august geist newsletter 2010

g e ist COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2010 Photo by Brenda Staples Photography The Lawrence Township Hunger Coalition Pastor Al Rider of the Servants of Christ Lutheran Church helps organize the Lawrence Township Hunger Coalition.

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Page 1: August Geist Newsletter 2010

geistC O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R





Photo by Brenda Staples Photography

The Lawrence Township Hunger CoalitionPastor Al Rider of the Servants of Christ Lutheran Church helps organize the Lawrence Township Hunger Coalition.

Page 2: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Page 3: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Tom Britt

When I’m out talking to people about the latest scoop around Geist, one com-pliment I hear often is how far we’ve come with the properties. What started out as a clunky website has turned into a print, Internet and video business that focuses on local news like none other.

What most people don’t know is that during the dot com boom, I was travel-ing all over the world speaking on the future of media as we knew it back then: Internet, television, and newspa-pers. I was the CEO of a start up that catalogued all the audio and video be-ing streamed on the web and presented it back as a channel guide of live and recorded content called It was the first of its kind and we forged relationships with the biggest and the best in online video: Rolling Stone, CNN, NBC, ABC, Comcast, Sprint, Road Runner, the House of Blues, and many others.

Back then, I talked about how the Inter-net was going to make everything local, that citizens would become journalists, and that all content would eventually be delivered through the Internet. Sound familiar?

With that in mind, was launched in 2003 as a laboratory in my own backyard. In the spirit of curios-ity and entrepreneurship, I carved out a niche in how to integrate print, Internet, and video to create something unique. The experiment continues, but the direction is always the same: Media convergence.

While most print magazines and newspapers are selling ink on paper or column inches, we are bundling our services to provide visibility in a very targeted way. Now with our online video services, companies can have cost effective video produced and played through, promoted in the Geist and Carmel Community Newsletters, promoted through Face-

book and Twitter, and embedded on their own websites. Print ads can carry a similar theme as the video spots, and online ads rotating through our web-sites can link to the spots as well. And this whole ecosystem works because it is surrounded by local news and people profiles that we are genuinely interested in reading about.

Not all experiments have worked out by the way. Remember the Fishers Community Newsletter we published during the Geist annexation days? Chalk that one up to bad timing. Most recently, we launched the free coupon website, That one bombed, too.

All told, I’m pretty proud of what we’ve built and how it continues to push the envelope as a local news service. If you want to see the future of, check out If you really want to get futuristic, watch it on your iPhone (sorry Droid users).

Convergence Happening at Geist

au g u s t 2010 3 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geist

Publisher & SalesTom Britt

[email protected](317) 496-3599

AccountingJeanne Britt

[email protected](317) 823-5060

Managing EditorJ. Andy Murphy

[email protected]

Mailing Address:P.O. Box 36097

Indianapolis, IN 46236-0097Phone: (317) 823-5060 Fax: (317) 536-3030

Contributing WritersPat Carlini

Keenan HaukeMichelle Momper

Mary RyanJanet StriebelDick Wolfsie

Writers WantedSign up for and

post your stories to your blog! Stories that are published in the Geist or Carmel Commu-nity Newsletters will be paid up to $150. For more infor-mation, visit and join the “atGeist Writers” or “atCarmel Writers” group.

The Geist Community Newsletter is published by Britt Interactive, LLC and is written for and by local Geist area residents. Newsletters are distributed via direct mail to nearly 13,500 Geist area homeowners and businesses each month. For more information, visit

Broker/Geist Resident

sign up today! to register, visit: the “atGeistsamex” Club!!!

– presented by – investment club challenge:


Page 4: August Geist Newsletter 2010

the ability to invest $1 million in the stock market and compete against others to see who can attain the highest earnings. Each quarter, Samex Capital will award the most successful participant a prize. There is no cost to partici-pate; registration is available through the Samex Capital website at

“It’s a great way for people to learn more about the stock market, test some theories, and play with faux money for fun,” said Samex Capital president and senior analyst Keenan Hauke.

A regular contributor to the Geist and Carmel Community Newsletters, Hauke also publishes a regular newsletter, blog updates, and other market insights which are available through the company website. Facilitating the Stock Club is one more way for the local company to have an investment dialogue with the greater Geist community.

“We hope that the club will grow and we’ll be able to facili-tate regular meetings,” added Hauke. “Our analysts love to talk shop with other investors.”

People who are interested in participating are encouraged to visit and click on the “ Samex Capital Stock Club” link to sign up. The fourth quarter of 2010, which begins on October 1, will be the first live quarter for the contest.

Virtual Stock Club Launches

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 4 au g u s t 2010


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John Cannon: I use for brand awareness and to stay connected to the com-munity via events listings. I want to make sure that the Geist residents know about My Car Doc and the fact that we’re a personal

mechanic service that comes to them. I also enjoy the events listings so that I can hear about fun things going on in the area that I might not have seen in the paper or might not be advertised in other areas. It’s a good way to stay in touch and meet more nice folks in the area.

By Tom Britt

Think you can beat the stock market? Have a fantasy foot-ball or baseball team? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, we have a new game for you.

Fishers-based Samex Capital and have part-nered to bring you the “ Samex Capital Stock Club.” Modeled after the fantasy sports leagues that are all the rage online, this virtual stock club affords participants

Page 5: August Geist Newsletter 2010

au g u s t 2010 3 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geistoffer expires 9/30/10 offer expires 9/30/10 offer expires 9/30/10

BeautifulBeautifulMOST EYESBeautiful

Who do you know with

Enter this fun contest to win valuable prizesand support Prevent Blindness Indiana!

Sponsored by

It’s easy! If you’re 18 or older, you can enter yourself or someone else. Enter today and tell everyone you know to go online to vote for your entry. Contest details including instructions for submitting entries and voting are available at

Entries and voting September 1–30

Page 6: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Matt Newell

Blue-green algae levels in Geist Reser-voir triggered “High Health Risk” alerts in May this year following the seasonal warm up. The health alert is now ongo-ing and will likely remain in effect until late fall.

This information comes to us from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and the Center for Earth and Environmental Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indiana-polis. Their assessment is based on the World Health Organization’s guidelines for safe recreational water which state that the presence of blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, at levels greater than 100,000 cells/ml pose a high health risk.

What is a “High Health Risk for Recreational Waters?”According to the Indiana State Depart-ment of Health, exposure to blue-green algae during recreational activities such as swimming, wading, and water skiing can lead to rashes, skin and eye irrita-tion, and other uncomfortable effects such as nausea, stomach aches, and tingling in fingers and toes.

“We recommend people use caution when swimming, skiing, or participating in other recreational water activities,” said Jennifer House, DVM, veterinary epidemiologist at the Indiana State Department of Health. “Avoid coming

into direct contact with the algae and try to avoid swallowing water if at all pos-sible. It is always a good idea to take a bath or shower with warm, soapy water after coming in contact with untreated water in ponds and lakes, especially before preparing or consuming food. Pets should not be allowed to swim in or drink untreated water from these sources.”

Drinking Water is SafeGeist Reservoir was designed with a holding capacity of about 7 billion gal-lons to help supply Central Indiana with drinking water. According to Lou Ann Baker, Vice President of Communica-tions and Community Affairs at Veolia Water Indianapolis, “Standard drinking water treatment effectively removes al-gae and its byproducts from your drink-ing water. While some customers can detect taste differences caused by higher levels of taste and odor compounds produced by the algae, the water still meets all state and federal water quality standards and is safe to drink.”

What is Causing the Algae Blooms?A major limiting factor for algae blooms is available nutrients – especially phos-phorus. Agricultural and urban fertil-izer runoff are major contributors of phosphorus as are pet waste, leaves and grass clippings. All have high amounts of nutrients that move into waterways and the reservoir following rain events.

What Can We Do?If you fertilize your lawn, use a phos-phorus free product. True Green has been P-free for the last few seasons. Scott’s offers P-free options and its entire Turf Builder line will be P-free by 2012. Many other suppliers now offer P-free options. Please make sure you are using the right product. The middle number on the bag should be a “0”.

Make sure that grass clippings are composted back into your lawn and not thrown onto sidewalks, streets, or the reservoir. The phosphorus in the lawn clippings gets returned to the lawn where it is recycled. Clean up after your pet and dispose of waste properly.

Homeowners may also want to adopt landscape practices that lessen the im-pact to our water supply. These prac-tices are encouraged by our county’s soil and water conservation district and include rain gardens, barrier plantings at water’s edge, and landscaping with native plants. Lawn roots are about two inches deep. Native Black Eyed Susans, by comparison, root up to eight feet deep and are much more effective in controlling erosion and slowing runoff.

At a regional level, the Upper White River Watershed Alliance, which in-cludes watersheds draining into Eagle Creek, Morse, and Geist Reservoirs, is finalizing a series of watershed manage-ment plans. A watershed management

Blue-Green Algae Update for Geist Reservoir

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 6 au g u s t 2010

Blue-green algae monitoring of Geist Reservoir by the Central Indiana Water Resources Partnership shows that the pres-ence of high levels of blue green algae has been detected in Geist Reservoir consistently over the past three years. State officials advise rinsing off after any water contact and not allowing pets to drink raw water when levels exceed 100,000 cells per milliliter (above the red line).

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plan describes sources of water quality problems and identifies corrective and preventative actions for residential, agricultural, governmental and commer-cial stakeholders in the area.

Statewide, Indiana recently banned phosphorus in our dishwasher deter-gents. This will reduce the phosphorus load in our waters by up to 3% accord-ing to Dr. Bill Jones of Indiana Univer-sity School of Public and Environmen-tal Affairs. In 1974, Indiana became the first state in the union to phase out phosphorus from laundry detergent.

While a reduction in nutrient load is necessary, it will not produce an im-mediate fix. According to Dr. Lenore Tedesco of IUPUI, “Geist reservoir has very high levels of phosphorus in the waters. Our research shows that phos-phorus levels tend to increase through-out the summer indicating that there are continual additions to the reservoir

that are likely sourced from residential lawns and gardens. There is an impor-tant role for homeowners both living on the reservoir and in the neighborhoods surrounding the reservoir. Reducing and/or eliminating fertilizers, managing yard waste and cleaning up after pets are all important steps.

For information about how your lawn is connected to our water supply, check out, a collaboration between Upper White River Watershed Alliance, IUPUI, and some additional watershed groups. While you’re there, take the phosphorus free pledge. Team Geist is in 7th place.

Please see our website, for additional information includ-ing links to local demonstration prop-erties that feature watershed friendly landscape practices.

As Seen on

Samex Capital CEO and senior analyst Keenan Hauke talks about his Fishers-based investment company. (2:27 length)

Kim Carpenter: I use the website to premier my new listings, open houses and to share what our great area has

to offer with new clients moving to the area. If you are not taking full advan-tage of this free site, you are missing the boat! Thanks Tom for providing us with such a great resource!

Page 8: August Geist Newsletter 2010

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 2 j u ly 2010

I try to be a brave hu-man being. I’d like to think that, if in dire cir-cumstances or unexpect-ed tragedies, I would prove to be courageous, admirable and strong. But then

there are lizards.

I was recently getting primped at home for a business meeting, and was head-ing downstairs to find my keys (I al-ways leave plenty of extra time to find my keys). Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something black, and it was scur-rying at a record pace across the living room floor. It was bigger than a spider, but smaller than say, a squirrel. In less than a second but for sure in slow mo-tion, I realized that before me was one of the slimiest creatures imaginable, so vile that chills ran up my spine and out the door.

“Aauuughhhh,” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I froze in place and imag-ined the worst. Is it flesh-eating? Does it have babies, and more importantly, will it leave stains on the carpet?

My husband flew down the stairs be-hind me, thinking I had surely discov-ered an axe murderer. “What is it?” he

panted as he scanned the room, body in ready-position.

“It’s a lizard,” I wailed, “and it’s un-derneath my briefcase.” My hands had turned white and my skin was crawling to the next neighborhood.

My son was now rigid and teetering on top of the kitchen table, while my daughter was quivering on the far edge of our leather couch. She was whim-pering and reaching for the ceiling. I’m glad we don’t have a chandelier. A great example I’m setting, I thought, what with the over dramatization and all. I simply couldn’t help it.

I can handle spiders. I can handle moths and bees. I can even handle ag-gressive shoppers during the holidays. But I simply can’t, to save my life, handle anything in the rodent or reptile families.

So while my husband took the time to draw up an attack plan, build a lizard containment fence and consult the local exterminator, I scrambled for buckets, cups and a gas mask.

“Kids, stay where you are,” I com-manded as sweat poured off my face. We moved in with tactical moves any Marine would be proud of. But the critter was smart, and darted between my shaking knees, tap danced around the corner and found solace underneath the kitchen stove. I think it started to giggle.

“You lost it! You let it get by,” accused

my husband. He was now in crisis mode. “I know, I know,” I screamed. “This is beyond the scope of my capa-bilities,” I snapped. We were now ex-changing insults over a four-inch lizard. What had our marriage come to?

“Okay,” I thought as I tried to calm my twitching limbs. “How bad can this possibly be?” But then I began to imag-ine a night filled with terror, wondering where Mr. Lizard was, and did he have friends? Would they attack my family in the wee morning hours and demand ransom money? Will they shred my wardrobe, or throw an all-night party with kegs and a disco ball? Would I be invited?

Enough. I had to take action. I’m sure I heard the theme from Superman play as I took a deep breath, pulled out the stove from the wall and plunged a yard stick underneath to flush him out. Mr. Lizard made a run for freedom, and just like magic, my husband trapped the loathsome creature in a plastic to-go cup, dashed out the back door and released the villain into the field behind our house.

Whew. My pulse returned to normal and my children reconnected with the floor. Another crisis averted. I knew that I would be able to sleep well, knowing we had saved the day. Until the thought hit me … if Mr. Lizard is gone, where is Mrs. Lizard?

Leapin’ Lizard, Get Out Of My House!

By Michelle Momper

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 8 au g u s t 2010

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Page 9: August Geist Newsletter 2010

au g u s t 2010 3 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geistau g u s t 2010 9 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geist


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Page 10: August Geist Newsletter 2010

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 10 au g u s t 2010

Indiana and “Lilli Pearl” was born. Lori goes on to explain that “Lilli Pearl” was named after her 6-year-old niece. The teacher in her knew that no child should be left behind, therefore, each child has a product line named after them.

The “Madison” is their sequins style of hair bows; the “Emma Bands” are their boutique style of non-slip head-bands; “Annie” is their boutique style bows; and “Julia” is their flowers with the “Charleston” bow.

While the sisters have descended from a creative family, they also bring to the table their knowledge of crafts and business savvy. Lori is a teacher at Geist Elementary, where she won “2010 Teacher of the Year.” Jennifer has a law degree, but is currently a stay at home mother. With the sup-port of their family, the sisters were up and running with a girly, chic hair accessory boutique in no time at all.

Why Lilli Pearl bows? The better question is why not? They bring to the table product pride and time consuming quality as they are hands on with their custom made bows and head bands. An added goal was to provide unique products at amazing prices.

If you want it, chances are they have it. Check out their “spirit” bows for a school team, holiday bows, items to match school uniforms, and much more. Another plus is ev-ery hair band is lined in velvet for comfort and are non-slip. There’s nothing worse than a bow that won’t stay in place.

“There are bows for girls of any age ranging from mini bows to large bows. Good for cheerleaders or just for fun,” Lori explained. “Flowers are the biggest hit for newborns and we attach them to a crochet headband – simply ador-able. Teens also wear them on a side ponytail or a shirt.” I’m expecting my first child, a girl, and believe me, I intend on buying several of the flower head bands. They are absolutely delightful.

With football season just around the corner, don’t forget they offer seasonal hair wear such as a Colts Sparkle Blue Band or a Football Ribbon and Flowers Bow, checkers for race season, and over 300 colors of ribbons to customize any holiday theme.

Their creativity doesn’t stop at creating hair bows. Lori and Jennifer added, “We also donate crochet bands and flow-ers for little girls who may not have a lot of hair because of chemo treatment, but they still want to look girly!” Isn’t that the truth! Their business motto is, “The girlier the better!” and that couldn’t be any more accurate!

For more information go to or check them out on their Facebook page, Lilli Pearl.

Geist Elementary Teacher and Sister Create Lilli Pearl

1996 gold-medal-winning gymnast Jaycie Phelps (right) is opening the Jaycie Phelps Athletic Center with her father Jack (left).

By Mary Ryan

Don’t let names like the “Madison” or “Charleston” fool you; they are neither cities nor famous hotels. They are none other than hair bows.

Sisters Lori Cushman and Jennifer Cox are definitely not lacking in inspired creativity when it comes to their high-quality hair accessories. Not only are they affordable, but so adorable. On a family vacation, the sisters were trying to find some matching bows for their daughters’ outfits. Sure, you can buy bands and bows anywhere, but most don’t have the certain “wow” factor that girls want.

With this in mind, Lori and Jennifer decided to take a trip to the ribbon store. Sixty-five bows later, Lori returned to

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Lori Cushman poses with some of her hair bow creations.

Page 11: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Page 12: August Geist Newsletter 2010

T h e L a w r e n c e T o w n s h i p

Hunger Coalition

by pat carlini

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 12 au g u s t 2010

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Pastor Al Rider stands in front of the Servants of Christ Lutheran Church on Oaklandon Road.

AU G U S T 2010 13 C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R

Page 14: August Geist Newsletter 2010

Inside one of four Lawrence Township food pantries with Nicole Anderson, Director of the Sharing Place.

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C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R 14 AU G U S T 2010

Page 15: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Page 16: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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By Michelle Momper

In the mood for something Greek, without the headache of traveling? How do fresh gyros, sizzling roasted lamb and a little baklava on the side sound, accompanied by live music and dancing?

Mark your calendars for a real inter-national adventure and head over to the 37th Annual Indianapolis Greek Festival, held at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church on Sept. 10-11. The event, which marks the church’s second year at its Carmel location, will

include two full days of music, refresh-ments and other activities.

“When you come to our event, you will enjoy a genuine Greek experi-ence,” says Matt Albean, co-chair for the event. Matt, along with fellow co-chairs Tony Filis, George Baroudos and other countless volunteers, has been working year-round in order to ensure a successful event.

“Everything we offer is based on the desire to present and promote our Greek heritage in an authentic manner, while also explaining in detail our an-

cient faith, which is Greek Orthodoxy,” he explains.

“The festival is an opportunity to welcome people into our home once a year,” says Holy Trinity’s Rev. Anas-tasios Gounaris, also known as Father Taso. Fr. Taso has been with the parish for 19 years and has seen the festival grow into a staple for not only the Greek community, but for entire neigh-borhoods and extended families.

“Greeks historically have a strong tradition of hospitality. So this event gives us the chance to throw open the

Annual Festival Serves Up Authentic Greek Delights

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Photo provided by the Greek Festival

Page 17: August Geist Newsletter 2010

au g u s t 2010 17 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geist

doors of our house and invite our fam-ily, friends and neighbors in, while also raising money for important causes,” he explains.

The church was established in mid-town Indianapolis (40th St. and Penn-sylvania) in 1910, where it remained until two years ago. The new Byzan-tine temple in Carmel has a member-ship of over 500 families, and has es-tablished itself as an admired structure on the local landscape. In fact, one of the most popular attractions during the festival has become the special church tours conducted throughout the week-end, where visitors are led through the interior of the building.

“At our former location, we were sort of hidden within the community,” says Fr. Taso. “But here with this new facility, being so inspiring in terms of its architecture, people cannot mistake us for anything other than a church,” he says. Fr. Taso feels that the structure itself is an integral part of the church, as it harmonizes and meshes with the Orthodox faith, both symbolically and theologically.

Architecture aside, it wouldn’t be a Greek gathering without mouth-wa-tering food and traditional music. This year attendees can expect to choose from a wide selection of Greek wine and beer, along with delectable menu items like souvlaki (pork or chicken kebabs), saganaki (flaming Kesseri cheese), and diples (honey and cin-

namon pastries). One of the new menu offerings for this year is a homemade Greek sausage called loukaniko, which includes such surprising ingredients as orange peel, dry wine and spices.

As for entertainment, The Bill Skimos Band will provide traditional Greek music, and the Holy Trinity Hellenic Dance Troupes will perform in cos-tumes made in Greece, representing the different regions of the country.

“There is so much to enjoy, including a new children’s area,” says Dean An-tonopoulos, who serves as the Greek Festival Committee’s secretary. “All our activities for kids will be related to Greece in some way, and there will be hands-on crafts and face painting as well,” Antonopoulos says.

There have also been improvements made since last year, when the festival attracted a record 15,000 over the two days. “We were getting our feet wet in the new location,” explains Anto-nopoulos. “We just didn’t know how many people would attend, and we didn’t have as much access to parking as we did in our former loca-tion,” he explains.

This year, in order to alleviate park-

ing limitations, attendees have access to onsite parking on a first-come, first-served basis, as well as additional parking and shuttle service at 106th and Towne Road in Carmel. Parking will be offered for a nominal fee.

“Those who park and ride will be dropped off right at the festival en-trance, and shuttles will run throughout both days for the convenience of our guests,” Antonopoulos says. “Overall, this year’s festival is going to be an amazing experience for both adults and children alike. We are excited to host the event for our community, as there is something for everyone’s tastes and interests,” he adds.

For more information about the festi-val, including scheduled entertainment, menu and parking details, visit

edicated to the extraordinary. The exceptional. The unique.

Diane MuenchEncore Sotheby’s International 407-2900

Photo provided by the Greek Festival

Page 18: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Pat Carlini

If you’ve been waiting for a good sushi bar to pop up in the Geist neighbor-hood… it’s here!

The Geist Sushi House is now open at 11647 Fox Road in the Geist Center. Sushi lovers are happy, and those who do not appreciate raw fish on a plate will also be happy with the offerings at the Sushi House.

Owner/manager Brian Guo brings a creative twist to sushi roll making. There are a variety of rolls with fun names and unique ingredients, such as the roll named after the neighbor-hood… the Geist Roll. The yummy ingredients include salmon, tuna and tempura, all held together with a touch of cream cheese topped with tobiko (fried fish eggs). The roll is presented on a white platter with a martini glass

on the side complete with an LED light at the bottom for a beautiful sea blue glow!

“I like to experiment with ingredients such as sweet potato, which adds a sweet crunch to an otherwise soft roll,” says Brian.

There’s also a fun Snow Forest roll, dusted with coconut giving it a wintry look of snow.

Brian says if you don’t see what you like on the menu, let him know. “You choose the ingredients, we will make the roll.”

Brian has also done a good job turning a strip mall space into a nicely deco-rated sushi house. The dining room fills the center area, with the sushi bar to one side. Another interesting touch is the sushi bar sits lower than what you

might see in other Japanese restaurants with sushi bars.

“I made it all dining room height. I thought it would be more comfort-able than sitting on a bar stool,” Brian explained. The Sushi House also offers hibachi dinners prepared in the kitchen, not at your table.

For kids, there are Little Ninja Meals with steak teriyaki and California rolls.

The desserts are equally creative with banana tempura and cheesecake spring rolls, topped with chocolate and berry sauce. You can enjoy a selection of tra-ditional wines, plum wines and several different kinds of sake.

Then there is the non-sushi side of the menu, which made me wonder why Brian Guo put such effort into these “well-cooked” offerings. “I can relate,”

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 18 au g u s t 2010

Geist Sushi House Debuts

Owner/Manager Brian Guo (left) and Neo Guo (right) inside the new Geist

Sushi House in Geist Center at Fox and Oaklandon Roads.

Page 19: August Geist Newsletter 2010

says Brian. “My wife doesn’t even eat sushi!”

A lot of thought went into the varied menu items offered at the Geist Sushi House. The effort is much appreciated by the diners, who have waited a long time to enjoy local sushi.

Welcome, Geist Sushi House!

au g u s t 2010 19 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geist

The “Geist Roll” salmon, tuna tempura and fried fish eggs at the new Geist Sushi House.

Before After

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As Seen on

Leah Potter and Michelle Lee introduce their personal assistant company, Life Divine (2:03 length)

Joel Reuter: I stay connected through to find out what’s happening in our community. We are under-served by traditional news

media - and it’s the only way of really finding out what’s happening in our community. Keep up the great work, Tom!

96th Street Roundabout Construction to BeginStarting in early September, construction will begin on the roundabout at Fall Creek Road and 96th Street. Traffic will be open on Fall Creek throughout. For more info, visit

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for various facilities at the Lawrence YMCA, ranging from $5,000 per brick in the brick walkway to $500,000 for the rights to the entire pool. For $2 million, the entire Benjamin Harrison YMCA could be named after you.

“We would incorporate ’Benjamin Harrison’ into the name, but if someone donates $2 million, the YMCA would in fact be renamed,” said Watts.

With just over 13,000 members, the Benjamin Harrison YMCA’s mission is to build character and provide facili-ties and programs for healthy living in Lawrence. Geographically located in the heart of Lawrence, the YMCA is a true melting pot for children and families of all ethnic and economic backgrounds. Watts sees this outdoor pool as a key instrument to expand their water safety and skills programs, improve health through exercise, and give families some safe, fun recreation during the hot summer months.

“Our current indoor pools are booked

Lawrence YMCA Seeks Donors for Water Park

Benjamin Harrison YMCA Executive Director Jim Watts

hopes to break ground on a new $2.6 million Outdoor

Family Adventure Pool.

By Tom Britt

Looking to leave a legacy of health and wellness in the greater Lawrence com-munity? The Benjamin Harrison YMCA is looking for some philanthropic residents to support a new outdoor water park, and naming rights are available.

According to Jim Watts, Community Executive Director of the Benjamin Harrison YMCA, they are 61% of the way to their $2.6 million goal needed to break ground on the Outdoor Fam-ily Adventure Pool. To help offset the costs and generate pledges, Watts has compiled a price list of naming rights

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pretty much all the time. With local swim teams practicing, swimming classes, and water aerobics classes, we just don’t have the needed blocks of time left in the schedule for open swim times.”

Plans call for new locker rooms, an outdoor picnic area with sandy play area, lap pool, water slide, splash pad, and plenty of lounge chairs and tables surrounded by trees. Construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2011.

“Of course we’d like to get some large gifts to help us pay for this expansion, but we’re also looking at a grassroots effort for people that would pledge $5 or so a month,” added Watts. “Every little bit helps.”

For more information, please contact Jim Watts at [email protected] or call 317-547-9622 x. 16. Downloadable pledge forms are available on

Wine Tasting Benefits Three Geist CharitiesPlans and ticket sales are coming along for the first annual “Vines for Life Winetasting” to be held on Friday, October 1 at the Indianapolis Yacht Club at 7:00 p.m. All proceeds from the event will benefit three Geist-area cancer charities: Team Luke, Creating Hope, and the Indy SurviveOars. Tick-

ets are $75 per person and available online at or by calling (317) 823-5060. Silent auction items are being collected from area merchants as well, contact Tom Britt at [email protected] if you would like to make a donation. Register today, space is limited!

Organizers of the Vines for Life meet in the Ron Cruthers board room at the Indianapolis Yacht Club weekly to plan for the inaugural event.

Page 22: August Geist Newsletter 2010

In the stock market, when someone calls you a bear they don’t mean you are big, cute and cuddly. More likely they are referring to the nasty side of being a bear. Big teeth, sharp claws, and a tendency to rip things to shreds. When the bears come to Wall Street, it’s your portfolio that gets ripped to shreds.

There are a lot of bears walking around Wall Street these days. I’ve been at this for 15 years and I’ve never seen so many walking around. Not at the end of the tech crash. Not at the end of the credit crash in early 2009. About the only thing you have to do to see a bear these days is, well, open your eyes.

I respect bears. Under the right circum-stances, like in 2002 and 2008, you have to get out of their way or your head will be promptly removed from your body. If you don’t believe me, just grab a statement from December 2008. Your 50% loss? That was the bear’s lunch. There are times, however, when bears are out and about and they are simply in the wrong place. Sometimes, the bull gets his horns underneath the bear and really gores him.

I realize a lot of people are scared about their jobs and the future of our econo-my. I worry about the long term picture of America as well. The stock market, however, doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about the next five or 10 years down the road. The stock market looks

out six, maybe 12 months at the most. And the stock market is saying, and has been saying, it really isn’t that bad out there right now.

Average investors and large institu-tions are paying a lot for downside stock market insurance today. Accord-ing to Bloomberg, prices for downside protection have never been higher, even when compared to the end of 2008. If you think the global economy is about to get body slammed worse than what we experienced two years ago, then by all means pay up. Personally, I would rather go with the facts, and the facts

say that a 50% stock market drop only comes around once every few decades. We probably aren’t due for another one for a little while, which means all that fear built into the markets today will eventually dissipate. And when it does, stock prices will move up.

I wrote in the last issue that the inter-mediate term should see up-trending prices, and so far that is exactly what is taking place. It might be time to add a small amount to equity exposure during down days, as conditions look brighter for higher prices over the coming months.

Bears of Wall Street

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 22 au g u s t 2010

Keenan Hauke with Samex Capital.

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Page 23: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Au g u s t 2010 23 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geist

Page 24: August Geist Newsletter 2010

These custom cookies make the perfect party favor and can be tailored for any party theme,from a child’s birthday or shower to a luau or spring fling. Your guests are sure to be satisfied being sent home with a yummy treat. My husband was lucky enough to get a leftover cookie.

The owners shared with me their favorite product to make is “the made from scratch cinnamon rolls and sticky buns. We open at 7:00 a.m. and as far as I’m concerned there’s nothing bet-ter than a cinnamon roll hot out of the oven.” Agreed, ladies! They keep 13 other items baked fresh daily for sale like buttercream cookies, cup-a-cakes, bar cookies, and made from scratch chocolate eclairs. Tricia describes the buttercream cookies as a soft sugar cookie topped with buttercream icing and sprinkles.

Don’t forget the tasty treats just around the corner with fall and winter knock-ing on our doors. The owners shared, “Our homemade pumpkin roll makes its appearance in autumn, and our Pep-permint Surprise Cake will ‘wow’ you at Christmas.”

This next sweet secret was too good not to share, although I would have loved to have my friends inquire about this and say it’s especially for me. How awesome would it be to pick out a baker’s dozen of your favorite cook-ies every month and have them sent directly to you, grandma, your son or daughter in college, or spouse? That’s the Cookie of the Month Club. Cook-ies are sent out the first full week of each month, prices include shipping and handling and are available in 3, 6, 9, or 12-month packages. Prices range from a 3-month program for $53.99 all the way to a 12 month program for $199.99.

Don’t forget, you can customize any order and you can see a handful of their cookies, tiered cakes, and much more online at Yum!

Sweet Sensations and Baked Creations

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 24 au g u s t 2010

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lo cat ed at t h e cor n er of fox & oa k la n d on roa d s

By Mary Ryan

When looking for a custom cookie designer for a girlfriend’s shower, I stumbled across Pat-a-Cakes and Cook-ies Too in Noblesville. Their phone number was 867-YUMM. I thought to myself – this is already making me hungry and I haven’t even picked up the phone.

Then I thought how great it would be if they were closer… surprise! Owners Tricia Perkinson and Cheryl Bow-man were a step ahead of me and were already constructing a new bakery! Their inspiration – “creative freedom,” explained Tricia.

Pat-a-Cakes is known for their spe-

cialty cakes and cookies and makes everything on site. Because they are a specialty bakery, a lot of time, thought, and yumminess go into each item. Pat-a-Cakes now has two locations, the original in Noblesville and our new neighbor at 11679 Olio Road on the northeast corner of 116th and Olio.

Tricia explains, “Cheryl, my business partner, and I share a passion for baking and cake decorating, and work hard to ensure everything we make tastes as good as it looks.” I ordered custom monkey and jungle cookies for my best friend’s shower. When I received the cookies neatly wrapped in cello bags with cute ribbons, they looked delectable and adorable, but were they going to taste good? Take 20 women,

their children and all smiles, and I’d say yes, they were a success! The cook-ies tasted so good! I’ve had colored fondant or icing that tasted like food coloring and it’s not pleasant. Pat-a-Cake’s cookies were so delicious and priced just right!

Tricia Perkinson, co-owner of Pat-a-Cakes and Cookies Too at 116th and Olio Road.

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Locally owned and operated Robin Becker, the founder of Robin’s Nest of Indy, oper-

ates a cat and kitten rescue here in the Geist area out of the Speck’s Pet Supplies store on Fox Road. So far this year, Becker estimates that over 300 cats have been adopted through this store alone. Cost is $45. (2:54 length)

As Seen on

Page 26: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Tom Britt

Every year, by the time my birthday rolls around at the end of January, I’m ready for warmer weather. Snow, ice, cold, and more snow take their toll once the charm of a “white Christmas” has passed.

So when Janet and Mike Harris from CruiseOne (Beam Reach residents)contacted me about doing a “Geist Cruise,” my ears perked up. What could be more fun than going on vaca-tion in February with a bunch of my closest neighbors?

Janet helped us quite a bit in picking out the cruise line (Royal Caribbean), the ship (Majesty of the Seas), and most importantly the week (February 14-18, 2011) for our Valentine’s Day cruise. To sweeten the pot, CruiseOne is throwing in a bottle of champagne and a fruit plate for each cabin plus a $50 onboard credit to use towards the

spa, or in my case, a bottle of wine.

It’s not like I have a wealth of cruise experience. Actually, I’ve never been on a cruise. Hanging out in Key West, Nassau, Royal Caribbean’s private island CocoCay, and sailing around the warm waters of the Bahamas sounds like paradise to me.

I have to admit that the news of this cruise wasn’t received with as much enthusiasm by my wife Jeanne. She gets a bit, how do I say, nervous when we are on boats. Too many Poseidon Adventure and Titanic movies out there for her taste. I guess I have five months or so to warm her up to the idea or I might be taking Steve King with me.

One rainy afternoon, I started watch-ing video clips that others have shot and uploaded to I have to say, the ship looks like a floating city: swimming pools, casino, bou-tiques, spas, restaurants, fitness center,

nightclub, rock climbing, theater, and other stuff I probably won’t have time to visit. If you have been on a cruise before, I’m sure you can attest as to how nice these floating resorts are.

We do have a block of outside cab-ins reserved through mid-October. A deposit must be paid by the end of November. Rates start at $262 per person; for only $319 per person you can have an Oceanview Stateroom. Of course you high rollers can stay in a balcony suite for a mere $1,089. If you do, invite us up to your room!

If you are interested in coming along, please give Mike Harris a call at (317) 863-0420 to get more details. There is information available online if you want to see a virtual tour, see photos and maps, or poke around the rates. It should be a good time, and if you are looking to get away next Valentine’s Day, plan it now so you’ll have some-thing to talk about this holiday season!

Join Us On Our First Cruise

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 26 au g u s t 2010

Surprise your Valentine this year with a special romantic vacation.

Join Publisher Tom Britt and his wife, Jeanne, for a Valentine’s Day Cruise aboard Royal Carribean’s luxurious “Majesty of the Seas.”

ITIneRaRy: Mon, Feb 14 Miami, Florida Embark 4:30 pm

Tue, Feb 15 Key West, Florida Docked 7:00 am 3:00 pm

Wed, Feb 16 nassau, Bahamas Docked 1:00 pm 11:59 pm

Thu, Feb 17 CocoCay, Bahamas Tendered 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Fri, Feb 18 Miami, Florida Disembark 7:00 am

WhaT’S InCluDeD:Your package includes shipboard accommodations, ocean transportation, fabulous entertainment and daily activities, on-board meals and some beverages, port charges and more.

Prices from $262 (cruise only)

per person

For more information contact CruiseOne MJharris & Crew at (317) 863-0420 or email [email protected]

geistC o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r

Page 27: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Page 28: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Chef Ron grew up in Greensburg, Indiana with his mom, dad, and two sisters. He has always loved to bake and began writing his own recipes around the age of six. He remem-bers how friends would come visit him and ask him to bake some of his special cookies. Even though baking was his first love, Chef Ron gravitated toward studying chemistry. He earned a chemistry degree at Hanover College and then received his MBA at Butler University. But baking was in his blood and he returned to his first love studying at the Chef’s Academy in Indianapolis under two inspiring men-tors: Chef Pierre Giacometti (who lives in Geist), and Chef Rob Koeller, who truly helped advance Ron’s skills to the next level. Furthermore, Chef Ron worked as a baker at Rene’s Bakery in Broad Ripple under Chef Albert Trevino.

His wife, Karen Woods, deserves some credit as she was the spark plug for his new entrepreneurial decision – it was her idea for of Chef Ron to open up his own bakery.

He highlighted a few of his special creations with pastries such as the “Macaron” (no pun intended), which is a French almond meringue sandwich cookie with a crème or jam fill-ing. According to Chef Ron, “This is the next big thing after cupcakes. I hope to bring more of these European flairs to Indianapolis.”

What Will The Bakery at Geist Have to Offer?

Here are some of the features The Bakery at Geist will offer:

Cakes (wedding, birthday, special occasion)• European style pastries such as Danishes, cookies, tortes, • pies, cupcakes, scones, macarons, tarts, and Pain Choco-lat- (French pastry similar to a croissant with chocolate in center)Artisan style breads such as croissants, loaves, baguettes, • and dinner rollsComfortable seating with a relaxing atmosphere• Four-top tables with chairs for business meetings• A see-in–style-bakery configuration so that customers • can see bakers in action, such as kneading bread.

When you step inside The Bakery at Geist, you won’t see Chef Ron wearing a formal chef’s hat. That’s not his style. Rather, he will likely be wearing his baseball cap, nothing fancy, but rather casual and approachable.

If you would like something not listed on the menu, please ask Chef Ron, and he will work with you to make it! If you would like some extraordinary homemade dinner rolls for your special meal one night, or a unique birthday cake or dessert, mosey on in to The Bakery at Geist. For future ref-erence, you may even order your cravings online at

“The Bakery at Geist” Opening Soon: So Sweeeet!

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Chef Ron Woods will open The Bakery at Geist near Fox and Oaklandon Roads.

By Janet Striebel

Can you imagine strolling into a real Geist bakery and hav-ing the luxury of choosing between freshly made creations such as blueberry muffins, spice scones, or delicate crois-sants with jam? Wouldn’t it be convenient to grab a cup of coffee along with your choice of pastries before heading off to work, school or church? Well, you will soon have this delightful opportunity when “The Bakery at Geist” (located on Oaklandon Road in the Geist Station Shopping Center), opens sometime in the fall.

“I want this bakery to be a part of the neighborhood with a casual, welcoming environment,” says Chef Ron Woods, owner of The Bakery at Geist. Chef Ron chose this loca-tion because of its ease of access for automobiles, bicycles, and walkers, as well as its close proximity to other shops, churches, and schools.

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Page 30: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Dick Wolfsie

From the very beginning of our relationship, my wife Mary Ellen was determined to root out any potential male chauvinism on my part. If there is a little pig-let in me, I have honestly tried to overcome it. It kills me to say this, but a strong marriage is based on equal-ity. That’s why I let her rake leaves, grill ribs and do most of the driving.

For three decades I have also shared with my wife the chores of loading and unloading the dishwasher. I’ve hated every single second of this responsibility. I’d rather clean the toilet, poke a bees’ nest with a broom handle, or clean out the gut-ters with a teaspoon.

Last week my wife informed me that I was now forever relieved of dishwasher duty. “Just scrape the dishes and stack them in the sink,” she told me.

“But why?”

“You’re terrible at loading and it seems to get worse by the day,” she said. “Ever wonder why when you unload dishes the next morning, everything you flung into the machine willy-nilly has miraculously lined up perfectly in the appro-priate slots? Who do you think did that?”

“Well, it takes almost an hour to run a load of dishes and I hear a lot of odd noises, so I assumed a mechanical realign-ment was one of the wash cycles.”

“You just toss the dishes in, any which way. What are you thinking?”

“Mary Ellen, I load the dishwasher like I load our Maytag. I

don’t put socks in one part of the washing machine, then my pants in another. Why would I do that with cups and sau-cers?”

Mary Ellen says I’m getting progressively worse at unload-ing, as well. I simply dump the entire utensil holder into the kitchen drawer. Clankety-clank: mission accomplished. My wife has this odd notion that you should sort the knives, spoons and forks into their own compartments. She wants them separated—even before we set the table. What kind of a waste of time is that? Mary Ellen also thinks the soup bowls, salad plates and cups should be placed in the cup-board into matching individual stacks. Where’s the pizzazz in that architectural structure?

She also says I’ve been messing up the inside of our fridge. Here again everything has its proper place. Who knew? So that’s why the mustard has been moving from the top shelf to the fridge door. Why heads of lettuce have often crept south, ending up in this thing Mary Ellen says is called the “veg-etable bin.” Why was I never informed of this accessory? Milk, I have learned, should always be on the top shelf. Jars of sauces and prepared foods have to go on the third shelf. That’s gotta be wrong because when I was six, I’d swear the pickles were always staring me right in the face. Going eye to eye with Kosher dills goes back to the Old Testament.

So, I am no longer permitted to load or unload the dishwash-er. And I must leave my pickles, mustard and cream cheese on the counter so my wife can put them in their proper resting place. I may even have a shot at never doing laundry again. But I am not going to get complacent about my lack of accomplishments. There are beds not to be made and rugs not to be vacuumed. I’m very proud of myself. I’m doing the worst I can.

Wishy Washy

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 30 au g u s t 2010

Next Geist Business Networking EventThursday, September 16, 5-7 pm

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Page 31: August Geist Newsletter 2010

au g u s t 2010 31 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geist

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Page 32: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Matt Hubbard Cornhole Tournament Commissioner

After seven grueling hours in the sun, we crowned a new Geist Re-gional Invitational Players Tournament (G.R.I.P.T.) cornhole champion. Jeff LaRavia and Ian Kille of the “Chuck-ers” team battled back from the losers bracket to face the undefeated “Shake ‘n Bake” team of Matt and Kelly Sim-erly in the championship match. The “Chuckers” rode their momentum to a stunning two-match sweep of “Shake n’ Bake” to take home the Hominy Cup. Claiming the bronze medals were Dave Blamey and John Long from the team “We Have Big Bags.” The “Ned Beatty’s” (Steve King and Tom Britt) were awarded the coveted Soap-on-a-Rope as the first team eliminated. However, it was discovered later that the Commissioner had a fundamental lapse in time management and failed to

recognize that the “Good Girls” (Kim Ledbetter and Danielle Ledbetter) had actually been eliminated prior the “The Ned Beatty’s.”

Congratulations to all the athletes, you were warriors battling the heat and the competition. And a big “thank you” to all those who helped with the planning, sponsoring, refreshments, extra boards, set up, take down, and post tourney cookout. It was a good day. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s event and hope to make it even bet-ter. Don’t be surprised if we hold the tournament in early summer next year- we’re thinking June. Until then, keep tossin’ your bags.

Visit for video inter-views, fan reactions, and surveillance videos recorded during the tournament.

Admirals Landing Cornhole Tournament Wrap-Up

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 32 au g u s t 2010

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Athletes, many in costume, prepare for the second annual G.R.I.P.T. cornhole tournament in Admirals Landing.

Commissioner Matt Hubbard sports the

Elvis look.

Winners Ian Kille and Jeff LaRavia of the “Chuckers”

Page 33: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Page 34: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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By Tom Britt

The Fireside Grill, formerly the Fox, fi-nally has a new owner. Cambridge resi-dent Michael Moros has purchased the anchor restaurant in the Marsh Plaza at Fox and Oaklandon Road and is sched-uled to open Michael’s South Shore in

late September. Described as “contem-porary casual,” Moros wants to create a family friendly restaurant that puts an emphasis on the food rather than the bar and live entertainment.

Renovations are on a fast track, featur-ing large photos of the Geist area,

Michael’s South Shore to Open in Former Fox Locale

Michael Moros is busy with renovations which include a more private dining experi-ence, smaller bar area, and enclosed outdoor dining on the patio.

warm paint colors, and a smaller bar area. The patio will be enclosed with a canopy to allow for outdoor dining even in winter months.

“We’re shrinking the bar back to the original size, giving us more room,” said Moros.

His background as a restaurateur is extensive. The 43-year-old has worked as a chef for the Marriott hotel chain, opened three Don Shula Steakhouses, and most recently served as the food and beverage director at the Indianapo-lis downtown Westin Hotel.

In addition to the remodeling, Moros has been meeting with local farmers and food vendors to bring fresher, local foods to the restaurant’s menu.

“I want people to come back over and over because of the food, and hopefully they will bring their families, too.”


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Page 35: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Page 36: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Michelle Momper

On September 11, when the nation pauses to remember the lives lost nine years ago in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania as a result of terrorist attacks, Joe Damush will not be at work. Although his fitness and wellness club, Geist Fitness, will be open for business as usual, Damush and his wife and co-owner, Teresa, will spend the day in reflection. They will quietly honor the memory of his sister, Pamela Gaff, who perished in the South Tower of the World Trade Center on that fateful day.

Damush and his wife were scheduled to travel up to Chicago that day in 2001 to meet up with Gaff, and to help celebrate her birthday, which was Sept. 10. It was also Gaff’s 30th wedding anniversary. But Gaff, who was a Senior Vice President for Aon Corporation, couldn’t make the trip. A dedicated professional, she had paperwork to attend to in the Aon offices, located in the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.

“When the first plane hit the North Tower on that day, I im-mediately tried to call Pam,” says Damush. But he couldn’t get through. He would later find out that Gaff, who had helped evacuate her staff and was attending to final respon-sibilities before leaving the building, was talking to their fa-ther when she saw the second plane coming straight toward the South Tower.

“My father was on the phone with her at the time the plane hit,” Damush recalls. Gaff was on the 102nd floor, and the

plane made impact within the ten floors below. “My dad is an Army veteran, and was in the Special Forces, so he’s a pretty tough character. But he heard her voice as the plane approached and then hit the building … that experience stays with him today,” he says.

Flights were immediately grounded across the country, so Damush and his wife jumped in their car and drove to New Jersey, where a brother and extended family resides. Pam was the oldest of five children in the Damush family, and also lived in Princeton, New Jersey, along with her husband.

Once arriving in New Jersey, Damush and his family waited for word of any survivors. “We basically waited for direc-tion from the Red Cross to see what we could do or what we could find out,” explains Damush. “After a few days, two of us were asked to go to Ground Zero to give DNA for identi-fication purposes. Since I was the oldest after Pam, I went in with my mom to give samples,” he says.

While the reality of the situation continued to stun the na-tion, Damush and his family remained in a state of shock. “We were a strong family unit before the tragedy, so we were there for each other as best we could be,” Damush says.

As the clean up efforts began throughout the upcoming days, the siblings and spouses returned to their respective homes, and hoped that they would at least hear news of Pam’s re-mains being found. But as the world would soon learn, there was very little to be identified.

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 36 Au g u s t 2010

September 11 Means Quiet Reflection for Geist Resident

Geist Fitness owner Joe Damush lost his sister, Pamela Graff, in the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Today, a subtle memorial to her is stenciled on the wall of his club.

Page 37: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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“I think that was one of the hardest things about it,” says Damush, referring to the fruitless recovery efforts taking place. “We waited for months to see if any workers found anything, but there just wasn’t anything to be found,” he says.

The Damush family purchased a headstone and a plaque for Gaff that is now located in Princeton, and they all make an annual pilgrimage to the site to honor her memory and remember the good things about their sister, daughter and friend.

“We were raised in a strong Catholic family,” says Damush. “And faith has a lot to do with how you deal with things.

“There were a lot of people that didn’t understand why we weren’t really angry,” Damush says. “But there are bad people everywhere and there are great people everywhere. Countries all over the world lost people in both towers … it wasn’t just Americans that were affected. There is a myriad of cultures and people who suffered. You can’t put the blame on a group, and it’s important for my family to keep that in perspective. And we do,” he says.

Damush has also dedicated a wall within the Geist Fitness building, which serves to honor her life through a mural. “At first, when people would come into the club and ask me about the wall and about Pam, it was a little tough,” says Damush. “But now it helps me to talk about it a little, and to positively remember her even more,” he says.

Damush also takes comfort in the continued strength of his family and the outpouring of support from strangers. One

incident, in particular, made a big impact on his family.

“About a year after the attacks, my mother was contacted by a woman in Australia that she had never met,” says Damush. “She had somehow gotten our name, and wanted to find out personal things about Pam,” he says. The reason? A massive quilt was being created, made up of individual squares that represented each person lost on 9/11. The final quilt was sent to the United States and was in a traveling display through-out the country.

“I also really appreciate and empathize with the police offi-cers and other officials who had to clean up and see Ground Zero day after day,” Damush says. “We need to recognize how special those people really are. The event affected so many layers of people, and as time goes by we need to continue to recognize how many people the event touched … hopefully everyone will remember the tragedy it was and still is,” he says.

So after nine years, are there any lessons learned for the Damush family, who has dealt with so much heartache and felt such great loss?

“We recognize that we are all on this earth a very short time, and it can be cut shorter,” says Damush. “Don’t live angry, don’t live with grudges, and try to be the best person you can be,” he says.

As for his lost sister, Pamela Graff, his family continues to honor her every year. “We all vow to do what we need to do to remember my sister, to honor the relationship we all had with her, and to share it so she’s not forgotten,” he says. 317.814.1104

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September 11 Means Quiet Reflection for Geist Resident

Page 38: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By “Crabby Cakes”

It’s easy to be a thief. It’s not to say that how I steal is hard, as YOU make it so easy for people like me. How does it work? Well, picture this scene.

I’m sitting in a comfy leather chair with my laptop in a Borders Cafe. It could be a Panera Bread or a Starbucks, but today, it’s a bookstore. I pretend to be concentrating on my glare-free computer screen (you know, like I’m just another writer working on my first novel). In waltzes a lady named Barbara X. She pulls out a chair at a table nearby and opens up her briefcase, pulling out what appears to be reports and her Blackberry. She quickly dials a number. In a matter of minutes, I will know that she likes to shop by phone. She loves shoes (she’s a size 9 narrow) and today, she orders two pairs. One in gray and the other in black. She uses her Visa – gives out her full name, card number, expiration date, 3-digit security numbers, her address, zip code and phone number. The sale is wrapped up in under five minutes. Sweet! She spoke clearly and loudly enough for anyone sit-ting within six feet of her to hear. Needless to say, my eager fingers never missed a beat in copying down all her personal information.

But Barbara X is not done. She makes another call, this time to a mortgage company. She’s refinancing her condo

and wants to get as much of the paperwork started as she can before their first appointment, thus the call. She casts an eye my way, smiles, turns her head slightly away, but wades right in with the rest of her personal history including her social security number. MOTHER LOAD! It’s so easy. I tune out when she calls a friend and begins to trash her mother-in-law.

But just then, John walks in. He picks the chair right next to me. Cell phone ear bud is clearly present. In less than 30 seconds he is working it. The conversation is different, but the info is loud and clear as he buys an airline ticket. Usu-ally, he goes online to do this, but he left his laptop at the office and wanted to get this done before his next appoint-ment. I’m thrilled at his absentmindedness. His next call is to his wife. He needs her to transfer some funds (seems his bookkeeping is a little off in his checkbook). He rattles off the bank and the account number complete with the pin. Could it get any better?

By now, my space is filling up with talkers who think noth-ing of carrying on loud conversations while using their trusty cell phones. For a while, I just tune in on all the private, intimate conversations going on around me: nothing fazes these people. Do they think everyone is deaf?

The subject matter of conversation going on all around is screaming at me: Sally works in advertising. Things aren’t going so well for her as clients are dropping off like flies as they can’t stand her boss. She’s talking to another agency who would like her to consider working for them.

Mary is talking to her lazy son. He’s engaged to a girl named Sodad. Mary can’t stand the girl and it’s out the door if he even thinks about marrying her.

Carson is planning an event and he’s lining up sponsors. Ac-cording to him, anyone who’s anyone will be there so if you want a bargain, just fork over $1,000 dollars for a corporate table and drag eight of your best friends to this “can’t miss event.” He promises every table is center front!

And so it goes. All in all, it’s been a good day for me. I have more than enough new identities logged in, and enough inside information to set up a scheme or two of my own. As I said before, it’s easy to be a thief. All you have to do is be a good listener.

P.S. Barbara was in such a rush to make her next appoint-ment, she left behind her big, expensive black Kate Spade purse. Needless to say… I love it!

I Can Hear You!

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 38 au g u s t 2010


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Page 39: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Au g u s t 2010 39 c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r geist

Page 40: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Tom Britt

Vino lovers in Feather Cove I got together on Saturday, August 21 for their annual Wine Club Boat Party. This third annual event started at the Boesen’s family home on Tenacious Drive where food and drinks were served on their waterfront deck. After dinner, the party moved onto several boats where the party continued into the wee hours of the morning.

Left: Mary Ann and Gingers abound with (left to right) Lisa Cook, Sarah Breitzman, Kanesha Miller, and Leah Silverthorn. Above: The cast of Gilligan’s Island, safely rescued, pose for a group shot. (Back row) Hostess Rhonda Boesen, Michelle Stephens, Scott Stephens (yes, Ginger was smoking a cigar), Kim Peck, Josh Carter, and Natasha Carter. (Front row) Carolyn Willeke and Ray Peck. Below: Tony Hodge (“The Skipper”), Don Keller (“The Professor”), and host Tom Boesen (“Mr. Howell”) tend bar. (Photos by Sharon Coble)

geist c o m m u n i t y n e w s l e t t e r 40 au g u s t 2010

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Page 41: August Geist Newsletter 2010

One ton of grapes yields sixty cases of wine, or 720 bottles. This means it takes a little more than two and a half pounds

of grapes to produce one bottle.

The word turnpike came from the early American custom of blocking toll roads with pikes or poles. When the toll

fee had been duly paid, the pikes or poles were lowered or turned to allow crossings.

The spiral of some seashells reflects the Fibonacci se-quence, a series of numbers in which each successive term is the sum of the two previous numbers. This pattern can be

seen in sunflowers, pinecones, and pineapples.

The color of a flower attracts the insect or bird that’s required to pollinate the plant. Red blooms lure butterflies and hummingbirds; blue, violet, and purple blossoms tend

to entice bees.

On February 13, 1741, Andrew Bradford of Philadelphia published the first magazine in the United States. It was

called The American Magazine or a Monthly Review of the Political State of the British Colonies. And on February 7, 1818, the first educational magazine in America to achieve

success, the Academician, was published in New York.

Now You Know...

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August Geist Word Find

Page 42: August Geist Newsletter 2010

By Janet Striebel

Since the kids are heading back to school, they could benefit from a nourishing meal to hold them over until lunch, and one that will boost their brain power. Here’s a quick sand-wich that is easy to make and very tasty. But hey, if you are making even one sandwich, you might as well make enough for everyone, including yourself! It’s not that much more trouble and you won’t regret starting your day this way!(Recipe below makes four servings.)

Ingredients:4 eggs• 4 slices fully cooked bacon or ham (Oscar Mayer Fully • Cooked Bacon used here)About ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese• 1 Tbsp. margarine• 4 English muffins (cinnamon raisin or plain)• Salt, pepper and onion powder• 4 individual pieces of paper towel• 4 pieces of tin foil (slightly larger than paper towels)•

In a frying pan, melt margarine. Add eggs and scramble. Season with salt, pepper, and onion powder according to your preference. As soon as the eggs look almost done, place bacon strips or ham in pan next to scrambled eggs. Sprinkle eggs with cheese and put a lid on the pan. Turn off burner or put on very lowest heat/simmer. Meanwhile, toast the Eng-

lish muffins. Tear off 4 pieces of tin foil and spread out on your counter. Place one piece of paper towel on each piece of foil. Place about ¼ amount of cheesy egg mixture and one slice of bacon (cut in half) on top of toasted muffin half, and top with other half of the muffin. Place sandwich onto paper towel/foil piece and wrap up quickly to lock in heat. Repeat until you have completed four sandwiches. Breakfast is ready and warm!

Incidentally, the paper towel collects condensation so that the sandwich won’t get soggy. Also, it helps in preventing any mess especially if you plan to take it on the go and are driv-ing. Enjoy your day!

Back to School Breakfast Sandwich

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Rhinestone Apparel!

Screen Printing!

Promotional Products!

We have Spirit Wear for all your favorite sports teams!

Cindys’ In StitchesCuStom EmbRoidERy And PRomotionAl PRoduCtS

9836 north by northeast blvd. Fishers, in 46038 • 317-841-1408 E. 96th St.




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Gary Hensley, co-owner of Carroll Wine & Spirits in Fishers, talks about the latest craze in wines. “We’re seeing a gravita-tion towards sweeter, sparkling wines,” Hensley says. Watch this video to see which brand is hot. (0:47 length)

As Seen on

Attention GHPOA Residents! Please cast your vote on the three proposed covenant amendments by visiting The GHPOA board asks you to vote “yes” on all three important amendments. Watch this video interview with GHPOA president Jonathan West as he explains the three amendments and their ramifica-tions on (3:01 length)

Finally, a Donut Shop in Fishers!!

11630 Olio Rd. (116th & Olio Rd., NW Corner)

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Comforts of Home Pet Sitting“Your Guardian Angel Pet Nanny”

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Reach 13,500 Geist homeowners each month! Call 823-5060 or visit to download a media kit.

Introductory rates available, starting at only $299. Contact Tom Britt at

[email protected] or (317) 823-5060.

Video production and editing included•30-day rotation on GeistTV and CarmelTV•Posted to and•Placement on your own website•Featured in the • Geist Community Newsletter

Got trees or trash?

Fred & son’sH au l i n g a n d t r e e r e m ova l s e rv i c e s

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Happy Tails

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Allen Dale [email protected]


Advertise your business using video!

Page 45: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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Need help with your home im-provement project? Whether it’s a complete remodel, update or repair we approach your job with attention to detail and qual-ity craftsmanship. There’s never a charge to meet with you and give an estimate. Hardwood, tile or laminate flooring installa-tion; interior painting; electri-cal/plumbing; deck repair and pressure washing. Professional, insured, reasonable. Call John, 874-8563.

Magic cleaning services (MCS) What we do: Carpet cleaningTile & Grout cleaning, waxing, Strip. Houskeeping, Janitorial.Commercial and residential.317-443-1653

House Cleaning Service De-pendable customized thorough cleaning and 25 years experi-ence in the Indianapolis area and have references. House and pet sitting available for clients, insured. Call for an estimate 509-5456.

Guitar / Music Lessons Here in Geist Local professional with 40 years of teaching and performing experience has openings for students all ages. I have taught 100’s of people how to play and made sure they all have fun while they learn. Currently my students range in age from 8 to 54. You’ll get a thorough musical education while playing the songs you’re interested in. Whatever style, be it Rock, Blues, Jazz or Country, I can show you the techniques and tricks to accomplish your goals. Lessons are $20 per 1/2 hour. For more information contact Larry Baker at (317) 523-3120

Recent college grad or senior for installation tech opp - Opportunity to learn from award-winning custom electron-ics designer/installer. Seeking

reliable and creative individual with a positive can-do attitude to help support field operations here in Indy. Growth oportuni-ties exist to join operations in Costa Rica so bilingual is a plus but not necessary. Review our website at then email resume to Derek Cowburn. Explain howyou think you can contribute and a compelling reason to hire you. [email protected]

2007 Malibu Wakesetter VLX – Excellent Condition, $43,900We are selling our beautiful Malibu because we no longer have adequate time to fully enjoy it. The boat is in excel-lent condition and has approx 330 hours. In the summer the boat is stored on a covered lift at the marina and in the winter it is stored indoors. The boat is wiped down after every use and is waxed three times a year. Always serviced by the Malibu dealer. Great wakeboarding/wakesurfing boat and killer sound system. I believe the boat has every option except for the heater. You will not be disap-pointed with this boat! Serious inquiries only please. I have an out-of-state phone number but I am local – located in Fishers/Geist 408-402-2055

Looking for Help After School Anchorage family needs help with two well behaved jr. high schoolers. 3 hours per day. Du-ties including picking up kids from school, preparing light snack, monitor homework, light errands & light housekeeping around the home. Must have dependable transportation. $150

week. Call 317-501-0937 or email Erick, [email protected]

Part Time Nanny/Child Care Provider Part time child care position in the Geist area. Need a vehicle to pick up or take kids to/from school. Two children, both girls, ages 12 and 5. Pos-sibility of being a live in nanny. Schedule varies from week to week. Must be flexible with hours. Please call Stephanie at 317-318-5602

2002 Toyota Echo - Must See Best Car Offer Ever! Asking Price $4,600 Only one owner 2002 Toyota Echo with 103 K miles. Runs like new. Just imagine what you will save in gas. Clean Carfax. Kept clean

and housed in the garage. Up-to-date maintenance records available with us and with the dealer. Only serious offers will be considered. Call Joe at 317-910-7677

Sports Cards for Sale Huge collection of sports cards for sell. Call Jeff 317-529-1079

Double Bathroom Vanity Sink Solid cherry custom made (Miller Maid) double bathroom vanity/sink. Includes solid sur-face top and brass faucets. Light honey color. 60” wide. Excel-lent condition, used in guest bath. $375.00. Contact (317) 578-9479

Post your classifieds for free online at If you wish to have your ad ap-pear here in print, the cost is $20 for a text ad and $40 for a photo classified. You can also call 823-5060 to place an ad.


Page 46: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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ABC Custom Painting...................................... 44Action Air ......................................................... 12All Seasons Landscape .................................... 19Allegra Print & Imaging .................................. 40Anthem, Rhonda Thomas ................................ 12ARS Rescue Rooter ........................................... 5Banners Plus..................................................... 13Burd Ford ......................................................... 41CASE Handyman & Remodeling .................... 47Central Indiana Orthopedics ............................ 39Chef Suzanne ................................................... 41Cindy’s in Stitches ........................................... 43Comforts of Home Pet Sitting .......................... 44Dallas’s Transmissions ..................................... 44Daylight Donuts ............................................... 43Diane Miels Reflexology ................................. 29Diane Muench .................................................. 13Economy Plumbing .......................................... 34Elite Pro Painting ............................................. 11Fred & Sons Hauling & Lawn ......................... 44Furniture Outfitters ............................................. 9Garrison Law Firm LLC .................................. 31Geist Family Dentistry ..................................... 46Geist Family Medicine & Pediatrics .......................................................... 27Geist Farmers Market ...................................... 24Geist Fitness ....................................................... 7Geist Station Ad Cooperative ........................... 31

Get in Shape for Women .................................. 39Gettum Associates Inc. ..................................... 21Graphite Wellness ............................................ 35Grill, The .......................................................... 30Happy Tails Pet Sitting .................................... 44Health Zone Chiropractic ................................. 27Hemophilia of Indiana Walk ............................ 27Hillcrest Country Club ..................................... 41Home Video Studio .......................................... 42Honda West ...................................................... 42Hupp Jewelers .................................................. 11I Sold It on eBay .............................................. 44Indiana Oral & Maxillofacial ........................... 32Indy Aero ......................................................... 23Kiddie Academy of Fishers .............................. 25Krystal Kleen Housekeeping ........................... 44Learning Time Preschool ................................. 39Majestic Stone Imports .................................... 29Marie Holt DDS ............................................... 10Marie Ippolito .................................................... 3Mr. Handyman ................................................. 23Melissa Webb Breath, Life, Yoga..................... 44Michael Princell, Smiles by Design ................. 38Midwest Balloon Rides ...................................... 9Most Beautiful Eyes Contest ............................. 4National Bank of Indpls. ............................. insertNatural Lawn of America ................................. 43Old Oakland Golf Club .................................... 33

On the Rail Farm .............................................. 44Pampered Pet ................................................... 44Patty Torr Realtor ............................................. 44Phillips Attorneys ............................................... 4Premier Group .................................................... 2Primrose School - Geist ................................... 22RE/MAX Kimberly Clark ................................ 28Re-visions ........................................................ 35Samex Capital .................................................... 3Shane’s Landscaping ........................................ 48Speck’s Pet Supplies ........................................ 25UPS Stores ....................................................... 23W Realty Partners - Stacia Heinrich .................. 8Walker Dixon Orthodontics ............................. 45Winslow Facial Plastic Surgery ....................... 37Wood Shield ..................................................... 17

Ad deadline for the September issue:September 10

Call Tom Britt at (317) 823-5060 or email [email protected] for advertising information.

advertisers directory

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Page 47: August Geist Newsletter 2010



This business is independently owned and is operated under a license agreement with Case® Handyman & Remodeling Services, LLC. • Premium Home Improvement Services, LLC dba Case Design/Remodeling

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Saturday, July 31st • 9:00-10:30 am108 West Carmel Drive • Carmel, IN 46032

Saturday, August 7th • 9:00-10:30 amIndianapolis Yacht Club at Geist

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Saturday, August 28 � 9:00-10:30 am108 West Carmel Drive � Carmel, IN 46032

Saturday, September 18 � 9:00-10:30 amIndianapolis Yacht Club at Geist

Page 48: August Geist Newsletter 2010

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