attendance entry - skyward...attendance entry by student allows you to view, add and edit attendance...

Attendance Entry Attendance by Individual Attendance Entry by Date User Entry Defaults Attendance by Student Attendance History Editing Attendance Entries Attendance by Class or Activity Attendance Entry - Student Tab Student Browse

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Page 1: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Attendance Entry

Attendance by Individual Attendance Entry by Date

User Entry Defaults

Attendance by Student

Attendance History

Editing Attendance Entries

Attendance by Class or Activity

Attendance Entry - Student Tab Student Browse

Page 2: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Attendance by Individual Attendance Entry by Date

User Entry Defaults

Attendance by Student

Attendance History

Editing Attendance Entries

You will be able to enter Attendance for a student from multiple screens. Teachers in EA+

will be able to see Attendance entered by the Office staff.

Attendance Entry by Date From the Attendance Entry by Date screen you will able to enter daily attendance for

multiple students quickly.

Entry by Date is found by going under Office>Attendance>Entry by Date.

The first area to check when arriving on this screen is the Filter. Skyward has created a

Filter that will set the page display to be on “* Today’s Attendance”. You can also set it to

display “*All Attendance” if you want to see past or future attendance as well or build

your own filters.

Page 3: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

To start entering attendance click on the Enter Attendance button.

Enter the Student’s Alphakey and their Information will auto fill in from their Demographic

Profile. You can also use the Student hyperlink to look up the student.

To limit the students that display from the drop down you can adjust the Ranges.

Attendance to Add

Page 4: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Periods to fill - Periods that this absence will cover.

Fill with Absence Type – Absence Type codes are used to describe how a student is

absent (excused, unexcused, tardy). Enter the Absence Type code that the student will

receive for the selected periods. To pull up the code table click the Absence Type Button.

Absence Types are mandatory.

Fill with Absence Reasons – Absence Reason codes are used to describle why a student

is absent (illness, appointment, vacation, etc.).Enter the Absence Reason code that the

student will receive for the selected periods. To pull up the code table click the Absence

Type Button. You also have the ability to type the code into the field if you know the code.

Absence Reasons are optional.

Start Date – The first day the student will be absent.

End Date – The last consecutive day that the student will be absent.

Periods – Displays the maximum number of periods allowed in the entity.

Attendance Boxes – These boxes will pre-fill from Periods to fill, Attendance Types and

Attendance Codes. They can be manually entered and changed.

Comment – A brief 50 character area to record an attendance comment.

Parent Notified – A check box that can be used as a filter for reports. It is used to indicate

that the parent is aware of their student’s absence.

Show All Current Year Attendance – This check box will filter the attendance displayed

on this screen to only this school year.

Once the Attendance record is complete click the Save and Add Another button to move

on to another student or the Save and Back button to finish entering the Attendance.

User Entry Defaults

Defaults allow you to set up personal attendance fields that will automatically populate

when you first take attendance or edit student attendance. These User Entry Defaults can

be enabled/disabled or modified at anytime.

Page 5: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Click the User Entry Defaults Button to set it up.

Use Defaults to Modify Existing Attendance – Check the box if you want to use the

Defaults at the bottom of the screen when editing an existing attendance record. For

example, if a student was previously marked absent with an Absence Type of U –

Unexcused and their parent/guardian has now provided a doctor’s note to excuse the

absence, you would edit the original Unexused absence to modify the record. If you have

the Edit option enabled within the User Entry Defaults, it will use the Default values at the

Page 6: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

bottom of that screen to populate the student’s attendance record and would change the

Unexcused absence to the Default value Absence Type and Reason.

You may wish to enable the Edit Options each morning so that when parents/guardians call

to excuse their students you can quickly edit the Unexcused records to the Default values

you wish to use.

• Only Existing Periods within Ranges – Uses the defaults to adjust the existing

attendance to only the Periods in which the students currently have an absence.

• All Attendance Periods within Ranges - Uses the defaults to adjust all

attendance to the Periods specified in the Defaults Box below.

Initialize Add Records Using These Default Parameters – Checking this box will cause

the Default Attendance to auto-populate every time a new attendance record is added. If

unchecked it allows you to use the defaults on an on-demand basis in the Attendance

record. A Defaults Button will display on the Add Attendance screen. For example, if your

Default Absence Type is E – Excused and your Default Absence Reason is IL – Illness/Injury,

each time you Add a new attendance record for a student, those values will default in for

the attendance for the period range that you’ve set in the Defaults.

This would be useful if you have a stack of Excused/Illness absences to enter. You could

then update your defaults to Excused/Medical to enter in the next stack for ease of entry.

Initialize Add Records Using the Last Entry – Checking this box will cause attendance

information from the last attendance record you created to auto-populate every time a new

attendance record is added. For example, if you add attendance for a student with an

Absence Type of E – Excused and an Absence Reason of IL - Illness and then select Save

and move on to the next student to add attendance, the Absence Type and Reason will

default with Excused/Medical based on the previous student you added attendance for.

This option may be useful if you have a group of students who need the same Absence

Type/Reason added on the same day, it will speed up the attendance entry process.

Display Confidential Phone Number – Shows the confidential phone number in the

Phone Number box on the Add or Edit Attendance record.

Display Confirmation message that Attendance was updated – After entering

attendance a pop up message will display that the Attendance record was updated.

Absence Type – Select what Absence type you wish to use for the Default value.

Absence Reason – Select what Absence reason you wish to use for the Default value.

Periods to be Defaulted – Select what period ranges you want the defaults to affect.

Parent Notified – Check this box if you want that box checked for every Attendance record

you create or edit.

Comment – A 50 character field that will auto-populate on every record you create or edit.

It can be adjusted for each record once it is open.

Page 7: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Attendance Entry by Student

Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student.

Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry by Student.

Use the Lookup to locate the student.

Use the triangles to expand the student’s information and attendance. From here you can

Add, Edit and Delete Attendance records.

Displaying records can be limited to the Current Year only by checking the box.

Records that display in blue contain a Comment.

Page 8: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Attendance History

History allows you to view Student’s Attendance for past school years.

Editing Attendance Editing Attendance allows you to correct or change a student’s attendance record. Office

staff can edit and change a teacher’s attendance record from EA+, but a teacher cannot edit

or change a record created by the Office.

Highlight and click edit from any attendance record screen.

You may correct as many fields in the record as you need before clicking Save and Back.

Attendance by Class or Activity

Attendance by Class or Activity will allow you to enter Attendance for an entire group of

students all at once. Students that are in a current year scheduled class can be marked on a

field trip for the entire day as a class or individually. Students that are in an activity that

needs to leave school early can be marked absent from school as a group or individually.

Students that are included in a large group can be marked on a field trip.

Page 9: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Entry by Class or Activity is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry by Class or


Class/Activity/Field Trip Selection

Absence Date – Date of the Absence.

Select – Indicate the Class, Activity or Field Trip to be updated.

Include Enrolled Students Only – If not selected, you will be able to update dropped and

Non-enrolled students as well.

Teacher, Room, Period and Days will auto-populate for the selected Class.

Page 10: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

Attendance to Update

Type – Select the Absence Type.

Reason – Select the Absence Reason. This is optional.

Parent Notified - It is used to indicate that the parent is aware of their student’s absence.

Comment – A brief 50 character area to record an attendance comment.


Class period – The specific period only that the selected class meets. This will only display

when you select to enter attendance by class.

Ranges of Periods – Set a range of periods the class/activity/fieldtrip will be absent.

Overwrite Existing Attendance – Updates all selected student’s attendance to the new

attendance, regardless of prior entered attendance.

For example, if a student had an attendance record previously added for an Excused

Doctor’s Appointment and you select the Overwrite Existing Attendance option within

Attendance by Class or Activity, the Absence Type and Reason that you select in this screen

will overwrite the student’s previously entered attendance, which you may want to keep

record of.

Use the Update Attendance for All Selected Students or Remove Attendance for all

Selected Students to change the Attendance as needed.

The Yellow column indicates what period that class is scheduled to meet.

Attendance Entry - Student Tab Student Browse

The Student Attendance tab allows you to add, edit, delete, run reports and view past

attendance quickly for one student.

Page 11: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

All previous functions described in other attendance pages are available on the student’s tab

as well.

Student Browse

All previous functions described in other attendance pages are available on the student’s

browse as well.

Page 12: Attendance Entry - Skyward...Attendance Entry by Student allows you to view, add and edit Attendance for one student. Entry by Student is found by going to Office>Attendance>Entry

To access the Student Browse, navigate to Students>Students>Student Browse.

Change the Views to Attendance. This allows you to see the student’s most recent

attendance record along the right side.