iles i %olders each o% !hich !ould cotai a %amily o% related dra!ig %iles#

    8ou ca iclude the block de%iitios %or title blocks ad commo symbols i your

    dra!ig tem$late %iles to make them a(ailable immediately !he startig a e! dra!ig#

    8ou ca create se(eral dra!ig %iles !hich are sometimes called block library drawings#

    ach o% these dra!igs cotais a %amily o% related block de%iitios# Whe you isert a blocklibrary dra!ig ito your curret dra!ig all the blocks that are de%ied i that dra!ig

    become a(ailable#Tip:With olie access you ca do!load AutoCAD dra!ig %iles %rom the !eb sites o%

    commercial (edors ad su$$liers# This ca sa(e you time but al!ays check to make sure that

    they are dra! correctly ad to scale# Autodesk eek *htt$+,,seek#autodesk#com,- is a

    co(eiet !ay o% accessig B

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Workig !ith layout (ie!$orts is described i more detail later i this to$ic#

    Eour :ethods %or calig

    There are %our di%%eret methods i AutoCAD that are used to scale (ie!s otes labels ad

    dimesios# ach method has its ad(atages de$edig o ho! the dra!ig !ill be used#Here's a brie% summary o% each o% the methods+

    The 6rigial :ethod# 8ou create geometry aotate ad $rit %rom model s$ace#

    Dimesios otes ad labels must all be scaled i re(erse# 8ou set the dimesio scale tothe i(erse o% the $lot scale# With this method scalig re)uires a little math# Eor eam$le acommo scale used i architecture is .,4F M .'>?F !hich is .+4; scale# sie sheet e(erythig scales do! to thecorrect sie#

    Note::ay AutoCAD dra!igs !ere created !ith this method ad may com$aies still use

    it# 6ce e(erythig is set u$ the method !orks !ell %or 2D dra!igs !ith sigle (ie!s ad

    iserted details#

    The "ayout :ethod# 8ou create geometry ad aotate i model s$ace ad $rit %rom

    the layout# et the dimesio scale to ? ad the dimesios !ill scale automatically#

    The Aotati(e :ethod# 8ou create geometry i model s$ace

    create annotativedimesios otes ad labels *usig a s$ecial aotati(e style- i models$ace %rom the layout ad you $rit %rom the layout# Aotati(e ob&ects dis$lay oly i layout(ie!$orts that share the same scale# The dimesio scale is automatically set to ? ad allaotati(e ob&ects scale automatically#

    The Tras>$atial :ethod# 8ou create geometry i model s$ace create aotatios i

    $a$er s$ace o a layout !ith dimesio scale set to . ad you $rit %rom the layout# This isarguably the easiest most direct method ad it is the method o% choice %or this guide#

    Talk to other AutoCAD users i your disci$lie about these %our methods ad !hy they chose

    the method that they use#

    $eci%yig the 1a$er ie o% a "ayout

    The %irst thig that you should do !he you access a layout tab *.- is right>click the tab *2- adreame it *3- to somethig more s$eci%ic tha "ayout .# Eor a D>sie layout A/CH D or A@< D

    might be good choices#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    @et o$e the 1age etu$ :aager *4- to chage the $a$er sie dis$layed i the layout tab#

    Note:8ou might be !oderig !hy there are t!o etries i the list %or e(ery sheet sie# This is

    because some $riters ad $lotters do ot recogie the dra!ig orietatio settig#

    "ayout 0ie!$orts

    A layout (ie!$ort is a ob&ect that is created i $a$er s$ace to dis$lay a scaled (ie! o% model

    s$ace# 8ou ca thik o% it as a closed>circuit T0 moitor that dis$lays $art o% model s$ace#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    clickig iside or

    outside the layout (ie!$ort#

    Eor eam$le let's say that you created a backyard deck desig i model s$ace ad o! you

    !at to lay out ad $rit your desig %rom a layout tab#

    The (ie! i the layout (ie!$ort is ot yet set to the correct scale#

    Note:8ou ca use the :0$atial Aotatio

    Here are the ste$s to %ollo! i% you use the tras>s$atial method o% aotatig your dra!ig+

    .# Click the layout tab# sie ad the title block might already ha(e bee iserted i the layout#

    2# By de%ault $a$er s$ace is acti(e so double>click !ithi the layout (ie!$ort to make

    model s$ace acti(e# @otice that the edge o% the layout (ie!$ort becomes thicker as a result o%s!itchig to model s$ace#

    3# oom out ad ceter the model s$ace (ie! by $aig# Ho!e(er the dis$layed (ie! isstill ot set to the correct scale#

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    4# Double>click outside the layout (ie!$ort to make $a$er s$ace acti(e agai#

    5# 6$e the 1ro$erties $alette ad the click to select the edge o% the layout (ie!$ort#


  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Note:A%ter you ha(e %iished dimesioig you ca use the I16/T"A86T commad to

    merge e(erythig i $a$er s$ace ad model s$ace ito the model s$ace o% a se$arate dra!ig

    %ile# This o$eratio creates a dra!ig %ile that co%orms to the origial method o% creatig the

    model ad all aotatios i model s$ace#

    @otes ad "abels


    "click it to o$e the tet editor#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Tip:8ou ca use the 1ro$erties $alette to cotrol the tet style used %or oe or more selected

    multilie tet ob&ects# Eor eam$le a%ter selectig %i(e otes that use di%%eret styles click the

    tyle colum ad choose a style %rom the list#

    Create a Tet tyle

    As !ith se(eral other aotatio %eatures multilie tet $ro(ides a lot o% settigs# 8ou ca sa(e

    these settigs as a text styleusig the T8" commad ad the you ca access the tet

    styles you'(e sa(ed by clickig the dro$>do! arro! o the Aotatio $ael# The curret tet

    style is dis$layed at the to$ o% the dro$>do! list#

    To create a e! tet style click the Tet tyle cotrol as sho!#

    Whe you create a e! tet style you gi(e it a ame ad the choose a %ot ad a %ot style#

    The order i !hich you click the buttos is sho! belo!+

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Tip:a(e ay e! or chaged tet styles i your dra!ig tem$late %iles# This !ill sa(e you a lot

    o% time by makig them a(ailable i all e! dra!igs#


    Multileaderob&ects are used to create tet !ith leader lies such as geeral labels re%erece

    labels bubbles ad callouts#

    Create a :ultileader

    To create a multileader use the :"AD/ commad# Click the :ultileader tool i the

    Aotatio $ael or eter :"D i the Commad !ido!# Eollo! the $rom$ts ad o$tios i the

    Commad !ido!# Eeel %ree to e$erimet#

    A%ter you create a multileader select it ad the modi%y it by clickig ad mo(ig its gri$s#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Gri$ meus a$$ear !he you ho(er o(er arro!head ad leader gri$s# Erom these meus you

    ca add leader segmets or additioal leaders#

    8ou ca edit the tet i a multileader by double>clickig it#

    Create a :ultileader tyle

    8ou ca create your o! multileader styles %rom the dro$>do! list i the e$aded Aotatio

    $ael or by eterig :"AD/T8" i the Commad !ido!#

    Eor eam$le to create a Fdetail calloutF style start the :"AD/T8" commad#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Note:As !ith tet styles oce you create oe or more multileader styles sa(e them i your

    dra!ig tem$late %iles#




  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    The %ollo!ig illustratio demostrates oe method %or usig the D

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command



  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command



    Whe you sa(e a dimesio style choose a descri$ti(e ame#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    To dis$lay all o% the o$tios i the 1lot dialog bo click the :ore 6$tios butto#

    As you ca see there are a lot o% settigs ad o$tios a(ailable %or your use#

    Eor co(eiece you ca sa(e ad restore collectios o% these settigs by ame# These are

    calledpage setups# With $age setu$s you ca store the settigs that you eed %or di%%eret

    $riters $ritig i gray scales creatig a 1DE %ile %rom your dra!ig ad so o#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Create a 1age etu$

    To o$e the 1age etu$ :aager right>click o the :odel tab or a layout tab ad choose 1age

    etu$ :aager# The commad is 1AGT1#

    ach layout tab i your dra!ig ca ha(e a associated $age setu$# This is co(eiet !he

    you use more tha oe out$ut de(ice or %ormat or i% you ha(e se(eral layouts !ith di%%eret

    sheet sies i the same dra!ig#

    To create a e! $age setu$ click @e! ad eter the ame o% the e! $age setu$# The 1age

    etu$ dialog bo that dis$lays et looks like the 1lot dialog bo# Choose all the o$tios ad

    settigs that you !at to sa(e#

    Whe you are ready to $lot you sim$ly s$eci%y the ame o% the $age setu$ i the 1lot dialog

    bo ad all your $lot settigs !ill be restored#

  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    6ut$ut to a 1DE Eile

    The %ollo!ig eam$le sho!s you ho! to create a $age setu$ %or creatig 1DE %iles#

    Erom the 1riter,$lotter dro$>do! list choose DWG To PDF.pc+

    @et choose the sie ad scale o$tios that you !at to use+

    1a$er ie# The orietatio *$ortrait or ladsca$e- is built ito the choices i the dro$>

    do! list#

    1lot Area# 8ou ca cli$ the area to be $lotted !ith these o$tios but usually you $lot


    1lot 6%%set# This settig chages based o your $riter $lotter or other out$ut# Try

    ceterig the $lot or ad&ustig the origi but remember that $riters ad $lotters ha(e a built>i margi aroud the edges#

    1lot cale# Choose your $lot scale %rom the dro$>do! list# A scale such as PQ M .>?Q is

    meat %or $ritig to scale %rom the :odel tab# 6 a layout tab you ormally $rit at a .+.scale#

    The $lot style table $ro(ides i%ormatio about $rocessig colors# Colors that look good o your

    moitor might ot be suitable %or a 1DE %ile or %or $ritig# Eor eam$le you might !at to

    create a dra!ig i color but create moochrome out$ut# Here is ho! you s$eci%y moochrome


  • 7/25/2019 Auto Cad command


    Tip:Al!ays double>check your settigs !ith the 1re(ie! o$tio#

    The resultig 1re(ie! !ido! icludes a toolbar !ith se(eral cotrols icludig 1lot ad it#

    A%ter you are satis%ied !ith your $lot settigs sa(e them to a $age setu$ !ith a descri$ti(e

    ame such as F1DE>moochrome#F The !hee(er you !at to out$ut to a 1DE %ile all that

    you eed to do is click 1rit choose the 1DE>moochrome $age setu$ ad click 6K#
